        public static Quatf RotAxisAngleToQuatf(Vec3f axis, float theta)
            float c = FMath.Cos(theta * 0.5f);

            axis *= FMath.Sin(theta * 0.5f);
            return((new Quatf(c, axis)).Normalize());
    private void SetSpritePrimitive(
        out SpritePrim spritePrim,
        SpriteB spriteB
        spritePrim.V0.Color = _color;
        spritePrim.V1.Color = _color;
        spritePrim.V2.Color = _color;
        spritePrim.V3.Color = _color;

        spritePrim.V0.UV = spriteB._uv[0];
        spritePrim.V1.UV = spriteB._uv[1];
        spritePrim.V2.UV = spriteB._uv[2];
        spritePrim.V3.UV = spriteB._uv[3];

        if (spriteB.Rotation == 0.0f)
            spritePrim.V0.Position.X = (short)(spriteB.Position.X - spriteB.Width * spriteB.Center.X);           //0.0f;	// x0
            spritePrim.V0.Position.Y = (short)(spriteB.Position.Y - spriteB.Height * spriteB.Center.Y);          //0.0f;	// y0

            spritePrim.V1.Position.X = (short)(spriteB.Position.X - spriteB.Width * spriteB.Center.X);           //0.0f;	// x1
            spritePrim.V1.Position.Y = (short)(spriteB.Position.Y + spriteB.Height * (1.0f - spriteB.Center.Y)); //1.0f;	// y1

            spritePrim.V2.Position.X = (short)(spriteB.Position.X + spriteB.Width * (1.0f - spriteB.Center.X));  //1.0f;	// x2
            spritePrim.V2.Position.Y = (short)(spriteB.Position.Y - spriteB.Height * spriteB.Center.Y);          //0.0f;	// y2

            spritePrim.V3.Position.X = (short)(spriteB.Position.X + spriteB.Width * (1.0f - spriteB.Center.X));  //1.0f;	// x3
            spritePrim.V3.Position.Y = (short)(spriteB.Position.Y + spriteB.Height * (1.0f - spriteB.Center.Y)); //1.0f;	// y3
            float x, y, rc, rs;

            rc = FMath.Cos(spriteB.Rotation);
            rs = FMath.Sin(spriteB.Rotation);

            x = -spriteB.Width * spriteB.Center.X;
            y = -spriteB.Height * spriteB.Center.Y;
            spritePrim.V0.Position.X = (short)(spriteB.Position.X + (float)(x * rc - y * rs));      // x0
            spritePrim.V0.Position.Y = (short)(spriteB.Position.Y + (float)(x * rs + y * rc));      // y0

            x = -spriteB.Width * spriteB.Center.X;
            y = spriteB.Height * (1.0f - spriteB.Center.Y);
            spritePrim.V1.Position.X = (short)(spriteB.Position.X + (float)(x * rc - y * rs));      // x1
            spritePrim.V1.Position.Y = (short)(spriteB.Position.Y + (float)(x * rs + y * rc));      // y1

            x = spriteB.Width * (1.0f - spriteB.Center.X);
            y = -spriteB.Height * spriteB.Center.Y;
            spritePrim.V2.Position.X = (short)(spriteB.Position.X + (float)(x * rc - y * rs));    // x2
            spritePrim.V2.Position.Y = (short)(spriteB.Position.Y + (float)(x * rs + y * rc));    // y2

            x = spriteB.Width * (1.0f - spriteB.Center.X);
            y = spriteB.Height * (1.0f - spriteB.Center.Y);
            spritePrim.V3.Position.X = (short)(spriteB.Position.X + (float)(x * rc - y * rs));    // x3
            spritePrim.V3.Position.Y = (short)(spriteB.Position.Y + (float)(x * rs + y * rc));    // y3
        public override void Tick(float dt)

            GamePadData data = GamePad.GetData(0);

            float analogX = 0.0f;
            float analogY = 0.0f;

            //d-pad movement,emulating analog movement of the sticks
            if (Input2.GamePad0.Right.Down)
                analogX = 1.0f;
            else if (Input2.GamePad0.Left.Down)
                analogX = -1.0f;
            if (Input2.GamePad0.Up.Down)
                analogY = -1.0f;
            else if (Input2.GamePad0.Down.Down)
                analogY = 1.0f;

            //if the left stick is moving,then use values read from the stick
            if (data.AnalogLeftX > 0.2f || data.AnalogLeftX < -0.2f || data.AnalogLeftY > 0.2f || data.AnalogLeftY < -0.2f)
                analogX = data.AnalogLeftX;
                analogY = data.AnalogLeftY;

            //calculate the position
            Position = new Vector2(Position.X + analogX / 10f, Position.Y - analogY / 10f);

            //rotate according to the right analog stick, or if it's not moving, then according the the left stick
            // so basically if you are not pointing the player in any direction with the right stick he is going to point in the walking direction
            //or if both sticks are not moving,then use the analogX and analogY values(d-pad movement)
            if (data.AnalogRightX > 0.2f || data.AnalogRightX < -0.2f || data.AnalogRightY > 0.2f || data.AnalogRightY < -0.2f)
                var angleInRadians = FMath.Atan2(-data.AnalogRightX, -data.AnalogRightY);
                Rotation = new Vector2(FMath.Cos(angleInRadians), FMath.Sin(angleInRadians));
            else if (data.AnalogLeftX > 0.2f || data.AnalogLeftX < -0.2f || data.AnalogLeftY > 0.2f || data.AnalogLeftY < -0.2f)
                var angleInRadians = FMath.Atan2(-data.AnalogLeftX, -data.AnalogLeftY);
                Rotation = new Vector2(FMath.Cos(angleInRadians), FMath.Sin(angleInRadians));
            else if (analogX != 0.0f || analogY != 0.0f)
                var angleInRadians = FMath.Atan2(-analogX, -analogY);
                Rotation = new Vector2(FMath.Cos(angleInRadians), FMath.Sin(angleInRadians));
        static public bool createPipeVertex(
            MeshData mesh,
            float radius,
            float height,
            int div
            int   a_pos_cnt    = 0;
            float a_st_now     = 0;
            float a_stack_step = (float)(Math.PI / div);

            for (int j = 0; j < div * 2; j++)
                float px = FMath.Cos(a_st_now) * radius;
                float py = FMath.Sin(a_st_now) * radius;

                mesh.Positions[a_pos_cnt + 0] = px;
                mesh.Positions[a_pos_cnt + 1] = py;
                mesh.Positions[a_pos_cnt + 2] = height;
                mesh.Positions[a_pos_cnt + 3] = px;
                mesh.Positions[a_pos_cnt + 4] = py;
                mesh.Positions[a_pos_cnt + 5] = 0;
                a_pos_cnt += 6;

                a_st_now += a_stack_step;

        public static bool Init(GraphicsContext graphicsContext)
            graphics = graphicsContext;

            textureShaderProgram = createSimpleTextureShader();
            colorShaderProgram   = createSimpleColorShader();

            projectionMatrix = Matrix4.Ortho(0, Width,
                                             0, Height,
                                             0.0f, 32768.0f);

            viewMatrix = Matrix4.LookAt(new Vector3(0, Height, 0),
                                        new Vector3(0, Height, 1),
                                        new Vector3(0, -1, 0));

            rectVertices = new VertexBuffer(4, VertexFormat.Float3);
            rectVertices.SetVertices(0, new float[] { 0, 0, 0,
                                                      1, 0, 0,
                                                      1, 1, 0,
                                                      0, 1, 0 });

            circleVertices = new VertexBuffer(36, VertexFormat.Float3);
            float[] circleVertex = new float[3 * 36];
            for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++)
                float radian = ((i * 10) / 180.0f * FMath.PI);
                circleVertex[3 * i + 0] = FMath.Cos(radian);
                circleVertex[3 * i + 1] = FMath.Sin(radian);
                circleVertex[3 * i + 2] = 0.0f;
            circleVertices.SetVertices(0, circleVertex);

            defaultFont = new Font(FontAlias.System, 24, FontStyle.Regular);

            spriteDict          = new Dictionary <string, SampleSprite>();
            spriteNamelessCount = 0;

#if true
            __testShaderProgram1 = new ShaderProgram("/Application/Sample/Lib/SampleLib/shaders/Test.cgx");
            __testVertices1      = new VertexBuffer(3, VertexFormat.Float3);
            __testShaderProgram1.SetAttributeBinding(0, "vPosition");
            __testVertices1.SetVertices(0, new float[] {
                0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f,
                -0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f,
                0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f

            __testShaderProgram2 = new ShaderProgram("/Application/Sample/Lib/SampleLib/shaders/Test.cgx");
            __testVertices2      = new VertexBuffer(3, VertexFormat.Float3);
            __testShaderProgram2.SetAttributeBinding(0, "vPosition");
            __testVertices2.SetVertices(0, new float[] {
                0.0f, 0.5f - 0.5f, 0.0f,
                -0.5f, -0.5f - 0.5f, 0.0f,
                0.5f, -0.5f - 0.5f, 0.0f

        //Get the player Y position for walking on the Seasaw
        public float GetNewPlayerYPos(Vector2 position)
            float distanceBetween = FMath.Sqrt(FMath.Pow((position.X - _sprite.Position.X), 2) + FMath.Pow((position.Y - _sprite.Position.Y), 2));

            if (distanceBetween < 0)
                distanceBetween = -distanceBetween;

            if (distanceBetween < (_textureInfo.TextureSizef.X / 2) + 40 && _onObstacle)
                float adjacent, opposite, hypotenuse;

                adjacent   = _sprite.Position.X - position.X;
                hypotenuse = adjacent / (FMath.Sin(_angle2));
                opposite   = (FMath.Cos(_angle2)) * hypotenuse;

                _tempScale = ((_angle * 10) * _scalerValue);

                if (_tempScale < 0)
                    _tempScale = -_tempScale;

                float tempScale = (_scaleLimiter * _tempScale);

                return(((_sprite.Position.Y + ((_textureInfo.TextureSizef.Y * _scale) * tempScale)) - opposite) + (115 / 2));
                _onObstacle = false;

        public static Vec3f Quat_RotPt(Vec3f pt, Vec3f rotaxis, float theta)
            Quatf qrot  = new Quatf(FMath.Cos(theta * 0.5f), rotaxis * FMath.Sin(theta * 0.5f));
            Quatf qpt   = new Quatf(0.0f, pt);
            Quatf qconj = qrot.Conjugate();

            return(Quat_PointMult(qrot * qpt, qconj));
        public static float ShockWave(float d, float time, float wave_half_width, float wave_speed, float wave_fade, float d_scale)
            d *= d_scale;
            float num  = time * wave_speed;
            float num2 = FMath.Clamp(d - num, -wave_half_width, wave_half_width) / wave_half_width;
            float num3 = (1f + FMath.Cos(Math.Pi * num2)) * 0.5f;

            return(num3 * FMath.Exp(-d * wave_fade));
        private void UpdateFighterAndCamera(float x)
            _fighter.Offset = new Vec3(0f,
                                       Math.Max(_terrainScene.Height(_fighter.Offset) + 20f, _fighter.Offset.Y), x - 5000f);
            var angle = x * 0.03f;

            _fighter.Orientation = new Vec3(0f, 0f, FMath.Cos(angle));
            _camera.Position     = _fighter.Offset + LookVec();
            _camera.Target       = _fighter.Offset;
        static private bool createTorusVertex(MeshData mesh,
                                              float M,
                                              float N,
                                              int divM,
                                              int divN)
            float s = 0.0f;

            float sStep = (float)(FMath.PI * 2 / divM);
            float tStep = (float)(FMath.PI * 2 / divN);

            for (int m = 0; m < (divM + 1); m++)
                float t = 0.0f;

                for (int n = 0; n < (divN + 1); n++)
                    float x = (M + N * (float)FMath.Cos(FMath.PI * 2 - t)) * (float)FMath.Cos(s);
                    float y = (M + N * (float)FMath.Cos(FMath.PI * 2 - t)) * (float)FMath.Sin(s);
                    float z = N * (float)FMath.Sin(FMath.PI * 2 - t);

                    float nx = (float)(FMath.Cos(s) * FMath.Cos(FMath.PI * 2 - t));
                    float ny = (float)(FMath.Sin(s) * FMath.Cos(FMath.PI * 2 - t));
                    float nz = (float)(FMath.Sin(FMath.PI * 2 - t));

                    float len = (float)FMath.Sqrt(x * x + y * y);
                    float tx  = -y / len;
                    float ty  = x / len;
                    float tz  = 0.0f;

                    int idx = (m * (divN + 1)) + n;
                    mesh.Positions[(idx * 3) + 0] = x;
                    mesh.Positions[(idx * 3) + 1] = y;
                    mesh.Positions[(idx * 3) + 2] = z;

                    mesh.Normals[(idx * 3) + 0] = nx;
                    mesh.Normals[(idx * 3) + 1] = ny;
                    mesh.Normals[(idx * 3) + 2] = nz;

                    mesh.Tangents[(idx * 3) + 0] = tx;
                    mesh.Tangents[(idx * 3) + 1] = ty;
                    mesh.Tangents[(idx * 3) + 2] = tz;

                    mesh.TexCoords[(idx * 2) + 0] = m / (float)divM;
                    mesh.TexCoords[(idx * 2) + 1] = n / (float)divN;

                    t += tStep;
                s += sStep;

 internal static AnimationInterpolator GetDampedWaveInterpolator(int strength)
     strength = (int)FMath.Clamp((float)strength, 0f, 100f);
     return(AnimationUtility.GetAnimationInterpolator(delegate(float ratio)
         if (strength == 0)
             return ratio;
         return -FMath.Cos(ratio * 3.14159274f * (float)strength * 2f) * FMath.Exp(-ratio * (float)strength) / 2f;
        private void get_rotation(ref float x, ref float y, float cx, float cy, float deg)
            float dx  = x - cx;            // 中心からの距離(X)
            float dy  = y - cy;            // 中心からの距離(Y)
            float rad = FMath.Radians(deg);

            float tmpX = (dx * FMath.Cos(rad)) - (dy * FMath.Sin(rad));             // 回転
            float tmpY = (dx * FMath.Sin(rad)) + (dy * FMath.Cos(rad));

            x = (cx + tmpX);             // 元の座標にオフセットする
            y = (cy + tmpY);
        public void TestCos()
            var deg2Rad = Fixed.FromFloat((float)(Math.PI / 180));
            var a       = Fixed.FromInt(90) * deg2Rad;
            var r       = Fixed.FromInt(0);

            AssertApproximately(r, FMath.Cos(a));

            a = Fixed.FromInt(0) * deg2Rad;
            r = Fixed.FromInt(1);
            AssertApproximately(r, FMath.Cos(a));

            a = Fixed.FromInt(37) * deg2Rad;
            r = Fixed.Parse("0.79863551");
            AssertApproximately(r, FMath.Cos(a));
        public static Quatf EulerToQuatf(float alpha, float beta, float gamma)
            float c1 = FMath.Cos(alpha / 2.0f);
            float s1 = FMath.Sin(alpha / 2.0f);
            float c2 = FMath.Cos(beta / 2.0f);
            float s2 = FMath.Sin(beta / 2.0f);
            float c3 = FMath.Cos(gamma / 2.0f);
            float s3 = FMath.Sin(gamma / 2.0f);

            return(new Quatf()
                w = c1 * c2 * c3 - s1 * s2 * s3,
                x = c1 * c2 * s3 + s1 * s2 * c3,
                y = s1 * c2 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3,
                z = c1 * s2 * c3 - s1 * c2 * s3
        /// LookAtの指定からビュー行列の生成

         * trgRotの回転値は1周を360.0fとする
        public void SetLookAt(Vector3 trgRot, Vector3 trgPos, float trgDis)
            float a_Cal1, a_Cal2, a_Cal3;
            float a_Cal  = (float)(pi / 180.0);
            float angleX = trgRot.X * a_Cal;
            float angleY = trgRot.Y * a_Cal;
            float angleZ = trgRot.Z * a_Cal;

            float a_sinx = FMath.Sin(angleX);
            float a_cosx = FMath.Cos(angleX);
            float a_siny = FMath.Sin(angleY);
            float a_cosy = FMath.Cos(angleY);
            float a_sinz = FMath.Sin(angleZ);
            float a_cosz = FMath.Cos(angleZ);

 *              float a_sinx	= FMath.Sin( trgRot.X );
 *              float a_cosx	= FMath.Cos( trgRot.X );
 *              float a_siny	= FMath.Sin( trgRot.Y );
 *              float a_cosy	= FMath.Cos( trgRot.Y );
 *              float a_sinz	= FMath.Sin( trgRot.Z );
 *              float a_cosz	= FMath.Cos( trgRot.Z );
            a_Cal1 = trgDis * a_cosx;
            a_Cal2 = trgDis * a_sinx;
            a_Cal3 = trgDis * a_cosx;

            camPos.X = trgPos.X + (a_Cal1 * a_siny);
            camPos.Y = trgPos.Y + a_Cal2;
            camPos.Z = trgPos.Z + (a_Cal3 * a_cosy);

            camUp.X = (a_sinz * a_cosy);
            camUp.Y = a_cosz;
            camUp.Z = -(a_sinz * a_siny);

            this.View = Matrix4.LookAt(camPos, trgPos, camUp);

            ViewProjection = Projection * View;

            camLookVec = trgPos - camPos;
            camLookVec = camLookVec.Normalize();
        /// 行列にXYZ回転をかける
        static public void SetMtxRotateEulerXYZ(ref Matrix4 mtx, Vector3 rot)
            float sinx = FMath.Sin(rot.X);
            float cosx = FMath.Cos(rot.X);
            float siny = FMath.Sin(rot.Y);
            float cosy = FMath.Cos(rot.Y);
            float sinz = FMath.Sin(rot.Z);
            float cosz = FMath.Cos(rot.Z);

            mtx = Matrix4.Identity;

            mtx.M11 = (cosz * cosy);
            mtx.M21 = (-sinz * cosx) + (cosz * siny * sinx);
            mtx.M31 = (sinz * sinx) + (cosz * siny * cosx);
            mtx.M12 = (sinz * cosy);
            mtx.M22 = (cosz * cosx) + (sinz * siny * sinx);
            mtx.M32 = (-cosz * sinx) + (sinz * siny * cosx);
            mtx.M13 = -siny;
            mtx.M23 = (cosy * sinx);
            mtx.M33 = (cosy * cosx);
        public static bool Init(GraphicsContext graphicsContext, Stopwatch swInit = null)
            graphics = graphicsContext;

            textureShaderProgram = createSimpleTextureShader();
            colorShaderProgram   = createSimpleColorShader();

            projectionMatrix = Matrix4.Ortho(0, Width,
                                             0, Height,
                                             0.0f, 32768.0f);

            viewMatrix = Matrix4.LookAt(new Vector3(0, Height, 0),
                                        new Vector3(0, Height, 1),
                                        new Vector3(0, -1, 0));

            rectVertices = new VertexBuffer(4, VertexFormat.Float3);
            rectVertices.SetVertices(0, new float[] { 0, 0, 0,
                                                      1, 0, 0,
                                                      1, 1, 0,
                                                      0, 1, 0 });

            circleVertices = new VertexBuffer(36, VertexFormat.Float3);
            float[] circleVertex = new float[3 * 36];
            for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++)
                float radian = ((i * 10) / 180.0f * FMath.PI);
                circleVertex[3 * i + 0] = FMath.Cos(radian);
                circleVertex[3 * i + 1] = FMath.Sin(radian);
                circleVertex[3 * i + 2] = 0.0f;
            circleVertices.SetVertices(0, circleVertex);

            defaultFont = new Font(FontAlias.System, 24, FontStyle.Regular);

            spriteDict          = new Dictionary <string, SampleSprite>();
            spriteNamelessCount = 0;

        public Seasaw(Scene scene, float xPos, float floorHeight)
            //Initialise Variables
            rand = new Random();

            _scale         = 1.00f;
            _rotationSpeed = 0.01f;
            _scaleLimiter  = 0.3f;
            _tempScale     = 1.0f;
            _rotateLeft    = false;
            _onObstacle    = false;
            _floorHeight   = floorHeight;
            _defaultYPos   = floorHeight + 45.0f;

            //SpriteSheet Info
            _textureInfo = new TextureInfo("/Application/textures/Seasaw.png");

            //Create Sprite
            _sprite        = new SpriteUV();
            _sprite        = new SpriteUV(_textureInfo);
            _sprite.Quad.S = _textureInfo.TextureSizef;
            _sprite.Scale  = new Vector2(_scale, _scale);
            _sprite.Position = new Vector2(xPos + 180, _defaultYPos);

            _hypotenuse   = (_textureInfo.TextureSizef.X * _scale);
            _angle        = -0.32f;
            _angle2       = (FMath.PI / 2) - _angle;
            _opposite     = FMath.Cos(_angle2) * _hypotenuse;
            _adjacent     = FMath.Tan(_angle) * _opposite;
            _sprite.Angle = _angle;
            _scalerValue  = _tempScale / (_angle * 10);

            _trap = new Trap(scene, new Vector2(xPos, 60.0f));
            _pit  = new Pit(scene, new Vector2(xPos, 60));

            //Add to the current scene.
        public void Update()
            parent.Velocity.X = fint.zero;
            parent.Velocity.Y = fint.zero;

            radiusNear  = false;
            radiusTouch = false;
            parent.proximityToken.FindNeighbors(new Point3D(parent.Position.X.ToInt(), 0, parent.Position.Y.ToInt()), NeighborCheckRadius, unitsNearBy);


            var dist      = (parent.Position - dest).sqrMagnitude;
            int reachDist = 1;

            if (parent.Orders.Count != 0 && parent.Orders.Peek().type == OrderType.MOVE)
                reachDist = 10;

            if (active)
                fint xxx = fint.zero, yyy = fint.zero;

                FVector2 cur2D     = BackgroundGame.MapSpace.WorldToSpace(parent.Position);
                int      id        = cur2D.X.ToInt() + cur2D.Y.ToInt() * BackgroundGame.MapSpace.Width;
                byte     direction = flowfield == null ? (byte)255 : ((id >= 0 && id < flowfield.Length) ? flowfield.Get(id) : (byte)0);

                //if (direction == 255 || dist<(fint)((reachDist+1) * (reachDist+1))) {
                parent.Rotation = FVector2.Angle(dest, parent.Position);

                /*} else {
                 *  if (direction != 0 && direction != 1) {
                 *      if (direction >= 100) direction -= 100;
                 *      int x = -MapSpace.Direction[direction - 2, 0];
                 *      int y = -MapSpace.Direction[direction - 2, 1];
                 *      parent.Rotation =  FMath.Atan2((fint)y, (fint)x);
                 *  }
                 * }*/

                xxx = FMath.Cos(parent.Rotation) * (fint)Speed;
                yyy = FMath.Sin(parent.Rotation) * (fint)Speed;


                if (!BackgroundGame.MapSpace.TestWithDiagonals(parent.Position.X + parent.Velocity.X + xxx, parent.Position.Y + parent.Velocity.Y))
                    xxx = fint.zero;
                if (!BackgroundGame.MapSpace.TestWithDiagonals(parent.Position.X + parent.Velocity.X, parent.Position.Y + parent.Velocity.Y + yyy))
                    yyy = fint.zero;
                if (!BackgroundGame.MapSpace.TestWithDiagonals(parent.Position.X + parent.Velocity.X + xxx, parent.Position.Y + parent.Velocity.Y + yyy))
                    xxx = fint.zero;
                    yyy = fint.zero;

                parent.Velocity.X += xxx;
                parent.Velocity.Y += yyy;

            parent.Velocity.X = GameUtils.Clamp(parent.Velocity.X, -Speed, Speed);
            parent.Velocity.Y = GameUtils.Clamp(parent.Velocity.Y, -Speed, Speed);

            parent.Position += parent.Velocity;
            //if (!active)

            if (active)
                dist = (parent.Position - dest).sqrMagnitude;
                if (dist <= (fint)(reachDist * reachDist))
                    //parent.Position = dest;
                    active        = false;
                    reached       = true;
                    parent.Moving = false;
        public void Render()
            // =============== BEGINNING OF NEW STUFF =======================
            float x, y;
            float cosRot = FMath.Cos(Rotation);
            float sinRot = FMath.Sin(Rotation);

            // Point 1 - top left
            x           = -Width * Center.X;
            y           = -Height * Center.Y;
            vertices[0] = Position.X + (float)(x * cosRot - y * sinRot);        // x0
            vertices[1] = Position.Y + (float)(x * sinRot + y * cosRot);        // y0
            vertices[2] = Position.Z;                                           // z0

            // Point 2 - bottom left
            x           = -Width * Center.X;
            y           = Height * (1.0f - Center.Y);
            vertices[3] = Position.X + (float)(x * cosRot - y * sinRot);      // x1
            vertices[4] = Position.Y + (float)(x * sinRot + y * cosRot);      // y1
            vertices[5] = Position.Z;                                         // z1

            // Point 3 - top right
            x           = Width * (1.0f - Center.X);
            y           = -Height * Center.Y;
            vertices[6] = Position.X + (float)(x * cosRot - y * sinRot);        // x2
            vertices[7] = Position.Y + (float)(x * sinRot + y * cosRot);        // y2
            vertices[8] = Position.Z;                                           // z2

            // Point 4 - bottom right
            x            = Width * (1.0f - Center.X);
            y            = Height * (1.0f - Center.Y);
            vertices[9]  = Position.X + (float)(x * cosRot - y * sinRot);      // x3
            vertices[10] = Position.Y + (float)(x * sinRot + y * cosRot);      // y3
            vertices[11] = Position.Z;                                         // z3

            // "Original"
            graphics.SetBlendFunc(BlendFuncMode.Add, BlendFuncFactor.SrcAlpha, BlendFuncFactor.OneMinusSrcAlpha);

            // Something Cool
            //graphics.SetBlendFunc(BlendFuncMode.Add, BlendFuncFactor.SrcAlpha, BlendFuncFactor.DstAlpha);

            // Additive blending
            //	graphics.SetBlendFunc(BlendFuncMode.Add, BlendFuncFactor.SrcAlpha, BlendFuncFactor.One);

            // ===============  END OF NEW STUFF ================================


            vertexBuffer.SetVertices(0, vertices);
            vertexBuffer.SetVertices(1, texcoords);
            vertexBuffer.SetVertices(2, colors);

            graphics.SetVertexBuffer(0, vertexBuffer);
            graphics.SetTexture(0, texture);

            Matrix4 screenMatrix = new Matrix4(
                2.0f / graphics.Screen.Rectangle.Width, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
                0.0f, -2.0f / graphics.Screen.Rectangle.Height, 0.0f, 0.0f,
                0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
                -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f

            shaderProgram.SetUniformValue(0, ref screenMatrix);

            graphics.DrawArrays(DrawMode.TriangleStrip, 0, indexSize);
        public void SetLookSelf(Vector3 trgRot, Vector3 trgPos, float trgDis, float trgDisX, float lookselfRate)
            float a_Cal1, a_Cal2, a_Cal3;
            float a_Cal  = (float)(pi / 180.0);
            float angleX = trgRot.X * a_Cal;
            float angleY = trgRot.Y * a_Cal;
            float angleZ = trgRot.Z * a_Cal;

            float a_sinx = FMath.Sin(angleX);
            float a_cosx = FMath.Cos(angleX);
            float a_siny = FMath.Sin(angleY);
            float a_cosy = FMath.Cos(angleY);
            float a_sinz = FMath.Sin(angleZ);
            float a_cosz = FMath.Cos(angleZ);

 *              float a_sinx	= FMath.Sin( trgRot.X );
 *              float a_cosx	= FMath.Cos( trgRot.X );
 *              float a_siny	= FMath.Sin( trgRot.Y );
 *              float a_cosy	= FMath.Cos( trgRot.Y );
 *              float a_sinz	= FMath.Sin( trgRot.Z );
 *              float a_cosz	= FMath.Cos( trgRot.Z );
//		a_Cal1 = trgDis * a_cosx;
//		a_Cal2 = trgDis * a_sinx;
//		a_Cal3 = trgDis * a_cosx;

            if (lookselfRate == 1.0f)
                a_Cal1 = -trgDis;
                a_Cal2 = -trgDis * a_sinx;
                a_Cal3 = -trgDis;

                camPos.X = trgPos.X + (a_Cal1 * a_siny);
                camPos.Y = trgPos.Y;
                camPos.Z = trgPos.Z + (a_Cal3 * a_cosy);

                lookPosition.X = camPos.X + (camPos.X - trgPos.X) * a_cosx;
                lookPosition.Y = camPos.Y + trgDisX * a_sinx;
                lookPosition.Z = camPos.Z + (camPos.Z - trgPos.Z) * a_cosx;

                lookedPos.X = trgPos.X + (camPos.X - trgPos.X) * 3.5f;
                lookedPos.Y = camPos.Y + trgDisX * a_sinx;
                lookedPos.Z = trgPos.Z + (camPos.Z - trgPos.Z) * 3.5f;
            else if (lookselfRate == 0.0f)
                a_Cal1 = -trgDis * a_cosx;
                a_Cal2 = -trgDis * a_sinx;
                a_Cal3 = -trgDis * a_cosx;

                camPos.X = trgPos.X + (a_Cal1 * a_siny);
                camPos.Y = trgPos.Y + a_Cal2;
                camPos.Z = trgPos.Z + (a_Cal3 * a_cosy);

                lookPosition.X = trgPos.X;
                lookPosition.Y = trgPos.Y;
                lookPosition.Z = trgPos.Z;
                a_Cal1 = -trgDis * ((a_cosx - 1) * (1 - lookselfRate / 2) + 1);
                a_Cal2 = -trgDis * a_sinx;
                a_Cal3 = -trgDis * ((a_cosx - 1) * (1 - lookselfRate / 2) + 1);;

                camPos.X = trgPos.X + (a_Cal1 * a_siny);
                camPos.Y = trgPos.Y + (a_Cal2 * (1 - lookselfRate / 2));
                //		camPos.Y = trgPos.Y + a_Cal2;
                camPos.Z = trgPos.Z + (a_Cal3 * a_cosy);

                lookPosition.X = trgPos.X;
                lookPosition.Z = trgPos.Z;
                lookPosition.Y = trgPos.Y;

                 * lookPosition.X = trgPos.X * (1-lookselfRate) + lookedPos.X * lookselfRate;
                 * lookPosition.Z = trgPos.Z * (1-lookselfRate) + lookedPos.Z * lookselfRate;
                 * lookPosition.Y = trgPos.Y * (1-lookselfRate) + lookedPos.Y * lookselfRate;

            camUp.X = (a_sinz * a_cosy);
            camUp.Y = a_cosz;
            camUp.Z = -(a_sinz * a_siny);

            this.View = Matrix4.LookAt(camPos, lookPosition, camUp);

            ViewProjection = Projection * View;

            camLookVec = camPos - lookPosition;
            camLookVec = camLookVec.Normalize();
        static private bool createSphereVertex(
            MeshData mesh,
            float radius,
            int div
            if (div <= 0 || radius <= 0)

            int   i_stacks = div;
            int   i_slices = div;
            float i_radius = radius;

            float a_st_now     = 0;
            float a_stack_step = (float)(FMath.PI / (i_stacks - 1));

            int idx = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < i_stacks; i++)
                float a_s = (float)FMath.Sin(a_st_now);
                float ny  = (float)FMath.Cos(a_st_now);
                float py  = i_radius * ny;

                float a_sl_now     = 0;
                float a_slice_step = (float)((FMath.PI * 2) / (i_slices - 1));

                for (int j = 0; j < i_slices; j++)
                    float nx = (float)FMath.Cos(FMath.PI * 2 - a_sl_now) * a_s;
                    float nz = (float)FMath.Sin(FMath.PI * 2 - a_sl_now) * a_s;

                    float px = i_radius * nx;
                    float pz = i_radius * nz;

                    mesh.Positions[(idx * 3) + 0] = px;
                    mesh.Positions[(idx * 3) + 1] = py;
                    mesh.Positions[(idx * 3) + 2] = pz;

                    // Normals
                    mesh.Normals[(idx * 3) + 0] = nx;
                    mesh.Normals[(idx * 3) + 1] = ny;
                    mesh.Normals[(idx * 3) + 2] = nz;

                    // Tangents
                    float len = (float)FMath.Sqrt(nx * nx + nz * nz);
                    mesh.Tangents[(idx * 3) + 0] = nz / len;
                    mesh.Tangents[(idx * 3) + 1] = 0;
                    mesh.Tangents[(idx * 3) + 2] = -nx / len;

                    // Singularities
                    if (nz == 0.0f && nx == 0.0f)
                        mesh.Tangents[(idx * 3) + 0] = (float)FMath.Cos(a_sl_now);
                        mesh.Tangents[(idx * 3) + 1] = 0;
                        mesh.Tangents[(idx * 3) + 2] = (float)FMath.Sin(a_sl_now);

                    float u = 1.0f / (i_slices - 1) * j;
                    float v = 1.0f / (i_stacks - 1) * i;

                    mesh.TexCoords[(idx * 2) + 0] = u;
                    mesh.TexCoords[(idx * 2) + 1] = v;

                    a_sl_now += a_slice_step;
                a_st_now += a_stack_step;
        public override void Tick(float dt)

            GamePadData data = GamePad.GetData(0);

            float analogX = 0.0f;
            float analogY = 0.0f;

            //d-pad movement,emulating analog movement of the sticks
            if (Input2.GamePad0.Right.Down)
                analogX = 1.0f;
            else if (Input2.GamePad0.Left.Down)
                analogX = -1.0f;
            if (Input2.GamePad0.Up.Down)
                analogY = -1.0f;
            else if (Input2.GamePad0.Down.Down)
                analogY = 1.0f;

            //if the left stick is moving,then use values read from the stick
            if (data.AnalogLeftX > 0.2f || data.AnalogLeftX < -0.2f || data.AnalogLeftY > 0.2f || data.AnalogLeftY < -0.2f)
                analogX = data.AnalogLeftX;
                analogY = data.AnalogLeftY;

            //calculate the position

             * {
             *      Position = new Vector2 (Position.X + 0.1f, Position.Y);
             * }else if(analogX<0)
             * {
             *      Position = new Vector2 (Position.X - 0.1f, Position.Y);
             * }
             * if(analogY>0)
             * {
             *      Position = new Vector2 (Position.X + Position.Y- 0.1f);
             * }else if(analogY<0)
             * {
             *      Position = new Vector2 (Position.X, Position.Y + 0.1f);
             * }*/
            Vector2 proposedChange;

            if (analogX != 0.0f)
                proposedChange = new Vector2(analogX / 10f, 0.0f);
                if (!Collisions.checkWallsCollisions(this, MapManager.Instance.currentMap, ref proposedChange))
                    Position += proposedChange;
            if (analogY != 0.0f)
                proposedChange = new Vector2(0.0f, -analogY / 10f);
                if (!Collisions.checkWallsCollisions(this, MapManager.Instance.currentMap, ref proposedChange))
                    Position += proposedChange;

            //rotate according to the right analog stick, or if it's not moving, then according the the left stick
            // so basically if you are not pointing the player in any direction with the right stick he is going to point in the walking direction
            //or if both sticks are not moving,then use the analogX and analogY values(d-pad movement)
            // OR do autoaim if enabled
            if (data.AnalogRightX > 0.2f || data.AnalogRightX < -0.2f || data.AnalogRightY > 0.2f || data.AnalogRightY < -0.2f)
                var angleInRadians = FMath.Atan2(-data.AnalogRightX, -data.AnalogRightY);
                playerBodySprite.Rotation = new Vector2(FMath.Cos(angleInRadians), FMath.Sin(angleInRadians));
            else if (!Game.autoAim && (data.AnalogLeftX > 0.2f || data.AnalogLeftX < -0.2f || data.AnalogLeftY > 0.2f || data.AnalogLeftY < -0.2f))
                var angleInRadians = FMath.Atan2(-data.AnalogLeftX, -data.AnalogLeftY);
                playerBodySprite.Rotation = new Vector2(FMath.Cos(angleInRadians), FMath.Sin(angleInRadians));
            else if (!Game.autoAim && (analogX != 0.0f || analogY != 0.0f))
                var angleInRadians = FMath.Atan2(-analogX, -analogY);
                playerBodySprite.Rotation = new Vector2(FMath.Cos(angleInRadians), FMath.Sin(angleInRadians));
            else if (Game.autoAim)
                GameEntity e;
                if (Collisions.findNearestEnemy(Player.Instance, 8.0f, out e))
                    Vector2 distance       = (Player.Instance.Position - e.Position).Normalize();
                    var     angleInRadians = FMath.Atan2(distance.X, -distance.Y);
                    playerBodySprite.Rotation = new Vector2(FMath.Cos(angleInRadians), FMath.Sin(angleInRadians));
                    var angleInRadians = FMath.Atan2(-analogX, -analogY);
                    playerBodySprite.Rotation = new Vector2(FMath.Cos(angleInRadians), FMath.Sin(angleInRadians));
        // Recreated the test scene there:
        // http://www.lostgarden.com/2007/05/dancs-miraculously-flexible-game.html

        public void CreateRPGTestScene()
            // layer y=0

            SetBlock(new Vector3i(0, 0, 0), DirtBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(1, 0, 0), DirtBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(2, 0, 0), DirtBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(3, 0, 0), DirtBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(4, 0, 0), DirtBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(5, 0, 0), DirtBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(6, 0, 0), DirtBlock);

            SetBlock(new Vector3i(0, 0, 1), GrassBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(1, 0, 1), GrassBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(2, 0, 1), GrassBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(3, 0, 1), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(4, 0, 1), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(5, 0, 1), DirtBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(6, 0, 1), DirtBlock);

            SetBlock(new Vector3i(0, 0, 2), GrassBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(1, 0, 2), WaterBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(2, 0, 2), WaterBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(3, 0, 2), GrassBlock);

            // layer y=1

            SetBlock(new Vector3i(4, 1, 1), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(5, 1, 1), DirtBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(6, 1, 1), DirtBlock);

            SetBlock(new Vector3i(0, 1, 2), GrassBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(1, 1, 2), WaterBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(2, 1, 2), WaterBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(3, 1, 2), GrassBlock);

            // layer y=2

            SetBlock(new Vector3i(0, 2, 2), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(1, 2, 2), WaterBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(2, 2, 2), WaterBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(3, 2, 2), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(4, 2, 2), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(5, 2, 2), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(6, 2, 2), RampSouth);

            // layer y=3

            SetBlock(new Vector3i(0, 3, 3), RampWest);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(1, 3, 3), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(2, 3, 3), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(3, 3, 3), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(4, 3, 3), RampEast);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(5, 3, 2), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(6, 3, 2), StoneBlock);

            // layer y=4

            SetBlock(new Vector3i(0, 4, 2), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(1, 4, 2), WaterBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(2, 4, 2), WaterBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(3, 4, 2), PlainBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(4, 4, 3), WallBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(4, 4, 4), WallBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(4, 4, 5), WallBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(5, 4, 2), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(5, 4, 3), DoorTallClosed);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(6, 4, 3), WallBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(6, 4, 4), WallBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(6, 4, 5), WallBlock);

            // try put as many sprites in SpriteList for performance

            SpriteList sprite_list = new SpriteList(ObjectsMap);

            sprite_list.AddChild(NewCharater(CharacterBoy, new Vector3(3, 1.5f, 3)));
            sprite_list.AddChild(NewCharater(CharacterHornGirl, new Vector3(5, 2.6f, 3)));
            sprite_list.AddChild(NewCharater(CharacterPrincessGirl, new Vector3(6, 1, 2)));

            sprite_list.AddChild(NewObject(Rock, new Vector3(3, 0, 3)));
            sprite_list.AddChild(NewObject(Rock, new Vector3(6, 0, 2)));
            sprite_list.AddChild(NewObject(Key, new Vector3(5, 0, 2)));

            sprite_list.AddChild(NewTree(TreeShort, new Vector3(0.5f, 1, 3)));


                var bug = NewObject(EnemyBug, new Vector3(2, 3, 4));

                bug.Schedule((dt) => {
                    float p = 1.0f;

                    bug.Position = this.GetCellPos(Math.Lerp(new Vector3(1, 3, 4), new Vector3(3, 3, 4)
                                                             , (1.0f + FMath.Sin((float)Director.Instance.DirectorTime * p)) * 0.5f));

                    // we just care about the sign of the derivative
                    bug.FlipU = (FMath.Cos((float)Director.Instance.DirectorTime * p) < 0.0f);

        public void Copy2Buffer(SpriteB spriteB, int index)
            if (spriteB.Rotation == 0.0f)
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE]     = spriteB.Position.X - spriteB.Width * spriteB.Center.X;            //0.0f;	// x0
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 1] = spriteB.Position.Y - spriteB.Height * spriteB.Center.Y;           //0.0f;	// y0
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 2] = spriteB.Position.Z;                                               // z0

                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 3] = spriteB.Position.X - spriteB.Width * spriteB.Center.X;            //0.0f;	// x1
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 4] = spriteB.Position.Y + spriteB.Height * (1.0f - spriteB.Center.Y);  //1.0f;	// y1
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 5] = spriteB.Position.Z;                                               // z1

                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 6] = spriteB.Position.X + spriteB.Width * (1.0f - spriteB.Center.X);   //1.0f;	// x2
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 7] = spriteB.Position.Y - spriteB.Height * spriteB.Center.Y;           //0.0f;	// y2
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 8] = spriteB.Position.Z;                                               // z2

                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 9]  = spriteB.Position.X + spriteB.Width * (1.0f - spriteB.Center.X);  //1.0f;	// x3
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 10] = spriteB.Position.Y + spriteB.Height * (1.0f - spriteB.Center.Y); //1.0f;	// y3
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 11] = spriteB.Position.Z;                                              // z3
                float x, y, rc, rs;

                rc = FMath.Cos(spriteB.Rotation);
                rs = FMath.Sin(spriteB.Rotation);

                x = -spriteB.Width * spriteB.Center.X;
                y = -spriteB.Height * spriteB.Center.Y;
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE]     = spriteB.Position.X + (float)(x * rc - y * rs); // x0
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 1] = spriteB.Position.Y + (float)(x * rs + y * rc); // y0
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 2] = spriteB.Position.Z;                            // z0

                x = -spriteB.Width * spriteB.Center.X;
                y = spriteB.Height * (1.0f - spriteB.Center.Y);
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 3] = spriteB.Position.X + (float)(x * rc - y * rs); // x1
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 4] = spriteB.Position.Y + (float)(x * rs + y * rc); // y1
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 5] = spriteB.Position.Z;                            // z1

                x = spriteB.Width * (1.0f - spriteB.Center.X);
                y = -spriteB.Height * spriteB.Center.Y;
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 6] = spriteB.Position.X + (float)(x * rc - y * rs); // x2
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 7] = spriteB.Position.Y + (float)(x * rs + y * rc); // y2
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 8] = spriteB.Position.Z;                            // z2

                x = spriteB.Width * (1.0f - spriteB.Center.X);
                y = spriteB.Height * (1.0f - spriteB.Center.Y);
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 9]  = spriteB.Position.X + (float)(x * rc - y * rs); // x3
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 10] = spriteB.Position.Y + (float)(x * rs + y * rc); // y3
                bufferVerties[index * VERTEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 11] = spriteB.Position.Z;                            // z3

#if false
            bufferTexcoords[index * TEXCOORD_SIZE_PER_SPRITE]     = texcoords[0];       // left top u
            bufferTexcoords[index * TEXCOORD_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 1] = texcoords[1];       // left top v
            bufferTexcoords[index * TEXCOORD_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 2] = texcoords[2];       // left bottom u
            bufferTexcoords[index * TEXCOORD_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 3] = texcoords[3];       // left bottom v
            bufferTexcoords[index * TEXCOORD_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 4] = texcoords[4];       // right top u
            bufferTexcoords[index * TEXCOORD_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 5] = texcoords[5];       // right top v
            bufferTexcoords[index * TEXCOORD_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 6] = texcoords[6];       // right bottom u
            bufferTexcoords[index * TEXCOORD_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 7] = texcoords[7];       // right bottom v
            Buffer.BlockCopy(spriteB.Texcoords, 0, bufferTexcoords, index * TEXCOORD_SIZE_PER_SPRITE * sizeof(float), 8 * sizeof(float));

            // color

#if false
            bufferColors[index * COLOR_SIZE_PER_SPRITE]     = colors[0];
            bufferColors[index * COLOR_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 1] = colors[1];
            bufferColors[index * COLOR_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 2] = colors[2];
            bufferColors[index * COLOR_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 3] = colors[3];

            bufferColors[index * COLOR_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 4] = colors[4];
            bufferColors[index * COLOR_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 5] = colors[5];
            bufferColors[index * COLOR_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 6] = colors[6];
            bufferColors[index * COLOR_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 7] = colors[7];

            bufferColors[index * COLOR_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 8]  = colors[8];
            bufferColors[index * COLOR_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 9]  = colors[9];
            bufferColors[index * COLOR_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 10] = colors[10];
            bufferColors[index * COLOR_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 11] = colors[11];

            bufferColors[index * COLOR_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 12] = colors[12];
            bufferColors[index * COLOR_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 13] = colors[13];
            bufferColors[index * COLOR_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 14] = colors[14];
            bufferColors[index * COLOR_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 15] = colors[15];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(spriteB.Colors, 0, bufferColors, index * COLOR_SIZE_PER_SPRITE * sizeof(float), 16 * sizeof(float));

            bufferIndices[index * INDEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE]     = (ushort)(index * VERTEX_NUM_PER_SPRITE);
            bufferIndices[index * INDEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 1] = (ushort)(index * VERTEX_NUM_PER_SPRITE + 1);
            bufferIndices[index * INDEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 2] = (ushort)(index * VERTEX_NUM_PER_SPRITE + 2);
            bufferIndices[index * INDEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 3] = (ushort)(index * VERTEX_NUM_PER_SPRITE + 1);
            bufferIndices[index * INDEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 4] = (ushort)(index * VERTEX_NUM_PER_SPRITE + 2);
            bufferIndices[index * INDEX_SIZE_PER_SPRITE + 5] = (ushort)(index * VERTEX_NUM_PER_SPRITE + 3);
        public BasicEnemy(Vector2 pos, TextureInfo tex)
            Position = pos;

            sprite             = new SpriteTile();
            sprite.TextureInfo = tex;
            sprite.Position    = pos;
            sprite.TileIndex2D = new Vector2i(0, 0);
            sprite.CenterSprite(new Vector2(0.4f, 0.5f));
            sprite.Scale = new Vector2(2.0f, 2.0f);

            //set up the random vector
            randomMovement = Support.rand.NextVector2(-0.01f, 0.01f);

            //update the animation frames
            sprite.Schedule((dt) => {
                if (FrameCount % 2 == 0)
                    //if attacking,use all animation frames
                    if (attacking)
                        //deal damage to the player
                        if (FrameCount % damageDelay == 0)
                            Player.Instance.Health -= damage;

                        animationFrame = (animationFrame + 1) % 25;
                        //if not,then use first three animation frames
                        animationFrame = (animationFrame + 1) % 4;
                    //assign the correct tileindex
                    sprite.TileIndex1D = animationFrame;

                    //if close to the player,then follow,otherwise move randomly
                    if (Player.Instance.Position.Distance(sprite.Position) < 6.0f &&
                        Collisions.checkLineOfSight(this, Player.Instance))
                        isMovingRandomly = false;
                        step             = (Player.Instance.Position - sprite.Position).Normalize() / 15.0f;

                        //check if should be attacking
                        if (Collisions.checkCollisionBetweenEntities(this, Player.Instance))
                            //check if is not attacking already
                            if (attacking == false)
                                attacking = true;
                                //manualy skip the frames
                                animationFrame = 4;
                            //make sure that attacking is set to false
                            attacking = false;
                        //player is not within range, move randomly
                        isMovingRandomly = true;
                        step             = randomMovement;

                //advance the position by the given Vector2 step
                sprite.Position += step;

                //only move when not attacking
                if (!attacking)
                    //collision detection on the X axis

                    //create a vector 2 containing a proposed change to the position
                    Vector2 proposedChange = new Vector2(step.X, 0.0f) * speedModifier;
                    //temporary game entity to contain the entity the enemy might have collided with
                    GameEntity tempEntity;

                    //check wall collisions and then collisions with other enemies
                    if (!Collisions.checkWallsCollisions(this, MapManager.Instance.currentMap, ref proposedChange) && !Collisions.efficientCollisionsCheck(this, proposedChange, out tempEntity))
                        //no collision, so we can change the position
                        Position += proposedChange / speedModifier;
                    else if (isMovingRandomly)
                        //collided with something,but if the enemy should be moving randomly, then let it move
                        randomMovement.X = -randomMovement.X;

                    //collision detection on the Y axis

                    proposedChange = new Vector2(0.0f, step.Y) * speedModifier;
                    if (!Collisions.checkWallsCollisions(this, MapManager.Instance.currentMap, ref proposedChange) && !Collisions.efficientCollisionsCheck(this, proposedChange, out tempEntity))
                        Position += proposedChange / speedModifier;
                    else if (isMovingRandomly)
                        randomMovement.Y = -randomMovement.Y;

                    //position changed, so we need to remove the entity from the QuadTree and add again
                    //this is because the entity might be in the wrong place in the QuadTree and removing and re-adding is the only way to fix that

                //rotate the sprite to face the direction of walking
                var angleInRadians = -FMath.Atan2(step.X, step.Y);
                sprite.Rotation    = new Vector2(FMath.Cos(angleInRadians), FMath.Sin(angleInRadians));

                //correct for the fact that the sprite is rotated in the texture file
                sprite.Rotation = sprite.Rotation.Rotate(90.0f);
            }, -1);

            //create a shadow texture - temporarily disabled
            //SpriteUV shadow = new SpriteUV(new TextureInfo(Bullet.fireTexture));
            //shadow.CenterSprite(new Vector2(0.5f,0.5f));
            //shadow.Color = Sce.PlayStation.HighLevel.GameEngine2D.Base.Math.SetAlpha(Colors.Black,0.5f);

            //calculate the bounds for the entire sprite
            bounds = new Bounds2();
            sprite.GetlContentLocalBounds(ref bounds);

            bounds = new Bounds2(bounds.Min * 0.5f, bounds.Max * 0.5f);
 internal static AnimationInterpolator GetSpringInterpolator(int strength)
     if (strength > 0)
         strength = Math.Min(100, strength);
         float startupTime                  = 0.4f / (float)strength;
         float cycleTime                    = (1f - startupTime) / (float)strength;
         float angularFrequency             = 6.28318548f / cycleTime;
         Func <float, float> ratioConverter = delegate(float t)
             if (t >= startupTime)
                 return(0.7f + 0.3f * FMath.Exp(-(t - startupTime) / cycleTime) * FMath.Cos(angularFrequency * (t - startupTime)));
             return(FMath.Sin(t * 3.14159274f / 2f / startupTime));
     return(new AnimationInterpolator(AnimationUtility.LinearInterpolator));
 public static Quatf AxisAngleToQuatf(Vec3f axis, float angle)
     return(new Quatf(FMath.Cos(angle), axis * FMath.Sin(angle)));
        /// 食べられる
        private bool statePlayEat()
            if (objCh.texId != (int)Data.Tex2dResId.Necromancer1)
                if (ctrlResMgr.CtrlCam.camModeId == CtrlCamera.ModeId.CloseLook || ctrlResMgr.CtrlCam.camModeId == CtrlCamera.ModeId.CloseLookToNormal || ctrlResMgr.CtrlCam.camModeId == CtrlCamera.ModeId.NormalToCloseLook)
                    switch (statePlayTask)
                    case 0:

                    /// 終了待ち
                    case 1:
                        ActiveDis = 0.001f;

                    /// エフェクト余韻
                    case 2:
                        EatAngle = new Vector3(ctrlResMgr.CtrlCam.GetCamPos().X, ctrlResMgr.CtrlCam.GetCamPos().Y - 1.0f, ctrlResMgr.CtrlCam.GetCamPos().Z) - BasePos;
                        BasePos += EatAngle.Normalize() * (int)(Data.SetupValue.EatingSpeed) / 10.0f;
                        float dis = Common.VectorUtil.DistanceY(BasePos, ctrlResMgr.CtrlCam.GetCamPos());
                        if (dis < (int)Data.SetupValue.EatingDeadArea / 10.0f)

                    case 3:
                        //            EventCntr.Add( ActorEventId.Effect, (int)Data.EffTypeId.Eff05, BasePos );
                        AppSound.GetInstance().PlaySeCamDis(AppSound.SeId.Eat, BasePos);
                        ctrlResMgr.EatingFlag    = true;
                        ctrlResMgr.EatCharNumber = objCh.texId;
                        Enable = false;

                    ctrlResMgr.EatCharNumber = objCh.texId;
                    Enable = false;
                switch (statePlayTask)
                case 0:

                /// 終了待ち
                case 1:
                    ctrlResMgr.changePlAni = true;
                    ctrlResMgr.eatingBoss  = true;
                    EatAngle = new Vector3(ctrlResMgr.CtrlCam.GetCamPos().X, ctrlResMgr.CtrlCam.GetCamPos().Y - 1.0f, ctrlResMgr.CtrlCam.GetCamPos().Z) - BasePos;
                    //BasePos.X = ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetPos().X + FMath.Sin( ctrlResMgr.CtrlCam.GetCamRot().Y / 180 *FMath.PI)*5;
                    //BasePos.Y = 2;
                    //BasePos.Z = ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetPos().Z + FMath.Cos( ctrlResMgr.CtrlCam.GetCamRot().Y / 180 *FMath.PI)*5;;
                    float angleY = ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetRotY() - 30;
                    if (angleY < -360.0f)
                        angleY += 360.0f;
                    else if (angleY > 360.0f)
                        angleY -= 360.0f;

                    BasePos.X = ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetPos().X + FMath.Sin(angleY * FMath.PI / 180.0f) * 19;
                    BasePos.Z = ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetPos().Z + FMath.Cos(angleY * FMath.PI / 180.0f) * 19;
                    BasePos.Y = ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetPos().Y;

                    eatingTime = 0;
                    moveAngle  = false;

                /// エフェクト余韻
                case 2:
                    float angleY2 = ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetRotY() - 30;
                    if (angleY2 < -360.0f)
                        angleY2 += 360.0f;
                    else if (angleY2 > 360.0f)
                        angleY2 -= 360.0f;

//				BasePos.X = ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetPos().X + FMath.Sin ( angleY2 * FMath.PI / 180.0f ) * (19 - 12* FMath.Cos ( (1-eatingTime / 40.0f) * FMath.PI/2 ));
//				BasePos.Z = ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetPos().Z + FMath.Cos ( angleY2 * FMath.PI / 180.0f ) * (19 - 12* FMath.Cos ( (1-eatingTime / 40.0f) * FMath.PI/2 ));
                    BasePos.X = ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetPos().X + FMath.Sin(angleY2 * FMath.PI / 180.0f) * 19;
                    BasePos.Z = ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetPos().Z + FMath.Cos(angleY2 * FMath.PI / 180.0f) * 19;
                    BasePos.Y = ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetPos().Y + FMath.Sin(eatingTime / 80.0f * FMath.PI) * 13.0f;

                    if (eatingTime > 30)
                    float dis = Common.VectorUtil.DistanceY(BasePos, ctrlResMgr.CtrlCam.GetCamPos());

                     * if(dis < (int)Data.SetupValue.EatingDeadArea){
                     * statePlayTask ++;
                     * }*/

                case 3:
                    float angleY3 = ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetRotY() - 30;
                    if (angleY3 < -360.0f)
                        angleY3 += 360.0f;
                    else if (angleY3 > 360.0f)
                        angleY3 -= 360.0f;

                    BasePos.X = ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetPos().X + FMath.Sin(angleY3 * FMath.PI / 180.0f) * 19 * (1 - (eatingTime - 30) / 40.0f) + FMath.Sin(ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetRotY() * FMath.PI / 180.0f) * 3 * (eatingTime - 30) / 40.0f;
                    BasePos.Z = ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetPos().Z + FMath.Cos(angleY3 * FMath.PI / 180.0f) * 19 * (1 - (eatingTime - 30) / 40.0f) + FMath.Cos(ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetRotY() * FMath.PI / 180.0f) * 3 * (eatingTime - 30) / 40.0f;

                    if (eatingTime < 40)
                        BasePos.Y = ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.GetPos().Y + FMath.Sin(eatingTime / 80.0f * FMath.PI) * 13.0f;
                    if (eatingTime > 55)
                        eatingTime = 0;


                case 4:
                    //            EventCntr.Add( ActorEventId.Effect, (int)Data.EffTypeId.Eff05, BasePos );

                case 5:
                    if (eatingTime == 15)
                        ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.Addeffect(new Vector3(BasePos.X + 1.0f, BasePos.Y + 0.3f, BasePos.Z + 1.0f));

                    if (eatingTime > 30)

                case 6:
                    //            EventCntr.Add( ActorEventId.Effect, (int)Data.EffTypeId.Eff05, BasePos );
                    ctrlResMgr.changePlAni = true;
                    ctrlResMgr.eatingBoss  = false;
                    AppSound.GetInstance().PlaySeCamDis(AppSound.SeId.Eat, BasePos);
                    ctrlResMgr.CtrlStg.MonumentSetFlag = true;
                    ctrlResMgr.EatCharNumber           = objCh.texId;
                    if (eatingTime > 20)
//				ctrlResMgr.CtrlPl.Addeffect(BasePos);
                    Enable = false;

        public ChainedLabel(ChainedLabel target, Scene scene, Plane3D parent, float alpha, int order)
            : base()
            if (alpha != 0.0f)
                alpha = Math.Lerp(0.2f, 1.0f, alpha);

            FontMap     = LargeFontMap;
            HeightScale = scene.Camera.GetPixelSize();
            Color       = Math.Lerp(Colors.White, Colors.Grey60, alpha);

            VertexZ = 1.0f;

            Text = "Label.VertexZ=" + VertexZ;

            Shadow = new Label()
                FontMap = LargeFontMap, Color = Colors.Grey05
            Shadow.HeightScale = HeightScale;
            Shadow.Text        = Text;

            Target = target;

            Schedule((dt) =>

                if (Target == null)
                    // head node

                    this.Position = m_center + m_radius * new Vector2(FMath.Cos((float)Director.Instance.DirectorTime * 0.5f * 2.033f),
                                                                      FMath.Cos((float)Director.Instance.DirectorTime * 0.5f * 0.98033f + 0.5f));

                    Vector2 touch_pos = Director.Instance.CurrentScene.Camera.GetTouchPos();

                    // you can drag the Label

                    if (Input2.Touch00.Down)
                        if (Input2.Touch00.Press
                            // not that since we set VertexZ and have used a perspective in this particular test scene,
                            // the picking here won't be very precise
                            && this.IsWorldPointInsideContentLocalBounds(touch_pos))
                            m_dragged           = true;
                            m_drag_start        = touch_pos;
                            m_center            = this.Position;                          // this is our new position, we zero the cosine offset too
                            m_radius            = 0.0f;
                            m_drag_start_center = m_center;

                        if (m_dragged)
                            m_center = m_drag_start_center + (touch_pos - m_drag_start);
                            m_radius = 0.0f;
                        m_dragged = false;
                        m_radius += (m_radius_target - m_radius) * 0.001f;
                    // follower node

                    this.Position += 0.08f * (Target.Position - this.Position);

                this.Shadow.Position = this.Position;

            parent.AddChild(Shadow, -1);
            parent.AddChild(this, order);