private static void loadDXF(Stream content) { doc = new DXFDocument(); doc.Load(content); // GetVectorDXF(); }
/// <summary> /// Load and parse DXF code /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">String keeping file-name</param> /// <returns></returns> private static void GetVectorDXF(string filename) { DXFDocument doc = new DXFDocument(); doc.Load(filename); gcodePenUp("DXF Start"); lastGCX = -1; lastGCY = -1; lastSetGCX = -1; lastSetGCY = -1; foreach (DXFEntity dxfEntity in doc.Entities) { dxfBezierAccuracy = (int)Properties.Settings.Default.importSVGBezier; gcodeReduce = Properties.Settings.Default.importSVGReduce; gcodeReduceVal = (double)Properties.Settings.Default.importSVGReduceLimit; gcodeZIncEnable = Properties.Settings.Default.importGCZIncEnable; gcodeZIncrement = (double)Properties.Settings.Default.importGCZIncrement; dxfPauseElement = Properties.Settings.Default.importSVGPauseElement; dxfPausePenDown = Properties.Settings.Default.importSVGPausePenDown; dxfComments = Properties.Settings.Default.importSVGAddComments; if (dxfEntity.GetType() == typeof(DXFInsert)) { DXFInsert ins = (DXFInsert)dxfEntity; double ins_x = (double)ins.InsertionPoint.X; double ins_y = (double)ins.InsertionPoint.Y; foreach (DXFBlock block in doc.Blocks) { if (block.BlockName.ToString() == ins.BlockName) { if (dxfComments) { gcode.Comment(gcodeString[gcodeStringIndex], "Color: " + block.ColorNumber.ToString()); gcode.Comment(gcodeString[gcodeStringIndex], "Block: " + block.BlockName.ToString() + " at " + ins_x.ToString() + " " + ins_y.ToString()); } foreach (DXFEntity blockEntity in block.Children) { processEntities(blockEntity, ins_x, ins_y); } if (dxfComments) { gcode.Comment(gcodeString[gcodeStringIndex], "Block: " + block.BlockName.ToString() + " end"); } } } } else { processEntities(dxfEntity); } } if (askPenUp) // retrieve missing pen up { gcode.PenUp(gcodeString[gcodeStringIndex]); askPenUp = false; } }
private static bool loadDXF(Stream content) { doc = new DXFDocument(); try { doc.Load(content); } catch (Exception er) { Logger.Error(er, "loading the file failed "); MessageBox.Show("The file could not be opened - perhaps already open in other application?\r\n" + er.ToString()); return(false); } return(true); }
private static void loadDXF(string filename) { doc = new DXFDocument(); doc.Load(filename); // GetVectorDXF(); Logger.Log.AddMsg2(Logger.LogType.Normal, doc.Blocks.Count.ToString(), "blockds"); Logger.Log.AddMsg2(Logger.LogType.Normal, doc.Entities.Count.ToString(), "Entities"); Logger.Log.AddMsg2(Logger.LogType.Normal, doc.Classes.Count.ToString(), "Classes"); Logger.Log.AddMsg2(Logger.LogType.Normal, doc.Header.ToString(), "Header"); Logger.Log.AddMsg2(Logger.LogType.Normal, doc.Tables.ToString(), "Tables"); }
public GcodeDocument FromDXF(DXFDocument document) { List <object> items = new List <object>(); // Need to get to the initial start point // The class structure needs to store the full co-ordinates // but only output the gcode with the differences foreach (DXFEntity entity in document.Entities) { if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFLine)) { DXFLine dxfLine = (DXFLine)entity; Point from = new Point(dxfLine.Start.X.Value, dxfLine.Start.Y.Value, dxfLine.Start.Z.Value); Point to = new Point(dxfLine.End.X.Value, dxfLine.End.Y.Value, dxfLine.End.Z.Value); Line line = new Line(from, to); items.Add(line); } } GcodeDocument gcodeDocument = new GcodeDocument(); //foreach (DXFEntity entity in document.Entities) //{ // if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFLine)) // { // DXFLine dxfLine = (DXFLine)entity; // GraphicPrimitives.Point from = new GraphicPrimitives.Point(dxfLine.Start.X.Value, dxfLine.Start.Y.Value, dxfLine.Start.Z.Value); // GraphicPrimitives.Point to = new GraphicPrimitives.Point(dxfLine.End.X.Value, dxfLine.End.Y.Value, dxfLine.End.Z.Value); // GraphicPrimitives.Line line = new GraphicPrimitives.Line(from, to); // GcodeLibrary.LinearMove linearMove = new LinearMove(line); // gcodeDocument.Add(linearMove); // } //} return(gcodeDocument); }
private static void loadDXF(string filename) { doc = new DXFDocument(); doc.Load(filename); GetVectorDXF(); }
private List <GroupPoint> GetVectorDXF(string FileNAME) { textBoxInfo.Text = ""; DXFDocument doc = new DXFDocument(); doc.Load(FileNAME); List <GroupPoint> ListLines; List <cncPoint> ListPoint; ListLines = new List <GroupPoint>(); int count_DXFLWPolyLine = 0; int count_DXFPolyLine = 0; int count_DXFLine = 0; int count_DXFCircle = 0; int count_DXFSpline = 0; int count_DXFArc = 0; double minX = 99999; double maxX = -99999; double deltaX = 0; double minY = 99999; double maxY = -99999; double deltaY = 0; foreach (DXFEntity VARIABLE in doc.Entities) { bool typeDetected = false; if (VARIABLE.GetType() == typeof(DXFLWPolyLine)) { typeDetected = true; count_DXFLWPolyLine++; DXFLWPolyLine lp = (DXFLWPolyLine)VARIABLE; ListPoint = new List <cncPoint>(); foreach (DXFLWPolyLine.Element pl_e in lp.Elements) { ListPoint.Add(new cncPoint((double)pl_e.Vertex.X, (double)pl_e.Vertex.Y)); } ListLines.Add(new GroupPoint(ListPoint)); ListPoint = new List <cncPoint>(); } if (VARIABLE.GetType() == typeof(DXFPolyLine)) { typeDetected = true; count_DXFPolyLine++; DXFPolyLine lp = (DXFPolyLine)VARIABLE; ListPoint = new List <cncPoint>(); foreach (DXFVertex pl_e in lp.Children) { if (pl_e.GetType() == typeof(DXFVertex)) { if (pl_e.Location.X != null && pl_e.Location.Y != null) { ListPoint.Add(new cncPoint((double)pl_e.Location.X, (double)pl_e.Location.Y)); } } } ListLines.Add(new GroupPoint(ListPoint)); ListPoint = new List <cncPoint>(); } if (VARIABLE.GetType() == typeof(DXFLine)) { typeDetected = true; count_DXFLine++; DXFLine line = (DXFLine)VARIABLE; ListPoint = new List <cncPoint>(); ListPoint.Add(new cncPoint((double)line.Start.X, (double)line.Start.Y)); ListPoint.Add(new cncPoint((double)line.End.X, (double)line.End.Y)); ListLines.Add(new GroupPoint(ListPoint)); ListPoint = new List <cncPoint>(); } if (VARIABLE.GetType() == typeof(DXFSpline)) { typeDetected = true; count_DXFSpline++; DXFSpline spline = (DXFSpline)VARIABLE; ListPoint = new List <cncPoint>(); foreach (DXFPoint ppoint in spline.ControlPoints) { ListPoint.Add(new cncPoint((double)ppoint.X, (double)ppoint.Y)); } ListLines.Add(new GroupPoint(ListPoint)); ListPoint = new List <cncPoint>(); } if (VARIABLE.GetType() == typeof(DXFCircle)) { typeDetected = true; count_DXFCircle++; DXFCircle circle = (DXFCircle)VARIABLE; double X = (double)circle.Center.X; double Y = (double)circle.Center.Y; float R = (float)circle.Radius; //тут определим необходимый угол //и вычислим количество сегментов double angle = GetAngleArcSegment((decimal)R, Settings.Default.page11arcMaxLengLine); if (angle < 1) { angle = 1; } int segmentsCount = 360 / (int)angle; ListPoint = new List <cncPoint>(); for (int i = 0; i < segmentsCount; i++) { float rx = R * (float)Math.Cos(2 * (float)Math.PI / segmentsCount * i); float ry = R * (float)Math.Sin(2 * (float)Math.PI / segmentsCount * i); ListPoint.Add(new cncPoint(X + (double)rx, Y + (double)ry)); } ListPoint.Add(new cncPoint(ListPoint[0].X, ListPoint[0].Y)); ListLines.Add(new GroupPoint(ListPoint)); ListPoint = new List <cncPoint>(); // //ListPoint.Add(new Location((decimal)line.Start.X, (decimal)line.Start.Y)); //ListPoint.Add(new Location((decimal)line.End.X, (decimal)line.End.Y)); // } if (VARIABLE.GetType() == typeof(DXFArc)) { typeDetected = true; count_DXFArc++; DXFArc arc = (DXFArc)VARIABLE; double X = (double)arc.Center.X; double Y = (double)arc.Center.Y; double R = arc.Radius; double startAngle = arc.StartAngle; double endAngle = arc.EndAngle; if (startAngle > endAngle) { endAngle += 360; } //тут определим необходимый угол //и вычислим количество сегментов float StepAngle = (float)GetAngleArcSegment((decimal)R, Settings.Default.page11arcMaxLengLine); ListPoint = new List <cncPoint>(); double currAngle = startAngle; while (currAngle < endAngle) { double angle = currAngle * Math.PI / 180; double rx = (double)(X + R * Math.Cos(angle)); double ry = (double)(Y + R * Math.Sin(angle)); ListPoint.Add(new cncPoint(rx, ry)); currAngle += StepAngle; if (currAngle > endAngle) { //если перескочили конечный угол, то остановимся на конечном угле double angle2 = endAngle * Math.PI / 180; double rx2 = (double)(X + R * Math.Cos(angle2)); double ry2 = (double)(Y + R * Math.Sin(angle2)); ListPoint.Add(new cncPoint(rx2, ry2)); } } // int segmentsCount = 360 / (int)angle; //for (float i = startAngle; i < endAngle; i+= (float)angle) //{ // //} ListLines.Add(new GroupPoint(ListPoint)); ListPoint = new List <cncPoint>(); } if (!typeDetected) { textBoxInfo.Text += "Не распознан тип данных: " + VARIABLE.GetType().ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } } //ListLines = new List<Segment>(); textBoxInfo.Text += @"Обработано DXFLWPolyLine: " + count_DXFLWPolyLine.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; textBoxInfo.Text += @"Обработано DXFPolyLine: " + count_DXFPolyLine.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; textBoxInfo.Text += @"Обработано DXFLine: " + count_DXFLine.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; textBoxInfo.Text += @"Обработано DXFCircle: " + count_DXFCircle.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; textBoxInfo.Text += @"Обработано DXFSpline: " + count_DXFSpline.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; textBoxInfo.Text += @"Обработано DXFArc: " + count_DXFArc.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; foreach (GroupPoint vSegment in ListLines) { foreach (cncPoint vLocation in vSegment.Points) { if (vLocation.X < minX) { minX = vLocation.X; } if (vLocation.Y < minY) { minY = vLocation.Y; } if (vLocation.X > maxX) { maxX = vLocation.X; } if (vLocation.Y > maxY) { maxY = vLocation.Y; } } } deltaX = maxX - minX; deltaY = maxY - minY; textBoxInfo.Text += @"Размер по X: " + deltaX.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; textBoxInfo.Text += @"Размер по Y: " + deltaY.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; return(ListLines); }
public void Run(String[] args) { // Read in specific configuration _logger.LogDebug("In Run()"); int pos = 0; Parameter HPGL2Path = new Parameter(""); Parameter HPGL2Name = new Parameter("dxf.xml"); // Required for the plot Parameter filename = new Parameter(""); Parameter filePath = new Parameter(""); Parameter outName = new Parameter(""); HPGL2Path.Value = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; pos = HPGL2Path.Value.ToString().LastIndexOf('\\'); HPGL2Path.Value = HPGL2Path.Value.ToString().Substring(0, pos); HPGL2Path.Source = Parameter.SourceType.App; filePath.Value = Environment.CurrentDirectory; filePath.Source = Parameter.SourceType.App; try { RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine; key = key.OpenSubKey("software\\green\\dxf\\"); if (key != null) { if (key.GetValue("path", "").ToString().Length > 0) { HPGL2Path.Value = (string)key.GetValue("path", HPGL2Path); HPGL2Path.Source = Parameter.SourceType.Registry; _logger.LogDebug("Use registry value Path=" + HPGL2Path); } if (key.GetValue("name", "").ToString().Length > 0) { HPGL2Name.Value = (string)key.GetValue("name", HPGL2Name); HPGL2Name.Source = Parameter.SourceType.Registry; _logger.LogDebug("Use registry value Name=" + HPGL2Name); } } } catch (NullReferenceException) { _logger.LogError("Registry error use default values; Name=" + HPGL2Name.Value + " Path=" + HPGL2Path.Value); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogDebug(e.ToString()); } // Check if the config file has been paased in and overwrite the registry int items = args.Length; for (int item = 0; item < items; item++) { { switch (args[item]) { case "/N": case "--name": { HPGL2Name.Value = args[item + 1]; HPGL2Name.Value = HPGL2Name.Value.ToString().TrimStart('"'); HPGL2Name.Value = HPGL2Name.Value.ToString().TrimEnd('"'); HPGL2Name.Source = Parameter.SourceType.Command; _logger.LogDebug("Use command value Name=" + HPGL2Name); break; } case "/P": case "--path": { HPGL2Path.Value = args[item + 1]; HPGL2Path.Value = HPGL2Path.Value.ToString().TrimStart('"'); HPGL2Path.Value = HPGL2Path.Value.ToString().TrimEnd('"'); HPGL2Path.Source = Parameter.SourceType.Command; _logger.LogDebug("Use command value Path=" + HPGL2Path); break; } } } } _logger.LogInformation("Use HPGL2Name=" + HPGL2Name.Value + " HPGL2Path=" + HPGL2Path.Value); // Read in configuration _dxf = new DXFDocument(); //Serialise serialise = new Serialise(HPGL2Name.Value, HPGL2Path.Value, _logger); //_dxf = serialise.FromXML(); //if (_dxf != null) //{ //} // Read in the plot specific parameters string filenamePath = ""; string extension = ""; items = args.Length; if (items == 1) { int index = 0; filenamePath = args[index].Trim('"'); pos = filenamePath.LastIndexOf('.'); if (pos > 0) { extension = filenamePath.Substring(pos + 1, filenamePath.Length - pos - 1); filenamePath = filenamePath.Substring(0, pos); } pos = filenamePath.LastIndexOf('\\'); if (pos > 0) { filePath.Value = filenamePath.Substring(0, pos); filePath.Source = Parameter.SourceType.Command; filename.Value = filenamePath.Substring(pos + 1, filenamePath.Length - pos - 1); filename.Source = Parameter.SourceType.Command; } else { filename.Value = filenamePath; filename.Source = Parameter.SourceType.Command; } _logger.LogInformation("Use filename=" + filename.Value); _logger.LogInformation("Use filePath=" + filePath.Value); } else { for (int item = 0; item < items; item++) { { switch (args[item]) { case "/f": case "--filename": { filename.Value = args[item + 1]; filename.Value = filename.Value.ToString().TrimStart('"'); filename.Value = filename.Value.ToString().TrimEnd('"'); filename.Source = Parameter.SourceType.Command; pos = filename.Value.ToString().LastIndexOf('.'); if (pos > 0) { extension = filename.Value.ToString().Substring(pos + 1, filename.Value.ToString().Length - pos - 1); filename.Value = filename.Value.ToString().Substring(0, pos); } _logger.LogDebug("Use command value Filename=" + filename); break; } case "/O": case "--output": { outName.Value = args[item + 1]; outName.Value = outName.Value.ToString().TrimStart('"'); outName.Value = outName.Value.ToString().TrimEnd('"'); outName.Source = Parameter.SourceType.Command; _logger.LogDebug("Use command value Output=" + outName); break; } case "/p": case "--filepath": { filePath.Value = args[item + 1]; filePath.Value = filePath.Value.ToString().TrimStart('"'); filePath.Value = filePath.Value.ToString().TrimEnd('"'); filePath.Source = Parameter.SourceType.Command; _logger.LogDebug("Use command value Filename=" + filePath); break; } } } } _logger.LogInformation("Use Filename=" + filename.Value); _logger.LogInformation("Use Filepath=" + filePath.Value); } if (outName.Value.ToString().Length == 0) { outName.Value = filename.Value; } // Read the plot data and create the CNC file _dxf.Load(filePath.Value.ToString(), filename.Value.ToString()); _logger.LogDebug("Out Run()"); }
public void TestMethod4() { DXFDocument doc = new DXFDocument(); doc.Load(new MemoryStream(Properties.Resources.Hase)); }
//[TestMethod] public void TestMethod3() { DXFDocument doc = new DXFDocument(); doc.Load(new MemoryStream(Properties.Resources.Untitled_2)); }
// // Sie können beim Schreiben der Tests folgende zusätzliche Attribute verwenden: // // Verwenden Sie ClassInitialize, um vor Ausführung des ersten Tests in der Klasse Code auszuführen. // [ClassInitialize()] // public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) { } // // Verwenden Sie ClassCleanup, um nach Ausführung aller Tests in einer Klasse Code auszuführen. // [ClassCleanup()] // public static void MyClassCleanup() { } // // Mit TestInitialize können Sie vor jedem einzelnen Test Code ausführen. // [TestInitialize()] // public void MyTestInitialize() { } // // Mit TestCleanup können Sie nach jedem einzelnen Test Code ausführen. // [TestCleanup()] // public void MyTestCleanup() { } // #endregion //[TestMethod] public void TestMethod1() { DXFDocument doc = new DXFDocument(); doc.Load(new MemoryStream(Properties.Resources.LaptopStand)); }