private void UpdateMergeGroups() { //This follows the same code design pattern used in Split Manager. It's a very stable way of cleaning/updating the lists //this manager manages. if (this.mergeList.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < this.mergeList.Count; i++) { MergeGroup group = this.mergeList[i]; if (group.elapsedTime > 1f) { group.Resume(); if (!this.removeList.Contains(group)) { FinishMergeGroup(group); this.removeList.Add(group); GameMetricLogger.Increment(GameMetricOptions.Merges); } } else { group.Update(this.scalingValue); group.elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime / group.mergeSpeedFactor; this.mergeList[i] = group; } } } if (this.removeList.Count > 0) { foreach (MergeGroup group in this.removeList) { if (this.mergeList.Contains(group)) { this.mergeList.Remove(group); } } this.removeList.Clear(); } }
private void HandleAttacking() { if ( != null && this.attackCooldownCounter <= 0 && ! { CmdAttack(this.hasAuthority, this.gameObject,, 1); this.attackCooldownCounter = 1f; NewChanges changes = this.CurrentProperty(); changes.isAttackCooldownEnabled = true; this.NewProperty(changes); GameMetricLogger.Increment(GameMetricOptions.Attacks); } else if (this.attackCooldownCounter > 0f) { NewChanges changes = this.CurrentProperty(); changes.isAttackCooldownEnabled = true; this.NewProperty(changes); GameMetricLogger.Increment(GameMetricOptions.AttackTime); } }
private void LogKill() { GameMetricLogger.Increment(GameMetricOptions.Kills); }
private void ManageLists() { if (this.splitList.Count > 0) { for (int i = this.splitList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Split splitGroup = this.splitList[i]; if (splitGroup.owner == null || splitGroup.split == null) { this.splitList.Remove(splitGroup); } if (splitGroup.elapsedTime > 1f) { NewGameUnit unit = splitGroup.owner.GetComponent <NewGameUnit>(); this.changes = unit.CurrentProperty(); this.changes.isSelected = false; this.changes.isSplitting = false; CmdUpdateUnitProperty(splitGroup.owner.gameObject, this.changes); unit = splitGroup.split.GetComponent <NewGameUnit>(); CmdUpdateUnitProperty(splitGroup.split.gameObject, this.changes); this.unitList.Add(new NewUnitStruct(splitGroup.split.gameObject)); this.splitList.Remove(splitGroup); GameMetricLogger.Increment(GameMetricOptions.Splits); } else { splitGroup.Update(); this.splitList[i] = splitGroup; } } } if (this.mergeList.Count > 0) { for (int i = this.mergeList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Merge mergeGroup = this.mergeList[i]; if (mergeGroup.elapsedTime > 1f) { if (mergeGroup.owner != null) { NewGameUnit unit = mergeGroup.owner.gameObject.GetComponent <NewGameUnit>(); this.changes = unit.CurrentProperty(); this.changes.isMerging = false; this.changes.isSelected = false; //changes.newLevel = + 1; CmdUpdateUnitProperty(mergeGroup.owner.gameObject, this.changes); } if (mergeGroup.merge != null) { NewUnitStruct temp = new NewUnitStruct(); temp.unit = mergeGroup.merge.gameObject; this.unitList.Remove(temp); CmdDestroy(temp.unit); } this.mergeList.RemoveAt(i); GameMetricLogger.Increment(GameMetricOptions.Merges); } else { mergeGroup.Update(); this.mergeList[i] = mergeGroup; } } } this.isUnitListEmpty = this.unitList.Count <= 0; if (!this.isUnitListEmpty) { for (int i = this.unitList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.unitList[i].unit == null) { this.unitList.RemoveAt(i); continue; } NetworkIdentity id = this.unitList[i].unit.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>(); if (!id.hasAuthority) { CmdRemoveUnitList(this.unitList[i].unit); } } } else { CmdShowReport(); } }