        private void BelowGraphInputsGUI(GraphInputs input)

            GUILayout.Label("Lower: ", GUILayout.Width(50.0F), GUILayout.Height(25.0F));
            input.lowerBound = GUILayout.TextField(input.lowerBound, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
            GUILayout.Label("Upper: ", GUILayout.Width(50.0F), GUILayout.Height(25.0F));
            input.upperBound = GUILayout.TextField(input.upperBound, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
            GUILayout.Label("Num Pts: ", GUILayout.Width(70.0F), GUILayout.Height(25.0F));
            input.numPts = GUILayout.TextField(input.numPts, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
            GUILayout.Label(isMachMode ? "AoA" : "Mach", GUILayout.Width(50.0F), GUILayout.Height(25.0F));
            input.otherInput = GUILayout.TextField(input.otherInput, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));

            if (GUILayout.Button(isMachMode ? "Sweep Mach" : "Sweep AoA", GUILayout.Width(100.0F), GUILayout.Height(25.0F)))
                input.lowerBound   = Regex.Replace(input.lowerBound, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
                input.upperBound   = Regex.Replace(input.upperBound, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
                input.numPts       = Regex.Replace(input.numPts, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
                input.pitchSetting = Regex.Replace(input.pitchSetting, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
                input.otherInput   = Regex.Replace(input.otherInput, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");

                double lowerBound, upperBound, numPts, pitchSetting, otherInput;

                lowerBound       = double.Parse(input.lowerBound);
                lowerBound       = FARMathUtil.Clamp(lowerBound, -90, 90);
                input.lowerBound = lowerBound.ToString();

                upperBound       = double.Parse(input.upperBound);
                upperBound       = FARMathUtil.Clamp(upperBound, lowerBound, 90);
                input.upperBound = upperBound.ToString();

                numPts       = double.Parse(input.numPts);
                numPts       = Math.Ceiling(numPts);
                input.numPts = numPts.ToString();

                pitchSetting       = double.Parse(input.pitchSetting);
                pitchSetting       = FARMathUtil.Clamp(pitchSetting, -1, 1);
                input.pitchSetting = pitchSetting.ToString();

                otherInput = double.Parse(input.otherInput);

                GraphData data;

                if (isMachMode)
                    data = simManager.SweepSim.MachNumberSweep(otherInput, pitchSetting, lowerBound, upperBound, (int)numPts, input.flapSetting, input.spoilers, bodySettingDropdown.ActiveSelection);
                    SetAngleVectors(pitchSetting, pitchSetting);
                    data = simManager.SweepSim.AngleOfAttackSweep(otherInput, pitchSetting, lowerBound, upperBound, (int)numPts, input.flapSetting, input.spoilers, bodySettingDropdown.ActiveSelection);
                    SetAngleVectors(lowerBound, upperBound);

                UpdateGraph(data, isMachMode ? "Mach Number" : "Angle of Attack, degrees", "Cl\nCd\nCm\nL/D / 10", lowerBound, upperBound);
        private void StabDerivCalcButtonAction(CalcAndExportEnum exportflag)
            CelestialBody body = _bodySettingDropdown.ActiveSelection;

            altitude = Regex.Replace(altitude, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
            double altitudeDouble = Convert.ToDouble(altitude) * 1000;

            machNumber = Regex.Replace(machNumber, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
            double machDouble           = FARMathUtil.Clamp(Convert.ToSingle(machNumber), 0.001, float.PositiveInfinity);
            int    flapsettingInt       = _flapSettingDropdown.ActiveSelection;
            bool   spoilersDeployedBool = spoilersDeployed;

            if (exportflag == CalcAndExportEnum.LoopExport)
                int n = 0;
                ExportTextFileCache filecache = new ExportTextFileCache();
                foreach (Vector2 altmach in StabilityDerivativeExportFile.LoadConfigList())
                    StabilityDerivExportOutput output = simManager.StabDerivCalculator.CalculateStabilityDerivs(body, (double)altmach.x, (double)altmach.y, flapsettingInt, spoilersDeployedBool);
                    if (AoAOk(output, exportflag) && StabilityDerivativeExportFile.Export(output, filecache))
                if (n > 0)
                    PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 0), "FARStabDerivLoopCount", Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivLoopDone"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivLoopDoneExp", n), Localizer.Format("FARGUIOKButton"), true, HighLogic.UISkin);
                    PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 0), "FARStabDerivSaveError", Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivSaveError"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivSaveErrorExp"), Localizer.Format("FARGUIOKButton"), true, HighLogic.UISkin);
                return; // in the LoopExport case skip the usual calculation

            StabilityDerivExportOutput stabDerivResult = simManager.StabDerivCalculator.CalculateStabilityDerivs(body, altitudeDouble, machDouble, flapsettingInt, spoilersDeployedBool);

            if (!AoAOk(stabDerivResult, exportflag))
                PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 0), "FARStabDerivError", Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivError"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivErrorExp"), Localizer.Format("FARGUIOKButton"), true, HighLogic.UISkin);
                stabDerivOutput        = stabDerivResult.outputvals;
                simManager.vehicleData = stabDerivResult.outputvals;

                if (exportflag == CalcAndExportEnum.CalculateAndExport && !StabilityDerivativeExportFile.Export(stabDerivResult))
                    PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 0), "FARStabDerivSaveError", Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivSaveError"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivSaveErrorExp"), Localizer.Format("FARGUIOKButton"), true, HighLogic.UISkin);
 public double FindPitchForAlpha(double alpha)
     if (Double.IsNaN(alpha))
         iterationInput.alpha = alpha;
         return(FARMathUtil.SegmentSearchMethod(this.FunctionIterateForPitch, pitchtol));
 public double FindAlphaForPitch(double pitch)
     if (Double.IsNaN(pitch))
         iterationInput.pitchValue = pitch;
         return(FARMathUtil.SegmentSearchMethod(this.FunctionIterateForAlpha, alphatol));
        public CrossSection GetCrossSectionAtStation(double station)
            CrossSection section = new CrossSection();

            section.station = station;

            CrossSection lowerSection, upperSection;

            crossSectionsTree.FindNearestData(section, out lowerSection, out upperSection);

            section.centroid.x   = FARMathUtil.Lerp(lowerSection.station, upperSection.station, lowerSection.centroid.x, upperSection.centroid.x, station);
            section.centroid.y   = FARMathUtil.Lerp(lowerSection.station, upperSection.station, lowerSection.centroid.y, upperSection.centroid.y, station);
            section.lengths.x    = FARMathUtil.Lerp(lowerSection.station, upperSection.station, lowerSection.lengths.x, upperSection.lengths.x, station);
            section.lengths.y    = FARMathUtil.Lerp(lowerSection.station, upperSection.station, lowerSection.lengths.y, upperSection.lengths.y, station);
            section.areaFraction = FARMathUtil.Lerp(lowerSection.station, upperSection.station, lowerSection.areaFraction, upperSection.areaFraction, station);

        private void StabDerivCalcButtonAction()
            CelestialBody body = _bodySettingDropdown.ActiveSelection;

            altitude = Regex.Replace(altitude, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
            double altitudeDouble = Convert.ToDouble(altitude) * 1000;

            machNumber = Regex.Replace(machNumber, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
            double machDouble           = FARMathUtil.Clamp(Convert.ToSingle(machNumber), 0.001, float.PositiveInfinity);
            int    flapsettingInt       = _flapSettingDropdown.ActiveSelection;
            bool   spoilersDeployedBool = spoilersDeployed;

            if (FARAtmosphere.GetPressure(body, new Vector3d(0, 0, altitudeDouble), Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()) > 0)
                stabDerivOutput =
                simManager.vehicleData = stabDerivOutput;
                PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog(new Vector2(0, 0),
                                             new Vector2(0, 0),
        private void StabDerivCalcButtonAction(CalcAndExportEnum exportflag)
            CelestialBody body = _bodySettingDropdown.ActiveSelection;

            altitude = Regex.Replace(altitude, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
            double altitudeDouble = Convert.ToDouble(altitude) * 1000;

            machNumber = Regex.Replace(machNumber, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
            double machDouble           = FARMathUtil.Clamp(Convert.ToSingle(machNumber), 0.001, float.PositiveInfinity);
            int    flapsettingInt       = _flapSettingDropdown.ActiveSelection;
            bool   spoilersDeployedBool = spoilersDeployed;

            // Rodhern: Export of stability derivatives disabled in dkavolis branch.
            // if (exportflag == CalcAndExportEnum.LoopExport ...

            if (body.GetPressure(altitudeDouble) > 0)
                StabilityDerivExportOutput stabDerivResult = simManager.StabDerivCalculator.CalculateStabilityDerivs(body, altitudeDouble, machDouble, flapsettingInt, spoilersDeployedBool, 0, 0, 0);
                // if (stabDerivResult.outputvals.stableAoAState == "")
                // {
                stabDerivOutput        = stabDerivResult.outputvals;
                simManager.vehicleData = stabDerivResult.outputvals;

                // Rodhern: Export of stability derivatives disabled in dkavolis branch.
                // if (exportflag == CalcAndExportEnum.CalculateAndExport ...
                // }
                // else
                //     PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 0), "FARStabDerivError", Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivError"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivErrorExp"), Localizer.Format("FARGUIOKButton"), true, HighLogic.UISkin);
                PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 0), "FARStabDerivError", Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivError"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivErrorExp"), Localizer.Format("FARGUIOKButton"), true, HighLogic.UISkin);
        public StabilityDerivExportOutput CalculateStabilityDerivs(CelestialBody body, double alt, double machNumber, int flapSetting, bool spoilers, double alpha, double beta, double phi)
            double pressure    = body.GetPressure(alt);
            double temperature = body.GetTemperature(alt);
            double density     = body.GetDensity(pressure, temperature);
            double sspeed      = body.GetSpeedOfSound(pressure, density);
            double u0          = sspeed * machNumber;
            double q           = u0 * u0 * density * 0.5f;

            StabilityDerivOutput          stabDerivOutput = new StabilityDerivOutput();
            StabilityDerivExportVariables stabDerivExport = new StabilityDerivExportVariables();

            stabDerivOutput.nominalVelocity = u0;
            stabDerivOutput.altitude        = alt;
            stabDerivOutput.body            = body;

            Vector3d CoM  = Vector3d.zero;
            double   mass = 0;

            double MAC  = 0;
            double b    = 0;
            double area = 0;

            double Ix  = 0;
            double Iy  = 0;
            double Iz  = 0;
            double Ixy = 0;
            double Iyz = 0;
            double Ixz = 0;

            InstantConditionSimInput  input = new InstantConditionSimInput(alpha, beta, phi, 0, 0, 0, machNumber, 0, flapSetting, spoilers);
            InstantConditionSimOutput nominalOutput;
            InstantConditionSimOutput pertOutput = new InstantConditionSimOutput();

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out nominalOutput, true);

            List <Part> partsList = EditorLogic.SortedShipList;

            for (int i = 0; i < partsList.Count; i++)
                Part p = partsList[i];

                if (FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))
                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                //partMass += p.GetModuleMass(p.mass);
                // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass
                CoM  += partMass * (Vector3d)p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset);
                mass += partMass;
                FARWingAerodynamicModel w = p.GetComponent <FARWingAerodynamicModel>();
                if (w != null)
                    if (w.isShielded)

                    area += w.S;
                    MAC  += w.GetMAC() * w.S;
                    b    += w.Getb_2() * w.S;
                    if (w is FARControllableSurface)
                        (w as FARControllableSurface).SetControlStateEditor(CoM, p.transform.up, 0, 0, 0, input.flaps, input.spoilers);
            if (area.NearlyEqual(0))
                area = _instantCondition._maxCrossSectionFromBody;
                MAC  = _instantCondition._bodyLength;
                b    = 1;
            MAC  /= area;
            b    /= area;
            CoM  /= mass;
            mass *= 1000;

            stabDerivOutput.b    = b;
            stabDerivOutput.MAC  = MAC;
            stabDerivOutput.area = area;

            for (int i = 0; i < partsList.Count; i++)
                Part p = partsList[i];

                if (p == null || FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))
                //This section handles the parallel axis theorem
                Vector3 relPos = p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset) - CoM;
                double  x2, y2, z2, x, y, z;
                x2 = relPos.z * relPos.z;
                y2 = relPos.x * relPos.x;
                z2 = relPos.y * relPos.y;
                x  = relPos.z;
                y  = relPos.x;
                z  = relPos.y;

                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                //partMass += p.GetModuleMass(p.mass);
                // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass

                Ix += (y2 + z2) * partMass;
                Iy += (x2 + z2) * partMass;
                Iz += (x2 + y2) * partMass;

                Ixy += -x * y * partMass;
                Iyz += -z * y * partMass;
                Ixz += -x * z * partMass;

                //And this handles the part's own moment of inertia
                Vector3    principalInertia = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensor;
                Quaternion prncInertRot     = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensorRotation;

                //The rows of the direction cosine matrix for a quaternion
                Vector3 Row1 = new Vector3(prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x - prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y - prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w,
                                           2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.y + prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.w),
                                           2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.z - prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.w));

                Vector3 Row2 = new Vector3(2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.y - prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.w),
                                           -prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x + prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y - prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w,
                                           2 * (prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.w));

                Vector3 Row3 = new Vector3(2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.w),
                                           2 * (prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.z - prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.w),
                                           -prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x - prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y + prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w);

                //And converting the principal moments of inertia into the coordinate system used by the system
                Ix += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row1.x + principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row1.y + principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row1.z;
                Iy += principalInertia.x * Row2.x * Row2.x + principalInertia.y * Row2.y * Row2.y + principalInertia.z * Row2.z * Row2.z;
                Iz += principalInertia.x * Row3.x * Row3.x + principalInertia.y * Row3.y * Row3.y + principalInertia.z * Row3.z * Row3.z;

                Ixy += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row2.x + principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row2.y + principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row2.z;
                Ixz += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row3.x + principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row3.y + principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row3.z;
                Iyz += principalInertia.x * Row2.x * Row3.x + principalInertia.y * Row2.y * Row3.y + principalInertia.z * Row2.z * Row3.z;
            Ix *= 1000;
            Iy *= 1000;
            Iz *= 1000;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[0] = Ix;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[1] = Iy;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[2] = Iz;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[24] = Ixy;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[25] = Iyz;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[26] = Ixz;

            double effectiveG = _instantCondition.CalculateAccelerationDueToGravity(body, alt); //This is the effect of gravity

            effectiveG -= u0 * u0 / (alt + body.Radius);                                        //This is the effective reduction of gravity due to high velocity
            double neededCl = mass * effectiveG / (q * area);

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);
            //Longitudinal Mess
            _instantCondition.SetState(machNumber, neededCl, CoM, 0, input.flaps, input.spoilers);

            alpha         = FARMathUtil.SelectedSearchMethod(machNumber, _instantCondition.FunctionIterateForAlpha);
            input.alpha   = alpha;
            nominalOutput = _instantCondition.iterationOutput;
            //alpha_str = (alpha * Mathf.PI / 180).ToString();

            input.alpha = (alpha + 2);

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            stabDerivOutput.stableCl       = neededCl;
            stabDerivOutput.stableCd       = nominalOutput.Cd;
            stabDerivOutput.stableAoA      = alpha;
            stabDerivOutput.stableAoAState = "";
            if (Math.Abs((nominalOutput.Cl - neededCl) / neededCl) > 0.1)
                stabDerivOutput.stableAoAState = ((nominalOutput.Cl > neededCl) ? "<" : ">");

            FARLogger.Info("Cl needed: " + neededCl + ", AoA: " + alpha + ", Cl: " + nominalOutput.Cl + ", Cd: " + nominalOutput.Cd);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);                   //vert vel derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);

            pertOutput.Cl += nominalOutput.Cd;
            pertOutput.Cd -= nominalOutput.Cl;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / (Iy * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[3] = pertOutput.Cl;  //Zw
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[4] = pertOutput.Cd;  //Xw
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[5] = pertOutput.Cm;  //Mw

            // Rodhern: The motivation for the revised stability derivatives sign interpretations of Zq, Xq, Ze and Xe
            //  is to align the sign conventions used for Zu, Zq, Ze, Xu, Xq and Xe. Further explanation can be found
            //  here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/109098-official-far-craft-repository/&do=findComment&comment=2425057

            input.alpha      = alpha;
            input.machNumber = machNumber + 0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.05 * machNumber;                   //fwd vel derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.05 * machNumber;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.05 * machNumber;

            pertOutput.Cl += 2 * nominalOutput.Cl;
            pertOutput.Cd += 2 * nominalOutput.Cd;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / (u0 * Iy);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[6] = pertOutput.Cl;  //Zu
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[7] = pertOutput.Cd;  //Xu
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[8] = pertOutput.Cm;  //Mu

            input.machNumber = machNumber;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.alphaDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.05;                   //pitch rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.05;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area * MAC / (2 * u0 * mass); // Rodhern: Replaced 'q' by '-q', so that formulas
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area * MAC / (2 * u0 * mass); //  for Zq and Xq match those for Zu and Xu.
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC * MAC / (2 * u0 * Iy);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[9]  = pertOutput.Cl; //Zq
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[10] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xq
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[11] = pertOutput.Cm; //Mq

            input.alphaDot   = 0;
            input.pitchValue = 0.1;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.1;                   //elevator derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.1;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.1;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / mass; // Rodhern: Replaced 'q' by '-q', so that formulas
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / mass; //  for Ze and Xe match those for Zu and Xu.
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / Iy;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[12] = pertOutput.Cl; //Ze
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[13] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xe
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[14] = pertOutput.Cm; //Me

            //Lateral Mess

            input.pitchValue = 0;
            input.beta       = (beta + 2);

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);
            pertOutput.Cy     = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);               //sideslip angle derivs
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area / mass;
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b / Iz;
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b / Ix;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[15] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yb
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[17] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Nb
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[16] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lb

            input.beta = beta;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.phiDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);

            pertOutput.Cy     = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / 0.05;               //roll rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / 0.05;

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area * b / (2 * mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Iz * u0);
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Ix * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[18] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yp
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[20] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Np
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[19] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lp

            input.phiDot = 0;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.betaDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false); pertOutput.Cy = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / 0.05f;                   //yaw rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / 0.05f;
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / 0.05f;

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area * b / (2 * mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Iz * u0);
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Ix * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[21] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yr
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[23] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Nr
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[22] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lr

            // Assign values to export variables
            stabDerivExport.craftmass      = mass;
            stabDerivExport.envpressure    = pressure;
            stabDerivExport.envtemperature = temperature;
            stabDerivExport.envdensity     = density;
            stabDerivExport.envsoundspeed  = sspeed;
            stabDerivExport.envg           = _instantCondition.CalculateAccelerationDueToGravity(body, alt);
            stabDerivExport.sitmach        = machNumber;
            stabDerivExport.sitdynpres     = q;
            stabDerivExport.siteffg        = effectiveG;

            return(new StabilityDerivExportOutput(stabDerivOutput, stabDerivExport));
        public void Display()
            //stabDerivHelp = GUILayout.Toggle(stabDerivHelp, "?", ButtonStyle, GUILayout.Width(200));

            GUILayout.Label("Flight Condition:");

            GUILayout.Label("Altitude (km):");
            altitude = GUILayout.TextField(altitude, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));

            GUILayout.Label("Mach Number: ");
            machNumber = GUILayout.TextField(machNumber, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));


            GUILayout.Label("Flap Setting: ");
            spoilersDeployed = GUILayout.Toggle(spoilersDeployed, spoilersDeployed ? "Deployed" : "Retracted", GUILayout.Width(100));

            if (GUILayout.Button("Calculate Stability Derivatives", GUILayout.Width(250.0F), GUILayout.Height(25.0F)))
                CelestialBody body = _bodySettingDropdown.ActiveSelection;
                //atm_temp_str = Regex.Replace(atm_temp_str, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
                //rho_str = Regex.Replace(rho_str, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
                machNumber = Regex.Replace(machNumber, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");

                altitude = Regex.Replace(altitude, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
                double altitudeDouble = Convert.ToDouble(altitude);
                altitudeDouble *= 1000;

                double temp     = body.GetTemperature(altitudeDouble);
                double pressure = body.GetPressure(altitudeDouble);
                if (pressure > 0)
                    //double temp = Convert.ToSingle(atm_temp_str);
                    double machDouble = Convert.ToSingle(machNumber);
                    machDouble = FARMathUtil.Clamp(machDouble, 0.001, float.PositiveInfinity);

                    double density = body.GetDensity(pressure, temp);

                    double sspeed = body.GetSpeedOfSound(pressure, density);
                    double vel    = sspeed * machDouble;


                    double q = vel * vel * density * 0.5f;

                    stabDerivOutput        = simManager.StabDerivCalculator.CalculateStabilityDerivs(vel, q, machDouble, 0, 0, 0, _flapSettingDropdown.ActiveSelection, spoilersDeployed, body, altitudeDouble);
                    simManager.vehicleData = stabDerivOutput;
                    PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog("Error!", "Altitude was above atmosphere", "OK", false, HighLogic.Skin);
            GUILayout.Label("Aircraft Properties", GUILayout.Width(180));
            GUILayout.Label("Moments of Inertia", GUILayout.Width(160));
            GUILayout.Label("Products of Inertia", GUILayout.Width(160));
            GUILayout.Label("Level Flight", GUILayout.Width(140));

            GUILayout.Label("Ref Area: " + stabDerivOutput.area.ToString("G3") + " m²");
            GUILayout.Label("Scaled Chord: " + stabDerivOutput.MAC.ToString("G3") + " m");
            GUILayout.Label("Scaled Span: " + stabDerivOutput.b.ToString("G3") + " m");

            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("Ixx: " + stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[0].ToString("G6") + " kg * m²", "Inertia about X-axis due to rotation about X-axis"));
            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("Iyy: " + stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[1].ToString("G6") + " kg * m²", "Inertia about Y-axis due to rotation about Y-axis"));
            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("Izz: " + stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[2].ToString("G6") + " kg * m²", "Inertia about Z-axis due to rotation about Z-axis"));

            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("Ixy: " + stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[24].ToString("G6") + " kg * m²", "Inertia about X-axis due to rotation about Y-axis; is equal to inertia about Y-axis due to rotation about X-axis"));
            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("Iyz: " + stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[25].ToString("G6") + " kg * m²", "Inertia about Y-axis due to rotation about Z-axis; is equal to inertia about Z-axis due to rotation about Y-axis"));
            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("Ixz: " + stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[26].ToString("G6") + " kg * m²", "Inertia about X-axis due to rotation about Z-axis; is equal to inertia about Z-axis due to rotation about X-axis"));

            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("u0: " + stabDerivOutput.nominalVelocity.ToString("G6") + " m/s", "Air speed based on this mach number and temperature."));
            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("Cl: " + stabDerivOutput.stableCl.ToString("G3"), "Required lift coefficient at this mass, speed and air density."));
            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("Cd: " + stabDerivOutput.stableCd.ToString("G3"), "Resulting drag coefficient at this mass, speed and air density."));
            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("AoA: " + stabDerivOutput.stableAoAState + stabDerivOutput.stableAoA.ToString("G6") + " deg", "Angle of attack required to achieve the necessary lift force."));


            GUILayout.Label("Longitudinal Derivatives", GUILayout.Width(160));

            GUIStyle BackgroundStyle = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.box);

            BackgroundStyle.hover = BackgroundStyle.active = BackgroundStyle.normal;

            GUILayout.Label("Down Vel Derivatives", GUILayout.Width(160));
            GUILayout.Label("Fwd Vel Derivatives", GUILayout.Width(160));
            GUILayout.Label("Pitch Rate Derivatives", GUILayout.Width(160));
            GUILayout.Label("Pitch Ctrl Derivatives", GUILayout.Width(160));
            StabilityLabel("Zw: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[3], " s⁻¹", "Change in Z-direction acceleration with respect to Z-direction velocity; should be negative", 160, -1);
            StabilityLabel("Zu: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[6], " s⁻¹", "Change in Z-direction acceleration with respect to X-direction velocity; should be negative", 160, -1);
            StabilityLabel("Zq: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[9], " m/s", "Change in Z-direction acceleration with respect to pitch-up rate; sign unimportant", 160, 0);
            StabilityLabel("Zδe: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[12], " m/s²", "Change in Z-direction acceleration with respect to pitch control input; should be negative", 160, 0);
            StabilityLabel("Xw: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[4], " s⁻¹", "Change in X-direction acceleration with respect to Z-direction velocity; sign unimportant", 160, 0);
            StabilityLabel("Xu: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[7], " s⁻¹", "Change in X-direction acceleration with respect to X-direction velocity; should be negative", 160, -1);
            StabilityLabel("Xq: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[10], " m/s", "Change in X-direction acceleration with respect to pitch-up rate; sign unimportant", 160, 0);
            StabilityLabel("Xδe: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[13], " m/s²", "Change in X-direction acceleration with respect to pitch control input; sign unimportant", 160, 0);
            StabilityLabel("Mw: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[5], " (m * s)⁻¹", "Change in pitch-up angular acceleration with respect to Z-direction velocity; should be negative", 160, -1);
            StabilityLabel("Mu: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[8], " (m * s)⁻¹", "Change in pitch-up angular acceleration acceleration with respect to X-direction velocity; sign unimportant", 160, 0);
            StabilityLabel("Mq: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[11], " s⁻¹", "Change in pitch-up angular acceleration acceleration with respect to pitch-up rate; should be negative", 160, -1);
            StabilityLabel("Mδe: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[14], " s⁻²", "Change in pitch-up angular acceleration acceleration with respect to pitch control input; should be positive", 160, 1);

            GUILayout.Label("Lateral Derivatives", GUILayout.Width(160));
            GUILayout.Label("Sideslip Derivatives", GUILayout.Width(160));
            GUILayout.Label("Roll Rate Derivatives", GUILayout.Width(160));
            GUILayout.Label("Yaw Rate Derivatives", GUILayout.Width(160));
            StabilityLabel("Yβ: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[15], " m/s²", "Change in Y-direction acceleration with respect to sideslip angle β; should be negative", 160, -1);
            StabilityLabel("Yp: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[18], " m/s", "Change in Y-direction acceleration with respect to roll-right rate; sign unimportant", 160, 0);
            StabilityLabel("Yr: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[21], " m/s", "Change in Y-direction acceleration with respect to yaw-right rate; should be positive", 160, 1);
            StabilityLabel("Lβ: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[16], " s⁻²", "Change in roll-right angular acceleration with respect to sideslip angle β; should be negative", 160, -1);
            StabilityLabel("Lp: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[19], " s⁻¹", "Change in roll-right angular acceleration with respect to roll-right rate; should be negative", 160, -1);
            StabilityLabel("Lr: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[22], " s⁻¹", "Change in roll-right angular acceleration with respect to yaw-right rate; should be positive", 160, 1);
            StabilityLabel("Nβ: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[17], " s⁻²", "Change in yaw-right angular acceleration with respect to sideslip angle β; should be positive", 160, 1);
            StabilityLabel("Np: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[20], " s⁻¹", "Change in yaw-right angular acceleration with respect to roll-right rate; sign unimportant", 160, 0);
            StabilityLabel("Nr: ", stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[23], " s⁻¹", "Change in yaw-right angular acceleration with respect to yaw-right rate; should be negative", 160, -1);

        private void BelowGraphInputsGUI(GraphInputs input)

            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStaticGraphLowLim"), GUILayout.Width(50.0F), GUILayout.Height(25.0F));
            input.lowerBound = GUILayout.TextField(input.lowerBound, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStaticGraphUpLim"), GUILayout.Width(50.0F), GUILayout.Height(25.0F));
            input.upperBound = GUILayout.TextField(input.upperBound, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStaticGraphPtCount"), GUILayout.Width(70.0F), GUILayout.Height(25.0F));
            input.numPts = GUILayout.TextField(input.numPts, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
            GUILayout.Label(isMachMode ? Localizer.Format("FARAbbrevAoA") : Localizer.Format("FARAbbrevMach"), GUILayout.Width(50.0F), GUILayout.Height(25.0F));
            input.otherInput = GUILayout.TextField(input.otherInput, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));

            if (GUILayout.Button(isMachMode ? Localizer.Format("FAREditorStaticSweepMach") : Localizer.Format("FAREditorStaticSweepAoA"), GUILayout.Width(100.0F), GUILayout.Height(25.0F)))
                input.lowerBound   = Regex.Replace(input.lowerBound, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
                input.upperBound   = Regex.Replace(input.upperBound, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
                input.numPts       = Regex.Replace(input.numPts, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
                input.pitchSetting = Regex.Replace(input.pitchSetting, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
                input.otherInput   = Regex.Replace(input.otherInput, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");

                double lowerBound, upperBound, numPts, pitchSetting, otherInput;

                lowerBound       = double.Parse(input.lowerBound);
                lowerBound       = FARMathUtil.Clamp(lowerBound, -90, 90);
                input.lowerBound = lowerBound.ToString();

                upperBound       = double.Parse(input.upperBound);
                upperBound       = FARMathUtil.Clamp(upperBound, lowerBound, 90);
                input.upperBound = upperBound.ToString();

                numPts       = double.Parse(input.numPts);
                numPts       = Math.Ceiling(numPts);
                input.numPts = numPts.ToString();

                pitchSetting       = double.Parse(input.pitchSetting);
                pitchSetting       = FARMathUtil.Clamp(pitchSetting, -1, 1);
                input.pitchSetting = pitchSetting.ToString();

                otherInput = double.Parse(input.otherInput);

                GraphData data;

                var sim = simManager.SweepSim;
                if (sim.IsReady())
                    if (isMachMode)
                        data = sim.MachNumberSweep(otherInput, pitchSetting, lowerBound, upperBound, (int)numPts, input.flapSetting, input.spoilers, bodySettingDropdown.ActiveSelection);
                        SetAngleVectors(pitchSetting, pitchSetting);
                        data = sim.AngleOfAttackSweep(otherInput, pitchSetting, lowerBound, upperBound, (int)numPts, input.flapSetting, input.spoilers, bodySettingDropdown.ActiveSelection);
                        SetAngleVectors(lowerBound, upperBound);

                    UpdateGraph(data, isMachMode ? Localizer.Format("FAREditorStaticGraphMach") : Localizer.Format("FAREditorStaticGraphAoA"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStaticGraphCoeff"), lowerBound, upperBound);
        public void Display()
            //stabDerivHelp = GUILayout.Toggle(stabDerivHelp, "?", ButtonStyle, GUILayout.Width(200));


            altitude = GUILayout.TextField(altitude, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));

            machNumber = GUILayout.TextField(machNumber, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));


            spoilersDeployed = GUILayout.Toggle(spoilersDeployed, spoilersDeployed ? Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivSDeploy") : Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivSRetract"), GUILayout.Width(100));

            if (GUILayout.Button(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivCalcButton"), GUILayout.Width(250.0F), GUILayout.Height(25.0F)))
                CelestialBody body = _bodySettingDropdown.ActiveSelection;
                //atm_temp_str = Regex.Replace(atm_temp_str, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
                //rho_str = Regex.Replace(rho_str, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
                machNumber = Regex.Replace(machNumber, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");

                altitude = Regex.Replace(altitude, @"[^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?]", "");
                double altitudeDouble = Convert.ToDouble(altitude);
                altitudeDouble *= 1000;

                double temp     = body.GetTemperature(altitudeDouble);
                double pressure = body.GetPressure(altitudeDouble);
                if (pressure > 0)
                    //double temp = Convert.ToSingle(atm_temp_str);
                    double machDouble = Convert.ToSingle(machNumber);
                    machDouble = FARMathUtil.Clamp(machDouble, 0.001, float.PositiveInfinity);

                    double density = body.GetDensity(pressure, temp);

                    double sspeed = body.GetSpeedOfSound(pressure, density);
                    double vel    = sspeed * machDouble;


                    double q = vel * vel * density * 0.5f;

                    stabDerivOutput        = simManager.StabDerivCalculator.CalculateStabilityDerivs(vel, q, machDouble, 0, 0, 0, _flapSettingDropdown.ActiveSelection, spoilersDeployed, body, altitudeDouble);
                    simManager.vehicleData = stabDerivOutput;
                    PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 0), "FARStabDerivError", Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivError"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivErrorExp"), Localizer.Format("FARGUIOKButton "), true, HighLogic.UISkin);
            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivAirProp"), GUILayout.Width(180));
            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivMoI"), GUILayout.Width(160));
            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivPoI"), GUILayout.Width(160));
            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivLvlFl"), GUILayout.Width(140));

            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivRefArea") + stabDerivOutput.area.ToString("G3") + " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitMSq"));
            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivScaledChord") + stabDerivOutput.MAC.ToString("G3") + " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitM"));
            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivScaledSpan") + stabDerivOutput.b.ToString("G3") + " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitM"));

            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivIxx") + stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[0].ToString("G6") + " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitKgMSq"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivIxxExp")));
            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivIyy") + stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[1].ToString("G6") + " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitKgMSq"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivIyyExp")));
            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivIzz") + stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[2].ToString("G6") + " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitKgMSq"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivIzzExp")));

            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivIxy") + stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[24].ToString("G6") + " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitKgMSq"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivIxyExp")));
            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivIyz") + stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[25].ToString("G6") + " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitKgMSq"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivIyzExp")));
            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivIxz") + stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[26].ToString("G6") + " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitKgMSq"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivIxzExp")));

            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivu0") + stabDerivOutput.nominalVelocity.ToString("G6") + " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitMPerSec"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivu0Exp")));
            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(Localizer.Format("FARAbbrevCl") + ": " + stabDerivOutput.stableCl.ToString("G3"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivClExp")));
            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(Localizer.Format("FARAbbrevCd") + ": " + stabDerivOutput.stableCd.ToString("G3"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivCdExp")));
            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(Localizer.Format("FARAbbrevAoA") + ": " + stabDerivOutput.stableAoAState + stabDerivOutput.stableAoA.ToString("G6") + " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitDeg"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorStabDerivAoAExp")));


            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorLongDeriv"), GUILayout.Width(160));

            GUIStyle BackgroundStyle = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.box);

            BackgroundStyle.hover = BackgroundStyle.active = BackgroundStyle.normal;

            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorDownVelDeriv"), GUILayout.Width(160));
            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorFwdVelDeriv"), GUILayout.Width(160));
            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorPitchRateDeriv"), GUILayout.Width(160));
            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorPitchCtrlDeriv"), GUILayout.Width(160));
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorZw"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[3], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitInvSec"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorZwExp"), 160, -1);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorZu"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[6], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitInvSec"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorZuExp"), 160, -1);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorZq"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[9], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitMPerSec"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorZqExp"), 160, 0);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorZDeltae"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[12], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitMPerSecSq"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorZDeltaeExp"), 160, 0);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorXw"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[4], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitInvSec"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorXwExp"), 160, 0);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorXu"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[7], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitInvSec"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorXuExp"), 160, -1);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorXq"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[10], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitMPerSec"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorXqExp"), 160, 0);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorXDeltae"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[13], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitMPerSecSq"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorXDeltaeExp"), 160, 0);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorMw"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[5], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitInvMSec"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorMwExp"), 160, -1);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorMu"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[8], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitInvMSec"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorMuExp"), 160, 0);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorMq"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[11], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitInvSec"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorMqExp"), 160, -1);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorMDeltae"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[14], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitInvSecSq"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorMDeltaeExp"), 160, 1);

            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorLatDeriv"), GUILayout.Width(160));
            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorSideslipDeriv"), GUILayout.Width(160));
            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorRollRateDeriv"), GUILayout.Width(160));
            GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("FAREditorYawRateDeriv"), GUILayout.Width(160));
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorYβ"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[15], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitMPerSecSq"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorYβExp"), 160, -1);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorYp"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[18], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitMPerSec"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorYpExp"), 160, 0);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorYr"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[21], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitMPerSec"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorYrExp"), 160, 1);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorLβ"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[16], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitInvSecSq"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorLβExp"), 160, -1);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorLp"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[19], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitInvSec"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorLpExp"), 160, -1);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorLr"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[22], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitInvSec"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorLrExp"), 160, 1);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorNβ"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[17], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitInvSecSq"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorNβExp"), 160, 1);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorNp"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[20], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitInvSec"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorNpExp"), 160, 0);
            StabilityLabel(Localizer.Format("FAREditorNr"), stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[23], " " + Localizer.Format("FARUnitInvSec"), Localizer.Format("FAREditorNrExp"), 160, -1);

        private void CalculateAeroForces(float atmDensity, float machNumber, float reynoldsPerUnitLength, float pseudoKnudsenNumber, float skinFrictionDrag,
                                         IForceContext forceContext)
            double skinFrictionForce = skinFrictionDrag * xForceSkinFriction.Evaluate(machNumber);      //this will be the same for each part, so why recalc it multiple times?
            double xForceAoA0        = xForcePressureAoA0.Evaluate(machNumber);
            double xForceAoA180      = xForcePressureAoA180.Evaluate(machNumber);

            for (int i = 0; i < partData.Count; i++)
                PartData          data       = partData[i];
                FARAeroPartModule aeroModule = data.aeroModule;
                if ((object)aeroModule == null)

                Vector3 xRefVector = data.xRefVectorPartSpace;
                Vector3 nRefVector = data.nRefVectorPartSpace;

                Vector3 velLocal = forceContext.LocalVelocity(data);
                // Rejects both negligable speed and invalid simulation cases
                if (FARMathUtil.NearlyEqual(velLocal.sqrMagnitude, 0.0f))

                Vector3 angVelLocal = aeroModule.partLocalAngVel;
                velLocal += Vector3.Cross(data.centroidPartSpace, angVelLocal);       //some transform issue here, needs investigation
                Vector3 velLocalNorm        = velLocal.normalized;
                Vector3 localNormalForceVec = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(-velLocalNorm, xRefVector).normalized;

                double cosAoA     = Vector3.Dot(xRefVector, velLocalNorm);
                double cosSqrAoA  = cosAoA * cosAoA;
                double sinSqrAoA  = Math.Max(1 - cosSqrAoA, 0);
                double sinAoA     = Math.Sqrt(sinSqrAoA);
                double sin2AoA    = 2 * sinAoA * Math.Abs(cosAoA);
                double cosHalfAoA = Math.Sqrt(0.5 + 0.5 * Math.Abs(cosAoA));

                double nForce = 0;
                nForce = potentialFlowNormalForce * Math.Sign(cosAoA) * cosHalfAoA * sin2AoA; //potential flow normal force
                if (nForce < 0)                                                               //potential flow is not significant over the rear face of things
                    nForce = 0;

                //if (machNumber > 3)
                //    nForce *= 2d - machNumber * 0.3333333333333333d;

                float normalForceFactor = Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(localNormalForceVec, nRefVector));
                normalForceFactor *= normalForceFactor;
                normalForceFactor  = invFlatnessRatio * (1 - normalForceFactor) + flatnessRatio * normalForceFactor;    //accounts for changes in relative flatness of shape

                float crossFlowMach, crossFlowReynolds;
                crossFlowMach     = machNumber * (float)sinAoA;
                crossFlowReynolds = reynoldsPerUnitLength * diameter * (float)sinAoA / normalForceFactor;

                nForce += viscCrossflowDrag * sinSqrAoA * CalculateCrossFlowDrag(crossFlowMach, crossFlowReynolds);            //viscous crossflow normal force
                nForce *= normalForceFactor;

                double xForce = -skinFrictionForce *Math.Sign(cosAoA) * cosSqrAoA;

                double localVelForce = xForce * pseudoKnudsenNumber;
                xForce -= localVelForce;

                localVelForce = Math.Abs(localVelForce);

                float moment        = (float)(cosAoA * sinAoA);
                float dampingMoment = 4f * moment;

                if (cosAoA > 0)
                    xForce += cosSqrAoA * xForceAoA0;
                    float momentFactor;
                    if (machNumber > 6)
                        momentFactor = hypersonicMomentForward;
                    else if (machNumber < 0.6)
                        momentFactor = 0.6f * hypersonicMomentBackward;
                        float tmp = (-0.185185185f * machNumber + 1.11111111111f);
                        momentFactor = tmp * hypersonicMomentBackward * 0.6f + (1 - tmp) * hypersonicMomentForward;
                    //if (machNumber < 1.5)
                    //    momentFactor += hypersonicMomentBackward * (0.5f - machNumber * 0.33333333333333333333333333333333f) * 0.2f;

                    moment        *= momentFactor;
                    dampingMoment *= momentFactor;
                    xForce += cosSqrAoA * xForceAoA180;
                    float momentFactor;     //negative to deal with the ref vector facing the opposite direction, causing the moment vector to point in the opposite direction
                    if (machNumber > 6)
                        momentFactor = hypersonicMomentBackward;
                    else if (machNumber < 0.6)
                        momentFactor = 0.6f * hypersonicMomentForward;
                        float tmp = (-0.185185185f * machNumber + 1.11111111111f);
                        momentFactor = tmp * hypersonicMomentForward * 0.6f + (1 - tmp) * hypersonicMomentBackward;
                    //if (machNumber < 1.5)
                    //    momentFactor += hypersonicMomentForward * (0.5f - machNumber * 0.33333333333333333333333333333333f) * 0.2f;

                    moment        *= momentFactor;
                    dampingMoment *= momentFactor;
                moment       /= normalForceFactor;
                dampingMoment = Math.Abs(dampingMoment) * 0.1f;
                //dampingMoment += (float)Math.Abs(skinFrictionForce) * 0.1f;
                float rollDampingMoment = (float)(skinFrictionForce * 0.5 * diameter); //skin friction force times avg moment arm for vehicle
                rollDampingMoment *= (0.75f + flatnessRatio * 0.25f);                  //this is just an approximation for now

                Vector3 forceVector = (float)xForce * xRefVector + (float)nForce * localNormalForceVec;
                forceVector -= (float)localVelForce * velLocalNorm;

                Vector3 torqueVector = Vector3.Cross(xRefVector, localNormalForceVec) * moment;

                Vector3 axialAngLocalVel    = Vector3.Dot(xRefVector, angVelLocal) * xRefVector;
                Vector3 nonAxialAngLocalVel = angVelLocal - axialAngLocalVel;

                if (velLocal.sqrMagnitude > 0.001f)
                    torqueVector -= (dampingMoment * nonAxialAngLocalVel) + (rollDampingMoment * axialAngLocalVel * axialAngLocalVel.magnitude) / velLocal.sqrMagnitude;
                    torqueVector -= (dampingMoment * nonAxialAngLocalVel) + (rollDampingMoment * axialAngLocalVel * axialAngLocalVel.magnitude) / 0.001f;

                //float dynPresAndScaling = 0.0005f * atmDensity * velLocal.sqrMagnitude * data.dragFactor;        //dyn pres and N -> kN conversion

                //forceVector *= dynPresAndScaling;
                //torqueVector *= dynPresAndScaling;

                forceVector  *= data.dragFactor;
                torqueVector *= data.dragFactor;

                forceContext.ApplyForce(data, velLocal, forceVector, torqueVector);
        public void IterateOnce(double alpha0, double pitch0, double alpha1, double pitch1, out double alpha2, out double pitch2)
            iterationInput.alpha      = alpha1;
            iterationInput.pitchValue = pitch0;
            parent.GetClCdCmSteady(iterationInput, out iterationOutput, true, true);
            double Cl10 = iterationOutput.Cl;
            double Cm10 = iterationOutput.Cm;

            iterationInput.alpha      = alpha0;
            iterationInput.pitchValue = pitch1;
            parent.GetClCdCmSteady(iterationInput, out iterationOutput, true, true);
            double Cl01 = iterationOutput.Cl;
            double Cm01 = iterationOutput.Cm;

            iterationInput.alpha = alpha1;
            parent.GetClCdCmSteady(iterationInput, out iterationOutput, true, true);
            double Cl11 = iterationOutput.Cl;
            double Cm11 = iterationOutput.Cm;

            // Assume the solution did not yet converge

            double clgrad        = (Cl11 - Cl01) / (alpha1 - alpha0);
            double cmcrss        = (Cm11 - Cm01) / (alpha1 - alpha0);
            double cmgrad        = (Cm11 - Cm10) / (pitch1 - pitch0);
            double clcrss        = (Cl11 - Cl10) / (pitch1 - pitch0);
            double gradientscale = clgrad * cmgrad - clcrss * cmcrss;

            double cl = neededCl - Cl11; // for improved readability
            double cm = -Cm11;

            const double gradeps = 2E-5; // a gradient close to zero can be ignored
            double       deltaalpha, deltapitch;

            if (Math.Abs(clgrad) > gradeps && Math.Abs(cmgrad) > gradeps &&
                Math.Abs(gradientscale) > gradeps * gradeps)
                deltaalpha = (cmgrad * cl - clcrss * cm) / gradientscale;
                deltapitch = (clgrad * cm - cmcrss * cl) / gradientscale;
            else // update just the variable that have a non-zero gradient
                if (Math.Abs(clgrad) > gradeps)
                    deltaalpha = cl / clgrad;
                    deltaalpha = 0;

                if (Math.Abs(cmgrad) > gradeps)
                    deltapitch = cm / cmgrad;
                    deltapitch = 0;
            double maxdeltaalpha = Math.Abs(alpha1 - alpha0);
            double maxdeltapitch = Math.Abs(pitch1 - pitch0);

            deltaalpha = FARMathUtil.Clamp(deltaalpha, -maxdeltaalpha, +maxdeltaalpha);
            deltapitch = FARMathUtil.Clamp(deltapitch, -maxdeltapitch, +maxdeltapitch);
            alpha2     = FARMathUtil.Clamp(alpha1 + deltaalpha, alphatol.leftedge, alphatol.rightedge);
            pitch2     = FARMathUtil.Clamp(pitch1 + deltapitch, pitchtol.leftedge, pitchtol.rightedge);
        private void partModuleUpdate(PartModule pm)
            if (isFarLoaded && pm is FARControllableSurface)
                FARControllableSurface fcs = (FARControllableSurface)pm;

                if (vessel.atmDensity > 0)
                    Vector3d forcePosition = fcs.AerodynamicCenter - vesselState.CoM;
                    Vector3  velocity      = fcs.GetVelocity();

                    double soundspeed, v_scalar = velocity.magnitude;

                    double rho = FARAeroUtil.GetCurrentDensity(vessel, out soundspeed);
                    if (rho <= 0.0 || v_scalar <= 0.1 || fcs.isShielded)

                    // First we save the curent state of the part
                    double YmaxForce  = fcs.YmaxForce;
                    double XZmaxForce = fcs.XZmaxForce;

                    double AoAcurrentFlap = (double)(FieldAoAcurrentFlap.GetValue(fcs));

                    double MaxAoAdesiredControl = 0;
                    if (fcs.pitchaxis != 0.0)
                        MaxAoAdesiredControl += (double)(FieldPitchLocation.GetValue(fcs)) * fcs.pitchaxis * 0.01;
                    if (fcs.yawaxis != 0.0)
                        MaxAoAdesiredControl += (double)(FieldYawLocation.GetValue(fcs)) * fcs.yawaxis * 0.01;;
                    if (fcs.rollaxis != 0.0)
                        MaxAoAdesiredControl += (double)(FieldRollLocation.GetValue(fcs)) * fcs.rollaxis * 0.01;;
                    MaxAoAdesiredControl *= fcs.maxdeflect;
                    if (fcs.pitchaxisDueToAoA != 0.0)
                        double _AoA = (fcs as FARWingAerodynamicModel).CalculateAoA(velocity.normalized);
                        _AoA = FARMathUtil.rad2deg * Math.Asin(_AoA);
                        if (double.IsNaN(_AoA))
                            _AoA = 0;
                        MaxAoAdesiredControl += _AoA * fcs.pitchaxisDueToAoA * 0.01;

                    MaxAoAdesiredControl = FARMathUtil.Clamp(MaxAoAdesiredControl, -Math.Abs(fcs.maxdeflect), Math.Abs(fcs.maxdeflect));

                    double MachNumber = v_scalar / soundspeed;
                    fcs.YmaxForce  = double.MaxValue;
                    fcs.XZmaxForce = double.MaxValue;

                    // Then we turn it one way
                    double AoA = fcs.CalculateAoA(velocity, AoAcurrentFlap + MaxAoAdesiredControl);
                    vesselState.ctrlTorqueAvailable.Add(vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(Vector3.Cross(forcePosition, fcs.CalculateForces(velocity, MachNumber, AoA))));

                    // We restore it to the initial state
                    AoA = fcs.CalculateAoA(velocity);
                    fcs.CalculateForces(velocity, MachNumber, AoA);

                    // And we turn it the other way
                    AoA = fcs.CalculateAoA(velocity, AoAcurrentFlap - MaxAoAdesiredControl);
                    vesselState.ctrlTorqueAvailable.Add(vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(Vector3.Cross(forcePosition, fcs.CalculateForces(velocity, MachNumber, AoA))));

                    // And in the end we restore its initial state
                    AoA = fcs.CalculateAoA(velocity);
                    fcs.CalculateForces(velocity, MachNumber, AoA);

                    fcs.YmaxForce  = YmaxForce;
                    fcs.XZmaxForce = XZmaxForce;
        public StabilityDerivOutput CalculateStabilityDerivs(double u0, double q, double machNumber, double alpha, double beta, double phi, int flapSetting, bool spoilers, CelestialBody body, double alt)
            StabilityDerivOutput stabDerivOutput = new StabilityDerivOutput();

            stabDerivOutput.nominalVelocity = u0;
            stabDerivOutput.altitude        = alt;
            stabDerivOutput.body            = body;

            Vector3d CoM  = Vector3d.zero;
            double   mass = 0;

            double MAC  = 0;
            double b    = 0;
            double area = 0;

            double Ix  = 0;
            double Iy  = 0;
            double Iz  = 0;
            double Ixy = 0;
            double Iyz = 0;
            double Ixz = 0;

            InstantConditionSimInput  input = new InstantConditionSimInput(alpha, beta, phi, 0, 0, 0, machNumber, 0, flapSetting, spoilers);
            InstantConditionSimOutput nominalOutput;
            InstantConditionSimOutput pertOutput = new InstantConditionSimOutput();

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out nominalOutput, true);

            List <Part> partsList = EditorLogic.SortedShipList;

            for (int i = 0; i < partsList.Count; i++)
                Part p = partsList[i];

                if (FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))
                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                //partMass += p.GetModuleMass(p.mass);
                // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass
                CoM  += partMass * (Vector3d)p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset);
                mass += partMass;
                FARWingAerodynamicModel w = p.GetComponent <FARWingAerodynamicModel>();
                if (w != null)
                    if (w.isShielded)

                    area += w.S;
                    MAC  += w.GetMAC() * w.S;
                    b    += w.Getb_2() * w.S;
                    if (w is FARControllableSurface)
                        (w as FARControllableSurface).SetControlStateEditor(CoM, p.transform.up, 0, 0, 0, input.flaps, input.spoilers);
            if (area == 0)
                area = _instantCondition._maxCrossSectionFromBody;
                MAC  = _instantCondition._bodyLength;
                b    = 1;
            MAC  /= area;
            b    /= area;
            CoM  /= mass;
            mass *= 1000;

            stabDerivOutput.b    = b;
            stabDerivOutput.MAC  = MAC;
            stabDerivOutput.area = area;

            for (int i = 0; i < partsList.Count; i++)
                Part p = partsList[i];

                if (p == null || FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))
                //This section handles the parallel axis theorem
                Vector3 relPos = p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset) - CoM;
                double  x2, y2, z2, x, y, z;
                x2 = relPos.z * relPos.z;
                y2 = relPos.x * relPos.x;
                z2 = relPos.y * relPos.y;
                x  = relPos.z;
                y  = relPos.x;
                z  = relPos.y;

                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                //partMass += p.GetModuleMass(p.mass);
                // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass

                Ix += (y2 + z2) * partMass;
                Iy += (x2 + z2) * partMass;
                Iz += (x2 + y2) * partMass;

                Ixy += -x * y * partMass;
                Iyz += -z * y * partMass;
                Ixz += -x * z * partMass;

                //And this handles the part's own moment of inertia
                Vector3    principalInertia = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensor;
                Quaternion prncInertRot     = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensorRotation;

                //The rows of the direction cosine matrix for a quaternion
                Vector3 Row1 = new Vector3(prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x - prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y - prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w,
                                           2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.y + prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.w),
                                           2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.z - prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.w));

                Vector3 Row2 = new Vector3(2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.y - prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.w),
                                           -prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x + prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y - prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w,
                                           2 * (prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.w));

                Vector3 Row3 = new Vector3(2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.w),
                                           2 * (prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.z - prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.w),
                                           -prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x - prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y + prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w);

                //And converting the principal moments of inertia into the coordinate system used by the system
                Ix += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row1.x + principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row1.y + principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row1.z;
                Iy += principalInertia.x * Row2.x * Row2.x + principalInertia.y * Row2.y * Row2.y + principalInertia.z * Row2.z * Row2.z;
                Iz += principalInertia.x * Row3.x * Row3.x + principalInertia.y * Row3.y * Row3.y + principalInertia.z * Row3.z * Row3.z;

                Ixy += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row2.x + principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row2.y + principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row2.z;
                Ixz += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row3.x + principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row3.y + principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row3.z;
                Iyz += principalInertia.x * Row2.x * Row3.x + principalInertia.y * Row2.y * Row3.y + principalInertia.z * Row2.z * Row3.z;
            Ix *= 1000;
            Iy *= 1000;
            Iz *= 1000;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[0] = Ix;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[1] = Iy;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[2] = Iz;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[24] = Ixy;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[25] = Iyz;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[26] = Ixz;

            double effectiveG = _instantCondition.CalculateAccelerationDueToGravity(body, alt); //This is the effect of gravity

            effectiveG -= u0 * u0 / (alt + body.Radius);                                        //This is the effective reduction of gravity due to high velocity
            double neededCl = mass * effectiveG / (q * area);

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);
            //Longitudinal Mess
            _instantCondition.SetState(machNumber, neededCl, CoM, 0, input.flaps, input.spoilers);

            alpha         = FARMathUtil.BrentsMethod(_instantCondition.FunctionIterateForAlpha, -30d, 30d, 0.001, 500);
            input.alpha   = alpha;
            nominalOutput = _instantCondition.iterationOutput;
            //alpha_str = (alpha * Mathf.PI / 180).ToString();

            input.alpha = (alpha + 2);

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            stabDerivOutput.stableCl       = neededCl;
            stabDerivOutput.stableCd       = nominalOutput.Cd;
            stabDerivOutput.stableAoA      = alpha;
            stabDerivOutput.stableAoAState = "";
            if (Math.Abs((nominalOutput.Cl - neededCl) / neededCl) > 0.1)
                stabDerivOutput.stableAoAState = ((nominalOutput.Cl > neededCl) ? "<" : ">");

            Debug.Log("Cl needed: " + neededCl + ", AoA: " + alpha + ", Cl: " + nominalOutput.Cl + ", Cd: " + nominalOutput.Cd);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);                   //vert vel derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);

            pertOutput.Cl += nominalOutput.Cd;
            pertOutput.Cd -= nominalOutput.Cl;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / (Iy * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[3] = pertOutput.Cl;  //Zw
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[4] = pertOutput.Cd;  //Xw
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[5] = pertOutput.Cm;  //Mw

            input.alpha      = alpha;
            input.machNumber = machNumber + 0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.05 * machNumber;                   //fwd vel derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.05 * machNumber;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.05 * machNumber;

            pertOutput.Cl += 2 * nominalOutput.Cl;
            pertOutput.Cd += 2 * nominalOutput.Cd;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / (u0 * Iy);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[6] = pertOutput.Cl;  //Zu
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[7] = pertOutput.Cd;  //Xu
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[8] = pertOutput.Cm;  //Mu

            input.machNumber = machNumber;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.alphaDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.05;                   //pitch rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.05;

            pertOutput.Cl *= q * area * MAC / (2 * u0 * mass);
            pertOutput.Cd *= q * area * MAC / (2 * u0 * mass);
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC * MAC / (2 * u0 * Iy);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[9]  = pertOutput.Cl; //Zq
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[10] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xq
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[11] = pertOutput.Cm; //Mq

            input.alphaDot   = 0;
            input.pitchValue = 0.1;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.1;                   //elevator derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.1;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.1;

            pertOutput.Cl *= q * area / mass;
            pertOutput.Cd *= q * area / mass;
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / Iy;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[12] = pertOutput.Cl; //Ze
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[13] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xe
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[14] = pertOutput.Cm; //Me

            //Lateral Mess

            input.pitchValue = 0;
            input.beta       = (beta + 2);

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);
            pertOutput.Cy     = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);               //sideslip angle derivs
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area / mass;
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b / Iz;
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b / Ix;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[15] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yb
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[17] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Nb
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[16] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lb

            input.beta = beta;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.phiDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);

            pertOutput.Cy     = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / 0.05;               //roll rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / 0.05;

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area * b / (2 * mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Iz * u0);
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Ix * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[18] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yp
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[20] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Np
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[19] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lp

            input.phiDot = 0;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.betaDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false); pertOutput.Cy = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / 0.05f;                   //yaw rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / 0.05f;
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / 0.05f;

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area * b / (2 * mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Iz * u0);
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Ix * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[21] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yr
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[23] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Nr
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[22] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lr

        private void OnAutoPilotUpdate(FlightCtrlState state)
            if (_vessel.srfSpeed < 5)

            ControlSystem sys = systemInstances[0];     //wing leveler

            if (sys.active)
                double phi = info.rollAngle - sys.zeroPoint;
                if (sys.kP < 0)
                    phi += 180;
                    if (phi > 180)
                        phi -= 360;
                    phi = -phi;

                phi *= -FARMathUtil.deg2rad;

                double output = ControlStateChange(sys, phi);

                if (Math.Abs(state.roll - state.rollTrim) < 0.01)
                    if (output > 1)
                        output = 1;
                    else if (output < -1)
                        output = -1;

                    state.roll = (float)output + state.rollTrim;
                sys.errorIntegral = 0;
            sys = systemInstances[1];
            if (sys.active)
                double beta = -(info.sideslipAngle - sys.zeroPoint) * FARMathUtil.deg2rad;

                double output = ControlStateChange(sys, beta);

                if (Math.Abs(state.yaw - state.yawTrim) < 0.01)
                    if (output > 1)
                        output = 1;
                    else if (output < -1)
                        output = -1;

                    state.yaw = (float)output + state.yawTrim;
                sys.errorIntegral = 0;
            sys = systemInstances[2];
            if (sys.active)
                double pitch = (info.aoA - sys.zeroPoint) * FARMathUtil.deg2rad;

                double output = ControlStateChange(sys, pitch);

                if (Math.Abs(state.pitch - state.pitchTrim) < 0.01)
                    if (output > 1)
                        output = 1;
                    else if (output < -1)
                        output = -1;

                    state.pitch = (float)output + state.pitchTrim;
                sys.errorIntegral = 0;
            sys = systemInstances[3];
            if (sys.active)
                if (info.aoA > aoAHighLim)
                    state.pitch = (float)FARMathUtil.Clamp(ControlStateChange(sys, info.aoA - aoAHighLim), -1, 1) + state.pitchTrim;
                else if (info.aoA < aoALowLim)
                    state.pitch = (float)FARMathUtil.Clamp(ControlStateChange(sys, info.aoA - aoALowLim), -1, 1) + state.pitchTrim;
                sys.errorIntegral = 0;
            sys = systemInstances[4];
            if (sys.active)
                double scalingFactor = scalingDynPres / info.dynPres;

                if (scalingFactor > 1)
                    scalingFactor = 1;

                state.pitch = state.pitchTrim + (state.pitch - state.pitchTrim) * (float)scalingFactor;
                state.yaw   = state.yawTrim + (state.yaw - state.yawTrim) * (float)scalingFactor;
                state.roll  = state.rollTrim + (state.roll - state.rollTrim) * (float)scalingFactor;
        public StabilityDerivOutput CalculateStabilityDerivs(
            CelestialBody body,
            double alt,
            double machNumber,
            int flapSetting,
            bool spoilers,
            double alpha,
            double beta,
            double phi
            GasProperties properties = FARAtmosphere.GetGasProperties(body,
                                                                      new Vector3d(0, 0, alt),

            double pressure    = properties.Pressure;
            double temperature = properties.Temperature;
            double density     = properties.Density;
            double sspeed      = properties.SpeedOfSound;
            double u0          = sspeed * machNumber;
            double q           = u0 * u0 * density * 0.5f;

            var stabDerivOutput = new StabilityDerivOutput
                nominalVelocity = u0,
                altitude        = alt,
                body            = body

            Vector3d CoM  = Vector3d.zero;
            double   mass = 0;

            double MAC  = 0;
            double b    = 0;
            double area = 0;

            double Ix  = 0;
            double Iy  = 0;
            double Iz  = 0;
            double Ixy = 0;
            double Iyz = 0;
            double Ixz = 0;

            var input      = new InstantConditionSimInput(alpha, beta, phi, 0, 0, 0, machNumber, 0, flapSetting, spoilers);
            var pertOutput = new InstantConditionSimOutput();

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out InstantConditionSimOutput nominalOutput, true);

            List <Part> partsList = EditorLogic.SortedShipList;

            foreach (Part p in partsList)
                if (FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))
                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass
                CoM  += partMass * (Vector3d)p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset);
                mass += partMass;
                FARWingAerodynamicModel w = p.GetComponent <FARWingAerodynamicModel>();
                if (w == null)
                if (w.isShielded)

                area += w.S;
                MAC  += w.GetMAC() * w.S;
                b    += w.Getb_2() * w.S;
                if (w is FARControllableSurface controllableSurface)

            if (area.NearlyEqual(0))
                area = _instantCondition._maxCrossSectionFromBody;
                MAC  = _instantCondition._bodyLength;
                b    = 1;

            MAC  /= area;
            b    /= area;
            CoM  /= mass;
            mass *= 1000;

            stabDerivOutput.b    = b;
            stabDerivOutput.MAC  = MAC;
            stabDerivOutput.area = area;

            foreach (Part p in partsList)
                if (p == null || FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))
                //This section handles the parallel axis theorem
                Vector3 relPos = p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset) - CoM;
                double  x2     = relPos.z * relPos.z;
                double  y2     = relPos.x * relPos.x;
                double  z2     = relPos.y * relPos.y;
                double  x      = relPos.z;
                double  y      = relPos.x;
                double  z      = relPos.y;

                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass

                Ix += (y2 + z2) * partMass;
                Iy += (x2 + z2) * partMass;
                Iz += (x2 + y2) * partMass;

                Ixy += -x * y * partMass;
                Iyz += -z * y * partMass;
                Ixz += -x * z * partMass;

                //And this handles the part's own moment of inertia
                Vector3    principalInertia = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensor;
                Quaternion prncInertRot     = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensorRotation;

                //The rows of the direction cosine matrix for a quaternion
                var Row1 =
                    new Vector3(prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x -
                                prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y -
                                prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z +
                                prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w,
                                2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.y + prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.w),
                                2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.z - prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.w));

                var Row2 = new Vector3(2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.y - prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.w),
                                       -prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x +
                                       prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y -
                                       prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z +
                                       prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w,
                                       2 * (prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.w));

                var Row3 = new Vector3(2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.w),
                                       2 * (prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.z - prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.w),
                                       -prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x -
                                       prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y +
                                       prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z +
                                       prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w);

                //And converting the principal moments of inertia into the coordinate system used by the system
                Ix += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row1.x +
                      principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row1.y +
                      principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row1.z;
                Iy += principalInertia.x * Row2.x * Row2.x +
                      principalInertia.y * Row2.y * Row2.y +
                      principalInertia.z * Row2.z * Row2.z;
                Iz += principalInertia.x * Row3.x * Row3.x +
                      principalInertia.y * Row3.y * Row3.y +
                      principalInertia.z * Row3.z * Row3.z;

                Ixy += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row2.x +
                       principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row2.y +
                       principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row2.z;
                Ixz += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row3.x +
                       principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row3.y +
                       principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row3.z;
                Iyz += principalInertia.x * Row2.x * Row3.x +
                       principalInertia.y * Row2.y * Row3.y +
                       principalInertia.z * Row2.z * Row3.z;

            Ix *= 1000;
            Iy *= 1000;
            Iz *= 1000;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[0] = Ix;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[1] = Iy;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[2] = Iz;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[24] = Ixy;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[25] = Iyz;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[26] = Ixz;

            //This is the effect of gravity
            double effectiveG = InstantConditionSim.CalculateAccelerationDueToGravity(body, alt);

            //This is the effective reduction of gravity due to high velocity
            effectiveG -= u0 * u0 / (alt + body.Radius);
            double neededCl = mass * effectiveG / (q * area);

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);
            //Longitudinal Mess
            _instantCondition.SetState(machNumber, neededCl, CoM, 0, input.flaps, input.spoilers);
            FARMathUtil.OptimizationResult optResult =
                                   minLimit: -90,
                                   maxLimit: 90);
            int calls = optResult.FunctionCalls;

            // if stable AoA doesn't exist, calculate derivatives at 0 incidence
            if (!optResult.Converged)
                FARLogger.Info("Stable angle of attack not found, calculating derivatives at 0 incidence instead");
                alpha = 0;
                calls += 1;
                alpha = optResult.Result;

            input.alpha   = alpha;
            nominalOutput = _instantCondition.iterationOutput;

            input.alpha = alpha + 2;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            stabDerivOutput.stableCl       = neededCl;
            stabDerivOutput.stableCd       = nominalOutput.Cd;
            stabDerivOutput.stableAoA      = alpha;
            stabDerivOutput.stableAoAState = "";
            if (Math.Abs((nominalOutput.Cl - neededCl) / neededCl) > 0.1)
                stabDerivOutput.stableAoAState = nominalOutput.Cl > neededCl ? "<" : ">";

            FARLogger.Info("Cl needed: " +
                           neededCl.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                           ", AoA: " +
                           stabDerivOutput.stableAoA.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                           ", Cl: " +
                           nominalOutput.Cl.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                           ", Cd: " +
                           nominalOutput.Cd.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                           ", function calls: " +

            //vert vel derivs
            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);

            pertOutput.Cl += nominalOutput.Cd;
            pertOutput.Cd -= nominalOutput.Cl;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / (Iy * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[3] = pertOutput.Cl; //Zw
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[4] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xw
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[5] = pertOutput.Cm; //Mw

            // Rodhern: The motivation for the revised stability derivatives sign interpretations of Zq, Xq, Ze and Xe
            //  is to align the sign conventions used for Zu, Zq, Ze, Xu, Xq and Xe. Further explanation can be found
            //  here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/109098-official-far-craft-repository/&do=findComment&comment=2425057

            input.alpha      = alpha;
            input.machNumber = machNumber + 0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true);

            //fwd vel derivs
            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.05 * machNumber;
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.05 * machNumber;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.05 * machNumber;

            pertOutput.Cl += 2 * nominalOutput.Cl;
            pertOutput.Cd += 2 * nominalOutput.Cd;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / (u0 * Iy);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[6] = pertOutput.Cl; //Zu
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[7] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xu
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[8] = pertOutput.Cm; //Mu

            input.machNumber = machNumber;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.alphaDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true);

            //pitch rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.05;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area * MAC / (2 * u0 * mass); // Rodhern: Replaced 'q' by '-q', so that formulas
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area * MAC / (2 * u0 * mass); //  for Zq and Xq match those for Zu and Xu.
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC * MAC / (2 * u0 * Iy);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[9]  = pertOutput.Cl; //Zq
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[10] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xq
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[11] = pertOutput.Cm; //Mq

            input.alphaDot   = 0;
            input.pitchValue = 0.1;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true);

            //elevator derivs
            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.1;
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.1;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.1;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / mass; // Rodhern: Replaced 'q' by '-q', so that formulas
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / mass; //  for Ze and Xe match those for Zu and Xu.
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / Iy;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[12] = pertOutput.Cl; //Ze
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[13] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xe
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[14] = pertOutput.Cm; //Me

            //Lateral Mess

            input.pitchValue = 0;
            input.beta       = beta + 2;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true);
            //sideslip angle derivs
            pertOutput.Cy     = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area / mass;
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b / Iz;
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b / Ix;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[15] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yb
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[17] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Nb
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[16] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lb

            input.beta = beta;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.phiDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true);

            //roll rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cy     = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / 0.05;

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area * b / (2 * mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Iz * u0);
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Ix * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[18] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yp
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[20] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Np
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[19] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lp

            input.phiDot = 0;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.betaDot = -0.05;

            //yaw rate derivs
            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true);
            pertOutput.Cy     = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / 0.05f;
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / 0.05f;
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / 0.05f;

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area * b / (2 * mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Iz * u0);
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Ix * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[21] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yr
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[23] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Nr
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[22] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lr
