public static Fix32 RoundFast(this Fix32 x) { // int odd = ((int)x & ONE) >> FRACTIONAL_BITS; return((Fix32)(((int)x + (ONE / 2 - 1) + odd) & INTEGER_MASK)); }
public static Fix32 RcpFast(this Fix32 x) { #if USE_DOUBLES return((1 / x.ToDouble()).ToFix32()); #endif return((Fix32)Fixed32.RcpFast((int)x)); }
public static Fix32 Pow2Fast(this Fix32 xx) { #if USE_DOUBLES return(Math.Pow(2, x.ToDouble()).ToFix32()); #endif return((Fix32)Fixed32.Pow(2, (int)xx)); }
public static Fix32 TanFastest(this Fix32 x) { #if USE_DOUBLES return(Math.Tan(x.ToDouble()).ToFix32()); #endif return((Fix32)Fixed32.TanFastest((int)x)); }
public static Fix32 RSqrtFastest(this Fix32 x) { #if USE_DOUBLES return((1 / Math.Sqrt(x.ToDouble())).ToFix32()); #endif return((Fix32)Fixed32.RSqrtFastest((int)x)); }
public static Fix32 Ln(this Fix32 x) { #if USE_DOUBLES return(Math.Log(x.ToDouble()).ToFix32()); #endif return(Log2(x).Mul(Fix32.Ln2)); }
public void T005_Sub() { PrepareStatistics(out var deltas, out var swF, out var swD); var terms1 = new Fix32[] { Fix32.MinValue, Fix32.MinusOne, Fix32.Zero, Fix32.One, Fix32.MaxValue }; var terms2 = new Fix32[] { Fix32.One, Fix32.MinusTwo, (1.5).ToFix32(), Fix32.Two, Fix32.MinusOne }; var expecteds = new Fix32[] { Fix32.MinValue, Fix32.One, (-1.5).ToFix32(), Fix32.MinusOne, Fix32.MaxValue }; for (int i = 0; i < terms1.Length; ++i) { var actual = terms1[i].Sub(terms2[i]); var expected = expecteds[i]; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, terms1[i].ToStringExt() + " - " + terms2[i].ToStringExt()); } for (int i = 0; i < TestCases.Count; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < TestCases.Count; ++j) { var x = (Fix32)TestCases[i]; var y = (Fix32)TestCases[j]; swD.Start(); double expected = Saturate(x.ToDouble() - y.ToDouble()); swD.Stop(); swF.Start(); double actual = x.Sub(y).ToDouble(); swF.Stop(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, x.ToStringExt() + " - " + y.ToStringExt()); } } PrintStatistics(deltas, swF, swD); }
public void T011_AbsFast() { Assert.AreEqual(Fix32.MinValue, Fix32.MinValue.AbsFast()); // Wrong result, but it is spected var sources = new Fix32[] { Fix32.MaxValue.Neg(), Fix32.MinusOne, Fix32.Zero, Fix32.One, Fix32.MaxValue.Sub(Fix32.One), Fix32.MaxValue }; var expecteds = new Fix32[] { Fix32.MaxValue, Fix32.One, Fix32.Zero, Fix32.One, Fix32.MaxValue.Sub(Fix32.One), Fix32.MaxValue }; for (int i = 0; i < sources.Length; ++i) { var actual = sources[i].AbsFast(); var expected = expecteds[i]; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, sources[i].ToStringExt()); } for (int i = 0; i < TestCases.Count; ++i) { var actual = ((Fix32)TestCases[i]).AbsFast(); var expected = (Fix32)TestCases[i]; if ((int)expected != (int)Fix32.MinValue) { expected = Math.Abs(((Fix32)TestCases[i]).ToDouble()).ToFix32(); } Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, TestCases[i].ToFix32().ToStringExt()); } }
/// <summary> /// Reads a TWAIN value. /// </summary> /// <param name="baseAddress">The base address.</param> /// <param name="offset">The offset.</param> /// <param name="type">The TWAIN type.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static object ReadValue(IntPtr baseAddress, ref int offset, TwainType type) { object val = null; switch (type) { case TwainType.Int8: val = (sbyte)Marshal.ReadByte(baseAddress, offset); break; case TwainType.UInt8: val = Marshal.ReadByte(baseAddress, offset); break; case TwainType.Bool: case TwainType.UInt16: val = (ushort)Marshal.ReadInt16(baseAddress, offset); break; case TwainType.Int16: val = Marshal.ReadInt16(baseAddress, offset); break; case TwainType.UInt32: val = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(baseAddress, offset); break; case TwainType.Int32: val = Marshal.ReadInt32(baseAddress, offset); break; case TwainType.Fix32: Fix32 f32 = new Fix32(); f32.Whole = Marshal.ReadInt16(baseAddress, offset); f32.Frac = (ushort)Marshal.ReadInt16(baseAddress, offset + 2); val = f32; break; case TwainType.Frame: Frame frame = new Frame(); frame.Left = (Fix32)ReadValue(baseAddress, ref offset, TwainType.Fix32); frame.Top = (Fix32)ReadValue(baseAddress, ref offset, TwainType.Fix32); frame.Right = (Fix32)ReadValue(baseAddress, ref offset, TwainType.Fix32); frame.Bottom = (Fix32)ReadValue(baseAddress, ref offset, TwainType.Fix32); return(frame); // no need to update offset again after reading fix32 case TwainType.Str128: case TwainType.Str255: case TwainType.Str32: case TwainType.Str64: val = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(new IntPtr(baseAddress.ToInt64() + offset)); break; /* case TwainType.Handle: * val = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(baseAddress, offset); * break;*/ } offset += GetItemTypeSize(type); return(val); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a specified number raised to the specified power. Saturates /// </summary> /// <exception cref="DivideByZeroException"> /// The base was zero, with a negative exponent /// </exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"> /// The base was negative, with a non-zero exponent /// </exception> public static Fix32 Pow(this Fix32 b, Fix32 exp) { #if USE_DOUBLES return(Math.Pow(b.ToDouble(), exp.ToDouble()).ToFix32()); #endif if ((int)b == (int)Fix32.One) { return(Fix32.One); } if ((int)exp == 0) { return(Fix32.One); } if ((int)b == 0) { if ((int)exp < 0) { throw new DivideByZeroException(); } return(Fix32.Zero); } if (b < 0 && exp != 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Non-positive value passed to Ln", "x"); } return(exp.Mul(b.Log2()).Pow2()); }
public static Fix32 Sin(this Fix32 x) { #if USE_DOUBLES return((Fix64)Math.Sin((double)x)); #endif return((Fix32)Fixed32.Sin((int)x)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns 2 raised to the specified power. /// </summary> public static Fix32 Pow2(this Fix32 xx) { #if USE_DOUBLES return(Math.Pow(2, x.ToDouble()).ToFix32()); #endif Fix32 x = xx; if ((int)x == 0) { return(Fix32.One); } // Avoid negative arguments by exploiting that exp(-x) = 1/exp(x). bool neg = (int)x < 0; if (neg) { x = x.Neg(); } if ((int)x == (int)Fix32.One) { return(neg ? Fix32.One.Div(Fix32.Two) : Fix32.Two); // Can be cached } if ((int)x >= (int)Fix32.Log2Max) { return(neg ? Fix32.One.Div(Fix32.MaxValue) : Fix32.MaxValue); // Can be cached } if ((int)x <= (int)Fix32.Log2Min) { return(neg ? Fix32.MaxValue : Fix32.Zero); } /* * The algorithm is based on the power series for exp(x): * * * From term n, we get term n+1 by multiplying with x/n. * When the sum term drops to zero, we can stop summing. */ int integerPart = x.Floor().ToInt(); // Take fractional part of exponent x = (Fix32)((uint)x & FRACTIONAL_MASK); Fix32 result = Fix32.One; Fix32 term = Fix32.One; Fix32 i = Fix32.One; while ((int)term != 0) { term = x.Mul(term).Mul(Fix32.Ln2.Div(i)); result = result.Add(term); i = i.AddFast(Fix32.One); } result = (Fix32)((int)result << integerPart); if (neg) { result = Fix32.One.Div(result); } return(result); }
public static Fix32 Exp(this Fix32 x) { #if USE_DOUBLES return(Math.Exp(x.ToDouble()).ToFix32()); #endif return((Fix32)Fixed32.Exp((int)x)); }
public static Fix32 Floor(this Fix32 x) { #if USE_DOUBLES return(Math.Floor(x.ToDouble()).ToFix32()); #endif // Just zero out the fractional part return((Fix32)((int)x & INTEGER_MASK)); }
public static Fix32 Neg(this Fix32 x) { #if USE_DOUBLES return((-x.ToDouble()).ToFix32()); #endif //return new Fix64(-x.RawValue); return((Fix32)((int)x == MIN_VALUE ? MAX_VALUE : -(int)x)); }
public static Fix32 Sub(this Fix32 x, Fix32 y) { #if USE_DOUBLES return((x.ToDouble() - y.ToDouble()).ToFix32()); #endif long sub = (long)x - (long)y; // TO TEST: Shift and operate to check overflow return((Fix32)(((int)sub) != sub ? (int)((((uint)x >> NUM_BITS_MINUS_ONE) - 1U) ^ (1U << NUM_BITS_MINUS_ONE)) : (int)sub)); }
public static Fix32 Ceiling(this Fix32 x) { #if USE_DOUBLES return(Math.Floor(x.ToDouble()).ToFix32()); #endif var hasFractionalPart = ((int)x & FRACTIONAL_MASK) != 0; return(hasFractionalPart ? ((Fix32)((int)x & INTEGER_MASK)).Add(Fix32.One) : x); }
public void IntegrateForces(DBody body, Fix32 delta) { //Debug.Log("1body.Velocity:" + body.Velocity.ToVector3()); body.Velocity += (DWorld.GRAVITY + body.Force * body.InvMass) * delta; // Debug.Log("2body.Velocity:" + body.Velocity.ToVector3()); //Debug.Log("delta:" + (float)delta); //body.Velocity *= (Fix32.One - body.Drag); }
public static Fix32 Cos(this Fix32 x) { #if USE_DOUBLES return(Math.Cos(x.ToDouble()).ToFix32()); #endif // Don't use Fixed32.Cos, it gives an error var rawAngle = (int)x + (x > 0 ? -PI - PI_OVER_2 : PI_OVER_2); return(((Fix32)rawAngle).Sin()); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new collision manifold between the given objects. /// </summary> /// <param name="a">first rigid body</param> /// <param name="b">second rigid body</param> /// <param name="normal">collision normal</param> /// <param name="distance">penetration</param> public Manifold(DBody a, DBody b, Vector3F normal, Fix32 penetration) { this.bodyA = a; this.bodyB = b; this.normal = normal; this.penetration = penetration; this.trigger = false; GenerateHash(); }
/// <summary> /// Main physics loop, find collisions, resolve them and move the bodies. /// </summary> /// <param name="delta"> amount of time for this simulation step</param> public void Step(Fix32 delta) { if (!simulate) { return; } contacts.Clear(); Fix32 invDelta = (delta > Fix32.Zero) ? (Fix32)1 / delta : Fix32.Zero; //integrate forces Profiler.BeginSample("Integrate forces"); foreach (DBody body in bodies) { if (body.IsFixed()) { continue; } integrator.IntegrateForces(body, delta); } Profiler.EndSample(); Profiler.BeginSample("Find collisions"); detector.FindCollisions(contacts); Profiler.EndSample(); //init collision manifolds foreach (Manifold contact in contacts) { contact.Init(invDelta); } //resolve collisions for (uint i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { foreach (Manifold contact in contacts) { contact.ApplyImpulse(); } } //integrate velocities foreach (DBody body in bodies) { if (body.IsFixed()) { continue; } Profiler.BeginSample("Remove-Integrate-Insert"); detector.Remove(body); integrator.IntegrateVelocities(body, delta); detector.Insert(body); Profiler.EndSample(); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new circle collider with the given position and radius. /// </summary> /// <param name="position">the center of the circle</param> /// <param name="radius">the radius of the circle</param> public DCircleCollider(Vector2F position, Fix32 radius, bool isTrigger) : base(ColliderType.Circle, isTrigger) { = position; this.radius = radius; Vector2F min = center - Vector2F.One * radius; Vector2F max = center + Vector2F.One * radius; boundingBox = new DBoxCollider(min, max, isTrigger); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new circle collider with the given position and radius. /// </summary> /// <param name="position">the center of the circle</param> /// <param name="radius">the radius of the circle</param> public DSphereCollider(Vector3F position, Fix32 radius, bool isTrigger, bool isDebug) : base(ColliderType.Sphere, isTrigger, isDebug) { = position; this.radius = radius; Vector3F scale = new Vector3F(radius * (Fix32)2, radius * (Fix32)2, radius * (Fix32)2); Vector3F euler = new Vector3F(0, 0, 0); boundingBox = new DBox3DCollider(center, scale, euler, isTrigger, isDebug); }
public static Fix32 Mod(this Fix32 x, Fix32 y) { #if USE_DOUBLES return((x.ToDouble() % y.ToDouble()).ToFix32()); #endif return((Fix32)( (int)x == MIN_VALUE & (int)y == -1 ? 0 : (int)x % (int)y)); }
/// <summary> /// Divide. Overflows. /// </summary> public static Fix32 DivFast(this Fix32 x, Fix32 y) { if ((int)y == 0) { return((Fix32)(unchecked ((int)(((((uint)x) >> NUM_BITS_MINUS_ONE) - 1U) ^ (1U << NUM_BITS_MINUS_ONE))))); return(x >= 0 ? Fix32.MaxValue : Fix32.MinValue); // Branched version of the previous code, for clarity. Slower } return((Fix32)(int)(((long)x << FRACTIONAL_BITS) / (int)y)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new rigid body with the given parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="collider">the collider for this object</param> /// <param name="position">the current position in the space</param> /// <param name="mass">the object's mass</param> /// <param name="restitution">the "bounciness"</param> /// <param name="drag">amount of friction</param> public DBody(DCollider collider, Vector2F position, Fix32 mass, Fix32 restitution, Fix32 drag) { this.collider = collider; this.position = position; this.prevPosition = position; this.mass = mass; this.invMass = (mass > Fix32.Zero) ? ((Fix32)1 / mass) : (Fix32)0; this.restitution = restitution; this.drag = drag; this.collider.Body = this; }
/// <summary> /// Returns the base-2 logarithm of a specified number. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"> /// The argument was non-positive /// </exception> public static Fix32 Log2(this Fix32 x) { #if USE_DOUBLES return(Math.Log(x.ToDouble(), 2).ToFix32()); #endif if ((int)x <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Non-positive value passed to Ln", "x"); } //return (Fix32) Fixed32.Log2((int) x); // This implementation is based on Clay. S. Turner's fast binary logarithm // algorithm (C. S. Turner, "A Fast Binary Logarithm Algorithm", IEEE Signal // Processing Mag., pp. 124,140, Sep. 2010.) // const int EXTRA_SHIFT = 8; long xx = (long)x << EXTRA_SHIFT; const int PRECISION = FRACTIONAL_BITS + EXTRA_SHIFT; long b = 1 << (PRECISION - 1); long y = 0; long rawX = (long)xx; while (rawX < 1 << PRECISION) { rawX <<= 1; y -= 1 << PRECISION; } while (rawX >= 2 << PRECISION) { rawX >>= 1; y += 1 << PRECISION; } ulong z = (ulong)rawX; for (int i = 0; i < PRECISION; i++) { z = z * z >> PRECISION; if (z >= 2 << PRECISION) { z >>= 1; y += b; } b >>= 1; } return((Fix32)(int)(y >> EXTRA_SHIFT)); }
public static Fix32 Mul(this Fix32 x, Fix32 y) { #if USE_DOUBLES return(Math.Round(x.ToDouble() * y.ToDouble()).ToFix32()); #endif long multLong = ((long)x * (long)y) >> FRACTIONAL_BITS; int finalSign = (int)x ^ (int)y; return((Fix32)(((finalSign ^ multLong) & SIGN_MASK) != 0 && multLong != 0 ? (int)((((uint)finalSign >> NUM_BITS_MINUS_ONE) - 1U) ^ (1U << NUM_BITS_MINUS_ONE)) : (int)multLong)); }
public static Fix32 Atan2(this Fix32 y, Fix32 x) { #if USE_DOUBLES return(Math.Atan2(y.ToDouble(), x.ToDouble()).ToFix32()); #endif var yl = (int)y; var xl = (int)x; if (xl == 0) { if (yl > 0) { return(Fix32.PiOver2); } if (yl == 0) { return(Fix32.Zero); } return(Fix32.PiOver2.Neg()); } Fix32 atan; var z = y.Div(x); // Deal with overflow if ((int)Fix32.One.Add(C0p28.Mul(z).Mul(z)) == (int)Fix32.MaxValue) { return((int)y < 0 ? Fix32.PiOver2.Neg() : Fix32.PiOver2); } if ((int)Abs(z) < (int)Fix32.One) { atan = z.Div(Fix32.One.Add(C0p28.Mul(z).Mul(z))); if (xl < 0) { if (yl < 0) { return(atan.Sub(Fix32.Pi)); } return(atan.Add(Fix32.Pi)); } } else { atan = Fix32.PiOver2.Sub(z.Div(z.Mul(z).Add(C0p28))); if (yl < 0) { return(atan.Sub(Fix32.Pi)); } } return(atan); }
public static Fix32 Abs(this Fix32 x) { #if USE_DOUBLES return(Math.Abs(x.ToDouble()).ToFix32()); #endif if ((int)x == MIN_VALUE) { return(Fix32.MaxValue); } // branchless implementation, see var mask = (int)x >> NUM_BITS_MINUS_ONE; return((Fix32)(((int)x + mask) ^ mask)); }