private void BuildMenu() { ReadSetting(); var page1 = new MasterPageItem() { Id = 1, Title = "New Game", Icon = "itemIcon5.png" }; var page2 = new MasterPageItem() { Id = 2, Title = "Board size", Icon = "itemIcon2.png", CurrentValue = $"{currentBoardSize}x{currentBoardSize}" }; var page3 = new MasterPageItem() { Id = 3, Title = "Difficulty level", Icon = "itemIcon3.png", CurrentValue = currentDifficulyLevel.ToString() }; var page4 = new MasterPageItem() { Id = 4, Title = "First move", Icon = "itemIcon4.png", CurrentValue = currentFirstMove ? "CPU" : "You" }; var page5 = new MasterPageItem() { Id = 5, Title = "Sound", Icon = "sound.png", CurrentValue = IsMute ? "Off" : "On" }; var page6 = new MasterPageItem() { Id = 6, Title = "Give Feedback", Icon = "feedback.png" }; menuList.Add(page1); menuList.Add(page2); menuList.Add(page3); menuList.Add(page4); menuList.Add(page5); menuList.Add(page6); }
// Helper to combine the attributes into a single line, to make it easier to display the character as a string public override string FormatOutput() { var myReturn = Name; myReturn += " , " + Description; myReturn += " , Level : " + Level.ToString(); myReturn += " , Difficulty : " + DifficultyLevel.ToString(); myReturn += " , Total Experience : " + Experience; myReturn += " , Items : " + ItemSlotsFormatOutput(); myReturn += " , Damage : " + GetDamageTotalString; return(myReturn); }
public static int GetPlayerLives(DifficultyLevel diff) { switch (diff) { case DifficultyLevel.EASY: return(lives_easy); case DifficultyLevel.NORMAL: return(lives_normal); case DifficultyLevel.HARD: return(lives_hard); default: throw new UnityException("Unknown difficulty level (" + diff.ToString() + ")"); } }
public static void SaveEngineConfig() { String[] configuration = new String[20]; configuration[0] = BloomEnabled.ToString(); configuration[1] = SoundEnabled.ToString(); configuration[2] = SoundSystem.ToString(); configuration[3] = SoundVolume.ToString(); configuration[4] = MusicVolume.ToString(); configuration[5] = LowDetails.ToString(); configuration[6] = InverseKeys.ToString(); configuration[7] = UseAlternativeSpinControl.ToString();// Settings.Default.Language; configuration[8] = Difficulty.ToString(); configuration[9] = ShowIntro.ToString(); configuration[10] = DisplayMinimap.ToString(); configuration[11] = UseHydrax.ToString(); configuration[12] = ShadowsQuality.ToString(); configuration[13] = AudioStreaming.ToString(); configuration[14] = UseHardwareTexturePreloader.ToString(); configuration[15] = Gore.ToString(); configuration[16] = HardwareTexturePreloaderTextureLimit.ToString(); configuration[17] = UseAsyncModel.ToString(); configuration[18] = UpdateHydraxEveryFrame.ToString(); configuration[19] = CurrentPlayerPlaneType.ToString(); ExplosionLights = !LowDetails; BodiesStay = !LowDetails; //File.Create(C_ENGINE_CONFIG); File.WriteAllLines(C_ENGINE_CONFIG, configuration); // string materialDir = "../../media/materials/scripts/ParentScripts/"; if (ShadowsQuality > 0 /*&& UseHydrax*/) { // File.Copy(materialDir+"0NormalMappedSpecular.base", materialDir+"0NormalMappedSpecular.material",true ); } else { // File.Copy(materialDir+"0NormalMappedSpecularNoShadows.base", materialDir+"0NormalMappedSpecular.material",true ); } }
public override string ToString() { string chestString = Name + ", "; chestString += DifficultyLevel.ToString() + ", "; chestString += IsTrapped.ToString() + ", "; chestString += IsLocked.ToString() + ", "; chestString += TrapName + ", "; chestString += KeyName + ", "; chestString += KeyType + ", "; chestString += KeysRequired.ToString() + ", "; chestString += MinGold.ToString() + ", "; chestString += MaxGold.ToString(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in ItemCollection) { chestString += ", " + pair.Key + "+" + pair.Value; } return(chestString); }
/// <summary> /// Save game using the specified file name. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"> The file name. </param> private static void SaveGame(string fileName) { XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement xmlnodeGame = xmldoc.CreateElement("Game"); xmldoc.AppendChild(xmlnodeGame); xmlnodeGame.SetAttribute("FEN", FenStartPosition == Fen.GameStartPosition ? string.Empty : FenStartPosition); xmlnodeGame.SetAttribute("TurnNo", TurnNo.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); xmlnodeGame.SetAttribute( "WhitePlayer", PlayerWhite.Intellegence == Player.PlayerIntellegenceNames.Human ? "Human" : "Computer"); xmlnodeGame.SetAttribute( "BlackPlayer", PlayerBlack.Intellegence == Player.PlayerIntellegenceNames.Human ? "Human" : "Computer"); xmlnodeGame.SetAttribute( "BoardOrientation", Board.Orientation == Board.OrientationNames.White ? "White" : "Black"); xmlnodeGame.SetAttribute("Version", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString()); xmlnodeGame.SetAttribute("DifficultyLevel", DifficultyLevel.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); xmlnodeGame.SetAttribute("ClockMoves", ClockMaxMoves.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); xmlnodeGame.SetAttribute("ClockSeconds", ClockTime.TotalSeconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); xmlnodeGame.SetAttribute("MaximumSearchDepth", MaximumSearchDepth.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); xmlnodeGame.SetAttribute("Pondering", EnablePondering ? "1" : "0"); xmlnodeGame.SetAttribute("UseRandomOpeningMoves", UseRandomOpeningMoves ? "1" : "0"); foreach (Move move in MoveHistory) { AddSaveGameNode(xmldoc, xmlnodeGame, move); } // Redo moves for (int intIndex = MoveRedoList.Count - 1; intIndex >= 0; intIndex--) { AddSaveGameNode(xmldoc, xmlnodeGame, MoveRedoList[intIndex]); } xmldoc.Save(fileName); }
private async void OnMenuItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e) { try { if (e.SelectedItem == null) { return; } //navigationDrawerList.SelectedItem = null; if ((e.SelectedItem as MasterPageItem).Id == 1) { Detail = new NavigationPage(StartGame()); } else if ((e.SelectedItem as MasterPageItem).Id == 2) { var action = await DisplayActionSheet("Choose Board size", "Cancel", null, GetButtons(1)); if (action == null || action == "Cancel") { return; } action = action.Replace("» ", "").Trim(); int newBoardSize = Convert.ToInt32(action.Split('x')[0]); if (newBoardSize == currentBoardSize) { return; } currentBoardSize = newBoardSize; RebuildMenu(2, action); Detail = new NavigationPage(StartGame()); XFToast.LongMessage($"Board size is set to {action}"); } else if ((e.SelectedItem as MasterPageItem).Id == 3) { var action = await DisplayActionSheet("Choose Difficulty level", "Cancel", null, GetButtons(2)); if (action == null || action == "Cancel") { return; } var newDifficulyLevel = (DifficultyLevel)Enum.Parse(typeof(DifficultyLevel), action.Replace("» ", "").Trim()); if (newDifficulyLevel == currentDifficulyLevel) { return; } currentDifficulyLevel = newDifficulyLevel; RebuildMenu(3, currentDifficulyLevel.ToString()); Detail = new NavigationPage(StartGame()); XFToast.LongMessage($"Difficulty level is set to {currentDifficulyLevel.ToString()}"); } else if ((e.SelectedItem as MasterPageItem).Id == 4) { var action = await DisplayActionSheet("Choose who should move first", "Cancel", null, GetButtons(3)); if (action == null || action == "Cancel") { return; } action = action.Replace("» ", "").Trim(); bool newFirstMove = (action == "CPU"); if (newFirstMove == currentFirstMove) { return; } currentFirstMove = newFirstMove; RebuildMenu(4, action); Detail = new NavigationPage(StartGame()); XFToast.LongMessage($"First move is set to {action}"); } else if ((e.SelectedItem as MasterPageItem).Id == 5) { IsMute = currentGame.IsMute = !currentGame.IsMute; string newValue = currentGame.IsMute ? "Off" : "On"; RebuildMenu(5, newValue); XFToast.LongMessage($"Sound is {newValue}"); } else if ((e.SelectedItem as MasterPageItem).Id == 6) { Device.OpenUri(new Uri("")); } //Detail = new NavigationPage(new Test1(currentBoardSize, currentDifficulyLevel, currentFirstMove)); IsPresented = false; } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void SetupGame() { //on setup, reset all variables to their defaults _boardState = new BoardStateManager(_locationManager); _infectionDeckManager = new InfectionDeckManager(_locationManager); _cureDeckManager = new CureDeckManager(_locationManager); _infectionDrawCount = Properties.Settings.Default.DEFAULT_INFECTION_DRAW; DifficultyLevel diffLevel = GetDifficulty(); _epidemicCards = (int)diffLevel; int playerCount = GetPlayerCount(); for (int index = 1; index <= playerCount; index++) { _interactionManager.OutputContent(String.Format("CHARACTER CREATION FOR PLAYER {0}", index)); _playerManager.AddPlayer(GetPlayerRole()); } _interactionManager.OutputContent(String.Format("Epidemic Card Count for {0} is {1}", diffLevel.ToString(), _epidemicCards)); _interactionManager.OutputContent(String.Format("Press any key to start game...")); _interactionManager.Pause(); _interactionManager.ClearOutput(); }
// Update is called once per frame private void Update() { if (Time.timeScale > 0f) { difficultyIndicator.text = "Difficulty\n" + DifficultyLevel.ToString("0.000"); } //This portion handles what happens if the enemy reaches the opposite side of the screen List <GameObject> enemyList = GetEnemiesInRegion(exitPoint); //For each enemy, check their attack strength and deduct health accordingly before disabling the enemy if (enemyList.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < enemyList.Count; i++) { GameObject currentEnemy = enemyList[i]; int damage = currentEnemy.GetComponent <EnemyAttributes>().AttackStrength; TakeDamage(damage); currentEnemy.SetActive(false); } } //This part handles the Game Over menu if (currentHealth <= 0f) { hasLost = true; } if (hasLost) { //If the game over menu isn't already active, make it active, and pause the game if (gameOverMenu.activeSelf == false) { //Updates the final score before showing the game over screen finalScore.text = "Final score " + score.ToString(); gameOverMenu.SetActive(true); Time.timeScale = 0f; } } //This part handles pausing and restarting if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) { Restart(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P)) { Pause(); } //Takes what's in the field CurrentSelection and finds the appropriate tower and puts it in selectedTower switch (CurrentSelection) { case "Basic": selectedTower = basicTower; break; case "Burst": selectedTower = burstTower; break; case "Slow": selectedTower = slowTower; break; case "Laser": selectedTower = laserTower; break; case "Chain": selectedTower = chainTower; break; default: selectedTower = basicTower; //Failsafe break; } //This part handles tower placement ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); //Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) means click, whereas Time.timeScale > 0f means the game isn't paused if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && Time.timeScale > 0f) { if (CurrentSelection == "Sell") { if (MouseIsOverTower()) { //In this game, the part of the tower clicked is not the tower itself, but the mesh GameObject clickedTowerMesh = hit.transform.gameObject; //Hence, we need to reference the parent instead GameObject clickedTower = clickedTowerMesh.transform.parent.gameObject; SellTower(clickedTower); } } else { if (MouseIsOverFloor()) { //Do we have sufficient cash to afford this tower? if (cash >= CalculateCost(selectedTower)) { cash -= CalculateCost(selectedTower); //Note that MouseIsOverFloor() implicitly modifies the value of hit. As such, //we can get the hit location by using hit.point SpawnTower(selectedTower, hit.point); } } } } }