private void DoDownloadAndConvert() { DownloadParams param = new DownloadParams(); param.BaseURL = edtDownloadLink.Text; param.FileName = "stockQuotes_%mm%dd%yyyy"; param.FromDate = Convert.ToDateTime(edtFrom.Text); param.ToDate = Convert.ToDateTime(edtTo.Text); string savePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location) + "/Reports"; ReportDownloader downloader = new ReportDownloader(param, savePath, ProcessDownloadedFile); downloader.OnReportDownloadCompletedEvent += (s, o) => { }; downloader.OnDownloadAllCompletedEvent += (s, e) => { }; downloader.OnDownloadAllCompletedEvent += (s, e) => { //MonoPSEGetDataService dataService = new MonoPSEGetDataService(); //dataService. }; downloader.OnStartDownloadProcess += (s, o) => { labelStatus.Text = "Trying..."; }; downloader.OnDownloadProgressEvent += (s, o) => { }; downloader.Download(); }
static void WorkIt() { if (_targetPath == null) { throw new Exception("Error: Unspecified PSE report file path."); } if (_targetPath.Contains("http:")) { var downloadParams = new DownloadParams(); downloadParams.BaseURL = _targetPath; downloadParams.FileName = "stockQuotes_%mm%dd%yyyy"; downloadParams.FromDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom); downloadParams.ToDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateTo); var downloader = new ReportDownloader(downloadParams, _reportsDir, null); downloader.AsyncMode = false; downloader.Download(); foreach (DownloadFileInfo reportFile in downloader.DownloadedFiles) { if (reportFile.Success) { ConvertIt(reportFile.Filename); } } } else { ConvertIt(_targetPath); } }
private void AsyncCallBack(IAsyncResult ar) { try { if (ar.IsCompleted) { DownloadParams dp = ar.AsyncState as DownloadParams; HttpWebResponse response = dp.Request.EndGetResponse(ar) as HttpWebResponse; Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream(); int length = (int)response.ContentLength; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream); FileStream fs = File.Create(dp.DestFilePath ?? ""); fs.Write(br.ReadBytes(length), 0, length); br.Close(); fs.Close(); response.Close(); if (_OnDownloadFinished != null) { _OnDownloadFinished(this, null); } } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
static void WorkIt() { if (_targetPath == null) { throw new Exception("Error: Unspecified PSE report file path."); } if (_targetPath.Contains("https:")) { if (!_useLocal) { var downloadParams = new DownloadParams(); downloadParams.BaseURL = _targetPath; downloadParams.FileName = "stockQuotes_%mm%dd%yyyy"; downloadParams.FromDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom); downloadParams.ToDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateTo); var downloader = new ReportDownloader(downloadParams, _reportsDir, null); downloader.AsyncMode = false; downloader.Download(); Console.WriteLine("---"); int count = 0; int len = downloader.DownloadedFiles.Count; foreach (DownloadFileInfo reportFile in downloader.DownloadedFiles) { count++; float progress = count > 0 ? ((float)count / (float)len) * 100f : 0f; Console.Write($"Converting {Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(reportFile.Filename)} [{count}/{len}] ({progress.ToString("0")}%) ... "); if (reportFile.Success) { ConvertIt(reportFile.Filename); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("FAILED!"); } } } else { int count = 0; int len = Directory.GetFiles(_reportsDir).Length; foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(_reportsDir)) { count++; float progress = count > 0 ? ((float)count / (float)len) * 100f : 0f; Console.Write($"Converting {Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)} [{count}/{len}] ({progress.ToString("0")}%) ... "); ConvertIt(file); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS!"); } } } else { ConvertIt(_targetPath); } }
private void AsyncCallBack(IAsyncResult ar) { try { if (ar.IsCompleted) { DownloadParams dp = ar.AsyncState as DownloadParams; HttpWebResponse response = dp.Request.EndGetResponse(ar) as HttpWebResponse; Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream(); int length = (int)response.ContentLength; byte[] buffer = new byte[BufferSize]; int count = 0; using (FileStream filestream = new FileStream(dp.DestFilePath ?? "", FileMode.Create)) { int downloaded = 0; while (true) { count = stream.Read(buffer, 0, BufferSize); downloaded += count; if (count > 0) { //notice filestream.Write(buffer, 0, count); _context.Post(d => { this.lb_progress.Text = d + "%"; }, downloaded * 100 / length); } else { break; } } } response.Close(); //unzip ZipHelper.UnZip(dp.DestFilePath, Application.StartupPath); File.Delete(dp.DestFilePath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProcessName)) { //run controlchecker Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = ProcessName; process.Start(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, Url); } finally { Application.Exit(); Environment.Exit(0); } }
public override void Validate(string propertyName = null) { base.Validate(propertyName); string currentProperty = nameof(DownloadParams); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(propertyName) || propertyName == currentProperty) { DownloadParams?.Validate(); if (_twitchService.IsFileNameUsed(_downloadParams.FullPath)) { DownloadParams.AddError(nameof(DownloadParams.Filename), "Another video is already being downloaded to this file!"); } if (DownloadParams.HasErrors) { AddError(currentProperty, "Invalid Download Parameters!"); if (DownloadParams.GetErrors(nameof(DownloadParameters.CropStartTime)) is List <string> cropStartErrors && cropStartErrors.Count > 0) { string firstError = cropStartErrors.First(); AddError(nameof(CropStartHours), firstError); AddError(nameof(CropStartMinutes), firstError); AddError(nameof(CropStartSeconds), firstError); } if (DownloadParams.GetErrors(nameof(DownloadParameters.CropEndTime)) is List <string> cropEndErrors && cropEndErrors.Count > 0) { string firstError = cropEndErrors.First(); AddError(nameof(CropEndHours), firstError); AddError(nameof(CropEndMinutes), firstError); AddError(nameof(CropEndSeconds), firstError); } if (DownloadParams.GetErrors(nameof(DownloadParameters.AutoSplitTime)) is List <string> autoSplitTimeErrors && autoSplitTimeErrors.Count > 0) { string firstError = autoSplitTimeErrors.First(); AddError(nameof(AutoSplitTimeHours), firstError); AddError(nameof(AutoSplitTimeMinutes), firstError); AddError(nameof(AutoSplitTimeSeconds), firstError); AddError(nameof(AutoSplitUseExtended), firstError); } if (DownloadParams.GetErrors(nameof(DownloadParameters.AutoSplitOverlap)) is List <string> overlapErrors && overlapErrors.Count > 0) { string firstError = overlapErrors.First(); AddError(nameof(AutoSplitUseExtended), firstError); } } } }
async Task <Stream> IDownloader.Download(DownloadParams downloadParams) { if (downloadParams.CacheMode == CacheMode.AllowCacheReading || downloadParams.CacheMode == CacheMode.DownloadFromCacheOnly) { var cachedValue = cache.GetValue(downloadParams.Location); if (cachedValue != null) { tracer.Info("found in cache content for location='{0}'", downloadParams.Location); return(cachedValue); } if (downloadParams.CacheMode == CacheMode.DownloadFromCacheOnly) { return(null); } } var task = new PendingTask() { location = downloadParams.Location, expectedMimeType = downloadParams.ExpectedMimeType, cancellation = downloadParams.Cancellation, progress = downloadParams.Progress, isLoginUrl = downloadParams.IsLoginUrl, stream = new MemoryStream(), promise = new TaskCompletionSource <Stream>(), }; lock (syncRoot) { tracer.Info("new task {0} added for location='{1}'", task, task.location); tasks.Enqueue(task); } TryTakeNewTask(); var stream = await task.promise.Task; if (stream != null) { bool setCache = true; if (downloadParams.AllowCacheWriting != null) { stream.Position = 0; setCache = downloadParams.AllowCacheWriting(stream); } if (setCache) { stream.Position = 0; await cache.SetValue(downloadParams.Location, stream); } stream.Position = 0; } return(stream); }
public override void Validate(string propertyName = null) { base.Validate(propertyName); string currentProperty = nameof(DownloadParams); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(propertyName) || propertyName == currentProperty) { DownloadParams?.Validate(); if (_twitchService.IsFileNameUsed(_downloadParams.FullPath)) { DownloadParams.AddError(nameof(DownloadParams.Filename), "Another video is already being downloaded to this file!"); } if (DownloadParams.HasErrors) { AddError(currentProperty, "Invalid Download Parameters!"); } } currentProperty = nameof(CropStartTime); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(propertyName) || propertyName == currentProperty) { DownloadParams?.Validate(currentProperty); if (DownloadParams.HasErrors) { if (DownloadParams.GetErrors(currentProperty) is List <string> errors && errors.Count > 0) { AddError(currentProperty, errors.First()); } } } currentProperty = nameof(CropEndTime); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(propertyName) || propertyName == currentProperty) { DownloadParams?.Validate(currentProperty); if (DownloadParams.HasErrors) { if (DownloadParams.GetErrors(currentProperty) is List <string> errors && errors.Count > 0) { AddError(currentProperty, errors.First()); } } } }
public void Download(string destPath) { HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(updateEntity.packagepath) as HttpWebRequest; if (request == null) { return; } DownloadParams dp = new DownloadParams(); dp.Request = request; dp.DestFilePath = destPath; request.BeginGetResponse(AsyncCallBack, dp); }
private void Download(string url) { HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest; request.Timeout = 10000; //10s超时 if (request == null) { return; } DownloadParams dp = new DownloadParams(); dp.Request = request; dp.DestFilePath = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, ""); request.BeginGetResponse(AsyncCallBack, dp); }
public override void Validate(string propertyName = null) { base.Validate(propertyName); string currentProperty = nameof(DownloadParams); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(propertyName) || propertyName == currentProperty) { DownloadParams?.Validate(); if (_downloadParams.FullPath.Length > 250) { DownloadParams.AddError(nameof(DownloadParams.Filename), "The full filename (directory + filename) must be shorter than 250 characters!"); } if (_downloadService.IsFileNameUsed(_downloadParams.FullPath)) { DownloadParams.AddError(nameof(DownloadParams.Filename), "Another video is already being downloaded to this file!"); } if (DownloadParams.HasErrors) { AddError(currentProperty, "Invalid Download Parameters!"); if (DownloadParams.GetErrors(nameof(DownloadParameters.CropStartTime)) is List <string> cropStartErrors && cropStartErrors.Count > 0) { string firstError = cropStartErrors.First(); AddError(nameof(CropStartHours), firstError); AddError(nameof(CropStartMinutes), firstError); AddError(nameof(CropStartSeconds), firstError); } if (DownloadParams.GetErrors(nameof(DownloadParameters.CropEndTime)) is List <string> cropEndErrors && cropEndErrors.Count > 0) { string firstError = cropEndErrors.First(); AddError(nameof(CropEndHours), firstError); AddError(nameof(CropEndMinutes), firstError); AddError(nameof(CropEndSeconds), firstError); } } } }
string DownloadFiles(CallType callType, string fileName = "file", int count = 1, int threads = 1) { InitConsole(); string name; string ext; if (callType == CallType.Console) { name = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SourcePath"] + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);; ext = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetExtension(fileName)) ? Path.GetExtension(fileName) : "docx"; } else { name = fileName; ext = ""; } var total = count; var offset = total / threads; var parameters = new DownloadParams { Offset = 0, Count = offset, Config = _config, FileName = name, FileType = ext }; //var download = new DownloadThread("THREAD " + 0 + ", View PDF of " + offset + " DOCX", parameters); for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { parameters.Offset = i * offset; var download = new DownloadThread("THREAD " + i + ", Download of " + offset + " DOCX", parameters); } return("Download success!"); }
public override void Validate(string propertyName = null) { base.Validate(propertyName); string currentProperty = nameof(DownloadParams); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(propertyName) || propertyName == currentProperty) { DownloadParams?.Validate(); if (_twitchService.IsFileNameUsed(_downloadParams.FullPath)) { DownloadParams.AddError(nameof(DownloadParams.Filename), "파일을 사용중입니다!"); } if (DownloadParams.HasErrors) { AddError(currentProperty, "잘못된 다운로드 매개 변수입니다!"); if (DownloadParams.GetErrors(nameof(DownloadParameters.CropStartTime)) is List <string> cropStartErrors && cropStartErrors.Count > 0) { string firstError = cropStartErrors.First(); AddError(nameof(CropStartHours), firstError); AddError(nameof(CropStartMinutes), firstError); AddError(nameof(CropStartSeconds), firstError); } if (DownloadParams.GetErrors(nameof(DownloadParameters.CropEndTime)) is List <string> cropEndErrors && cropEndErrors.Count > 0) { string firstError = cropEndErrors.First(); AddError(nameof(CropEndHours), firstError); AddError(nameof(CropEndMinutes), firstError); AddError(nameof(CropEndSeconds), firstError); } } } }
public string ViewPDF(CallType callType, UploadParams parameters) { InitConsole(); string name; string ext; if (callType == CallType.Console) { name = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SourcePath"] + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(parameters.FileName);; ext = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetExtension(parameters.FileName)) ? Path.GetExtension(parameters.FileName) : "docx"; } else { name = parameters.FileName; ext = ""; } var total = parameters.Count; var offset = total / parameters.Threads; var parameter = new DownloadParams { Offset = 0, Count = offset, Config = _config, FileName = name, FileType = ext }; parameters.Config = _config; switch (ext == "" ? Path.GetExtension(parameters.FileName).Remove(0, 1) : ext) { case "docx": case "doc": case "docm": case "dot": case "dotm": case "dotx": case "odt": case "rtf": ConvertWordToPdf(name, ext, parameters.Count, parameters.Threads); break; case "xls": case "xlsx": case "xlsm": case "xlsb": case "xml": case "csv": case "mht": case "ods": case "prn": case "slk": ConvertExcelToPdf(name, ext, parameters.Count, parameters.Threads); break; case "ppt": case "pptx": case "pptm": case "pps": case "ppsm": case "ppsx": case "odp": ConvertPowerPointToPdf(name, ext, parameters.Count, parameters.Threads); break; } return("Convert Success!"); }
string ConvertToPDF(CallType callType, string fileName = "file", int count = 1, int threads = 1) { InitConsole(); string name; string ext; if (callType == CallType.Console) { name = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SourcePath"] + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);; ext = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetExtension(fileName)) ? Path.GetExtension(fileName) : "docx"; } else { name = fileName; ext = ""; } var parametersDocx = new ConvertParams { Count = count, Config = _config, ResultFileName = name, FileType = ext }; var total = count; var offset = total / threads; var parameters = new DownloadParams { Offset = 0, Count = offset, Config = _config, FileName = name, FileType = ext }; for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { parameters.Offset = i * offset; var uploadDocx1 = new WordConvertThread("Convert DOCX", parametersDocx); } return("Convert success!"); //var parametersXlsx = new ConvertParams //{ // Count = 500, // Config = _config, // ResultFileName = "New", // FileType = "xlsx" //}; //var parametersPptx = new ConvertParams //{ // Count = 500, // Config = _config, // ResultFileName = "New", // FileType = "pptx" //}; //var uploadDocx1 = new WordConvertThread("Convert first 500 DOCX", parametersDocx); //parametersDocx.ResultFileName = "New1"; //var uploadDocx2 = new WordConvertThread("Convert second 500 DOCX", parametersDocx); //parametersDocx.ResultFileName = "New2"; //var uploadDocx3 = new WordConvertThread("Convert third 500 DOCX", parametersDocx); //var uploadXlsx1 = new WordConvertThread("Convert first 500 XLSX", parametersXlsx); //parametersXlsx.ResultFileName = "New1"; //var uploadXlsx2 = new WordConvertThread("Convert second 500 XLSX", parametersXlsx); //parametersXlsx.ResultFileName = "New2"; //var uploadXlsx3 = new WordConvertThread("Convert third 500 XLSX", parametersXlsx); //var uploadPptx1 = new WordConvertThread("Convert first 500 PPTX", parametersPptx); //parametersPptx.ResultFileName = "New1"; //var uploadPptx2 = new WordConvertThread("Convert second 500 PPTX", parametersPptx); //parametersPptx.ResultFileName = "New2"; //var uploadPptx3 = new WordConvertThread("Convert third 500 PPTX", parametersPptx); }