public static void CoursesActiveOnAGivenDate() { Console.WriteLine("All courses active on the current date: "); var db = new SchoolSystemContext(); using (db) { var courses = db.Courses .OrderByDescending(c => EntityFunctions.DiffDays(c.StartDate, c.EndDate)) .ThenByDescending(c => c.Students.Count()) .Select(c => new { c.Name, c.StartDate, c.EndDate, Duration = EntityFunctions.DiffDays(c.StartDate, c.EndDate), StudentsCount = c.Students.Count() }); foreach (var course in courses) { Console.WriteLine("Course Name: {0}, Start Date: {1:dd.MM.yyyy}, End Date: {2:dd.MM.yyyy}, Duration: {3} days, Students Count: {4}", course.Name, course.StartDate, course.EndDate, course.Duration, course.StudentsCount); } } }
public IQueryable <VW_PRIORIZACHAMADO> GetWhere(string paramNumChamado, string paramSiglaArea, string paramStatus, int paramIdadeStatus, string paramLoginAnalista) { IQueryable <VW_PRIORIZACHAMADO> query; decimal dCHAMADO = 0; decimal.TryParse(paramNumChamado, out dCHAMADO); decimal dUSUARIO = 0; decimal.TryParse(paramLoginAnalista, out dUSUARIO); query = from c in m_DbContext.VW_PRIORIZACHAMADO //join d in m_DbContext.FUN_TBL_USUARIO on c.ID_USUARIO equals d.ID_USUARIO where (c.CHAMADO == dCHAMADO || dCHAMADO == 0) && (c.STATUS == paramStatus || paramStatus == "0") && (c.AREA == paramSiglaArea || paramSiglaArea == "0") && (c.ID_USUARIO == dUSUARIO || dUSUARIO == 0) //&& (DateTime.Now.Subtract(c.DT_STATUS.Value).Days > paramIdadeStatus || paramIdadeStatus == 0) && (EntityFunctions.DiffDays(c.DT_STATUS.Value, DateTime.Now) > paramIdadeStatus || paramIdadeStatus == 0) select c; //else //{ // query = from c in m_DbContext.TB_PRIORIZACHAMADO // select c; //} return(query); }
public List <T_FD_AccountReceivable> Select(string customername, string projectNo, string paymentstate, string date) { using (Entities db = new Entities()) { string fitformatc = string.Format("%{0}%", customername.Trim()); string fitformat = string.Format("%{0}%", projectNo.Trim()); string fitformats = string.Format("%{0}%", paymentstate.Trim()); DateTime dt = new DateTime(); if (DateTime.TryParse(date, out dt)) { return(db.T_FD_AccountReceivable. Where(l => SqlFunctions.PatIndex(fitformat, l.ProjectID) > 0 && SqlFunctions.PatIndex(fitformatc, l.CustomerName) > 0 && SqlFunctions.PatIndex(fitformats, l.PaymentState) > 0 && EntityFunctions.DiffDays(l.CreateDate, dt) >= 0) .ToList()); } return(db.T_FD_AccountReceivable. Where(l => SqlFunctions.PatIndex(fitformat, l.ProjectID) > 0 && SqlFunctions.PatIndex(fitformats, l.PaymentState) > 0 && SqlFunctions.PatIndex(fitformatc, l.CustomerName) > 0) .ToList()); } }
static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var mr1 = new MovieRental { Title = "A Day in the Life", RentalDate = DateTime.Parse("2/19/2010"), ReturnedDate = DateTime.Parse("3/4/2010"), LateFees = 3M }; var mr2 = new MovieRental { Title = "The Shortest Yard", RentalDate = DateTime.Parse("3/15/2010"), ReturnedDate = DateTime.Parse("3/20/2010"), LateFees = 0M }; var mr3 = new MovieRental { Title = "Jim's Story", RentalDate = DateTime.Parse("3/2/2010"), ReturnedDate = DateTime.Parse("3/19/2010"), LateFees = 3M }; context.MovieRentals.AddObject(mr1); context.MovieRentals.AddObject(mr2); context.MovieRentals.AddObject(mr3); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { Console.WriteLine("Movie rentals late returns"); Console.WriteLine("=========================="); var late = from r in context.MovieRentals where EntityFunctions.DiffDays(r.RentalDate, r.ReturnedDate) > 10 select r; foreach (var rental in late) { Console.WriteLine("{0} was {1} days late, fee: {2}", rental.Title, (rental.ReturnedDate - rental.RentalDate).Days - 10, rental.LateFees.ToString("C")); } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context) { QuanLyThuVienEntities data = new QuanLyThuVienEntities(); DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now; var dsNhacNho = (from ct in data.ChiTietPhieuMuons from pm in data.PhieuMuons from s in data.Saches from nd in data.NguoiDungs where pm.NguoiMuon == nd.MaNguoiDung && ct.MaSach == s.MaSach && ct.MaPhieuMuon == pm.MaPhieuMuon && EntityFunctions.DiffDays(ct.NgayMuon, currentDate) <= 14 && EntityFunctions.DiffDays(ct.NgayMuon, currentDate) >= 11 select new RemindMail() { MaPhieuMuon = ct.MaPhieuMuon, MaChiTiet = ct.MaChiTietPhieuMuon, MaNguoiDung = nd.MaNguoiDung, HoTen = nd.HoTen, Email = nd.Email, NgayMuon = ct.NgayMuon, SoNgayToiHan = 14 - EntityFunctions.DiffDays(ct.NgayMuon, DateTime.Now), TenSach = s.TenSach }); var dsNguoidung = (from x in dsNhacNho select x.MaNguoiDung).Distinct().ToList(); foreach (var MaNguoiDung in dsNguoidung) { List <String> tenSach = new List <String>(); List <DateTime?> ngayMuon = new List <DateTime?>(); int?[] soluong = new int?[5]; int i = 0; string emailDocGia = ""; string tenDocGia = ""; int?[] maPhieuMuon = new int?[5]; var ds = (from x in dsNhacNho where x.MaNguoiDung == MaNguoiDung select x).ToList(); foreach (var a in ds) { tenSach.Add(a.TenSach); emailDocGia = a.Email; tenDocGia = a.HoTen; soluong[i] = a.SoNgayToiHan; maPhieuMuon[i] = a.MaPhieuMuon; ngayMuon.Add(a.NgayMuon); i = i + 1; } QuanLyThuVien_N8.Models.EmailService mailService = new EmailService(); string smtpUserName = "******"; string smtpPassword = "******"; string smtpHost = ""; int smtpPort = 25; string emailTo = emailDocGia; string subject = "[Thư viện KHTN] - Nhắc nhở hạn trả sách - " + tenDocGia; string body = string.Format("Xin chào độc giả {0} !<br><br>Thư viện trường ĐH KHTN xin gửi đến bạn danh sách các ấn phẩm bạn đã mượn sắp đến hạn trả: <br><br>", tenDocGia); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { body += string.Format("{0}. Cuốn sách: <b>{1}</b> mượn ngày: <b>{2}</b> thuộc phiếu mượn có mã: <b>{3}</b> còn <b>{4} ngày</b> sẽ đến hạn trả.<br>", j + 1, tenSach[j], ngayMuon[j], maPhieuMuon[j], soluong[j]); } body = body + "<br>Mong bạn sắp xếp thời gian để thực hiện trả sách đúng thời hạn. Đây là email gửi tự động, vui lòng không trả lời!"; bool kq = mailService.Send(smtpUserName, smtpPassword, smtpHost, smtpPort, emailTo, subject, body); } }
private void button39_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var ctx = new OrderITEntities()) { Dump(from o in ctx.Orders.Include("OrderDetails") where EntityFunctions.DiffDays(o.OrderDate, o.ActualShippingDate) > 5 select o); } }
public async Task <List <AppointmentDetail> > GetAppointmentIncludeServiceAndOutletForCustomer(int idcustomer, int dayPassed) { var query = DbSet.Where(x => (EntityFunctions.DiffDays(DateTime.Today, x.Date)) <= dayPassed && x.Appointment1.Customer == idcustomer) .Include(x => x.Service1).Include(x => x.Bed1).Include(x => x.Bed1.Room1).Include(x => x.Bed1.Room1.Outlet1) .Include(x => x.Appointment1); return(await query.ToListAsync()); }
public override void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context) { // Grab a list of users who have not signed up after their trial expiry for more than 5 days List <IUser> lostUsers = (from user in _database.GetUsers where user.TrialExpiryDate < DateTime.UtcNow && !user.SubscriptionId.HasValue && !user.SubscriptionExpiryDate.HasValue && !user.SentFeedbackRequest && EntityFunctions.DiffDays(user.TrialExpiryDate, DateTime.UtcNow) > 5 select user).ToList(); // Generate email body content // TODO EmailResult emailContents = _accountEmailFactory.LostUserFeedback(); // Create email and send IEmail feedbackEmail = _emailFactory.CreateEmail( contents: this.GetEmailContents(), subject: "Feedback Request", sender: new EmailSender() { Name = "", EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**" }, // Send from [email protected] so that the user can reply back recipients: lostUsers); feedbackEmail.Send(); // Mark that email has been sent to users foreach (var user in lostUsers) { user.SentFeedbackRequest = true; } _database.SaveChanges(); // Notify admins StringBuilder adminEmailContents = new StringBuilder(); adminEmailContents.Append("<html><head></head><body>Fellow admins, I just emailed "); adminEmailContents.Append(lostUsers.Count); adminEmailContents.Append(" users and asked them for feedback. These folks have chosen not to sign up after 5 days after their trial expiry date. Here is the list:<br/><br>"); foreach (var user in lostUsers) { adminEmailContents.Append(user.FirstName); adminEmailContents.Append(" "); adminEmailContents.Append(user.LastName); adminEmailContents.Append(" "); adminEmailContents.Append(user.EmailAddress); adminEmailContents.Append("<br/>"); } adminEmailContents.Append("<br/>Adios!</body></html>"); IEmail adminNotification = _emailFactory.CreateEmailForAdministrators(adminEmailContents.ToString(), "Feedback Request " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToShortDateString()); adminNotification.Send(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { using (var context = new Context()) { var query = context.Foo; var dates = query.Select(x => EntityFunctions.DiffDays(query.Min(y => y.Date), x.Date)); var result = dates.ToString(); Debugger.Break(); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets all pending delete exported files after a defined period. /// </summary> /// <returns>pending delete file requests.</returns> public IEnumerable <Data.ExportFile> GetGeneratedOldExportFiles() { //check if a record already exisit int completedStatusCodeId = Utils.GetCodeIdByCodeValue("ExportFileStatus", "COMPLETED"); int exportedFilesRemainingDays = int.Parse(Utils.GetSystemValue("ExportedFilesRemainingDays")); //Get completed records that are older than the defined days in "ExportedFilesRemainingDays" as a systemvalue return(DataContext.ExportFiles.Where(ef => ef.ExportFileStatusCodeId == completedStatusCodeId && ef.IsActive && EntityFunctions.DiffDays(EntityFunctions.AddDays(ef.CreatedDate, exportedFilesRemainingDays), Utils.Now) >= 0)); }
public void CanonicalFunction() { var products = from p in jambore.Product where EntityFunctions.DiffDays(p.SellEndDate, p.SellStartDate) < 365 select p; foreach (var k in products) { Console.WriteLine(k.ProductID); } Console.ReadKey(); }
public async Task <List <AppointmentDetail> > GetAppointmentIncludeServiceAndOutlet(int idoutlet, int idtherapist, int dayPassed, string nameCustomer) { var query = DbSet.Where(x => x.Bed1.Room1.Outlet == idoutlet && (EntityFunctions.DiffDays(DateTime.Today, x.Date)) <= dayPassed && x.Staff == idtherapist && x.Appointment1.Customer1.Name.Contains(nameCustomer)) .Include(x => x.Service1).Include(x => x.Bed1).Include(x => x.Bed1.Room1).Include(x => x.Bed1.Room1.Outlet1) .Include(x => x.Appointment1) .Include(x => x.Appointment1.Customer1); return(await query.ToListAsync()); }
// GET: /OldCopies/Delete/5 public ActionResult Delete(int?id) { DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now; var data = db.DVDDetails.Where(d => EntityFunctions.DiffDays(d.DateAdded, currentDate) > 365); foreach (var item in data) { db.DVDDetails.Remove(item); } db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.Message = "Delete successful"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the days difference. /// </summary> public void GetDaysDiff() { int exportedFilesRemainingDays = int.Parse(Utils.GetSystemValue("ExportedFilesRemainingDays")); int completedStatusCodeId = Utils.GetCodeIdByCodeValue("ExportFileStatus", "COMPLETED"); var x = (from ef in DataContext.ExportFiles where ef.ExportFileStatusCodeId == completedStatusCodeId && ef.IsActive select new { cd = ef.CreatedDate, ad = EntityFunctions.AddDays(ef.CreatedDate, exportedFilesRemainingDays), x = (EntityFunctions.DiffDays(EntityFunctions.AddDays(ef.CreatedDate, exportedFilesRemainingDays), Utils.Now)) }); }
public ActionResult Index() { var liste = db.PERSONELs.Where(a => a.DOGUM_GUNU_TARIHI != null). OrderBy(a => EntityFunctions.DiffDays(DateTime.Today, EntityFunctions.AddYears(a.DOGUM_GUNU_TARIHI, EntityFunctions.DiffYears(a.DOGUM_GUNU_TARIHI, DateTime.Today) + ((a.DOGUM_GUNU_TARIHI.Month < DateTime.Today.Month || (a.DOGUM_GUNU_TARIHI.Day <= DateTime.Today.Day && a.DOGUM_GUNU_TARIHI.Month == DateTime.Today.Month)) ? 1 : 0)))).Take(3).ToList(); ViewData["yuksek"] = db.EGITIMs.Where(s => s.OGRETIM_TIPI == "Yüksek Lisans").Count(); ViewData["lisans"] = db.EGITIMs.Where(s => s.OGRETIM_TIPI == "Lisans").Count(); ViewData["onlisans"] = db.EGITIMs.Where(s => s.OGRETIM_TIPI == "Ön Lisans").Count(); ViewData["duyuru"] = db.DUYURUs.ToList(); return(View(liste)); }
public ActionResult Index() { DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now; DateTime date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(45); Console.WriteLine(currentDate); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(currentDate); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(date); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(date.Subtract(currentDate)); var data = db.DVDDetails.Where(d => EntityFunctions.DiffDays(d.DateAdded, currentDate) > 365).ToList(); return(View(data)); }
public override void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context) { // Get the list of users who have an active trial and have not logged in for more than 5 days List <IUser> inactiveUsers = (from user in _database.GetUsers where !user.SubscriptionId.HasValue && user.TrialExpiryDate > DateTime.UtcNow && EntityFunctions.DiffDays(user.LastLoginDate, DateTime.UtcNow) >= 5 && !user.SentInactiveReminder select user).ToList(); // Generate email for inactive members // TODO: EmailResult emailContents = _accountEmailFactory.InactiveTrialAccount(); IEmail inactiveUserEmail = _emailFactory.CreateEmail( contents: this.GetEmailContents(), subject: "Inactive Trial Account", recipients: inactiveUsers); // Send the email to users inactiveUserEmail.Send(); // Mark the users so that they don't get duplicate notifications foreach (var user in inactiveUsers) { user.SentInactiveReminder = true; } _database.SaveChanges(); // Notify dear admins StringBuilder adminEmailContents = new StringBuilder(); adminEmailContents.Append("<html><head></head><body>Fellow admins, your server over here speaking. I just reminded "); adminEmailContents.Append(inactiveUsers.Count); adminEmailContents.Append(" users that they have been inactive for more than 5 days. Here is who I sent email to:<br/><br/>"); foreach (IUser user in inactiveUsers) { adminEmailContents.Append(user.FirstName); adminEmailContents.Append(" "); adminEmailContents.Append(user.LastName); adminEmailContents.Append(" "); adminEmailContents.Append(user.EmailAddress); adminEmailContents.Append("<br/>"); } adminEmailContents.Append("I'm going to go sleep for another day now.</body></html>"); IEmail adminNotificationEmail = _emailFactory.CreateEmailForAdministrators(adminEmailContents.ToString(), "Inactive Users Report " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToShortDateString()); adminNotificationEmail.Send(); }
public static void A() { //<snippet1> using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities()) { var products = from p in AWEntities.Products where EntityFunctions.DiffDays(p.SellEndDate, p.SellStartDate) < 365 select p; foreach (var product in products) { Console.WriteLine(product.ProductID); } } //</snippet1> }
public List <Claim> TestRule(BusinessRule rule) { //List<BusinessRule> rules = null; List <Claim> claims = null; int lapsedTime = 0; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; //// get business rules for client/rule type id //using (BusinessRuleManager repository = new BusinessRuleManager()) { // rules = repository.GetBusinessRules(Globals.RuleType.ClaimAssingmentReview); //} XElement ruleXML = XElement.Parse(rule.RuleXML); // get lapse time units: number of hours or days int.TryParse(GetElementValue(ruleXML, "LapseTime"), out lapsedTime); // get lapse time type: hours or days string lapseTimeType = GetElementValue(ruleXML, "LapseTimeType"); Expression <Func <Claim, bool> > predicate = null; // query filters predicate = PredicateBuilder.True <CRM.Data.Entities.Claim>(); //predicate = predicate.And(x => x.LeadPolicy.Lead.ClientID == clientID); // claims for this client only predicate = predicate.And(x => x.IsActive == true); // active claims predicate = predicate.And(x => x.LastStatusUpdate != null); predicate = predicate.And(x => x.ProgressStatusID == (int)Globals.ClaimProgressStatus.ClaimAssignedNotAcceptedYet); // determine time lapsed if (lapseTimeType == "1") // hours { predicate = predicate.And(x => EntityFunctions.DiffHours(x.LastProgressChanged, now) > lapsedTime); } else if (lapseTimeType == "2") // days { predicate = predicate.And(x => EntityFunctions.DiffDays(x.LastProgressChanged, now) > lapsedTime); } using (ClaimManager repository = new ClaimManager()) { claims = repository.SearchClaim(predicate); } return(claims); }
public void DateTimeDiffDays() { DateTime date = stored.AddDays(-1); #if !EFOLD var q = this.Entities .Where(x => DbFunctions.DiffDays(date, x.DateTime) == 1); #else var q = this.Entities .Where(x => EntityFunctions.DiffDays(date, x.DateTime) == 1); #endif q.Should().NotBeEmpty(); }
public List <V_HR_ExceptionHandleRecordsWithDetail> Select(string date, string name) { DateTime?keyDate = null; DateTime dateTime; if (DateTime.TryParse(date, out dateTime)) { keyDate = dateTime; } using (Entities db = new Entities()) { string fitformat = string.Format("%{0}%", name == null ? "" : name.Trim()); return(db.V_HR_ExceptionHandleRecordsWithDetail.Where(l => (EntityFunctions.DiffDays(keyDate, l.Date) ?? 0) == 0 && (SqlFunctions.PatIndex(fitformat, l.EmployeeName) > 0 || SqlFunctions.PatIndex(fitformat, l.EmployeeID) > 0)).ToList()); } }
public List <V_HR_AttendTimeOriginalWithName> Select(string date, string name) { DateTime?keyDate = null; DateTime dateTime; if (DateTime.TryParse(date, out dateTime)) { keyDate = dateTime; } using (Entities db = new Entities()) { string fitformat = string.Format("%{0}%", name == null ? "" : name.Trim()); return(db.V_HR_AttendTimeOriginalWithName.Where(l => (EntityFunctions.DiffDays(keyDate, l.AttendTime) ?? 0) == 0 && (SqlFunctions.PatIndex(fitformat, l.Name) > 0 || SqlFunctions.PatIndex(fitformat, l.UserId) > 0)).ToList()); } }
public void DateTimeOffsetDiffDays() { DateTimeOffset offset = stored.AddDays(-1); #if !EFOLD var q = this.Entities .Where(x => DbFunctions.DiffDays(offset, x.Offset) == 1); #else var q = this.Entities .Where(x => EntityFunctions.DiffDays(offset, x.Offset) == 1); #endif q.Should().NotBeEmpty(); }
private void CarregarGrid() { using (hotelEntities ef = new hotelEntities()) { var listaReservas = ef.reserva .Where(r => r.ativo == true && !(r.dt_entrada != null && r.dt_saida != null)) .Select(r => new { Cliente = r.cliente.ultimo_nome, Quarto = r.quarto.numero, Dias = EntityFunctions.DiffDays(r.dt_inicio, r.dt_termino) }) .Take(10).ToList(); dgvUltimasReservas.DataSource = listaReservas; } }
// GET: api/Shift public List <Shift> GetShiftTerminalWithCashier(int id, DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo) { if (dateFrom != null) { var _dateFrom = dateFrom.Date; var _dateTo = dateTo.Date; } var shiftToSend = new List <Shift>(); var terminals = db.Terminals.Include(t => t.Shifts).Where(t => t.BranchId == id).ToList(); var shifts = db.Shifts.Where(shift => EntityFunctions.DiffDays(shift.StartTime, dateFrom) == 0); //var shifts = db.Shifts.Include(s => s.Terminal).Where(s=>s.StartTime.DayOfYear==dateFrom.DayOfYear&&s.StartTime.Year==dateFrom.Year).ToList(); var employees = db.Employees.Where(e => e.BranchId == id).ToList(); var empPersonIdHs = new HashSet <int>(employees.Select(i => i.PersonId)); foreach (var terminal in terminals) { var _shift = new Shift(); _shift = shifts.Where(s => s.TerminalId == terminal.TerminalId /*&& s.isClosed!=true*/).SingleOrDefault(); if (_shift != null) { _shift.Terminal = terminal; if (_shift.PersonId != null) { if (empPersonIdHs.Contains((int)_shift.PersonId)) { _shift.Cashier = employees.SingleOrDefault(e => e.PersonId == _shift.PersonId); } } //terminals.Single(t => t.TerminalId.Equals(terminal.TerminalId)).Shifts.Add(_shift); } else { _shift = new Shift(); _shift.ShiftId = 0; _shift.Terminal = terminal; // terminals.Single(t => t.TerminalId.Equals(terminal.TerminalId)).Shifts.Add(new Shift()); } shiftToSend.Add(_shift); } return(shiftToSend); }
/// <summary> /// /获取报警信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public IQueryable <dynamic> GetWarningInfo(WarningQueryParam warningQueryParam) { var firstTime = Convert.ToDateTime(warningQueryParam.FirstTime); var lastTime = Convert.ToDateTime(warningQueryParam.LastTime); //获取报警信息表实体 var warningInfo = DbSession.WarningInfoDal.GetEntities(w => w.IsDeleted == false); var query = from t1 in warningInfo from t2 in warningInfo.GroupBy(w => w.DeviceId).Select(p => new { newestSubTime = p.Max(q => q.SubTime), warningStartTime = p.Min(q => q.SubTime), deviceId = p.Key }) where t1.DeviceId == t2.deviceId && t1.SubTime == t2.newestSubTime select new { t1.DeviceId, t1.WarningMessage, t2.warningStartTime, day = EntityFunctions.DiffDays(t2.warningStartTime, t2.newestSubTime), hour = EntityFunctions.DiffHours(t2.warningStartTime, t2.newestSubTime), minute = EntityFunctions.DiffMinutes(t2.warningStartTime, t2.newestSubTime), }; //按设备ID编号筛选 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(warningQueryParam.SchDeviceId)) { query = query.Where(w => w.DeviceId.Contains(warningQueryParam.SchDeviceId)).AsQueryable(); } //按报警信息筛选 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(warningQueryParam.SchMessage)) { query = query.Where(w => w.WarningMessage.Contains(warningQueryParam.SchMessage)).AsQueryable(); } //按报警时间查询 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(warningQueryParam.FirstTime) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(warningQueryParam.LastTime)) { query = query.Where(w => (w.warningStartTime > firstTime && w.warningStartTime < lastTime)).AsQueryable(); } //总条数 warningQueryParam.Total = query.Count(); return(query); }
public void DateTimeFunction() { Context context = new Context(SetUpCodeFirst.Connection); IQueryable <TableWithSeveralFieldsType> insertedRecord = GetInsertedRecordQueryable(context); Assert.AreEqual(insertedRecord.Select(c => new { c.MyDateTime.Year }).First().Year, 1969); Assert.AreEqual(insertedRecord.Select(c => new { c.MyDateTime.Month }).First().Month, 09); Assert.AreEqual(insertedRecord.Select(c => new { c.MyDateTime.Day }).First().Day, 15); Assert.AreEqual(insertedRecord.Select(c => new { c.MyDateTime.Hour }).First().Hour, 20); Assert.AreEqual(insertedRecord.Select(c => new { c.MyDateTime.Minute }).First().Minute, 3); Assert.AreEqual(insertedRecord.Select(c => new { c.MyDateTime.Second }).First().Second, 19); #pragma warning disable 618 Assert.AreEqual(insertedRecord.Select(c => new { Date = EntityFunctions.AddDays(c.MyDateTime, 4) }).First().Date.Value.Day, 19); Assert.AreEqual(insertedRecord.Select(c => new { ElapsedDays = EntityFunctions.DiffDays(c.MyDateTime, c.MyDateTime) }).First().ElapsedDays.Value, 0); #pragma warning restore 618 context.Dispose(); }
public List <T_FD_CollectionPlan> Select(string customername, string projectid, string date) { using (Entities db = new Entities()) { string fitformatCsNa = string.Format("%{0}%", customername.Trim()); string fitformat = string.Format("%{0}%", projectid.Trim()); DateTime dt = new DateTime(); if (DateTime.TryParse(date, out dt)) { return(db.T_FD_CollectionPlan. Where(l => SqlFunctions.PatIndex(fitformat, l.ProjectID) > 0 && SqlFunctions.PatIndex(fitformatCsNa, l.CustomerName) > 0 && EntityFunctions.DiffDays(l.CreateTime, dt) == 0) .ToList()); } return(db.T_FD_CollectionPlan. Where(l => SqlFunctions.PatIndex(fitformat, l.ProjectID) > 0 && SqlFunctions.PatIndex(fitformatCsNa, l.CustomerName) > 0) .ToList()); } }
public IQueryable <Fixture> GetFixturesThatCanBePenalised(int seasonId, int numberOfDays) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now.Date; // Get fixtures for the current season that have been played and can be penalised // and // ResultAddedDate is not null and ResultAddedDate more than 2 days after FixtureDate DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO THIS RIGHT NOW // or // ResultAddedDate is null and Today is more than 2 days after fixture var query = from fixture in Get() where fixture.HomeTeamLeague.League.Season.Id == seasonId && fixture.IsCancelled == "N" && fixture.IsPenaltyAllowed == true && ( (fixture.ResultAddedDate != null && EntityFunctions.DiffDays(fixture.FixtureDate, fixture.ResultAddedDate) > numberOfDays) || (fixture.ResultAddedDate == null && EntityFunctions.DiffDays(fixture.FixtureDate, now) > numberOfDays) ) select fixture; return(query); }
private void setInitialGamesFromDb() { _shortMatchCodes = new Dictionary <string, SavedMatch>(); lock (_getExistingGamesLock) { var savedLiveMatches = BetDatabase.LiveMatches.Where(lm => EntityFunctions.DiffDays(lm.SetDate, DateTime.Now) == 0).ToList(); if (savedLiveMatches != null && savedLiveMatches.Count > 0) { setInitialStaticCodeFromDb(); foreach (var liveMatch in savedLiveMatches) { var savedMatch = new SavedMatch { ShortMatchCode = (int)liveMatch.BetServiceMatchNo, IsAlreadysaved = true, }; _shortMatchCodes.Add(liveMatch.LiveMatchNo.ToString(), savedMatch); } } } }