public virtual void parse(string expression)
        // Save the expression.
        bool parse = true;

        if (!expression.Equals(previousExpression))
            previousExpression = expression;
            parse         = false;
            operatorStack = (Stack)previousOperatorStack.Clone();
            operandStack  = (Stack)previousOperandStack.Clone();

            if (parse)
                operandStack  = new Stack();
                operatorStack = new Stack();

                bool     haveOperand   = false;
                bool     haveOperator  = false;
                Operator unaryOperator = null;

                int numChars = expression.Length;
                int charCtr  = 0;

                while (charCtr < numChars)
                    Operator @operator     = null;
                    int      operatorIndex = -1;

                    if (EvaluationHelper.isSpace(expression[charCtr]))

                    NextOperator nextOperator = getNextOperator(expression, charCtr, null);

                    if (nextOperator != null)
                        @operator     = nextOperator.Operator;
                        operatorIndex = nextOperator.Index;

                    if (operatorIndex > charCtr || operatorIndex == -1)
                        charCtr = processOperand(expression, charCtr, operatorIndex, operandStack, unaryOperator);

                        haveOperand   = true;
                        haveOperator  = false;
                        unaryOperator = null;

                    // Check if it is time to process an operator.
                    if (operatorIndex == charCtr)
                        if (nextOperator.Operator.Unary && (haveOperator || charCtr == 0))
                            charCtr = processUnaryOperator(operatorIndex, nextOperator.Operator);

                            if (unaryOperator == null)
                                // We have an unary operator.
                                unaryOperator = nextOperator.Operator;
                                throw new EvaluationException("Consecutive unary " + "operators are not allowed (index=" + charCtr + ").");
                            charCtr = processOperator(expression, operatorIndex, @operator, operatorStack, operandStack, haveOperand, unaryOperator);

                            unaryOperator = null;

                        if (!(nextOperator.Operator is ClosedParenthesesOperator))
                            haveOperand  = false;
                            haveOperator = true;

                // Save the parsed operators and operands.
                previousOperatorStack = (Stack)operatorStack.Clone();
                previousOperandStack  = (Stack)operandStack.Clone();
        catch (Exception e)
            // Clear the previous expression, because it is invalid.
            previousExpression = "";

            throw new EvaluationException(e.Message, e);