        public static double SpatialDistanceBetweenPlaces(Wgs84Coordinates a, Wgs84Coordinates b)
            var fablat = new DotSpatial.Positioning.Latitude((double)a.Latitude);
            var fablng = new DotSpatial.Positioning.Longitude((double)a.Longitude);

            var sglat = new DotSpatial.Positioning.Latitude((double)b.Latitude);
            var sglng = new DotSpatial.Positioning.Longitude((double)b.Longitude);

            var fab = new DotSpatial.Positioning.Position(fablat, fablng);
            var sg  = new DotSpatial.Positioning.Position(sglat, sglng);

            DotSpatial.Positioning.Distance dist = fab.DistanceTo(sg);

        } // End Function SpatialDistanceBetweenPlaces
        } // End Function SpatialDistanceBetweenPlaces

        public static double SpatialDistanceBetweenPlacesDotSpatial(
            double lat1
            , double lng1
            , double lat2
            , double lng2)
            var fablat = new DotSpatial.Positioning.Latitude(lat1);
            var fablng = new DotSpatial.Positioning.Longitude(lng1);

            var sglat = new DotSpatial.Positioning.Latitude(lat2);
            var sglng = new DotSpatial.Positioning.Longitude(lng2);

            var fab = new DotSpatial.Positioning.Position(fablat, fablng);
            var sg  = new DotSpatial.Positioning.Position(sglat, sglng);

            DotSpatial.Positioning.Distance dist = fab.DistanceTo(sg);

        } // End Function SpatialDistanceBetweenPlacesDotSpatial
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode the Nav data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ens">Ensemble.</param>
        /// <returns>String for Nav data.</returns>
        private string EncodeNavData(DataSet.Ensemble ens)
            if (ens.IsNmeaAvail)
                double lat_sec = 0;
                double lon_sec = 0;
                double speed   = 0;
                double course  = 0;

                if (ens.NmeaData.IsGpggaAvail())
                    // Latitude
                    DotSpatial.Positioning.Latitude lat = ens.NmeaData.GPGGA.Position.Latitude;
                    if (!lat.IsInvalid)
                        lat_sec  = (int)Math.Truncate(lat.DecimalDegrees) * 60;             // Degrees converted to minutes
                        lat_sec += (int)Math.Truncate((double)lat.Minutes);                 // Minutes convert to Minutes
                        lat_sec += lat.Seconds / 60.0;                                      // Seconds convert to minutes
                        lat_sec *= 60;                                                      // Convert to seconds
                        lat_sec *= 1000;                                                    // Convert to thousands of second
                        if (lat.Hemisphere == DotSpatial.Positioning.LatitudeHemisphere.South)
                            lat_sec *= -1;                                                  // Make negative

                    // Longitude
                    DotSpatial.Positioning.Longitude lon = ens.NmeaData.GPGGA.Position.Longitude;
                    if (!lon.IsInvalid)
                        lon_sec  = (int)Math.Truncate(lon.DecimalDegrees) * 60;      // Degrees converted to minutes
                        lon_sec += (int)Math.Truncate((double)lon.Minutes);          // Minutes convert to Minutes
                        lon_sec += lon.Seconds / 60.0;                               // Seconds convert to minutes
                        lon_sec *= 60;                                               // Convert to seconds
                        lon_sec *= 1000;                                             // Convert to thousands of second
                        if (lon.Hemisphere == DotSpatial.Positioning.LongitudeHemisphere.West)
                            lon_sec *= -1;                                                  // Make negative

                if (ens.NmeaData.IsGpvtgAvail())
                    // Velocity
                    speed = ens.NmeaData.GPVTG.Speed.ToMetersPerSecond().Value * 1000; // Make mm/s

                if (ens.NmeaData.IsGphdtAvail())
                    // Course
                    course = ens.NmeaData.GPHDT.Heading.DecimalDegrees * 100;                   // Make hundreth of degree

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append("8");                                                 // 8 Header
                sb.Append("\t" + ((int)Math.Round(lat_sec)).ToString());        // Latitude in thousandths of a second
                sb.Append(" " + ((int)Math.Round(lon_sec)).ToString());         // Longitude in thousandths of a second
                sb.Append(" " + ((int)Math.Round(speed)).ToString());           // Speed in mm/s
                sb.Append(" " + ((int)Math.Round(course)).ToString());          // Course in hundreth of second
                sb.Append(" 0 0");
