public List <ClassMasterBLL.ClassMasterEntity> GetTeacherClasses(DBSite site, string subuser_id) { List <ClassMasterBLL.ClassMasterEntity> class_list = new List <ClassMasterBLL.ClassMasterEntity>(); ClassMasterBLL.ClassMasterEntity clas = null; string qry = " SELECT " + " tc.classId" + " FROM tblTeacherClasses tc " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblClassMaster c ON c.ClassMasterID = tc.ClassID " + " WHERE tc.UserId=" + Util_BLL.User.UserId + " AND tc.SubuserId=" + subuser_id; DataTable class_table = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); foreach (DataRow row in class_table.Rows) { clas = new ClassMasterBLL.ClassMasterEntity(); clas.ClassMasterId = util.CheckNullInt(row["ClassID"]); class_list.Add(clas); } return(class_list); }
public List <SubjectMasterBLL.SubjectMasterEntity> GetTeacherSubjects(DBSite site, string subuser_id) { List <SubjectMasterBLL.SubjectMasterEntity> sub_list = new List <SubjectMasterBLL.SubjectMasterEntity>(); SubjectMasterBLL.SubjectMasterEntity sub = null; string qry = " SELECT " + " ts.SubjectID" + " FROM tblTeacherSubjects ts " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSubjectMaster s ON s.SubjectMasterID = ts.SubjectID " + " WHERE ts.UserId=" + Util_BLL.User.UserId + " AND ts.SubuserId=" + subuser_id; DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { sub = new SubjectMasterBLL.SubjectMasterEntity(); sub.SubjectMasterId = util.CheckNullInt(row["subjectId"]); sub_list.Add(sub); } return(sub_list); }
public List <AccountParty> GetAccounts() { List <AccountParty> accounts = new List <AccountParty>(); AccountParty account = null; DBSite site = new DBSite(); string qry = " SELECT AccountMasterId, AccountName" + " FROM tblAccountMaster " + " WHERE AccountName is not NULL AND UserId = " + Util_BLL.User.UserId + " ORDER BY AccountName"; DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { account = new AccountParty(); account.AccountId = util.CheckNullInt(row["AccountMasterId"]); account.AccountName = util.CheckNull(row["AccountName"]); accounts.Add(account); } return(accounts); }
//----- get permissions ---------------------------------------------- public List <Permission> GetPermissions(DBSite site, string subuser_id) { List <Permission> permission_list = new List <Permission>(); Permission permission = null; string qry = " SELECT " + " p.PermissionId" + ", p.Module" + ", p.ASPXPageName" + " FROM tblUserPermissions as up" + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblPermission as p" + " ON up.PermissionId = p.PermissionId" + " WHERE up.UserId=" + Util_BLL.User.UserId + " AND SubuserId=" + subuser_id; DataTable permission_table = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); foreach (DataRow row in permission_table.Rows) { permission = new Permission(); permission.PermissionId = util.CheckNullInt(row["PermissionId"]); permission.ModuleName = util.CheckNull(row["Module"]); permission.ASPXPageName = util.CheckNull(row["ASPXPageName"]); permission_list.Add(permission); } return(permission_list); }
public SubuserBLL.SubuserEntity AuthenticateSubuser2(DBSite site, string email_id, string password) { SubuserBLL.SubuserEntity sub_user = null; string qry = "SELECT " + " SubuserID " + ", SubUserName " + ", EmailId " + ", Active " + ", UserId " + " FROM tblSubuser "; qry += " WHERE EmailId='" + email_id + "'" + " AND SubuserPassword='******'"; DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow row = dt.Rows[0]; sub_user = new SubuserBLL.SubuserEntity(); sub_user.SubuserId = util.CheckNullInt(row["SubuserID"]); sub_user.SubuserName = util.CheckNull(row["SubUserName"]); sub_user.EmailId = util.CheckNull(row["EmailID"]); sub_user.UserState = util.CheckNull(row["Active"]); sub_user.UserId = util.CheckNullInt(row["UserId"]); } return(sub_user); }
public bool IsDuplicate(DBSite site, string value) { string qry = " SELECT UserInfoId FROM tblUserInfo" + " WHERE UserName='******'"; return(site.ExecuteSelect(qry).Rows.Count > 0); }
public List <SchoolClass> GetClasses() { List <SchoolClass> class_list = new List <SchoolClass>(); DBSite site = new DBSite(); string qry = " SELECT " + " ClassMasterID" + ", ClassName" + " FROM tblClassMaster " + " WHERE UserId=" + Util_BLL.User.UserId + " ORDER By ClassOrder "; DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); SchoolClass the_class; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { the_class = new SchoolClass(); the_class.SchoolClassId = util.CheckNullInt(row["ClassMasterID"]); the_class.SchoolClassName = util.CheckNull(row["ClassName"]); class_list.Add(the_class); } return(class_list); }
public string GetMobileNos(DBSite site, List <AttendanceEntity> attdList) { string mobileNos = ""; string attdIds = ""; foreach (AttendanceEntity atd in attdList) { attdIds += atd.AttendanceId + ", "; } attdIds += "-1111"; string qry = "SELECT MobileF " + " from tblAttendance a " + " INNER JOIN tblStudentMaster s ON s.StudentMasterID = a.StudentMasterID " + " WHERE attendanceID IN (" + attdIds + ") "; DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { mobileNos += util.CheckNull(dr["MobileF"]) + ", "; } return(mobileNos); }
public List <StudenEntity> SearchStudents(DBSite site, string student__class_names = "") { string ids = ""; string qry = " SELECT studentMasterID, StudentName FROM tblStudentMaster "; qry += " WHERE UserID = " + Util_BLL.User.UserId; qry += " AND ( "; string[] student_arr = student__class_names.Split(','); string where_condition = ""; foreach (string str in student_arr) { where_condition += " OR StudentName LIKE '" + str.Trim() + "%' "; } if (where_condition.Length > 3) { where_condition = where_condition.Substring(3, where_condition.Length - 4); } qry += where_condition + " )"; DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ids += ", " + util.CheckNullInt(dr["StudentMasterId"]); } if (ids.Length > 2) { ids = ids.Substring(2, ids.Length - 2); } return(GetStudentsByClass(site, ids, "ALL")); }
public bool IsMasterBeingUsed(DBSite site, string selectedAccountType, AccountType act, int masterId) { string tableName = ""; string colName = AccountType.GetTypeIdName(act, selectedAccountType); if (colName.ToUpper() == "GROUPID") { tableName = "tblAccountMaster"; } else if (colName.ToUpper() == "CATEGORYID") { tableName = "tblProductMaster"; } else if (colName.ToUpper() == "UOMID") { tableName = "tblProductMaster"; colName = "UOM"; } else if (colName.ToUpper() == "LOCATIONID") { tableName = "tblProductLedger"; } string qry = " SELECT " + colName + " FROM " + tableName + " "; qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); qry += " AND " + colName + " = '" + masterId + "'"; DataTable dt = null; dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); return(dt.Rows.Count > 0); }
public List <Location> GetLocations() { List <Location> locations = new List <Location>(); Location location = null; DBSite site = new DBSite(); string qry = " SELECT locationId, LocationName " + " FROM tblLocation " + " WHERE locationName is not NULL AND UserId = " + Util_BLL.User.UserId + " ORDER BY locationName"; DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { location = new Location(); location.LocationId = util.CheckNullInt(row["LocationId"]); location.LocationName = util.CheckNull(row["LocationName"]); locations.Add(location); } return(locations); }
//---------------- Get Query For Sale Detail ------------------------------- //protected string GetQueryForSimpleFields() //{ // string qry = "SELECT DISTINCT"; // qry += " LedgerId, LDate, AccountName + '|' + CONVERT( VARCHAR, acc.AccountMasterId) as AccountName , "; // qry+=" Particulars, Debit, BillNumber, ldg.SourceId, ldg.Discount "; // qry += " FROM ( tblLedger as ldg "; // qry+="LEFT OUTER JOIN tblAccountMaster as acc ON ldg.AccountMasterId = acc.AccountMasterId )"; // qry += " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblProductLedger as prd ON ldg.LedgerNumber = prd.LedgerNumber "; // qry += " WHERE ldg.UserId = " + User.userID; // qry += " AND Credit IS NOT NULL"; // return qry; //} //---------------- Get Query For Tax Information [ Whole Taxes ] ------------------------------- //protected string GetQueryForTaxesOnTheWhole() //{ // string qry = " SELECT "; // qry += " tm.TaxName + '|' + CONVERT( VARCHAR , tm.TaxId ) as TaxName , tax.TaxAmount "; // qry += " FROM ( tblLedger as ldg "; // qry += " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblTax as tax ON ldg.LedgerNumber = tax.LedgerNumber ) "; // qry += " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblTaxMaster as tm ON tax.TaxMasterId = tm.TaxId "; // qry+="WHERE tax.ProductLedgerNumber = NULL AND ldg.UserId = " +User.userID; // return qry; //} //---------------- Get Query For [ Associated Product ] ----------------------------------- //protected string GetQueryForAssociatedProducts() //{ // string qry = " SELECT "; // qry += " "; // return qry; //} public List <string> GetAccountListWithCashOrBankAsGroup(DBSite site, bool accounts_with_group_bank_only) { List <string> account_list = new List <string>(); string qry = " SELECT "; qry += " AccountName " + " + ' | ' + CONVERT( VARCHAR, AccountMasterId ) as AccountName "; qry += " FROM tblAccountMaster as acc "; qry += " LEFT OUTER JOIN "; qry += " tblGroup as grp "; qry += " ON acc.GroupId = grp.GroupId "; qry += " WHERE grp.GroupName = 'bank' "; if (!accounts_with_group_bank_only) { qry += " OR grp.GroupName = 'cash' "; } qry += " AND acc.UserId = " + Util_BLL.User.UserId; DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { account_list.Add(util.CheckNull(row["AccountName"])); } return(account_list); }
public List <ReportCardCBSEEntity> GetReportCardCBSEOakWod_Remarks(int studentId) { DBSite site = new DBSite(); List <ReportCardCBSEEntity> ReportCardList = new List <ReportCardCBSEEntity>(); //DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(GetCBSEQry(studentId, "Discipline")); DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(GetCBSEQry_OakWood(studentId , "Remarks" , "Unit Test 1" , "Unit Test 2" , "Note Book 1" , "Note Book 2" , "SEA 1" , "SEA 2" , "Half Yearly" , "Annual" , "Term I" , "Term II" )); ReportCardCBSEEntity reportCard; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { reportCard = new ReportCardCBSEEntity(); reportCard.StudentMasterId = studentId; reportCard.StudentName = util.CheckNull(dr["StudentName"]); reportCard.Subject = util.CheckNull(dr["SubjectName"]); reportCard.HalfYearly = util.CheckNull(dr["HalfYearly"]); reportCard.Yearly = util.CheckNull(dr["Yearly"]); ReportCardList.Add(reportCard); } return(ReportCardList); }
public bool IsDulicateExam(DBSite site, ExamMasterEntity exam, bool isUpdate) { bool isDuplicate = true; string qry = ""; qry += "SELECT ExamName FROM tblExamMaster "; qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); qry += " AND ExamName ='" + exam.ExamName + "'"; //qry += " AND TermId =" + exam.TermId; //qry += " AND MaxMarks =" + exam.MaxMarks; DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); if (isUpdate) { isDuplicate = dt.Rows.Count > 1; } else { isDuplicate = dt.Rows.Count > 0; } return(false); //return isDuplicate; }
public DataTable GetTaxInformation(DBSite site) { string qry = " SELECT TaxId as Id , " + " TaxName + ' | ' + CONVERT( VARCHAR , TaxAmount ) as TaxName FROM tblTaxMaster " + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); return(site.ExecuteSelect(qry)); }
public List <SubuserEntity> GetSubusers(DBSite site, int userId, string subuser_ids = "") { List <SubuserEntity> subuser_list = new List <SubuserEntity>(); SubuserEntity subuser = null; string qry = "SELECT " + "SubuserId" + ", SubuserName" + ", SubuserCreationDate" + ", SubuserPassword" + ", EmailId" + ", Designation" + ", Address" + ", City" + ", Mobile" + ", Active" + ", UserId" + " FROM tblSubuser " + " WHERE userId=" + userId; if (subuser_ids != "") { qry += " AND SubuserId IN ( " + subuser_ids + " )"; } DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { subuser = new SubuserEntity(); subuser.SubuserId = util.CheckNullInt(row["SubuserId"]); subuser.SubuserName = util.CheckNull(row["SubuserName"]); DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(row["SubuserCreationDate"]); subuser.CreationDate = date.ToShortDateString(); subuser.Password = util.CheckNull(row["SubuserPassword"]); subuser.EmailId = util.CheckNull(row["EmailId"]); subuser.Designation = util.CheckNull(row["Designation"]); subuser.Address = util.CheckNull(row["Address"]); subuser.City = util.CheckNull(row["City"]); subuser.Mobile = util.CheckNull(row["Mobile"]); subuser.UserState = util.CheckNullInt(row["Active"]) == 1 ? "Yes" : "No"; subuser.Permissions = GetPermissions(site, subuser.SubuserId + ""); subuser.TeacherClasses = GetTeacherClasses(site, subuser.SubuserId + ""); subuser.TeacherSubjects = GetTeacherSubjects(site, subuser.SubuserId + ""); subuser_list.Add(subuser); } return(subuser_list); }
public List <ReportCardCBSEEntity_Hashmi> GetReportCardCBSE_Hashmi(int studentId) { DBSite site = new DBSite(); List <ReportCardCBSEEntity_Hashmi> ReportCardList = new List <ReportCardCBSEEntity_Hashmi>(); string qry = GetCBSEQry_Hashmi(studentId , "Scholastic" , "Unit Test 1" , "Unit Test 2" , "SA 1" , "SA 2" , "SEA 1" , "SEA 2" , "Half Yearly" , "Annual" , "Term 1" , "Term 2" ); DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); ReportCardCBSEEntity_Hashmi reportCard; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { reportCard = new ReportCardCBSEEntity_Hashmi(); reportCard.StudentMasterId = studentId; reportCard.StudentName = util.CheckNull(dr["StudentName"]); reportCard.Subject = util.CheckNull(dr["SubjectName"]); reportCard.ClassName = util.CheckNull(dr["ClassName"]); reportCard.SectionName = util.CheckNull(dr["SectionName"]); reportCard.MotherName = util.CheckNull(dr["MotherName"]); reportCard.FatherName = util.CheckNull(dr["FatherName"]); reportCard.DOB = util.CheckNull(dr["dob"]); reportCard.UnitTest1 = util.CheckNull(dr["PerTest1"]); reportCard.UnitTest1MaxMarks = util.CheckNull(dr["UnitTest1MaxMarks"]); reportCard.SA1 = util.CheckNull(dr["NoteBook1"]); reportCard.SA1MaxMarks = util.CheckNull(dr["SA1MaxMarks"]); reportCard.UnitTest2 = util.CheckNull(dr["PerTest2"]); reportCard.UnitTest2MaxMarks = util.CheckNull(dr["UnitTest2MaxMarks"]); reportCard.SA2 = util.CheckNull(dr["NoteBook2"]); reportCard.SA2MaxMarks = util.CheckNull(dr["SA2MaxMarks"]); ReportCardList.Add(reportCard); } return(ReportCardList); }
//------------------ Get Sale-Purchage Information ----------------------------------------------- public List <SalePurchaseEntity> GetSalePurchase(DBSite site, string sp_ids = "") { List <SalePurchaseEntity> sale_purchase_entity_list = new List <SalePurchaseEntity>(); SalePurchaseEntity sale_purchase_entity = null; //444 string qry = " SELECT ledgerId " + ", Billdate " + ", AccountName " + ", credit " // if sales else debit + ", particulars " + ", discount " + " FROM tblLedger l" + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); //string qry = GetQueryForSimpleFields(); DataTable dt = dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { sale_purchase_entity = new SalePurchaseEntity(); // -------- sale purchase entity ---------- //--------------- Normal Fields ---------------------------- sale_purchase_entity.SalePurchaseId = util.CheckNullInt(row["LedgerId"]); sale_purchase_entity.BillDate = util.CheckNull(row["LDate"]); = util.CheckNull(row["AccountName"]); sale_purchase_entity.BillNumber = util.CheckNull(row["BillNumber"]); sale_purchase_entity.SalePurchaseAmount = util.CheckNullDouble(row["Debit"]); = util.CheckNull(row["Particulars"]); = util.CheckNull(row["Discount"]); double discount = util.GetDiscountAmount(, sale_purchase_entity.SalePurchaseAmount); sale_purchase_entity.TotalAmount = sale_purchase_entity.SalePurchaseAmount - discount; //---------------- sale detail entity [ product information ]------------------ // -------------- tax information [ taxes on the whole ] ------------------------ sale_purchase_entity_list.Add(sale_purchase_entity); } return(sale_purchase_entity_list); }
public DataTable GetExamMarksDT(DBSite site, int classId, int sectionId, int examId, int subjectId, int IsNew) { string qry; qry = " SELECT " + " StudentMasterId " + " , StudentName " //+ " , ExamMarksId " //+ " , ExamID " + " , ExamName " //+ " , m.ClassID " + " , ClassName " //+ " , m.SectionID " + " , SectionName " //+ " , SubjectID " + " , SubjectName " //+ " , IsNull(IsPresent, 1) IsPresent " + ", IsNull(MarksObtained, '0') MarksObtained " //+ " , m.SubUserId, m.UserId, m.FYear " + " FROM tblExamMarks m " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblStudentMaster st ON m.studentID = st.StudentMasterID " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblClassMaster c ON c.ClassMasterId = m.ClassID " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSectionMaster sm ON sm.sectionMasterID = m.SectionID " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblExamMaster em ON em.ExamMasterID = m.ExamID " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSubjectMaster sub ON sub.SubjectMasterID = m.SubjectId "; qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User, "m"); if (IsNew == 0 && subjectId > 0) // update { qry += " AND m.subjectID = " + subjectId; } if (IsNew == 0 && examId > 0) //update { qry += " AND m.ExamID = " + examId; } if (classId > 0) { qry += " AND st.ClassID = " + classId; } if (sectionId > 0) { qry += " AND st.sectionID = " + sectionId; } qry += " ORDER BY StudentName, ClassOrder, SectionOrder "; return(site.ExecuteSelect(qry)); }
public bool isDuplicateAccountName(DBSite site, string accountName) { string qry = " SELECT AccountName FROM tblAccountMaster "; qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); // ------- get user where condition ---------- qry += " AND AccountName = '" + accountName + "'"; DataTable dt = null; dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); return(dt.Rows.Count > 0); }
public bool IsStudentPresentInAttendance(DBSite site, int stId) { string qry = " SELECT StudentMasterID FROM tblAttendance "; qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); qry += " AND StudentMasterID = " + stId; DataTable dt = null; dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); return(dt.Rows.Count > 0); }
public bool IsProductPresentInProductLedger(DBSite site, int productMasterId) { string qry = " SELECT ProductId FROM tblProductLedger "; qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); qry += " AND ProductId = '" + productMasterId + "'"; DataTable dt = null; dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); return(dt.Rows.Count > 0); }
public bool IsTransactionInProductLedger(DBSite site, int transId) { string qry = " SELECT SourceId FROM tblProductLedger "; qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); qry += " AND SourceId = '" + transId + "'"; DataTable dt = null; dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); return(dt.Rows.Count > 0); }
public DataTable GetMatchedRecords(DBSite site, string selectedAccountType, string value_to_search, AccountType act) { string qry = "SELECT " + AccountType.GetTypeIdName(act, selectedAccountType) + " ID, " + AccountType.GetColumnName(act, selectedAccountType) + " Name "; qry += " FROM " + AccountType.GetTableName(act, selectedAccountType); qry += " WHERE " + AccountType.GetColumnName(act, selectedAccountType) + " LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%'"; qry += " AND UserId= " + Util_BLL.User.UserId; return(site.ExecuteSelect(qry)); }
public bool isDuplicateFieldName(DBSite site, string typeName, string name, int userId) { AccountType act = new AccountType(); string qry = "SELECT " + AccountType.GetTypeIdName(act, typeName) + " FROM " + AccountType.GetTableName(act, typeName); qry += " WHERE " + AccountType.GetColumnName(act, typeName) + " = '" + name + "' "; qry += " AND userID = " + Util_BLL.User.UserId; DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); return(dt.Rows.Count > 0); }
public List <ExamMasterEntity> GetExamList(DBSite site, int userId, string id = "") { List <ExamMasterEntity> examList = new List <ExamMasterEntity>(); string qry = ""; qry += "SELECT " + " ExamMasterId, ExamDate, ExamName, ExamCode, MaxMarks, PassMarks " + ", TermId, ClassMasterID, SectionMasterID, ExamOrder, IsFormula, UserID, FYear " + " FROM tblExamMaster em " + " WHERE em.UserId = " + Util_BLL.User.UserId + " AND isFormula = 0 "; if (id != string.Empty) { qry += "AND ExamMasterId = " + id; } qry += " ORDER BY ExamOrder "; DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); ExamMasterEntity exam; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { exam = new ExamMasterEntity(); exam.ExamMasterId = util.CheckNullInt(dr["ExamMasterId"]); exam.ExamDate = util.CheckNullDate(dr["ExamDate"]); exam.ExamName = util.CheckNull(dr["ExamName"]); exam.ExamCode = util.CheckNull(dr["ExamCode"]); exam.TermId = util.CheckNullInt(dr["TermId"]); exam.ClassMasterID = util.CheckNullInt(dr["ClassMasterID"]); exam.SectionMasterID = util.CheckNullInt(dr["SectionMasterID"]); exam.MaxMarks = util.CheckNullInt(dr["MaxMarks"]); exam.PassMarks = util.CheckNullInt(dr["PassMarks"]); exam.ExamOrder = util.CheckNullInt(dr["ExamOrder"]); exam.IsFormula = util.CheckNullInt(dr["IsFormula"]); exam.UserID = util.CheckNullInt(dr["UserID"]); exam.FYear = util.CheckNullInt(dr["FYear"]); examList.Add(exam); } return(examList); }
//select p1.BillDate, p1.productLedgerNumber, pm1.ProductName, p1.soldQty, p1.BoughtQty, p2.productID ProductToId , pm2.ProductName // , p2.BoughtQty, p2.SoldQty, p2.LocationId, p2.AccountID, AccountName // , LocationName // from tblProductLedger p1 // INNER JOIN tblProductLedger p2 ON p1.productLedgerNumber = p2.productLedgerNumber // LEFT OUTER JOIN tblProductMaster PM1 ON pm1.productMasterId = p1.productID // LEFT OUTER JOIN tblProductMaster PM2 ON pm2.productMasterId = p2.productID // LEFT OUTER JOIN tblAccountMaster AM ON am.accountMasterID = p2.accountID // LEFT OUTER JOIN tblLocation L on l.locationId = p2.LocationID // where // --p1.productLedgerNumber = 1057 // --and // p1.productId = 3 // --and p2.productID <> 3 // ORDER BY BillDate, p1.productLedgerNumber public int GetFlow(DBSite site, int trnTypeId) { int flow = 0; string qry = " SELECT Flow FROM tblStockTransactionMaster WHERE TransactionId = " + trnTypeId; DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { flow = util.CheckNullInt(row["Flow"]); } return(flow); }
public bool IsDuplicateCard(DBSite site, string cardNo, int studentId) { string qry = " SELECT IdCardNo FROM tblStudentMaster "; qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); qry += " AND IdCardNo = '" + cardNo + "'"; qry += "AND studentMasterId <> " + studentId; DataTable dt = null; dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); return(dt.Rows.Count > 0); }
public bool ValidDateEntry(DBSite site, string acc_id, string payment_date) { string qry = " SELECT CreationDate FROM tblAccountMaster " + " WHERE AccountMasterId=" + acc_id; DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); DataRow row = dt.Rows[0]; DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(row["CreationDate"]); string acc_creation_date = date.ToShortDateString(); return(util.isDateRangeValid(acc_creation_date, payment_date)); }
public static string[] GetProductIdAndUOM(DBSite site, string productId) { string qry = "SELECT SellingPrice , UnitName + ' | ' +CONVERT( VARCHAR, UOMId ) as UnitName" + " FROM tblProductMaster as productTable " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblUOM as unitTable ON productTable.UOM=unitTable.UOMId " + /*util.GetUserWhereCondition()*/ " WHERE 1=1 AND productTable.UserID = " + Util_BLL.User.UserId + " AND productTable.FYear = " + Util_BLL.User.fYear + " AND ProductID='" + productId + "' "; DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry); DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; return(new string[] { util.CheckNull(dr["UnitName"]), util.CheckNull(dr["SellingPrice"]) }); }