public string SaveDBWithTime(string time) { LoadJson load = new LoadJson(this._name, time, ""); string sRes = load.LoadJsonLikeTime(); string DBcommand = ""; if (sRes != "[]") //已经有数据 { DBcommand = @"UPDATE [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[JsonTable] SET [内容] ='" + _jsonobj + @"' where [时间]= '" + time + "' AND [表名]='" + this._name + "'"; } else { DBcommand = @"INSERT INTO [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[JsonTable] ([表名] ,[时间] ,[类型] ,[内容]) VALUES ('" + _name + "','" + time + "','json','" + _jsonobj + "')"; } string ret; string source = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EPInfoSys"].ConnectionString.ToString(); DBOper DBop = new DBOper(source, DBcommand); ret = DBop.ReturnRows(); return("数据库录入成功,影响" + ret); }
public static string InfoDel(string id) { string ret; string source = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EPInfoSys"].ConnectionString.ToString(); string DBcommand = @"DELETE FROM [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[CheckInfo] WHERE [Id]=" + id; ret = DBOper.ReturnRows(source, DBcommand); return(ret); }
public void DelStatus() { string _ret; string source = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EPInfoSys"].ConnectionString.ToString(); string DBcommand = @"DELETE FROM [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[ListStatus] WHERE [时间]='" + this._Time + "'"; DBOper dbcom = new DBOper(source, DBcommand); _ret = dbcom.ReturnRows(); this._MonthstatusStr = "[]"; }
public static string staticDelDB(string _time) { string ret; string source = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EPInfoSys"].ConnectionString.ToString(); string DBcommand = @"DELETE FROM [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[DRash] WHERE [日期]='" + _time + "'"; DBOper DBop = new DBOper(source, DBcommand); ret = "删除成功" + DBop.ReturnRows(); return(ret); }
public string DelDB() { string ret; string source = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EPInfoSys"].ConnectionString.ToString(); string DBcommand = @" DELETE FROM [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[CMresult] WHERE [日期]='" + this._Time + "' AND [监测点]='" + this._Name + "'"; DBOper DBop = new DBOper(source, DBcommand); ret = "删除成功" + DBop.ReturnRows(); return(ret); }
public static string DRMChange(string name, string time) { string ret; string source = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EPInfoSys"].ConnectionString.ToString(); string DBcommand = @"UPDATE [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[DRMStatus] SET [状态] = ([状态]+1)%2 WHERE [位置]='" + name + "'"; DBOper DBop = new DBOper(source, DBcommand); ret = DBop.ReturnRows(); return(ret); }
public string UpdateDB(string total) { string ret; string source = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EPInfoSys"].ConnectionString.ToString(); string DBcommand = @"UPDATE [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[DustSourceRecord] SET [data] = '" + this._Jsondata + @"' ,[total]='" + total + @"' WHERE [time] LIKE'" + this._Time + "%' AND [workshop]='" + this._Workshop + "'"; DBOper DBop = new DBOper(source, DBcommand); ret = DBop.ReturnRows(); return(ret); }
public static string staticUpdateDB(string _time, string _jsondata) { string ret; string source = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EPInfoSys"].ConnectionString.ToString(); string DBcommand = @" UPDATE [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[DRash] SET [数据] = '" + _jsondata + "'" + " WHERE [日期]='" + _time + "'"; DBOper DBop = new DBOper(source, DBcommand); ret = "修改成功" + DBop.ReturnRows(); return(ret); }
public string UpdateDB() { string ret; string source = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EPInfoSys"].ConnectionString.ToString(); string DBcommand = @" UPDATE [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[CMresult] SET [数据] = '" + this._Jsondata + @"' WHERE [日期]='" + this._Time + "' AND [监测点]='" + this._Name + "'"; DBOper DBop = new DBOper(source, DBcommand); ret = "修改成功" + DBop.ReturnRows(); return(ret); }
public static string ManualList(string time, string RuleId) { string DBcommand; string source = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EPInfoSys"].ConnectionString.ToString(); DBcommand = @" UPDATE [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[ListStatus] SET [自动] = 0 ,[挂牌] = ([挂牌]+1)%2 WHERE [时间] ='" + time + "'AND [RuleId]=" + RuleId; DBOper dbcom = new DBOper(source, DBcommand); string _ret = dbcom.ReturnRows(); return(_ret); }
public static string staticSaveToDB(string _time, string _jsondata) { string ret; string source = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EPInfoSys"].ConnectionString.ToString(); string DBcommand = @"INSERT INTO [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[DRash] ([日期] ,[修改人] ,[数据]) VALUES ('" + _time + "'" + ",'zztdan'" + ",'" + _jsondata + "')"; ret = DBOper.ReturnRows(source, DBcommand); return("修改成功" + ret); }
public string InsertDB(string total) { string ret; string source = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EPInfoSys"].ConnectionString.ToString(); string DBcommand = @"INSERT INTO [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[DustSourceRecord] ([time] ,[workshop] ,[data] ,[total]) VALUES ('" + _Time + @"' ,'" + _Workshop + @"' ,'" + _Jsondata + @"' ,'" + total + "')"; ret = DBOper.ReturnRows(source, DBcommand); return(ret); }
public string SaveDB() { string ret; string time = DateTime.Now.ToString(); string source = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EPInfoSys"].ConnectionString.ToString(); string DBcommand = @"INSERT INTO [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[JsonTable] ([表名] ,[时间] ,[类型] ,[内容]) VALUES ('" + _name + "','" + time + "','json','" + _jsonobj + "')"; DBOper DBop = new DBOper(source, DBcommand); ret = DBop.ReturnRows(); return("数据库备份录入成功,影响" + ret); }
public string SaveToDB() { string ret; string source = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EPInfoSys"].ConnectionString.ToString(); string DBcommand = @"INSERT INTO [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[CMresult] ([日期] ,[监测点] ,[类型] ,[修改人] ,[数据]) VALUES ('" + this._Time + @"' ,'" + this._Name + @"' ,'" + this._Type + @"' ,'" + this._Editor + @"' ,'" + this._Jsondata + "')"; ret = DBOper.ReturnRows(source, DBcommand); return("修改成功" + ret); }
public string InfoSave() { string ret; string source = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EPInfoSys"].ConnectionString.ToString(); string DBcommand = @"INSERT INTO [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[CheckInfo] ([真实时间] ,[统计时间] ,[车间] ,[检查类型] ,[合格] ,[详情]) VALUES ('" + this._Realtime + @"' ,'" + this._Counttime + @"' ,'" + this._Factory + @"' ,'" + this._Type + @"' ," + this._Pass + @" ,'" + this._Jsondata + "')"; ret = DBOper.ReturnRows(source, DBcommand); return("保存结果为:" + ret); }
public string InsertDB() { string ret; string source = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EPInfoSys"].ConnectionString.ToString(); string DBcommand = @"INSERT INTO [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[NewInfo] ([ClassifyN] ,[时间] ,[分类] ,[作者] ,[标题] ,[内容]) VALUES ('" + this._ClassifyN + @"' ,'" + this._Time + @"' ,'" + this._Classify + @"' ,'" + this._Editor + @"' ,'" + this._Title + @"' ,'" + this._Container + "')"; ret = DBOper.ReturnRows(source, DBcommand); return("保存结果为:" + ret); }
public string CreateStatus() { string DBcommand; string source = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EPInfoSys"].ConnectionString.ToString(); JArray Monthstatusjarr = JArray.Parse(this._MonthstatusStr); Dictionary <string, ListStatusByFac> MonthstatusObj = BuildMonthObj(Monthstatusjarr); string ListRulesStr = this.ReadRules(); JArray LRulesObj = JArray.Parse(ListRulesStr); foreach (JObject Ruleobj in LRulesObj) { //看Monthstatus有没有这个规则结果。如果有,那么更新则使用update语句,如果没有这个Id的规则结果,则使用insert语句 string ObjFactory = Ruleobj["车间"].ToString(); string ObjTime = this._Time; string KeyStr = ObjFactory + "|" + ObjTime; string Objid = Ruleobj["RuleId"].ToString(); int hasrule; if (MonthstatusObj.ContainsKey(KeyStr)) { hasrule = MonthstatusObj[KeyStr].Factory_List_Status.FindIndex(delegate(ListStatusbyRule sch) { return(sch.RuleId == Objid); }); } else { hasrule = -1; } //不管有没有这个规则,都需要先实例化由rule生成的规则结果类,以录入或覆盖原来的规则 ListStatusbyRule newLStatu = new ListStatusbyRule(Ruleobj["RuleId"].ToString(), ObjTime, ObjFactory, Ruleobj["项目"].ToString(), Ruleobj["规则"].ToString(), float.Parse(((JValue)Ruleobj["阀值"]).Value.ToString()), true); newLStatu.GetCValueFromDB(); newLStatu.ListValue = newLStatu.SetListValue(); int ifauto; int lvalue; if (newLStatu.IfAuto) { ifauto = 1; } else { ifauto = 0; } if (newLStatu.ListValue) { lvalue = 1; } else { lvalue = 0; } if (hasrule == -1) //没有这个规则 { if (MonthstatusObj.ContainsKey(KeyStr)) //有车间无规则,直接在车间里面加这个规则 { MonthstatusObj[KeyStr].Factory_List_Status.Add(newLStatu); } else //规则车间都没有 { ListStatusByFac newfac = new ListStatusByFac(ObjFactory, ObjTime); newfac.Factory_List_Status.Add(newLStatu); MonthstatusObj.Add(KeyStr, newfac); } DBcommand = @"INSERT INTO [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[ListStatus] ([时间] ,[车间] ,[项目] ,[RuleId] ,[规则类] ,[阀值] ,[采集值] ,[自动] ,[挂牌]) VALUES ('" + this._Time + @"' ,'" + ObjFactory + @"' ,'" + newLStatu.Type + @"' ,'" + newLStatu.RuleId + @"' ,'" + newLStatu.RuleType + @"' ,'" + newLStatu.ThresHold + @"' ,'" + newLStatu.CollectionValue + @"' ," + ifauto + @" ," + lvalue + @" )" ; } else //有这个规则,修改Month类中的这个规则,然后使用update语句而不是insert { MonthstatusObj[KeyStr].Factory_List_Status[hasrule] = newLStatu; DBcommand = @" UPDATE [EPInfoSystem].[dbo].[ListStatus] SET [车间] = '" + ObjFactory + @"' ,[项目] = '" + newLStatu.Type + @"' ,[规则类] = '" + newLStatu.RuleType + @"' ,[阀值] = " + newLStatu.ThresHold + @" ,[采集值] =" + newLStatu.CollectionValue + @" ,[自动] = " + ifauto + @" ,[挂牌] = " + lvalue + @" WHERE [时间] ='" + this._Time + "'AND [RuleId]=" + newLStatu.RuleId; } DBOper dbcom = new DBOper(source, DBcommand); string _ret = dbcom.ReturnRows(); } return(JsonConvertHelper.SerializeObject(MonthstatusObj)); }