public void Create(int tmId, WADController wadMap) { textmaps = new List <TextMap>(); var stream = File.OpenRead(filePath); var workingTitle = string.Empty; hooks = ReflectiveEnumerator.GetEnumerableOfType <WADHooks>(); EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Loading Map...", "Finding Lumps", 0.05f); for (var i = 0; i < header.entriesCount; i++) { stream.Seek(header.lumpDefsLocation + i * WADLoad.LUMP_HEADER_SIZE, SeekOrigin.Begin); var lumpHeaderData = new byte[WADLoad.LUMP_HEADER_SIZE]; stream.Read(lumpHeaderData, 0, lumpHeaderData.Length); var lump = new Lump { location = WADLoad.IntFromBytes(lumpHeaderData, 0), size = WADLoad.IntFromBytes(lumpHeaderData, 4), name = WADLoad.StringFromBytes(lumpHeaderData, 8, 8) }; //TODO: figure out what to do with the rest of the lumps if ( == "TEXTMAP") { stream.Seek(lump.location, SeekOrigin.Begin); var textMapData = new byte[lump.size]; stream.Read(textMapData, 0, textMapData.Length); textmaps.Add(new TextMap(WADLoad.StringFromBytes(textMapData), workingTitle)); } else { workingTitle =; } } var textmap = textmaps[tmId]; var sectorLines = new Dictionary <int, List <LineDef> >(); for (var i = 0; i < textmap.sectors.Count; i++) { var sector = textmap.sectors[i]; var sectorGo = new GameObject("Sector" + i); sectorGo.transform.parent = wadMap.transform; } EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Loading Map...", "Building Walls", 0.5f); for (var i = 0; i < textmap.lineDefs.Count; i++) { var line = textmap.lineDefs[i]; if (!sectorLines.ContainsKey((int)line.sidefrontRef.sector)) { sectorLines[(int)line.sidefrontRef.sector] = new List <LineDef>(); } sectorLines[(int)line.sidefrontRef.sector].Add(line); if (line.sidebackRef != null) { if (!sectorLines.ContainsKey((int)line.sidebackRef.sector)) { sectorLines[(int)line.sidebackRef.sector] = new List <LineDef>(); } sectorLines[(int)line.sidebackRef.sector].Add(line); } var miny = line.sidefrontRef.sectorRef.heightfloor; var maxy = line.sidefrontRef.sectorRef.heightceiling; var position = new Vector3((line.v1Ref.x + line.v2Ref.x) / 2f, miny + (maxy - miny) / 2f, (line.v1Ref.y + line.v2Ref.y) / 2f) / 64f; var rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), new Vector3(line.v2Ref.x - line.v1Ref.x, 0, line.v2Ref.y - line.v1Ref.y).normalized); var scale = new Vector3(new Vector2(line.v2Ref.x - line.v1Ref.x, line.v2Ref.y - line.v1Ref.y).magnitude, maxy - miny, 1) / 64f; var textures = new Material[2]; if (line.sidefrontRef.texturemiddle != "-" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line.sidefrontRef.texturemiddle)) { textures[0] = FileUtils.GetMaterial(line.sidefrontRef.texturemiddle); textures[0] = textures[0] == null ? defaultMaterial : textures[0]; } if (line.sidebackRef != null && line.sidebackRef.texturemiddle != "-" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line.sidebackRef.texturemiddle)) { textures[1] = FileUtils.GetMaterial(line.sidebackRef.texturemiddle); textures[1] = textures[1] == null ? defaultMaterial : textures[1]; } var walls = DrawUtils.CreateWall(position, rotation, scale, new[] { textures[0] == null ? null : GameObject.Find("Sector" + line.sidefrontRef.sector).transform, textures[1] == null ? null : wadMap.transform.Find("Sector" + line.sidebackRef.sector) }, textures); if (walls[0] != null) { walls[0].name = "LineDef " + line.v1Ref.x + "," + line.v1Ref.y + " - " + line.v2Ref.x + "," + line.v2Ref.y; } if (walls[1] != null) { walls[1].name = "LineDef " + line.v1Ref.x + "," + line.v1Ref.y + " - " + line.v2Ref.x + "," + line.v2Ref.y + " i"; } //draw texturetop and texturebottom if (line.sidefrontRef != null && line.sidebackRef != null) { Material mat = null; GameObject result = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line.sidefrontRef.texturetop)) { mat = FileUtils.GetMaterial(line.sidefrontRef.texturetop); result = DrawUtils.CreateTopWall(line.v1Ref, line.v2Ref, GameObject.Find("Sector" + line.sidefrontRef.sector).transform, mat == null ? defaultMaterial : mat, line.sidefrontRef.sectorRef, line.sidebackRef.sectorRef); = "TextureTop " + line.v1Ref.x + "," + line.v1Ref.y + " - " + line.v2Ref.x + "," + line.v2Ref.y; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line.sidefrontRef.texturebottom)) { mat = FileUtils.GetMaterial(line.sidefrontRef.texturebottom); result = DrawUtils.CreateBottomWall(line.v1Ref, line.v2Ref, GameObject.Find("Sector" + line.sidefrontRef.sector).transform, mat == null ? defaultMaterial : mat, line.sidefrontRef.sectorRef, line.sidebackRef.sectorRef); = "TextureBottom " + line.v1Ref.x + "," + line.v1Ref.y + " - " + line.v2Ref.x + "," + line.v2Ref.y; } } } EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Loading Map...", "Building Floors", .7f); for (var i = 0; i < textmap.sectors.Count; i++) { var sector = textmap.sectors[i]; var miny = sector.heightfloor; var maxy = sector.heightceiling; sectorLines[i] = DrawUtils.LineUpVerts(sectorLines[i]); try { sector.drawablePolygon = new DrawablePolygon(textmap, sectorLines[i]); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e); continue; } var floortexture = FileUtils.GetMaterial(sector.texturefloor); var ceilingtexture = FileUtils.GetMaterial(sector.textureceiling); var floor = DrawUtils.CreateFloor(sector.drawablePolygon, miny, wadMap.transform.Find("Sector" + i), textmap, floortexture, "Sector " + i + " Floor"); floor.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); var ceil = DrawUtils.CreateCeiling(sector.drawablePolygon, maxy, wadMap.transform.Find("Sector" + i), textmap, ceilingtexture, "Sector " + i + " Ceiling"); ceil.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); } EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Loading Map...", "Placing Things", .9f); for (var i = 0; i < textmap.things.Count; i++) { var thing = textmap.things[i]; var thingObject = GameObject.Instantiate(WADController.objectPrefab); var sector = textmap.FindSector(thing.x, thing.y); var height = (thing.height / 64f) + (sector != null ? sector.heightfloor / 64f : 0); thingObject.transform.position = new Vector3(thing.x / 64f, height + 0.5f, thing.y / 64f); var thingController = thingObject.GetComponent <ThingController>(); thingController.thing = thing; thingController.thingString = thing.ToString(); thingObject.SetParent(wadMap.transform); foreach (var hook in hooks) { hook.CreateThing(thing, thingObject.gameObject); } } }