Ejemplo n.º 1
 public Node(string name, FileAttributes attrs)
     Attributes = attrs;
     Name = name;
     Parents = new HashSet<Node>();
     Contains = new HashSet<Node>();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private static string GetAttributeLetter(FileAttributes fileAttributes, FileAttributes attributeToSearch, string attributeLetter)
     if ((fileAttributes & attributeToSearch) == attributeToSearch)
         return attributeLetter;
         return "-";
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static long Pack(FileAttributes fa)
            long ret = 0;
            if ((fa & FileAttributes.Directory) > 0) ret |= Directory;

            return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public FileTreeNodeProperty(string _name, FileTreeNodeType _type, string _fullPath, FileAttributes _fileSystemAttributes)
     name__ = _name;
     type__ = _type;
     fullPath__ = _fullPath;
     fileSystemAttributes__ = _fileSystemAttributes;
        public static void AddTree(DirNode dirNode, string dirPrefix, string filePrefix, int width, int depth, int fileSizeInKB, FileAttributes? fa = null, DateTime? lmt = null)
            for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i)
                string fileName = i == 0 ? filePrefix : filePrefix + "_" + i;
                FileNode fileNode = new FileNode(fileName)
                    SizeInByte = 1024L * fileSizeInKB,
                    FileAttr = fa,
                    LastModifiedTime = lmt,


            if (depth > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i)
                    string dirName = i == 0 ? dirPrefix : dirPrefix + "_" + i;
                    DirNode subDirNode = dirNode.GetDirNode(dirName);
                    if (subDirNode == null)
                        subDirNode = new DirNode(dirName);

                    DMLibDataHelper.AddTree(subDirNode, dirPrefix, filePrefix, width, depth - 1, fileSizeInKB, fa, lmt: lmt);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        internal static IEnumerable<IFileSystemInformation> EnumerateChildrenInternal(
            string directory,
            ChildType childType,
            string searchPattern,
            System.IO.SearchOption searchOption,
            FileAttributes excludeAttributes,
            IFileService fileService)
            // We want to be able to see all files as we recurse and open new find handles (that might be over MAX_PATH).
            // We've already normalized our base directory.
            string extendedDirectory = Paths.AddExtendedPrefix(directory);

            // The assertion here is that we want to find files that match the desired pattern in all subdirectories, even if the
            // subdirectories themselves don't match the pattern. That requires two passes to avoid overallocating for directories
            // with a large number of files.

            // First look for items that match the given search pattern in the current directory
            using (FindOperation findOperation = new FindOperation(Paths.Combine(extendedDirectory, searchPattern)))
                FindResult findResult;
                while ((findResult = findOperation.GetNextResult()) != null)
                    bool isDirectory = (findResult.Attributes & FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY;

                    if ((findResult.Attributes & excludeAttributes) == 0
                        && findResult.FileName != "."
                        && findResult.FileName != ".."
                        && ((isDirectory && childType == ChildType.Directory)
                            || (!isDirectory && childType == ChildType.File)))
                        yield return FileSystemInformation.Create(findResult, directory, fileService);

            if (searchOption != System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories) yield break;

            // Now recurse into each subdirectory
            using (FindOperation findOperation = new FindOperation(Paths.Combine(extendedDirectory, "*"), directoriesOnly: true))
                FindResult findResult;
                while ((findResult = findOperation.GetNextResult()) != null)
                    // Unfortunately there is no guarantee that the API will return only directories even if we ask for it
                    bool isDirectory = (findResult.Attributes & FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY;

                    if ((findResult.Attributes & excludeAttributes) == 0
                        && isDirectory
                        && findResult.FileName != "."
                        && findResult.FileName != "..")
                        foreach (var child in EnumerateChildrenInternal(Paths.Combine(directory, findResult.FileName), childType, searchPattern,
                            searchOption, excludeAttributes, fileService))
                            yield return child;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static string FromFileAttribs(FileAttributes attribs)
            var str = new StringBuilder(9);

            if ((attribs & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly)
            if ((attribs & FileAttributes.Archive) == FileAttributes.Archive)
            if ((attribs & FileAttributes.System) == FileAttributes.System)
            if ((attribs & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden)
            if ((attribs & FileAttributes.Normal) == FileAttributes.Normal)
            if ((attribs & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory)
            if ((attribs & FileAttributes.Offline) == FileAttributes.Offline)
            if ((attribs & FileAttributes.Compressed) == FileAttributes.Compressed)
            if ((attribs & FileAttributes.Temporary) == FileAttributes.Temporary)

            return str.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(this.openFileDialog1.FileName);
            FileAttributes fa = new FileAttributes();

            foreach(object o in this.chkListFileAttributes.CheckedItems)
                fa = fa | (FileAttributes)(Enum)o;

                if(fi.IsReadOnly) fi.IsReadOnly = false;
                fi.CreationTime = DateTime.Parse(this.txtCreationTime.Text);
                fi.LastAccessTime = DateTime.Parse(this.txtLastAccessTime.Text);
                fi.LastWriteTime = DateTime.Parse(this.txtLastWriteTime.Text);

                fi.Attributes = fa;

            }catch(Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void WriteAllBytes(string path, byte[] bytes, FileAttributes attributes)
     if (File.Exists(path))
         File.SetAttributes(path, FileAttributes.Normal);
     File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes);
     File.SetAttributes(path, attributes);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public BackupHandler(string backendurl, Options options, BackupResults results)
            EMPTY_METADATA = Utility.WrapMetadata(new Dictionary<string, string>(), options);

            m_options = options;
            m_result = results;
            m_backendurl = backendurl;

            m_attributeFilter = m_options.FileAttributeFilter;
            m_symlinkPolicy = m_options.SymlinkPolicy;
            m_blocksize = m_options.Blocksize;

            m_blockbuffer = new byte[m_options.Blocksize * Math.Max(1, m_options.FileReadBufferSize / m_options.Blocksize)];
            m_blocklistbuffer = new byte[m_options.Blocksize];

            m_blockhasher = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create(m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm);
            m_filehasher = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create(m_options.FileHashAlgorithm);

            if (m_blockhasher == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidHashAlgorithm, m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm));
            if (m_filehasher == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidHashAlgorithm, m_options.FileHashAlgorithm));

            if (!m_blockhasher.CanReuseTransform)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidCryptoSystem, m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm));
            if (!m_filehasher.CanReuseTransform)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidCryptoSystem, m_options.FileHashAlgorithm));

            if (options.AllowPassphraseChange)
                throw new Exception(Strings.Foresthash.PassphraseChangeUnsupported);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void PathAlreadyExistsAsDirectory(FileAttributes attributes)
     string path = GetTestFileName();
     DirectoryInfo testDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(TestDirectory, path));
     testDir.Attributes = attributes;
     Assert.Equal(testDir.FullName, new DirectoryInfo(TestDirectory).CreateSubdirectory(path).FullName);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void UnixInvalidAttributes(FileAttributes attr)
     var path = GetTestFilePath();
     Set(path, attr);
     Assert.Equal(FileAttributes.Normal, Get(path));
 public LoadFileConfiguration(string sourceFile, string targetFile,
     FileAttributes targetFileAttributes = FileAttributes.Normal)
     SourceFile = sourceFile;
     TargetFile = targetFile;
     TargetFileAttributes = targetFileAttributes;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static Stream CreateFile(
            string fileName, FileAccess fileAccess, FileShare fileShare, FileMode fileMode, FileAttributes flags)
            // TODO: This is not quite right, but it's close.
            var nativeAccess = fileAccess;
            if ((nativeAccess & FileAccess.Read) != 0)
                nativeAccess &= ~FileAccess.Read;
                nativeAccess |= (FileAccess)GENERIC_READ;
            if ((nativeAccess & FileAccess.Write) != 0)
                nativeAccess &= ~FileAccess.Write;
                nativeAccess |= (FileAccess)GENERIC_WRITE;

            var handle = _CreateFile(fileName, nativeAccess, fileShare, IntPtr.Zero, fileMode, flags, IntPtr.Zero);
            if (handle.IsInvalid)

            return new SimpleFileStream(handle);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public DokanError CreateFile(string fileName, DokanNet.FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileMode mode, FileOptions options, FileAttributes attributes, DokanFileInfo info)
            info.DeleteOnClose = (options & FileOptions.DeleteOnClose) != 0;
            //Console.WriteLine("CreateFile: {0}, mode = {1}", fileName, mode);

            if (fileName == "\\")
                return DokanError.ErrorSuccess;

            Directory dir = new Directory(Util.GetPathDirectory(fileName));
            if (!dir.Exists())
                return DokanError.ErrorPathNotFound;

            String name = Util.GetPathFileName(fileName);

            if (name.Length == 0)
                return DokanError.ErrorInvalidName;
            if (name.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) > -1)
                return DokanError.ErrorInvalidName;

            // dokan API 要求在目标文件是目录时候,设置 info.IsDirectory = true
            if (dir.Contains(name) && (dir.GetItemInfo(name).attribute & FileAttributes.Directory) != 0)
                info.IsDirectory = true;
                return DokanError.ErrorSuccess;

                File f = new File(fileName, mode);
                f.flagDeleteOnClose = info.DeleteOnClose;
                info.Context = f;
            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                return DokanError.ErrorFileNotFound;
            catch (IOException)
                return DokanError.ErrorAlreadyExists;
            catch (NotImplementedException)
                return DokanError.ErrorAccessDenied;
            catch (Exception)
                return DokanError.ErrorError;

            return DokanError.ErrorSuccess;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of <see cref = "QuickIOFileSystemEntry"/>
 /// </summary>
 internal QuickIOFileSystemEntry( string path, QuickIOFileSystemEntryType type, FileAttributes  attributes, ulong bytes)
     Contract.Requires( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( path ) );
     Path = path;
     Type = type;
     Attributes = attributes;
     Bytes = bytes;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public static Boolean IsSet(this FileAttributes flags, FileAttributes flagToTest)
     if (flagToTest == 0)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("flagToTest", "Value must not be 0");
     return (flags & flagToTest) == flagToTest;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public static void ApplyAttributes(this FileInfo fileInfo, FileAttributes attributes)
     FileAttributes currentAttributes = fileInfo.Attributes;
     if ((currentAttributes & attributes) != attributes)
         fileInfo.Attributes = (fileInfo.Attributes | attributes);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public void WindowsAttributeSetting(FileAttributes attr)
     var test = new DirectoryInfo(GetTestFilePath());
     Set(test.FullName, attr);
     Assert.Equal(attr | FileAttributes.Directory, Get(test.FullName));
     Set(test.FullName, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public void WindowsAttributeSetting(FileAttributes attr)
     var path = GetTestFilePath();
     Set(path, attr);
     Assert.Equal(attr, Get(path));
     Set(path, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Attempts to clear the specified attribute(s) on the given path.
 /// </summary>
 public static void ClearAttributes(this IFileService fileService, string path, FileAttributes attributes)
     FileAttributes currentAttributes = fileService.GetAttributes(path);
     if ((currentAttributes & attributes) != 0)
         fileService.SetAttributes(path, currentAttributes &= ~attributes);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Walk directories in the current directory. Allows filtering by attributes. Folders with the given attributes will be skipped as well.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileSystemInformation">If the information is not a directory, returns an empty enumerable.</param>
 public static IEnumerable<IDirectoryInformation> EnumerateDirectories(
     this IDirectoryInformation directoryInformation,
     string searchPattern = "*",
     SearchOption searchOption = SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly,
     FileAttributes excludeAttributes = FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System | FileAttributes.ReparsePoint)
     return directoryInformation.EnumerateChildren(ChildType.Directory, searchPattern, searchOption, excludeAttributes).OfType<IDirectoryInformation>();
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public static void RemoveAttribute(string filePath, FileAttributes attributes, FileAttributes attributesToRemove)
     //if it has the attribute to remove then remove it
     if ((attributes & attributesToRemove) == attributesToRemove)
         File.SetAttributes(filePath, attributes & ~attributesToRemove);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 ///     Adds a file attribute
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pathInfo">Affected target</param>
 /// <param name="attribute">Attribute to add</param>
 /// <returns>true if added. false if already exists in attributes</returns>
 public static Boolean AddAttribute(PathInfo pathInfo, FileAttributes attribute)
     if ((pathInfo.Attributes & attribute) == attribute) { return false; }
     var attributes = pathInfo.Attributes;
     attributes |= attribute;
     SetAttributes(pathInfo, attributes);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 protected override void SetUp() {
     _tempFileName = Path.Combine(TempDirName, "myfile.txt");
     File.SetAttributes(_tempFileName, FileAttributes.Normal);
     // Handle case when temp folder is compressed
     _normalFileAttributes = File.GetAttributes(_tempFileName) & (FileAttributes.Normal | FileAttributes.Compressed);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public static FileAttributes UnPack(long fa)
            FileAttributes f = new FileAttributes();

            if ((fa & Directory) > 0)	f |= FileAttributes.Directory;

            return f;
Ejemplo n.º 27
		internal static void SetAttributes(string path, FileAttributes fileAttributes)
			string normalizedPath = Path.NormalizeLongPath(path);
			if (!NativeMethods.SetFileAttributes(normalizedPath, fileAttributes))
				throw GetExceptionFromLastWin32Error();
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public DirDir(DirectoryInfo dir)
     Name = dir.Name;
     FullPath = dir.FullName;
     Parent = dir.Parent;
     Created = dir.CreationTime;
     Attributes = dir.Attributes;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public void NewItem(string folderName, string name, FileAttributes attrs)
     using (ComReleaser<IShellItem> folderItem = CreateShellItem(folderName))
         _fileOperation.NewItem(folderItem.Item, attrs, name, string.Empty, _callbackSink);
Ejemplo n.º 30
 /// <inheritdoc cref="File.SetAttributes"/>
 public abstract void SetAttributes(string path, FileAttributes fileAttributes);
Ejemplo n.º 31
 private static FileAttributes RemoveAttribute(FileAttributes attributes, FileAttributes attributesToRemove)
     return(attributes & ~attributesToRemove);
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public bool MoveNext()
            if (_lastEntryFound)

            FileSystemEntry entry = default;

            lock (_lock)
                if (_lastEntryFound)

                    // If HAVE_READDIR_R is defined for the platform FindNextEntry depends on _entryBuffer being fixed since
                    // _entry will point to a string in the middle of the array. If the array is not fixed GC can move it after
                    // the native call and _entry will point to a bogus file name.
                    fixed(byte *entryBufferPtr = _entryBuffer)
                            FindNextEntry(entryBufferPtr, _entryBuffer == null ? 0 : _entryBuffer.Length);
                            if (_lastEntryFound)

                            FileAttributes attributes = FileSystemEntry.Initialize(
                                ref entry, _entry, _currentPath, _rootDirectory, _originalRootDirectory, new Span <char>(_pathBuffer));
                            bool isDirectory = (attributes & FileAttributes.Directory) != 0;

                            bool isSpecialDirectory = false;
                            if (isDirectory)
                                // Subdirectory found
                                if (_entry.Name[0] == '.' && (_entry.Name[1] == 0 || (_entry.Name[1] == '.' && _entry.Name[2] == 0)))
                                    // "." or "..", don't process unless the option is set
                                    if (!_options.ReturnSpecialDirectories)
                                    isSpecialDirectory = true;

                            if (!isSpecialDirectory && _options.AttributesToSkip != 0)
                                if ((_options.AttributesToSkip & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) != 0)
                                    // ReadOnly is the only attribute that requires hitting entry.Attributes (which hits the disk)
                                    attributes = entry.Attributes;

                                if ((_options.AttributesToSkip & attributes) != 0)

                            if (isDirectory && !isSpecialDirectory)
                                if (_options.RecurseSubdirectories && ShouldRecurseIntoEntry(ref entry))
                                    // Recursion is on and the directory was accepted, Queue it
                                    if (_pending == null)
                                        _pending = new Queue <string>();
                                    _pending.Enqueue(Path.Join(_currentPath, entry.FileName));

                            if (ShouldIncludeEntry(ref entry))
                                _current = TransformEntry(ref entry);
                        } while (true);
Ejemplo n.º 33
        public async Task Configure(string connectionString, string image, string hostname, string deviceCaCert, string deviceCaPk, string deviceCaCerts)
            Console.WriteLine($"Setting up iotedged with agent image '{image}'");

            const string  YamlPath = "/etc/iotedge/config.yaml";
            Task <string> text     = File.ReadAllTextAsync(YamlPath);

            var doc = new YamlDocument(await text);

            doc.ReplaceOrAdd("provisioning.device_connection_string", connectionString);
            doc.ReplaceOrAdd("agent.config.image", image);
            doc.ReplaceOrAdd("hostname", hostname);

            foreach (RegistryCredentials c in this.credentials)
                doc.ReplaceOrAdd("agent.config.auth.serveraddress", c.Address);
                doc.ReplaceOrAdd("agent.config.auth.username", c.User);
                doc.ReplaceOrAdd("agent.config.auth.password", c.Password);

            if (this.httpUris.HasValue)
                HttpUris uris = this.httpUris.OrDefault();
                doc.ReplaceOrAdd("connect.management_uri", uris.ConnectManagement);
                doc.ReplaceOrAdd("connect.workload_uri", uris.ConnectWorkload);
                doc.ReplaceOrAdd("listen.management_uri", uris.ListenManagement);
                doc.ReplaceOrAdd("listen.workload_uri", uris.ListenWorkload);
                doc.ReplaceOrAdd("connect.management_uri", "unix:///var/run/iotedge/mgmt.sock");
                doc.ReplaceOrAdd("connect.workload_uri", "unix:///var/run/iotedge/workload.sock");
                doc.ReplaceOrAdd("listen.management_uri", "fd://iotedge.mgmt.socket");
                doc.ReplaceOrAdd("listen.workload_uri", "fd://iotedge.socket");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceCaCert) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceCaPk) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceCaCerts))
                doc.ReplaceOrAdd("certificates.device_ca_cert", deviceCaCert);
                doc.ReplaceOrAdd("certificates.device_ca_pk", deviceCaPk);
                doc.ReplaceOrAdd("certificates.trusted_ca_certs", deviceCaCerts);

            string result = doc.ToString();

            FileAttributes attr = 0;

            if (File.Exists(YamlPath))
                attr = File.GetAttributes(YamlPath);
                File.SetAttributes(YamlPath, attr & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly);

            await File.WriteAllTextAsync(YamlPath, result);

            if (attr != 0)
                File.SetAttributes(YamlPath, attr);
Ejemplo n.º 34
        // Copy over all the attributes you would want copied from a template file.
        // As of right now this is just acl's
        private void DuplicateTemplateAttributes(string source, string destination)
            FileAttributes fileAttributes = File.GetAttributes(source);

            File.SetAttributes(destination, fileAttributes);
Ejemplo n.º 35
        bool IsSymlink(string file)
            FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes(file);

            return((attributes & FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) == FileAttributes.ReparsePoint);
Ejemplo n.º 36
        public async Task LoadAsync(Type[] types = null)
            SyntaxTree[] syntaxTrees;

            FileAttributes fileAttr = File.GetAttributes(PathLocation);

            if (fileAttr.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory))
                syntaxTrees = (await LoadSyntaxTreeFolderAsync(PathLocation)).ToArray();
                syntaxTrees = new SyntaxTree[] { await LoadSyntaxTreeAsync(PathLocation) }

            var callerAssembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();

            ClientHelper.ActHelper.Commands = callerAssembly.GetType("Commands");

            var locationNetCore = typeof(System.Net.Http.HttpClient).Assembly.Location;

            var pathNetCore = @"C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder\microsoft.netcore.app\2.1.0\ref\netcoreapp2.1";

            var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(pathNetCore);

            FileInfo[] files = directoryInfo.GetFiles("*.dll");

            List <MetadataReference> metadataReferences = new List <MetadataReference>();

            foreach (var file in files)


            //Next work, try to think a way to run References from outside.
            var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create($"{AssemblyName}.dll", syntaxTrees, metadataReferences, new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary));

            using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                var result = compilation.Emit(memoryStream);

                if (!result.Success)
                    var diagnostics = result.Diagnostics.Where(obj => obj.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error);

                    if (diagnostics.Any())
                        var error = string.Join(" \n", diagnostics.Select(a => $"{a.WarningLevel.ToString()} - {a.GetMessage()}"));
                        throw new Exception(error);

                memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                Assembly = ReloadAssembly(memoryStream);

Ejemplo n.º 37
 public static bool IsHidden(FileAttributes fileAttributes)
     return((fileAttributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden);
Ejemplo n.º 38
 public void SetAttributes(string path, FileAttributes fileAttributes) => Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File.SetAttributes(path, fileAttributes);
Ejemplo n.º 39
 public void SetAttributes(string path, FileAttributes fileAttributes) => File.SetAttributes(path, fileAttributes);
Ejemplo n.º 40
 /// <remarks>
 /// No implementation needed because this provider doesn't support FileAttributes.
 /// </remarks>
 public override void SetFileAttributes(IFileInfo file, FileAttributes fileAttributes)
Ejemplo n.º 41
 public override void SetAttributes(FileAttributes attributes)
     Utils.SetFileInformationToFileStream(Stream, attributes, null, null, null);
Ejemplo n.º 42
        // Insert logic for processing found files here.
        private void ProcessFile(string path, ProcessType processType)
            DateTime lastWrite = File.GetLastWriteTime(path);

            if (processType == ProcessType.Organise)
                //if year folder does not exist
                if (!Directory.Exists(folder_name.Text + "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString()))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(folder_name.Text + "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString());
                PathsToNotMove.Add(folder_name.Text + "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString());

                if (!Directory.Exists(folder_name.Text +
                                      "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString() +
                                      "/" + lastWrite.Month.ToString() + " - " + lastWrite.ToString("MMMM")))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(folder_name.Text +
                                              "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString() +
                                              "/" + lastWrite.Month.ToString() + " - " + lastWrite.ToString("MMMM"));
                PathsToNotMove.Add(folder_name.Text +
                                   "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString() +
                                   "/" + lastWrite.Month.ToString() + " - " + lastWrite.ToString("MMMM"));
                if (!PathsToNotMove.Contains(path))
                    // get the file attributes for file or directory
                    FileAttributes attr = File.GetAttributes(path);

                    if (attr.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory))
                        String PathToMove = folder_name.Text +
                                            "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString() +
                                            "/" + lastWrite.Month.ToString() + " - " + lastWrite.ToString("MMMM");

                        if (int.TryParse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path), out int year))
                            if (year > DateTime.Now.Year && year < 1900)
                                Console.WriteLine(PathToMove + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path));
                                Directory.Move(path, PathToMove + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path));
                                Directory.Move(path, PathToMove + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path));
                            catch (Exception ex) {
                                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(path, PathToMove + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path));
                        int count = 1;
                        while (true)
                                if (count == 1)
                                    File.Move(path, folder_name.Text +
                                              "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString() +
                                              "/" + lastWrite.Month.ToString() + " - " + lastWrite.ToString("MMMM") +
                                              "/" + Path.GetFileName(path));
                                    File.Move(path, folder_name.Text +
                                              "/" + lastWrite.Year.ToString() +
                                              "/" + lastWrite.Month.ToString() + " - " + lastWrite.ToString("MMMM") +
                                              "/" + count.ToString() + "_" + Path.GetFileName(path));

Ejemplo n.º 43
 public override void SetAttributes(string fullPath, FileAttributes attributes)
     new FileInfo(fullPath, null).Attributes = attributes;
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply the changes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">object sender</param>
        /// <param name="e">event arguments</param>
        /// <remarks>The parameters <paramref name="e"/> and <paramref name="sender"/> are not needed, but must be indicated.</remarks>
        private void ButtonApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DateTime       creationTime   = dateTimePickerWrited.Value;
            DateTime       lastAccessTime = dateTimePickerWrited.Value;
            DateTime       lastWriteTime  = dateTimePickerWrited.Value;
            FileAttributes attr           = File.GetAttributes(path: textBoxPath.Text);
            bool           isFolder       = (attr & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory;

            if (dateTimePickerCreated.Checked)
                if (isFolder)
                    Directory.SetCreationTime(path: textBoxPath.Text, creationTime: creationTime);
                    File.SetCreationTime(path: textBoxPath.Text, creationTime: creationTime);
            if (dateTimePickerAccessed.Checked)
                if (isFolder)
                    Directory.SetLastAccessTime(path: textBoxPath.Text, lastAccessTime: lastAccessTime);
                    File.SetLastAccessTime(path: textBoxPath.Text, lastAccessTime: lastAccessTime);
            if (dateTimePickerWrited.Checked)
                if (isFolder)
                    Directory.SetLastWriteTime(path: textBoxPath.Text, lastWriteTime: lastWriteTime);
                    File.SetLastWriteTime(path: textBoxPath.Text, lastWriteTime: lastWriteTime);
            radioButtonCreationDateLocalTime.Checked   = radioButtonNewCreationDateLocalTime.Checked;
            radioButtonCreationDateUtc.Checked         = radioButtonNewCreationDateUtc.Checked;
            radioButtonLastAccessDateLocalTime.Checked = radioButtonNewLastAccessDateLocalTime.Checked;
            radioButtonLastAccessDateUtc.Checked       = radioButtonNewLastAccessDateUtc.Checked;
            radioButtonLastWriteDateLocalTime.Checked  = radioButtonNewLastWriteDateLocalTime.Checked;
            radioButtonLastWriteDateUtc.Checked        = radioButtonNewLastWriteDateUtc.Checked;
            textBoxCreationDate.Text = radioButtonCreationDateLocalTime.Checked
                                ? isFolder
                                        ? Directory.GetCreationTime(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture)
                                        : File.GetCreationTime(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture)
                                : isFolder
                                        ? Directory.GetCreationTimeUtc(path : textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture)
                                        : File.GetCreationTimeUtc(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture);

            textBoxLastAccessDate.Text = radioButtonLastAccessDateLocalTime.Checked
                                ? isFolder
                                        ? Directory.GetLastAccessTime(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture)
                                        : File.GetLastAccessTime(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture)
                                : isFolder
                                        ? Directory.GetLastAccessTimeUtc(path : textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture)
                                        : File.GetLastAccessTimeUtc(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture);

            textBoxLastWriteDate.Text = radioButtonLastWriteDateLocalTime.Checked
                                ? isFolder
                                        ? Directory.GetLastWriteTime(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture)
                                        : File.GetLastWriteTime(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture)
                                : isFolder
                                        ? Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(path : textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture)
                                        : File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(path: textBoxPath.Text).ToString(provider: culture);

            MessageBox.Show(text: StringResources.allDataChanged, caption: StringResources.information, buttons: MessageBoxButtons.OK, icon: MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly);
Ejemplo n.º 45
 public virtual void SetAttributes(string path, FileAttributes fileAttributes)
     File.SetAttributes(path, fileAttributes);
Ejemplo n.º 46
 public static extern IntPtr CreateFile(string lpFileName,
                                        FileAccess dwDesiredAccess, uint dwShareMode,
                                        IntPtr lpSecurityAttributes, CreationDisposition dwCreationDisposition,
                                        FileAttributes dwFlagsAndAttributes, IntPtr hTemplateFile);
Ejemplo n.º 47
 protected static FileAttributes RemoveAttribute(FileAttributes attributes, FileAttributes attributesToRemove)
     return(attributes & ~attributesToRemove);
Ejemplo n.º 48
 public override void SetAttributes(string fullPath, FileAttributes attributes)
     SetAttributesInternal(fullPath, attributes);
Ejemplo n.º 49
        /// <summary>
        /// Upload local pictures to azure storage.
        ///   1. Upload png files starting with "azure" in the source directory as block blobs, not including the sub-directory.
        ///   2. Store source file's file attributes and permissions into destination blob's meta data.
        ///   3. Download png files starting with "azure" in the source directory to a local directory, not including the sub-directory.
        ///   4. Restore file attributes and permissions to destination local file.
        /// </summary>
        private static async Task BlobDirectoryPreserveFilePropertiesSampleAsync()
            //Enable required privileges before getting/setting permissions from/to local file system.
            FileSecurityOperations.EnableRequiredPrivileges(PreserveSMBPermissions.Owner | PreserveSMBPermissions.Group | PreserveSMBPermissions.DACL | PreserveSMBPermissions.SACL, true);

                string             sourceDirPath = ".";
                CloudBlobDirectory destDir       = await Util.GetCloudBlobDirectoryAsync(ContainerName, "blobdir");

                // SearchPattern and Recuresive can be used to determine the files to be transferred from the source directory. The behavior of
                // SearchPattern and Recuresive varies for different source directory types.
                // See https://azure.github.io/azure-storage-net-data-movement for more details.
                // When source is local directory, data movement library matches source files against the SearchPattern as standard wildcards. If
                // recuresive is set to false, only files directly under the source directory will be matched. Otherwise, all files in the
                // sub-directory will be matched as well.
                // In the following case, data movement library will upload png files starting with "azure" in the source directory as block blobs,
                // not including the sub-directory.
                UploadDirectoryOptions options = new UploadDirectoryOptions()
                    SearchPattern = "azure*.png",
                    Recursive     = false,
                    BlobType      = BlobType.BlockBlob

                DirectoryTransferContext context = new DirectoryTransferContext();

                // Register for transfer event.
                context.FileTransferred += FileTransferredCallback;
                context.FileFailed      += FileFailedCallback;
                context.FileSkipped     += FileSkippedCallback;

                context.SetAttributesCallbackAsync = async(sourceObj, destination) =>
                    string         sourcePath     = sourceObj as string;
                    DateTimeOffset?creationTime   = null;
                    DateTimeOffset?lastWriteTime  = null;
                    FileAttributes?fileAttributes = null;

                    FileOperations.GetFileProperties(sourcePath, out creationTime, out lastWriteTime, out fileAttributes);

                    string sourceFileSDDL = FileSecurityOperations.GetFilePortableSDDL(sourcePath,
                                                                                       PreserveSMBPermissions.Owner | PreserveSMBPermissions.Group | PreserveSMBPermissions.DACL | PreserveSMBPermissions.SACL);

                    CloudBlob destBlob = destination as CloudBlob;

                    // Blob's original meta data has already been gotten from azure storage by DataMovement Library,
                    // Here only need to add new meta data key-value pairs, DataMovement Library will set these value to destination blob later.
                    destBlob.Metadata.Add(CreationTimeName, creationTime.Value.ToString());
                    destBlob.Metadata.Add(LastWriteTimeName, lastWriteTime.Value.ToString());
                    destBlob.Metadata.Add(FileAttributesName, fileAttributes.Value.ToString());
                    destBlob.Metadata.Add(FilePermissionsName, sourceFileSDDL);

                context.ShouldTransferCallbackAsync = async(source, destination) =>
                    // Can add more logic here to evaluate whether really need to transfer the target.

                TransferStatus trasferStatus =
                    await TransferManager.UploadDirectoryAsync(sourceDirPath, destDir, options, context);

                Console.WriteLine("Final transfer state: {0}", TransferStatusToString(trasferStatus));
                Console.WriteLine("Files in directory {0} uploading to {1} is finished.", sourceDirPath, destDir.Uri.ToString());

                //Next the sample will show how to download a directory and restore file attributes to local file.
                string             destDirPath = ".";
                CloudBlobDirectory sourceDir   = await Util.GetCloudBlobDirectoryAsync(ContainerName, "blobdir");

                // In the following case, data movement library will download file named "azure.png" in the source directory,
                // not including the sub-directory.
                DownloadDirectoryOptions downloadDirectoryOptions = new DownloadDirectoryOptions()
                    SearchPattern = "azure.png",
                    Recursive     = false

                DirectoryTransferContext directoryTransferContext = new DirectoryTransferContext();
                // Register for transfer event.
                directoryTransferContext.FileFailed  += FileFailedCallback;
                directoryTransferContext.FileSkipped += FileSkippedCallback;

                //Get stored file properties from source blob meta data and set to local file.
                directoryTransferContext.FileTransferred += (object sender, TransferEventArgs e) =>
                    CloudBlob sourceBlob   = e.Source as CloudBlob;
                    string    destFilePath = e.Destination as string;

                    string         metadataValue  = null;
                    DateTimeOffset creationTime   = default(DateTimeOffset);
                    DateTimeOffset lastWriteTime  = default(DateTimeOffset);
                    FileAttributes fileAttributes = default(FileAttributes);

                    bool gotCreationTime   = false;
                    bool gotLastWriteTime  = false;
                    bool gotFileAttributes = false;

                    if (sourceBlob.Metadata.TryGetValue(CreationTimeName, out metadataValue) &&
                        gotCreationTime = DateTimeOffset.TryParse(metadataValue, out creationTime);

                    if (sourceBlob.Metadata.TryGetValue(LastWriteTimeName, out metadataValue) &&
                        gotLastWriteTime = DateTimeOffset.TryParse(metadataValue, out lastWriteTime);

                    if (sourceBlob.Metadata.TryGetValue(FileAttributesName, out metadataValue) &&
                        gotFileAttributes = Enum.TryParse <FileAttributes>(metadataValue, out fileAttributes);

                    if (gotCreationTime && gotLastWriteTime && gotFileAttributes)
                        FileOperations.SetFileProperties(destFilePath, creationTime, lastWriteTime, fileAttributes);

                    if (sourceBlob.Metadata.TryGetValue(FilePermissionsName, out metadataValue) &&
                        FileSecurityOperations.SetFileSecurity(destFilePath, metadataValue,
                                                               PreserveSMBPermissions.Owner | PreserveSMBPermissions.Group | PreserveSMBPermissions.DACL | PreserveSMBPermissions.SACL);

                // Always writes to destination no matter it exists or not.
                directoryTransferContext.ShouldOverwriteCallbackAsync = TransferContext.ForceOverwrite;

                trasferStatus =
                    await TransferManager.DownloadDirectoryAsync(sourceDir, destDirPath, downloadDirectoryOptions, directoryTransferContext);

                Console.WriteLine("Final transfer state: {0}", TransferStatusToString(trasferStatus));
                Console.WriteLine("Files in directory {0} downloading to {1} is finished.", sourceDir.Uri.ToString(), destDirPath);
                //Restore privileges after getting/setting permissions from/to local file system.
                FileSecurityOperations.RestorePrivileges(PreserveSMBPermissions.Owner | PreserveSMBPermissions.Group | PreserveSMBPermissions.DACL | PreserveSMBPermissions.SACL, true);
Ejemplo n.º 50
 public int SetFileAttributes(string filename, FileAttributes attr, DokanFileInfo info)
     Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("SetFileAttributes {0}", filename));
Ejemplo n.º 51
        public void SetAttributes(string path, FileAttributes attributes)
            // Validate that only flags from the attribute are being provided.  This is an
            // approximation for the validation done by the Win32 function.
            const FileAttributes allValidFlags =
                FileAttributes.Archive | FileAttributes.Compressed | FileAttributes.Device |
                FileAttributes.Directory | FileAttributes.Encrypted | FileAttributes.Hidden |
                FileAttributes.IntegrityStream | FileAttributes.Normal | FileAttributes.NoScrubData |
                FileAttributes.NotContentIndexed | FileAttributes.Offline | FileAttributes.ReadOnly |
                FileAttributes.ReparsePoint | FileAttributes.SparseFile | FileAttributes.System |
            if ((attributes & ~allValidFlags) != 0)
                // Using constant string for argument to match historical throw
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_InvalidFileAttrs, "Attributes");


            if (!_exists)

            if (Interop.Sys.CanSetHiddenFlag)
                if ((attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) != 0)
                    if ((_fileStatus.UserFlags & (uint)Interop.Sys.UserFlags.UF_HIDDEN) == 0)
                        // If Hidden flag is set and cached file status does not have the flag set then set it
                        Interop.CheckIo(Interop.Sys.LChflags(path, (_fileStatus.UserFlags | (uint)Interop.Sys.UserFlags.UF_HIDDEN)), path, InitiallyDirectory);
                    if ((_fileStatus.UserFlags & (uint)Interop.Sys.UserFlags.UF_HIDDEN) == (uint)Interop.Sys.UserFlags.UF_HIDDEN)
                        // If Hidden flag is not set and cached file status does have the flag set then remove it
                        Interop.CheckIo(Interop.Sys.LChflags(path, (_fileStatus.UserFlags & ~(uint)Interop.Sys.UserFlags.UF_HIDDEN)), path, InitiallyDirectory);

            // The only thing we can reasonably change is whether the file object is readonly by changing permissions.

            int newMode = _fileStatus.Mode;
            if ((attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) != 0)
                // Take away all write permissions from user/group/everyone
                newMode &= ~(int)(Interop.Sys.Permissions.S_IWUSR | Interop.Sys.Permissions.S_IWGRP | Interop.Sys.Permissions.S_IWOTH);
            else if ((newMode & (int)Interop.Sys.Permissions.S_IRUSR) != 0)
                // Give write permission to the owner if the owner has read permission
                newMode |= (int)Interop.Sys.Permissions.S_IWUSR;

            // Change the permissions on the file
            if (newMode != _fileStatus.Mode)
                Interop.CheckIo(Interop.Sys.ChMod(path, newMode), path, InitiallyDirectory);

            _fileStatusInitialized = -1;
Ejemplo n.º 52
        public NtStatus CreateFile(string fileName, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileMode mode,
                                   FileOptions options, FileAttributes attributes, IDokanFileInfo info)
            var result   = DokanResult.Success;
            var filePath = GetPath(fileName);

            if (info.IsDirectory)
                    switch (mode)
                    case FileMode.Open:
                        if (!Directory.Exists(filePath))
                                if (!File.GetAttributes(filePath).HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory))
                                    return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options,
                                                 attributes, DokanResult.NotADirectory));
                            catch (Exception)
                                return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options,
                                             attributes, DokanResult.FileNotFound));
                            return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options,
                                         attributes, DokanResult.PathNotFound));

                        new DirectoryInfo(filePath).EnumerateFileSystemInfos().Any();
                        // you can't list the directory

                    case FileMode.CreateNew:
                        if (Directory.Exists(filePath))
                            return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options,
                                         attributes, DokanResult.FileExists));

                            return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options,
                                         attributes, DokanResult.AlreadyExists));
                        catch (IOException)

                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                    return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes,
                var pathExists      = true;
                var pathIsDirectory = false;

                var readWriteAttributes = (access & DataAccess) == 0;
                var readAccess          = (access & DataWriteAccess) == 0;

                    pathExists      = (Directory.Exists(filePath) || File.Exists(filePath));
                    pathIsDirectory = pathExists ? File.GetAttributes(filePath).HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory) : false;
                catch (IOException)

                switch (mode)
                case FileMode.Open:

                    if (pathExists)
                        // check if driver only wants to read attributes, security info, or open directory
                        if (readWriteAttributes || pathIsDirectory)
                            if (pathIsDirectory && (access & FileAccess.Delete) == FileAccess.Delete &&
                                (access & FileAccess.Synchronize) != FileAccess.Synchronize)
                                //It is a DeleteFile request on a directory
                                return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options,
                                             attributes, DokanResult.AccessDenied));

                            info.IsDirectory = pathIsDirectory;
                            info.Context     = new object();
                            // must set it to someting if you return DokanError.Success

                            return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options,
                                         attributes, DokanResult.Success));
                        return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes,

                case FileMode.CreateNew:
                    if (pathExists)
                        return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes,

                case FileMode.Truncate:
                    if (!pathExists)
                        return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes,

                    info.Context = new FileStream(filePath, mode,
                                                  readAccess ? System.IO.FileAccess.Read : System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite, share, 4096, options);

                    if (pathExists && (mode == FileMode.OpenOrCreate ||
                                       mode == FileMode.Create))
                        result = DokanResult.AlreadyExists;

                    if (mode == FileMode.CreateNew || mode == FileMode.Create) //Files are always created as Archive
                        attributes |= FileAttributes.Archive;
                    File.SetAttributes(filePath, attributes);
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) // don't have access rights
                    if (info.Context is FileStream fileStream)
                        // returning AccessDenied cleanup and close won't be called,
                        // so we have to take care of the stream now
                        info.Context = null;
                    return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes,
                catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)
                    return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes,
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var hr = (uint)Marshal.GetHRForException(ex);
                    switch (hr)
                    case 0x80070020:     //Sharing violation
                        return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes,

            return(Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes,
Ejemplo n.º 53
 public static EntryProperties CreateForSuccess(FileAttributes attributes, DateTime creationTimeUtc,
                                                DateTime lastAccessTimeUtc, DateTime lastWriteTimeUtc, long fileSize)
     return(new EntryProperties(attributes, creationTimeUtc, lastAccessTimeUtc, lastWriteTimeUtc, fileSize, null));
Ejemplo n.º 54
        private NtStatus Trace(string method, string fileName, IDokanFileInfo info,
                               FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileMode mode, FileOptions options, FileAttributes attributes,
                               NtStatus result)
                    $"{method}('{fileName}', {info}, [{access}], [{share}], [{mode}], [{options}], [{attributes}]) -> {result}"));

Ejemplo n.º 55
        /// <summary>
        /// Connects the pairs.
        /// </summary>
        public DirectoryFile(FileSystemInfo LocalFile, RemoteFile RemoteFile, DirectoryLogItem LogItem)
            Size = 0;
            if (LocalFile == null)
                Name        = RemoteFile.Name;
                Size        = RemoteFile.Length;
                IsDirectory = RemoteFile.IsDirectory;
                Name = LocalFile.Name;
                FileAttributes attr = File.GetAttributes(LocalFile.FullName);
                IsDirectory = attr.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory);
                if (!IsDirectory)
                    Size = new FileInfo(LocalFile.FullName).Length;

            Handle          = SyncHandle.Nothing;
            this.LogItem    = LogItem;
            this.LocalFile  = LocalFile;
            this.RemoteFile = RemoteFile;

            if (LocalFile != null && RemoteFile != null)
                //If file can be found (!)previously & locally & remotely => Find the one with the lastest changes
                if (IsDirectory)
                    Handle = SyncHandle.Synchronize;
                    if (LocalFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks == LogItem.LocalTicks && RemoteFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks != LogItem.RemoteTicks)
                        Handle = SyncHandle.Download;
                    else if (LocalFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks != LogItem.LocalTicks && RemoteFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks == LogItem.RemoteTicks)
                        Handle = SyncHandle.Upload;
                    else if (LocalFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks != LogItem.LocalTicks && RemoteFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks != LogItem.RemoteTicks)
                        if (LocalFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks < RemoteFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks)
                            Handle = SyncHandle.Download;
                        else if (LocalFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks > RemoteFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks)
                            Handle = SyncHandle.Upload;
            else if (LogItem.Equals(DirectoryLogItem.Empty))
                if (LocalFile != null && RemoteFile == null)
                    //If file can be found !previously & locally & !remotely => Upload
                    Handle = SyncHandle.NewUpload;
                else if (LocalFile == null && RemoteFile != null)
                    //If file can be found !previously & !locally & remotely => Download
                    Handle = SyncHandle.NewDownload;
                if (LocalFile != null && RemoteFile == null)
                    //If file can be found previously & locally & !remotely => Delete local (If local & previously LastWriteTime is the same, otherwise upload)
                    if (LocalFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks == LogItem.LocalTicks)
                        Handle = SyncHandle.DeleteLocal;
                        Handle = SyncHandle.NewUpload;
                else if (LocalFile == null && RemoteFile != null)
                    //If file can be found previously & !locally & remotely => Delete remote (If remote & previously LastWriteTime is the same, otherwise download)
                    if (RemoteFile.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks == LogItem.RemoteTicks)
                        Handle = SyncHandle.DeleteRemote;
                        Handle = SyncHandle.NewDownload;
Ejemplo n.º 56
 public NtStatus SetFileAttributes(string fileName, FileAttributes attributes, IDokanFileInfo info)
Ejemplo n.º 57
 internal static bool IsDirectory(FileAttributes attributes)
     return((attributes & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory);
Ejemplo n.º 58
        public NtStatus CreateFile(string fileName, DokanNet.FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileMode mode, FileOptions options, FileAttributes attributes, IDokanFileInfo info)
            if (mode == FileMode.OpenOrCreate || mode == FileMode.CreateNew || mode == FileMode.Create && Mode == OpenMode.Read)

                fileName = FilterPath(fileName);
                bool isDirectory;
                    Fs.GetEntryType(out DirectoryEntryType type, fileName.ToU8Span());
                    isDirectory = type == DirectoryEntryType.Directory;
                catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)

                if (info.IsDirectory || isDirectory)
                    info.IsDirectory = true;
                    if (Fs.FileExists(fileName))
                    else if (Fs.DirectoryExists(fileName))
                    if (mode == FileMode.OpenOrCreate || mode == FileMode.CreateNew || mode == FileMode.Create)
                        lock (IOLock)
                    else if (mode == FileMode.Open)
                    bool exists = Fs.FileExists(fileName);

                    attributes = CreateInfo(fileName).Attributes;

                    if (mode == FileMode.Open && exists)

                    switch (mode)
                    case FileMode.Create:
                    case FileMode.OpenOrCreate:
                    case FileMode.CreateNew:
                        if (exists)
                        lock (IOLock)
                            Fs.CreateFile(fileName.ToU8Span(), 0, CreateFileOptions.None);
                        if (Fs.FileExists(fileName))

                    if (!exists)
            catch (NotImplementedException)
Ejemplo n.º 59
 public static bool IsReadOnly(FileAttributes fileAttributes)
     return((fileAttributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly);