private MethodBase FindTestMethod(out int repoIdx, out RepositoryOperationsBase entryOps)
            var stackTrace = new StackTrace();
            var q          = from method in stackTrace.EnumerateFrames()
                             where repoOperations.Any(repo => repo.MatchesMethod(method))
                             select method;

            var allTestMethods = q.Distinct().ToArray();

            if (allTestMethods.Length > 1)
                var message = "Calling one test method from another could result in unexpected behavior and must be avoided. Extract common mocking logic to a non-test method. At:\n" + stackTrace;
            var testMethod = allTestMethods.FirstOrDefault();

            if (testMethod != null)
                var disableAttr = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(testMethod, typeof(DisableAutomaticRepositoryResetAttribute)) as DisableAutomaticRepositoryResetAttribute;
                if (disableAttr != null &&
                    ProfilerInterceptor.IsProfilerAttached &&
                    throw new MockException("Using the mocking API in a test method decorated with DisableAutomaticRepositoryResetAttribute is unsafe. Read the documentation of the DisableAutomaticRepositoryResetAttribute class for further information and possible solutions.");

            repoIdx  = 0;
            entryOps = null;
            if (testMethod != null)
                for (repoIdx = 0; repoIdx < this.repoOperations.Count; ++repoIdx)
                    var ops = this.repoOperations[repoIdx];
                    if (ops.MatchesMethod(testMethod))
                        entryOps = ops;

                Debug.Assert(entryOps != null);

        public override MethodBase GetTestMethod()
            var stackTrace = new StackTrace();
            var q          = from method in stackTrace.EnumerateFrames()
                             where repoOperations.Any(repo => repo.MatchesMethod(method))
                             select method;

            var allTestMethods = q.Distinct().ToArray();

            if (allTestMethods.Length > 1)
                string message = "Calling one test method from another could result in unexpected behavior and must be avoided. Extract common mocking logic to a non-test method. At:\n" + stackTrace;

            MethodBase testMethod = allTestMethods.FirstOrDefault();
