// ボーンのdst方向にあるのがpatch2 static void OverlayPatches(PatchSkeletalMesh patch1, PatchSkeletalMesh patch2, PatchSkeleton refSkeleton, PatchSection section1, PatchSection section2, PatchSkeletonBone bone, float border) { PatchSkeletonBone refBone = RefBone(refSkeleton, bone); float min1 = float.MaxValue; float max2 = float.MinValue; List <PatchVertex> path1 = GetPath(patch1); List <PatchVertex> path2 = GetPath(patch2); for (int i = section1.First; i < section1.First + section1.Length; i++) { var pt = path1[FMath.Rem(i, path1.Count)].position; float param = FMath.ParameterOnLine(pt, refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position); if (float.IsNaN(param)) { continue; } min1 = Math.Min(min1, param); } for (int i = section2.First; i < section2.First + section2.Length; i++) { var pt = path2[FMath.Rem(i, path2.Count)].position; float param = FMath.ParameterOnLine(pt, refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position); if (float.IsNaN(param)) { continue; } max2 = Math.Max(max2, param); } PointF x, y; BoneCoordinate(refBone, out x, out y); float boneLength = FMath.Distance(refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position); float dparam = border / boneLength; float delta = (min1 - max2 - dparam) * boneLength; float dx = x.X * delta; float dy = x.Y * delta; // mesh2の頂点・制御点を平行移動する foreach (var v in patch2.mesh.vertices) { v.position = new PointF(v.position.X + dx, v.position.Y + dy); } foreach (var c in patch2.mesh.CopyControlPoints()) { patch2.mesh.TranslateControlPoint(c.position, new PointF(c.position.X + dx, c.position.Y + dy), false); } }
// // Expand() // /// <summary> /// smesh1, smesh2の輪郭をずらして重ねる。輪郭に制御点をおいてARAPする /// curveOffset, curveLengthは切り口付近の補間に使う部分曲線 /// </summary> static void Expand( PatchSkeletalMesh patch1, PatchSkeletalMesh patch2, PatchSkeleton refSkeleton, PatchSection section1, PatchSection section2, PatchSkeletonBone bone, float curveLength, float curveBuffer) { // メッシュを固定 patch1.mesh.FreezeMesh(true); patch2.mesh.FreezeMesh(true); List <PatchVertex> rawPath1 = GetPath(patch1); List <PatchVertex> rawPath2 = GetPath(patch2); List <PointF> path1 = rawPath1.Select(v => v.position).ToList(); List <PointF> path2 = rawPath2.Select(v => v.position).ToList(); // 切り口に隣接する2曲線をそれぞれ取得 var rawCurves1 = section2adjCurves(rawPath1, section1); var rawCurves2 = section2adjCurves(rawPath2, section2); if (rawCurves1 == null || rawCurves2 == null) { return; } var trimCurves1 = TrimCurves(rawPath1, rawCurves1, 0, curveLength); var trimCurves2 = TrimCurves(rawPath2, rawCurves2, 0, curveLength); PatchSkeletonBone refBone = RefBone(refSkeleton, bone); var sorted1 = GetSortedCurves(path1, trimCurves1, refBone); var sorted2 = GetSortedCurves(path2, trimCurves2, refBone); if (sorted1.Count != 2 || sorted2.Count != 2) { return; } // patch1の制御点 patch1.mesh.ClearControlPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { foreach (var p in sorted1[i]) { patch1.mesh.AddControlPoint(p, p); } } patch1.mesh.BeginDeformation(); // patch2の制御点 patch2.mesh.ClearControlPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { foreach (var p in sorted2[i]) { patch2.mesh.AddControlPoint(p, p); } } patch2.mesh.BeginDeformation(); // 第一要素、第二要素がそれぞれボーンにとって同じ側の切り口となるように並び替える // 切り口に近づく向きに点が並んでいる float h10 = CurveHeight(sorted1[0], refBone); float h11 = CurveHeight(sorted1[1], refBone); float h20 = CurveHeight(sorted2[0], refBone); float h21 = CurveHeight(sorted2[1], refBone); var curve10 = sorted1[0].ToList(); var curve11 = sorted1[1].ToList(); var curve20 = sorted2[0].ToList(); var curve21 = sorted2[1].ToList(); // curveの重心を揃える PointF x, y; BoneCoordinate(refBone, out x, out y); float c0 = (h10 + h20) * 0.5f; float dy10 = c0 - h10; for (int i = 0; i < curve10.Count; i++) { curve10[i] = new PointF(curve10[i].X + dy10 * y.X, curve10[i].Y + dy10 * y.Y); } float dy11 = c0 - h20; for (int i = 0; i < curve20.Count; i++) { curve20[i] = new PointF(curve20[i].X + dy11 * y.X, curve20[i].Y + dy11 * y.Y); } float c1 = (h11 + h21) * 0.5f; float dy20 = c1 - h11; for (int i = 0; i < curve11.Count; i++) { curve11[i] = new PointF(curve11[i].X + dy20 * y.X, curve11[i].Y + dy20 * y.Y); } float dy21 = c1 - h21; for (int i = 0; i < curve21.Count; i++) { curve21[i] = new PointF(curve21[i].X + dy21 * y.X, curve21[i].Y + dy21 * y.Y); } // curveをエルミート保管して繋げる var ends0 = new[] { curve10[0], curve10.Last(), curve20[0], curve20.Last() }; int min0, max0; FMath.GetMinElement(ends0, p => FMath.ParameterOnLine(p, refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position), out min0); FMath.GetMinElement(ends0, p => - FMath.ParameterOnLine(p, refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position), out max0); var ends1 = new[] { curve11[0], curve11.Last(), curve21[0], curve21.Last() }; int min1, max1; FMath.GetMinElement(ends1, p => FMath.ParameterOnLine(p, refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position), out min1); FMath.GetMinElement(ends1, p => - FMath.ParameterOnLine(p, refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position), out max1); PointF[] es = new[] { ends0[min0], ends1[min1], ends0[max0], ends1[max1], }; PointF[] vs = new[] { new PointF(curve10[0].X - curve10[curve10.Count - 1].X, curve10[0].Y - curve10[curve10.Count - 1].Y), new PointF(curve11[0].X - curve11[curve11.Count - 1].X, curve11[0].Y - curve11[curve11.Count - 1].Y), new PointF(-(curve20[0].X - curve20[curve20.Count - 1].X), -(curve20[0].Y - curve20[curve20.Count - 1].Y)), new PointF(-(curve21[0].X - curve21[curve21.Count - 1].X), -(curve21[0].Y - curve21[curve21.Count - 1].Y)), }; float[] ps = new[] { FMath.ParameterOnLine(es[0], refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position), FMath.ParameterOnLine(es[1], refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position), FMath.ParameterOnLine(es[2], refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position), FMath.ParameterOnLine(es[3], refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position), }; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var e1 = es[i]; var v1 = vs[i]; float param1 = ps[i]; var e2 = es[i + 2]; var v2 = vs[i + 2]; float param2 = ps[i + 2]; if (Math.Abs(param2 - param1) <= 1e-4) { continue; } float paramRatio = 1 / (param2 - param1); for (int j = 0; j < sorted1[i].Count; j++) { float param = FMath.ParameterOnLine(sorted1[i][j], refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position); float t = (param - param1) * paramRatio; PointF to = FMath.HelmitteInterporate(e1, v1, e2, v2, t); patch1.mesh.TranslateControlPoint(sorted1[i][j], to, false); } for (int j = 0; j < sorted2[i].Count; j++) { float param = FMath.ParameterOnLine(sorted2[i][j], refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position); float t = (param - param1) * paramRatio; PointF to = FMath.HelmitteInterporate(e1, v1, e2, v2, t); patch2.mesh.TranslateControlPoint(sorted2[i][j], to, false); } } // 変形 patch1.mesh.FlushDefomation(); patch2.mesh.FlushDefomation(); // 変形終了 patch1.mesh.EndDeformation(); patch2.mesh.EndDeformation(); }
private static float OverlapWidth(PatchSkeletalMesh patch1, PatchSkeletalMesh patch2, PatchSkeleton refSkeleton, PatchSection section1, PatchSection section2, PatchSkeletonBone bone, int maxLength, int maxAngle) { var refBone = RefBone(refSkeleton, bone); var path1 = GetPath(patch1); var curves1 = section2adjCurves(path1, section1); var sorted1 = GetSortedCurves(path1.Select(v => v.position).ToList(), curves1, refBone); var path2 = GetPath(patch2); var curves2 = section2adjCurves(path2, section2); var sorted2 = GetSortedCurves(path2.Select(v => v.position).ToList(), curves2, refBone); float[] param = new float[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; var sortedCurves = new[] { sorted1[0], sorted1[1], sorted2[0], sorted2[1], }; float minCos = (float)Math.Cos(Math.PI / 180 * maxAngle); for (int i = 0; i < sortedCurves.Length; i++) { var c = sortedCurves[i]; var path = i < 2 ? path1 : path2; List <PointF> pts = new List <PointF>(); float total = 0; for (int j = c.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var p = c[j]; pts.Add(p); if (pts.Count >= 3 && FMath.GetAngleCos(pts) < minCos) { pts.RemoveAt(pts.Count - 1); break; } if (pts.Count >= 2) { total += FMath.Distance(pts[pts.Count - 2], pts[pts.Count - 1]); } if (total >= maxLength) { pts.RemoveAt(pts.Count - 1); break; } } param[i] = FMath.ParameterOnLine(pts.Last(), refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position); } float min1 = Enumerable.Range(section1.First, section1.Length).Min(idx => FMath.ParameterOnLine(path1[FMath.Rem(idx, path1.Count)].position, refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position)); float max1 = Enumerable.Range(section1.First, section1.Length).Max(idx => FMath.ParameterOnLine(path1[FMath.Rem(idx, path1.Count)].position, refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position)); int idx1 = Enumerable.Range(section1.First, section1.Length).First(idx => max1 == FMath.ParameterOnLine(path1[FMath.Rem(idx, path1.Count)].position, refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position)); float min2 = Enumerable.Range(section2.First, section2.Length).Min(idx => FMath.ParameterOnLine(path2[FMath.Rem(idx, path2.Count)].position, refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position)); float max2 = Enumerable.Range(section2.First, section2.Length).Max(idx => FMath.ParameterOnLine(path2[FMath.Rem(idx, path2.Count)].position, refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position)); float idx2 = Enumerable.Range(section2.First, section2.Length).First(idx => max2 == FMath.ParameterOnLine(path2[FMath.Rem(idx, path2.Count)].position, refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position)); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(param[0] <= max1); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(param[1] <= max1); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(param[2] >= min2); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(param[3] >= min2); float[] dParams = new[] { Math.Max(0, min1 - param[0]), Math.Max(0, min1 - param[1]), Math.Max(0, param[2] - max2), Math.Max(0, param[3] - max2), }; float minDParam = dParams.Min(); float boarderWidth = minDParam * FMath.Distance(refBone.src.position, refBone.dst.position); return(boarderWidth); }