        public override void Use(Player p, string message)
            if (message == "" || message.IndexOf(' ') == -1)
                Help(p); return;
            Level foundLevel = Level.Find(message.Split(' ')[0]);

            if (foundLevel == null)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "Level not found");

            string newName = message.Split(' ')[1];

            if (File.Exists("levels/" + newName + ".lvl"))
                Player.SendMessage(p, "Level already exists."); return;
            if (foundLevel == Server.mainLevel)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot rename the main level."); return;


                File.Move("levels/" + foundLevel.name + ".lvl", "levels/" + newName + ".lvl");
                File.Move("levels/" + foundLevel.name + ".lvl.backup", "levels/" + newName + ".lvl.backup");

                    File.Move("levels/level properties/" + foundLevel.name + ".properties", "levels/level properties/" + newName + ".properties");
                catch { }
                    File.Move("levels/level properties/" + foundLevel.name, "levels/level properties/" + newName + ".properties");
                catch { }

                //Move and rename backups
                    string foundLevelDir, newNameDir;
                    for (int i = 1; ; i++)
                        foundLevelDir = @Server.backupLocation + "/" + foundLevel.name + "/" + i + "/";
                        newNameDir    = @Server.backupLocation + "/" + newName + "/" + i + "/";

                        if (File.Exists(foundLevelDir + foundLevel.name + ".lvl"))
                            File.Move(foundLevelDir + foundLevel.name + ".lvl", newNameDir + newName + ".lvl");
                            if (DirectoryEmpty(foundLevelDir))
                            if (DirectoryEmpty(@Server.backupLocation + "/" + foundLevel.name + "/"))
                                Directory.Delete(@Server.backupLocation + "/" + foundLevel.name + "/");
                catch { }

                //safe against SQL injections because foundLevel is being checked and,
                //newName is being split and partly checked on illegal characters reserved for Windows.
                if (Server.useMySQL)
                    Database.executeQuery(String.Format("RENAME TABLE `Block{0}` TO `Block{1}`, " +
                                                        "`Portals{0}` TO `Portals{1}`, " +
                                                        "`Messages{0}` TO `Messages{1}`, " +
                                                        "`Zone{0}` TO `Zone{1}`", foundLevel.name.ToLower(), newName.ToLower()));
                    using (DatabaseTransactionHelper helper = SQLiteTransactionHelper.Create()) { // ensures that it's either all work, or none work.
                        helper.Execute(String.Format("ALTER TABLE Block{0} RENAME TO Block{1}", foundLevel.name.ToLower(), newName.ToLower()));
                        helper.Execute(String.Format("ALTER TABLE Portals{0} RENAME TO Portals{1}", foundLevel.name.ToLower(), newName.ToLower()));
                        helper.Execute(String.Format("ALTER TABLE Messages{0} RENAME TO Messages{1}", foundLevel.name.ToLower(), newName.ToLower()));
                        helper.Execute(String.Format("ALTER TABLE Zone{0} RENAME TO Zone{1}", foundLevel.name.ToLower(), newName.ToLower()));
                try { Command.all.Find("load").Use(p, newName); }
                catch { }
                Player.GlobalMessage("Renamed " + foundLevel.name + " to " + newName);
            catch (Exception e) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Error when renaming."); Server.ErrorLog(e); }
            internal static void fillDatabase(Stream stream)
                using (FileStream backup = File.Create("backup.sql"))
                    CopyDatabase(new StreamWriter(backup));
                //Delete old
                List <string> tables = getTables();

                foreach (string name in tables)
                    executeQuery(String.Format("DROP TABLE `{0}`", name));
                //Make new
                string script = new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEnd();

                string[] cmds = script.Split(';');
                //   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                using (DatabaseTransactionHelper helper = DatabaseTransactionHelper.Create())
                    foreach (string cmd in cmds)
                        String newCmd = cmd.Trim(" \r\n\t".ToCharArray());
                        int    index  = newCmd.ToUpper().IndexOf("CREATE TABLE");
                        if (index > -1)
                            newCmd = newCmd.Remove(0, index);
                            //Do we have a primary key?
                                if (Server.useMySQL)
                                    int    priIndex  = newCmd.ToUpper().IndexOf(" PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT");
                                    int    priCount  = " PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT".Length;
                                    int    attIdx    = newCmd.Substring(0, newCmd.Substring(0, priIndex - 1).LastIndexOfAny("` \n".ToCharArray())).LastIndexOfAny("` \n".ToCharArray()) + 1;
                                    int    attIdxEnd = newCmd.IndexOfAny("` \n".ToCharArray(), attIdx) - 1;
                                    string attName   = newCmd.Substring(attIdx, attIdxEnd - attIdx + 1).Trim(' ', '\n', '`', '\r');
                                    //For speed, we just delete this, and add it to the attribute name, then delete the auto_increment clause.
                                    newCmd = newCmd.Remove(priIndex, priCount);
                                    newCmd = newCmd.Insert(newCmd.LastIndexOf(")"), ", PRIMARY KEY (`" + attName + "`)");
                                    newCmd = newCmd.Insert(newCmd.IndexOf(',', priIndex), " AUTO_INCREMENT");
                                    int    priIndex    = newCmd.ToUpper().IndexOf(",\r\nPRIMARY KEY");
                                    int    priIndexEnd = newCmd.ToUpper().IndexOf(')', priIndex);
                                    int    attIdx      = newCmd.IndexOf("(", priIndex) + 1;
                                    int    attIdxEnd   = priIndexEnd - 1;
                                    string attName     = newCmd.Substring(attIdx, attIdxEnd - attIdx + 1);
                                    newCmd = newCmd.Remove(priIndex, priIndexEnd - priIndex + 1);
                                    int start = newCmd.IndexOf(attName) + attName.Length;
                                    int end   = newCmd.IndexOf(',');
                                    newCmd = newCmd.Remove(start, end - start);
                                    newCmd = newCmd.Insert(newCmd.IndexOf(attName) + attName.Length, " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT");
                                    newCmd = newCmd.Replace(" auto_increment", "").Replace(" AUTO_INCREMENT", "").Replace("True", "1").Replace("False", "0");
                            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } // If we don't, just ignore it.
                        //Run the command in the transaction.
                        helper.Execute(newCmd.Replace(" unsigned", "").Replace(" UNSIGNED", "") + ";");
                        //                        sb.Append(newCmd).Append(";\n");
                //Not sure if order matters.
                //AUTO_INCREMENT is changed to AUTOINCREMENT for MySQL -> SQLite
                //AUTOINCREMENT is changed to AUTO_INCREMENT for SQLite -> MySQL
                // All we should have in the script file is CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO commands.
                //executeQuery(sb.ToString().Replace(" unsigned", "").Replace(" UNSIGNED", ""));