    public FitDecoder(Stream stream, Dynastream.Fit.File fileType)
        inputStream   = stream;
        this.fileType = fileType;

        Messages = new FitMessages();
    public static void MergeHeartRates(FitMessages messages)
        float?   hr_anchor_event_timestamp = 0.0f;
        DateTime hr_anchor_timestamp       = new DateTime(0);
        bool     hr_anchor_set             = false;
        byte?    last_valid_hr             = 0;
        DateTime last_valid_hr_time        = new DateTime(0);

        DateTime record_range_start_time = new DateTime(messages.Records[0].GetTimestamp());
        int      hr_start_index          = 0;
        int      hr_start_sub_index      = 0;

        // Update this foreach() to loop through just the Record messages
        foreach (RecordMesg recordMesg in messages.Records)
            long hrSum      = 0;
            long hrSumCount = 0;

            // Obtain the time for which the record message is valid
            DateTime record_range_end_time = new DateTime(recordMesg.GetTimestamp());

            // Need to determine timestamp range which applies to this record
            bool findingInRangeHrMesgs = true;

            // Start searching HR mesgs where we left off
            int hr_mesg_counter     = hr_start_index;
            int hr_sub_mesg_counter = hr_start_sub_index;

            // Update this while() to loop through just the HR messages
            while (findingInRangeHrMesgs && (hr_mesg_counter < messages.HeartRates.Count))
                HrMesg hrMesg = new HrMesg(messages.HeartRates[hr_mesg_counter]);

                // Update HR timestamp anchor, if present
                if (hrMesg.GetTimestamp() != null && hrMesg.GetTimestamp().GetTimeStamp() != 0)
                    hr_anchor_timestamp = new DateTime(hrMesg.GetTimestamp());
                    hr_anchor_set       = true;

                    if (hrMesg.GetFractionalTimestamp() != null)

                    if (hrMesg.GetNumEventTimestamp() == 1)
                        hr_anchor_event_timestamp = hrMesg.GetEventTimestamp(0);
                        throw new FitException("FIT HrToRecordMesgBroadcastPlugin Error: Anchor HR mesg must have 1 event_timestamp");

                if (hr_anchor_set == false)
                    // We cannot process any HR messages if we have not received a timestamp anchor
                    throw new FitException("FIT HrToRecordMesgBroadcastPlugin Error: No anchor timestamp received in a HR mesg before diff HR mesgs");
                else if (hrMesg.GetNumEventTimestamp() != hrMesg.GetNumFilteredBpm())
                    throw new FitException("FIT HrToRecordMesgBroadcastPlugin Error: HR mesg with mismatching event timestamp and filtered bpm");
                for (int j = hr_sub_mesg_counter; j < hrMesg.GetNumEventTimestamp(); j++)
                    // Build up timestamp for each message using the anchor and event_timestamp
                    DateTime hrMesgTime      = new DateTime(hr_anchor_timestamp);
                    float?   event_timestamp = hrMesg.GetEventTimestamp(j);

                    // Deal with roll over case
                    if (event_timestamp < hr_anchor_event_timestamp)
                        if ((hr_anchor_event_timestamp - event_timestamp) > (1 << 21))
                            event_timestamp += (1 << 22);
                            throw new FitException("FIT HrToRecordMesgBroadcastPlugin Error: Anchor event_timestamp is greater than subsequent event_timestamp. This does not allow for correct delta calculation.");
                    hrMesgTime.Add((double)(event_timestamp - hr_anchor_event_timestamp));

                    // Check if hrMesgTime is gt record start time
                    // and if hrMesgTime is lte to record end time
                    if ((hrMesgTime.CompareTo(record_range_start_time) > 0) &&
                        (hrMesgTime.CompareTo(record_range_end_time) <= 0))
                        hrSum += (long)hrMesg.GetFilteredBpm(j);
                        last_valid_hr_time = new DateTime(hrMesgTime);
                    // check if hrMesgTime exceeds the record time
                    else if (hrMesgTime.CompareTo(record_range_end_time) > 0)
                        // Remember where we left off
                        hr_start_index        = hr_mesg_counter;
                        hr_start_sub_index    = j;
                        findingInRangeHrMesgs = false;

                        if (hrSumCount > 0)
                            // Update record heart rate
                            last_valid_hr = (byte?)System.Math.Round((((float)hrSum) / hrSumCount), System.MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                        // If no stored HR is available, fill in record messages with the
                        // last valid filtered hr for a maximum of 5 seconds
                        else if ((record_range_start_time.CompareTo(last_valid_hr_time) > 0) &&
                                 ((record_range_start_time.GetTimeStamp() - last_valid_hr_time.GetTimeStamp()) < 5))

                        // Reset HR average
                        hrSum      = 0;
                        hrSumCount = 0;

                        record_range_start_time = new DateTime(record_range_end_time);

                        // Breaks out of looping within the event_timestamp array

                hr_sub_mesg_counter = 0;
 public ActivityParser(FitMessages messages)
     _messages = messages;