private void TrackFeatures(Image <Gray, byte> grayImage) { if (framesProcessed == 1) { keyPoints = featureDetector.Detect(grayImage); kpVector = new VectorOfPointF((keyPoints.Select(p => p.Point).ToArray())); nextVector = new VectorOfPointF(kpVector.Size); statusArray = new VectorOfByte(kpVector.Size); errArray = new VectorOfFloat(kpVector.Size); } else if (framesProcessed > 2) { kpVector = nextVector; } if (framesProcessed % 50 == 0) { kpVector = CreateGrid(currentImage); } if (framesProcessed >= 2) { CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(lastGray, grayImage, kpVector, nextVector, statusArray, errArray, new Size(trackBar1.Value * 2 + 2, trackBar1.Value * 2 + 2), trackBar4.Value, new MCvTermCriteria(trackBar2.Value, trackBar3.Value / 100.0)); DrawPoints(nextVector, Color.Blue); } }
public PointF[] FPoints(MKeyPoint[] GFP1, Image <Bgr, byte> image1, Image <Bgr, byte> image2) { PointF[] srcPoints = new PointF[GFP1.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < GFP1.Length; i++) { srcPoints[i] = GFP1[i].Point; } PointF[] destPoints; byte[] status; float[] trackErrors; CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(image1.Convert <Gray, byte>().Mat, image2.Convert <Gray, byte>().Mat, srcPoints, new Size(20, 20), 5, new MCvTermCriteria(20, 1), out destPoints, out status, out trackErrors ); return(destPoints); }
public Mat GetTransform() { Mat status = new Mat(); Mat err = new Mat(); Mat outs = new Mat(); CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(bgImage, curFrame, corners, outs, status, err, new Size(15, 15), 2, new Emgu.CV.Structure.MCvTermCriteria()); return(CvInvoke.GetPerspectiveTransform(corners, outs)); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GFTTDetector detector = new GFTTDetector(40, 0.01, 5, 3, true); MKeyPoint[] GFP1 = detector.Detect(baseImg.Convert <Gray, byte>().Mat); //создание массива характерных точек исходного изображения (только позиции) PointF[] srcPoints = new PointF[GFP1.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < GFP1.Length; i++) { srcPoints[i] = GFP1[i].Point; } PointF[] destPoints; //массив для хранения позиций точек на изменённом изображении byte[] status; //статус точек (найдены/не найдены) float[] trackErrors; //ошибки //вычисление позиций характерных точек на новом изображении методом Лукаса-Канаде CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK( baseImg.Convert <Gray, byte>().Mat, //исходное изображение twistedImg.Convert <Gray, byte>().Mat, //изменённое изображение srcPoints, //массив характерных точек исходного изображения new Size(20, 20), //размер окна поиска 5, //уровни пирамиды new MCvTermCriteria(20, 1), //условие остановки вычисления оптического потока out destPoints, //позиции характерных точек на новом изображении out status, //содержит 1 в элементах, для которых поток был найден out trackErrors //содержит ошибки ); //вычисление матрицы гомографии Mat homographyMatrix = CvInvoke.FindHomography(destPoints, srcPoints, RobustEstimationAlgorithm.LMEDS); var destImage = new Image <Bgr, byte>(baseImg.Size); CvInvoke.WarpPerspective(twistedImg, destImage, homographyMatrix, destImage.Size); //var output1 = baseImg.Clone(); //foreach (MKeyPoint p in GFP1) //{ // CvInvoke.Circle(output1, Point.Round(p.Point), 3, new Bgr(Color.Blue).MCvScalar, 2); //} //imageBox1.Image = output1.Resize(640, 480, Inter.Linear); ////var output2 = twistedImg.Clone(); //foreach (PointF p in destPoints) //{ // CvInvoke.Circle(destImage, Point.Round(p), 3, new Bgr(Color.Blue).MCvScalar, 2); //} imageBox2.Image = destImage.Resize(640, 480, Inter.Linear); }
public Image <Bgr, byte> GFTT() { GFTTDetector detector = new GFTTDetector(40, 0.01, 5, 3, true); MKeyPoint[] GFP1 = detector.Detect(baseImage.Convert <Gray, byte>().Mat); //создание массива характерных точек исходного изображения (только позиции) PointF[] srcPoints = new PointF[GFP1.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < GFP1.Length; i++) { srcPoints[i] = GFP1[i].Point; } PointF[] destPoints; //массив для хранения позиций точек на изменённом изображении byte[] status; //статус точек (найдены/не найдены) float[] trackErrors; //ошибки //вычисление позиций характерных точек на новом изображении методом Лукаса-Канаде CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK( baseImage.Convert <Gray, byte>().Mat, //исходное изображение twistedImage.Convert <Gray, byte>().Mat, //изменённое изображение srcPoints, //массив характерных точек исходного изображения new Size(20, 20), //размер окна поиска 5, //уровни пирамиды new MCvTermCriteria(20, 1), //условие остановки вычисления оптического потока out destPoints, //позиции характерных точек на новом изображении out status, //содержит 1 в элементах, для которых поток был найден out trackErrors //содержит ошибки ); var output = baseImage.Clone(); foreach (MKeyPoint p in GFP1) { CvInvoke.Circle(output, Point.Round(p.Point), 3, new Bgr(Color.Blue).MCvScalar, 2); } var output2 = twistedImage.Clone(); foreach (MKeyPoint p in GFP1) { CvInvoke.Circle(output2, Point.Round(p.Point), 3, new Bgr(Color.Blue).MCvScalar, 2); } return(output.Resize(640, 480, Inter.Linear)); }
private void opticalFlow() { var a = new MCvTermCriteria(100); byte[] status2; float[] errors2; PointF[] corners2; var vectors2 = vector2Point(vectors); var keypoints = fastDetector.Detect(inputGrayImage, null); var corners = new VectorOfKeyPoint(keypoints); corners2 = vector2Point(corners); CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(inputGrayImagePrevious, inputGrayImage, vectors2, new Size(10, 10), 3, a, out corners2, out status2, out errors2); var matches = countNonZero(status2); labelStatus.Text = "Found =" + Convert.ToString(matches); labelTotal.Text = "Total =" + Convert.ToString(errors2.Count()); }
public Image <Bgr, byte> ReturnLucas(Image <Bgr, byte> image, Image <Bgr, byte> twistedImg, out Image <Bgr, byte> defImg) { GFTTDetector detector = new GFTTDetector(40, 0.01, 5, 3, true); MKeyPoint[] GFP1 = detector.Detect(image.Convert <Gray, byte>().Mat); foreach (MKeyPoint p in GFP1) { CvInvoke.Circle(image, Point.Round(p.Point), 5, new Bgr(Color.LawnGreen).MCvScalar, 2); } defImg = image; PointF[] srcPoints = new PointF[GFP1.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < GFP1.Length; i++) { srcPoints[i] = GFP1[i].Point; } PointF[] destPoints; //массив для хранения позиций точек на изменённом изображении byte[] status; //статус точек (найдены/не найдены) float[] trackErrors; //ошибки //вычисление позиций характерных точек на новом изображении методом Лукаса-Канаде CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK( image.Convert <Gray, byte>().Mat, //исходное изображение twistedImg.Convert <Gray, byte>().Mat, //изменённое изображение srcPoints, //массив характерных точек исходного изображения new Size(20, 20), //размер окна поиска 5, //уровни пирамиды new MCvTermCriteria(20, 1), //условие остановки вычисления оптического потока out destPoints, //позиции характерных точек на новом изображении out status, //содержит 1 в элементах, для которых поток был найден out trackErrors //содержит ошибки ); //for (int i = 0; i < destPoints.Length; i++) // srcPoints[i] = GFP1[i].Point; foreach (PointF p in destPoints) { CvInvoke.Circle(twistedImg, Point.Round(p), 5, new Bgr(Color.LawnGreen).MCvScalar, 2); } return(twistedImg); }
private static void ComputeOpticalFlowAndValidate(Mat prevGray, Mat currGray, ref VectorOfKeyPoint trackedFeatures, ref VectorOfKeyPoint bootstrapKp, Mat img = null) { var corners = new VectorOfPointF(); var status = new VectorOfByte(); var errors = new VectorOfFloat(); CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prevGray, currGray, Utils.GetPointsVector(trackedFeatures), corners, status, errors, new Size(11, 11), 3, new MCvTermCriteria(30, 0.01)); currGray.CopyTo(prevGray); if (img != null) { for (int j = 0; j < corners.Size; j++) { if (status[j] == 1) { CvInvoke.Line(img, new Point((int)trackedFeatures[j].Point.X, (int)trackedFeatures[j].Point.Y), new Point((int)corners[j].X, (int)corners[j].Y), new MCvScalar(120, 10, 20)); } } } if (CvInvoke.CountNonZero(status) < status.Size * 0.8) { throw new Exception("Tracking failed."); } trackedFeatures = Utils.GetKeyPointsVector(corners); Utils.KeepVectorsByStatus(ref trackedFeatures, ref bootstrapKp, status); if (trackedFeatures.Size != bootstrapKp.Size) { const string error = "Tracked features vector size is not equal to bootstrapped one."; throw new Exception(error); } }
// Calculate Optical Flow Using PyrLk Algorithm public void PyrLkOpticalFlow(Image <Gray, byte> prevFrame, Image <Gray, byte> nextFrame) { //Get the Optical flow of L-K feature Image <Gray, Byte> mask = prevFrame.Clone(); GFTTDetector detector = new GFTTDetector(30, 0.01, 10, 3, false, 0.04); MKeyPoint[] fp1 = detector.Detect(prevFrame, null); VectorOfPointF vp1 = new VectorOfPointF(fp1.Select(x => x.Point).ToArray()); VectorOfPointF vp2 = new VectorOfPointF(vp1.Size); VectorOfByte vstatus = new VectorOfByte(vp1.Size); VectorOfFloat verr = new VectorOfFloat(vp1.Size); Size winsize = new Size(prevFrame.Width, prevFrame.Height); int maxLevel = 1; // if 0, winsize is not used MCvTermCriteria criteria = new MCvTermCriteria(10, 1); try { CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prevFrame, nextFrame, vp1, vp2, vstatus, verr, winsize, maxLevel, criteria); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
public void Bootstrap_Track_Logic_Test() { var capture = new Capture($@"{TestCaseProjectPath}\Videos\cube2.avi"); //var capture = new Capture(@"C:\Users\zakharov\Documents\Repos\Mine\Rc\src\RubiksCube.OpenCV.TestCase\Videos\cube2.avi"); for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { capture.QueryFrame(); } var prevGray = capture.QueryFrame(); CvInvoke.CvtColor(prevGray, prevGray, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray); var currentGray = capture.QueryFrame(); CvInvoke.CvtColor(currentGray, currentGray, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray); var bootstrapKp = new VectorOfKeyPoint(); new ORBDetector().DetectRaw(prevGray, bootstrapKp); var trackedFeatures = new VectorOfKeyPoint(bootstrapKp.ToArray()); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- var pointComparer = Comparer <PointF> .Create((p1, p2) => Math.Abs(p1.X - p2.X) < 0.0001f && Math.Abs(p1.Y - p2.Y) < 0.0001f? 0 : 1); var point3DComparer = Comparer <MCvPoint3D32f> .Create((p1, p2) => Math.Abs(p1.X - p2.X) < 0.0001f && Math.Abs(p1.Y - p2.Y) < 0.0001f && Math.Abs(p1.Z - p2.Z) < 0.0001f? 0 : 1); var matrixComparer = Comparer <double> .Create((x, y) => Math.Abs(x - y) < 0.0001f? 0 : 1); for (int i = 41; i <= 95; i++) { var bootstrapPointsBeforeOpticalFlowCplusPlus = GetPoints($"I = {i}txt - Bootstrap points before optical flow.txt"); var trackedPointsBeforeOpticalFlowCplusPlus = GetPoints($"I = {i}txt - Tracked points before optical flow.txt"); var bootstrapPointsAfterOpticalFlowCplusPlus = GetPoints($"I = {i}txt - Bootstrap points after optical flow.txt"); var trackedPointsAfterOpticalFlowCplusPlus = GetPoints($"I = {i}txt - Tracked points after optical flow.txt"); var bootstrapPointsAfterHomographyCplusPlus = GetPoints($"I = {i}txt - Bootstrap points after homography.txt"); var trackedPointsAfterHomographyCplusPlus = GetPoints($"I = {i}txt - Tracked points after homography.txt"); var homographyCplusPlus = Getmatrix3X3($"I = {i}txt - Homography.txt"); var homographyMaskCplusPlus = GetByteVector($"I = {i}txt - Homography mask.txt"); var corners = new VectorOfPointF(); var status = new VectorOfByte(); var errors = new VectorOfFloat(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Utils.GetPointsVector(bootstrapKp).ToArray(), bootstrapPointsBeforeOpticalFlowCplusPlus.ToArray(), pointComparer); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Utils.GetPointsVector(trackedFeatures).ToArray(), trackedPointsBeforeOpticalFlowCplusPlus.ToArray(), pointComparer); CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prevGray, currentGray, Utils.GetPointsVector(trackedFeatures), corners, status, errors, new Size(11, 11), 3, new MCvTermCriteria(30, 0.01)); currentGray.CopyTo(prevGray); if (CvInvoke.CountNonZero(status) < status.Size * 0.8) { throw new Exception("Tracking failed."); } trackedFeatures = Utils.GetKeyPointsVector(corners); Utils.KeepVectorsByStatus(ref trackedFeatures, ref bootstrapKp, status); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Utils.GetPointsVector(bootstrapKp).ToArray(), bootstrapPointsAfterOpticalFlowCplusPlus.ToArray(), pointComparer); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Utils.GetPointsVector(trackedFeatures).ToArray(), trackedPointsAfterOpticalFlowCplusPlus.ToArray(), pointComparer); if (trackedFeatures.Size != bootstrapKp.Size) { const string error = "Tracked features vector size is not equal to bootstrapped one."; throw new Exception(error); } //verify features with a homography var inlierMask = new VectorOfByte(); var homography = new Mat(); if (trackedFeatures.Size > 4) { CvInvoke.FindHomography(Utils.GetPointsVector(trackedFeatures), Utils.GetPointsVector(bootstrapKp), homography, HomographyMethod.Ransac, 0.99, inlierMask); } var homographyMatrix = new Matrix <double>(homography.Rows, homography.Cols, homography.DataPointer); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(homographyMatrix.Data, homographyCplusPlus.Data, matrixComparer); int inliersNum = CvInvoke.CountNonZero(inlierMask); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(inlierMask.ToArray(), homographyMaskCplusPlus.ToArray()); if (inliersNum != trackedFeatures.Size && inliersNum >= 4 && !homography.IsEmpty) { Utils.KeepVectorsByStatus(ref trackedFeatures, ref bootstrapKp, inlierMask); } else if (inliersNum < 10) { throw new Exception("Not enough features survived homography."); } CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Utils.GetPointsVector(bootstrapKp).ToArray(), bootstrapPointsAfterHomographyCplusPlus.ToArray(), pointComparer); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Utils.GetPointsVector(trackedFeatures).ToArray(), trackedPointsAfterHomographyCplusPlus.ToArray(), pointComparer); var bootstrapKpOrig = new VectorOfKeyPoint(bootstrapKp.ToArray()); var trackedFeaturesOrig = new VectorOfKeyPoint(trackedFeatures.ToArray()); //TODO: Compare all these to c++ version //Attempt at 3D reconstruction (triangulation) if conditions are right var rigidT = CvInvoke.EstimateRigidTransform(Utils.GetPointsVector(trackedFeatures).ToArray(), Utils.GetPointsVector(bootstrapKp).ToArray(), false); var matrix = new Matrix <double>(rigidT.Rows, rigidT.Cols, rigidT.DataPointer); if (CvInvoke.Norm(matrix.GetCol(2)) > 100) { var points3DCplusPlus = GetPoints3d($"I = {i}txt - 3d points.txt"); var eigenvectorsCplusPlus = Getmatrix3X3($"I = {i}txt - eigenvectors.txt"); var normalOfPlaneCplusPlus = GetDoubleArray($"I = {i}txt - normal of plane.txt"); //camera motion is sufficient var p1Init = new Matrix <double>(3, 4); p1Init.SetIdentity(); var result = OpenCvUtilities.CameraPoseAndTriangulationFromFundamental(_calibration, trackedFeatures, bootstrapKp, p1Init); trackedFeatures = result.FilteredTrackedFeaturesKp; bootstrapKp = result.FilteredBootstrapKp; if (result.Result) { double pToPlaneTrashCplusPlus = GetDouble($"I = {i}txt - p_to_plane_thresh.txt"); int numInliersCplusPlus = GetInt($"I = {i}txt - num inliers.txt"); var statusArrCplusPlus = GetByteVector($"I = {i}txt - status arr.txt"); var trackedFeatures3D = result.TrackedFeatures3D; CollectionAssert.AreEqual(trackedFeatures3D.ToArray(), points3DCplusPlus.ToArray(), point3DComparer); //var trackedFeatures3Dm = Utils.Get3dPointsMat(trackedFeatures3D); var tf3D = new double[trackedFeatures3D.Size, 3]; var trackedFeatures3Dm = new Matrix <double>(trackedFeatures3D.Size, 3); for (int k = 0; k < trackedFeatures3D.Size; k++) { trackedFeatures3Dm[k, 0] = trackedFeatures3D[k].X; trackedFeatures3Dm[k, 1] = trackedFeatures3D[k].Y; trackedFeatures3Dm[k, 2] = trackedFeatures3D[k].Z; tf3D[k, 0] = trackedFeatures3D[k].X; tf3D[k, 1] = trackedFeatures3D[k].Y; tf3D[k, 2] = trackedFeatures3D[k].Z; } var eigenvectors = new Mat(); var mean = new Mat(); CvInvoke.PCACompute(trackedFeatures3Dm, mean, eigenvectors); var eigenvectorsMatrix = new Matrix <double>(eigenvectors.Rows, eigenvectors.Cols, eigenvectors.DataPointer); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(eigenvectorsMatrix.Data, eigenvectorsCplusPlus.Data, matrixComparer); var method = PrincipalComponentMethod.Center; var pca = new PrincipalComponentAnalysis(method); pca.Learn(tf3D.ToJagged()); var meanMatrix = new Matrix <double>(mean.Rows, mean.Cols, mean.DataPointer); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(meanMatrix.Data.ToJagged()[0], pca.Means, matrixComparer); int numInliers = 0; var normalOfPlane = eigenvectorsMatrix.GetRow(2).ToUMat().ToMat(AccessType.Fast); CvInvoke.Normalize(normalOfPlane, normalOfPlane); var normalOfPlaneMatrix = new Matrix <double>(normalOfPlane.Rows, normalOfPlane.Cols, normalOfPlane.DataPointer); var normalOfPlaneArray = new[] { normalOfPlaneMatrix[0, 0], normalOfPlaneMatrix[0, 1], normalOfPlaneMatrix[0, 2] }; CollectionAssert.AreEqual(normalOfPlaneArray, normalOfPlaneCplusPlus, matrixComparer); double pToPlaneThresh = Math.Sqrt(pca.Eigenvalues.ElementAt(2)); Assert.AreEqual(pToPlaneTrashCplusPlus, pToPlaneThresh, 0.0001); var statusArray = new byte[trackedFeatures3D.Size]; for (int k = 0; k < trackedFeatures3D.Size; k++) { var t1 = new double[] { trackedFeatures3D[k].X, trackedFeatures3D[k].Y, trackedFeatures3D[k].Z }; var t2 = t1.Subtract(pca.Means); var w = new Matrix <double>(new[, ] { { t2[0], t2[1], t2[2] } }); double d = Math.Abs(normalOfPlane.Dot(w)); if (d < pToPlaneThresh) { numInliers++; statusArray[k] = 1; } } Assert.AreEqual(numInliersCplusPlus, numInliers); var statusVector = new VectorOfByte(statusArray); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(statusArrCplusPlus.ToArray(), statusVector.ToArray()); bool bootstrapping = numInliers / (double)trackedFeatures3D.Size < 0.75; if (!bootstrapping) { //enough features are coplanar, keep them and flatten them on the XY plane Utils.KeepVectorsByStatus(ref trackedFeatures, ref trackedFeatures3D, statusVector); //the PCA has the major axes of the plane var projected = new Mat(); CvInvoke.PCAProject(trackedFeatures3Dm, mean, eigenvectors, projected); var projectedMatrix = new Matrix <double>(projected.Rows, projected.Cols, projected.DataPointer); projectedMatrix.GetCol(2).SetValue(0); projectedMatrix.CopyTo(trackedFeatures3Dm); } else { bootstrapKp = bootstrapKpOrig; trackedFeatures = trackedFeaturesOrig; } } } currentGray = capture.QueryFrame(); CvInvoke.CvtColor(currentGray, currentGray, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray); } }
private void ProcessFrame(object sender, EventArgs arg) { if (capture != null && capture.Ptr != IntPtr.Zero) { //Retrieve video from the camera and store in frame Mat frame = new Mat(); capture.Retrieve(frame); //Copy frame to Result Frame Mat ResultFrame = new Mat(); frame.CopyTo(ResultFrame); //Create a nextFrame and convert the captured frame to grayscale nextFrame = new Mat(); CvInvoke.CvtColor(frame, nextFrame, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray); //If the prevFrame is not empty run program to detect moving frame if (!prevFrameEmpty) { //Detect Keypoints using good feature to track command VectorOfKeyPoint prevFeatures = new VectorOfKeyPoint(gFTTDetector.Detect(prevFrame)); //Store KeyPoints in Floaing Point variable PointF[] prevPts = new PointF[prevFeatures.Size]; for (int i = 0; i < prevFeatures.Size; i++) { prevPts[i] = prevFeatures[i].Point; } //Declare variables to store results of optical flow PointF[] nextPts; byte[] status; float[] errors; //Run Lucas-Kanade Optical Flow by comparing the previous and the next frame CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prevFrame, nextFrame, prevPts, new Size(25, 25), 1, new MCvTermCriteria(20, 0.03), out nextPts, out status, out errors); //Display results of motion by drawing circles for (int i = 0; i < status.Length; i++) { Point prevPt = new Point((int)prevPts[i].X, (int)nextPts[i].Y); Point nextPt = new Point((int)nextPts[i].X, (int)nextPts[i].Y); double length = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(prevPt.X - nextPt.X, 2) + Math.Pow(prevPt.Y - nextPt.Y, 2)); if (length > 3) { CvInvoke.Circle(ResultFrame, nextPt, 1, new MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), 2); } } //Copy next frame to previous frame for next motion prevFrame = nextFrame.Clone(); prevFrameEmpty = false; } else if (prevFrameEmpty) { prevFrame = nextFrame.Clone(); prevFrameEmpty = false; } //Display results in picturebox to display captureImageBox.Image = frame.ToImage <Bgr, byte>().Bitmap; resultImageBox.Image = ResultFrame.ToImage <Bgr, byte>().Bitmap; } }
public override void CalculateWeights(Mat image, ImageFeatureMap target) { DetectionTime = 0; if (!Enabled) { return; } byte[] status; float[] errTracker; PointF[] features; float W = image.Width; float H = image.Height; if (_isFirstFrame || _prevImage.Width != image.Width || _prevImage.Height != image.Height) { _prevImage = image.Clone(); _isFirstFrame = false; return; } DateTime t = DateTime.Now; if (_currPoints == null || _currPoints.Length < 50 || (t - _time).TotalSeconds > Params.OFParameters.FeaturesUpdateTime) { _time = t; UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Recalculating feature points"); GFTTDetector _GFTTdetector = new GFTTDetector(Params.OFParameters.MaxFeaturesCount); MKeyPoint[] featPoints = _GFTTdetector.Detect(image, null); _prevPoints = new PointF[featPoints.Length]; int i = 0; foreach (var k in featPoints) { _prevPoints [i] = k.Point; ++i; } _currPoints = _prevPoints; } Stopwatch watch; watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); try{ _criteria.Type = Params.OFParameters.CriteriaType; _criteria.MaxIter = Params.OFParameters.Iterations; _criteria.Epsilon = Params.OFParameters.Epsilon; CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(_prevImage, image, _prevPoints, new Size((int)Params.OFParameters.SearchWindow.x, (int)Params.OFParameters.SearchWindow.y), Params.OFParameters.Level, _criteria, out features, out status, out errTracker); //calculate homography matrix CvInvoke.FindHomography(_prevPoints, features, _homography, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.HomographyMethod.Default); }catch (Exception e) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log(e.Message); return; } watch.Stop(); DetectionTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; //calculate homography transformation, and remove it from points Matrix4x4 m = new Matrix4x4(); m.SetRow(0, new Vector4((float)_homography[0, 0], (float)_homography[0, 1], 0, (float)_homography[0, 2])); m.SetRow(1, new Vector4((float)_homography[1, 0], (float)_homography[1, 1], 0, (float)_homography[1, 2])); m.SetRow(2, new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0)); m.SetRow(3, new Vector4((float)_homography[2, 0], (float)_homography[2, 1], 0, (float)_homography[2, 2])); Matrix4x4 homographyInverse = Matrix4x4.Inverse(m); //get the inverse //next, fill weight map Vector2 direction = new Vector2((float)_homography [0, 2], (float)_homography [1, 2]); direction.Normalize(); _opticalFlow.Clear(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < features.Length; ++i) { Vector3 dp = m * new Vector3(features [i].X, features [i].Y, 0); float dist = (dp.x - _prevPoints [i].X) * (dp.x - _prevPoints [i].X) + (dp.y - _prevPoints [i].Y) * (dp.y - _prevPoints [i].Y); if (dist > Params.OFParameters.MinDistance * Params.OFParameters.MinDistance && dist < Params.OFParameters.MaxDistance * Params.OFParameters.MaxDistance) { //check if the calculated point belongs to the object motion or to camera motion //Vector3 d = new Vector3 (features [i].X - dp.x, features [i].Y - dp.y,0); /* float len= Mathf.Sqrt(dist);//dp.magnitude; * if (len < Params.OFParameters.FeatureSimilarityThreshold) { * continue;//skip this point, correlated with camera motion * }*/ /* * Vector3 d = new Vector3 (features [i].X - _currPoints [i].X, features [i].Y - _currPoints [i].Y,0); * d.Normalize (); * float dp = Vector2.Dot (d, direction); * if (dp > Params.OFParameters.FeatureSimilarityThreshold) { * continue;//skip this point, correlated with camera motion * }*/ // add this point ++count; float x = features [i].X / (float)W; float y = (features [i].Y / (float)H); if (x > 1 || x < 0 || y > 1 || y < 0) { continue; } float w = 20 / W; // Mathf.Abs(_currPoints [i].X - features [i].X)/W; float h = 20 / H; //Mathf.Abs(_currPoints [i].Y - features [i].Y)/H; Rect r = new Rect(x - w / 2.0f, y - h / 2.0f /*1-y-h*/, w, h); //target.SetWeight (x,1-y,1.0f); target.FillRectangle(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height, 1); TrackedFeature f = new TrackedFeature(); f.v1 = new Vector2(_currPoints[i].X / W, _currPoints[i].Y / H); f.v2 = new Vector2(features [i].X / W, features [i].Y / H); _opticalFlow.Add(f); } } if (count > features.Length / 10) { _featuresDetected = true; } else { _featuresDetected = false; } if (features != null) { lock (_objectsLock) { _prevPoints = _currPoints; _currPoints = features; } } _prevImage = image.Clone(); }
private void goruntual(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { capt.Retrieve(kare); } catch (Exception exc) { console1.Invoke((Action) delegate { console1.AppendText("CaptureError:" + exc.Message + "\n"); }); } karei = kare.ToImage <Bgr, Byte>(); // karei.Flip(FlipType.Horizontal); //karei.Rotate(60,new PointF(320,24),Inter.Area,new Bgr(0,0,0),true); karei._GammaCorrect(1); kareg = karei.Convert <Gray, Byte>(); //siyah beyaza çevrim veriler = sinif.DetectMultiScale(kareg, 1.1, 4, new Size(80, 80)); //tanıma if (veriler.Length != 0) { for (int i = 1; i < veriler.Length; i++) { if ((veriler[i].Width * veriler[i].Height) > (veriler[0].Width * veriler[0].Height)) { veriler[0] = veriler[i]; } } } // en büyüğüne 0 indisine alma try { takip.step(veriler); processedveri =; #region yuz ve göz işleme if (processedveri.Length > 0 && takip.bulundu) { karei.ROI = processedveri[0]; faceim = karei.Copy(); faceg = faceim.Convert <Gray, Byte>(); Rectangle[] gozrect = gozler.DetectMultiScale(faceg, 1.1, 4, new Size(20, 20)); //tanıma if (gozrect.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < gozrect.Length; i++) { if ((gozrect[i].Width * gozrect[i].Height) > (gozrect[0].Width * gozrect[0].Height)) { gozrect[0] = gozrect[i]; } } //en büyüğü alma gozrect[0].Y -= 30; gozrect[0].Height += 40; gozrect[0].X -= 5; gozrect[0].Width += 10; } if (gozrect.Length > 0) { filtre.besle(gozrect[0], fps); Rectangle EyeRect =, faceim.Height); faceim.ROI = EyeRect; Image <Bgr, Byte> Gozim = faceim.Copy(); Image <Hsv, Byte> GozimHSV = Gozim.Convert <Hsv, Byte>(); Image <Gray, Byte> RangeMask = GozimHSV.InRange(new Hsv(13, 10, 58), new Hsv(19, 40, 180)); faceim.ROI = new Rectangle(); eyebox.Image = Gozim; faceim.Draw(EyeRect, new Bgr(0, 0, 255), 2); } facebox.Image = faceim; karei.ROI = new Rectangle(); faceg = null; } } catch (Exception exc) { console1.Invoke((Action) delegate { console1.AppendText("Gozrect:" + exc.Message + "\n"); }); } #endregion try { if (takip.bulundu) { if (program == mod.Tanıma) { karefactor(ref processedveri[0], 0.5f); } kareg.ROI = processedveri[0]; faceg = kareg.Copy(); kareg.ROI = new Rectangle(); if (program == mod.Tanıma && !modtimer.IsRunning) { modtimer.Start(); } foreach (Rectangle veri in processedveri) { karei.Draw(veri, new Bgr(255, 0, 0)); // kalmandan gelen verileri ekrana çizme ekrana çizme } if (program == mod.Tanıma) { #region tanıma stopFareForm(); MKeyPoint[] noktalar = gftt.Detect(faceg); noktalarf[0] = new PointF[noktalar.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < noktalar.Length; i++) { noktalarf[0][i].X = noktalar[i].Point.X; noktalarf[0][i].Y = noktalar[i].Point.Y; } faceg.FindCornerSubPix(noktalarf, new Size(5, 5), new Size(-1, -1), new MCvTermCriteria(60, .05d)); for (int i = 0; i < noktalarf[0].Length; i++) //koordinasyon { noktalarf[0][i].X += processedveri[0].X; noktalarf[0][i].Y += processedveri[0].Y; } // } ///Deneme başlangıç yeri /// /*noktalarf[0] = new PointF[]{ * new PointF(processedveri[0].X+processedveri[0].Width/2,processedveri[0].Top), * new PointF(processedveri[0].Left,processedveri[0].Y+processedveri[0].Height/2), * new PointF(processedveri[0].Right,processedveri[0].Y+processedveri[0].Height/2), * new PointF(processedveri[0].X+processedveri[0].Width/2,processedveri[0].Bottom), * };*/ ///Bitiş yeri /// if (takip.yuzhizi >= 32.0) { modtimer.Reset(); } if (modtimer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 2200) { program = mod.Takip; eskiftr = noktalarf[0]; renkler = new List <Bgr>(new Bgr[noktalarf[0].Length]); for (int i = 0; i < renkler.Count; i++) { renkler[i] = new Bgr(255, 255, 255); } //pozlama açılıyor pozlama = new Pozlama(noktalarf[0], processedveri[0], new Size(640, 480)); } Bgr noktarengi = new Bgr(255, 0, 0); foreach (PointF aa in noktalarf[0]) { karei.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF(aa.X, aa.Y), 2), noktarengi, 1); } #endregion } } else { modtimer.Stop(); modtimer.Reset(); } } catch (Exception exc) { console1.Invoke((Action) delegate { console1.AppendText("" + exc.Message + "\n"); }); } if (program == mod.Takip) { //Fare form oluşturulmamışsa açılır startFareForm(); float[] trackError; byte[] status; PointF[] noktayeni = new PointF[eskiftr.Length]; #region opticalFlow algoritması modtimer.Stop(); modtimer.Reset(); Image <Gray, Byte>[] pyramid = eskikare.BuildPyramid(0); //pyramid oluşturuldu CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(pyramid[0], kareg, eskiftr, new Size(60, 60), 15, new MCvTermCriteria(150, 1d), out noktayeni, out status, out trackError); #endregion List <PointF> liste = new List <PointF>(noktayeni); if (takip.bulundu) { for (int j = 0; j < liste.Count; j++) { if (!( liste[j].X >= processedveri[0].Left && liste[j].Y >= processedveri[0].Top && liste[j].X <= processedveri[0].Right && liste[j].Y <= processedveri[0].Bottom )) { int azalim = 28; var renk = renkler[j]; renk.Blue -= azalim; renk.Green -= azalim; renkler[j] = renk; } else { renkler[j] = new Bgr(255, 255, 255); } if (renkler[j].Blue <= 30) { renkler.RemoveAt(j); liste.RemoveAt(j); pozlama.NoktaSil(j); program = mod.Tanıma; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < renkler.Count; i++) { renkler[i] = new Bgr(255, 255, 255); } } noktayeni = liste.ToArray(); //ypr değerlerini yazdırma int index = 0; foreach (PointF aa in noktayeni) { karei.Draw(new CircleF(new PointF(aa.X, aa.Y), 2), renkler[index], 3); index++; } eskiftr = noktayeni; float[] rotasyon = pozlama.rotasyon(eskiftr, processedveri[0]); imlec.feed(rotasyon[0], rotasyon[1], (float)fps); this.Invoke((Action) delegate { fareform.mouseVelocity = imlec.Hiz; }); console1.Invoke((Action) delegate { console1.AppendText("" + fareform.tickIndex + "\n"); }); /*yprgosterge.Invoke((Action)delegate * { * yprgosterge.Text = "Yaw:" + Math.Round(rotasyon[0], 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + "Pitch:" + Math.Round(rotasyon[1], 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + "Roll:" + Math.Round(rotasyon[2], 2, MidpointRounding.ToEven); * });*/ } eskikare = kareg; karei.ROI = new Rectangle(); goruntu.Image = karei; if (!fpstimer.IsRunning) { fpstimer.Start(); } else { fps = 1000.0 / fpstimer.ElapsedMilliseconds; fps = Math.Round(fps, 3); fpstimer.Reset(); fpstimer.Start(); karei.Draw("FPS:" + fps, new System.Drawing.Point(30, 48), FontFace.HersheyComplex, 0.5, new Bgr(0, 0, 0), 1); } GC.Collect(); /* catch (Exception exc) * { * * * console1.Invoke((Action)delegate { console1.AppendText(exc.Message + "\n"); }); * * * }*/ }
/// <summary> /// takes the video and process it two frames at a time to calculate /// optical flow features and save them on the disk. /// </summary> /// <param name="vid">Path of the video on the disk.</param> /// <param name="save_path">Path to save the features on the disk.</param> /// <returns></returns> public void Extract_Featurers2(String vid, String save_path) { int mm = 0; try { mag = new Mat(); ang = new Mat(); frame = new Mat(); prev_frame = new Mat(); cap = new VideoCapture(vid); total_frames = Convert.ToInt32(cap.GetCaptureProperty(CapProp.FrameCount)); F_L = new List <int>(); frame = cap.QueryFrame(); prev_frame = frame; Console.WriteLine(total_frames); } catch (NullReferenceException except) { Console.WriteLine(except.Message); } //17900 while (mm < total_frames - 2) { try { prev_frame = frame; frame = cap.QueryFrame(); Bitmap image = new Bitmap(frame.Bitmap); // Create a new FAST Corners Detector FastCornersDetector fast = new FastCornersDetector() { Suppress = true, // suppress non-maximum points Threshold = 70 // less leads to more corners }; // Process the image looking for corners List <IntPoint> points = fast.ProcessImage(image); // Create a filter to mark the corners PointsMarker marker = new PointsMarker(points); // Apply the corner-marking filter Bitmap markers = marker.Apply(image); // Show on the screen //Accord.Controls.ImageBox.Show(markers); // Use it to extract interest points from the Lena image: List <IntPoint> descriptors = fast.ProcessImage(image); PointF[] features = new PointF[descriptors.Count]; int c = 0; foreach (IntPoint p in descriptors) { features[c] = new PointF(p.X, p.Y); c++; } ImageViewer viewer = new ImageViewer(); Image <Gray, Byte> prev_grey_img = new Image <Gray, byte>(frame.Width, frame.Height); Image <Gray, Byte> curr_grey_img = new Image <Gray, byte>(frame.Width, frame.Height); curr_grey_img = frame.ToImage <Gray, byte>(); prev_grey_img = prev_frame.ToImage <Gray, Byte>(); PointF[] shiftedFeatures; Byte[] status; float[] trackErrors; CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prev_grey_img, curr_grey_img, features, new Size(9, 9), 3, new MCvTermCriteria(20, 0.05), out shiftedFeatures, out status, out trackErrors); //Image<Gray, Byte> displayImage = cap.QueryFrame().ToImage<Gray, Byte>(); //for (int i = 0; i < features.Length; i++) // displayImage.Draw(new LineSegment2DF(features[i], shiftedFeatures[i]), new Gray(), 2); for (int i = 0; i < features.Length; i++) { CvInvoke.Circle(frame, System.Drawing.Point.Round(shiftedFeatures[i]), 4, new MCvScalar(0, 255, 255), 2); } int mean_X = 0; int mean_Y = 0; foreach (PointF p in shiftedFeatures) { mean_X += (int)p.X; mean_Y += (int)p.Y; } mean_X /= shiftedFeatures.Length; mean_Y /= shiftedFeatures.Length; F_L.Add(mean_X); F_L.Add(mean_Y); //double[] inner = new double[] { mean_X, mean_Y }; //featuers_list[mm] = inner; //viewer.Image = frame; //viewer.ShowDialog(); //prev_frame = frame; //Console.WriteLine("frame:{0} " + mm); Console.WriteLine("frame:{0} " + mm + " X:{1} " + mean_X + " Y:{2} " + mean_Y); mm++; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } //int go = 0; //foreach (double[] arr in featuers_list) //{ // Console.Write("frame:{0} ", go++); // foreach (double d in arr) // Console.Write(d + " "); // Console.WriteLine(); //} Serialize.SerializeObject(F_L, save_path); }
public bool Track(Mat img) { //Track detected features if (_prevGray.IsEmpty) { Trace.WriteLine("Can't track: empty prev frame."); return(false); } var corners = new VectorOfPointF(); var status = new VectorOfByte(); var errors = new VectorOfFloat(); CvInvoke.CvtColor(img, _currGray, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray); CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(_prevGray, _currGray, Utils.GetPointsVector(_trackedFeatures), corners, status, errors, new Size(11, 11), 0, new MCvTermCriteria(100)); _currGray.CopyTo(_prevGray); if (CvInvoke.CountNonZero(status) < status.Size * 0.8) { Trace.WriteLine("Tracking failed."); _bootstrapping = false; _canCalcMvm = false; return(false); } _trackedFeatures = Utils.GetKeyPointsVector(corners); Utils.KeepVectorsByStatus(ref _trackedFeatures, ref _trackedFeatures3D, status); Console.WriteLine("tracking."); _canCalcMvm = (_trackedFeatures.Size >= MinInliers); if (_canCalcMvm) { //Perform camera pose estimation for AR var rvec = new Mat(); var tvec = new Mat(); CvInvoke.SolvePnP(_trackedFeatures3D, Utils.GetPointsVector(_trackedFeatures), _calibrationInfo.Intrinsic, _calibrationInfo.Distortion, _raux, _taux, !_raux.IsEmpty); _raux.ConvertTo(rvec, DepthType.Cv32F); _taux.ConvertTo(tvec, DepthType.Cv64F); var pts = new MCvPoint3D32f[] { new MCvPoint3D32f(0.01f, 0, 0), new MCvPoint3D32f(0, 0.01f, 0), new MCvPoint3D32f(0, 0, 0.01f) }; var axis = new VectorOfPoint3D32F(pts); var imgPoints = new VectorOfPointF(); CvInvoke.ProjectPoints(axis, _raux, _taux, _calibrationInfo.Intrinsic, _calibrationInfo.Distortion, imgPoints); var centerPoint = new Point((int)_trackedFeatures[0].Point.X, (int)_trackedFeatures[0].Point.Y); var xPoint = new Point((int)imgPoints[0].X, (int)imgPoints[0].Y); var yPoint = new Point((int)imgPoints[1].X, (int)imgPoints[1].Y); var zPoint = new Point((int)imgPoints[2].X, (int)imgPoints[2].Y); CvInvoke.Line(img, centerPoint, xPoint, new MCvScalar(255, 0, 0), 5); //blue x-ax CvInvoke.Line(img, centerPoint, yPoint, new MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), 5); //green y-ax CvInvoke.Line(img, centerPoint, zPoint, new MCvScalar(0, 0, 255), 5); //red z-ax var rot = new Mat(3, 3, DepthType.Cv32F, 3); CvInvoke.Rodrigues(rvec, rot); } return(true); }
void ProcessFrame(object sender, EventArgs e) { Mat frame = _cameraCapture.QueryFrame(); Mat smoothedFrame = new Mat(); CvInvoke.GaussianBlur(frame, smoothedFrame, new Size(3, 3), 1); //高斯滤波 CvInvoke.CvtColor(frame, curgray, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray); //灰度图 goodFeaturesToTrack = new GFTTDetector(maxCount, qLevel, minDist); //关键点检测初始化 frame.CopyTo(KeyPointPic); MKeyPoint[] keypoint = goodFeaturesToTrack.Detect(curgray);//关键点检测 for (int i = 0; i < keypoint.Count(); i++) { System.Drawing.Point point = System.Drawing.Point.Truncate(keypoint[i].Point);//获得关键点的坐标位置,以 Point 类型。 CvInvoke.Circle(KeyPointPic, point, 3, new MCvScalar(0, 0, 255), 1); } if (prevFeature.Count() < 10) //特征点太少了,重新检测特征点 { MKeyPoint[] keypoints = goodFeaturesToTrack.Detect(curgray); //关键点检测 AddNewPoint = keypoints.Count(); Array.Resize(ref prevFeature, keypoints.Count()); Array.Resize(ref initial, keypoints.Count()); for (int i = 0; i < keypoints.Count(); i++) { System.Drawing.Point point = System.Drawing.Point.Truncate(keypoints[i].Point);//获得关键点的坐标位置,以 Point 类型。 prevFeature[i] = point; initial[i] = point; CvInvoke.Circle(curgray, point, 3, new MCvScalar(0, 0, 255), 1); } } if (pregray.Size.IsEmpty) { curgray.CopyTo(pregray); //第一帧 } MCvTermCriteria termcrit = new MCvTermCriteria(6); CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(pregray, curgray, prevFeature, curgray.Size, 2, termcrit, out currFeature, out status, out err, 0, 0.0001); AddNewPoint = prevFeature.Count(); // 去掉一些不好的特征点 int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < currFeature.Count(); i++) { try { if (acceptTrackedPoint(i)) { initial[k] = initial[i]; currFeature[k++] = currFeature[i]; } } catch { } } Array.Resize(ref currFeature, k); Array.Resize(ref initial, k); frame.CopyTo(Flow); for (int i = 0; i < currFeature.Count(); i++) { //CvInvoke.Circle(Flow, Point.Truncate(currFeature[i]), 3, new MCvScalar(0, 0, 255),1); CvInvoke.Line(Flow, Point.Truncate(initial[i]), Point.Truncate(currFeature[i]), new Bgr(Color.DarkOrange).MCvScalar, 2); } imageBox1.Image = frame; imageBox2.Image = KeyPointPic; imageBox3.Image = Flow; curgray.CopyTo(pregray); Array.Resize(ref prevFeature, currFeature.Count()); for (int i = 0; i < currFeature.Count(); i++) { prevFeature[i] = currFeature[i]; } //Thread t = new Thread(() => //{ // this.mainPages.Invoke(new Action(delegate () // { // })); //}); //t.Start(); }
public bool BootstrapTrack(Mat img) { #region Trace Trace.WriteLine($"BootstrapTrack iteration ({ _trackedFeatures.Size})."); Trace.WriteLine("--------------------------"); Trace.Indent(); #endregion //Track detected features if (_prevGray.IsEmpty) { const string error = "Previous frame is empty. Bootstrap first."; Trace.TraceError(error); throw new Exception(error); } if (img.IsEmpty || !img.IsEmpty && img.NumberOfChannels != 3) { const string error = "Image is not appropriate (Empty or wrong number of channels)."; Trace.TraceError(error); throw new Exception(error); } var corners = new VectorOfPointF(); var status = new VectorOfByte(); var errors = new VectorOfFloat(); var currGray = new Mat(); CvInvoke.CvtColor(img, currGray, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray); CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(_prevGray, currGray, Utils.GetPointsVector(_trackedFeatures), corners, status, errors, new Size(11, 11), 3, new MCvTermCriteria(20, 0.03)); currGray.CopyTo(_prevGray); #region Trace Trace.WriteLine($"Tracked first point: ({_trackedFeatures[0].Point.X}, {_trackedFeatures[0].Point.Y}) / Found first corner = ({corners[0].X}, {corners[0].Y})"); Trace.WriteLine($"Tracked second point: ({_trackedFeatures[1].Point.X}, {_trackedFeatures[1].Point.Y}) / Found second corner = ({corners[1].X}, {corners[1].Y})"); Trace.WriteLine($"Tracked third point: ({_trackedFeatures[2].Point.X}, {_trackedFeatures[2].Point.Y}) / Found third corner = ({corners[2].X}, {corners[2].Y})"); #endregion for (int j = 0; j < corners.Size; j++) { if (status[j] == 1) { var p1 = new Point((int)_trackedFeatures[j].Point.X, (int)_trackedFeatures[j].Point.Y); var p2 = new Point((int)corners[j].X, (int)corners[j].Y); CvInvoke.Line(img, p1, p2, new MCvScalar(120, 10, 20)); } } if (CvInvoke.CountNonZero(status) < status.Size * 0.8) { Trace.TraceError("Tracking failed."); throw new Exception("Tracking failed."); } _trackedFeatures = Utils.GetKeyPointsVector(corners); Utils.KeepVectorsByStatus(ref _trackedFeatures, ref _bootstrapKp, status); Trace.WriteLine($"{_trackedFeatures.Size} features survived optical flow."); if (_trackedFeatures.Size != _bootstrapKp.Size) { const string error = "Tracked features vector size is not equal to bootstrapped one."; Trace.TraceError(error); throw new Exception(error); } #region Trace Trace.WriteLine($"Bootstrap first point: ({_bootstrapKp[0].Point.X}, {_bootstrapKp[0].Point.Y}) / Found first corner = ({corners[0].X}, {corners[0].Y})"); Trace.WriteLine($"Bootstrap second point: ({_bootstrapKp[1].Point.X}, {_bootstrapKp[1].Point.Y}) / Found second corner = ({corners[1].X}, {corners[1].Y})"); Trace.WriteLine($"Bootstrap third point: ({_bootstrapKp[2].Point.X}, {_bootstrapKp[2].Point.Y}) / Found third corner = ({corners[2].X}, {corners[2].Y})"); #endregion //verify features with a homography var inlierMask = new VectorOfByte(); var homography = new Mat(); if (_trackedFeatures.Size > 4) { CvInvoke.FindHomography(Utils.GetPointsVector(_trackedFeatures), Utils.GetPointsVector(_bootstrapKp), homography, HomographyMethod.Ransac, RansacThreshold, inlierMask); } int inliersNum = CvInvoke.CountNonZero(inlierMask); var m = new Matrix <double>(homography.Rows, homography.Cols, homography.DataPointer); m.Dispose(); Trace.WriteLine($"{inliersNum} features survived homography."); if (inliersNum != _trackedFeatures.Size && inliersNum >= 4 && !homography.IsEmpty) { Utils.KeepVectorsByStatus(ref _trackedFeatures, ref _bootstrapKp, inlierMask); } else if (inliersNum < MinInliers) { Trace.TraceError("Not enough features survived homography."); return(false); } var bootstrapKpOrig = new VectorOfKeyPoint(_bootstrapKp.ToArray()); var trackedFeaturesOrig = new VectorOfKeyPoint(_trackedFeatures.ToArray()); //Attempt at 3D reconstruction (triangulation) if conditions are right var rigidT = CvInvoke.EstimateRigidTransform(Utils.GetPointsVector(_trackedFeatures).ToArray(), Utils.GetPointsVector(_bootstrapKp).ToArray(), false); var matrix = new Matrix <double>(rigidT.Rows, rigidT.Cols, rigidT.DataPointer); #region Trace Trace.WriteLine($"Track first point: ({_trackedFeatures[0].Point.X}, {_trackedFeatures[0].Point.Y}) / Bootstrap first point = ({_bootstrapKp[0].Point.X}, {_bootstrapKp[0].Point.Y})"); Trace.WriteLine($"Track 10th point: ({_trackedFeatures[10].Point.X}, {_trackedFeatures[10].Point.Y}) / Bootstrap 10th point = ({_bootstrapKp[10].Point.X}, {_bootstrapKp[10].Point.Y})"); Trace.WriteLine($"Track last point: ({_trackedFeatures[_trackedFeatures.Size - 1].Point.X}, {_trackedFeatures[_trackedFeatures.Size - 1].Point.Y}" + $") / Bootstrap third point = ({_bootstrapKp[_bootstrapKp.Size - 1].Point.X}, {_bootstrapKp[_bootstrapKp.Size - 1].Point.Y})"); Trace.WriteLine($"Rigid matrix: [ [ {matrix[0, 0]}, {matrix[0, 1]}, {matrix[0, 2]} ] [ {matrix[1, 0]}, {matrix[1, 1]}, {matrix[1, 2]} ] ]."); Trace.WriteLine($"Rigid: {CvInvoke.Norm(matrix.GetCol(2))}"); #endregion if (CvInvoke.Norm(matrix.GetCol(2)) > 100) { //camera motion is sufficient var p1 = new Matrix <double>(3, 4); p1.SetIdentity(); var result = OpenCvUtilities.CameraPoseAndTriangulationFromFundamental(_calibrationInfo, _trackedFeatures, _bootstrapKp, p1); _trackedFeatures = result.FilteredTrackedFeaturesKp; _bootstrapKp = result.FilteredBootstrapKp; if (result.Result) { _trackedFeatures3D = result.TrackedFeatures3D; var trackedFeatures3Dm = Utils.Get3dPointsMat(_trackedFeatures3D); var eigenvectors = new Mat(); var mean = new Mat(); CvInvoke.PCACompute(trackedFeatures3Dm, mean, eigenvectors); var eigenvectorsMatrix = new Matrix <double>(eigenvectors.Rows, eigenvectors.Cols, eigenvectors.DataPointer); int numInliers = 0; var normalOfPlane = eigenvectorsMatrix.GetRow(2).ToUMat().ToMat(AccessType.Fast); //eigenvectors.GetRow(2).CopyTo(normalOfPlane); CvInvoke.Normalize(normalOfPlane, normalOfPlane); var normalOfPlaneMatrix = new Matrix <double>(normalOfPlane.Rows, normalOfPlane.Cols, normalOfPlane.DataPointer); Trace.WriteLine($"normal of plane: {normalOfPlaneMatrix[0, 0]}"); //cv::Vec3d x0 = pca.mean; //double p_to_plane_thresh = sqrt(<double>(2)); } return(true); } #region Trace Trace.Unindent(); Trace.WriteLine("--------------------------"); #endregion return(false); }
public PointF[] CalculateOpticalFlow_Sparse(Mat newFrame, Rectangle roi, Rectangle[] rois, bool forceRecheck = false) { //Mat newFrame = currFrame.Clone(); if (prePoints == null || forceRecheck) { #region Extract Points // if running for first frame GetCorners(newFrame, roi); try { //preFrame = new Mat(); //newFrame.CopyTo(preFrame); if (prePoints.Length != 0) { CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(newFrame, newFrame, prePoints, new Size(9, 9), 3, new MCvTermCriteria(20, 1), out currFeatures, out status, out trackError); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("In CalculateOpticalFlow_Sparse (true) : " + e.Message); } prePoints = currFeatures; preFrame = newFrame.Clone(); return(null); #endregion } else { #region Find Points if (useOFCleaning) { prePoints = CleanOFPoints(prePoints, rois); if (needToRecalculateOF) { // this will recalculate the OF points CalculateOpticalFlow_Sparse(newFrame, rectOfPerson, rois, true); Debug.AddTrackText("Recalculating OF"); } } try { CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(preFrame, newFrame, prePoints, new Size(9, 9), 3, new MCvTermCriteria(20, 1), out currFeatures, out status, out trackError); prePoints = currFeatures; } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("In CalculateOpticalFlow_Sparse (false) : " + e.Message); } #endregion } preFrame = newFrame.Clone(); return(currFeatures); //preFrame = newFrame.Clone(); //preFrame = new Mat(); //newFrame.CopyTo(preFrame); }
public int Track(Bitmap bm) { if (!Active) { return(0); } Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bm.Width, bm.Height); BitmapData bmpData = bm.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bm.PixelFormat); Mat m = new Mat(bm.Height, bm.Width, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.DepthType.Cv8U, 3, bmpData.Scan0, bmpData.Stride); PointF[] nextPts = new PointF[prevPoints.Count()]; byte[] status = new byte[prevPoints.Count()]; float[] err = new float[prevPoints.Count()]; CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(PrevImg, m, prevPoints, pyrWinSize, pyrLevel, new MCvTermCriteria(maxIter, eps), out nextPts, out status, out err); // foreach (var kp in keyPoints) //{ // CvInvoke.Circle(m, new Point((int)kp.Point.X+searchROI.Left, (int)kp.Point.Y+searchROI.Top), 5, new MCvScalar(100, 100, 255)); //} PrevImg = m.Clone(); CvInvoke.Rectangle(m, new Rectangle(searchLocation, searchSize), new MCvScalar(100, 100, 255, 233)); prevPoints = prevPoints.Where((p, idx) => status[idx] == 1).ToArray(); nextPts = nextPts.Where((p, idx) => status[idx] == 1).ToArray(); double meanX = nextPts.Sum(p => p.X) / nextPts.Count(); double meanY = nextPts.Sum(p => p.Y) / nextPts.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < nextPts.Count(); i++) //foreach (var np in nextPts) { PointF pp = prevPoints[i]; PointF np = nextPts[i]; if (olflags.HasFlag(OLFlags.Points)) { CvInvoke.Circle(m, new Point((int)np.X, (int)np.Y), 5, new MCvScalar(100, 100, 255)); CvInvoke.Line(m, new Point((int)pp.X, (int)pp.Y), new Point((int)np.X, (int)np.Y), new MCvScalar(100, 255, 100), 1); } double dist = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(np.X - pp.X, 2) + Math.Pow(np.Y - pp.Y, 2)); if (olflags.HasFlag(OLFlags.Text)) { CvInvoke.PutText(m, i.ToString(), new Point((int)np.X, (int)np.Y), Emgu.CV.CvEnum.FontFace.HersheyComplexSmall, 1, new MCvScalar(100, 100, 255), 1); string text = i.ToString() + ": " + dist.ToString("0.00");// + ", " + err[i].ToString("#.##"); CvInvoke.PutText(m, text, new Point(0, i * 15), Emgu.CV.CvEnum.FontFace.HersheyComplexSmall, 1, new MCvScalar(100, 100, 255)); } } if (olflags.HasFlag(OLFlags.Center)) { CvInvoke.Circle(m, new Point((int)meanX, (int)meanY), 7, new MCvScalar(255, 255, 100)); } bm.UnlockBits(bmpData); prevPoints = nextPts; return(0); }