public bool Equals(IXLPhonetics other) { if (other == null) { return(false); } Int32 phoneticsCount = _phonetics.Count; for (Int32 i = 0; i < phoneticsCount; i++) { if (!_phonetics[i].Equals(other.ElementAt(i))) { return(false); } } return (Bold == other.Bold && Italic == other.Italic && Underline == other.Underline && Strikethrough == other.Strikethrough && VerticalAlignment == other.VerticalAlignment && Shadow == other.Shadow && FontSize == other.FontSize && FontColor.Equals(other.FontColor) && FontName == other.FontName && FontFamilyNumbering == other.FontFamilyNumbering); }
private SQLiteParameter[] GetSqlParameters() { List <SQLiteParameter> SqlParmColl = new List <SQLiteParameter>(); try { SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@ID", ID, DbType.Int64)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@DisplayID", DisplayID, DbType.Int64)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@oIndex", oIndex, DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@DlgType", DlgType, DbType.Byte)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@DlgIndex", DlgIndex, DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@Left", Left, DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@Right", Right, DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@Top", Top, DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@Bottom", Bottom, DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@ScanTime", ScanTime, DbType.Int16)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@ViewLable", ViewLable, DbType.Boolean)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@Index", Index, DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@BackColor", BackColor.ToArgb(), DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@TrendColor", TrendColor.ToArgb(), DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@TrendWidth", TrendWidth, DbType.Int16)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@Fill", Fill, DbType.Boolean)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@Font", Font, DbType.String)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@FontColor", FontColor.ToArgb(), DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@LastRev", LastRev, DbType.Boolean)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@CompiledExp", CompiledExp, DbType.Binary)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@validexpression", validexpression, DbType.Boolean)); return(SqlParmColl.ToArray()); } catch (SQLiteException Exc) { throw Exc; } }
public override void Draw(BaseScreen.Resources screenResources, SmartSpriteBatch spriteBatch, ScreenAbstractor screen, float opacity, FloatRectangle?clip = null, Texture2D bgTexture = null, Vector2?scrollOffset = null) { string txt = Text.Value(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Symbol.Value())) { MDL2Symbols symbol = (MDL2Symbols)Enum.Parse(typeof(MDL2Symbols), Symbol.Value()); txt = symbol.AsChar(); } if (FontName.Value != null) { this.ActualSize = DrawFontAsset(spriteBatch, screen, opacity, txt, FontColor.Value(), ActualPosition, FontSize.Value(), LineHeight.Value(), FontName.Value(), PseudoAntiAlias.Value(), WordWrap.Value(), Justification.Value(), FontMargin.Value(), Margin.Value(), OutlineColor.Value(), Clip, bgTexture, scrollOffset, CaretPos.Value(), MultiLine.Value(), ScissorRect); } if (Position.Value.Height == 0) { autoSize = true; } if (autoSize) { this.Position.Value = new FloatRectangle(Position.Value.X, Position.Value.Y, Position.Value.Width, ActualSize.Y); } }
public void SetHeaderColor(string targetName, FontColor color) { if (StatusLists.TryGetValue(targetName, out var statusList)) { statusList.SetHeaderColor(color); } }
public override BitmapBase Draw(Tank tank) { return(Ut.NewBitmapGdi(ParentStyle.IconWidth, ParentStyle.IconHeight, dc => { string text = GetText(tank); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Format) && (text != null)) { if (isSeveralValue) { string format = Format; MatchCollection args = Regex.Matches(text, @"(\d+)"); foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(Format, @"(\{\d+?\:?[\w\.]*\})")) { int numI; string val = Regex.Match(match.Value, @"((?<=\{)\s*\d+\s*(?=[\:\}]))").Value; if (int.TryParse(val, out numI) && (numI < args.Count)) { format = format.Replace(match.Value, FormatText(match.Value.Replace(val, "0"), args[numI].Value)); } } text = format; } else { text = FormatText(Format, text); } } var style = (FontBold ? FontStyle.Bold : 0) | (FontItalic ? FontStyle.Italic : 0); dc.TextRenderingHint = FontSmoothing.ToGdi(); dc.DrawString(text, new SolidBrush(FontColor.GetColorGdi(tank)), FontFamily, FontSize, style, X, Y, Anchor, Width <= 0 ? null : (int?)Width, Height <= 0 ? null : (int?)Height, Baseline); })); }
public override LayerBase Clone() { var result = (TextLayer)base.Clone(); result.FontColor = FontColor.Clone(); return(result); }
private SQLiteParameter[] GetSqlParameters() { List <SQLiteParameter> SqlParmColl = new List <SQLiteParameter>(); try { SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@ID", ID, DbType.Int64)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@DisplayID", DisplayID, DbType.Int64)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@oIndex", oIndex, DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@Left", Left, DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@Right", Right, DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@Top", Top, DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@Bottom", Bottom, DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@ButtonText", ButtonText, DbType.String)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@BackColor", BackColor.ToArgb(), DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@Font", Font, DbType.String)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@FontColor", FontColor.ToArgb(), DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@NavigateTo", NavigateTo, DbType.Int32)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@IsTransparent", IsTransparent, DbType.Boolean)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@LastRev", LastRev, DbType.Boolean)); SqlParmColl.Add(CommonDB.AddSqlParm("@CompiledExp", CompiledExp, DbType.Binary)); return(SqlParmColl.ToArray()); } catch (SQLiteException Exc) { throw Exc; } }
public bool AppendPost(int postId, string text, FontColor color) { if (PostHistory.TryGetValue(postId, out string targetName)) { if (StatusLists.TryGetValue(targetName, out var statusList)) { if (statusList.AppendPost(postId, text, color)) { return(true); } //else //{ // Plugin.log?.Debug($"Failed to append PostId {postId} for {targetName} at AppendPost({postId}, {text}, {color})"); // var postIds = string.Join(", ", statusList.PostTexts.Select(l => l.PostId).ToList()); // Plugin.log?.Debug($"Valid PostIds: {postIds}"); //} } //else // Plugin.log?.Debug($"Failed to append PostId {postId} for {targetName} at StatusLists.TryGetValue({targetName})"); } //else // Plugin.log?.Debug($"Failed to append PostId {postId} at PostHistory.TryGetValue({postId})"); PostHistory.TryRemove(postId, out var _); // Doesn't exist anymore, remove return(false); }
public void CreateImage() { if (FontTop == null || FontLeft == null || TxtFontSize == null) { return; } ImagePreview.Width = Overlay.Width = PreviewCanvas.Width = WIDTH / FACTOR; ImagePreview.Height = Overlay.Height = PreviewCanvas.Height = HEIGHT / FACTOR; MainText.Text = UserText.Text; MainText.FontSize = TxtFontSize.Value / FACTOR; MainText.Margin = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Thickness(FontLeft.Value / FACTOR, FontTop.Value / FACTOR, 0, 0); byte R = Convert.ToByte(FontColor.Substring(1, 2), 16); byte G = Convert.ToByte(FontColor.Substring(3, 2), 16); byte B = Convert.ToByte(FontColor.Substring(5, 2), 16); MainText.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, R, G, B)); if (ImageUri.StartsWith("#")) { R = Convert.ToByte(ImageUri.Substring(1, 2), 16); G = Convert.ToByte(ImageUri.Substring(3, 2), 16); B = Convert.ToByte(ImageUri.Substring(5, 2), 16); Overlay.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, R, G, B)); ImagePreview.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed; } else { Overlay.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(68, 0, 0, 0)); ImagePreview.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible; ImagePreview.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(ImageUri)); } }
public Glyph(byte width, IList <byte> bytes) { Width = width; Pixels = new FontColor[14 * 10]; for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Count; i++) { CopyByteToPixels(bytes[i], Pixels, i * 4); } }
public bool Equals(FontColor p) { if ((object)p == null) { return false; } return (this.Name == p.Name) && (this.Brush.Equals(p.Brush)); }
public Glyph( byte width, IList<byte> bytes ) { Width = width; Pixels = new FontColor[14 * 10]; for( int i = 0; i < bytes.Count; i++ ) { CopyByteToPixels( bytes[i], Pixels, i * 4 ); } }
public static string GetString(string key, FontColor fc = FontColor.White) { if (!DataManager.StringTable.ContainsKey(key)) { return(""); } StringTableItem item = DataManager.StringTable[key] as StringTableItem; return(fc == FontColor.White ? item.str : StringWithColor(fc, item.str)); }
public void SetHeader(string targetName, string text, FontColor color) { if (StatusLists.TryGetValue(targetName, out var statusList)) { statusList.Header = text; if (color != FontColor.None) { statusList.SetHeaderColor(color); } } }
protected override IEnumerator ProcessPayload(VisualPayload payload) { var label = VisualizerFactory.InstantiateLabelVisualizerPrefab(); label.Initialize(this, payload); var meshRenderer = label.TextComponent.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); var targetFont = FontFactory.GetFontPair(FontName.GetFirstValue(payload.Data)); var newMaterial = FontFactory.GenerateNewSpatialMaterial(targetFont.FontTexture); label.TextComponent.font = targetFont.Font; label.TextComponent.fontSize = Mathf.FloorToInt(FontSize.GetFirstValue(payload.Data) * targetFont.FontScale); label.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, label.TextComponent.fontSize * targetFont.VerticalOffset, 0f); label.CharactersPerLine = CharactersPerLine.GetFirstValue(payload.Data); label.MaxLines = MaxLines.GetFirstValue(payload.Data); newMaterial.color = FontColor.GetFirstValue(payload.Data); meshRenderer.material = newMaterial; label.BackgroundPadding = BackgroundPadding.GetFirstValue(payload.Data); label.BackgroundDepth = BackgroundDepth.GetFirstValue(payload.Data); label.LateralJustification = Justification.GetFirstValue(payload.Data); label.VerticalJustification = VerticalJustification.GetFirstValue(payload.Data); label.MinHeight = MinHeight.GetFirstValue(payload.Data); label.MaxHeight = MaxHeight.GetFirstValue(payload.Data); label.Orientation = Orientation.GetFirstValue(payload.Data); label.SetClickState(ClickState); label.RemoveBackground = !ShowBackground.GetFirstValue(payload.Data); label.Text = LabelText.GetFirstValue(payload.Data); var newPayload = new VisualPayload(payload.Data, new VisualDescription(label.Bound)); var iterator = DefaultState.Transmit(newPayload); while (iterator.MoveNext()) { yield return(null); } }
protected new void Initialize(CodeActivityContext context) { base.Initialize(context); bold = Bold; italic = Italic; underline = Underline; font = Font.ToString(); fontColor = FontColor.ToString(); fontSize = FontSize.Get(context); //if (fontSize == 0) fontSize = 5; }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { int hashCode = (FontName != null ? FontName.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ FontSize; //hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int)TextStyle; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ FontColor.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Aligment != null ? Aligment.GetHashCode() : 0); return(hashCode); } }
public static string GetErrorString(ERROR_CODE errorcode, FontColor fc = FontColor.White) { int code = (int)errorcode; if (!DataManager.ErrorCodeStringTable.ContainsKey(code)) { return(""); } ErrorStringTableItem item = DataManager.ErrorCodeStringTable[code] as ErrorStringTableItem; return(fc == FontColor.White ? item.str : StringWithColor(fc, item.str)); }
public override void Draw(Graphics g) { if (!Border) { LineAlpha = 0; LineThickness = 0; } PrivateFontCollection collection = new PrivateFontCollection(); FontFamily family = new FontFamily(FontName); System.Drawing.FontStyle style = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular; switch (FontStyle) { case "Bold": style = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold; break; case "Italic": style = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic; break; case "Underline": style = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Underline; break; case "Strikeout": style = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Strikeout; break; default: style = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular; break; } if (EmbeddedFont) { collection.AddFontFile(FontLocation); FontName = collection.Families[0].Name; family = collection.Families[0]; } base.Draw(g); if (WordWrap) { g.DrawString(Text, new Font(family, FontSize, style), new SolidBrush(FontColor.ToColor()), new RectangleF(X + LineThickness + Padding, Y + LineThickness + Padding, Width - Padding, Height - Padding), new StringFormat(Formatting)); } else { g.DrawString(Text, new Font(family, FontSize, style), new SolidBrush(FontColor.ToColor()), X + LineThickness + Padding, Y + LineThickness + Padding); } }
void setCurTitle(int titleId) { TitleItemTableItem item = TitleModule.GetTitleItemById(titleId); if (item == null) { return; } UIAtlasHelper.SetSpriteImage(mIconSp, item.picName, true); mAttrisLb[0].text = item.detail1; mAttrisLb[1].text = item.detail2; mAttrisLb[2].text = item.detail3; mAttrisLb[3].text = item.detail4; mGradeLb.text = item.grade.ToString(); PlayerDataModule pdm = ModuleManager.Instance.FindModule <PlayerDataModule>(); if (pdm == null) { return; } bool ishave = pdm.IsHasTitleByID(titleId); string detail = ""; switch (item.contentId) { case 0: FontColor fc = ishave ? FontColor.Green : FontColor.Red; string tmp = StringHelper.StringWithColor(fc, pdm.GetLevel() + "/" + item.conditionVal); detail = string.Format(item.contentDetail, tmp); break; default: detail = item.contentDetail; break; } mConditionLb.text = detail; UISprite btnBg = mEquipBtn.GetComponent <UISprite>(); if (btnBg != null) { UIAtlasHelper.SetSpriteShaderGrey(btnBg, !ishave); } mEquipBtnLb.text = pdm.GetCurTitle() == titleId ? "卸下" : "穿戴"; }
public override int GetHashCode() { return(Bold.GetHashCode() ^ Italic.GetHashCode() ^ (Int32)Underline ^ Strikethrough.GetHashCode() ^ (Int32)VerticalAlignment ^ Shadow.GetHashCode() ^ FontSize.GetHashCode() ^ FontColor.GetHashCode() ^ FontName.GetHashCode() ^ (Int32)FontFamilyNumbering); }
public override bool Equals(System.Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } FontColor p = obj as FontColor; if ((System.Object)p == null) { return false; } return (this.Name == p.Name) && (this.Brush.Equals(p.Brush)); }
public bool ReplacePost(int postId, string text, FontColor color) { if (PostHistory.TryGetValue(postId, out string targetName)) { if (StatusLists.TryGetValue(targetName, out var statusList)) { if (statusList.ReplacePost(postId, text, color)) { return(true); } } } PostHistory.TryRemove(postId, out var _); // Doesn't exist anymore, remove return(false); }
private void DrawCharacter(Character character, Vector3 origin, float w, float h, float kerning, TextInfo info) { var cw = character.Bounds.Width; var ch = character.Bounds.Height; var cu = character.Bounds.Left; var cv = character.Bounds.Top; // CCW from top left var a = new Vector2(origin.X + kerning, origin.Y); var b = new Vector2(origin.X + kerning, origin.Y + ch); var c = new Vector2(origin.X + cw + kerning, origin.Y); var d = new Vector2(origin.X + cw + kerning, origin.Y + ch); var uv_a = new Vector2(cu / w, cv / h); var uv_b = new Vector2(cu / w, (cv + ch) / h); var uv_c = new Vector2((cu + cw) / w, cv / h); var uv_d = new Vector2((cu + cw) / w, (cv + ch) / h); Positions.Add(info.Origin); Positions.Add(info.Origin); Positions.Add(info.Origin); Positions.Add(info.Origin); Positions.Add(info.Origin); Positions.Add(info.Origin); var color = FontColor.ToColor4(); Colors.Add(color); Colors.Add(color); Colors.Add(color); Colors.Add(color); Colors.Add(color); Colors.Add(color); TextureCoordinates.Add(uv_b); TextureCoordinates.Add(uv_d); TextureCoordinates.Add(uv_a); TextureCoordinates.Add(uv_a); TextureCoordinates.Add(uv_d); TextureCoordinates.Add(uv_c); info.Offsets.Add(a); info.Offsets.Add(c); info.Offsets.Add(b); info.Offsets.Add(b); info.Offsets.Add(c); info.Offsets.Add(d); }
private void SetFontColor(eFloatFontType type) { for (var i = 0; i < FontColorConfig.Count; i++) { FontColor color = FontColorConfig[i]; if (color.textType == type) { FontLabel.gradientTop = color.topColor; FontLabel.gradientBottom = color.bottomColor; FontLabel.effectColor = color.outlineColor; FontLabel.fontSize = color.fontSize; break; } } }
public void SetFontColor(FontColor color) { switch (color) { case FontColor.Black: _valueText.Font = Resource.getPaletteFont(); break; case FontColor.Red: _valueText.Font = Resource.getFontRed(); break; default: break; } }
public Boolean Equals(IXLRichString other) { return (Text == other.Text && Bold.Equals(other.Bold) && Italic.Equals(other.Italic) && Underline.Equals(other.Underline) && Strikethrough.Equals(other.Strikethrough) && VerticalAlignment.Equals(other.VerticalAlignment) && Shadow.Equals(other.Shadow) && FontSize.Equals(other.FontSize) && FontColor.Equals(other.FontColor) && FontName.Equals(other.FontName) && FontFamilyNumbering.Equals(other.FontFamilyNumbering) ); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the hash code for this instance. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A 32-bit signed integer that is the hash code for this instance. /// </returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = Text?.GetHashCode() ?? 0; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ DropShadow.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (FontFamily?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int)Style; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ FontColor.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Opacity; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ FontSize; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Position.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Vertical.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ RightToLeft.GetHashCode(); return(hashCode); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { var hashCode = 1158783753; hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Bold.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Italic.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Underline.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Strikethrough.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + VerticalAlignment.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Shadow.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + FontSize.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + FontColor.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.GetHashCode(FontName); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + FontFamilyNumbering.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + FontCharSet.GetHashCode(); return(hashCode); }
public static string StringWithColor(FontColor color, string text) { string head = ""; switch (color) { case FontColor.GreenLight: // 浅绿; head = "[79ffdb]"; break; case FontColor.White: // 白色; head = "[fafdf4]"; break; case FontColor.Yellow: // 黄色; head = "[fed514]"; break; case FontColor.Gray: // 灰色; head = "[d3c0aa]"; break; case FontColor.GreenMid: // 中绿; head = "[81ffa5]"; break; case FontColor.Blue: // 蓝色; head = "[2a96c9]"; break; case FontColor.Pink: // 粉色; head = "[ff6bef]"; break; case FontColor.Red: // 红色; head = "[e92224]"; break; case FontColor.Green: // 绿色; head = "[3eff00]"; break; } return(head + text + "[-]"); }
private static void ProcessFontColor(FontColor fc, XmlWriter xmlw) { xmlw.WriteStartElement("FontColor"); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Color", fc.Color.ToStringSafe()); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Bold", fc.Font.Bold.ToStringSafe()); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Charset", fc.Font.Charset.ToStringSafe()); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Italic", fc.Font.Italic.ToStringSafe()); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Name", fc.Font.Name); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Size", fc.Font.Size.ToStringSafe()); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Strikethrough", fc.Font.Strikethrough.ToStringSafe()); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Underline", fc.Font.Underline.ToStringSafe()); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Weight", fc.Font.Weight.ToStringSafe()); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("ColorFormula", fc.ConditionFormulas[CrFontColorConditionFormulaTypeEnum.crFontColorConditionFormulaTypeColor].Text); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("NameFormula", fc.ConditionFormulas[CrFontColorConditionFormulaTypeEnum.crFontColorConditionFormulaTypeName].Text); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("SizeFormula", fc.ConditionFormulas[CrFontColorConditionFormulaTypeEnum.crFontColorConditionFormulaTypeSize].Text); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("StrikeoutFormula", fc.ConditionFormulas[CrFontColorConditionFormulaTypeEnum.crFontColorConditionFormulaTypeStrikeout].Text); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("StyleFormula", fc.ConditionFormulas[CrFontColorConditionFormulaTypeEnum.crFontColorConditionFormulaTypeStyle].Text); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("UnderlineFormula", fc.ConditionFormulas[CrFontColorConditionFormulaTypeEnum.crFontColorConditionFormulaTypeUnderline].Text); xmlw.WriteEndElement(); }
public void LoadContent(ContentManager Content, FontColor color) { Text = ""; string fontColor = "GameFont"; if (color == FontColor.Yellow) fontColor += "Yellow"; texture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Data\\GFX\\" + fontColor); if (!FontManager.IsInitialized) FontManager.LoadContent(); }
private void RedrawPixel( int col, int row, FontColor color, Graphics g ) { g.FillRectangle( colors[color], new Rectangle( col * 15, row * 15, 15, 15 ) ); }
private void CopyByteToPixels( byte b, FontColor[] destination, int index ) { destination[index] = (FontColor)((b & 0xC0) >> 6); destination[index + 1] = (FontColor)((b & 0x30) >> 4); destination[index + 2] = (FontColor)((b & 0x0C) >> 2); destination[index + 3] = (FontColor)(b & 0x03); }
private byte CopyPixelsToByte( FontColor[] source, int index ) { byte result = 0; result |= (byte)(((int)source[index]) << 6); result |= (byte)(((int)source[index+1]) << 4); result |= (byte)(((int)source[index+2]) << 2); result |= (byte)((int)source[index+3]); return result; }
/// <summary> /// 撰写一行屏幕信息 /// </summary> /// <param name='lableName'> /// 信息名称 /// </param> /// <param name='Info'> /// 信息内容 /// </param> /// <param name='color'> /// 字体颜色 /// </param> public void WriteLine(string lableName,string Info,FontColor color) { bool isNew = true; foreach(KeyValuePair<string,InfoLab> item in infoList) { if(item.Key == lableName) { isNew = false; item.Value.Text = Info; item.Value.UpdateTime = TotleTime; break; } } if(isNew) { infoList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string,InfoLab>(lableName,new InfoLab(GameUI.Instance,font,TotleTime,color))); infoList[infoList.Count - 1].Value.Text = Info; infoList[infoList.Count - 1].Value.UpdateTime = TotleTime; } }
public InfoLab(Scene scene,Font infoFont,float UpdateTime,FontColor color) { this.UpdateTime = UpdateTime; this.Font = infoFont; this.X = 5; switch(color) { case FontColor.Yellow: this.TextColor = new UIColor(1.0f,0.843f,0.0f,1.0f); break; case FontColor.Red: this.TextColor = new UIColor(1.0f,0f,0f,1.0f); break; case FontColor.Black: this.TextColor = new UIColor(0f,0f,0f,1.0f); break; case FontColor.Blue: this.TextColor = new UIColor(0.392f,0.584f,0.929f,1.0f); break; case FontColor.White: this.TextColor = new UIColor(1f,1f,1f,1.0f); break; case FontColor.Green: this.TextColor = new UIColor(0.196f,0.803f,0.196f,1.0f); break; case FontColor.Pink: this.TextColor = new UIColor(1.0f,0.682f,0.725f,1.0f); break; } scene.RootWidget.AddChildLast(this); }