public void OnGUI() { int num4; if (!this.IsVisible || (PhotonNetwork.connectionStatesDetailed != PeerStates.Joined)) { return; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown) { if ((((Event.current.keyCode != KeyCode.Tab) && (Event.current.character != '\t')) || IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.isPausing) || (FengGameManagerMKII.inputRC.humanKeys[] == KeyCode.Tab)) { goto Label_00E1; } Event.current.Use(); goto Label_013D; } if ((Event.current.type == EventType.KeyUp) && (((Event.current.keyCode != KeyCode.None) && (Event.current.keyCode == FengGameManagerMKII.inputRC.humanKeys[])) && (GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() != "ChatInput"))) { this.inputLine = string.Empty; GUI.FocusControl("ChatInput"); goto Label_013D; } Label_00E1: if ((Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown) && ((Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadEnter) || (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return))) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.inputLine)) { string str2; if (this.inputLine == "\t") { this.inputLine = string.Empty; GUI.FocusControl(string.Empty); return; } if (FengGameManagerMKII.RCEvents.ContainsKey("OnChatInput")) { string key = (string)FengGameManagerMKII.RCVariableNames["OnChatInput"]; if (FengGameManagerMKII.stringVariables.ContainsKey(key)) { FengGameManagerMKII.stringVariables[key] = this.inputLine; } else { FengGameManagerMKII.stringVariables.Add(key, this.inputLine); } ((RCEvent)FengGameManagerMKII.RCEvents["OnChatInput"]).checkEvent(); } if (!this.inputLine.StartsWith("/")) { str2 = RCextensions.returnStringFromObject(PhotonNetwork.player.customProperties[]).hexColor(); if (str2 == string.Empty) { str2 = RCextensions.returnStringFromObject(PhotonNetwork.player.customProperties[]); if (PhotonNetwork.player.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.RCteam] != null) { if (RCextensions.returnIntFromObject(PhotonNetwork.player.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.RCteam]) == 1) { str2 = "<color=#00FFFF>" + str2 + "</color>"; } else if (RCextensions.returnIntFromObject(PhotonNetwork.player.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.RCteam]) == 2) { str2 = "<color=#FF00FF>" + str2 + "</color>"; } } } object[] parameters = new object[] { this.inputLine, str2 }; FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("Chat", PhotonTargets.All, parameters); } else if (this.inputLine == "/cloth") { this.addLINE(ClothFactory.GetDebugInfo()); } else if (this.inputLine.StartsWith("/aso")) { if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { switch (this.inputLine.Substring(5)) { case "kdr": if (RCSettings.asoPreservekdr == 0) { RCSettings.asoPreservekdr = 1; this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>KDRs will be preserved from disconnects.</color>"); } else { RCSettings.asoPreservekdr = 0; this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>KDRs will not be preserved from disconnects.</color>"); } break; case "racing": if (RCSettings.racingStatic == 0) { RCSettings.racingStatic = 1; this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Racing will not end on finish.</color>"); } else { RCSettings.racingStatic = 0; this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Racing will end on finish.</color>"); } break; } } } else { object[] objArray3; if (this.inputLine == "/pause") { if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("pauseRPC", PhotonTargets.All, new object[] { true }); objArray3 = new object[] { "<color=#FFCC00>MasterClient has paused the game.</color>", "" }; FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("Chat", PhotonTargets.All, objArray3); } else { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>error: not master client</color>"); } } else if (this.inputLine == "/unpause") { if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("pauseRPC", PhotonTargets.All, new object[] { false }); objArray3 = new object[] { "<color=#FFCC00>MasterClient has unpaused the game.</color>", "" }; FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("Chat", PhotonTargets.All, objArray3); } else { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>error: not master client</color>"); } } else if (this.inputLine == "/checklevel") { foreach (PhotonPlayer player in PhotonNetwork.playerList) { this.addLINE(RCextensions.returnStringFromObject(player.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.currentLevel])); } } else if (this.inputLine == "/isrc") { if (FengGameManagerMKII.masterRC) { this.addLINE("is RC"); } else { this.addLINE("not RC"); } } else if (this.inputLine == "/ignorelist") { foreach (int num2 in FengGameManagerMKII.ignoreList) { this.addLINE(num2.ToString()); } } else if (this.inputLine.StartsWith("/room")) { if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { if (this.inputLine.Substring(6).StartsWith("max")) { int num3 = Convert.ToInt32(this.inputLine.Substring(10)); FengGameManagerMKII.instance.maxPlayers = num3; = num3; objArray3 = new object[] { "<color=#FFCC00>Max players changed to " + this.inputLine.Substring(10) + "!</color>", "" }; FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("Chat", PhotonTargets.All, objArray3); } else if (this.inputLine.Substring(6).StartsWith("time")) { FengGameManagerMKII.instance.addTime(Convert.ToSingle(this.inputLine.Substring(11))); objArray3 = new object[] { "<color=#FFCC00>" + this.inputLine.Substring(11) + " seconds added to the clock.</color>", "" }; FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("Chat", PhotonTargets.All, objArray3); } } else { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>error: not master client</color>"); } } else if (this.inputLine.StartsWith("/resetkd")) { Hashtable hashtable; if (this.inputLine == "/resetkdall") { if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { foreach (PhotonPlayer player in PhotonNetwork.playerList) { hashtable = new Hashtable(); hashtable.Add(PhotonPlayerProperty.kills, 0); hashtable.Add(PhotonPlayerProperty.deaths, 0); hashtable.Add(PhotonPlayerProperty.max_dmg, 0); hashtable.Add(PhotonPlayerProperty.total_dmg, 0); player.SetCustomProperties(hashtable); } objArray3 = new object[] { "<color=#FFCC00>All stats have been reset.</color>", "" }; FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("Chat", PhotonTargets.All, objArray3); } else { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>error: not master client</color>"); } } else { hashtable = new Hashtable(); hashtable.Add(PhotonPlayerProperty.kills, 0); hashtable.Add(PhotonPlayerProperty.deaths, 0); hashtable.Add(PhotonPlayerProperty.max_dmg, 0); hashtable.Add(PhotonPlayerProperty.total_dmg, 0); PhotonNetwork.player.SetCustomProperties(hashtable); this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Your stats have been reset. </color>"); } } else if (this.inputLine.StartsWith("/pm")) { string[] strArray = this.inputLine.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); PhotonPlayer targetPlayer = PhotonPlayer.Find(Convert.ToInt32(strArray[1])); str2 = RCextensions.returnStringFromObject(PhotonNetwork.player.customProperties[]).hexColor(); if (str2 == string.Empty) { str2 = RCextensions.returnStringFromObject(PhotonNetwork.player.customProperties[]); if (PhotonNetwork.player.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.RCteam] != null) { if (RCextensions.returnIntFromObject(PhotonNetwork.player.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.RCteam]) == 1) { str2 = "<color=#00FFFF>" + str2 + "</color>"; } else if (RCextensions.returnIntFromObject(PhotonNetwork.player.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.RCteam]) == 2) { str2 = "<color=#FF00FF>" + str2 + "</color>"; } } } string str3 = RCextensions.returnStringFromObject(targetPlayer.customProperties[]).hexColor(); if (str3 == string.Empty) { str3 = RCextensions.returnStringFromObject(targetPlayer.customProperties[]); if (targetPlayer.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.RCteam] != null) { if (RCextensions.returnIntFromObject(targetPlayer.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.RCteam]) == 1) { str3 = "<color=#00FFFF>" + str3 + "</color>"; } else if (RCextensions.returnIntFromObject(targetPlayer.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.RCteam]) == 2) { str3 = "<color=#FF00FF>" + str3 + "</color>"; } } } string str4 = string.Empty; for (num4 = 2; num4 < strArray.Length; num4++) { str4 = str4 + strArray[num4] + " "; } FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("ChatPM", targetPlayer, new object[] { str2, str4 }); this.addLINE("<color=#FFC000>TO [" + targetPlayer.ID.ToString() + "]</color> " + str3 + ":" + str4); } else if (this.inputLine.StartsWith("/team")) { if (RCSettings.teamMode == 1) { if ((this.inputLine.Substring(6) == "1") || (this.inputLine.Substring(6) == "cyan")) { FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("setTeamRPC", PhotonNetwork.player, new object[] { 1 }); this.addLINE("<color=#00FFFF>You have joined team cyan.</color>"); foreach (GameObject obj2 in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player")) { if (obj2.GetPhotonView().isMine) { obj2.GetComponent <HERO>().markDie(); obj2.GetComponent <HERO>().photonView.RPC("netDie2", PhotonTargets.All, new object[] { -1, "Team Switch" }); } } } else if ((this.inputLine.Substring(6) == "2") || (this.inputLine.Substring(6) == "magenta")) { FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("setTeamRPC", PhotonNetwork.player, new object[] { 2 }); this.addLINE("<color=#FF00FF>You have joined team magenta.</color>"); foreach (GameObject obj3 in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player")) { if (obj3.GetPhotonView().isMine) { obj3.GetComponent <HERO>().markDie(); obj3.GetComponent <HERO>().photonView.RPC("netDie2", PhotonTargets.All, new object[] { -1, "Team Switch" }); } } } else if ((this.inputLine.Substring(6) == "0") || (this.inputLine.Substring(6) == "individual")) { FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("setTeamRPC", PhotonNetwork.player, new object[] { 0 }); this.addLINE("<color=#00FF00>You have joined individuals.</color>"); foreach (GameObject obj4 in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player")) { if (obj4.GetPhotonView().isMine) { obj4.GetComponent <HERO>().markDie(); obj4.GetComponent <HERO>().photonView.RPC("netDie2", PhotonTargets.All, new object[] { -1, "Team Switch" }); } } } else { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>error: invalid team code. Accepted values are 0,1, and 2.</color>"); } } else { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>error: teams are locked or disabled. </color>"); } } else if (this.inputLine == "/restart") { if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { objArray3 = new object[] { "<color=#FFCC00>MasterClient has restarted the game!</color>", "" }; FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("Chat", PhotonTargets.All, objArray3); FengGameManagerMKII.instance.restartRC(); } else { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>error: not master client</color>"); } } else if (this.inputLine.StartsWith("/specmode")) { if (((int)FengGameManagerMKII.settings[0xf5]) == 0) { FengGameManagerMKII.settings[0xf5] = 1; FengGameManagerMKII.instance.EnterSpecMode(true); this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>You have entered spectator mode.</color>"); } else { FengGameManagerMKII.settings[0xf5] = 0; FengGameManagerMKII.instance.EnterSpecMode(false); this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>You have exited spectator mode.</color>"); } } else if (this.inputLine.StartsWith("/fov")) { int num6 = Convert.ToInt32(this.inputLine.Substring(5)); Camera.main.fieldOfView = num6; this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Field of vision set to " + num6.ToString() + ".</color>"); } else if (this.inputLine == "/colliders") { int num7 = 0; foreach (TITAN titan in FengGameManagerMKII.instance.getTitans()) { if (titan.myTitanTrigger.isCollide) { num7++; } } FengGameManagerMKII.instance.chatRoom.addLINE(num7.ToString()); } else { int num8; if (this.inputLine.StartsWith("/spectate")) { num8 = Convert.ToInt32(this.inputLine.Substring(10)); foreach (GameObject obj5 in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player")) { if (obj5.GetPhotonView().owner.ID == num8) { Camera.main.GetComponent <IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA>().setMainObject(obj5, true, false); Camera.main.GetComponent <IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA>().setSpectorMode(false); } } } else if (!this.inputLine.StartsWith("/kill")) { object[] objArray5; if (this.inputLine.StartsWith("/revive")) { if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { if (this.inputLine == "/reviveall") { objArray5 = new object[] { "<color=#FFCC00>All players have been revived.</color>", string.Empty }; FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("Chat", PhotonTargets.All, objArray5); foreach (PhotonPlayer player in PhotonNetwork.playerList) { if (((player.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.dead] != null) && RCextensions.returnBoolFromObject(player.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.dead])) && (RCextensions.returnIntFromObject(player.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.isTitan]) != 2)) { FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("respawnHeroInNewRound", player, new object[0]); } } } else { num8 = Convert.ToInt32(this.inputLine.Substring(8)); foreach (PhotonPlayer player in PhotonNetwork.playerList) { if (player.ID == num8) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Player " + num8.ToString() + " has been revived.</color>"); if (((player.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.dead] != null) && RCextensions.returnBoolFromObject(player.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.dead])) && (RCextensions.returnIntFromObject(player.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.isTitan]) != 2)) { objArray5 = new object[] { "<color=#FFCC00>You have been revived by the master client.</color>", string.Empty }; FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("Chat", player, objArray5); FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("respawnHeroInNewRound", player, new object[0]); } } } } } else { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>error: not master client</color>"); } } else if (this.inputLine.StartsWith("/unban")) { if (FengGameManagerMKII.OnPrivateServer) { FengGameManagerMKII.ServerRequestUnban(this.inputLine.Substring(7)); } else if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { int num9 = Convert.ToInt32(this.inputLine.Substring(7)); if (FengGameManagerMKII.banHash.ContainsKey(num9)) { objArray5 = new object[] { "<color=#FFCC00>" + ((string)FengGameManagerMKII.banHash[num9]) + " has been unbanned from the server. </color>", string.Empty }; FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("Chat", PhotonTargets.All, objArray5); FengGameManagerMKII.banHash.Remove(num9); } else { this.addLINE("error: no such player"); } } else { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>error: not master client</color>"); } } else if (this.inputLine.StartsWith("/rules")) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Currently activated gamemodes:</color>"); if (RCSettings.bombMode > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Bomb mode is on.</color>"); } if (RCSettings.teamMode > 0) { if (RCSettings.teamMode == 1) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Team mode is on (no sort).</color>"); } else if (RCSettings.teamMode == 2) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Team mode is on (sort by size).</color>"); } else if (RCSettings.teamMode == 3) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Team mode is on (sort by skill).</color>"); } } if (RCSettings.pointMode > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Point mode is on (" + Convert.ToString(RCSettings.pointMode) + ").</color>"); } if (RCSettings.disableRock > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Punk Rock-Throwing is disabled.</color>"); } if (RCSettings.spawnMode > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Custom spawn rate is on (" + RCSettings.nRate.ToString("F2") + "% Normal, " + RCSettings.aRate.ToString("F2") + "% Abnormal, " + RCSettings.jRate.ToString("F2") + "% Jumper, " + RCSettings.cRate.ToString("F2") + "% Crawler, " + RCSettings.pRate.ToString("F2") + "% Punk </color>"); } if (RCSettings.explodeMode > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Titan explode mode is on (" + Convert.ToString(RCSettings.explodeMode) + ").</color>"); } if (RCSettings.healthMode > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Titan health mode is on (" + Convert.ToString(RCSettings.healthLower) + "-" + Convert.ToString(RCSettings.healthUpper) + ").</color>"); } if (RCSettings.infectionMode > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Infection mode is on (" + Convert.ToString(RCSettings.infectionMode) + ").</color>"); } if (RCSettings.damageMode > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Minimum nape damage is on (" + Convert.ToString(RCSettings.damageMode) + ").</color>"); } if (RCSettings.moreTitans > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Custom titan # is on (" + Convert.ToString(RCSettings.moreTitans) + ").</color>"); } if (RCSettings.sizeMode > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Custom titan size is on (" + RCSettings.sizeLower.ToString("F2") + "," + RCSettings.sizeUpper.ToString("F2") + ").</color>"); } if (RCSettings.banEren > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Anti-Eren is on. Using Titan eren will get you kicked.</color>"); } if (RCSettings.waveModeOn == 1) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Custom wave mode is on (" + Convert.ToString(RCSettings.waveModeNum) + ").</color>"); } if (RCSettings.friendlyMode > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Friendly-Fire disabled. PVP is prohibited.</color>"); } if (RCSettings.pvpMode > 0) { if (RCSettings.pvpMode == 1) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>AHSS/Blade PVP is on (team-based).</color>"); } else if (RCSettings.pvpMode == 2) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>AHSS/Blade PVP is on (FFA).</color>"); } } if (RCSettings.maxWave > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Max Wave set to " + RCSettings.maxWave.ToString() + "</color>"); } if (RCSettings.horseMode > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Horses are enabled.</color>"); } if (RCSettings.ahssReload > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>AHSS Air-Reload disabled.</color>"); } if (RCSettings.punkWaves > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Punk override every 5 waves enabled.</color>"); } if (RCSettings.endlessMode > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Endless Respawn is enabled (" + RCSettings.endlessMode.ToString() + " seconds).</color>"); } if (RCSettings.globalDisableMinimap > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Minimaps are disabled.</color>"); } if (RCSettings.motd != string.Empty) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>MOTD:" + RCSettings.motd + "</color>"); } if (RCSettings.deadlyCannons > 0) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>Cannons will kill humans.</color>"); } } else { object[] objArray6; bool flag2; object[] objArray7; if (this.inputLine.StartsWith("/kick")) { num8 = Convert.ToInt32(this.inputLine.Substring(6)); if (num8 == PhotonNetwork.player.ID) { this.addLINE("error:can't kick yourself."); } else if (!(FengGameManagerMKII.OnPrivateServer || PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)) { objArray6 = new object[] { "/kick #" + Convert.ToString(num8), }; FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("Chat", PhotonTargets.All, objArray6); } else { flag2 = false; foreach (PhotonPlayer player3 in PhotonNetwork.playerList) { if (num8 == player3.ID) { flag2 = true; if (FengGameManagerMKII.OnPrivateServer) { FengGameManagerMKII.instance.kickPlayerRC(player3, false, ""); } else if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { FengGameManagerMKII.instance.kickPlayerRC(player3, false, ""); objArray7 = new object[] { "<color=#FFCC00>" + RCextensions.returnStringFromObject(player3.customProperties[]) + " has been kicked from the server!</color>", string.Empty }; FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("Chat", PhotonTargets.All, objArray7); } } } if (!flag2) { this.addLINE("error:no such player."); } } } else if (this.inputLine.StartsWith("/ban")) { if (this.inputLine == "/banlist") { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>List of banned players:</color>"); foreach (int num10 in FengGameManagerMKII.banHash.Keys) { this.addLINE("<color=#FFCC00>" + Convert.ToString(num10) + ":" + ((string)FengGameManagerMKII.banHash[num10]) + "</color>"); } } else { num8 = Convert.ToInt32(this.inputLine.Substring(5)); if (num8 == PhotonNetwork.player.ID) { this.addLINE("error:can't kick yourself."); } else if (!(FengGameManagerMKII.OnPrivateServer || PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)) { objArray6 = new object[] { "/kick #" + Convert.ToString(num8), }; FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("Chat", PhotonTargets.All, objArray6); } else { flag2 = false; foreach (PhotonPlayer player3 in PhotonNetwork.playerList) { if (num8 == player3.ID) { flag2 = true; if (FengGameManagerMKII.OnPrivateServer) { FengGameManagerMKII.instance.kickPlayerRC(player3, true, ""); } else if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { FengGameManagerMKII.instance.kickPlayerRC(player3, true, ""); objArray7 = new object[] { "<color=#FFCC00>" + RCextensions.returnStringFromObject(player3.customProperties[]) + " has been banned from the server!</color>", string.Empty }; FengGameManagerMKII.instance.photonView.RPC("Chat", PhotonTargets.All, objArray7); } } } if (!flag2) { this.addLINE("error:no such player."); } } } } } } } } this.inputLine = string.Empty; GUI.FocusControl(string.Empty); return; } this.inputLine = "\t"; GUI.FocusControl("ChatInput"); } Label_013D: GUI.SetNextControlName(string.Empty); GUILayout.BeginArea(GuiRect); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); string text = string.Empty; if (messages.Count < 15) { for (num4 = 0; num4 < messages.Count; num4++) { text = text + messages[num4] + "\n"; } } else { for (int i = messages.Count - 15; i < messages.Count; i++) { text = text + messages[i] + "\n"; } } GUILayout.Label(text, new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayout.EndArea(); GUILayout.BeginArea(GuiRect2); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUI.SetNextControlName("ChatInput"); this.inputLine = GUILayout.TextField(this.inputLine, new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndArea(); }