        public static async void MainAsync(string[] args)
            // Might need this stuff later
            var speakers = new List <ulong>();
            Dictionary <ulong, string> connectedUsers = new Dictionary <ulong, string>();

            string[] scopes   = new string[] { "rpc", "rpc.api" };
            string   rpcToken = "";

            // These variables are set using the App.config file
            ulong  channelID    = DiscordLCD.Properties.Settings.Default.channelID;
            ulong  serverID     = DiscordLCD.Properties.Settings.Default.serverID;
            string clientID     = DiscordLCD.Properties.Settings.Default.clientID;
            string clientSecret = DiscordLCD.Properties.Settings.Default.clientSecret;
            string bearerToken  = DiscordLCD.Properties.Settings.Default.bearerToken;
            bool   resetKey     = DiscordLCD.Properties.Settings.Default.reset;

            DiscordRpcClient client         = new DiscordRpcClient(clientID, "");
            RequestOptions   requestOptions = new RequestOptions();

            // Initialize the LCD app
            LogitechGSDK.LogiLcdInit("DiscordLCD", LogitechGSDK.LOGI_LCD_TYPE_MONO | LogitechGSDK.LOGI_LCD_TYPE_COLOR);
            UpdateLCD(client, null, null, speakers, connectedUsers);

            // Initialize ARX

            if (resetKey)
            if (bearerToken == "")
                // get auth code from Discord client
                string authcode = await client.AuthorizeAsync(scopes, rpcToken);

                // get token using authcode
                Discord.Net.Rest.DefaultRestClient   restClient = new Discord.Net.Rest.DefaultRestClient("https://discordapp.com/api/");
                IReadOnlyDictionary <string, object> request    = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "client_id", clientID },
                    { "client_secret", clientSecret },
                    { "grant_type", "authorization_code" },
                    { "code", authcode },
                    { "redirect_uri", "" }

                var cancelToken = new System.Threading.CancellationToken();
                var restReponse = await restClient.SendAsync("POST", "oauth2/token", request, cancelToken, false);

                restReponse.Stream.Position = 0;
                var sr   = new StreamReader(restReponse.Stream);
                var json = sr.ReadToEnd();
                Dictionary <string, string> response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(json);

                bearerToken = response["access_token"];
                DiscordLCD.Properties.Settings.Default.bearerToken = bearerToken;

            // Login and connect!
            await client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bearer, bearerToken, false);

            await client.ConnectAsync();

            var server = await client.GetRpcGuildAsync(serverID);

            var serverName = server.Name;
            var channel    = await client.GetRpcChannelAsync(channelID);

            var channelName = channel.Name;

            await client.SubscribeChannel(channelID, RpcChannelEvent.SpeakingStart);

            await client.SubscribeChannel(channelID, RpcChannelEvent.SpeakingStop);

            await client.SubscribeChannel(channelID, RpcChannelEvent.VoiceStateCreate);

            await client.SubscribeChannel(channelID, RpcChannelEvent.VoiceStateDelete);

            await client.SubscribeChannel(channelID, RpcChannelEvent.VoiceStateUpdate);

// i don't like the color of await warnings
#pragma warning disable 1998
            client.ApiClient.ReceivedRpcEvent += async(s1, s2, o1) => {
                Console.WriteLine("s1: " + s1);
                Console.WriteLine("s2: " + s2);
                Console.WriteLine("o1: " + o1);

                Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject jObject = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(o1.ToString());

                if (s2.ToString() == "SPEAKING_START")
                    ulong userID = (ulong)jObject["user_id"];
                    if (speakers.IndexOf(userID) == -1)
                if (s2.ToString() == "SPEAKING_STOP")
                    ulong userID = (ulong)jObject["user_id"];
                    if (speakers.IndexOf(userID) != -1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Users: " + connectedUsers.Count);
                if (s2.ToString() == "VOICE_STATE_UPDATE")
                    string value;
                    if (!connectedUsers.TryGetValue((ulong)jObject["user"]["id"], out value))
                        var name = jObject["nick"].ToString() ?? jObject["user"]["username"].ToString();
                        connectedUsers.Add((ulong)jObject["user"]["id"], name);
                        Console.WriteLine("User added to connectedUsers. Total: " + connectedUsers.Count);
                if (s2.ToString() == "VOICE_STATE_DELETE")
                    if (jObject["user"]["username"].ToString() == client.CurrentUser.Username)
                        speakers = new List <ulong>();
                if (s2.ToString() == "VOICE_STATE_CREATE")

                // Refresh the LCD screen
                UpdateLCD(client, serverName, channelName, speakers, connectedUsers);

                // Refresh Arx screen
                UpdateArx(client, serverName, channelName, speakers, connectedUsers);
            client.Log += async(logMessage) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Log Event");
            client.Ready += async() =>
                Console.WriteLine("Ready Event");
            client.Connected += async() =>
                Console.WriteLine("Connected Event");
            client.Disconnected += async(e) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Disconnected Event");
            client.VoiceStateUpdated += async(state) =>
                Console.WriteLine("VoiceStateUpdated: " + state);
            client.VoiceStateCreated += async(state) =>
                Console.WriteLine("VoiceStateCreated: " + state);
            client.VoiceStateDeleted += async(state) =>
                Console.WriteLine("VoiceStateDeleted: " + state);
            client.MessageReceived += async(m) => {
                Console.WriteLine("MessageReceived: " + m.ToString());
#pragma warning restore 1998

            Console.WriteLine("Current Status: " + client.ConnectionState);

            // Wait for keypress before closing