        // GET: Home
        public ActionResult Index()
            List <Product> SetPrice = new List <Product>();

            using (var ctx = new AuctionSiteDBEntities())
                var listget = ctx.Auctions.ToList();
                var listmax = ctx.Products.Where(p => p.Bought == false && (DateTime.Now <= EntityFunctions.AddDays(p.TimePost, p.IntervalTime))).OrderByDescending(p => p.PriceDisplay).ToList().Take(5);
                var listend = ctx.Products.Where(p => p.Bought == false && (DateTime.Now <= EntityFunctions.AddDays(p.TimePost, p.IntervalTime)))
                              .OrderBy(p => (EntityFunctions.DiffSeconds(DateTime.Now, EntityFunctions.AddDays(p.TimePost, p.IntervalTime)))).ToList().Take(5);
                var TopSetPriceList = listget.GroupBy(a => a.IDPro).OrderByDescending(a => a.Key).ToList().Take(5);
                foreach (var id in TopSetPriceList)
                    Product pro = ctx.Products.Where(p => p.ID == id.Key && p.Bought == false).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (pro != null)

                HomeVM vm = new HomeVM();
                vm.MostSettingPrice = new List <Product>();
                vm.MaxPrice         = new List <Product>();
                vm.EndDate          = new List <Product>();
        public void TimeDiffSeconds()
            TimeSpan time = stored.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-1));

#if !EFOLD
            var q = this.Entities
                    .Where(x =>
                           DbFunctions.DiffSeconds(time, x.Time) == 1);
            var q = this.Entities
                    .Where(x =>
                           EntityFunctions.DiffSeconds(time, x.Time) == 1);

        public void DateTimeDiffSeconds()
            DateTime date = stored.AddSeconds(-1);

#if !EFOLD
            var q = this.Entities
                    .Where(x =>
                           DbFunctions.DiffSeconds(date, x.DateTime) == 1);
            var q = this.Entities
                    .Where(x =>
                           EntityFunctions.DiffSeconds(date, x.DateTime) == 1);

        public void DateTimeOffsetDiffSeconds()
            DateTimeOffset offset = stored.AddSeconds(-1);

#if !EFOLD
            var q = this.Entities
                    .Where(x =>
                           DbFunctions.DiffSeconds(offset, x.Offset) == 1);
            var q = this.Entities
                    .Where(x =>
                           EntityFunctions.DiffSeconds(offset, x.Offset) == 1);

        public List <R_ReportByBusinessModel> GetLongestWaitingBusiness(int num) // Khách hàng có thời gian chờ lâu nhất
            using (db = new QMSSystemEntities())
                List <R_ReportByBusinessModel> list = null;
                var today = DateTime.Now.Date; // chi lay phan ngay thang nam ko lay gio phut giay
                    //Tao 1 list chua danh sach khach hang da giao dich xong hoac dang giao dich
                    //Tao 1 list khach hang van dang doi
                    // Them 2 list tren vao mot list thu 3
                    // Truy van dieu kien tren list thu 3 chon ra cac khach hang co thoi gian doi lau nhat
                    list = db.Q_DailyRequire_Detail.Where(x => !x.Q_User.IsDeleted && !x.Q_Major.IsDeleted && !x.Q_DailyRequire.Q_Service.IsDeleted && x.ProcessTime.HasValue && EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(x.ProcessTime.Value) == today).Select(x => new R_ReportByBusinessModel()
                        //Index = i,
                        UserId       = x.UserId,
                        MajorId      = x.MajorId,
                        ServiceId    = x.Q_DailyRequire.ServiceId,
                        UserName     = x.Q_User.Name,
                        TicketNumber = x.Q_DailyRequire.TicketNumber,
                        MajorName    = x.Q_Major.Name,
                        //EquipmentName = x.Q_Equipment.Name,
                        PrintTime      = x.Q_DailyRequire.PrintTime,
                        ProcessTime    = x.ProcessTime,
                        EndProcessTime = x.EndProcessTime,
                        //TotalTransTime = x.EndTransTime.Value.Subtract(x.StartTransTime.Value),
                    }).OrderByDescending(x => EntityFunctions.DiffSeconds(x.PrintTime.Value, x.ProcessTime.Value)).Take(num).ToList();

                    if (list.Count > 0)
                        int i = 1;
                        foreach (var item in list)
                            item.Index            = i++;
                            item.TotalWaitingTime = (item.PrintTime.HasValue && item.ProcessTime.HasValue) ? item.ProcessTime.Value.Subtract(item.PrintTime.Value) : (TimeSpan?)null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
        public List <R_ReportByBusinessModel> GetLongestTransBusiness(int num) // Lay n khach hang co thoi gian giao dich lau nhat
            using (db = new QMSSystemEntities())
                List <R_ReportByBusinessModel> list = null;
                var today = DateTime.Now.Date; // chi lay phan ngay thang nam ko lay gio phut giay
                //var today = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).Date; // Lay ngay truoc do 1 ngay
                    list = db.Q_DailyRequire_Detail.Where(x => !x.Q_User.IsDeleted && !x.Q_Major.IsDeleted && !x.Q_DailyRequire.Q_Service.IsDeleted && x.ProcessTime.HasValue && x.EndProcessTime.HasValue && EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(x.ProcessTime.Value) == today).Select(x => new R_ReportByBusinessModel()
                        //Index = i,
                        UserId       = x.UserId,
                        MajorId      = x.MajorId,
                        ServiceId    = x.Q_DailyRequire.ServiceId,
                        UserName     = x.Q_User.Name,
                        TicketNumber = x.Q_DailyRequire.TicketNumber,
                        MajorName    = x.Q_Major.Name,
                        //  CounterName = x.Q_Equipment.Q_Counter.Name,
                        PrintTime      = x.Q_DailyRequire.PrintTime,
                        ProcessTime    = x.ProcessTime,
                        EndProcessTime = x.EndProcessTime,
                        //TotalTransTime = x.EndTransTime.Value.Subtract(x.StartTransTime.Value),
                    }).OrderByDescending(x => EntityFunctions.DiffSeconds(x.ProcessTime.Value, x.EndProcessTime.Value)).Take(num).ToList();

                    if (list.Count > 0)
                        int i = 1;
                        foreach (var item in list)
                            item.Index          = i++;
                            item.TotalTransTime = (item.ProcessTime.HasValue && item.EndProcessTime.HasValue) ? item.EndProcessTime.Value.Subtract(item.ProcessTime.Value) : (TimeSpan?)null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
        public void CacheItemRemoved(string k, object v, CacheItemRemovedReason r)
            if (k.Equals("RefreshBids"))
                // do stuff here if it matches our taskname, like WebRequest
                // re-add our task so it recurs
                var finishedListings = db.Listings.Where(l => EntityFunctions.DiffSeconds(l.EndTimestamp, DateTime.Now) > 0);
                foreach (var listing in finishedListings)
                    // If there are no closing histories found for the listing
                    // Only create closing histories for "won" auctions
                    if (!db.ClosingHistories.Any(ch => ch.ListingID == listing.ListingID) && listing.Bids.Count > 0)
                        // Get the winning bid (dirty workaround)
                        Bid winningBid = null;
                        foreach (var b in listing.Bids.OrderByDescending(l => l.Timestamp).Take(1))
                            winningBid = b;

                        // Save data to closing history
                        ClosingHistory ch = new ClosingHistory();
                        ch.BidID     = winningBid.BidID;
                        ch.Bid       = winningBid;
                        ch.ListingID = listing.ListingID;
                        ch.Listing   = listing;
                        ch.UserID    = winningBid.UserID;
                        ch.User      = winningBid.User;

                        // Save closing history to db


            AddTask(k, Convert.ToInt32(v));
        public ActionResult QuickAttendanceRecord(int memberId, int disciplineId)
            ViewBag.IsLocked = ApplicationContext.CurrentApplicationContext.CurrentSession.AttendanceLock;

            // Get selected member
            Member member = db.GetDbSet <Member>().Where(m => m.Id == memberId).FirstOrDefault();

            // Find the class session going on right now for given discipline.
            DateTime dtNow             = DateTime.Now;
            int      dow               = (int)dtNow.DayOfWeek;
            var      classSessionQuery = from cs in db.GetDbSet <ClassSession>().Include("Discipline")
                                         where cs.DisciplineId == disciplineId &&
                                         cs.StartTime <= dtNow && cs.EndTime >= dtNow &&
                                         (int)cs.DayOfWeek == dow
                                         select cs;

            ClassSession classSession = classSessionQuery.FirstOrDefault();

            // If class session is null...
            if (classSession == null)
                // Find the closest class session to now from the given disipline.
                classSessionQuery = from cs in db.GetDbSet <ClassSession>().Include("Discipline")
                                    where cs.DisciplineId == disciplineId &&
                                    (int)cs.DayOfWeek == dow
                                    orderby EntityFunctions.DiffSeconds(cs.StartTime, dtNow),
                EntityFunctions.DiffSeconds(cs.EndTime, dtNow)
                select cs;

                classSession = classSessionQuery.FirstOrDefault();

            // If class session or member is null..
            if (classSession == null || member == null)
                // Return an error.
                return(Json(new { Error = true }));
                // Check if member is already checked in.
                bool alreadyCheckedIn = db.GetDbSet <AttendanceSheet>().Any(a => a.MemberId == member.Id &&
                                                                            a.ClassSessionId == classSession.Id &&
                                                                            DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.AttendanceDate) == DbFunctions.TruncateTime(dtNow));

                // If the member is not currently checked in...
                if (!alreadyCheckedIn)
                    // Create attendance record for member.
                    AttendanceSheet sheet = new AttendanceSheet()
                        AttendanceDate = dtNow,
                        MemberId       = member.Id,
                        ClassSessionId = classSession.Id
                    db.GetDbSet <AttendanceSheet>().Add(sheet);

                // Return that member has been checked in and class session checked in for.
                return(Json(new { Error = false, checkedIn = alreadyCheckedIn, classSession = $"{classSession.Discipline.Name} {classSession.StartTime.ToString("h:mm tt")} - {classSession.EndTime.ToString("h:mm tt")}", member = member.FullName }));
        public ActionResult Activate(PurchasedItemModel model, string returnUrl)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            string facilityName   = model.Facility;
            string userName       = model.Name;
            string email          = model.Email;
            string dateOfPurchase = model.DateOfPurchase;
            List <PurchasedItem> purchasedItems = GetStoredPurchasedItems();

            if (purchasedItems == null)
            DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(dateOfPurchase);

            var purchasedItem = purchasedItems.Find(i => Math.Abs(i.DateOfPurchase.Subtract(date).TotalSeconds) < 1);

            if (purchasedItem != null)
                var count = context.UserPurchases.Where(u => EntityFunctions.DiffSeconds(u.DateOfPurchase, purchasedItem.DateOfPurchase) < 1).Count();

                //if(count != 0)
                //    return Content("<html><head></head><body><h1>Error! This item already activated </h1></body></html>");

                var salt = GenerateSequenceOfChars(20);
                // TODO: check facility name length
                var password = GeneratePassword(facilityName);

                //TODO: move following code to method
                var userPurchase = new UserPurchase();

                userPurchase.Email                = email;
                userPurchase.ActivatorsEmail      = User.Identity.Name;
                userPurchase.Name                 = userName;
                userPurchase.PasswordSalt         = salt;
                userPurchase.Password             = HashPassword(password, salt);
                userPurchase.FacilityName         = facilityName;
                userPurchase.DateOfPurchase       = purchasedItem.DateOfPurchase;
                userPurchase.UserRegistrationDate = DateTime.Now;
                userPurchase.UserExpirationDate   = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(6);


                HttpContext.Session["lastPurchase"]         = userPurchase;
                HttpContext.Session["lastPurchasePassword"] = password;

                //Send an email to user
                IMailService mailService = new SmptMailService(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtpServer"]);

                MailContent mailContent = new MailContent();
                mailContent.MailFrom      = "*****@*****.**";
                mailContent.MailingAdress = userPurchase.Email;
                mailContent.Subject       = "AFFI FSMA Self-Assessment Login Credentials and Instructions";

                mailContent.HtmlText = "<html><head></head><body>Dear " + userPurchase.Name + ":<br/>" +
                                       "<p>When you want to begin your FSMA Self-Assessment for your facility (<b>" + userPurchase.FacilityName + "</b>), you can just click on the Login link below.</p>" +
                                       "<p>Your login credentials for the FSMA Self-Assessment are: </p>" +
                                       "<p><b>Userid: </b>" + userPurchase.Email + "</p>" +
                                       "<p><b>Password: </b>" + password + "</p>" +
                                       "<p>If you have any questions regarding the FSMA Self-Assessment Tool, please contact AFFI Vice President of Regulatory and Technical Affairs Dr. Donna Garren at <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]</a> or (703) 821-0770.</p>" +
                                       "<p>Thank you.</p>" +
                                       "<p><a href=\"http://affi-fsma.seneca.com/signIn\" target=\"_blank\">Click Here to Login</a></p></body></html>";

                mailContent.PlainText = mailContent.HtmlText;

                //And if needed - to a person who had activated the purchase (if not same person)
                if (userPurchase.Email != userPurchase.ActivatorsEmail)
                    mailContent.MailingAdress = userPurchase.ActivatorsEmail;

                return(Content("<html><head></head><body><h1>Error!Can't find purchasedItem</h1></body></html>"));
 public List <DispatchDetails> GetOrderDispatches(int orderId)
     if (UserHelper.IsAuthorize(new List <int> {
         (int)UserType.SuperAdmin, (int)UserType.Admin, (int)UserType.Client
             List <DispatchDetails>  result = new List <DispatchDetails>();
             List <Orders_Positions> listOfOrdersPositions = _context.Orders_Positions.Where(o => o.Order_id == orderId && o.Deleted_At == null).ToList();
             Delivery delivery = _context.Deliveries.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Order_Id == orderId && d.Deleted_At == null);
             List <Deliveries_Dispatches> listOfDeliveryDispatches = _context.Deliveries_Dispatches.Where(d => d.Delivery_Id == delivery.Id && d.Deleted_At == null).ToList();
             foreach (var deliveryDispatch in listOfDeliveryDispatches)
                 Dispatch         dispatch         = _context.Dispatches.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == deliveryDispatch.Dispatch_Id && d.Deleted_At == null);
                 DispatchDetails  dispatchDetails  = new DispatchDetails();
                 CarrierDispatch  carrierDispatch  = new CarrierDispatch();
                 ReceiverDispatch receiverDispatch = new ReceiverDispatch();
                 List <OrderPositionsDispatchInfo> listOfOrderPositionsDispatchInfo = new List <OrderPositionsDispatchInfo>();
                 List <Dispatches_Positions>       listOfDispatchPositions          = new List <Dispatches_Positions>();
                 foreach (var item in listOfOrdersPositions)
                     var dispatchPosition = _context.Dispatches_Positions.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Order_Position_Id == item.Id && d.Dispatch_Id == dispatch.Id && d.Deleted_At == null);
                     if (dispatchPosition != null)
                         var     dispatchesPositionsForOrderPosition = _context.Dispatches_Positions.Where(d => d.Order_Position_Id == item.Id && EntityFunctions.DiffSeconds(d.Created_At, dispatchPosition.Created_At) < 0 && d.Deleted_At == null).OrderBy(d => d.Created_At).ToList();
                         int?    dispatchedAmount = dispatchesPositionsForOrderPosition.Sum(d => d.Amount);
                         decimal?dispatchedWeight = dispatchesPositionsForOrderPosition.Sum(d => d.Weight_Gross);
                         OrderPositionsDispatchInfo orderPositionsDispatchInfo = new OrderPositionsDispatchInfo();
                         orderPositionsDispatchInfo.Id                     = item.Id;
                         orderPositionsDispatchInfo.Name                   = item.Name;
                         orderPositionsDispatchInfo.Amount                 = item.Amount;
                         orderPositionsDispatchInfo.Amount_Received        = item.Amount_Received;
                         orderPositionsDispatchInfo.Amount_Before_Dispatch = item.Amount_Received - dispatchedAmount;
                         orderPositionsDispatchInfo.Amount_Dispatch        = dispatchPosition.Amount;
                         orderPositionsDispatchInfo.Amount_After_Dispatch  = orderPositionsDispatchInfo.Amount_Before_Dispatch - orderPositionsDispatchInfo.Amount_Dispatch;
                         orderPositionsDispatchInfo.Weight_Gross           = item.Weight_Gross;
                         orderPositionsDispatchInfo.Weight_Gross_Received  = item.Weight_Gross_Received;
                         orderPositionsDispatchInfo.Weight_Before_Dispatch = item.Weight_Gross_Received - dispatchedWeight;
                         orderPositionsDispatchInfo.Weight_Dispatch        = dispatchPosition.Weight_Gross;
                         orderPositionsDispatchInfo.Weight_After_Dispatch  = orderPositionsDispatchInfo.Weight_Before_Dispatch - orderPositionsDispatchInfo.Weight_Dispatch;
                 carrierDispatch.Carrier_Name           = dispatch.Carrier_Name;
                 carrierDispatch.Carrier_Email          = dispatch.Carrier_Email;
                 carrierDispatch.Carrier_Address        = dispatch.Carrier_Address;
                 carrierDispatch.Carrier_PrefixVat_Id   = dispatch.Carrier_PrefixVat_Id;
                 carrierDispatch.Carrier_VAT_Id         = dispatch.Carrier_VAT_Id;
                 carrierDispatch.Carrier_PhoneNumber    = dispatch.Carrier_PhoneNumber;
                 receiverDispatch.Receiver_Name         = dispatch.Receiver_Name;
                 receiverDispatch.Receiver_Email        = dispatch.Receiver_Email;
                 receiverDispatch.Receiver_Address      = dispatch.Receiver_Address;
                 receiverDispatch.Receiver_PrefixVat_Id = dispatch.Receiver_PrefixVat_Id;
                 receiverDispatch.Receiver_VAT_Id       = dispatch.Receiver_VAT_Id;
                 receiverDispatch.Receiver_PhoneNumber  = dispatch.Receiver_PhoneNumber;
                 dispatchDetails.Id = dispatch.Id;
                 dispatchDetails.Dispatch_Number      = dispatch.Dispatch_Number;
                 dispatchDetails.Creation_Date        = dispatch.Creation_Date == null ? string.Empty : ((DateTime)(dispatch.Creation_Date)).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");
                 dispatchDetails.Car_Id               = dispatch.Car_Id;
                 dispatchDetails.Carrier              = carrierDispatch;
                 dispatchDetails.Receiver             = receiverDispatch;
                 dispatchDetails.ListOfOrderPositions = listOfOrderPositionsDispatchInfo;
         catch (Exception ex)
             throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.Message));
         throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "User don't have acces to this method"));