static void Run() { string SAMPLE_XML_FILE = @"../../../Data/SamplesConfig.xml"; ScriptNode scriptNode; Context context = Context.CreateFromXmlFile(SAMPLE_XML_FILE, out scriptNode); DepthGenerator depth = context.FindExistingNode(NodeType.Depth) as DepthGenerator; if (depth == null) { Console.WriteLine("Sample must have a depth generator!"); return; } MapOutputMode mapMode = depth.MapOutputMode; DepthMetaData depthMD = new DepthMetaData(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop..."); while (!Console.KeyAvailable) { context.WaitOneUpdateAll(depth); depth.GetMetaData(depthMD); Console.WriteLine("Frame {0} Middle point is: {1}.", depthMD.FrameID, depthMD[(int)mapMode.XRes/2, (int)mapMode.YRes/2]); } }
private void PaintGray16(WriteableBitmap b, DepthMetaData depthMeta) { b.Lock(); short* pDepthRow = (short*) depthMeta.DepthMapPtr; int nTexMapX = b.BackBufferStride / (b.Format.BitsPerPixel / 8); short* pTexRow = (short*) b.BackBuffer + depthMeta.YOffset*nTexMapX; for (int y = 0; y < depthMeta.YRes; y++) { short* pDepth = pDepthRow; short* pTex = pTexRow + depthMeta.XOffset; for (int x = 0; x < depthMeta.XRes; x++) { if (*pDepth != 0) { *pTex = (short) _depthHist[*pDepth]; } else { *pTex = 0; } pDepth++; pTex++; } pDepthRow += depthMeta.XRes; pTexRow += nTexMapX; } b.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(0, 0, b.PixelWidth, b.PixelHeight)); b.Unlock(); }
private NuiSource() { context = new Context("openni.xml"); // Initialise generators imageGenerator = this.context.FindExistingNode(NodeType.Image) as ImageGenerator; depthGenerator = this.context.FindExistingNode(NodeType.Depth) as DepthGenerator; imageMetadata = new ImageMetaData(); var imageMapMode = imageGenerator.GetMapOutputMode(); depthMetadata = new DepthMetaData(); var depthMapMode = depthGenerator.GetMapOutputMode(); depthHistogram = new int[depthGenerator.GetDeviceMaxDepth()]; // Initialise bitmaps cameraImage = new WriteableBitmap((int)imageMapMode.nXRes, (int)imageMapMode.nYRes, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Rgb24, null); depthImage = new WriteableBitmap((int)depthMapMode.nXRes, (int)depthMapMode.nYRes, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Rgb24, null); // Initialise background thread var cameraThread = new Thread(this.CameraThread) { IsBackground = true }; cameraThread.Start(); var userGenerator = new UserGenerator(context); userGenerator.NewUser += this.UserGenerator_NewUser; userGenerator.LostUser += this.UserGenerator_LostUser; }
private NuiSource() { this.context = new Context("openni.xml"); // Initialise generators this.imageGenerator = this.context.FindExistingNode(NodeType.Image) as ImageGenerator; this.depthGenerator = this.context.FindExistingNode(NodeType.Depth) as DepthGenerator; this.depthGenerator.GetAlternativeViewPointCap().SetViewPoint(this.imageGenerator); this.userGenerator = new UserGenerator(this.context); this.imageMetadata = new ImageMetaData(); var imageMapMode = this.imageGenerator.GetMapOutputMode(); this.depthMetadata = new DepthMetaData(); var depthMapMode = this.depthGenerator.GetMapOutputMode(); this.depthHistogram = new int[this.depthGenerator.GetDeviceMaxDepth()]; // Initialise bitmaps this.cameraImage = new WriteableBitmap( (int)imageMapMode.nXRes, (int)imageMapMode.nYRes, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Rgb24, null); this.depthImage = new WriteableBitmap( (int)depthMapMode.nXRes, (int)depthMapMode.nYRes, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Rgb24, null); // Initialise user generator this.userGenerator.NewUser += this.UserGenerator_NewUser; this.userGenerator.LostUser += this.UserGenerator_LostUser; this.userGenerator.StartGenerating(); this.ShowPlayerLabels = true; // Initialise background thread var cameraThread = new Thread(this.CameraThread) { IsBackground = true }; cameraThread.Start(); }
public ushort[] GetDepths(out int xResolution, out int yResolution) { xResolution = 0; yResolution = 0; if (m_depthGenerator == null) { return(null); } // calculate the core metadata DepthMetaData metadata = m_depthGenerator.GetMetaData(); xResolution = metadata.XRes; yResolution = metadata.YRes; int totalDepths = metadata.XRes * metadata.YRes; // copy the depths // TODO: Is there a better way to marshal ushorts from an IntPtr? IntPtr depthMapPtr = m_depthGenerator.GetDepthMapPtr(); short[] depthsTemp = new short[totalDepths]; Marshal.Copy(depthMapPtr, depthsTemp, 0, depthsTemp.Length); ushort[] depths = new ushort[totalDepths]; Buffer.BlockCopy(depthsTemp, 0, depths, 0, totalDepths * metadata.BytesPerPixel); return(depths); }
public void OpenSavedColorDataWithDepth() { if (this.DepthMetaData == null) { this.DepthMetaData = new DepthMetaData(); } byte[] colorInfo = null; //DepthMetaData.ReadDepthWithColor_PLY(pathModels, FileNamePLY, ref this.DepthMetaData.FrameData, ref colorInfo); DepthMetaData.ReadDepthWithColor_OBJ(pathModels, PointCloudScannerSettings.FileNameOBJ, ref this.DepthMetaData.FrameData, ref colorInfo); if (colorInfo != null) { if (this.ColorMetaData == null) { this.ColorMetaData = new ColorMetaData(); } this.ColorMetaData.SetColorPixels(colorInfo); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error reading a color Info With Depth: " + PointCloudScannerSettings.FileNamePLY + " - please create one first"); } }
protected override bool InitTexture(out Texture2D refText, out int xSize, out int ySize) { if(base.InitTexture(out refText, out xSize, out ySize)==false) return false; // make sure we have an image to work with if (m_context.CurrentContext.Depth == null) { m_context.m_Logger.Log("No depth", NIEventLogger.Categories.Initialization, NIEventLogger.Sources.BaseObjects, NIEventLogger.VerboseLevel.Errors); return false; } // make sure we have an image to work with if(m_factor<=0) { m_context.m_Logger.Log("Illegal factor", NIEventLogger.Categories.Initialization, NIEventLogger.Sources.Image, NIEventLogger.VerboseLevel.Errors); return false; } // get the resolution from the image MapOutputMode mom = m_context.CurrentContext.Depth.MapOutputMode; // update the resolution by the factor ySize = mom.YRes / m_factor; xSize = mom.XRes / m_factor; // create the texture refText = new Texture2D(xSize, ySize); // depthmap data rawDepthMap = new short[(int)(mom.XRes * mom.YRes)]; // histogram stuff int maxDepth = m_context.CurrentContext.Depth.DeviceMaxDepth; depthHistogramMap = new float[maxDepth]; NIOpenNICheckVersion.Instance.ValidatePrerequisite(); m_metaData=new DepthMetaData(); return true; }
static private OpenNI.Point3D Change(DepthMetaData depthMD, int[,] backgroundDepthMD) { OpenNI.Point3D newF = new OpenNI.Point3D(0, 0, 0); bool skip = false; int checkUp = 0; for (int j = depthMD.FullYRes - 10; 10 < j; j--) { for (int i = 0; depthMD.FullXRes - 40 > i; i++) { if (Math.Abs(depthMD[i, j] - backgroundDepthMD[i, j]) > 50) { checkUp = j - 50; if (checkUp >= depthMD.FullYRes || checkUp <= 0) { skip = true; } if (skip == false && (Math.Abs(depthMD[i, checkUp] - backgroundDepthMD[i, checkUp]) > 50)) { //Console.WriteLine("change at {0},{1} size {2}", i, j, Math.Abs(depthMD[i, checkUp] - backgroundDepthMD[i, checkUp])); newF = new OpenNI.Point3D(i, j, depthMD[i, j]); j = 9; i = depthMD.FullXRes; } skip = false; } } } return(newF); }
static void Run() { string SAMPLE_XML_FILE = @"../../../../Data/SamplesConfig.xml"; ScriptNode scriptNode; Context context = Context.CreateFromXmlFile(SAMPLE_XML_FILE, out scriptNode); DepthGenerator depth = context.FindExistingNode(NodeType.Depth) as DepthGenerator; if (depth == null) { Console.WriteLine("Sample must have a depth generator!"); return; } MapOutputMode mapMode = depth.MapOutputMode; DepthMetaData depthMD = new DepthMetaData(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop..."); while (!Console.KeyAvailable) { context.WaitOneUpdateAll(depth); depth.GetMetaData(depthMD); Console.WriteLine("Frame {0} Middle point is: {1}.", depthMD.FrameID, depthMD[(int)mapMode.XRes / 2, (int)mapMode.YRes / 2]); } }
public void Paint(DepthMetaData depthMeta, WriteableBitmap b) { if (b.Format == PixelFormats.Gray16) PaintGray16(b, depthMeta); else if (b.Format == PixelFormats.Pbgra32) PaintPbgra32(b, depthMeta); }
/// <summary> /// This method updates the image on the MainWindow page with the latest depth image. /// </summary> private unsafe void UpdateDepth() { // Get information about the depth image DepthMetaData depthMD = new DepthMetaData(); // Lock the bitmap we will be copying to just in case. This will also give us a pointer to the bitmap. System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, this.bitmap.Width, this.bitmap.Height); BitmapData data = this.bitmap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); depth.GetMetaData(depthMD); // This will point to our depth image ushort *pDepth = (ushort *)this.depth.GetDepthMapPtr().ToPointer(); // Go over the depth image and set the bitmap we're copying to based on our depth value. for (int y = 0; y < depthMD.YRes; ++y) { byte *pDest = (byte *)data.Scan0.ToPointer() + y * data.Stride; for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, ++pDepth, pDest += 3) { // Change the color of the bitmap based on the depth value. You can make this // whatever you want, my particular version is not that pretty. pDest[0] = (byte)(*pDepth >> 2); pDest[1] = (byte)(*pDepth >> 3); pDest[2] = (byte)(*pDepth >> 4); } } this.bitmap.UnlockBits(data); // Update the image to have the bitmap image we just copied image1.Source = getBitmapImage(bitmap); }
// ヒストグラムの計算 private unsafe void CalcHist(DepthMetaData depthMD) { for (int i = 0; i < histogram.Length; ++i) { histogram[i] = 0; } ushort* pDepth = (ushort*)depthMD.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer(); int points = 0; for (int y = 0; y < depthMD.YRes; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, ++pDepth) { ushort depthVal = *pDepth; if (depthVal != 0) { histogram[depthVal]++; points++; } } } for (int i = 1; i < histogram.Length; i++) { histogram[i] += histogram[i - 1]; } if (points > 0) { for (int i = 1; i < histogram.Length; i++) { histogram[i] = (int)(256 * (1.0f - (histogram[i] / (float)points))); } } }
public bool initializeSensor(String xmlPath) { try { pbuffer = new Point[6]; openpalm = new OpenPalm(); scrHeight = SystemInformation.PrimaryMonitorSize.Height; scrWidth = SystemInformation.PrimaryMonitorSize.Width; mouseSpeed = SystemInformation.MouseSpeed * 0.15; pointCollections = new PointCollection(); /*OpenNI objects - Context, DepthGenerator and DepthMetaData are initialized here*/ cxt = new Context(xmlPath); depthGen = cxt.FindExistingNode(NodeType.Depth) as DepthGenerator; gsHandsGenerator = cxt.FindExistingNode(NodeType.Hands) as HandsGenerator; gsHandsGenerator.SetSmoothing(0.1f); depthMeta = new DepthMetaData(); if (depthGen == null) { return(false); } xRes = depthGen.MapOutputMode.XRes; yRes = depthGen.MapOutputMode.YRes; /*NITE objects - Session manager, PointControl is initialized here*/ sessionMgr = new SessionManager(cxt, "Wave", "RaiseHand"); pointCtrl = new PointControl("PointTracker"); steadydetector = new SteadyDetector(); flrouter = new FlowRouter(); brodcaster = new Broadcaster(); steadydetector.DetectionDuration = 200; steadydetector.Steady += new EventHandler <SteadyEventArgs>(steadydetector_Steady); steadydetector.NotSteady += new EventHandler <SteadyEventArgs>(steadydetector_NotSteady); /* pointCtrl.PrimaryPointCreate += new EventHandler<HandFocusEventArgs>(pointCtrl_PrimaryPointCreate); * pointCtrl.PrimaryPointUpdate += new EventHandler<HandEventArgs>(pointCtrl_PrimaryPointUpdate); * pointCtrl.PrimaryPointDestroy += new EventHandler<IdEventArgs>(pointCtrl_PrimaryPointDestroy);*/ pointCtrl.PointCreate += new EventHandler <HandEventArgs>(pointCtrl_PointCreate); pointCtrl.PointUpdate += new EventHandler <HandEventArgs>(pointCtrl_PointUpdate); pointCtrl.PointDestroy += new EventHandler <IdEventArgs>(pointCtrl_PointDestroy); sessionMgr.AddListener(steadydetector); sessionMgr.AddListener(pointCtrl); //make the session manager listen to the point control isActive = false; //set lifecycle flag to false //fill the handpoint coordinates with invalid values //initialize the clipping matrix HandPointBuffer = new ArrayList(); } catch (Exception e) { return(false); } return(true); }
//this method gets called, when Update() was called in evaluate, //or a graphics device asks for its texture, here you fill the texture with the actual data //this is called for each renderer, careful here with multiscreen setups, in that case //calculate the pixels in evaluate and just copy the data to the device texture here unsafe protected override void UpdateTexture(int Slice, Texture texture) { //lock the vvvv texture DataRectangle rect; if (texture.Device is DeviceEx) { rect = texture.LockRectangle(0, LockFlags.None); } else { rect = texture.LockRectangle(0, LockFlags.Discard); } try { if (FDepthMode[0] == DepthMode.Raw) { //copy full lines for (int i = 0; i < FTexHeight; i++) { CopyMemory(rect.Data.DataPointer.Move(rect.Pitch * i), FDepthGenerator.DepthMapPtr.Move(FTexWidth * i * 2), FTexWidth * 2); } } else { DepthMetaData DepthMD = FDepthGenerator.GetMetaData(); CalculateHistogram(DepthMD); ushort *pSrc = (ushort *)FDepthGenerator.DepthMapPtr; ushort *pDest = (ushort *)rect.Data.DataPointer; // write the Depth pointer to Destination pointer for (int y = 0; y < FTexHeight; y++) { var off = 0; for (int x = 0; x < FTexWidth; x++, pSrc++, pDest++) { pDest[0] = (ushort)FHistogram[*pSrc]; off += 2; } //advance dest by rest of pitch pDest += (rect.Pitch - off) / 2; } } } finally { //unlock the vvvv texture texture.UnlockRectangle(0); } }
// 描画 private unsafe void xnDraw() { // ノードの更新を待ち、データを取得する context.WaitAndUpdateAll(); ImageMetaData imageMD = image.GetMetaData(); DepthMetaData depthMD = depth.GetMetaData(); CalcHist(depthMD); // カメラ画像の作成 lock (this) { // 書き込み用のビットマップデータを作成 Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height); BitmapData data = bitmap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); // 生データへのポインタを取得 byte * dst = (byte *)data.Scan0.ToPointer(); byte * src = (byte *)image.ImageMapPtr.ToPointer(); ushort *dep = (ushort *)depth.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer(); for (int i = 0; i < imageMD.DataSize; i += 3, src += 3, dst += 3, ++dep) { byte pixel = (byte)histogram[*dep]; // ヒストグラムの対象外か、デプスを表示しない場合 if (pixel == 0 || !isShowDepth) { // イメージを表示する場合は、カメラ画像をコピーする if (isShowImage) { dst[0] = src[2]; dst[1] = src[1]; dst[2] = src[0]; } // イメージを描画しない場合は、白にする else { dst[0] = 255; dst[1] = 255; dst[2] = 255; } } // それ以外の場所はヒストラムを描画 else { dst[0] = 0; dst[1] = pixel; dst[2] = pixel; } } bitmap.UnlockBits(data); } }
public void Start() { this.context = new Context (SAMPLE_XML_FILE); this.depth = context.FindExistingNode (NodeType.Depth) as DepthGenerator; if (this.depth == null) { throw new Exception ("Viewer must have a depth node!"); } this.depthMD = new DepthMetaData (); this.histogram = new int[this.depth.GetDeviceMaxDepth ()]; }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); console = new Console(); console.Show(); console.Top = 0; console.Left = 0; Console.Write("TrackingNI by Richard Pianka and Ramsey Abouzahra"); context = new Context(CONFIG_FILE); imageGenerator = new ImageGenerator(context); depthGenerator = new DepthGenerator(context); userGenerator = new UserGenerator(context); poseDetectionCapability = userGenerator.PoseDetectionCapability; skeletonCapability = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability; MapOutputMode mapMode = depthGenerator.MapOutputMode; int width = (int)mapMode.XRes; int height = (int)mapMode.YRes; imageBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, DPI_X, DPI_Y, PixelFormats.Rgb24, null); depthBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, DPI_X, DPI_Y, PixelFormats.Rgb24, null); depthBitmapCorrected = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, DPI_X, DPI_Y, PixelFormats.Rgb24, null); imageData = new ImageMetaData(); depthData = new DepthMetaData(); skeletonDraw = new SkeletonDraw(); Histogram = new int[depthGenerator.DeviceMaxDepth]; reader = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Reader)); reader.IsBackground = true; worker = new BackgroundWorker(); stop = false; CompositionTarget.Rendering += new EventHandler(Worker); Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(MainWindow_Closing); userGenerator.NewUser += new EventHandler <NewUserEventArgs>(NewUser); userGenerator.LostUser += new EventHandler <UserLostEventArgs>(LostUser); skeletonCapability.CalibrationStart += new EventHandler <CalibrationStartEventArgs>(CalibrationStart); skeletonCapability.CalibrationEnd += new EventHandler <CalibrationEndEventArgs>(CalibrationEnd); skeletonCapability.SetSkeletonProfile(SkeletonProfile.All); poseDetectionCapability.PoseDetected += new EventHandler <PoseDetectedEventArgs>(PoseDetected); poseDetectionCapability.PoseEnded += new EventHandler <PoseEndedEventArgs>(PoseEnded); reader.Start(); worker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(WorkerTick); }
private unsafe void ReaderThread() { DepthMetaData depthMD = new DepthMetaData(); while (this.shouldRun) { try { this.context.WaitOneUpdateAll(this.depth); } catch (Exception) { } this.depth.GetMetaData(depthMD); CalcHist(depthMD); lock (this) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.bitmap.Width, this.bitmap.Height); BitmapData data = this.bitmap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); if (this.shouldDrawPixels) { ushort *pDepth = (ushort *)this.depth.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer(); ushort *pLabels = (ushort *)this.userGenerator.GetUserPixels(0).LabelMapPtr.ToPointer(); // set pixels for (int y = 0; y < depthMD.YRes; ++y) { byte *pDest = (byte *)data.Scan0.ToPointer() + y * data.Stride; for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, ++pDepth, ++pLabels, pDest += 3) { pDest[0] = pDest[1] = pDest[2] = 0; ushort label = *pLabels; if (this.shouldDrawBackground || *pLabels != 0) { pDest[0] = (byte)(Color.White.B); pDest[1] = (byte)(Color.White.G); pDest[2] = (byte)(Color.White.R); } } } } this.bitmap.UnlockBits(data); } this.Invalidate(); } }
/// <summary> /// Draw the image from the depth sensor without optional background subtraction /// or user markers to the <see cref="Image"/>-property. /// </summary> protected unsafe void drawDepthWithoutHighlightAndBackgroundSubtraction( DepthMetaData depthMD, int[] histogram) { // Create a depth histogram. CalcHist(depthMD, histogram); BitmapData data = bitmap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); double depthMax = (float)depthGenerator.DeviceMaxDepth; #if PARALELLIZED // Otherwise Parallelization does not work. bitmap.UnlockBits(data); Parallel.For(0, depthMD.YRes, (y) => { ushort *pDepth = (ushort *)this.depthGenerator.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer() + y * depthMD.XRes; byte *pDest = (byte *)data.Scan0.ToPointer() + y * data.Stride; for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, pDest += 3, pDepth++) { pDest[0] = pDest[1] = pDest[2] = 0; //byte pixel = (byte)((*pDepth) / depthMax * 255.0); byte pixel = (byte)histogram[*pDepth]; pDest[2] = pixel; pDest[1] = pixel; pDest[0] = pixel; } }); #else try { byte pixel; // set pixels for (int y = 0; y < depthMD.YRes; ++y) { byte *pDest = (byte *)data.Scan0.ToPointer() + y * data.Stride; for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, pDest += 3, pDepth++) { pDest[0] = pDest[1] = pDest[2] = 0; //pixel = ((*pDepth) / depthMax * 255.0); pixel = (byte)histogram[*pDepth]; pDest[2] = pixel; pDest[1] = pixel; pDest[0] = pixel; } } } finally { bitmap.UnlockBits(data); } #endif }
/// <summary> /// Draw the image from the depth sensor with optional background subtraction /// or user markers to the <see cref="Image"/>-property. /// </summary> /// <param name="background_users">Users to regard as background.</param> protected unsafe void drawDepthWithHighlightAndBackgroundSubtraction( DepthMetaData depthMD, ushort[] userInformationMap, bool drawBackground, bool drawHighlight, int[] histogram, List <int> background_users) { fixed(ushort *userInformation = userInformationMap) { drawDepthWithHighlightAndBackgroundSubtraction( depthMD, userInformation, drawBackground, drawHighlight, histogram, background_users); } }
public void SaveDepthPoints() { if (this.DepthMetaData == null) { MessageBox.Show("No Depth Data to save - please capture, or open last saved depth data"); return; } //ushort[] rotatedPoints = DepthMetaData.RotateDepthFrame(this.DepthMetaData.FrameData, DepthMetaData.XResDefault, DepthMetaData.YResDefault); List <Vector3> listPoints = DepthMetaData.CreateListPoints_Depth(this.DepthMetaData.FrameData, DepthMetaData.XDepthMaxKinect, DepthMetaData.YDepthMaxKinect); GLSettings.FileNamePointCloudLast1 = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "." + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "." + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + "." + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + "." + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() + "." + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString() + ""; UtilsPointCloudIO.ToXYZFile(listPoints, GLSettings.FileNamePointCloudLast1, pathModels); }
// 描画 private unsafe void xnDraw() { // ノードの更新を待ち、データを取得する context.WaitAndUpdateAll(); ImageMetaData imageMD = image.GetMetaData(); DepthMetaData depthMD = depth.GetMetaData(); CalcHist(depthMD); // カメラ画像の作成 lock (this) { // 書き込み用のビットマップデータを作成 Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height); BitmapData data = bitmap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); // 生データへのポインタを取得 byte * dst = (byte *)data.Scan0.ToPointer(); byte * src = (byte *)image.ImageMapPtr.ToPointer(); ushort *dep = (ushort *)depth.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer(); for (int i = 0; i < imageMD.DataSize; i += 3, src += 3, dst += 3, ++dep) { byte pixel = (byte)histogram[*dep]; // ヒストグラムの対象外の場合、カメライメージを描画する if (pixel == 0) { dst[0] = src[2]; dst[1] = src[1]; dst[2] = src[0]; } // それ以外の場所はヒストラムを描画する else { dst[0] = 0; dst[1] = pixel; dst[2] = pixel; } } bitmap.UnlockBits(data); // 現在の状態を表示する Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); string message = ""; message += "ImageMirror:" + mirrorState[image.ToString()] + "\n"; message += "DepthMirror:" + mirrorState[depth.ToString()]; g.DrawString(message, font, brush, point); } }
private unsafe void ReadImageData() { var depthMD = new DepthMetaData(); while (FRunning) { try { FContext.GlobalMirror = FMirrored[0]; FContext.WaitOneUpdateAll(FDepthGenerator); } catch (Exception) {} if (FDepthMode[0] == DepthMode.Histogram) { FDepthGenerator.GetMetaData(depthMD); CalculateHistogram(depthMD); } lock (FBufferedImageLock) { if (FDepthGenerator.IsDataNew) { try { if (FDepthMode[0] == DepthMode.Raw) { CopyMemory(FBufferedImage, FDepthGenerator.DepthMapPtr, FTexHeight * FTexWidth * 2); } else { ushort *pSrc = (ushort *)FDepthGenerator.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer(); ushort *pDest = (ushort *)FBufferedImage.ToPointer(); //write the Depth pointer to Destination pointer for (int y = 0; y < FTexHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < FTexWidth; x++, pSrc++, pDest++) { *pDest = (ushort)FHistogram[*pSrc]; } } } } catch (Exception) { } } } } }
private void SaveImageInterpolated() { if (listPointsInterpolated == null) { return; } //----------------------------------------------- //now interpolate last 10 frames to one frame and save //ushort[] rotatedPoints = DepthMetaData.RotateDepthFrame(this.DepthMetaData.DepthFrameData, DepthMetaData.XResDefault, DepthMetaData.YResDefault); WriteableBitmap depthInterpolated = DepthMetaData.ToWriteableBitmap(listPointsInterpolated); WriteableBitmapUtils.SaveImage(pathModels, "DepthInterpolated", depthInterpolated, true); }
private bool ProcessDepthFrame(MultiSourceFrame multiSourceFrame) { // Depth using (var frame = multiSourceFrame.DepthFrameReference.AcquireFrame()) { if (frame != null) { DepthFrame frameDepth = frame; if (PointCloudScannerSettings.ScannerMode == ScannerMode.Depth || PointCloudScannerSettings.ScannerMode == ScannerMode.Color_Depth || PointCloudScannerSettings.ScannerMode == ScannerMode.Color_Depth_3DDisplay) { this.DepthMetaData = new DepthMetaData(frameDepth, false); if (PointCloudScannerSettings.BackgroundRemoved) { backgroundRemovalTool.DepthFrameData_RemoveBackground(this.DepthMetaData, this.BodyMetaData); if (PointCloudScannerSettings.CutFrames) { this.DepthMetaData.FrameData = DepthMetaData.CutDepth(this.DepthMetaData.FrameData, PointCloudScannerSettings.CutFrameMaxDistance, PointCloudScannerSettings.CutFrameMinDistance, ref numberOfCutPoints); } if (PointCloudScannerSettings.ScannerMode != ScannerMode.Color_Depth_3DDisplay) { this.imageDepth.Source = WriteableBitmapUtils.FromByteArray_ToGray(this.DepthMetaData.Pixels, DepthMetaData.XDepthMaxKinect, DepthMetaData.YDepthMaxKinect); } } else { if (PointCloudScannerSettings.CutFrames) { this.DepthMetaData.FrameData = DepthMetaData.CutDepth(this.DepthMetaData.FrameData, PointCloudScannerSettings.CutFrameMaxDistance, PointCloudScannerSettings.CutFrameMinDistance, ref numberOfCutPoints); } if (PointCloudScannerSettings.ScannerMode != ScannerMode.Color_Depth_3DDisplay) { this.imageDepth.Source = DepthMetaData.FromUShort(DepthMetaData.FrameData); } } if (PointCloudScannerSettings.InterpolateFrames) { CalculateInterpolatedPixels(); } } return(true); } } return(false); }
private unsafe void RenderThread() { DepthMetaData depthMD = new DepthMetaData(); while (this.shouldRun) { try { this.context.WaitOneUpdateAll(this.depth); } catch (Exception) { } this.depth.GetMetaData(depthMD); CalcHist(depthMD); lock (this) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.bitmap.Width, this.bitmap.Height); BitmapData data = this.bitmap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); ushort *pDepth = (ushort *)this.depth.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer(); // set pixels for (int y = 0; y < depthMD.YRes; ++y) { byte *pDest = (byte *)data.Scan0.ToPointer() + y * data.Stride; for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, ++pDepth, pDest += 3) { byte pixel = (byte)this.histogram[*pDepth]; pDest[0] = 0; pDest[1] = pixel; pDest[2] = pixel; } } this.bitmap.UnlockBits(data); FPS_Temp = depthMD.FPS; } this.Invalidate(); this.sessionManager.Update(this.context); } }
public unsafe void GetDepthData(DepthMetaData depthMD, out byte[] data) { data = new byte[this.depthMD.XRes * this.depthMD.YRes * 3]; ushort* pDepth = (ushort*)this.depthMD.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer (); int index = 0; for (int y = 0; y < depthMD.YRes; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; x++,pDepth++) { byte pixel = (byte)this.histogram[*pDepth]; data[index] = pixel; data[index + 1] = pixel; data[index + 2] = pixel; index += 3; } } }
public void SaveObjFile() { //open a file DepthMetaData DepthMetaData = new DepthMetaData(); byte[] colorInfo = null; //string fileName = "\\test.obj"; DepthMetaData.ReadDepthWithColor_OBJ(path, "KinectFace1.obj", ref DepthMetaData.FrameData, ref colorInfo); PointCloudUtilsIO.Write_OBJ(colorInfo, DepthMetaData.FrameData, DepthMetaData.XResDefault, DepthMetaData.YResDefault, path, "test.obj"); //PointCloudIO.Write_PLY(myColorPixels, this.DepthMetaData.FrameData, pathModels, FileNameColorInfoWithDepth); //List<Vertex> myVertexReference = this.OpenGLControl.GLrender.Models3D[0].Vertices; //List<Vertex> myVertexToBeMatched = this.OpenGLControl.GLrender.Models3D[1].Vertices; }
private unsafe void updateRoutine() { while (isActive) { //try { cxt.WaitAndUpdateAll(); //update the depth node sessionMgr.Update(cxt); //update the session manager //get the meta data from the depth node // Console.WriteLine("Updateting..\n"); depthMeta = depthGen.GetMetaData(); inputProvider.RaiseNewFrame(frameCounter); //clip that meta data if hand point is valid. The clip is saved in clipping matrix } frameCounter++; //catch (Exception e) { } } }
private void HelperInterpolation_End() { iFrameInterpolation = 0; if (bStopAfterFrameInterpolation) { ScannerClose(); } //ushort[] rotatedPoints = DepthMetaData.RotateDepthFrame(this.DepthMetaData.FrameData, DepthMetaData.XResDefault, DepthMetaData.YResDefault); listPointsInterpolated = DepthMetaData.CreateListPoints_Depth(this.DepthMetaData.FrameData, DepthMetaData.XDepthMaxKinect, DepthMetaData.YDepthMaxKinect); if (PointCloudScannerSettings.EntropyImage) { ShowImageEntropy(); } }
private unsafe void ReaderThread() { DepthMetaData depthMD = new DepthMetaData(); while (this.shouldRun) { try { this.context.WaitOneUpdateAll(this.depth); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message + e.StackTrace); //Debugger.Break(); } this.depth.GetMetaData(depthMD); lock (this) { int[] users = this.userGenerator.GetUsers(); foreach (int user in users) { if (this.skeletonCapbility.IsTracking(user)) { DetectTouches(user); } else { //Do not wait for access if (Monitor.TryEnter(userReleaseLock)) { releaseUserTouches(user); Monitor.Exit(userReleaseLock); } } } } inputProvider.raiseFrame(framecounter++); } }
public void TransformPointCloud_SaveObjFile() { //open a file DepthMetaData DepthMetaData = new DepthMetaData(); byte[] colorInfo = null; DepthMetaData.ReadDepthWithColor_OBJ(path, "KinectFace1.obj", ref DepthMetaData.FrameData, ref colorInfo); List <Vector3d> myVectors = Vertices.ConvertToVector3DList_FromArray(DepthMetaData.FrameData, DepthMetaData.XResDefault, DepthMetaData.YResDefault); List <float[]> myColorsFloats = PointCloudUtils.CreateColorInfo(colorInfo, DepthMetaData.FrameData, DepthMetaData.XResDefault, DepthMetaData.YResDefault); List <Vertex> myVertexList = Model3D.CreateVertexList(myVectors, myColorsFloats); VertexUtils.ScaleByFactor(myVertexList, 0.9); VertexUtils.RotateVertices30Degrees(myVertexList); VertexUtils.TranslateVertices(myVertexList, 10, 3, 5); Model3D.Save_ListVertices_Obj(myVertexList, path, "transformed.obj"); }
static private void Background(DepthMetaData depthMD, int[,] backgroundDepthMD, int XRes, int YRes, int loadRuns) { for (int i = 0; XRes > i; i++) { for (int j = 0; YRes > j; j++) { backgroundDepthMD[i, j] = depthMD[i, j] + backgroundDepthMD[i, j]; } } if (depthMD.FrameID == loadRuns) { for (int i = 0; XRes > i; i++) { for (int j = 0; YRes > j; j++) { backgroundDepthMD[i, j] = backgroundDepthMD[i, j] / loadRuns; } } } }
// 描画 private unsafe void xnDraw() { // ノードの更新を待ち、データを取得する context.WaitAndUpdateAll(); ImageMetaData imageMD = image.GetMetaData(); DepthMetaData depthMD = depth.GetMetaData(); // カメラ画像の作成 lock (this) { // 書き込み用のビットマップデータを作成 Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height); BitmapData data = bitmap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); // 生データへのポインタを取得 byte *dst = (byte *)data.Scan0.ToPointer(); byte *src = (byte *)image.ImageMapPtr.ToPointer(); for (int i = 0; i < imageMD.DataSize; i += 3, src += 3, dst += 3) { dst[0] = src[2]; dst[1] = src[1]; dst[2] = src[0]; } bitmap.UnlockBits(data); // 中心点の距離を表示 Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); int x = (int)image.MapOutputMode.XRes / 2; int y = (int)image.MapOutputMode.YRes / 2; g.FillEllipse(brush, x - 10, y - 10, 20, 20); string message = depthMD[x, y] + "mm"; g.DrawString(message, font, brush, x, y); } }
private unsafe void CalcHist(DepthMetaData depthMD) { // reset for (int i = 0; i < this.histogram.Length; ++i) { this.histogram[i] = 0; } ushort *pDepth = (ushort *)depthMD.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer(); // acclumulative histogram int points = 0; for (int y = 0; y < depthMD.YRes; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, ++pDepth) { ushort depthVal = *pDepth; if (depthVal != 0) { this.histogram[depthVal]++; points++; } } } for (int i = 1; i < this.histogram.Length; i++) { this.histogram[i] += this.histogram[i - 1]; } if (points > 0) { for (int i = 1; i < this.histogram.Length; i++) { this.histogram[i] = (int)(256 * (1.0f - (this.histogram[i] / (float)points))); } } } // calc-hist
protected override bool InitTexture(out Texture2D refText, out int xSize, out int ySize) { if (base.InitTexture(out refText, out xSize, out ySize) == false) { return(false); } // make sure we have an image to work with if (m_context.CurrentContext.Depth == null) { m_context.m_Logger.Log("No depth", NIEventLogger.Categories.Initialization, NIEventLogger.Sources.BaseObjects, NIEventLogger.VerboseLevel.Errors); return(false); } // make sure we have an image to work with if (m_factor <= 0) { m_context.m_Logger.Log("Illegal factor", NIEventLogger.Categories.Initialization, NIEventLogger.Sources.Image, NIEventLogger.VerboseLevel.Errors); return(false); } // get the resolution from the image MapOutputMode mom = m_context.CurrentContext.Depth.MapOutputMode; // update the resolution by the factor ySize = mom.YRes / m_factor; xSize = mom.XRes / m_factor; // create the texture refText = new Texture2D(xSize, ySize); // depthmap data rawDepthMap = new short[(int)(mom.XRes * mom.YRes)]; // histogram stuff int maxDepth = m_context.CurrentContext.Depth.DeviceMaxDepth; depthHistogramMap = new float[maxDepth]; NIOpenNICheckVersion.Instance.ValidatePrerequisite(); m_metaData = new DepthMetaData(); return(true); }
private unsafe void UpdateHistogram(DepthMetaData depthMD) { // Reset. for (int i = 0; i < Histogram.Length; ++i) { Histogram[i] = 0; } ushort *pDepth = (ushort *)depthMD.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer(); int points = 0; for (int y = 0; y < depthMD.YRes; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, ++pDepth) { ushort depthVal = *pDepth; if (depthVal != 0) { Histogram[depthVal]++; points++; } } } for (int i = 1; i < Histogram.Length; i++) { Histogram[i] += Histogram[i - 1]; } if (points > 0) { for (int i = 1; i < Histogram.Length; i++) { Histogram[i] = (int)(256 * (1.0f - (Histogram[i] / (float)points))); } } }
private unsafe void CalculateHistogram(DepthMetaData DepthMD) { //initialize all slots to 0 for (int i = 0; i < FHistogram.Length; ++i) { FHistogram[i] = 0; } ushort *pDepth = (ushort *)DepthMD.DepthMapPtr; int points = 0; for (int y = 0; y < DepthMD.YRes; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < DepthMD.XRes; x++, pDepth++) { ushort depthVal = *pDepth; if (depthVal != 0) { FHistogram[depthVal]++; points++; } } } for (int i = 1; i < FHistogram.Length; i++) { FHistogram[i] += FHistogram[i - 1]; } if (points > 0) { for (int i = 1; i < FHistogram.Length; i++) { FHistogram[i] = (ushort)(ushort.MaxValue * (1.0f - (FHistogram[i] / (float)points))); } } }
//Starts up necessary files to take data //Must run before TakeData() Kinect() { //Sets locations of XML File string SAMPLE_XML_FILE = @"..\\..\\..\\SamplesConfig.xml"; //Declares object of ScriptNode and defines context ScriptNode scriptNode; context = Context.CreateFromXmlFile(SAMPLE_XML_FILE, out scriptNode); //Declares the depth generator depth = context.FindExistingNode(NodeType.Depth) as DepthGenerator; //If the depth generator does not exist returns error messag if (depth == null) { Console.WriteLine("Sample must have a depth generator!"); Console.ReadLine(); return; } //Declares necessary variables and classes to take depth //DepthGenerator depth = context.FindExistingNode(NodeType.Depth) as DepthGenerator; mapMode = depth.MapOutputMode; depthMD = new DepthMetaData(); }
public static unsafe void FillTexture(DepthMetaData depthMD, out ushort[] bytes) { ushort* pDepth = (ushort*)depthMD.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer(); bytes = new ushort[depthMD.XRes * depthMD.YRes]; int points = 0; for (int y = 0; y < depthMD.YRes; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, ++pDepth) { ushort depthVal = *pDepth; //if (depthVal != 0) { bytes[points] = depthVal; points++; //} } } StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText("/Users/matt/Desktop/CustomCodeLog.txt"); sw.WriteLine("XRes: #{0}", depthMD.XRes); sw.WriteLine("YRes: #{0}", depthMD.YRes); sw.WriteLine("bytes[100]: #{0}", (int)(256 * bytes[100])); sw.Close(); }
public void Update(DepthMetaData depthMeta) { if (_depthHist == null) _depthHist = new float[MaxDepth]; Array.Clear(_depthHist, 0, _depthHist.Length); int numPoints = 0; short* ptrDepth = (short*)depthMeta.DepthMapPtr; for (int y = 0; y < depthMeta.YRes; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < depthMeta.XRes; x++) { if (*ptrDepth != 0) { _depthHist[*ptrDepth]++; numPoints++; } ptrDepth++; } } for (int i = 1; i < MaxDepth; i++) { _depthHist[i] += _depthHist[i - 1]; } if (numPoints > 0) { for (int nIndex = 1; nIndex < MaxDepth; nIndex++) { _depthHist[nIndex] = Int16.MaxValue * (1.0f - (_depthHist[nIndex] / numPoints)); } } }
public FrameUpdateEventArgs(ImageMetaData imgMD, DepthMetaData depthMD) { this.ImageMetaData = imgMD; this.DepthMetaData = depthMD; }
public bool initializeSensor(String xmlPath) { try { pbuffer =new Point[6]; openpalm = new OpenPalm(); scrHeight = SystemInformation.PrimaryMonitorSize.Height; scrWidth = SystemInformation.PrimaryMonitorSize.Width; mouseSpeed = SystemInformation.MouseSpeed * 0.15; pointCollections = new PointCollection(); /*OpenNI objects - Context, DepthGenerator and DepthMetaData are initialized here*/ cxt = new Context(xmlPath); depthGen = cxt.FindExistingNode(NodeType.Depth) as DepthGenerator; gsHandsGenerator = cxt.FindExistingNode(NodeType.Hands) as HandsGenerator; gsHandsGenerator.SetSmoothing(0.1f); depthMeta = new DepthMetaData(); if (depthGen == null) return false; xRes = depthGen.MapOutputMode.XRes; yRes = depthGen.MapOutputMode.YRes; /*NITE objects - Session manager, PointControl is initialized here*/ sessionMgr = new SessionManager(cxt, "Wave", "RaiseHand"); pointCtrl = new PointControl("PointTracker"); steadydetector = new SteadyDetector(); flrouter = new FlowRouter(); brodcaster = new Broadcaster(); steadydetector.DetectionDuration = 200; steadydetector.Steady+=new EventHandler<SteadyEventArgs>(steadydetector_Steady); steadydetector.NotSteady+=new EventHandler<SteadyEventArgs>(steadydetector_NotSteady); /* pointCtrl.PrimaryPointCreate += new EventHandler<HandFocusEventArgs>(pointCtrl_PrimaryPointCreate); pointCtrl.PrimaryPointUpdate += new EventHandler<HandEventArgs>(pointCtrl_PrimaryPointUpdate); pointCtrl.PrimaryPointDestroy += new EventHandler<IdEventArgs>(pointCtrl_PrimaryPointDestroy);*/ pointCtrl.PointCreate += new EventHandler<HandEventArgs>(pointCtrl_PointCreate); pointCtrl.PointUpdate += new EventHandler<HandEventArgs>(pointCtrl_PointUpdate); pointCtrl.PointDestroy += new EventHandler<IdEventArgs>(pointCtrl_PointDestroy); sessionMgr.AddListener(steadydetector); sessionMgr.AddListener(pointCtrl); //make the session manager listen to the point control isActive = false; //set lifecycle flag to false //fill the handpoint coordinates with invalid values //initialize the clipping matrix HandPointBuffer = new ArrayList(); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } return true; }
private unsafe void UpdateHistogram(DepthMetaData depthMD) { // Reset. depthHistogram = new int[depthHistogram.Length]; var pDepth = (ushort*)depthMD.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer(); var points = 0; for (var y = 0; y < depthMD.YRes; ++y) { for (var x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, ++pDepth) { var depthVal = *pDepth; if (depthVal != 0) { depthHistogram[depthVal]++; points++; } } } for (var i = 1; i < depthHistogram.Length; i++) { depthHistogram[i] += depthHistogram[i - 1]; } if (points > 0) { for (int i = 1; i < depthHistogram.Length; i++) { depthHistogram[i] = (int)(256 * (1.0f - (depthHistogram[i] / (float)points))); } } }
public DepthMetaData GetMetaData() { DepthMetaData depthMD = new DepthMetaData(); GetMetaData(depthMD); return depthMD; }
public void GetMetaData(DepthMetaData depthMD) { using (IMarshaler marsh = depthMD.GetMarshaler(true)) { SafeNativeMethods.xnGetDepthMetaData(this.InternalObject, marsh.Native); } }
public void GetMetaData(DepthMetaData depthMD) { using (IMarshaler marsh = depthMD.GetMarshaler(true)) { OpenNIImporter.xnGetDepthMetaData(this.InternalObject, marsh.Native); } }
private unsafe void ReaderThread() { DepthMetaData depthMD = new DepthMetaData(); while (this.shouldRun) { try { this.context.WaitOneUpdateAll(this.depth); } catch (Exception) { } this.depth.GetMetaData(depthMD); CalcHist(depthMD); lock (this) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.bitmap.Width, this.bitmap.Height); BitmapData data = this.bitmap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); if (this.shouldDrawPixels) { ushort* pDepth = (ushort*)this.depth.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer(); ushort* pLabels = (ushort*)this.userGenerator.GetUserPixels(0).LabelMapPtr.ToPointer(); // set pixels for (int y = 0; y < depthMD.YRes; ++y) { byte* pDest = (byte*)data.Scan0.ToPointer() + y * data.Stride; for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, ++pDepth, ++pLabels, pDest += 3) { pDest[0] = pDest[1] = pDest[2] = 0; ushort label = *pLabels; if (this.shouldDrawBackground || *pLabels != 0) { Color labelColor = Color.White; if (label != 0) { labelColor = colors[label % ncolors]; } byte pixel = (byte)this.histogram[*pDepth]; pDest[0] = (byte)(pixel * (labelColor.B / 256.0)); pDest[1] = (byte)(pixel * (labelColor.G / 256.0)); pDest[2] = (byte)(pixel * (labelColor.R / 256.0)); } } } } this.bitmap.UnlockBits(data); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(this.bitmap); int[] users = this.userGenerator.GetUsers(); foreach (int user in users) { if (this.shouldPrintID) { Point3D com = this.userGenerator.GetCoM(user); com = this.depth.ConvertRealWorldToProjective(com); string label = ""; if (!this.shouldPrintState) label += user; else if (this.skeletonCapbility.IsTracking(user)) label += user + " - Tracking"; else if (this.skeletonCapbility.IsCalibrating(user)) label += user + " - Calibrating..."; else label += user + " - Looking for pose"; g.DrawString(label, new Font("Arial", 6), new SolidBrush(anticolors[user % ncolors]), com.X, com.Y); } if (this.shouldDrawSkeleton && this.skeletonCapbility.IsTracking(user)) // if (this.skeletonCapbility.IsTracking(user)) DrawSkeleton(g, anticolors[user % ncolors], user); } g.Dispose(); } this.Invalidate(); } }
/// <summary> /// Draw the image from the depth sensor with optional background subtraction /// or user markers to the <see cref="Image"/>-property. /// </summary> /// <param name="background_users">Users to regard as background.</param> protected unsafe void drawDepthWithHighlightAndBackgroundSubtraction( DepthMetaData depthMD, ushort[] userInformationMap, bool drawBackground, bool drawHighlight, int[] histogram, List<int> background_users) { fixed (ushort* userInformation = userInformationMap) { drawDepthWithHighlightAndBackgroundSubtraction( depthMD, userInformation, drawBackground, drawHighlight, histogram, background_users); } }
/// <summary> /// Draw the image from the depth sensor without optional background subtraction /// or user markers to the <see cref="Image"/>-property. /// </summary> protected unsafe void drawDepthWithoutHighlightAndBackgroundSubtraction( DepthMetaData depthMD, int[] histogram) { // Create a depth histogram. CalcHist(depthMD, histogram); BitmapData data = bitmap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); double depthMax = (float)depthGenerator.DeviceMaxDepth; #if PARALELLIZED // Otherwise Parallelization does not work. bitmap.UnlockBits(data); Parallel.For(0, depthMD.YRes, (y) => { ushort* pDepth = (ushort*)this.depthGenerator.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer() + y * depthMD.XRes; byte* pDest = (byte*)data.Scan0.ToPointer() + y * data.Stride; for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, pDest += 3, pDepth++) { pDest[0] = pDest[1] = pDest[2] = 0; //byte pixel = (byte)((*pDepth) / depthMax * 255.0); byte pixel = (byte)histogram[*pDepth]; pDest[2] = pixel; pDest[1] = pixel; pDest[0] = pixel; } }); #else try { byte pixel; // set pixels for (int y = 0; y < depthMD.YRes; ++y) { byte* pDest = (byte*)data.Scan0.ToPointer() + y * data.Stride; for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, pDest += 3, pDepth++) { pDest[0] = pDest[1] = pDest[2] = 0; //pixel = ((*pDepth) / depthMax * 255.0); pixel = (byte)histogram[*pDepth]; pDest[2] = pixel; pDest[1] = pixel; pDest[0] = pixel; } } } finally { bitmap.UnlockBits(data); } #endif }
//Creates a text file of the matrix of depth values taking a string parameter static string TakeData(string str) { //Declares necessary variables and classes to take depth DepthGenerator depth = context.FindExistingNode(NodeType.Depth) as DepthGenerator; MapOutputMode mapMode = depth.MapOutputMode; DepthMetaData depthMD = new DepthMetaData(); //Waits for the depth to update itself context.WaitOneUpdateAll(depth); //Gets the depth values depth.GetMetaData(depthMD); //Opens the text writer and creates a new file with the inputted string as the filename TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(@"C:\Users\CenSISS\Documents\Kinect Project\Test Files\" + str + ".txt"); //Sets height and width to the X and Y resolutions int height = mapMode.YRes; int width = mapMode.XRes; //For each pixel, writes a line of text: x y depth for (int h = 0; h < height; ++h) { for (int w = 0; w < width; ++w) { tw.WriteLine(w + " " + h + " " + depthMD[w, h]); } } //Closes the text writer tw.Close(); return str; }
private unsafe void ReaderThread() { DepthMetaData depthMD = new DepthMetaData(); while (this.shouldRun) { try { this.context.WaitOneUpdateAll(this.depth); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message + e.StackTrace); //Debugger.Break(); } this.depth.GetMetaData(depthMD); lock (this) { int[] users = this.userGenerator.GetUsers(); foreach (int user in users) { if (this.skeletonCapbility.IsTracking(user)) { DetectTouches(user); } else { //Do not wait for access if(Monitor.TryEnter(userReleaseLock)) { releaseUserTouches(user); Monitor.Exit(userReleaseLock); } } } } inputProvider.raiseFrame(framecounter++); } }
/// <summary> /// Re-creates the depth histogram. /// </summary> /// <param name="depthMD"></param> public unsafe void UpdateHistogram(DepthMetaData depthMD) { // Reset. for (int i = 0; i < Histogram.Length; ++i) Histogram[i] = 0; ushort* pDepth = (ushort*)depthMD.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer(); int points = 0; for (int y = 0; y < depthMD.YRes; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, ++pDepth) { ushort depthVal = *pDepth; if (depthVal != 0) { Histogram[depthVal]++; points++; } } } for (int i = 1; i < Histogram.Length; i++) { Histogram[i] += Histogram[i - 1]; } if (points > 0) { for (int i = 1; i < Histogram.Length; i++) { Histogram[i] = (int)(256 * (1.0f - (Histogram[i] / (float)points))); } } }
/// <summary> /// Draw the image from the depth sensor with optional background subtraction /// or user markers to the <see cref="Image"/>-property. /// </summary> /// <param name="background_users">Users to regard as background.</param> protected unsafe void drawDepthWithHighlightAndBackgroundSubtraction( DepthMetaData depthMD, ushort* userInformation, bool drawBackground, bool drawHighlight, int[] histogram, List<int> background_users) { // Create a depth histogram. CalcHist(depthMD, histogram); BitmapData data = bitmap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); #if PARALELLIZED double depthMax = (float)depthGenerator.DeviceMaxDepth; // Otherwise Parallelization does not work. bitmap.UnlockBits(data); Parallel.For(0, depthMD.YRes, (y) => { ushort* pLabels = userInformation + y * depthMD.XRes; byte* pDest = (byte*)data.Scan0.ToPointer() + y * data.Stride; ushort* pDepth = (ushort*)this.depthGenerator.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer() + y * depthMD.XRes; for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, ++pLabels, pDest += 3, pDepth++) { pDest[0] = pDest[1] = pDest[2] = 0; ushort label = *pLabels; if (drawBackground || *pLabels != 0 && !background_users.Contains(*pLabels)) { Color labelColor = Color.White; if (label != 0 && drawHighlight) { labelColor = COLORS[label % NCOLORS]; } double pixel = (byte)histogram[*pDepth]; pDest[2] = (byte)(pixel * (labelColor.B / 256.0)); pDest[1] = (byte)(pixel * (labelColor.G / 256.0)); pDest[0] = (byte)(pixel * (labelColor.R / 256.0)); } } }); #else try { ushort* pDepth = (ushort*)this.depthGenerator.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer(); ushort* pLabels = userInformation; double pixel; Color labelColor; ushort label; double depthMax = (float)depthGenerator.DeviceMaxDepth; // set pixels for (int y = 0; y < depthMD.YRes; ++y) { byte* pDest = (byte*)data.Scan0.ToPointer() + y * data.Stride; for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, ++pLabels, pDest += 3, pDepth++) { pDest[0] = pDest[1] = pDest[2] = 0; label = *pLabels; if (drawBackground || *pLabels != 0 && !background_users.Contains(*pLabels)) { labelColor = Color.White; if (label != 0 && drawHighlight) { labelColor = COLORS[label % NCOLORS]; } //pixel = ((*pDepth) / depthMax * 255.0); pixel = (byte)histogram[*pDepth]; pDest[2] = (byte)(pixel * (labelColor.B / 256.0)); pDest[1] = (byte)(pixel * (labelColor.G / 256.0)); pDest[0] = (byte)(pixel * (labelColor.R / 256.0)); } } } } finally { bitmap.UnlockBits(data); } #endif }
public void SetData(DepthMetaData depthMD, UInt32 frameID, UInt64 timestamp) { SetData(frameID, timestamp, depthMD.DataSize, depthMD.DepthMapPtr); }
private unsafe void ReaderThread() { DepthMetaData depthMD = new DepthMetaData(); while (this.shouldRun) { try { this.context.WaitOneUpdateAll(this.depth); } catch (Exception) { } this.depth.GetMetaData(depthMD); CalcHist(depthMD); lock (this) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.bitmap.Width, this.bitmap.Height); BitmapData data = this.bitmap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); ushort* pDepth = (ushort*)this.depth.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer(); // set pixels for (int y = 0; y < depthMD.YRes; ++y) { byte* pDest = (byte*)data.Scan0.ToPointer() + y * data.Stride; for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, ++pDepth, pDest += 3) { byte pixel = (byte)this.histogram[*pDepth]; pDest[0] = 0; pDest[1] = pixel; pDest[2] = pixel; } } this.bitmap.UnlockBits(data); } this.Invalidate(); } }
private unsafe void ReaderThread() { DepthMetaData depthMD = new DepthMetaData(); while (this.shouldRun) { try { this.context.WaitOneUpdateAll(this.depth); } catch (Exception) { } this.depth.GetMetaData(depthMD); CalcHist(depthMD); lock (this) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.bitmap.Width, this.bitmap.Height); BitmapData data = this.bitmap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); if (this.shouldDrawPixels) { ushort *pDepth = (ushort *)this.depth.DepthMapPtr.ToPointer(); ushort *pLabels = (ushort *)this.userGenerator.GetUserPixels(0).LabelMapPtr.ToPointer(); // set pixels for (int y = 0; y < depthMD.YRes; ++y) { byte *pDest = (byte *)data.Scan0.ToPointer() + y * data.Stride; for (int x = 0; x < depthMD.XRes; ++x, ++pDepth, ++pLabels, pDest += 3) { pDest[0] = pDest[1] = pDest[2] = 0; ushort label = *pLabels; if (this.shouldDrawBackground || *pLabels != 0) { Color labelColor = Color.White; if (label != 0) { labelColor = colors[label % ncolors]; } byte pixel = (byte)this.histogram[*pDepth]; pDest[0] = (byte)(pixel * (labelColor.B / 256.0)); pDest[1] = (byte)(pixel * (labelColor.G / 256.0)); pDest[2] = (byte)(pixel * (labelColor.R / 256.0)); } } } } this.bitmap.UnlockBits(data); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(this.bitmap); int[] users = this.userGenerator.GetUsers(); foreach (int user in users) { if (this.shouldPrintID) { Point3D com = this.userGenerator.GetCoM(user); com = this.depth.ConvertRealWorldToProjective(com); string label = ""; if (!this.shouldPrintState) { label += user; } else if (this.skeletonCapbility.IsTracking(user)) { label += user + " - Tracking"; } else if (this.skeletonCapbility.IsCalibrating(user)) { label += user + " - Calibrating..."; } else { label += user + " - Looking for pose"; } g.DrawString(label, new Font("Arial", 6), new SolidBrush(anticolors[user % ncolors]), com.X, com.Y); } if (this.shouldDrawSkeleton && this.skeletonCapbility.IsTracking(user)) { // if (this.skeletonCapbility.IsTracking(user)) DrawSkeleton(g, anticolors[user % ncolors], user); } } g.Dispose(); } this.Invalidate(); } }
private unsafe void ReaderThread() { while (this.shouldRun) { lock (this) { try { this.context.WaitOneUpdateAll(this.depth); } catch (Exception) { } if (this.shouldDrawPixels) { DepthMetaData depthMD = new DepthMetaData(); this.depth.GetMetaData(depthMD); CalcHist(depthMD); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.bitmap.Width, this.bitmap.Height); BitmapData data = this.bitmap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); ushort* pDepth = (ushort*)this.depth.GetDepthMapPtr().ToPointer(); ushort* pLabels = (ushort*)this.userGenerator.GetUserPixels(0).SceneMapPtr.ToPointer(); // set pixels for (int y = 0; y < texH; ++y) { byte* pDest = (byte*)data.Scan0.ToPointer() + y * data.Stride; for (int x = 0; x < texW; ++x, ++pDepth, ++pLabels, pDest += 4) { pDest[0] = pDest[1] = pDest[2]=0; pDest[3] = 255; ushort label = *pLabels; if (this.shouldDrawBackground || *pLabels != 0) { Color labelColor = Color.White; if (label != 0 && drawLabels) { if (setCustomColors) { labelColor = setUserColor(label); } else { labelColor = colors[label % ncolors]; } // } byte pixel = (byte)this.histogram[*pDepth]; pDest[0] = (byte)(pixel * (labelColor.B / 256.0)); pDest[1] = (byte)(pixel * (labelColor.G / 256.0)); pDest[2] = (byte)(pixel * (labelColor.R / 256.0)); } } } this.bitmap.UnlockBits(data); reading = true; bitmapPointer = data.Scan0; reading = false; uint[] users = this.userGenerator.GetUsers(); //trackedUsers = new List<uint>(); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(this.bitmap); foreach (uint user in users) { #region labels if (this.shouldPrintID) { Point3D com = this.userGenerator.GetCoM(user); com = this.depth.ConvertRealWorldToProjective(com); string label = ""; if (!this.shouldPrintState) label += user; else if (this.skeletonCapbility.IsTracking(user)) label += user + " - Tracking"; else if (this.skeletonCapbility.IsCalibrating(user)) label += user + " - Calibrating..."; else label += user + " - Looking for pose"; g.DrawString(label, new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 10), new SolidBrush(anticolors[user % ncolors]), com.X, com.Y); } #endregion } g.Dispose(); } uint[] userz = this.userGenerator.GetUsers(); trackedUsers = new List<uint>(); #region isolatemeplease foreach (uint user in userz) { if (this.skeletonCapbility.IsTracking(user)) { trackedUsers.Add(user); } } int trackedUsersCount = trackedUsers.Count; /// tracked user ID FTrackedUsersId.SliceCount = trackedUsersCount; for (int i = 0; i < trackedUsersCount; i++) { FTrackedUsersId[i] = (int)trackedUsers[i]; } ////////////// Position spreading count FJointsPosition.SliceCount = trackedUsersCount; int index = 0; foreach (uint trackedUser in trackedUsers) { getSkeleton(trackedUser, index); index++; } #endregion } } }
public void SetData(DepthMetaData depthMD) { SetData(depthMD, depthMD.FrameID, depthMD.Timestamp); }