//-------------- Edit Issuse Information -------------------------------- public void EditIssueInformation(DBSite site, SalePurchaseDetail from_product, SalePurchaseDetail to_product, string product_ledger_number) { string qry = " "; qry = " UPDATE tblProductLedger SET " + " BillDate = '" + from_product.MovementDate + " '" + ", ProductId = " + from_product.productAutoId + ", SoldQty = " + from_product.qty + ", LocationId = " + from_product.locationId + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); qry += " AND ProductLedgerNumber = " + product_ledger_number + " AND SourceId = " + TransactionType.StockMovement + " AND drcr = 'C'"; site.Execute(qry); qry = " UPDATE tblProductLedger SET " + " BillDate = '" + to_product.MovementDate + " '" + ", ProductId = " + to_product.productAutoId + ", BoughtQty = " + to_product.qty + ", LocationId = " + to_product.locationId + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); qry += " AND ProductLedgerNumber = " + product_ledger_number + " AND SourceId = " + TransactionType.StockMovement + " AND drcr = 'D'"; site.Execute(qry); }
//-------------------- Update Payment Information ---------------------------------------------- public void UpdatePaymentInformation(DBSite site, SalePurchaseEntity salePurchase, string ledgerIdNumber) { string ledger_id = util.GetLedgerId(ledgerIdNumber); string ledger_number = util.GetLedgerNumber(ledgerIdNumber); // 444 int party = Int32.Parse(util.GetLOVId(salePurchase.party)); int mode = Int32.Parse(util.GetLOVId(salePurchase.mode)); if (salePurchase.transactionType == TransactionType.PaymentMade) { int tmp; tmp = Int32.Parse(util.GetLOVId(salePurchase.mode)); mode = Int32.Parse(util.GetLOVId(salePurchase.party)); party = tmp; } // sales - party string party_qry = " UPDATE tblLedger SET " + " LDate = '" + salePurchase.BillDate + "' " + ", AccountMasterId= " + mode + ", modeid= " + party + ", BillNumber= '" + util.GetLOVName(salePurchase.BillNumber) + "' " + ", Particulars= '" + salePurchase.particulars + "' " + ", debit = " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseAmount + ", CheckNumber= '" + salePurchase.CheckNumber + "' " + ", subUserId = " + Util_BLL.User.Subusers[0].SubuserId + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User) // + " AND LedgerId=" + ledger_id + " AND LedgerNumber=" + ledger_number + " AND drcr = 'D'"; // sales - mode string mode_qry = " UPDATE tblLedger SET " + " LDate = '" + salePurchase.BillDate + "' " + ", AccountMasterId= " + party + ", modeId = " + mode + ", BillNumber= '" + util.GetLOVName(salePurchase.BillNumber) + "' " + ", Particulars= '" + salePurchase.particulars + "' " + ", credit = " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseAmount + ", CheckNumber= '" + salePurchase.CheckNumber + "' " + ", subUserId = " + Util_BLL.User.Subusers[0].SubuserId + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User) + " AND LedgerNumber=" + ledger_number + " AND drcr = 'C'"; site.Execute(party_qry); site.Execute(mode_qry); }
//- ----------------------- Save Issue Information ------------------------------------------------------------------- public void SaveIssueInformation(DBSite site, SalePurchaseDetail from_product, SalePurchaseDetail to_product) { int productLedgerNumber = util.GetAutoNumber(site, "ProductLedgerNumber"); string qry = ""; qry = " INSERT INTO tblProductLedger( ProductLedgerNumber, drcr , BillDate, ProductID, Soldqty, LocationID, ProductID2, BoughtQty2, LocationID2, SourceId,UserID,subuserId, FYear) " + " VALUES ( " + productLedgerNumber + " " + ", 'C' " + ", '" + from_product.MovementDate + "'" + ", " + from_product.productAutoId + ", " + from_product.qty + ", " + from_product.locationId + ", " + to_product.productAutoId + ", " + to_product.qty + ", " + to_product.locationId + ", " + TransactionType.StockMovement + ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User) //--- current user + " ) "; site.Execute(qry); qry = " INSERT INTO tblProductLedger( ProductLedgerNumber, drcr , BillDate , ProductID, BoughtQty, LocationID, ProductID2, SoldQty2, LocationID2, SourceId, UserID, subuserId, FYear) " + " VALUES ( " + productLedgerNumber + ", 'D' " + ", '" + to_product.MovementDate + "'" + ", " + to_product.productAutoId + ", " + to_product.qty + ", " + to_product.locationId + ", " + from_product.productAutoId + ", " + from_product.qty + ", " + from_product.locationId + ", " + TransactionType.StockMovement + ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User) //------- surrent user -------- + " ) "; site.Execute(qry); }
public void DeleteStudent(DBSite site, string stIds) { string qry = " DELETE FROM tblStudentMaster "; qry += " WHERE StudentMasterId IN (" + stIds + ")"; site.Execute(qry); // delete from Attendance table also qry = " DELETE FROM tblAttendance "; qry += " WHERE StudentMasterId IN (" + stIds + ")"; site.Execute(qry); }
public void DeleteExam(DBSite site, string ids) { string qry = "DELETE FROM tblExamMaster"; qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); qry += " AND ExamMasterID IN (" + ids + ")"; site.Execute(qry); qry = "DELETE FROM tblExamMarks"; qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); qry += " AND ExamId IN (" + ids + ")"; site.Execute(qry); }
//------------ Edit User Info ---------------------------------------- public void EditUserInfo(DBSite site, User user, string user_id) { string qry = " UPDATE tblUserInfo SET " + " UserName ='******'" + ", Email ='" + user.EmailId + "'" + ", UserPassword ='******'" + ", CreationDate='" + user.CreationDate + "'" + ", AmountPaid = " + user.AmountPaid + ", StartDate ='" + user.StartDate + "'" + ", EndDate ='" + user.EndDate + "'" + ", Address ='" + user.Address + "'" + ", City ='" + user.City + "'" + ", Country ='" + user.Country + "'" + ", Phone ='" + user.Phone + "'" + ", Mobile ='" + user.Mobile + "'" + ", TinNumber ='" + user.TinNumber + "'" + ", SalesTaxNumber ='" + user.SalesTaxNumber + "'" + ", CSTNumber ='" + user.CSTNumber + "'" + ", UserType = 1" + ", Remarks ='" + user.Remarks + "'" + ", NumberOfSubusers=" + user.NumberOFSubusers + " WHERE UserInfoId=" + user_id; site.Execute(qry); //---------- update user information ----------- qry = " DELETE FROM tblUserPermissions" + " WHERE UserId=" + user_id; site.Execute(qry); //----- delete all permissions with current user ----- //---------- then insert all the permissions now granted--------- foreach (Permission permission in user.Permissions) { qry = " INSERT INTO tblUserPermissions" + "(" + "UserId" + ", PermissionId" + ")" + " VALUES(" + user_id + ", " + permission.PermissionId + ")"; site.Execute(qry); } }
public void SaveAttendance(DBSite site, List <AttendanceEntity> attdList) { string qry = ""; foreach (AttendanceEntity atd in attdList) { qry = " INSERT INTO tblAttendance (" + " YearNo, MonthNo, DayNo, HolydayID, StudentMasterID, InTime, OutTime, Status, IsPosted, IsSMSSent, UserId, SubUserId, FYear )" + " VALUES ( " + atd.YearNo + ", " + atd.MonthNo + "," + atd.DayNo + "," + atd.StudentId + ", '" + atd.InTime + "'" + ", '" + atd.OutTime + "'" + ", " + atd.Status + ", " + atd.IsPosted + ", " + atd.IsSMSSent; qry += ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User); qry += " ) "; site.Execute(qry); } }
public void SaveProductMasterData(DBSite site, ProductMasterEntity pme) { string qry = "INSERT INTO tblProductMaster( ProductID, ProductName, OpeningBalance, ProductDate, CostPrice, SellingPrice, UOM, CategoryID"; qry += ", AccountId, LocationId, ReOrderQty ,ProductDescription, UserID, SubuserId , FYear) VALUES("; qry += "'" + pme.ProductId + "'"; qry += ",'" + pme.ProductName + "'"; qry += ", " + pme.OpeningBalance; qry += ", '" + pme.productDate + "'"; qry += ", " + pme.CostPrice; qry += ", " + pme.SellingPrice; qry += ", " + pme.UOM; qry += ", " + pme.CategoryID; qry += ", " + pme.AccountId; qry += ", " + pme.LocationId; qry += ", " + pme.ReOrderQty; qry += ", '" + pme.ProductDescription + "'"; qry += ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User); //qry += ", " + Util_BLL.User.UserId; //qry += ", " + Util_BLL.User.fYear; qry += ")"; site.Execute(qry); }
public void SaveStudent(DBSite site, StudenEntity st) { string qry = "INSERT INTO tblStudentMaster(StudentName, AdmissionNo, ClassId, SectionID, MobileF, MobileM, DOB, Email"; qry += ", IdCardNo, FatherName, MotherName, UserID, SubuserId , FYear) VALUES("; qry += "'" + st.StudentName + "'"; qry += ", '" + st.AdmNo + "'"; qry += ", " + st.PresentClass; qry += ", " + st.SectionId; qry += ", '" + st.MobileNoF + "'"; qry += ", '" + st.MobileNoM + "'"; qry += ", '" + st.DOB + "'"; qry += ", '" + st.Email + "'"; qry += ", '" + st.IdCardNo + "'"; qry += ", '" + st.FatherName + "'"; qry += ", '" + st.MotherName + "'"; qry += ", " + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User); qry += ")"; site.Execute(qry); }
public void SaveAccountMasterData(DBSite site, AccountMasterEntity ame) { string qry = "INSERT INTO tblAccountMaster(AccountName, CreationDate, OpeningBalance, DRCR, "; qry += " Address, City, Phone, Mobile, Email, Remarks, GroupId, UserID, SubuserId ,FYear) VALUES("; qry += "'" + ame.AccountName + "'"; qry += ", '" + ame.CreationDate + "'"; qry += ", " + ame.OpeningBalance; qry += ", " + ame.DRCR; qry += ", '" + ame.Address + "'"; qry += ", '" + ame.City + "'"; qry += ", '" + ame.Phone + "'"; qry += ", '" + ame.Mobile + "'"; qry += ", '" + ame.Email + "'"; qry += ", '" + ame.Remarks + "'"; qry += ", " + ame.GroupId + ","; qry += util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User); //qry += ", " + UserBLL.userID; //qry += ", " + UserBLL.fYear; qry += " )"; site.Execute(qry); }
public void DeleteClasses(DBSite site, string ids) { string qry = "DELETE FROM tblStudentMaster"; qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); // --------get user where condition ----------------- qry += " AND ClassID IN (" + ids + ")"; site.Execute(qry); qry = "DELETE FROM tblClassMaster"; qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); // --------get user where condition ----------------- qry += " AND ClassMasterID IN (" + ids + ")"; site.Execute(qry); }
public void DeleteProduct(DBSite site, string ids) { string qry = "DELETE FROM tblProductMaster"; qry += " WHERE ProductMasterId IN (" + ids + ")"; site.Execute(qry); }
public void changeClass(DBSite site, int classId, string studentIds) { string qry = " UPDATE tblStudentMaster SET "; qry += "ClassId =" + classId; qry += " WHERE StudentMasterId IN (" + studentIds + ")"; site.Execute(qry); }
public void DeleteStore(DBSite site, string product_ledger_numbers) { string qry = " DELETE FROM "; qry += " tblProductLedger "; qry += " WHERE ProductLedgerNumber IN (" + product_ledger_numbers + ")"; site.Execute(qry); }
public void DeleteRecords(DBSite dbSite, string selectedAccountType, AccountType act, string typeID) { string qry = "DELETE FROM " + AccountType.GetTableName(act, selectedAccountType); qry += " WHERE " + AccountType.GetTypeIdName(act, selectedAccountType) + " IN ( " + typeID + ")"; dbSite.Execute(qry); }
public void DeleteSalary(DBSite site, string bsIds) { string qry = " DELETE FROM tblSalary "; qry += " WHERE SalaryID IN (" + bsIds + ")"; site.Execute(qry); }
public void DeleteUser(DBSite site, string user_id) { string qry = " DELETE FROM tblUserInfo" + " WHERE UserInfoId IN (" + user_id + ")"; site.Execute(qry); //---- delete all user's from user information table --------- qry = " DELETE FROM tblSubuser WHERE UserId IN (" + user_id + ")"; site.Execute(qry); //-------- delete all subusers of all selected users ------------------ qry = " DELETE FROM tblUserPermissions" + " WHERE UserId IN (" + user_id + ")"; site.Execute(qry); //----------- delete all permissions from User Permission table for all selected user's and their corressponding subusers-------- }
public void DeleteSubject(DBSite site, string ids) { string qry = "DELETE FROM tblSubjectMaster"; qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); qry += " AND SubjectMasterID IN (" + ids + ")"; site.Execute(qry); }
public void DeleteTerm(DBSite site, string ids) { String qry = "DELETE FROM tblTerm"; qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); // --------get user where condition ----------------- qry += " AND TermID IN (" + ids + ")"; site.Execute(qry); }
public void DeleteRecords(DBSite site, string ids) { string qry = "DELETE FROM tblAccountMaster"; qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); // --------get user where condition ----------------- qry += " AND AccountMasterId IN (" + ids + ")"; site.Execute(qry); }
public void DeleteInfo(DBSite site, string trn_ids) { string qry = " DELETE FROM tblStockTransactionMaster " + " WHERE UserId=" + Util_BLL.User.UserId + " AND FYear=" + Util_BLL.User.fYear + " AND TransactionId IN (" + trn_ids + ")"; site.Execute(qry); }
//----------- Delete Tax Info ------------------------------------------- public void DeleteInfo(DBSite site, string tax_ids) { string qry = " DELETE FROM tblTaxMaster " + " WHERE UserId=" + Util_BLL.User.UserId + " AND FYear=" + Util_BLL.User.fYear + " AND TaxId IN (" + tax_ids + ")"; site.Execute(qry); }
public void UpdateStore(DBSite site, StockMovement store) { string qry = "DELETE FROM tblProductLedger WHERE productLedgerNumber = " + store.ProductLedgerNumber; site.Execute(qry); // update SaveStore(site, store, 1); }
public void EditSubuserInfo_stock(DBSite site, SubuserEntity subuser, string subuser_id) { string qry = " UPDATE tblSubuser SET " + "SubuserName = '******'" + ", SubuserCreationDate = '" + subuser.CreationDate + "'" + ", SubuserPassword = '******'" + ", EmailId = '" + subuser.EmailId + "'" + ", Designation = '" + subuser.Designation + "'" + ", Address = '" + subuser.Address + "'" + ", City = '" + subuser.City + "'" + ", Mobile = '" + subuser.Mobile + "'" + ", Active = " + subuser.UserState; qry += " WHERE SubuserId=" + subuser_id; site.Execute(qry); // ---- update subuser information --------------- qry = " DELETE FROM tblUserPermissions" + " WHERE UserId=" + Util_BLL.User.UserId + " AND SubuserId=" + subuser_id; site.Execute(qry); //------ Delete all permissions to selected Subuser ------ //----- update permissions to Subuser -------------------- foreach (Permission permission in subuser.Permissions) { qry = " INSERT INTO tblUserPermissions" + "(" + "UserId" + ", SubuserId" + ", PermissionId" + ")" + " VALUES(" + Util_BLL.User.UserId //------ user id of Current User -------- + ", " + subuser_id + ", " + permission.PermissionId + ")"; site.Execute(qry); } }
public void UpdateSectionFrm(DBSite site, SectionMasterEntity sec) { string qry = "UPDATE tblSectionMaster SET "; qry += " SectionName ='" + sec.SectionName + "'"; qry += ", SectionOrder=" + sec.SectionOrder + ""; qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); qry += " AND SectionMasterID=" + sec.SectionMasterId; site.Execute(qry); }
//-------------- Delete Payment information ----------------------------------------------------- public void DeletePaymentEntry(DBSite site, string ledger_number) { string qry = " DELETE FROM "; qry += " tblLedger "; qry += " WHERE LedgerNumber IN (" + ledger_number + ")"; qry += "AND UserId = " + Util_BLL.User.UserId; qry += "AND FYear = " + Util_BLL.User.fYear; site.Execute(qry); }
public void EditInfo(DBSite site, StockTransactionType st, string trn_id) { string qry = " UPDATE tblStockTransactionMaster SET" + " TransactionName='" + st.StockTransactionName + "'" + ", Flow=" + st.StockTransactionFlow + " WHERE UserId=" + Util_BLL.User.UserId + " AND FYear=" + Util_BLL.User.fYear + " AND TransactionId=" + trn_id; site.Execute(qry); }
public void UpdateClassFrm(DBSite site, ClassMasterEntity cls) { string qry = "UPDATE tblClassMaster SET "; qry += " ClassName ='" + cls.ClassName + "'"; qry += ", ClassOrder=" + cls.ClassOrder + ""; qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); //------------- gwt user where condition -------------- qry += " AND ClassMasterID=" + cls.ClassMasterId; site.Execute(qry); }
//---------------- Get Issue Information ------------------------------------------------------------- //------------ Delete Issue Info -------------------------------- public void DeleteIssueInfo(DBSite site, string product_ledger_number) { string qry = " DELETE FROM "; qry += " tblProductLedger "; qry += " WHERE ProductLedgerNumber IN (" + product_ledger_number + ")"; qry += "AND UserId = " + Util_BLL.User.UserId; qry += "AND FYear = " + Util_BLL.User.fYear; qry += "AND SourceId = " + TransactionType.StockMovement; site.Execute(qry); }
public void SaveClassMaster(DBSite site, SectionMasterEntity sec) { string qry = "INSERT INTO tblSectionMaster(SectionName, SectionOrder "; qry += " , UserID, FYear) VALUES("; qry += "'" + sec.SectionName + "'"; qry += ", " + sec.SectionOrder; qry += ", " + util.GetUserInsertQryMaster(Util_BLL.User); qry += " )"; site.Execute(qry); }