private IVertexBuffer BindVertexBuffer(DrawList drawList) { Watertight.Math.Vertex[] Verts = new Math.Vertex[drawList.VertexBuffer.Count]; ushort[] Indicies = new ushort[drawList.IndexBuffer.Count]; for (int x = 0; x < drawList.VertexBuffer.Count; x++) { FlowUI.Draw.Vertex FlowVtx = drawList.VertexBuffer.ElementAt(x); Verts[x] = new Math.Vertex { Location = new Vector3(FlowVtx.Pos, 0), Color = FlowVtx.Color, UV = FlowVtx.UV }; } for (int i = 0; i < drawList.IndexBuffer.Count; i++) { Indicies[i] = drawList.IndexBuffer.ElementAt(i); } if (InternalVertexBuffer == null) { InternalVertexBuffer = IEngine.Instance.Renderer.RendererResourceFactory.CreateVertexBuffer(); } InternalVertexBuffer.SetVertexData(Verts, Indicies); return(InternalVertexBuffer); }
/// <summary> /// Move selected items to front (beginning of the list) /// </summary> /// <returns> /// true if at least one object is moved /// </returns> public bool MoveSelectionToFront() { int n; int i; DrawList tempList; tempList = new DrawList(); n = graphicsList.Count; // Read source list in reverse order, add every selected item // to temporary list and remove it from source list for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((graphicsList[i]).Selected) { tempList.Add(graphicsList[i]); graphicsList.RemoveAt(i); } } // Read temporary list in direct order and insert every item // to the beginning of the source list n = tempList.Count; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { graphicsList.Insert(0, tempList[i]); } return(n > 0); }
public void RenderDrawList(DrawList drawList, int width, int height) { DrawMesh(this.shapeMaterial, drawList.ShapeMesh, width, height); DrawMesh(this.imageMaterial, drawList.ImageMesh, width, height); DrawTextMesh(drawList.TextMesh, width, height); }
/// <summary> /// Move selected items to back (end of the list) /// </summary> /// <returns> /// true if at least one object is moved /// </returns> public bool MoveSelectionToBack() { int n; int i; DrawList tempList; tempList = new DrawList(); n = graphicsList.Count; // Read source list in reverse order, add every selected item // to temporary list and remove it from source list for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((graphicsList[i]).Selected) { tempList.Add(graphicsList[i]); graphicsList.RemoveAt(i); } } // Read temporary list in reverse order and add every item // to the end of the source list n = tempList.Count; for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { graphicsList.Add(tempList[i]); } return(n > 0); }
public void ShouldGetCorrectOffsetOfAGlyph() { var style = GUIStyle.Default; style.Set <double>(GUIStyleName.FontSize, 36); var state = GUIState.Normal; var fontFamily = style.Get <string>(GUIStyleName.FontFamily, state); var fontSize = style.Get <double>(GUIStyleName.FontSize, state); var fontStretch = (FontStretch)style.Get <int>(GUIStyleName.FontStretch, state); var fontStyle = (FontStyle)style.Get <int>(GUIStyleName.FontStyle, state); var fontWeight = (FontWeight)style.Get <int>(GUIStyleName.FontWeight, state); var textAlignment = (TextAlignment)style.Get <int>(GUIStyleName.TextAlignment, state); var rect = new Rect(0, 0, 200, 200); var textContext = new TypographyTextContext( "A", fontFamily, (int)fontSize, fontStretch, fontStyle, fontWeight, (int)Math.Ceiling(rect.Size.Width), (int)Math.Ceiling(rect.Size.Height), textAlignment); var textMesh = new TextMesh(); textMesh.Build(new Point(0, fontSize), style, textContext); DrawList drawList = new DrawList(); drawList.Append(textMesh, Vector.Zero); var objFilePath = "D:\\TextRenderingTest_ShouldGetARightMeshFromTypography.obj"; Utility.SaveToObjFile(objFilePath, drawList.DrawBuffer.VertexBuffer, drawList.DrawBuffer.IndexBuffer); Process.Start(ModelViewerPath, objFilePath); }
public void Fill(bool borderBlocks, Blockset.Block oldBlock, Blockset.Block newBlock, int destX, int destY) { Block[][] outArr = borderBlocks ? BorderBlocks : Blocks; int width = borderBlocks ? BorderWidth : Width; int height = borderBlocks ? BorderHeight : Height; void Fill(int x, int y) { if (x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height) { Block b = outArr[y][x]; if (b.BlocksetBlock == oldBlock) { b.BlocksetBlock = newBlock; DrawList.Add(b); Fill(x, y + 1); Fill(x, y - 1); Fill(x + 1, y); Fill(x - 1, y); } } } Fill(destX, destY); Draw(borderBlocks); }
private void ComBox_ATTA_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { TxtPipe.Text = ""; ComboBox comb = sender as ComboBox; NameRef nr = (NameRef)comb.SelectedItem; DbElement dbElement = DbElement.GetElement(nr.Ref); DbElement Pipe = dbElement.Owner.Owner; DrawList dl = DrawListManager.Instance.CurrentDrawList; TxtPipe.Text = Pipe.ToString(); DbElement hanger = dbElement.GetElement(DbAttributeInstance.CREF); dl.Add(Pipe); dl.Add(hanger); //dl.AddToSelection(); // DbElement Support = hanger.Owner.GetElement(DbAttributeInstance.STLR); ListBox_Element.Items.Clear(); foreach (DbElement h in hanger.Members()) { ListBox_Element.Items.Add(new NameRef(h.ToString(), h.RefNo())); } //foreach (DbElement s in Support.Owner.Members()) //{ // ListBox_Element.Items.Add(new NameRef(s.ToString(), s.RefNo())); //} ListBox_Element.DisplayMember = "Name"; }
private void AddToDrawList(MemberVisualizationField memberField, DrawList drawList) { if (!drawList.ContainsKey(memberField.gameObject)) { drawList.Add(memberField.gameObject, new List <MemberVisualizationField>()); } drawList[memberField.gameObject].Add(memberField); }
/// <summary> /// 克隆实体 /// </summary> /// <returns>返回克隆体</returns> public object Clone() { return(new DrawImg { DrawList = DrawList.ToList(), BackgroundPath = BackgroundPath, BackgroundUrl = BackgroundUrl, BackgroundImage = BackgroundImage, BackgroundColor = BackgroundColor, Rotate = Rotate, Height = Height, Width = Width, Left = Left, Top = Top }); }
public ControlDrawArea(DrawArea drawArea, FormDlgMain formDlg) { _drawArea1 = drawArea; FormDlgMain formDlgMain = formDlg; _drawArea1.DrawingEnd += new MyEvent1(DisplayArea); _drawArea1.RectSeclecting += new RecipeEvent2(Rect_Selected); _cusCap = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.AdjustableArrowCap(5, 5, false); _drawArea1.Owner = formDlgMain; _nowGraphicsList = new GraphicsList(); //_drawArea1.Initialize(formDlgMain); _drawArea1.Initialize(formDlgMain, ref _nowGraphicsList); _rectArray = new DrawList(); }
//LOAD OBJECTS AND OTHER STUFF IMPORTANT FOR THE GAMESTATE public void OnLoad() { var hive = new Hive(this, new Vector2(500, 500), 13); ObstacleList = GenerateListOfRandomObstacles(); foreach (IEntity obstacle in ObstacleList) { DrawList.Add(obstacle); } DrawList.Add(new Spider(this, new Vector2(32, 32), new Vector2(100, 100), 2)); DrawList.Add(new Hive(this, new Vector2(500, 500), 10)); //DrawList.Insert(0, new Flower(this, new Vector2(300,300))); //HACK: Do rozróżnienia? UpdateList = DrawList; }
public GraphicsList() { graphicsList = new DrawList(); _ipverify = new List <string>(); _bomverify = new List <string>(); _agmverify = new List <string>(); //_agmdualverify = new List<string>(); _tcmverify = new List <string>(); _tvmverify = new List <string>(); _copyList = new List <DrawObject>(); _scverify = new List <string>(); _agmdWallSingleverify = new List <string>(); _aGMWallDualverify = new List <string>(); _aGMWallDummyverify = new List <string>(); _switchverify = new List <string>(); _paidverify = new List <string>(); _arrayverify = new List <string>(); }
public Game1() { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; graphics.IsFullScreen = false; graphics.GraphicsProfile = GraphicsProfile.HiDef; graphics.ApplyChanges(); _clock = new GameClock(); _inputState = new InputState(); _inputWrapper = new InputWrapper(new ControllerWrapper(PlayerIndex.One, true), _clock.GetCurrentTime); _inputWrapper.Controller.UseKeyboard = true; _font = new FontBuddy(); //setup the renderer _Renderer = new Renderer(this, Content); _DrawList = new DrawList(); _Grid = new Grid(); }
protected GraphicsList(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { _graphicsList = new DrawList(); var n = info.GetInt32(EntryCount); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { var typeName = info.GetString(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1}", EntryType, i)); var drawObject = (DrawObject)Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CreateInstance(typeName); if (drawObject == null) { continue; } drawObject.LoadFromStream(info, i); _graphicsList.Add(drawObject); } }
private Vector2 GenerateNewPositionForFlower() { var entities = DrawList.FindAll(x => x is Obstacle).ToList(); int posX = 0, posY = 0; var flowerRectangle = new Rectangle(posX, posY, Globals.flowerTexture.Width, Globals.flowerTexture.Height); while (true) { posX = rnd.Next(24 + Globals.flowerTexture.Width, (int)Globals.screenSize.X - 24 - Globals.flowerTexture.Width); posY = rnd.Next(24 + Globals.flowerTexture.Height, (int)Globals.screenSize.Y - 24 - Globals.flowerTexture.Height); flowerRectangle = new Rectangle(new Point(posX, posY), flowerRectangle.Size); if (entities.All(x => !x.BoundingBox.Intersects(flowerRectangle))) { return(new Vector2(posX, posY)); } } }
//RYSOWANIE NA EKRANIE public void Draw() { Globals.spriteBatch.Begin(); Globals.spriteBatch.Draw(Globals.backgroundTexture, new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White); foreach (IEntity entity in DrawList) { entity.Draw(); } List <ChildrenFly> ListOfChildrenFlies = ((Hive)DrawList.Find(x => x is Hive)).ChildrenFlies; Globals.spriteBatch.Draw(Globals.hpBar, new Rectangle(30, 2, 100, 22), new Color(0, 0, 0, 150)); Globals.spriteBatch.DrawString(Globals.defaultFont, "My Hive: " + ListOfChildrenFlies.Count.ToString(), new Vector2(36, 4), Color.White); Globals.spriteBatch.End(); }
protected GraphicsList(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { graphicsList = new DrawList(); int n = info.GetInt32(entryCount); string typeName; DrawObject drawObject; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { typeName = info.GetString( String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1}", entryType, i)); drawObject = (DrawObject)Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CreateInstance( typeName); drawObject.LoadFromStream(info, i); graphicsList.Add(drawObject); } }
public void Render(Renderer renderer) { Flow.Render(); DrawData drawData = Flow.DrawData; for (int i = 0; i < drawData.DrawLists.Count; i++) { DrawList drawList = drawData.DrawLists[i]; IVertexBuffer vertexBuffer = BindVertexBuffer(drawList); int IndexOffset = 0; for (int cmdi = 0; cmdi < drawList.CommandBuffer.Count; cmdi++) { DrawList.DrawCmd DrawCommand = drawList.CommandBuffer.ElementAt(cmdi); using (RenderingCommand cmd = renderer.RendererResourceFactory.CreateRenderCommand()) { cmd.WithVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer) .WithMaterial(FlowMaterialPtr.Get <Material>()) .WithCamera(UICamera); //TODO: Textures cmd.WithStartIndex(IndexOffset) .WithPrimitveCount((int)DrawCommand.Elements / 3) .WithDebugName("Flow UI Rendering"); renderer.ExecuteRenderCommand(cmd); } IndexOffset += (int)DrawCommand.IndexOffset; } } }
public DrawBox RPBlock() { float width = 500; xFont font = new FontGraphicsMeasurer("Calibri", 11); Text t = new Text(); DrawList t1 = new DrawList(font); DrawList t2 = new DrawList(font); t.addWhitespace(width, 0, true); t.add(t1); t.addWhitespace(5); t.add(t2); t1.addWort("Name: " + Charakter.Charakter.VollstandigerName); t1.addWort("Alter: " + Charakter.Charakter.Super.RP.Alter); t1.addWhitespace(230, 132); t1.addWort("Radius: " + Charakter.Charakter.Super.RP.Radius.ToString("F2") + " Meter"); t1.addWort("Höhe: " + Charakter.Charakter.Super.RP.Hohe.ToString("F2") + " Meter"); t2.addWort("Hintergrund: " + Charakter.Charakter.Super.RP.Hintergrund); t2.addWort("Konfession: " + Charakter.Charakter.Super.RP.Konfession); Text vergs = new Text(); vergs.addWort("Vergangenheit: "); vergs.add(new DrawList(font, Charakter.Charakter.Super.RP.Vergangenheiten.Map(s => s.Replace('_', ' ')))); t2.add(vergs); t2.addWhitespace(250, 50); t2.addWort("Rassebild:"); t2.add(new ImageBox(100, CreateFarbBild(this.Charakter.Charakter.Super.RP.Augenfarbe, this.Charakter.Charakter.Super.RP.Haarfarbe, this.Charakter.Charakter.Super.RP.Hautfarbe))); return t; }
public GraphicsList() { graphicsList = new DrawList(); }
private bool IfDrawListHasFlower() { return(DrawList.Find(x => x is Flower) != null); }
int getCountOfChildrenFlies() { List <ChildrenFly> ListOfChildrenFlies = ((Hive)DrawList.Find(x => x is Hive)).ChildrenFlies; return(ListOfChildrenFlies.Count); }
public Window(string Name, DrawListSharedData sharedData) { DrawList = new DrawList(sharedData); this.Name = Name; NameId = Name.GetHashCode(); }
//OBLICZENIA public void Update() { Globals.newKeyState = Keyboard.GetState(); if (!isLoaded) { OnLoad(); isLoaded = true; } if (KeypressTest(Keys.Escape)) { Globals.activeState = Globals.enGameStates.PAUSE; } for (int i = 0; i < UpdateList.Count(); i++) { UpdateList[i].Update(); } Draw(); if (getCountOfChildrenFlies() == 0) { ResetState(); Globals.winner = "SPIDER!"; } else if (getCountOfChildrenFlies() > 150) { ResetState(); Globals.winner = "BUTTERFLY!"; } //FLOWER if (!IfDrawListHasFlower()) { counter2 = 0; if (counter1 < 60 * 3) { counter1++; } else { DrawList.Insert(20, new Flower(this, GenerateNewPositionForFlower())); } } else { counter1 = 0; if (counter2 < 60 * 8) { counter2++; } else { counter2 = 0; DrawList.Remove(DrawList.Find(x => x is Flower)); DrawList.Insert(20, new Flower(this, GenerateNewPositionForFlower())); } } Globals.oldKeyState = Globals.newKeyState; }
private static void AddDrawListToDrawData(DrawList List, DrawData Data) { //TODO: Sanity Checks Data.DrawLists.Add(List); }
public void ShouldGetARightMeshAfterAppendingATextMesh() { var style = GUIStyle.Default; var state = GUIState.Normal; var fontFamily = style.Get <string>(GUIStyleName.FontFamily, state); var fontSize = style.Get <double>(GUIStyleName.FontSize, state); var fontStretch = (FontStretch)style.Get <int>(GUIStyleName.FontStretch, state); var fontStyle = (FontStyle)style.Get <int>(GUIStyleName.FontStyle, state); var fontWeight = (FontWeight)style.Get <int>(GUIStyleName.FontWeight, state); var textAlignment = (TextAlignment)style.Get <int>(GUIStyleName.TextAlignment, state); var rect = new Rect(0, 0, 200, 200); var textContext = Application.platformContext.CreateTextContext( "ij = I::oO(0xB81l);", fontFamily, (int)fontSize, fontStretch, fontStyle, fontWeight, (int)Math.Ceiling(rect.Size.Width), (int)Math.Ceiling(rect.Size.Height), textAlignment); var textMesh = new TextMesh(); textMesh.Build(Point.Zero, style, textContext); var anotherTextContext = Application.platformContext.CreateTextContext( "auto-sized", fontFamily, (int)fontSize, fontStretch, fontStyle, fontWeight, 200, 200, textAlignment); var anotherTextMesh = new TextMesh(); anotherTextMesh.Build(new Point(50, 100), style, anotherTextContext); DrawList drawList = new DrawList(); var expectedVertexCount = 0; var expectedIndexCount = 0; drawList.AddRectFilled(Point.Zero, new Point(200, 100), Color.Metal); expectedVertexCount += 4; expectedIndexCount += 6; Assert.Equal(drawList.DrawBuffer.VertexBuffer.Count, expectedVertexCount); Assert.Equal(drawList.DrawBuffer.IndexBuffer.Count, expectedIndexCount); drawList.Append(textMesh, Vector.Zero); expectedVertexCount += textMesh.VertexBuffer.Count; expectedIndexCount += textMesh.IndexBuffer.Count; Assert.Equal(drawList.DrawBuffer.VertexBuffer.Count, expectedVertexCount); Assert.Equal(drawList.DrawBuffer.IndexBuffer.Count, expectedIndexCount); drawList.AddRectFilled(new Point(0, 110), new Point(200, 150), Color.Metal); expectedVertexCount += 4; expectedIndexCount += 6; Assert.Equal(drawList.DrawBuffer.VertexBuffer.Count, expectedVertexCount); Assert.Equal(drawList.DrawBuffer.IndexBuffer.Count, expectedIndexCount); drawList.AddRectFilled(new Point(0, 160), new Point(200, 200), Color.Metal); expectedVertexCount += 4; expectedIndexCount += 6; Assert.Equal(drawList.DrawBuffer.VertexBuffer.Count, expectedVertexCount); Assert.Equal(drawList.DrawBuffer.IndexBuffer.Count, expectedIndexCount); drawList.Append(anotherTextMesh, Vector.Zero); expectedVertexCount += anotherTextMesh.VertexBuffer.Count; expectedIndexCount += anotherTextMesh.IndexBuffer.Count; Assert.Equal(drawList.DrawBuffer.VertexBuffer.Count, expectedVertexCount); Assert.Equal(drawList.DrawBuffer.IndexBuffer.Count, expectedIndexCount); var objFilePath = "D:\\TextRenderingTest_ShouldGetARightMeshAfterAppendingATextMesh.obj"; Utility.SaveToObjFile(objFilePath, drawList.DrawBuffer.VertexBuffer, drawList.DrawBuffer.IndexBuffer); Process.Start(ModelViewerPath, objFilePath); }
/// <summary> /// Move selected items to front (beginning of the list) /// </summary> /// <returns> /// true if at least one object is moved /// </returns> public bool MoveSelectionToFront() { int n; int i; DrawList tempList; tempList = new DrawList(); n = graphicsList.Count; // Read source list in reverse order, add every selected item // to temporary list and remove it from source list for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((graphicsList[i]).Selected) { tempList.Add(graphicsList[i]); graphicsList.RemoveAt(i); } } // Read temporary list in direct order and insert every item // to the beginning of the source list n = tempList.Count; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { graphicsList.Insert(0, tempList[i]); } return (n > 0); }
private void Search_Element(string findstr, bool replace_mode) { findindex = 0; string searchname = "*" + findstr + "*"; string replacestr = txtreplace.Text; //트리에서 Element Type을 선택할수 있게 함. List <DbElementType> dbtype_list = new List <DbElementType>(); foreach (TreeNode firstnode in tree_type.Nodes) { if (firstnode.Checked) { dbtype_list.Add((DbElementType)firstnode.Tag); } foreach (TreeNode secondnode in firstnode.Nodes) { if (secondnode.Checked) { dbtype_list.Add((DbElementType)secondnode.Tag); } foreach (TreeNode thirdnode in secondnode.Nodes) { if (thirdnode.Checked) { dbtype_list.Add((DbElementType)thirdnode.Tag); } foreach (TreeNode forthnode in thirdnode.Nodes) { if (forthnode.Checked) { dbtype_list.Add((DbElementType)forthnode.Tag); } } } } } dbtypes = dbtype_list.ToArray(); if (radio_3dview.Checked) { DrawList drawlist = DrawListManager.Instance.CurrentDrawList; DrawListMember[] drawlistmems = drawlist.Members(); DrawListMember [] FindDrawElements = drawlistmems.Cast <DrawListMember>() .Where(item => item.DbElement.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.NAMN).Contains(txt_search.Text) && dbtypes.Contains(item.DbElement.GetElementType())) .ToArray(); FindElements = FindDrawElements.Select(x => x.DbElement).ToArray(); //Highlight시 색은 General Colours에서 Visible의 색을 따라감. drawlist.Highlight(FindElements); foreach (DbElement item in FindElements) { string type = item.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.TYPE); string pos = ""; if (type == "BRAN") { pos = item.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.HPOS); } else { pos = item.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.POS); } string name = item.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.NAMN); Aveva.Pdms.Utilities.CommandLine.Command.CreateCommand(string.Format("AID TEXT number 9898 |{0}| at {1}", name, pos)).RunInPdms(); } } else { //Root가 CE일때 if (radio_ce.Checked) { root = CurrentElement.Element; } else if (radio_entire.Checked) { if (ServiceManager.Instance.ApplicationName == "Outfitting") { root = MDB.CurrentMDB.GetFirstWorld(Aveva.Pdms.Database.DbType.Design); } if (ServiceManager.Instance.ApplicationName == "Paragon") { root = MDB.CurrentMDB.GetFirstWorld(Aveva.Pdms.Database.DbType.Catalogue); } if (ServiceManager.Instance.ApplicationName == "MarineDrafting") { root = MDB.CurrentMDB.GetFirstWorld(Aveva.Pdms.Database.DbType.Draft); } } TypeFilter typefilter = new TypeFilter(dbtypes); AndFilter finalfilter = new AndFilter(); AttributeLikeFilter xfilter = new AttributeLikeFilter(DbAttributeInstance.NAMN, searchname); finalfilter.Add(typefilter); finalfilter.Add(xfilter); result = new DBElementCollection(root, finalfilter); FindElements = result.Cast <DbElement>().ToArray(); } //Item 들이 가지고 속해있는 DB리스트생성 List <Db> dblist = new List <Db>(); foreach (DbElement item in FindElements) { if (!dblist.Contains(item.Db)) { dblist.Add(item.Db); } } //Partial Getwork수행 MDB.CurrentMDB.GetWork(dblist.ToArray()); int replace_count = 0; if (replace_mode == true) { foreach (DbElement item in FindElements) { try { //listView_searchresult.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[]{"1","2","3","4"})); string element_name = item.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.NAME); string name = element_name.Replace(findstr, replacestr); DbElement exsititem = DbElement.GetElement(name); if (!exsititem.IsNull) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("바꿀려는 이름 {0}은 존재하므로 바꿀수 없습니다.", name)); return; continue; } item.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.NAME, name); replace_count++; mDesExpCtrl.RefreshNodes(item); } catch (Exception ee) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("오류발생"); } } //Tree View 업데이트 부분 아래 구문이 없으면 화면이 업데이트 안됨. try { var windows = Aveva.ApplicationFramework.Presentation.WindowManager.Instance.Windows.OfType <Presentation.DockedWindow>().Where(x => x.Key == "DesignExplorer").ToArray(); if (windows.Count() > 0) { MessageBox.Show(replace_count + "개 항목의 이름 바꾸기 완료!"); } } catch (Exception ee) { } } else { if (!radio_3dview.Checked) { if (FindElements.Count() != 0) { string refno = FindElements[0].GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.REF); Aveva.Pdms.Utilities.CommandLine.Command.CreateCommand(refno).RunInPdms(); } } int idx = 1; //listView_searchresult.ColumnClick -= listView_searchresult_ColumnClick; listView_searchresult.Items.Clear(); foreach (DbElement item in FindElements) { string elementname = item.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.FLNN); string elementtype = item.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.TYPE); string marptype = "0"; if (elementtype == "SHEE") { marptype = item.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.MARPTY); } bool lclm = item.GetBool(DbAttributeInstance.LCLM); string userclaim = item.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.USERC); string islock = "X"; if (lclm == true) { islock = "X"; } else { if (userclaim == "unset") { islock = "X"; } else { islock = "O"; } } listView_searchresult.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] { idx.ToString(), elementname, elementtype, islock, marptype })); idx++; } //listView_searchresult.ColumnClick += listView_searchresult_ColumnClick; lbl_result.Text = "검색결과 : " + FindElements.Count().ToString() + " 건"; } }
public unsafe static void RenderDrawData(DrawData *drawData, int displayW, int displayH) { // We are using the OpenGL fixed pipeline to make the example code simpler to read! // Setup render state: alpha-blending enabled, no face culling, no depth testing, scissor enabled, vertex/texcoord/color pointers. int lastTexture; GL.GetInteger(GetPName.TextureBinding2D, out lastTexture); Int4 lastViewport = new Int4(); TypedReference tr = __makeref(lastViewport); IntPtr ptr = **(IntPtr **)(&tr); GL.GetInteger(GetPName.Viewport, (int *)ptr); Int4 lastScissorBox = new Int4(); tr = __makeref(lastScissorBox); ptr = **(IntPtr **)(&tr); GL.GetInteger(GetPName.ScissorBox, (int *)ptr); GL.PushAttrib(AttribMask.EnableBit | AttribMask.ColorBufferBit | AttribMask.TransformBit); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha); GL.Disable(EnableCap.CullFace); GL.Disable(EnableCap.DepthTest); GL.Enable(EnableCap.ScissorTest); GL.EnableClientState(ArrayCap.VertexArray); GL.EnableClientState(ArrayCap.TextureCoordArray); GL.EnableClientState(ArrayCap.ColorArray); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D); GL.UseProgram(0); // Handle cases of screen coordinates != from framebuffer coordinates (e.g. retina displays) IO io = ImGui.GetIO(); ImGui.ScaleClipRects(drawData, io.DisplayFramebufferScale); // Setup orthographic projection matrix GL.Viewport(0, 0, displayW, displayH); GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Projection); GL.PushMatrix(); GL.LoadIdentity(); GL.Ortho( 0.0f, io.DisplaySize.X / io.DisplayFramebufferScale.X, io.DisplaySize.Y / io.DisplayFramebufferScale.Y, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f ); GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview); GL.PushMatrix(); GL.LoadIdentity(); // Render command lists for (int n = 0; n < drawData->CmdListsCount; n++) { DrawList cmddList = new DrawList(drawData->CmdLists[n]); NativeDrawList *cmdList = drawData->CmdLists[n]; ImVector vtxBuffer = cmdList->VtxBuffer; ImVector idxBuffer = cmdList->IdxBuffer; GL.VertexPointer(2, VertexPointerType.Float, sizeof(DrawVert), new IntPtr((long)vtxBuffer.Data + DrawVert.PosOffset)); GL.TexCoordPointer(2, TexCoordPointerType.Float, sizeof(DrawVert), new IntPtr((long)vtxBuffer.Data + DrawVert.UVOffset)); GL.ColorPointer(4, ColorPointerType.UnsignedByte, sizeof(DrawVert), new IntPtr((long)vtxBuffer.Data + DrawVert.ColOffset)); long idxBufferOffset = 0; for (int cmdi = 0; cmdi < cmdList->CmdBuffer.Size; cmdi++) { DrawCmd *pcmd = &(((DrawCmd *)cmdList->CmdBuffer.Data)[cmdi]); /* if (pcmd->UserCallback!= IntPtr.Zero) { * pcmd->(ref cmdList, ref pcmd); * } else {*/ GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, (int)pcmd->TextureId); GL.Scissor( (int)pcmd->ClipRect.X, (int)(io.DisplaySize.Y - pcmd->ClipRect.W), (int)(pcmd->ClipRect.Z - pcmd->ClipRect.X), (int)(pcmd->ClipRect.W - pcmd->ClipRect.Y) ); GL.DrawElements(PrimitiveType.Triangles, (int)pcmd->ElemCount, DrawElementsType.UnsignedByte, new IntPtr((long)idxBuffer.Data + idxBufferOffset)); idxBufferOffset += pcmd->ElemCount * 2 /*sizeof(ushort)*/; } } // Restore modified state GL.DisableClientState(ArrayCap.ColorArray); GL.DisableClientState(ArrayCap.TextureCoordArray); GL.DisableClientState(ArrayCap.VertexArray); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, lastTexture); GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview); GL.PopMatrix(); GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Projection); GL.PopMatrix(); GL.PopAttrib(); GL.Viewport(lastViewport.X, lastViewport.Y, lastViewport.Z, lastViewport.W); GL.Scissor(lastScissorBox.X, lastScissorBox.Y, lastScissorBox.Z, lastScissorBox.W); }
public GraphicsList() { this.graphicsList = new DrawList(); this.observers = new List <DocumentDirtyObserver>(); this.dirty = false; }
/// <summary> /// Move selected items to back (end of the list) /// </summary> /// <returns> /// true if at least one object is moved /// </returns> public bool MoveSelectionToBack() { int n; int i; DrawList tempList; tempList = new DrawList(); n = graphicsList.Count; // Read source list in reverse order, add every selected item // to temporary list and remove it from source list for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((graphicsList[i]).Selected) { tempList.Add(graphicsList[i]); graphicsList.RemoveAt(i); } } // Read temporary list in reverse order and add every item // to the end of the source list n = tempList.Count; for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { graphicsList.Add(tempList[i]); } return (n > 0); }
public string[] GetDynamicArgs(DrawList action) { return(Group(action.Cards.Count())); }