public void ResetAchievements() { if (active) { GalaxyInstance.Stats().ResetStatsAndAchievements(); } }
public override void OnLeaderboardEntriesRetrieveSuccess(string leaderboardName, uint entryCount) { Debug.Log("Leaderboard \"" + leaderboardName + "\" entries retrieved\nEntry count: " + entryCount); leaderboardEntries.Clear(); leaderboardEntries.TrimExcess(); for (uint i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) { GalaxyID userID = new GalaxyID(); uint rank = 0; int score = 0; string username = null; object[] entryDetails = new object[] { rank, score, username }; GalaxyInstance.Stats().GetRequestedLeaderboardEntry(i, ref rank, ref score, ref userID); username = GalaxyManager.Instance.Friends.GetFriendPersonaName(userID); entryDetails[0] = rank; entryDetails[1] = score; entryDetails[2] = username; Debug.Log("Created object #" + i + " | " + rank + " | " + score + " | " + username); leaderboardEntries.Add(entryDetails); } if (GameObject.Find("LeaderboardsScreen")) { GameObject.Find("LeaderboardsScreen").GetComponent <LeaderboardsController>().DisplayLeaderboard(); } }
// Token: 0x06000028 RID: 40 RVA: 0x000027EC File Offset: 0x000009EC public static void getAchievement(string achieve) { if ( { if (achieve.Equals("0")) { achieve = "a0"; } GalaxyInstance.Stats().SetAchievement(achieve); GalaxyInstance.Stats().StoreStatsAndAchievements(); } }
/* Coroutine for retriving stats and achievements * Note: This request has to finish successfully before using any achievements or statistics related methods */ public void RequestUserStatsAndAchievements() { Debug.Assert(!achievementRetrieveListener.retrieved && GalaxyManager.Instance.IsSignedIn()); Debug.Log("Requesting Stats and Achievements"); try { GalaxyInstance.Stats().RequestUserStatsAndAchievements(); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.LogWarning("Achievements definitions could not be retrived for reason: " + e); } }
// Retrieves global leaderboard entries public void RequestLeaderboardEntriesGlobal(string leaderboardName, uint rangeStart, uint rangeEnd) { Debug.Log("Trying to get leaderboard \"" + leaderboardName + "\" entries global"); Debug.Assert(leadRetrieveListener.retrieved); try { GalaxyInstance.Stats().RequestLeaderboardEntriesGlobal(leaderboardName, rangeStart, rangeEnd); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not retrieve leaderboard \"" + leaderboardName + "\" global entries for reason: " + e); } }
/* Request leadeboard definitions for later use * Note: This request has to finish successfully before using any leadeboards related methods */ public void RequestLeaderboards() { Debug.Assert(!leadRetrieveListener.retrieved && GalaxyManager.Instance.IsLoggedOn()); Debug.Log("Requesting Leaderboards"); try { GalaxyInstance.Stats().RequestLeaderboards(); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.LogWarning("Leaderboard definitions couldn't be retrieved for reason: " + e); } }
// Sets users leaderboard score public void SetLeaderboardScore(string leaderboardName, int score, bool forceUpdate = false) { Debug.Log("Trying to set leaderboard \"" + leaderboardName + "\" score"); Debug.Assert(leadRetrieveListener.retrieved); try { GalaxyInstance.Stats().SetLeaderboardScore(leaderboardName, score, forceUpdate); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not set leaderboard \"" + leaderboardName + "\" entry for reason: " + e); } }
// Retrieves leaderboard entries around user public void RequestLeaderboardEntriesAroundUser(string leaderboardName, uint countBefore, uint countAfter, GalaxyID userID) { Debug.Log("Trying to get leaderboard \"" + leaderboardName + "\" entries around user"); Debug.Assert(leadRetrieveListener.retrieved); try { GalaxyInstance.Stats().RequestLeaderboardEntriesAroundUser(leaderboardName, countBefore, countAfter, userID); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not retrieve leaderboard \"" + leaderboardName + "\" entries around user for reason: " + e); } }
// Unlocks achievement specified by API Key public void SetAchievement(string apiKey) { Debug.Log("Trying to unlock achievement " + apiKey); Debug.Assert(achievementRetrieveListener.retrieved); try { GalaxyInstance.Stats().SetAchievement(apiKey); GalaxyInstance.Stats().StoreStatsAndAchievements(); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.LogWarning("Achievement " + apiKey + " could not be unlocked for reason: " + e); } }
// Resets stats and achievements public void ResetStatsAndAchievements() { Debug.Log("Trying to reset user stats and achievements"); Debug.Assert(achievementRetrieveListener.retrieved); try { GalaxyInstance.Stats().ResetStatsAndAchievements(); Debug.Log("User stats and achievements reset"); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not get reset user stats and achievements for reason: " + e); } }
// Sets value for a stat of int type specified by API key public void SetStatInt(string apiKey, int statValue) { Debug.Log("Setting stat " + apiKey); Debug.Assert(achievementRetrieveListener.retrieved); try { GalaxyInstance.Stats().SetStatInt(apiKey, statValue); GalaxyInstance.Stats().StoreStatsAndAchievements(); Debug.Log("Stat " + apiKey + " set to " + statValue); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not set value of statistic " + apiKey + " for reason: " + e); } }
// Gets a stat of int type by its API key public int GetStatInt(string apiKey) { Debug.Log("Getting stat " + apiKey); int statValue = 0; Debug.Assert(achievementRetrieveListener.retrieved); try { statValue = GalaxyInstance.Stats().GetStatInt(apiKey); Debug.Log("Stat with key " + apiKey + " has value " + statValue); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not get value of statistic " + apiKey + " for reason: " + e); } return(statValue); }
// Gets name of achievement specified by API key public string GetAchievementName(string apiKey) { Debug.Log("Trying to get achievement name " + apiKey); string name = ""; Debug.Assert(achievementRetrieveListener.retrieved); try { name = GalaxyInstance.Stats().GetAchievementDisplayName(apiKey); Debug.Log("Achievement display name: " + name); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not get name of achievement " + apiKey + " for reason: " + e); } return(name); }
// Gets status of achievement specified by API key public bool GetAchievement(string apiKey) { Debug.Log("Trying to get achievement status for " + apiKey); bool unlocked = false; Debug.Assert(achievementRetrieveListener.retrieved); try { uint unlockTime = 0; GalaxyInstance.Stats().GetAchievement(apiKey, ref unlocked, ref unlockTime); Debug.Log("Achievement: \"" + apiKey + "\" unlocked: " + unlocked + " unlock time: " + unlockTime); } catch (GalaxyInstance.Error e) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not get status of achievement " + apiKey + " for reason: " + e); } return(unlocked); }