private void OnClientGameTick(float dt) { if (ownBlock == null || Api?.World == null || !canTeleport || !Activated) { return; } if (Api.World.ElapsedMilliseconds - somebodyIsTeleportingReceivedTotalMs > 6000) { somebodyIsTeleporting = false; } HandleSoundClient(dt); bool selfInside = (Api.World.ElapsedMilliseconds > 100 && Api.World.ElapsedMilliseconds - lastCollideMsOwnPlayer < 100); bool playerInside = selfInside || somebodyIsTeleporting; bool active = animUtil.activeAnimationsByAnimCode.ContainsKey("teleport"); if (!selfInside && playerInside) { manager.lastTranslocateCollideMsOtherPlayer = Api.World.ElapsedMilliseconds; } SimpleParticleProperties currentParticles = active ? ownBlock.insideParticles : ownBlock.idleParticles ; if (playerInside) { var meta = new AnimationMetaData() { Animation = "teleport", Code = "teleport", AnimationSpeed = 1, EaseInSpeed = 1, EaseOutSpeed = 2, Weight = 1, BlendMode = EnumAnimationBlendMode.Add }; animUtil.StartAnimation(meta); animUtil.StartAnimation(new AnimationMetaData() { Animation = "idle", Code = "idle", AnimationSpeed = 1, EaseInSpeed = 1, EaseOutSpeed = 1, Weight = 1, BlendMode = EnumAnimationBlendMode.Average }); } else { animUtil.StopAnimation("teleport"); } if (animUtil.activeAnimationsByAnimCode.Count > 0 && Api.World.ElapsedMilliseconds - lastCollideMsOwnPlayer > 10000 && Api.World.ElapsedMilliseconds - manager.lastTranslocateCollideMsOtherPlayer > 10000) { animUtil.StopAnimation("idle"); } //int color = temporalGearStack.Collectible.GetRandomColor(api as ICoreClientAPI, temporalGearStack); - not working o.O int r = 53; int g = 221; int b = 172; currentParticles.Color = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0) | (50 << 24); currentParticles.AddPos.Set(0, 0, 0); currentParticles.BlueEvolve = null; currentParticles.RedEvolve = null; currentParticles.GreenEvolve = null; currentParticles.MinSize = 0.1f; currentParticles.MaxSize = 0.2f; currentParticles.SizeEvolve = null; currentParticles.OpacityEvolve = EvolvingNatFloat.create(EnumTransformFunction.LINEAR, 100f); bool rot = Block.Variant["side"] == "east" || Block.Variant["side"] == "west"; particleAngle = active ? particleAngle + 5 * dt : 0; double dx = GameMath.Cos(particleAngle + (rot ? GameMath.PIHALF : 0)) * 0.35f; double dy = 1.9 + Api.World.Rand.NextDouble() * 0.2; double dz = GameMath.Sin(particleAngle + (rot ? GameMath.PIHALF : 0)) * 0.35f; currentParticles.LifeLength = GameMath.Sqrt(dx * dx + dz * dz) / 10; currentParticles.MinPos.Set(posvec.X + dx, posvec.Y + dy, posvec.Z + dz); currentParticles.MinVelocity.Set(-(float)dx / 2, -1 - (float)Api.World.Rand.NextDouble() / 2, -(float)dz / 2); currentParticles.MinQuantity = active ? 3 : 0.25f; currentParticles.AddVelocity.Set(0, 0, 0); currentParticles.AddQuantity = 0.5f; Api.World.SpawnParticles(currentParticles); currentParticles.MinPos.Set(posvec.X - dx, posvec.Y + dy, posvec.Z - dz); currentParticles.MinVelocity.Set((float)dx / 2, -1 - (float)Api.World.Rand.NextDouble() / 2, (float)dz / 2); Api.World.SpawnParticles(currentParticles); }
private bool TryCircleTarget() { // Console.WriteLine("try circle target"); bool giveUpWhenNoPath = targetPos.SquareDistanceTo(entity.Pos) < 12 * 12; int searchDepth = 3500; attackPattern = EnumAttackPattern.CircleTarget; lastPathfindOk = false; // If we cannot find a path to the target, let's circle it! float angle = (float)Math.Atan2(entity.ServerPos.X - targetPos.X, entity.ServerPos.Z - targetPos.Z); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // We need to avoid crossing the path of the target, so we do only small angle variation between us and the target double randAngle = angle + 0.5 + world.Rand.NextDouble() / 2; double distance = 4 + world.Rand.NextDouble() * 6; double dx = GameMath.Sin(randAngle) * distance; double dz = GameMath.Cos(randAngle) * distance; targetPos.Add(dx, 0, dz); int tries = 0; bool ok = false; BlockPos tmp = new BlockPos((int)targetPos.X, (int)targetPos.Y, (int)targetPos.Z); int dy = 0; while (tries < 5) { // Down ok? if (world.BlockAccessor.GetBlock(tmp.X, tmp.Y - dy, tmp.Z).SideSolid[BlockFacing.UP.Index] && !world.CollisionTester.IsColliding(world.BlockAccessor, entity.SelectionBox, new Vec3d(tmp.X + 0.5, tmp.Y - dy + 1, tmp.Z + 0.5), false)) { ok = true; targetPos.Y -= dy; targetPos.Y++; break; } // Up ok? if (world.BlockAccessor.GetBlock(tmp.X, tmp.Y + dy, tmp.Z).SideSolid[BlockFacing.UP.Index] && !world.CollisionTester.IsColliding(world.BlockAccessor, entity.SelectionBox, new Vec3d(tmp.X + 0.5, tmp.Y + dy + 1, tmp.Z + 0.5), false)) { ok = true; targetPos.Y += dy; targetPos.Y++; break; } tries++; dy++; } if (ok) { pathTraverser.NavigateTo_Async(targetPos.Clone(), moveSpeed, MinDistanceToTarget(), OnGoalReached, OnStuck, OnCircleTargetUnable, searchDepth, 1); return(true); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> Try to execute an allomantic effect from this entity </summary> public void TryExecuteActiveAllomanticEffect(string power, int strength, bool flare) { //Console.WriteLine(GetPower(power) + " " + GetMetalReserve(power)); if (!Helper.GetPower(power)) { return; } if (Helper.GetMetalReserve(power) <= 0) { return; } float consumption = ((float)strength / 100); if (flare) { consumption += 1 / 50; } Helper.IncrementMetalReserve(power, -consumption); if (power == "aluminium") { Helper.ClearAllReserves(); } EntityBehaviorHealth health = (EntityBehaviorHealth)entity.GetBehavior("health"); if (power == "pewter") { if (health.Health < health.MaxHealth) { float divider = 50; float magnitude = strength / divider; if (flare) { magnitude = 2; } entity.ReceiveDamage(new DamageSource() { Source = EnumDamageSource.Internal, Type = EnumDamageType.Heal }, magnitude); Helper.IncreasePewterFatigue(magnitude); Helper.IncrementMetalReserve("pewter", -magnitude / 2); } } if (power == "steel" | power == "iron") { if (keyTick % 15 == 0 | flare) { float divider = 23; float magnitude = strength / divider; if (flare) { magnitude += 2 / 10; } float forwardpitch = GameMath.PI - entity.ServerPos.Pitch + GameMath.PI; float forwardyaw = entity.ServerPos.Yaw + GameMath.PIHALF; float inversepitch = GameMath.PI - entity.ServerPos.Pitch + GameMath.PI; float inverseyaw = entity.ServerPos.Yaw + GameMath.PIHALF + GameMath.PI; float playerpitch = power == "steel" ? forwardpitch : inversepitch; float playeryaw = power == "steel" ? forwardyaw : inverseyaw; float targetpitch = power == "steel" ? inversepitch : forwardpitch; float targetyaw = power == "steel" ? inverseyaw : forwardyaw; entity.ServerPos.Motion.Add( (GameMath.Sin(playeryaw) * GameMath.Cos(playerpitch)) * magnitude, (GameMath.Sin(playerpitch)) * magnitude, (GameMath.Cos(playeryaw) * GameMath.Cos(playerpitch)) * magnitude); ((IServerPlayer)entity.World.PlayerByUid(((EntityPlayer)entity).PlayerUID)).SendPositionToClient(); } } }
// This method was contributed by Eliam (Avdudia#0696) on Discord <3 public SolarSphericalCoords GetSolarSphericalCoords(double posX, double posZ, float yearRel, float dayRel) { // Tyron: For your understanding, this would be the simple most spherical coord calculator - this is how the sun rises and sets if you were standing at the equator and without earth axial tilt // return new SolarSphericalCoords(GameMath.TWOPI * GameMath.Mod(api.World.Calendar.HourOfDay / api.World.Calendar.HoursPerDay, 1f), 0); float latitude = (float)api.World.Calendar.OnGetLatitude(posZ); float hourAngle = GameMath.TWOPI * (dayRel - 0.5f); float dayOfYear = api.World.Calendar.DayOfYearf; float daysPerYear = api.World.Calendar.DaysPerYear; // The Sun's declination at any given moment // The number 10 is the approximate number of days after the December solstice to January 1 float declination = -EarthAxialTilt *GameMath.Cos(GameMath.TWOPI *(dayOfYear / daysPerYear + 10 / 365f)); float zenithAngle = (float)Math.Acos(GameMath.Sin(latitude * GameMath.PIHALF) * GameMath.Sin(declination) + GameMath.Cos(latitude * GameMath.PIHALF) * GameMath.Cos(declination) * GameMath.Cos(hourAngle)); // Added 1.e-10 to prevent division by 0 float azimuthAngle = (float)Math.Acos(((GameMath.Sin(latitude * GameMath.PIHALF) * GameMath.Cos(zenithAngle)) - GameMath.Sin(declination)) / (GameMath.Cos(latitude * GameMath.PIHALF) * GameMath.Sin(zenithAngle) + 0.0000001f)); // The sign function gives the correct azimuth angle sign depending on the hour without using IF statement (branchless) azimuthAngle = (GameMath.PI + Math.Sign(hourAngle) * azimuthAngle) % GameMath.TWOPI; return(new SolarSphericalCoords(GameMath.TWOPI - zenithAngle, GameMath.TWOPI - azimuthAngle)); }
public override bool OnHeldInteractStep(float secondsUsed, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity, BlockSelection blockSel, EntitySelection entitySel) { string blockMaterialCode = GetBlockMaterialCode(slot.Itemstack); if (blockMaterialCode == null || !slot.Itemstack.TempAttributes.GetBool("canpan")) { return(false); } Vec3d pos = byEntity.Pos.AheadCopy(0.4f).XYZ; pos.Y += byEntity.EyeHeight - 0.4f; if (secondsUsed > 0.5f && (int)(30 * secondsUsed) % 7 == 1) { Block block = api.World.GetBlock(new AssetLocation(blockMaterialCode)); byEntity.World.SpawnCubeParticles(pos, new ItemStack(block), 0.3f, 4, 0.35f, (byEntity as EntityPlayer)?.Player); } if (byEntity.World is IClientWorldAccessor) { ModelTransform tf = new ModelTransform(); tf.EnsureDefaultValues(); tf.Origin.Set(0f, 0, 0f); if (secondsUsed > 0.5f) { tf.Translation.X = Math.Min(0.25f, GameMath.Cos(10 * secondsUsed) / 4f); tf.Translation.Y = Math.Min(0.15f, GameMath.Sin(10 * secondsUsed) / 6.666f); if (sound == null) { sound = (api as ICoreClientAPI).World.LoadSound(new SoundParams() { Location = new AssetLocation("sounds/player/panning.ogg"), ShouldLoop = false, RelativePosition = true, Position = new Vec3f(), DisposeOnFinish = true, Volume = 0.5f, Range = 8 }); sound.Start(); } } tf.Translation.X -= Math.Min(1.6f, secondsUsed * 4 * 1.57f); tf.Translation.Y -= Math.Min(0.1f, secondsUsed * 2); tf.Translation.Z -= Math.Min(1f, secondsUsed * 180); tf.Scale = 1 + Math.Min(0.6f, 2 * secondsUsed); byEntity.Controls.UsingHeldItemTransformAfter = tf; return(secondsUsed <= 4f); } // Let the client decide when he is done eating return(true); }
public override bool OnHeldInteractStep(float secondsUsed, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity, BlockSelection blockSel, EntitySelection entitySel) { if ((byEntity.Controls.TriesToMove || byEntity.Controls.Jump) && !byEntity.Controls.Sneak) { return(false); // Cancel if the player begins walking } IPlayer byPlayer = (byEntity as EntityPlayer)?.Player; if (byPlayer == null) { return(false); } if (blockSel != null && !byEntity.World.Claims.TryAccess(byPlayer, blockSel.Position, EnumBlockAccessFlags.BuildOrBreak)) { return(false); } string blockMaterialCode = GetBlockMaterialCode(slot.Itemstack); if (blockMaterialCode == null || !slot.Itemstack.TempAttributes.GetBool("canpan")) { return(false); } Vec3d pos = byEntity.Pos.AheadCopy(0.4f).XYZ; pos.Y += byEntity.LocalEyePos.Y - 0.4f; if (secondsUsed > 0.5f && api.World.Rand.NextDouble() > 0.5) { Block block = api.World.GetBlock(new AssetLocation(blockMaterialCode)); Vec3d particlePos = pos.Clone(); particlePos.X += GameMath.Sin(-secondsUsed * 20) / 5f; particlePos.Z += GameMath.Cos(-secondsUsed * 20) / 5f; particlePos.Y -= 0.07f; byEntity.World.SpawnCubeParticles(particlePos, new ItemStack(block), 0.3f, (int)(1.5f + (float)api.World.Rand.NextDouble()), 0.3f + (float)api.World.Rand.NextDouble() / 6f, (byEntity as EntityPlayer)?.Player); } if (byEntity.World is IClientWorldAccessor) { ModelTransform tf = new ModelTransform(); tf.EnsureDefaultValues(); tf.Origin.Set(0f, 0, 0f); if (secondsUsed > 0.5f) { tf.Translation.X = Math.Min(0.25f, GameMath.Cos(10 * secondsUsed) / 4f); tf.Translation.Y = Math.Min(0.15f, GameMath.Sin(10 * secondsUsed) / 6.666f); if (sound == null) { sound = (api as ICoreClientAPI).World.LoadSound(new SoundParams() { Location = new AssetLocation("sounds/player/panning.ogg"), ShouldLoop = false, RelativePosition = true, Position = new Vec3f(), DisposeOnFinish = true, Volume = 0.5f, Range = 8 }); sound.Start(); } } tf.Translation.X -= Math.Min(1.6f, secondsUsed * 4 * 1.57f); tf.Translation.Y -= Math.Min(0.1f, secondsUsed * 2); tf.Translation.Z -= Math.Min(1f, secondsUsed * 180); tf.Scale = 1 + Math.Min(0.6f, 2 * secondsUsed); byEntity.Controls.UsingHeldItemTransformAfter = tf; return(secondsUsed <= 4f); } // Let the client decide when he is done eating return(true); }
public override void StartExecute() { base.StartExecute(); stopNow = false; siegeMode = false; bool giveUpWhenNoPath = targetPos.SquareDistanceTo(entity.Pos.XYZ) < 12 * 12; int searchDepth = 3500; // 1 in 20 times we do an expensive search if (world.Rand.NextDouble() < 0.05) { searchDepth = 10000; } if (!pathTraverser.NavigateTo(targetPos.Clone(), moveSpeed, MinDistanceToTarget(), OnGoalReached, OnStuck, giveUpWhenNoPath, searchDepth, true)) { // If we cannot find a path to the target, let's circle it! float angle = (float)Math.Atan2(entity.ServerPos.X - targetPos.X, entity.ServerPos.Z - targetPos.Z); double randAngle = angle + 0.5 + world.Rand.NextDouble() / 2; double distance = 4 + world.Rand.NextDouble() * 6; double dx = GameMath.Sin(randAngle) * distance; double dz = GameMath.Cos(randAngle) * distance; targetPos = targetPos.AddCopy(dx, 0, dz); int tries = 0; bool ok = false; BlockPos tmp = new BlockPos((int)targetPos.X, (int)targetPos.Y, (int)targetPos.Z); int dy = 0; while (tries < 5) { // Down ok? if (world.BlockAccessor.GetBlock(tmp.X, tmp.Y - dy, tmp.Z).SideSolid[BlockFacing.UP.Index] && !world.CollisionTester.IsColliding(world.BlockAccessor, entity.CollisionBox, new Vec3d(tmp.X + 0.5, tmp.Y - dy + 1, tmp.Z + 0.5), false)) { ok = true; targetPos.Y -= dy; targetPos.Y++; siegeMode = true; break; } // Down ok? if (world.BlockAccessor.GetBlock(tmp.X, tmp.Y + dy, tmp.Z).SideSolid[BlockFacing.UP.Index] && !world.CollisionTester.IsColliding(world.BlockAccessor, entity.CollisionBox, new Vec3d(tmp.X + 0.5, tmp.Y + dy + 1, tmp.Z + 0.5), false)) { ok = true; targetPos.Y += dy; targetPos.Y++; siegeMode = true; break; } tries++; dy++; } ok = ok && pathTraverser.NavigateTo(targetPos.Clone(), moveSpeed, MinDistanceToTarget(), OnGoalReached, OnStuck, giveUpWhenNoPath, searchDepth, true); stopNow = !ok; } currentFollowTime = 0; }
private void LoadModelMatrix(ItemRenderInfo renderInfo, bool isShadowPass, float dt) { IRenderAPI rapi = capi.Render; EntityPlayer entityPlayer = capi.World.Player.Entity; Mat4f.Identity(ModelMat); Mat4f.Translate(ModelMat, ModelMat, (float)(lerpedPos.X - entityPlayer.CameraPos.X), (float)(lerpedPos.Y - entityPlayer.CameraPos.Y), (float)(lerpedPos.Z - entityPlayer.CameraPos.Z) ); float sizeX = 0.2f * renderInfo.Transform.ScaleXYZ.X; float sizeY = 0.2f * renderInfo.Transform.ScaleXYZ.Y; float sizeZ = 0.2f * renderInfo.Transform.ScaleXYZ.Z; float dx = 0, dz = 0; if (!isShadowPass) { long ellapseMs = capi.World.ElapsedMilliseconds; bool freefall = !(entity.Collided || entity.Swimming || capi.IsGamePaused); if (!freefall) { touchGroundMS = ellapseMs; } if (entity.Collided) { xangle *= 0.55f; yangle *= 0.55f; zangle *= 0.55f; } else { float easeIn = Math.Min(1, (ellapseMs - touchGroundMS) / 200); float angleGain = freefall ? 1000 * dt / 7 * easeIn : 0; yangle += angleGain; xangle += angleGain; zangle += angleGain; } if (entity.Swimming) { float diff = 1; if (entityitem.Itemstack.Collectible.MaterialDensity > 1000) { dx = GameMath.Sin((float)(ellapseMs / 1000.0)) / 50; dz = -GameMath.Sin((float)(ellapseMs / 3000.0)) / 50; diff = 0.1f; } xangle = GameMath.Sin((float)(ellapseMs / 1000.0)) * 8 * diff; yangle = GameMath.Cos((float)(ellapseMs / 2000.0)) * 3 * diff; zangle = -GameMath.Sin((float)(ellapseMs / 3000.0)) * 8 * diff; } } Mat4f.Translate(ModelMat, ModelMat, dx + renderInfo.Transform.Translation.X, renderInfo.Transform.Translation.Y, dz + renderInfo.Transform.Translation.Z); Mat4f.Scale(ModelMat, ModelMat, new float[] { sizeX + scaleRand, sizeY + scaleRand, sizeZ + scaleRand }); Mat4f.RotateY(ModelMat, ModelMat, GameMath.DEG2RAD * (renderInfo.Transform.Rotation.Y + yangle) + (renderInfo.Transform.Rotate ? yRotRand : 0)); Mat4f.RotateZ(ModelMat, ModelMat, GameMath.DEG2RAD * (renderInfo.Transform.Rotation.Z + zangle)); Mat4f.RotateX(ModelMat, ModelMat, GameMath.DEG2RAD * (renderInfo.Transform.Rotation.X + xangle)); Mat4f.Translate(ModelMat, ModelMat, -renderInfo.Transform.Origin.X, -renderInfo.Transform.Origin.Y, -renderInfo.Transform.Origin.Z); }
public void CullInvisibleChunks() { if (!ClientSettings.Occlusionculling || game.WorldMap.chunks.Count < 100) { return; } Vec3d camPos = game.player.Entity.CameraPos; centerpos.Set((int)(camPos.X / chunksize), (int)(camPos.Y / chunksize), (int)(camPos.Z / chunksize)); isAboveHeightLimit = centerpos.Y >= game.WorldMap.ChunkMapSizeY; playerViewVec = EntityPos.GetViewVector(game.mousePitch, game.mouseYaw).Normalize(); lock (game.WorldMap.chunksLock) { foreach (var val in game.WorldMap.chunks) { val.Value.SetVisible(false); } // We sometimes have issues with chunks adjacent to the player getting culled, so lets make these always visible for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) { for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) { for (int dz = -1; dz <= 1; dz++) { long index3d = game.WorldMap.ChunkIndex3D(dx + centerpos.X, dy + centerpos.Y, dz + centerpos.Z); ClientChunk chunk = null; if (game.WorldMap.chunks.TryGetValue(index3d, out chunk)) { chunk.SetVisible(true); } } } } } // Add some 15 extra degrees to the field of view angle for safety float fov = GameMath.Cos(game.MainCamera.Fov + 15 * GameMath.DEG2RAD); for (int i = 0; i < cubicShellPositions.Length; i++) { Vec3i vec = cubicShellPositions[i]; float dotProd = playerViewVec.Dot(cubicShellPositionsNormalized[i]); if (dotProd <= fov / 2) { // Outside view frustum continue; } // It seems that one trace can cause issues where chunks are culled when they shouldn't // 2 traces with a y-offset seems to mitigate most of that issue TraverseRayAndMarkVisible(centerpos, vec, 0.25); TraverseRayAndMarkVisible(centerpos, vec, 0.75); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the solar altitude from -1 to 1 for given latitude /// </summary> /// <param name="latitude">Must be between -1 and 1. -1 is the south pole, 0 is the equater, and 1 is the north pole</param> /// <returns></returns> public float GetSolarAltitude(double posX, double posZ, float yearRel, float dayRel) { float latitude = (float)onGetLatitude(posZ); // // theta = sin(phi) * sin(delta) + cos(phi) * cos(delta) * cos(h) // theta: the solar zenith angle // phi: the local latitude // h: the hour angle, in the local solar time. // delta: is the current declination of the Sun // the solar hour angle is an expression of time, expressed in angular measurement, usually degrees, from solar noon float h = GameMath.TWOPI * (dayRel - 0.5f); float dayOfYear = api.World.Calendar.DayOfYear; float daysPerYear = api.World.Calendar.DaysPerYear; // The Sun's declination at any given moment is calculated by: // delta = arcsin(sin(-23.44°) * sin(EL)) // EL is the ecliptic longitude (essentially, the Earth's position in its orbit). Since the Earth's orbital eccentricity is small, its orbit can be approximated as a circle which causes up to 1° of error. // delta = -23.44° * cos(360° / 365 * (ye arRel +10)) // The number 10, in (N+10), is the approximate number of days after the December solstice to January 1 float delta = -EarthAxialTilt *GameMath.Cos(GameMath.TWOPI *(dayOfYear + 10) / daysPerYear); // sample 1 // latitude = 0.5 (equator) // day of year = 0.5 (summer) // sin(0.5) * sin(0.5 * -0.4) + cos(0.5) * cos(0.5 * -0.4) * cos((x / 24 - 0.5) * 3.14159 * 2) // // sample 2 // latitude = 0.5 (~austria, europe) // day of year = 1 (winter) // sin(3.14159/2 * 0.5) * sin(1 * -0.4) + cos(3.14159/2 * 0.5) * cos(1 * -0.4) * cos((x / 24 - 0.5) * 3.14159 * 2) // // sample 3 // latitude = -1 (south pole) // day of year = 1 (winter) // sin(3.14159/2 * -1) * sin(1 * -0.4) + cos(3.14159/2 * -1) * cos(1 * -0.4) * cos((x / 24 - 0.5) * 3.14159 * 2) // // So this method is supposed to return the solar zenith or 90 - SolartAltitude, but apparently its inverted, dunno why return(GameMath.Sin(latitude * GameMath.PIHALF) * GameMath.Sin(delta) + GameMath.Cos(latitude * GameMath.PIHALF) * GameMath.Cos(delta) * GameMath.Cos(h)); }
public void OnRenderFrame(float deltaTime, EnumRenderStage stage) { IRenderAPI rpi = capi.Render; Vec3d camPos = capi.World.Player.Entity.CameraPos; rpi.GlDisableCullFace(); rpi.GlToggleBlend(true); IStandardShaderProgram prog = rpi.PreparedStandardShader(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z); prog.Tex2D = capi.BlockTextureAtlas.AtlasTextureIds[0]; prog.DontWarpVertices = 0; prog.AddRenderFlags = 0; prog.RgbaAmbientIn = rpi.AmbientColor; prog.RgbaFogIn = rpi.FogColor; prog.FogMinIn = rpi.FogMin; prog.FogDensityIn = rpi.FogDensity; prog.RgbaTint = ColorUtil.WhiteArgbVec; prog.NormalShaded = 1; prog.ExtraGodray = 0; prog.SsaoAttn = 0; prog.AlphaTest = 0.05f; prog.OverlayOpacity = 0; prog.ModelMatrix = ModelMat .Identity() .Translate(pos.X - camPos.X + 0.001f, pos.Y - camPos.Y, pos.Z - camPos.Z - 0.001f) .Translate(0f, 1 / 16f, 0f) .Values ; prog.ViewMatrix = rpi.CameraMatrixOriginf; prog.ProjectionMatrix = rpi.CurrentProjectionMatrix; rpi.RenderMesh(potRef == null ? potWithFoodRef : potRef); if (!isInOutputSlot) { float origx = GameMath.Sin(capi.World.ElapsedMilliseconds / 300f) * 5 / 16f; float origz = GameMath.Cos(capi.World.ElapsedMilliseconds / 300f) * 5 / 16f; float cookIntensity = GameMath.Clamp((temp - 50) / 50, 0, 1); prog.ModelMatrix = ModelMat .Identity() .Translate(pos.X - camPos.X, pos.Y - camPos.Y, pos.Z - camPos.Z) .Translate(0, 6.5f / 16f, 0) .Translate(-origx, 0, -origz) .RotateX(cookIntensity * GameMath.Sin(capi.World.ElapsedMilliseconds / 50f) / 60) .RotateZ(cookIntensity * GameMath.Sin(capi.World.ElapsedMilliseconds / 50f) / 60) .Translate(origx, 0, origz) .Values ; prog.ViewMatrix = rpi.CameraMatrixOriginf; prog.ProjectionMatrix = rpi.CurrentProjectionMatrix; rpi.RenderMesh(lidRef); } prog.Stop(); }
private double PolarHelperX(double angle, double distance) { return(GameMath.Cos(angle) * distance); }