public Node(string name, FileAttributes attrs) { Attributes = attrs; Name = name; Parents = new HashSet<Node>(); Contains = new HashSet<Node>(); }
private static string GetAttributeLetter(FileAttributes fileAttributes, FileAttributes attributeToSearch, string attributeLetter) { if ((fileAttributes & attributeToSearch) == attributeToSearch) return attributeLetter; else return "-"; }
public static long Pack(FileAttributes fa) { long ret = 0; if ((fa & FileAttributes.Directory) > 0) ret |= Directory; return ret; }
public FileTreeNodeProperty(string _name, FileTreeNodeType _type, string _fullPath, FileAttributes _fileSystemAttributes) { name__ = _name; type__ = _type; fullPath__ = _fullPath; fileSystemAttributes__ = _fileSystemAttributes; }
public static void AddTree(DirNode dirNode, string dirPrefix, string filePrefix, int width, int depth, int fileSizeInKB, FileAttributes? fa = null, DateTime? lmt = null) { for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { string fileName = i == 0 ? filePrefix : filePrefix + "_" + i; FileNode fileNode = new FileNode(fileName) { SizeInByte = 1024L * fileSizeInKB, FileAttr = fa, LastModifiedTime = lmt, }; dirNode.AddFileNode(fileNode); } if (depth > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { string dirName = i == 0 ? dirPrefix : dirPrefix + "_" + i; DirNode subDirNode = dirNode.GetDirNode(dirName); if (subDirNode == null) { subDirNode = new DirNode(dirName); dirNode.AddDirNode(subDirNode); } DMLibDataHelper.AddTree(subDirNode, dirPrefix, filePrefix, width, depth - 1, fileSizeInKB, fa, lmt: lmt); } } }
internal static IEnumerable<IFileSystemInformation> EnumerateChildrenInternal( string directory, ChildType childType, string searchPattern, System.IO.SearchOption searchOption, FileAttributes excludeAttributes, IFileService fileService) { // We want to be able to see all files as we recurse and open new find handles (that might be over MAX_PATH). // We've already normalized our base directory. string extendedDirectory = Paths.AddExtendedPrefix(directory); // The assertion here is that we want to find files that match the desired pattern in all subdirectories, even if the // subdirectories themselves don't match the pattern. That requires two passes to avoid overallocating for directories // with a large number of files. // First look for items that match the given search pattern in the current directory using (FindOperation findOperation = new FindOperation(Paths.Combine(extendedDirectory, searchPattern))) { FindResult findResult; while ((findResult = findOperation.GetNextResult()) != null) { bool isDirectory = (findResult.Attributes & FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; if ((findResult.Attributes & excludeAttributes) == 0 && findResult.FileName != "." && findResult.FileName != ".." && ((isDirectory && childType == ChildType.Directory) || (!isDirectory && childType == ChildType.File))) { yield return FileSystemInformation.Create(findResult, directory, fileService); } } } if (searchOption != System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories) yield break; // Now recurse into each subdirectory using (FindOperation findOperation = new FindOperation(Paths.Combine(extendedDirectory, "*"), directoriesOnly: true)) { FindResult findResult; while ((findResult = findOperation.GetNextResult()) != null) { // Unfortunately there is no guarantee that the API will return only directories even if we ask for it bool isDirectory = (findResult.Attributes & FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; if ((findResult.Attributes & excludeAttributes) == 0 && isDirectory && findResult.FileName != "." && findResult.FileName != "..") { foreach (var child in EnumerateChildrenInternal(Paths.Combine(directory, findResult.FileName), childType, searchPattern, searchOption, excludeAttributes, fileService)) { yield return child; } } } } }
private static string FromFileAttribs(FileAttributes attribs) { var str = new StringBuilder(9); if ((attribs & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly) str.Append('R'); if ((attribs & FileAttributes.Archive) == FileAttributes.Archive) str.Append('A'); if ((attribs & FileAttributes.System) == FileAttributes.System) str.Append('S'); if ((attribs & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden) str.Append('H'); if ((attribs & FileAttributes.Normal) == FileAttributes.Normal) str.Append('N'); if ((attribs & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory) str.Append('D'); if ((attribs & FileAttributes.Offline) == FileAttributes.Offline) str.Append('O'); if ((attribs & FileAttributes.Compressed) == FileAttributes.Compressed) str.Append('C'); if ((attribs & FileAttributes.Temporary) == FileAttributes.Temporary) str.Append('T'); return str.ToString(); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(this.openFileDialog1.FileName); FileAttributes fa = new FileAttributes(); foreach(object o in this.chkListFileAttributes.CheckedItems) { fa = fa | (FileAttributes)(Enum)o; } try { if(fi.IsReadOnly) fi.IsReadOnly = false; fi.CreationTime = DateTime.Parse(this.txtCreationTime.Text); fi.LastAccessTime = DateTime.Parse(this.txtLastAccessTime.Text); fi.LastWriteTime = DateTime.Parse(this.txtLastWriteTime.Text); fi.Attributes = fa; getFileInfo(fi); }catch(Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public void WriteAllBytes(string path, byte[] bytes, FileAttributes attributes) { if (File.Exists(path)) File.SetAttributes(path, FileAttributes.Normal); File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes); File.SetAttributes(path, attributes); }
public BackupHandler(string backendurl, Options options, BackupResults results) { EMPTY_METADATA = Utility.WrapMetadata(new Dictionary<string, string>(), options); m_options = options; m_result = results; m_backendurl = backendurl; m_attributeFilter = m_options.FileAttributeFilter; m_symlinkPolicy = m_options.SymlinkPolicy; m_blocksize = m_options.Blocksize; m_blockbuffer = new byte[m_options.Blocksize * Math.Max(1, m_options.FileReadBufferSize / m_options.Blocksize)]; m_blocklistbuffer = new byte[m_options.Blocksize]; m_blockhasher = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create(m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm); m_filehasher = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create(m_options.FileHashAlgorithm); if (m_blockhasher == null) throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidHashAlgorithm, m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm)); if (m_filehasher == null) throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidHashAlgorithm, m_options.FileHashAlgorithm)); if (!m_blockhasher.CanReuseTransform) throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidCryptoSystem, m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm)); if (!m_filehasher.CanReuseTransform) throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidCryptoSystem, m_options.FileHashAlgorithm)); if (options.AllowPassphraseChange) throw new Exception(Strings.Foresthash.PassphraseChangeUnsupported); }
public void PathAlreadyExistsAsDirectory(FileAttributes attributes) { string path = GetTestFileName(); DirectoryInfo testDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(TestDirectory, path)); testDir.Attributes = attributes; Assert.Equal(testDir.FullName, new DirectoryInfo(TestDirectory).CreateSubdirectory(path).FullName); }
public void UnixInvalidAttributes(FileAttributes attr) { var path = GetTestFilePath(); File.Create(path).Dispose(); Set(path, attr); Assert.Equal(FileAttributes.Normal, Get(path)); }
public LoadFileConfiguration(string sourceFile, string targetFile, FileAttributes targetFileAttributes = FileAttributes.Normal) { SourceFile = sourceFile; TargetFile = targetFile; TargetFileAttributes = targetFileAttributes; }
public static Stream CreateFile( string fileName, FileAccess fileAccess, FileShare fileShare, FileMode fileMode, FileAttributes flags) { // TODO: This is not quite right, but it's close. // var nativeAccess = fileAccess; if ((nativeAccess & FileAccess.Read) != 0) { nativeAccess &= ~FileAccess.Read; nativeAccess |= (FileAccess)GENERIC_READ; } if ((nativeAccess & FileAccess.Write) != 0) { nativeAccess &= ~FileAccess.Write; nativeAccess |= (FileAccess)GENERIC_WRITE; } var handle = _CreateFile(fileName, nativeAccess, fileShare, IntPtr.Zero, fileMode, flags, IntPtr.Zero); if (handle.IsInvalid) { Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error()); } return new SimpleFileStream(handle); }
public DokanError CreateFile(string fileName, DokanNet.FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileMode mode, FileOptions options, FileAttributes attributes, DokanFileInfo info) { info.DeleteOnClose = (options & FileOptions.DeleteOnClose) != 0; //Console.WriteLine("CreateFile: {0}, mode = {1}", fileName, mode); if (fileName == "\\") { return DokanError.ErrorSuccess; } Directory dir = new Directory(Util.GetPathDirectory(fileName)); if (!dir.Exists()) { return DokanError.ErrorPathNotFound; } String name = Util.GetPathFileName(fileName); if (name.Length == 0) { return DokanError.ErrorInvalidName; } if (name.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) > -1) { return DokanError.ErrorInvalidName; } // dokan API 要求在目标文件是目录时候,设置 info.IsDirectory = true if (dir.Contains(name) && (dir.GetItemInfo(name).attribute & FileAttributes.Directory) != 0) { info.IsDirectory = true; return DokanError.ErrorSuccess; } try { File f = new File(fileName, mode); f.flagDeleteOnClose = info.DeleteOnClose; info.Context = f; } catch (FileNotFoundException) { return DokanError.ErrorFileNotFound; } catch (IOException) { return DokanError.ErrorAlreadyExists; } catch (NotImplementedException) { return DokanError.ErrorAccessDenied; } catch (Exception) { return DokanError.ErrorError; } return DokanError.ErrorSuccess; }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of <see cref = "QuickIOFileSystemEntry"/> /// </summary> internal QuickIOFileSystemEntry( string path, QuickIOFileSystemEntryType type, FileAttributes attributes, ulong bytes) { Contract.Requires( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( path ) ); Path = path; Type = type; Attributes = attributes; Bytes = bytes; }
public static Boolean IsSet(this FileAttributes flags, FileAttributes flagToTest) { if (flagToTest == 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("flagToTest", "Value must not be 0"); } return (flags & flagToTest) == flagToTest; }
public static void ApplyAttributes(this FileInfo fileInfo, FileAttributes attributes) { FileAttributes currentAttributes = fileInfo.Attributes; if ((currentAttributes & attributes) != attributes) { fileInfo.Attributes = (fileInfo.Attributes | attributes); } }
public void WindowsAttributeSetting(FileAttributes attr) { var test = new DirectoryInfo(GetTestFilePath()); test.Create(); Set(test.FullName, attr); Assert.Equal(attr | FileAttributes.Directory, Get(test.FullName)); Set(test.FullName, 0); }
public void WindowsAttributeSetting(FileAttributes attr) { var path = GetTestFilePath(); File.Create(path).Dispose(); Set(path, attr); Assert.Equal(attr, Get(path)); Set(path, 0); }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to clear the specified attribute(s) on the given path. /// </summary> public static void ClearAttributes(this IFileService fileService, string path, FileAttributes attributes) { FileAttributes currentAttributes = fileService.GetAttributes(path); if ((currentAttributes & attributes) != 0) { fileService.SetAttributes(path, currentAttributes &= ~attributes); } }
/// <summary> /// Walk directories in the current directory. Allows filtering by attributes. Folders with the given attributes will be skipped as well. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileSystemInformation">If the information is not a directory, returns an empty enumerable.</param> public static IEnumerable<IDirectoryInformation> EnumerateDirectories( this IDirectoryInformation directoryInformation, string searchPattern = "*", SearchOption searchOption = SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly, FileAttributes excludeAttributes = FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System | FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) { return directoryInformation.EnumerateChildren(ChildType.Directory, searchPattern, searchOption, excludeAttributes).OfType<IDirectoryInformation>(); }
public static void RemoveAttribute(string filePath, FileAttributes attributes, FileAttributes attributesToRemove) { //if it has the attribute to remove then remove it if ((attributes & attributesToRemove) == attributesToRemove) { File.SetAttributes(filePath, attributes & ~attributesToRemove); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a file attribute /// </summary> /// <param name="pathInfo">Affected target</param> /// <param name="attribute">Attribute to add</param> /// <returns>true if added. false if already exists in attributes</returns> public static Boolean AddAttribute(PathInfo pathInfo, FileAttributes attribute) { if ((pathInfo.Attributes & attribute) == attribute) { return false; } var attributes = pathInfo.Attributes; attributes |= attribute; SetAttributes(pathInfo, attributes); return true; }
protected override void SetUp() { base.SetUp(); _tempFileName = Path.Combine(TempDirName, "myfile.txt"); TempFile.Create(_tempFileName); File.SetAttributes(_tempFileName, FileAttributes.Normal); // Handle case when temp folder is compressed _normalFileAttributes = File.GetAttributes(_tempFileName) & (FileAttributes.Normal | FileAttributes.Compressed); }
public static FileAttributes UnPack(long fa) { FileAttributes f = new FileAttributes(); if ((fa & Directory) > 0) f |= FileAttributes.Directory; return f; }
internal static void SetAttributes(string path, FileAttributes fileAttributes) { string normalizedPath = Path.NormalizeLongPath(path); if (!NativeMethods.SetFileAttributes(normalizedPath, fileAttributes)) { throw GetExceptionFromLastWin32Error(); } }
public DirDir(DirectoryInfo dir) { Name = dir.Name; FullPath = dir.FullName; Parent = dir.Parent; Created = dir.CreationTime; Attributes = dir.Attributes; }
public void NewItem(string folderName, string name, FileAttributes attrs) { ThrowIfDisposed(); using (ComReleaser<IShellItem> folderItem = CreateShellItem(folderName)) { _fileOperation.NewItem(folderItem.Item, attrs, name, string.Empty, _callbackSink); } }
/// <inheritdoc cref="File.SetAttributes"/> public abstract void SetAttributes(string path, FileAttributes fileAttributes);
private static FileAttributes RemoveAttribute(FileAttributes attributes, FileAttributes attributesToRemove) { return(attributes & ~attributesToRemove); }
public bool MoveNext() { if (_lastEntryFound) { return(false); } FileSystemEntry entry = default; lock (_lock) { if (_lastEntryFound) { return(false); // If HAVE_READDIR_R is defined for the platform FindNextEntry depends on _entryBuffer being fixed since // _entry will point to a string in the middle of the array. If the array is not fixed GC can move it after // the native call and _entry will point to a bogus file name. fixed(byte *entryBufferPtr = _entryBuffer) { do { FindNextEntry(entryBufferPtr, _entryBuffer == null ? 0 : _entryBuffer.Length); if (_lastEntryFound) { return(false); } FileAttributes attributes = FileSystemEntry.Initialize( ref entry, _entry, _currentPath, _rootDirectory, _originalRootDirectory, new Span <char>(_pathBuffer)); bool isDirectory = (attributes & FileAttributes.Directory) != 0; bool isSpecialDirectory = false; if (isDirectory) { // Subdirectory found if (_entry.Name[0] == '.' && (_entry.Name[1] == 0 || (_entry.Name[1] == '.' && _entry.Name[2] == 0))) { // "." or "..", don't process unless the option is set if (!_options.ReturnSpecialDirectories) { continue; } isSpecialDirectory = true; } } if (!isSpecialDirectory && _options.AttributesToSkip != 0) { if ((_options.AttributesToSkip & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) != 0) { // ReadOnly is the only attribute that requires hitting entry.Attributes (which hits the disk) attributes = entry.Attributes; } if ((_options.AttributesToSkip & attributes) != 0) { continue; } } if (isDirectory && !isSpecialDirectory) { if (_options.RecurseSubdirectories && ShouldRecurseIntoEntry(ref entry)) { // Recursion is on and the directory was accepted, Queue it if (_pending == null) { _pending = new Queue <string>(); } _pending.Enqueue(Path.Join(_currentPath, entry.FileName)); } } if (ShouldIncludeEntry(ref entry)) { _current = TransformEntry(ref entry); return(true); } } while (true); } } }
public async Task Configure(string connectionString, string image, string hostname, string deviceCaCert, string deviceCaPk, string deviceCaCerts) { Console.WriteLine($"Setting up iotedged with agent image '{image}'"); const string YamlPath = "/etc/iotedge/config.yaml"; Task <string> text = File.ReadAllTextAsync(YamlPath); var doc = new YamlDocument(await text); doc.ReplaceOrAdd("provisioning.device_connection_string", connectionString); doc.ReplaceOrAdd("agent.config.image", image); doc.ReplaceOrAdd("hostname", hostname); foreach (RegistryCredentials c in this.credentials) { doc.ReplaceOrAdd("agent.config.auth.serveraddress", c.Address); doc.ReplaceOrAdd("agent.config.auth.username", c.User); doc.ReplaceOrAdd("agent.config.auth.password", c.Password); } if (this.httpUris.HasValue) { HttpUris uris = this.httpUris.OrDefault(); doc.ReplaceOrAdd("connect.management_uri", uris.ConnectManagement); doc.ReplaceOrAdd("connect.workload_uri", uris.ConnectWorkload); doc.ReplaceOrAdd("listen.management_uri", uris.ListenManagement); doc.ReplaceOrAdd("listen.workload_uri", uris.ListenWorkload); } else { doc.ReplaceOrAdd("connect.management_uri", "unix:///var/run/iotedge/mgmt.sock"); doc.ReplaceOrAdd("connect.workload_uri", "unix:///var/run/iotedge/workload.sock"); doc.ReplaceOrAdd("listen.management_uri", "fd://iotedge.mgmt.socket"); doc.ReplaceOrAdd("listen.workload_uri", "fd://iotedge.socket"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceCaCert) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceCaPk) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceCaCerts)) { doc.ReplaceOrAdd("certificates.device_ca_cert", deviceCaCert); doc.ReplaceOrAdd("certificates.device_ca_pk", deviceCaPk); doc.ReplaceOrAdd("certificates.trusted_ca_certs", deviceCaCerts); } string result = doc.ToString(); FileAttributes attr = 0; if (File.Exists(YamlPath)) { attr = File.GetAttributes(YamlPath); File.SetAttributes(YamlPath, attr & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly); } await File.WriteAllTextAsync(YamlPath, result); if (attr != 0) { File.SetAttributes(YamlPath, attr); } }
// Copy over all the attributes you would want copied from a template file. // As of right now this is just acl's private void DuplicateTemplateAttributes(string source, string destination) { FileAttributes fileAttributes = File.GetAttributes(source); File.SetAttributes(destination, fileAttributes); }
bool IsSymlink(string file) { FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes(file); return((attributes & FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) == FileAttributes.ReparsePoint); }
public async Task LoadAsync(Type[] types = null) { SyntaxTree[] syntaxTrees; FileAttributes fileAttr = File.GetAttributes(PathLocation); if (fileAttr.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory)) { syntaxTrees = (await LoadSyntaxTreeFolderAsync(PathLocation)).ToArray(); } else { syntaxTrees = new SyntaxTree[] { await LoadSyntaxTreeAsync(PathLocation) } }; var callerAssembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); ClientHelper.ActHelper.Commands = callerAssembly.GetType("Commands"); var locationNetCore = typeof(System.Net.Http.HttpClient).Assembly.Location; var pathNetCore = @"C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder\\2.1.0\ref\netcoreapp2.1"; var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(pathNetCore); FileInfo[] files = directoryInfo.GetFiles("*.dll"); List <MetadataReference> metadataReferences = new List <MetadataReference>(); foreach (var file in files) { metadataReferences.Add(MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(file.FullName)); } metadataReferences.Add(MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(CSNS.ClientHelper.ActHelper).Assembly.Location)); metadataReferences.Add(MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert).Assembly.Location)); //Next work, try to think a way to run References from outside. var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create($"{AssemblyName}.dll", syntaxTrees, metadataReferences, new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary)); using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { var result = compilation.Emit(memoryStream); if (!result.Success) { var diagnostics = result.Diagnostics.Where(obj => obj.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error); if (diagnostics.Any()) { var error = string.Join(" \n", diagnostics.Select(a => $"{a.WarningLevel.ToString()} - {a.GetMessage()}")); throw new Exception(error); } } memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); Assembly = ReloadAssembly(memoryStream); } CSNSStaticLoader.LoadCode(Assembly); }
public static bool IsHidden(FileAttributes fileAttributes) { return((fileAttributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden); }
public void SetAttributes(string path, FileAttributes fileAttributes) => Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File.SetAttributes(path, fileAttributes);
public void SetAttributes(string path, FileAttributes fileAttributes) => File.SetAttributes(path, fileAttributes);
/// <remarks> /// No implementation needed because this provider doesn't support FileAttributes. /// </remarks> public override void SetFileAttributes(IFileInfo file, FileAttributes fileAttributes) { }
public override void SetAttributes(FileAttributes attributes) { Utils.SetFileInformationToFileStream(Stream, attributes, null, null, null); }
// Insert logic for processing found files here. private void ProcessFile(string path, ProcessType processType) { DateTime lastWrite = File.GetLastWriteTime(path); if (processType == ProcessType.Organise) { //if year folder does not exist if (!Directory.Exists(folder_name.Text + "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString())) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folder_name.Text + "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString()); } PathsToNotMove.Add(folder_name.Text + "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString()); if (!Directory.Exists(folder_name.Text + "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString() + "/" + lastWrite.Month.ToString() + " - " + lastWrite.ToString("MMMM"))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folder_name.Text + "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString() + "/" + lastWrite.Month.ToString() + " - " + lastWrite.ToString("MMMM")); } PathsToNotMove.Add(folder_name.Text + "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString() + "/" + lastWrite.Month.ToString() + " - " + lastWrite.ToString("MMMM")); } else { if (!PathsToNotMove.Contains(path)) { // get the file attributes for file or directory FileAttributes attr = File.GetAttributes(path); if (attr.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory)) { String PathToMove = folder_name.Text + "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString() + "/" + lastWrite.Month.ToString() + " - " + lastWrite.ToString("MMMM"); if (int.TryParse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path), out int year)) { if (year > DateTime.Now.Year && year < 1900) { Console.WriteLine(PathToMove + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path)); Directory.Move(path, PathToMove + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path)); } } else { try { Directory.Move(path, PathToMove + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path)); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(path, PathToMove + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path)); } } } else { int count = 1; while (true) { try { if (count == 1) { File.Move(path, folder_name.Text + "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString() + "/" + lastWrite.Month.ToString() + " - " + lastWrite.ToString("MMMM") + "/" + Path.GetFileName(path)); } else { File.Move(path, folder_name.Text + "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString() + "/" + lastWrite.Month.ToString() + " - " + lastWrite.ToString("MMMM") + "/" + count.ToString() + "_" + Path.GetFileName(path)); } break; } catch { count++; } } } } } }
public override void SetAttributes(string fullPath, FileAttributes attributes) { new FileInfo(fullPath, null).Attributes = attributes; }
/// <summary> /// Apply the changes /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">object sender</param> /// <param name="e">event arguments</param> /// <remarks>The parameters <paramref name="e"/> and <paramref name="sender"/> are not needed, but must be indicated.</remarks> private void ButtonApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DateTime creationTime = dateTimePickerWrited.Value; DateTime lastAccessTime = dateTimePickerWrited.Value; DateTime lastWriteTime = dateTimePickerWrited.Value; FileAttributes attr = File.GetAttributes(path: textBoxPath.Text); bool isFolder = (attr & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory; if (dateTimePickerCreated.Checked) { if (isFolder) { Directory.SetCreationTime(path: textBoxPath.Text, creationTime: creationTime); } else { File.SetCreationTime(path: textBoxPath.Text, creationTime: creationTime); } } if (dateTimePickerAccessed.Checked) { if (isFolder) { Directory.SetLastAccessTime(path: textBoxPath.Text, lastAccessTime: lastAccessTime); } else { File.SetLastAccessTime(path: textBoxPath.Text, lastAccessTime: lastAccessTime); } } if (dateTimePickerWrited.Checked) { if (isFolder) { Directory.SetLastWriteTime(path: textBoxPath.Text, lastWriteTime: lastWriteTime); } else { File.SetLastWriteTime(path: textBoxPath.Text, lastWriteTime: lastWriteTime); } } radioButtonCreationDateLocalTime.Checked = radioButtonNewCreationDateLocalTime.Checked; radioButtonCreationDateUtc.Checked = radioButtonNewCreationDateUtc.Checked; radioButtonLastAccessDateLocalTime.Checked = radioButtonNewLastAccessDateLocalTime.Checked; radioButtonLastAccessDateUtc.Checked = radioButtonNewLastAccessDateUtc.Checked; radioButtonLastWriteDateLocalTime.Checked = radioButtonNewLastWriteDateLocalTime.Checked; radioButtonLastWriteDateUtc.Checked = radioButtonNewLastWriteDateUtc.Checked; textBoxCreationDate.Text = radioButtonCreationDateLocalTime.Checked ? isFolder ? Directory.GetCreationTime(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture) : File.GetCreationTime(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture) : isFolder ? Directory.GetCreationTimeUtc(path : textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture) : File.GetCreationTimeUtc(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture); textBoxLastAccessDate.Text = radioButtonLastAccessDateLocalTime.Checked ? isFolder ? Directory.GetLastAccessTime(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture) : File.GetLastAccessTime(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture) : isFolder ? Directory.GetLastAccessTimeUtc(path : textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture) : File.GetLastAccessTimeUtc(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture); textBoxLastWriteDate.Text = radioButtonLastWriteDateLocalTime.Checked ? isFolder ? Directory.GetLastWriteTime(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture) : File.GetLastWriteTime(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture) : isFolder ? Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(path : textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture) : File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture); MessageBox.Show(text: StringResources.allDataChanged, caption: StringResources.information, buttons: MessageBoxButtons.OK, icon: MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly); }
public virtual void SetAttributes(string path, FileAttributes fileAttributes) { File.SetAttributes(path, fileAttributes); }
public static extern IntPtr CreateFile(string lpFileName, FileAccess dwDesiredAccess, uint dwShareMode, IntPtr lpSecurityAttributes, CreationDisposition dwCreationDisposition, FileAttributes dwFlagsAndAttributes, IntPtr hTemplateFile);
protected static FileAttributes RemoveAttribute(FileAttributes attributes, FileAttributes attributesToRemove) { return(attributes & ~attributesToRemove); }
public override void SetAttributes(string fullPath, FileAttributes attributes) { SetAttributesInternal(fullPath, attributes); }
/// <summary> /// Upload local pictures to azure storage. /// 1. Upload png files starting with "azure" in the source directory as block blobs, not including the sub-directory. /// 2. Store source file's file attributes and permissions into destination blob's meta data. /// 3. Download png files starting with "azure" in the source directory to a local directory, not including the sub-directory. /// 4. Restore file attributes and permissions to destination local file. /// </summary> private static async Task BlobDirectoryPreserveFilePropertiesSampleAsync() { //Enable required privileges before getting/setting permissions from/to local file system. FileSecurityOperations.EnableRequiredPrivileges(PreserveSMBPermissions.Owner | PreserveSMBPermissions.Group | PreserveSMBPermissions.DACL | PreserveSMBPermissions.SACL, true); try { string sourceDirPath = "."; CloudBlobDirectory destDir = await Util.GetCloudBlobDirectoryAsync(ContainerName, "blobdir"); // SearchPattern and Recuresive can be used to determine the files to be transferred from the source directory. The behavior of // SearchPattern and Recuresive varies for different source directory types. // See for more details. // // When source is local directory, data movement library matches source files against the SearchPattern as standard wildcards. If // recuresive is set to false, only files directly under the source directory will be matched. Otherwise, all files in the // sub-directory will be matched as well. // // In the following case, data movement library will upload png files starting with "azure" in the source directory as block blobs, // not including the sub-directory. UploadDirectoryOptions options = new UploadDirectoryOptions() { SearchPattern = "azure*.png", Recursive = false, BlobType = BlobType.BlockBlob }; DirectoryTransferContext context = new DirectoryTransferContext(); // Register for transfer event. context.FileTransferred += FileTransferredCallback; context.FileFailed += FileFailedCallback; context.FileSkipped += FileSkippedCallback; context.SetAttributesCallbackAsync = async(sourceObj, destination) => { string sourcePath = sourceObj as string; DateTimeOffset?creationTime = null; DateTimeOffset?lastWriteTime = null; FileAttributes?fileAttributes = null; FileOperations.GetFileProperties(sourcePath, out creationTime, out lastWriteTime, out fileAttributes); string sourceFileSDDL = FileSecurityOperations.GetFilePortableSDDL(sourcePath, PreserveSMBPermissions.Owner | PreserveSMBPermissions.Group | PreserveSMBPermissions.DACL | PreserveSMBPermissions.SACL); CloudBlob destBlob = destination as CloudBlob; // Blob's original meta data has already been gotten from azure storage by DataMovement Library, // Here only need to add new meta data key-value pairs, DataMovement Library will set these value to destination blob later. destBlob.Metadata.Add(CreationTimeName, creationTime.Value.ToString()); destBlob.Metadata.Add(LastWriteTimeName, lastWriteTime.Value.ToString()); destBlob.Metadata.Add(FileAttributesName, fileAttributes.Value.ToString()); destBlob.Metadata.Add(FilePermissionsName, sourceFileSDDL); }; context.ShouldTransferCallbackAsync = async(source, destination) => { // Can add more logic here to evaluate whether really need to transfer the target. return(true); }; TransferStatus trasferStatus = await TransferManager.UploadDirectoryAsync(sourceDirPath, destDir, options, context); Console.WriteLine("Final transfer state: {0}", TransferStatusToString(trasferStatus)); Console.WriteLine("Files in directory {0} uploading to {1} is finished.", sourceDirPath, destDir.Uri.ToString()); //Next the sample will show how to download a directory and restore file attributes to local file. string destDirPath = "."; CloudBlobDirectory sourceDir = await Util.GetCloudBlobDirectoryAsync(ContainerName, "blobdir"); // In the following case, data movement library will download file named "azure.png" in the source directory, // not including the sub-directory. DownloadDirectoryOptions downloadDirectoryOptions = new DownloadDirectoryOptions() { SearchPattern = "azure.png", Recursive = false }; DirectoryTransferContext directoryTransferContext = new DirectoryTransferContext(); // Register for transfer event. directoryTransferContext.FileFailed += FileFailedCallback; directoryTransferContext.FileSkipped += FileSkippedCallback; //Get stored file properties from source blob meta data and set to local file. directoryTransferContext.FileTransferred += (object sender, TransferEventArgs e) => { CloudBlob sourceBlob = e.Source as CloudBlob; string destFilePath = e.Destination as string; string metadataValue = null; DateTimeOffset creationTime = default(DateTimeOffset); DateTimeOffset lastWriteTime = default(DateTimeOffset); FileAttributes fileAttributes = default(FileAttributes); bool gotCreationTime = false; bool gotLastWriteTime = false; bool gotFileAttributes = false; if (sourceBlob.Metadata.TryGetValue(CreationTimeName, out metadataValue) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadataValue)) { gotCreationTime = DateTimeOffset.TryParse(metadataValue, out creationTime); } if (sourceBlob.Metadata.TryGetValue(LastWriteTimeName, out metadataValue) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadataValue)) { gotLastWriteTime = DateTimeOffset.TryParse(metadataValue, out lastWriteTime); } if (sourceBlob.Metadata.TryGetValue(FileAttributesName, out metadataValue) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadataValue)) { gotFileAttributes = Enum.TryParse <FileAttributes>(metadataValue, out fileAttributes); } if (gotCreationTime && gotLastWriteTime && gotFileAttributes) { FileOperations.SetFileProperties(destFilePath, creationTime, lastWriteTime, fileAttributes); } if (sourceBlob.Metadata.TryGetValue(FilePermissionsName, out metadataValue) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadataValue)) { FileSecurityOperations.SetFileSecurity(destFilePath, metadataValue, PreserveSMBPermissions.Owner | PreserveSMBPermissions.Group | PreserveSMBPermissions.DACL | PreserveSMBPermissions.SACL); } }; // Always writes to destination no matter it exists or not. directoryTransferContext.ShouldOverwriteCallbackAsync = TransferContext.ForceOverwrite; trasferStatus = await TransferManager.DownloadDirectoryAsync(sourceDir, destDirPath, downloadDirectoryOptions, directoryTransferContext); Console.WriteLine("Final transfer state: {0}", TransferStatusToString(trasferStatus)); Console.WriteLine("Files in directory {0} downloading to {1} is finished.", sourceDir.Uri.ToString(), destDirPath); } finally { //Restore privileges after getting/setting permissions from/to local file system. FileSecurityOperations.RestorePrivileges(PreserveSMBPermissions.Owner | PreserveSMBPermissions.Group | PreserveSMBPermissions.DACL | PreserveSMBPermissions.SACL, true); } }
public int SetFileAttributes(string filename, FileAttributes attr, DokanFileInfo info) { Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("SetFileAttributes {0}", filename)); return(0); }
public void SetAttributes(string path, FileAttributes attributes) { // Validate that only flags from the attribute are being provided. This is an // approximation for the validation done by the Win32 function. const FileAttributes allValidFlags = FileAttributes.Archive | FileAttributes.Compressed | FileAttributes.Device | FileAttributes.Directory | FileAttributes.Encrypted | FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.IntegrityStream | FileAttributes.Normal | FileAttributes.NoScrubData | FileAttributes.NotContentIndexed | FileAttributes.Offline | FileAttributes.ReadOnly | FileAttributes.ReparsePoint | FileAttributes.SparseFile | FileAttributes.System | FileAttributes.Temporary; if ((attributes & ~allValidFlags) != 0) { // Using constant string for argument to match historical throw throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_InvalidFileAttrs, "Attributes"); } EnsureStatInitialized(path); if (!_exists) FileSystemInfo.ThrowNotFound(path); if (Interop.Sys.CanSetHiddenFlag) { if ((attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) != 0) { if ((_fileStatus.UserFlags & (uint)Interop.Sys.UserFlags.UF_HIDDEN) == 0) { // If Hidden flag is set and cached file status does not have the flag set then set it Interop.CheckIo(Interop.Sys.LChflags(path, (_fileStatus.UserFlags | (uint)Interop.Sys.UserFlags.UF_HIDDEN)), path, InitiallyDirectory); } } else { if ((_fileStatus.UserFlags & (uint)Interop.Sys.UserFlags.UF_HIDDEN) == (uint)Interop.Sys.UserFlags.UF_HIDDEN) { // If Hidden flag is not set and cached file status does have the flag set then remove it Interop.CheckIo(Interop.Sys.LChflags(path, (_fileStatus.UserFlags & ~(uint)Interop.Sys.UserFlags.UF_HIDDEN)), path, InitiallyDirectory); } } } // The only thing we can reasonably change is whether the file object is readonly by changing permissions. int newMode = _fileStatus.Mode; if ((attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) != 0) { // Take away all write permissions from user/group/everyone newMode &= ~(int)(Interop.Sys.Permissions.S_IWUSR | Interop.Sys.Permissions.S_IWGRP | Interop.Sys.Permissions.S_IWOTH); } else if ((newMode & (int)Interop.Sys.Permissions.S_IRUSR) != 0) { // Give write permission to the owner if the owner has read permission newMode |= (int)Interop.Sys.Permissions.S_IWUSR; } // Change the permissions on the file if (newMode != _fileStatus.Mode) { Interop.CheckIo(Interop.Sys.ChMod(path, newMode), path, InitiallyDirectory); } _fileStatusInitialized = -1; }
public NtStatus CreateFile(string fileName, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileMode mode, FileOptions options, FileAttributes attributes, IDokanFileInfo info) { var result = DokanResult.Success; var filePath = GetPath(fileName); if (info.IsDirectory) { try { switch (mode) { case FileMode.Open: if (!Directory.Exists(filePath)) { try { if (!File.GetAttributes(filePath).HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory)) { return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes, DokanResult.NotADirectory)); } } catch (Exception) { return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes, DokanResult.FileNotFound)); } return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes, DokanResult.PathNotFound)); } new DirectoryInfo(filePath).EnumerateFileSystemInfos().Any(); // you can't list the directory break; case FileMode.CreateNew: if (Directory.Exists(filePath)) { return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes, DokanResult.FileExists)); } try { File.GetAttributes(filePath).HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory); return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes, DokanResult.AlreadyExists)); } catch (IOException) { } Directory.CreateDirectory(GetPath(fileName)); break; } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes, DokanResult.AccessDenied)); } } else { var pathExists = true; var pathIsDirectory = false; var readWriteAttributes = (access & DataAccess) == 0; var readAccess = (access & DataWriteAccess) == 0; try { pathExists = (Directory.Exists(filePath) || File.Exists(filePath)); pathIsDirectory = pathExists ? File.GetAttributes(filePath).HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory) : false; } catch (IOException) { } switch (mode) { case FileMode.Open: if (pathExists) { // check if driver only wants to read attributes, security info, or open directory if (readWriteAttributes || pathIsDirectory) { if (pathIsDirectory && (access & FileAccess.Delete) == FileAccess.Delete && (access & FileAccess.Synchronize) != FileAccess.Synchronize) { //It is a DeleteFile request on a directory return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes, DokanResult.AccessDenied)); } info.IsDirectory = pathIsDirectory; info.Context = new object(); // must set it to someting if you return DokanError.Success return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes, DokanResult.Success)); } } else { return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes, DokanResult.FileNotFound)); } break; case FileMode.CreateNew: if (pathExists) { return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes, DokanResult.FileExists)); } break; case FileMode.Truncate: if (!pathExists) { return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes, DokanResult.FileNotFound)); } break; } try { info.Context = new FileStream(filePath, mode, readAccess ? System.IO.FileAccess.Read : System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite, share, 4096, options); if (pathExists && (mode == FileMode.OpenOrCreate || mode == FileMode.Create)) { result = DokanResult.AlreadyExists; } if (mode == FileMode.CreateNew || mode == FileMode.Create) //Files are always created as Archive { attributes |= FileAttributes.Archive; } File.SetAttributes(filePath, attributes); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) // don't have access rights { if (info.Context is FileStream fileStream) { // returning AccessDenied cleanup and close won't be called, // so we have to take care of the stream now fileStream.Dispose(); info.Context = null; } return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes, DokanResult.AccessDenied)); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes, DokanResult.PathNotFound)); } catch (Exception ex) { var hr = (uint)Marshal.GetHRForException(ex); switch (hr) { case 0x80070020: //Sharing violation return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes, DokanResult.SharingViolation)); default: throw; } } } return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes, result)); }
public static EntryProperties CreateForSuccess(FileAttributes attributes, DateTime creationTimeUtc, DateTime lastAccessTimeUtc, DateTime lastWriteTimeUtc, long fileSize) { return(new EntryProperties(attributes, creationTimeUtc, lastAccessTimeUtc, lastWriteTimeUtc, fileSize, null)); }
private NtStatus Trace(string method, string fileName, IDokanFileInfo info, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileMode mode, FileOptions options, FileAttributes attributes, NtStatus result) { #if TRACE logger.Debug( DokanFormat( $"{method}('{fileName}', {info}, [{access}], [{share}], [{mode}], [{options}], [{attributes}]) -> {result}")); #endif return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Connects the pairs. /// </summary> public DirectoryFile(FileSystemInfo LocalFile, RemoteFile RemoteFile, DirectoryLogItem LogItem) { Size = 0; if (LocalFile == null) { Name = RemoteFile.Name; Size = RemoteFile.Length; IsDirectory = RemoteFile.IsDirectory; } else { Name = LocalFile.Name; FileAttributes attr = File.GetAttributes(LocalFile.FullName); IsDirectory = attr.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory); if (!IsDirectory) { Size = new FileInfo(LocalFile.FullName).Length; } } Handle = SyncHandle.Nothing; this.LogItem = LogItem; this.LocalFile = LocalFile; this.RemoteFile = RemoteFile; if (LocalFile != null && RemoteFile != null) { //If file can be found (!)previously & locally & remotely => Find the one with the lastest changes if (IsDirectory) { Handle = SyncHandle.Synchronize; } else { //Synchronize if (LocalFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks == LogItem.LocalTicks && RemoteFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks != LogItem.RemoteTicks) { Handle = SyncHandle.Download; } else if (LocalFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks != LogItem.LocalTicks && RemoteFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks == LogItem.RemoteTicks) { Handle = SyncHandle.Upload; } else if (LocalFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks != LogItem.LocalTicks && RemoteFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks != LogItem.RemoteTicks) { if (LocalFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks < RemoteFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks) { //Download Handle = SyncHandle.Download; } else if (LocalFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks > RemoteFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks) { //Upload Handle = SyncHandle.Upload; } } } } else if (LogItem.Equals(DirectoryLogItem.Empty)) { if (LocalFile != null && RemoteFile == null) { //If file can be found !previously & locally & !remotely => Upload Handle = SyncHandle.NewUpload; } else if (LocalFile == null && RemoteFile != null) { //If file can be found !previously & !locally & remotely => Download Handle = SyncHandle.NewDownload; } } else { if (LocalFile != null && RemoteFile == null) { //If file can be found previously & locally & !remotely => Delete local (If local & previously LastWriteTime is the same, otherwise upload) if (LocalFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks == LogItem.LocalTicks) { Handle = SyncHandle.DeleteLocal; } else { Handle = SyncHandle.NewUpload; } } else if (LocalFile == null && RemoteFile != null) { //If file can be found previously & !locally & remotely => Delete remote (If remote & previously LastWriteTime is the same, otherwise download) if (RemoteFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks == LogItem.RemoteTicks) { Handle = SyncHandle.DeleteRemote; } else { Handle = SyncHandle.NewDownload; } } } }
public NtStatus SetFileAttributes(string fileName, FileAttributes attributes, IDokanFileInfo info) { return(NtStatus.NotImplemented); }
internal static bool IsDirectory(FileAttributes attributes) { return((attributes & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory); }
public NtStatus CreateFile(string fileName, DokanNet.FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileMode mode, FileOptions options, FileAttributes attributes, IDokanFileInfo info) { if (mode == FileMode.OpenOrCreate || mode == FileMode.CreateNew || mode == FileMode.Create && Mode == OpenMode.Read) { return(DokanResult.AccessDenied); } try { fileName = FilterPath(fileName); bool isDirectory; try { Fs.GetEntryType(out DirectoryEntryType type, fileName.ToU8Span()); isDirectory = type == DirectoryEntryType.Directory; } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { return(DokanResult.FileNotFound); } if (info.IsDirectory || isDirectory) { info.IsDirectory = true; if (Fs.FileExists(fileName)) { return(DokanResult.NotADirectory); } else if (Fs.DirectoryExists(fileName)) { return(DokanResult.Success); } if (mode == FileMode.OpenOrCreate || mode == FileMode.CreateNew || mode == FileMode.Create) { lock (IOLock) Fs.CreateDirectory(fileName.ToU8Span()); } else if (mode == FileMode.Open) { return(DokanResult.FileNotFound); } } else { bool exists = Fs.FileExists(fileName); attributes = CreateInfo(fileName).Attributes; if (mode == FileMode.Open && exists) { return(DokanResult.Success); } switch (mode) { case FileMode.Create: case FileMode.OpenOrCreate: case FileMode.CreateNew: if (exists) { return(DokanResult.AlreadyExists); } lock (IOLock) Fs.CreateFile(fileName.ToU8Span(), 0, CreateFileOptions.None); if (Fs.FileExists(fileName)) { return(NtStatus.Success); } break; } if (!exists) { return(DokanResult.FileNotFound); } } return(NtStatus.Success); } catch (NotImplementedException) { return(NtStatus.NotImplemented); } }
public static bool IsReadOnly(FileAttributes fileAttributes) { return((fileAttributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly); }