private void Clear() { ClientName = ServiceName = Password = tieBreaker = sslHost = configChannel = null; keepAlive = syncTimeout = asyncTimeout = connectTimeout = writeBuffer = connectRetry = configCheckSeconds = DefaultDatabase = null; allowAdmin = abortOnConnectFail = highPrioritySocketThreads = resolveDns = ssl = null; defaultVersion = null; EndPoints.Clear(); commandMap = null; CertificateSelection = null; CertificateValidation = null; ChannelPrefix = default(RedisChannel); SocketManager = null; }
public void Clear(Shadow2DLight shadow2DLight) { Segments.Clear(); EndPoints.Clear(); Open.Clear(); Output.Clear(); Center = shadow2DLight.transform.position; Size = shadow2DLight.size; Color = shadow2DLight.color; MergeCollinearSegments = shadow2DLight.mergeCollinearShadowSegments; float top = Size / 2f; float btm = -Size / 2f; float left = -Size / 2f; float right = Size / 2f; TopLeft = shadow2DLight.transform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(left, top, 0f)); BottomLeft = shadow2DLight.transform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(left, btm, 0f)); BottomRight = shadow2DLight.transform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(right, btm, 0f)); _drawGizmos = shadow2DLight._drawGizmos; _clipping = shadow2DLight.clipping; }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); if (!DesignMode && EndPaintObjects != null && BeginPaintObjects != null) { BeginPoints.Clear(); EndPoints.Clear(); e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; var top = 40F; var beginHeight = 40F; var maxBeginWidth = 0F; foreach (var beginObject in BeginPaintObjects) { var beginSize = beginObject.Paint(e.Graphics, BeginPoints, EndPoints, 40, top); if (maxBeginWidth < beginSize.Width) { maxBeginWidth = beginSize.Width; } top += beginSize.Height + 10; beginHeight += beginSize.Height + 10; } var endHeight = 40F; var controlWidth = maxBeginWidth + 240; foreach (var endObject in EndPaintObjects) { var endSize = endObject.Paint(e.Graphics, BeginPoints, EndPoints, maxBeginWidth + 240, endHeight); if (controlWidth < maxBeginWidth + 240 + endSize.Width + 10) { controlWidth = maxBeginWidth + 240 + endSize.Width + 10; } endHeight += endSize.Height + 10; } var controlHeight = Math.Max(endHeight, beginHeight); foreach (var beginPoint in BeginPoints) { foreach (var endPoint in EndPoints) { var ev = new UpdateConnectEventArgs(beginPoint, endPoint); UpdateConnect(this, ev); if (ev.IsConnect) { e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(ev.ConnectorColor), endPoint.Position, beginPoint.Position); } } } if (BeginPoint != null) { var beginPos = BeginPoint.Position; e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.Blue, beginPos.X - 5, beginPos.Y - 5, 10, 10); if (EndPoint != null) { var endPos = EndPoint.Position; e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.Blue, endPos.X - 5, endPos.Y - 5, 10, 10); e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, beginPos.X, beginPos.Y, endPos.X, endPos.Y); } else { e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, beginPos.X, beginPos.Y, EndMousePoint.X, EndMousePoint.Y); } } Size = new Size(Convert.ToInt32(controlWidth), Convert.ToInt32(controlHeight)); } }
private bool InitializePanel() { if (panel != null) { Walls.Clear(); StartPoints.Clear(); EndPoints.Clear(); renderedTetrisTextures.Clear(); PuzzleDimensions = new Point(panel.Width, panel.Height); // Calculation of puzzle sizes for current screen size int width = screenSize.X; int height = screenSize.Y; int maxPuzzleDimension = Math.Max(PuzzleDimensions.X, PuzzleDimensions.Y); int screenMinSize = Math.Min(width, height); int puzzleMaxSize = (int)(screenMinSize * PuzzleSpaceRatio(maxPuzzleDimension)); LineWidth = (int)(puzzleMaxSize * LineSizeRatio(maxPuzzleDimension)); BlockWidth = (int)(puzzleMaxSize * BlockSizeRatio(maxPuzzleDimension)); HalfLineWidthPoint = new Point(LineWidth / 2); LineWidthPoint = new Point(LineWidth); BlockSizePoint = new Point(BlockWidth); int endAppendixLength = (int)(BlockWidth * endPointLegth); int puzzleWidth = LineWidth * (PuzzleDimensions.X + 1) + BlockWidth * PuzzleDimensions.X; int puzzleHeight = LineWidth * (PuzzleDimensions.Y + 1) + BlockWidth * PuzzleDimensions.Y; int xMargin = (width - puzzleWidth) / 2; int yMargin = (height - puzzleHeight) / 2; Point margins = new Point(xMargin, yMargin); PuzzleConfig = new Rectangle(xMargin, yMargin, puzzleWidth, puzzleHeight); NodePadding = LineWidth + BlockWidth; // Creating walls hitboxes CreateHorizontalWalls(false); // Top walls CreateHorizontalWalls(true); // Bottom walls CreateVerticalWalls(false); // Left walls CreateVerticalWalls(true); // Right walls for (int i = 0; i < PuzzleDimensions.X; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < PuzzleDimensions.Y; j++) { Walls.Add(new Rectangle(xMargin + LineWidth * (i + 1) + BlockWidth * i, yMargin + LineWidth * (j + 1) + BlockWidth * j, BlockWidth, BlockWidth)); } } // Creating walls for broken edges var brokenEdges = panel.Edges.Where(x => x.State == EdgeState.Broken); foreach (Edge edge in brokenEdges) { Point nodeA = NodeIdToPoint(edge.Id % 100).Multiply(NodePadding) + margins; Point nodeB = NodeIdToPoint(edge.Id / 100).Multiply(NodePadding) + margins; Point middle = (nodeA + nodeB).Divide(2); Walls.Add(new Rectangle(middle, new Point(LineWidth))); } // Creating hitboxes for starting nodes foreach (Point start in GetStartNodes()) { StartPoints.Add(new Rectangle(xMargin + start.X * NodePadding - LineWidth, yMargin + start.Y * NodePadding - LineWidth, LineWidth * 3, LineWidth * 3)); } // Generate textures for tetris rules CreateTetrisRuleTextures(); #region === Inner methods region === // Returns a coef k: Total free space in pixels * k = puzzle size in pixels float PuzzleSpaceRatio(float puzzleDimension) => (float)(-0.0005 * Math.Pow(puzzleDimension, 4) + 0.0082 * Math.Pow(puzzleDimension, 3) - 0.0439 * Math.Pow(puzzleDimension, 2) + 0.1011 * puzzleDimension + 0.6875); // Returns a coef k: Puzzle size in pixels * k = block size in pixels float BlockSizeRatio(float puzzleDimension) => (float)(0.8563 * Math.Pow(puzzleDimension, -1.134)); // Returns a coef k: Puzzle size in pixels * k = line width in pixels float LineSizeRatio(float puzzleDimension) => - 0.0064f * puzzleDimension + 0.0859f; IEnumerable <Point> GetStartNodes() => panel.Nodes.Where(x => x.State == NodeState.Start).Select(x => NodeIdToPoint(x.Id)); IEnumerable <Point> GetEndNodesTop() { for (int i = 1; i < panel.Width; i++) { if (panel.Nodes[i].State == NodeState.Exit) { yield return(new Point(i, 0)); } } } IEnumerable <Point> GetEndNodesBot() { for (int i = 1; i < panel.Width; i++) { int index = panel.Height * (panel.Width + 1) + i; if (panel.Nodes[index].State == NodeState.Exit) { yield return(new Point(i, panel.Height)); } } } IEnumerable <Point> GetEndNodesLeft() { for (int j = 0; j < panel.Height + 1; j++) { int index = j * (panel.Width + 1); if (panel.Nodes[index].State == NodeState.Exit) { yield return(new Point(0, j)); } } } IEnumerable <Point> GetEndNodesRight() { for (int j = 0; j < panel.Height + 1; j++) { int index = j * (panel.Width + 1) + panel.Width; if (panel.Nodes[index].State == NodeState.Exit) { yield return(new Point(panel.Width, j)); } } } void CreateHorizontalWalls(bool isBottom) { int yStartPoint = isBottom ? yMargin + puzzleHeight : 0; var ends = isBottom ? GetEndNodesBot() : GetEndNodesTop(); if (ends.Count() == 0) { Walls.Add(new Rectangle(0, yStartPoint, width, yMargin)); } else { Walls.Add(new Rectangle(0, yStartPoint + (isBottom ? endAppendixLength : 0), width, yMargin - endAppendixLength)); int lastXPoint = 0; foreach (Point endPoint in ends) { int x = xMargin + endPoint.X * (NodePadding); Walls.Add(new Rectangle(lastXPoint, isBottom ? yStartPoint : (yMargin - endAppendixLength), x - lastXPoint, endAppendixLength)); EndPoints.Add(new EndPoint(new Rectangle(x, isBottom ? yStartPoint + endAppendixLength - LineWidth : (yMargin - endAppendixLength), LineWidth, LineWidth), isBottom ? Facing.Down : Facing.Up)); lastXPoint = x + LineWidth; } Walls.Add(new Rectangle(lastXPoint, isBottom ? yStartPoint : (yMargin - endAppendixLength), width - lastXPoint, endAppendixLength)); } } void CreateVerticalWalls(bool isRight) { int xStartPoint = isRight ? xMargin + puzzleWidth : 0; var ends = isRight ? GetEndNodesRight() : GetEndNodesLeft(); if (ends.Count() == 0) { Walls.Add(new Rectangle(xStartPoint, 0, xMargin, height)); } else { Walls.Add(new Rectangle(xStartPoint + (isRight ? endAppendixLength : 0), 0, xMargin - endAppendixLength, height)); int lastYPoint = 0; foreach (Point endPoint in ends) { int y = yMargin + endPoint.Y * (NodePadding); Walls.Add(new Rectangle(isRight ? xStartPoint : (xMargin - endAppendixLength), lastYPoint, endAppendixLength, y - lastYPoint)); EndPoints.Add(new EndPoint(new Rectangle(isRight ? xStartPoint + endAppendixLength - LineWidth : xMargin - endAppendixLength, y, LineWidth, LineWidth), isRight ? Facing.Right : Facing.Left)); lastYPoint = y + LineWidth; } Walls.Add(new Rectangle(isRight ? xStartPoint : (xMargin - endAppendixLength), lastYPoint, endAppendixLength, height - lastYPoint)); } } void CreateTetrisRuleTextures() { // Render shape into texture for each tetris rule var tetrisBlocks = panel.Blocks.Where(x => x.Rule is TetrisRule).ToList(); if (tetrisBlocks.Count > 0) { int maxDimension = tetrisBlocks.Select(x => x.Rule as TetrisRule).Select(x => Math.Max(x.Shape.GetLength(0), x.Shape.GetLength(1))).Max(); if (maxDimension < 3) { maxDimension++; } tetrisTextureSize = new Point((maxDimension + 1) * texTetris[0].Width); foreach (Block block in tetrisBlocks) { TetrisRule rule = block.Rule as TetrisRule; bool[,] shape = rule.Shape; // If shape is rotatable, then rotate it randomly before render if (rule is TetrisRotatableRule r) { shape = TetrisRotatableRule.RotateShapeCW(shape, rnd.Next(0, 4)); } // Draw shape on a texture RenderTarget2D texture = CreateTetrisTexture(shape, rule is TetrisRotatableRule, rule.IsSubtractive); // Save it to the dictionary renderedTetrisTextures.Add(block.Id, texture); } } } #endregion return(true); } return(false); }