public void UpdateListItem() { ClearAllListItem(); // 게임 가능한 리스트 선별 for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if (DEF.IsUseGameID((eGameList)[i].game_id)) { //Debug.Log("GameList Info = " +[i].game_id.ToString() + " , status : " +[i].status); _GameList.Add([i]); } } int count = _GameList.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 3) { if (i < count) { STGameItem item = new STGameItem(); if (i < count) { item.list.Add(_GameList[i]); } if (i + 1 < count) { item.list.Add(_GameList[i + 1]); } if (i + 2 < count) { item.list.Add(_GameList[i + 2]); } m_ItemList.Add(item); } } /* #if UNITY_EDITOR * for(int i=0; i<m_ItemList.Count; i++) * for (int k = 0; k < m_ItemList[i].list.Count; k++) * Debug.Log(i + " > m_ItemList Info = " + m_ItemList[i].list[k].game_id); * #endif */ CurrentItemMaxCount = m_ItemList.Count; Reset(); _GamePage.Init(m_ItemList.Count); }
void OnEnable() { if (_Info != null) { if (DEF.IsUseGameID((eGameList)_id)) { if (_Info.status == "active") { // 게임 번들 존재 여부 확인 _bundleName = DEF.GetGameBundleName((eGameList)_id); AssetBundle bundle = xLIB.BUNDLE.I.GetBundle(_bundleName); if (bundle != null) { SetState(eState.Play); } else if (xLIB.BUNDLE.I.IsLocalFileCached(_bundleName)) { SetState(eState.Play); } else { SetState(eState.Download); } // 잭팟 액션 시작 UpdateJackpotPool(); } else if (_Info.status == "coming_soon") { SetState(eState.ComingSoon); } else if (_Info.status == "maintenance") { } } else { _url = ""; _bundleName = ""; InitState(); } } }
// 게임을 직접 실행한다. public void RunNewsGame(eGameList gameId) { UI.SetWaitLoading(true); if (DEF.IsUseGameID(gameId)) { runGameId = (int)gameId; string bundleName = DEF.GetGameBundleName(gameId); AssetBundle bundle = xLIB.BUNDLE.I.GetBundle(bundleName); if (bundle != null) { SCENE.I.AddMessage(SCENEIDs.LobbyToGame, "game", runGameId); } else if (xLIB.BUNDLE.I.IsLocalFileCached(bundleName)) { SCENE.I.AddMessage(SCENEIDs.LobbyToGame, "game", runGameId); } else { StartCoroutine(xLIB.BUNDLE.I.DownloadUpdateFromServer(bundleName, null, () => { SCENE.I.AddMessage(SCENEIDs.LobbyToGame, "game", runGameId); })); } } }
void ParserCommand(Hashtable has) { SCENEIDs _IDs = (SCENEIDs)has["id"].GetHashCode(); #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.Log(Time.frameCount + " <Color=#fff000> SCENE::ParserCommand - " + _IDs.ToString() + " </Color>"); #endif switch (_IDs) { case SCENEIDs.Company: Main.I.ShowCompany(true); Main.I._logo.color = Color.white; Main.I._logo.DOFade(0, 1f).SetDelay(2f).OnComplete(() => { remove(SCENEIDs.Company); }); return; case SCENEIDs.MsgBoxNetReConnect: MsgBoxNetworkReConnect(); break; case SCENEIDs.NetReConnect: NetworkReConnect(); break; case SCENEIDs.FirstLoginToLobby: Main.I.ShowCompany(false); UI.ShowLoginLoadingPage((id, args) => { remove(SCENEIDs.FirstLoginToLobby); }, SCENEIDs.FirstLoginToLobby, has["name"].ToString()); return; case SCENEIDs.FirstActiveLobby: //UI.I.FirstActiveLobby(); break; case SCENEIDs.FBSignOut: { SOUND.I.PlayStop(DEF.SND.lobby_bgm); USER.I.ResetReConnect(); UI.SetWaitLoading(false); UI.ShowLoginLoadingPage((id, args) => { remove(SCENEIDs.FBSignOut); }, SCENEIDs.FBSignOut); } return; case SCENEIDs.FacebookShare: break; case SCENEIDs.InitLobby: UI.I.FirstActiveLobby(); break; case SCENEIDs.InviteFriends: Main.I.GetFBController().InviteFriends(); break; case SCENEIDs.ReConnectServer: UI.SetWaitLoading(false); USER.I.ResetReConnect(); UI.ShowLoginLoadingPage((id, args) => { remove(SCENEIDs.ReConnectServer); }, SCENEIDs.ReConnectServer); return; case SCENEIDs.GuestToFacebook: { if (USER.I.IsGuestLogin) { UI.I.ShowGuestGuide((_id, args) => { if (args[0].ToString() == "ok") { AddMessage(SCENEIDs.LoginGuestToFacebook); remove(SCENEIDs.GuestToFacebook); } else // cancel { remove(SCENEIDs.GuestToFacebook); } }); } else { remove(SCENEIDs.GuestToFacebook); } } return; case SCENEIDs.LoginGuestToFacebook: { UI.SetWaitLoading(true); Main.FB.FBLogin((x) => { if (x == true) { SOUND.I.PlayStop(DEF.SND.lobby_bgm); long guestId = System.Convert.ToInt64(PlayerPrefHelper.GetUserID()); long fbid = System.Convert.ToInt64(Main.FB.GetFbLoginInfo().id); NET.I.SendReqGuestToFacebook((id, msg) => { // reset data USER.I.ResetReConnect(); I.AddMessage(SCENEIDs.ReLoginFacebook); }, NET.I.OnSendReqTimerout, guestId, fbid); } else { UI.SetWaitLoading(false); } }); } break; case SCENEIDs.ReLoginFacebook: UI.SetWaitLoading(false); UI.ShowLoginLoadingPage((id, args) => { remove(SCENEIDs.ReLoginFacebook); }, SCENEIDs.ReLoginFacebook); return; case SCENEIDs.GuestToFBActiveLobby: UI.I.GuestToFBActiveLobby(); break; case SCENEIDs.LobbyToGame: int gameID = System.Convert.ToInt32(has["game"].ToString()); if (DEF.IsUseGameID((eGameList)gameID)) { if (Lobby.I != null) { Lobby.I.gameObject.SetActive(false); } UI.ShowGameLoadingPage((id, args) => { if (args[0].ToString() == "ok") { //UI.I.LobbyToGame((eGameList)args[1]); remove(SCENEIDs.LobbyToGame); } }, SCENEIDs.LobbyToGame, gameID); return; } break; case SCENEIDs.GameToLobby: UI.I.GameToLobby(); break; case SCENEIDs.Quit: UI.I.ShowMsgBox("Are you sure you want to quit the game?", (id, args) => { if (args[0].ToString() == "ok") { Main.I.OnQuit(); } }); break; case SCENEIDs.DEBUG_LOADING_COMPLETED: { UI.GameMain = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <InGame>(); if (UI.GameMain.gameId == DEF.FIRST_INSTALL_GAME) { BUNDLE.I.UnLoadBundle(DEF.GetGameBundleName(DEF.FIRST_INSTALL_GAME)); // 로비에서 다운받기 때문에 삭제 } UI.I.LobbyToGame(UI.GameMain.gameId); UI.GameMain.Init(); } break; // first news popups case SCENEIDs.NewsDailySpin: UI.Popup.ShowPopup <UIPopDailySpin>("DailySpin", (int)_IDs, (id, args) => { if (args[0].ToString() == "x") { base.removeAt(SCENEIDs.NewsGoldenSpin); // 취소면 NewsGoldenSpin 메세지 강제 제거 } remove(SCENEIDs.NewsDailySpin); }, true); return; case SCENEIDs.NewsGoldenSpin: UI.Popup.ShowPopup <UIPopDailySpinShop>("DailySpinShop", (int)_IDs, (id, args) => { remove(SCENEIDs.NewsGoldenSpin); }, null); return; case SCENEIDs.NewsFirstPurchase: UI.Popup.ShowPopup <UIPopFirstPurchaseOffer>("FirstPurchaseOffer", (int)_IDs, (id, args) => { remove(SCENEIDs.NewsFirstPurchase); }, true); return; case SCENEIDs.NewsSweetOffer: UI.Popup.ShowPopup <UIPopSweetOffer>("SweetOffer", (int)_IDs, (id, args) => { if (args[0].ToString() == "buy") { UI.Popup.ShowPopup <UIPopPurchaseSuccessful>("PurchaseSuccessful", 0, (id2, args2) => { remove(SCENEIDs.NewsSweetOffer); }, args[1]); } else { remove(SCENEIDs.NewsSweetOffer); } }, true); return; case SCENEIDs.NewsNormal: UI.Popup.ShowPopup <UIPopNewsNormal>("NewsNormal", (int)_IDs, (id, args) => { remove(SCENEIDs.NewsNormal); }, has["url"], has["value"]); return; case SCENEIDs.NewsGame: UI.Popup.ShowPopup <UIPopNewsGame>("NewsGame", (int)_IDs, (id, args) => { remove(SCENEIDs.NewsGame); if (args[0].ToString() == "ok") { AddMessage(SCENEIDs.NewsGameRun, "gameid", args[1]); } else { AddMessage(SCENEIDs.NewsInbox); } }, has["url"], has["value"]); return; case SCENEIDs.NewsGameRun: Lobby.I.RunNewsGame((eGameList)HasToInt("gameid")); break; case SCENEIDs.NewsInbox: //UI.Popup.ShowPopup<UIPopGift>("Gift", (int)_IDs, null, "InBox"); UI.I.AddMessage(UI.IDs.PopGift, "tab", "InBox"); break; } I.remove(_IDs); }