// We need a way to ensure that our tasks finish before the application
 // using this class exits because it will just exit without letting our
 // tasks finish if we don't explicitly wait. This is achieved by hooking
 // into the ExecutorTerminated event and then waiting on all the tasks we
 // have. Is there a better way to do this???
 private void Wait(Object executor, Executor.ExecutorTerminatedArgs args)
     lock (ScheduledTasks)
        private void handleExecutorTerminated(Object executor, Executor.ExecutorTerminatedArgs args)
            StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder("termination_counters");

            if (TCounter.TheCountType != TerminationCounter.CountType.ONLY_NON_SPECULATIVE)
                fileName.AppendFormat("_{0}", TCounter.TheCountType.ToString());

            // Write GNUPlot data
            string path = Path.Combine(Directory, fileName.ToString() + ".txt");

            Console.WriteLine("Writing termination counts to {0}", path);
            using (var SW = new StreamWriter(path))

            path = Path.Combine(Directory, fileName.ToString() + ".yml");
            Console.WriteLine("Writing termination counts to {0}", path);

            // It is necessary to use to "using" blocks because IndentedTextWriter.Dispose()
            // does not seem to call Dispose() on the underlying stream
            using (var SW = new StreamWriter(path))
                using (var ITT = new IndentedTextWriter(SW, " "))
        void HandleExecutorTerminated(object sender, Executor.ExecutorTerminatedArgs e)
            var executor = sender as Executor;

            Debug.Assert(sender is Executor, "Expected Executor");

            if (!executor.HasBeenPrepared)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Can't log callgrind output because program was not prepared");

            Program clonedProgram = null;

            using (var SW = new StreamWriter(this.ProgramDestination))
                // FIXME: Duplication isn't ideal here but we don't want to affect the reported error locations
                // which would happen if we changed the tokens on the Executor's program
                var duplicator = new DuplicatorResolvingGotoInstructionStatistics();
                clonedProgram = (Program)duplicator.Visit(executor.TheProgram);
                Console.WriteLine("Writing unstructured program to {0}", this.ProgramDestination);
                ProgramPrinter.Print(clonedProgram, SW, /*pretty=*/ false, ProgramDestination, /*setTokens=*/ true, ProgramPrinter.PrintType.UNSTRUCTURED_ONLY);

            // Write out instruction statistics to a callgrind file
            using (var SW = new StreamWriter(this.CallGrindFileDestintation))
                Console.WriteLine("Writing callgrind file to {0}", this.CallGrindFileDestintation);
                Debug.Assert(executor.RequestedEntryPoints.Count() > 0, "The executor did not report an entry point");
                var entryPointToUse      = executor.RequestedEntryPoints.First();
                var callGrindFilePrinter = new CallGrindFilePrinter(clonedProgram, Path.GetFileName(this.ProgramDestination), entryPointToUse);
        void HandleExecutorTerminated(object sender, Executor.ExecutorTerminatedArgs e)
            var path     = Path.Combine(this.Directory, "execution_tree.dot");
            var executor = (Executor)sender;

            if (executor.TreeRoot == null)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Can't create {0}, tree root is null", path.ToString());

            using (var SW = new StreamWriter(path))
                ExecutionTreePrinter etp = null;

                if (AnnotateWithContextChanges)
                    etp = new ExecutionTreePrinterWithContextChanges(executor.TreeRoot, 2, this.ContextChanges);
                    etp = new ExecutionTreePrinter(executor.TreeRoot);
 protected void handleTerminate(Object executor, Executor.ExecutorTerminatedArgs args)
     // There is a bug here where the Thread.Sleep() doesn't wake whilst System.Environment.Exit() is being called
     Run = false;
     if (MemoryLoggingTask != null)
        void HandleExecutorTerminated(object sender, Executor.ExecutorTerminatedArgs e)
            var executor = sender as Executor;

            // It is necessary to use two "using" blocks because IndentedTextWriter.Dispose()
            // does not seem to call Dispose() on the underlying stream
            using (var SW = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(Directory, "executor_info.yml")))
                using (var ITT = new IndentedTextWriter(SW, "  "))
                    ITT.WriteLine("# vim: set sw=2 ts=2 softtabstop=2:");
                    ITT.WriteLine("# Times are in seconds");