/* Checks current user singed in status * NOTE: Signed in means that the user is signed in to GOG Galaxy client (he does not have to have working internet connection). */ public bool IsSignedIn(bool silent = false) { bool signedIn = false; if (!silent) { Debug.Log("Checking SignedIn status..."); } try { signedIn = GalaxyInstance.User().SignedIn(); if (!silent) { Debug.Log("User SignedIn: " + signedIn); } } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { if (!silent) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not check user signed in status for reason " + e); } } return(signedIn); }
/* Checks if user is logged on * NOTE: Logged on means that the user is signed in to GOG Galaxy client and he does have working internet connection */ public bool IsLoggedOn(bool silent = false) { bool isLoggedOn = false; if (!silent) { Debug.Log("Checking LoggedOn status..."); } try { isLoggedOn = GalaxyInstance.User().IsLoggedOn(); if (!silent) { Debug.Log("User logged on: " + isLoggedOn); } } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { if (!silent) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not check user logged on status for reason " + e); } } return(isLoggedOn); }
protected override void connectImpl() { this.client = new GalaxySocket(ModCore.multiplayer.protocolVersion); GalaxyInstance.User().GetGalaxyID(); this.client.JoinLobby(this.lobbyId); ModCore.monitor.Log("Success on generating modded galaxy client."); }
public GalaxySocket(string protocolVersion) { this.protocolVersion = protocolVersion; lobbyData["protocolVersion"] = protocolVersion; selfId = GalaxyInstance.User().GetGalaxyID(); galaxyLobbyEnterCallback = new GalaxyLobbyEnteredListener(onGalaxyLobbyEnter); galaxyLobbyCreatedCallback = new GalaxyLobbyCreatedListener(onGalaxyLobbyCreated); }
public override void initialize() { Console.WriteLine("Starting Galaxy server"); host = GalaxyInstance.User().GetGalaxyID(); galaxyPersonaDataChangedListener = new GalaxyPersonaDataChangedListener(onPersonaDataChanged); server = new GalaxySocket("1.5.1"); server.CreateLobby(Game1.options.serverPrivacy, (uint)(Game1.multiplayer.playerLimit * 2)); }
void AssignSharedFileIDToUser(string fileName, ulong sharedFileID) { try { GalaxyInstance.User().SetUserData(fileName, sharedFileID.ToString()); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not assign file " + fileName + " to user for reason " + e); } }
public override void OnFileShareSuccess(string fileName, ulong sharedFileID) { try { GalaxyInstance.User().SetUserData(fileName, sharedFileID.ToString()); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not assign file " + fileName + " to user for reason " + e); } Debug.Log("File " + fileName + " was shared and assigned ID " + sharedFileID); }
/* Signs the current user in to Galaxy services * NOTE: This call is asynchronus. Sign in result is received by AuthListener. */ public void SignInGalaxy() { Debug.Log("Signing user in using Galaxy client..."); try { GalaxyInstance.User().SignInGalaxy(); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.LogWarning("SignInGalaxy failed for reason " + e); } }
/* Signs the current user out from Galaxy services */ public void SignOut() { Debug.Log("Singing user out..."); try { GalaxyInstance.User().SignOut(); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.LogWarning("SignOut failed for reason " + e); } }
/* Signs the current user in to Galaxy services * NOTE: This call is asynchronus. Sign in result is received by AuthListener. */ private void SignIn() { Debug.Log("Signing user in..."); try { GalaxyInstance.User().SignIn(); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.LogWarning("SignIn failed for reason " + e); } }
public void SignInCredentials(string username, string password) { Debug.Log("Signing user in using credentials..."); try { GalaxyInstance.User().SignInCredentials(username, password); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.LogWarning("SignInCredentials failed for reason " + e); } }
/* Downloads a file share */ public void DownloadSharedFileFromUser(GalaxyID userID, string fileName) { specificUserDataListener.sharedFileID = GetSharedFileIDFromUser(userID, fileName); try { GalaxyInstance.User().RequestUserData(userID); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.Log("Could not request user data for reason " + e); } }
/* Downloads a shared file by the userID of the file owner and its name * This function will set the fileName var in the specificUserDataListener, * set the userID var in the sharedFileDownloadListener, and request data * of the file owner so that we can grab the fileSharedID */ public void DownloadSharedFileByUserIdAndFileName(GalaxyID userID, string fileName) { specificUserDataListener.fileName = fileName; sharedFileDownloadListener.userID = userID.ToString(); try { GalaxyInstance.User().RequestUserData(userID, specificUserDataListener); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.Log("Could not request user data for reason " + e); } }
// Token: 0x06000027 RID: 39 RVA: 0x000027A8 File Offset: 0x000009A8 public static void initialize() { if (!GOGHelper.gogEnabled) { return; } try { GalaxyInstance.Init("8767653913349277", "58be5c2e55d7f535cf8c4b6bbc09d185de90b152c8c42703cc13502465f0d04a"); GalaxyInstance.User().SignIn(); } catch (Exception) { } }
public override void OnAuthSuccess() { Debug.Log("Successfully signed in"); myGalaxyID = GalaxyInstance.User().GetGalaxyID(); GalaxyManager.Instance.StartStatsAndAchievements(); GalaxyManager.Instance.StartFriends(); if (GalaxyManager.Instance.IsLoggedOn()) { GalaxyManager.Instance.StartLeaderboards(); GalaxyManager.Instance.StartInvitations(); GalaxyManager.Instance.StartStorage(); } }
private void onEncryptedAppTicketResponse(EncryptedAppTicketResponse_t response, bool ioFailure) { if (response.m_eResult == EResult.k_EResultOK) { byte[] ticket = new byte[1024]; SteamUser.GetEncryptedAppTicket(ticket, 1024, out uint ticketSize); Console.WriteLine("Signing into GalaxySDK"); GalaxyInstance.User().SignInSteam(ticket, ticketSize, SteamFriends.GetPersonaName()); ConnectionProgress++; } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to retrieve encrypted app ticket: " + response.m_eResult + ", " + ioFailure.ToString()); ConnectionFinished = true; } }
public void Initialize() { try { GalaxyInstance.Init(new InitParams("48767653913349277", "58be5c2e55d7f535cf8c4b6bbc09d185de90b152c8c42703cc13502465f0d04a")); authListener = new AuthListener(onGalaxyAuthSuccess, onGalaxyAuthFailure, onGalaxyAuthLost); stateChangeListener = new OperationalStateChangeListener(onGalaxyStateChange); GalaxyInstance.User().SignInGalaxy(requireOnline: true); active = true; ConnectionProgress++; } catch (Exception value) { Console.WriteLine(value); ConnectionFinished = true; } }
// Gets GalaxyID of the second player in currently entered lobby public GalaxyID GetSecondPlayerID() { Debug.Log("Trying to get second player ID"); GalaxyID secondPlayerID = null; List <GalaxyID> membersList = GetAllLobbyMembers(); Debug.Assert(membersList.Count == 2); if (membersList[0] != GalaxyInstance.User().GetGalaxyID()) { secondPlayerID = membersList[0]; } else { secondPlayerID = membersList[1]; } Debug.Log("Second player ID " + secondPlayerID); return(secondPlayerID); }
/* Gets a SharedFileID for a file with a specified name. This uses the User * interface to read and return a value of a specified user data key. */ public ulong GetSharedFileIDFromUser(GalaxyID userID, string fileName) { ulong sharedFileID = 0; if (fileName == null) { return(sharedFileID); } try { sharedFileID = ulong.Parse(GalaxyInstance.User().GetUserData(fileName, userID)); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.Log("Could not get SharedFileID for file " + fileName + " for user " + userID.ToString() + " for reason " + e); } fileName = null; return(sharedFileID); }
public override string getUserID() { return(Convert.ToString(GalaxyInstance.User().GetGalaxyID().ToUint64())); }
protected override void connectImpl() { client = new GalaxySocket("1.5.1"); GalaxyInstance.User().GetGalaxyID(); client.JoinLobby(lobbyId, onReceiveError); }
protected override void connectImpl() { client = new GalaxySocket(Game1.multiplayer.protocolVersion); GalaxyInstance.User().GetGalaxyID(); client.JoinLobby(lobbyId); }