public bool VerifyOTP(string phoneNumber, string OTPCode) { tblOTP OTP = new tblOTP(); bool verifiedStatus = false; try { OTP = _unitOfWork.OTPRepo.Get(o => o.PhoneNumber.Equals(phoneNumber)).FirstOrDefault(); //OTP = (from _OTP in _unitOfWork.OTPRepo.Get(o => o.PhoneNumber.Equals(phoneNumber)) // //join _refreshtokens in _unitOfWork.RefreshTokenRepo.Get() on _devices.DeviceId equals _refreshtokens.DeviceId // //where _devices.PhoneNumber == phoneNumber // select new tblOTP // { // OTPCode = _OTP.OTPCode // }).FirstOrDefault(); if (OTPCode == Convert.ToString(OTP.OTPCode)) { verifiedStatus = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { CustomLogger.SendExcepToDB(ex, "AuthRepository"); CustomLogger.LogError(Convert.ToString("VerifyOTP in AuthRepository- " + ex.Message)); throw; } return(verifiedStatus); }
public tblRefreshTokens GetRefreshTokenByDeviceID(string deviceId) { tblRefreshTokens tblDevice = new tblRefreshTokens(); try { //UserDevicesEntity tblDevice = _unitOfWork.RefreshTokenRepo.Get(o => o.DeviceId.Equals(deviceId)).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomLogger.LogError("Error in GetRefreshTokenByDeviceID " + Convert.ToString(ex.Message)); CustomLogger.SendExcepToDB(ex, "AuthRepository"); throw; } ////===============Mapper=========================================== //var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { // cfg.CreateMap<tblDevice, DevicesEntity>(); //}); //IMapper mapper = config.CreateMapper(); //deviceEntity = mapper.Map<tblDevice, DevicesEntity>(patient); ////===============mapper end========================================== return(tblDevice); }
public async Task <ActionResult> ApproveAccessRequest(int accessRequestId) { try { //make request status approved var accessRequest = _accessRequestService.GetById(accessRequestId); if (accessRequest == null) { return(Content("Access Request does not exist")); } _accessRequestService.AcceptRequest(accessRequestId); //create user var applicationUser = new ApplicationUser() { FirstName = accessRequest.FirstName, LastName = accessRequest.LastName, Email = accessRequest.Email, Gender = accessRequest.Gender, Birthday = accessRequest.Birthday, DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow, PhoneNumber = accessRequest.PhoneNumber, UserName = accessRequest.Email, }; string password = PasswordHelper.GenerateRandomPassword(); var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(applicationUser, password); //AddRole UserManager.AddToRole(applicationUser.Id, accessRequest.AspNetRole.Name); var callbackUrl = Url.Action("Login", "Account"); await UserManager.SendEmailAsync(applicationUser.Id, "Your user request was approved", "Login by going to this link <a href=\"http://localhost:2276/account/login \">here </a> with " + password + " as a password"); if (accessRequest.AspNetRole.Name == "Kitched Staff") { _queueService.AddWorkforce(new KitchenStaff() { ID = applicationUser.Id, Name = applicationUser.UserName, Capacity = 3, Workload = new Queue <int>() }); /// uh? } if (accessRequest.AspNetRole.Name == "Delivery Service Staff") { deliveryAutomation.AddWorkforce(applicationUser.Id); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch (Exception e) { CustomLogger.LogError("Cannot approve Access Request", e); return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(500)); } }
public tblAppUser RegisterUser(DevicesEntity deviceModel) { bool flag = false; List <tblAppUser> user = new List <tblAppUser>(); List <tblDevice> tblDevice = new List <tblDevice>(); try { user = _unitOfWork.AppUserRepo.Get(c => c.PhoneNumber.Equals(deviceModel.PhoneNumber)).ToList(); if (user.Count() > 0) { tblDevice = _unitOfWork.DeviceRepo.Get(c => c.EmailId.Equals(deviceModel.EmailId) && c.PhoneNumber.Equals(deviceModel.PhoneNumber)).ToList(); if (tblDevice.Count() == 0) { using (var scope = new TransactionScope()) { var TblDevice = new tblDevice { //Drowid = 1, DeviceId = deviceModel.DeviceId, EmailId = deviceModel.EmailId, PhoneNumber = deviceModel.PhoneNumber, SignPath = deviceModel.SignPath, }; _unitOfWork.DeviceRepo.Insert(TblDevice); _unitOfWork.Save(); scope.Complete(); } } flag = true; } if (flag) { return(user.FirstOrDefault()); } else { tblAppUser emptyUser = new tblAppUser(); return(emptyUser); } } catch (Exception ex) { CustomLogger.LogError("AuthRepository in RegisterUser " + Convert.ToString(ex.Message)); CustomLogger.SendExcepToDB(ex, "AuthRepository"); throw; } finally { } }
public static void TestFromOver() { CustomLogger.LogDebug("Testing: TestFromOver()"); FizzBuzzModel fbm = new FizzBuzzModel(_config); try { fbm.getList(max + 1); CustomLogger.LogDebug("Testing: TestFromOver() unsuccessful, no exceptions found"); } catch (CustomException e) { CustomLogger.LogError("Testing: TestFromOver() successful: " + e.Message); } }
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation) { try { invocation.Proceed(); } catch (Exception e) { CustomLogger.LogError(e.Message, e); throw new BaseException(666, e.Message, e); } }
public ActionResult ReviewAccessRequests() { try { var accessRequests = _accessRequestService.GetAllRequests(); return(View(accessRequests)); } catch (Exception e) { CustomLogger.LogError("Cannot get access requests", e); return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(500)); } }
public void LogAppError(tblAppError AppError) { try { _unitOfWork.AppErrorsRepo.Insert(AppError); _unitOfWork.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomLogger.LogError("CommonRepository in UpdateRefreshToken " + Convert.ToString(ex.Message)); CustomLogger.SendExcepToDB(ex, "CommonRepository"); throw; } }
public string[] Get(int start) { CustomLogger.LogInformation("Get FizzBuzz list: " + start); string[] list; try { list = fbm.getList(start); } catch (CustomException e) { CustomLogger.LogError(e.Message); list = new string[] { "error, see log for details: " + CustomLogger.GetLogPath() }; } return(list); }
public ActionResult CreateAccessRequest() { try { var viewModel = new AccessRequestFromViewModel() { UserAccessRequests = new UsersAccessRequest(), AspNetRoles = _rolesService.GetRolesForAccessRequest() }; return(View(viewModel)); } catch (Exception e) { CustomLogger.LogError("Cannot get access request viewmodel properties", e); return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(500)); } }
public ActionResult AnonymizeAccount(int userId) { try { var userInDb = UserManager.FindById(userId); if (userInDb == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } _userService.AnonimyzeUser(userId); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch (Exception e) { CustomLogger.LogError("Aksnonymyzing account", e); return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(500)); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates a product /// </summary> /// <param name="productId"></param> /// <param name="productEntity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <bool> UpdateRefreshToken(RefreshToken refreshToken) { var success = false; try { if (refreshToken != null) { // using (var scope = new TransactionScope()) // { var rToken = _ctx.tblRefreshTokens.Find(refreshToken.Id); // rToken.VerificationCode = refreshToken.VarificationCode; if (rToken != null) { rToken.Id = refreshToken.Id; rToken.Subject = refreshToken.Subject; rToken.ClientId = refreshToken.ClientId; rToken.IssuedUtc = refreshToken.IssuedUtc; rToken.ExpiresUtc = refreshToken.ExpiresUtc; rToken.ProtectedTicket = refreshToken.ProtectedTicket; _ctx.tblRefreshTokens.Attach(rToken); _ctx.Entry(rToken).State = EntityState.Modified; success = await _ctx.SaveChangesAsync() > 0; // scope.Complete(); // success = true; //} } } } catch (Exception ex) { CustomLogger.LogError("AuthRepository in UpdateRefreshToken " + Convert.ToString(ex.Message)); CustomLogger.SendExcepToDB(ex, "AuthRepository"); throw; } return(success); }
public ActionResult DenyAccessRequest(int accessRequestId) { try { //make request status approved var accessRequest = _accessRequestService.GetById(accessRequestId); if (accessRequest == null) { return(Content("Access Request does not exist")); } _accessRequestService.DenyRequest(accessRequestId); return(RedirectToAction("ReviewAccessRequests")); } catch (Exception e) { CustomLogger.LogError("Cannot deny access request", e); return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(500)); } }
public bool UpdateDevices(tblOTP devices) { devices.IssuedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; tblOTP otpEntity = new tblOTP(); var success = false; try { if (devices != null) { // using (var scope = new TransactionScope()) // { //var rToken = _ctx.tblDevices.Find(devices.PhoneNumber); var rToken = _ctx.tblOTPs.Where(x => x.PhoneNumber == devices.PhoneNumber).FirstOrDefault(); // rToken.OTPCode = devices.OTPCode; if (rToken != null) { rToken.OTPCode = devices.OTPCode; rToken.IssuedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; _ctx.Entry(rToken).State = EntityState.Modified; _ctx.SaveChanges(); } else { _ctx.tblOTPs.Add(devices); _ctx.SaveChanges(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { CustomLogger.LogError("AuthRepository in UpdateDevices " + Convert.ToString(ex.Message)); CustomLogger.SendExcepToDB(ex, "AuthRepository"); throw; } return(success); }
public ActionResult CreateAccessRequest(AccessRequestFromViewModel acccessRequestFromViewModel) { try { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { var viewModel = new AccessRequestFromViewModel() { UserAccessRequests = acccessRequestFromViewModel.UserAccessRequests, AspNetRoles = _rolesService.GetRolesForAccessRequest() }; return(View(viewModel)); } //kontrollo nese useri ekziston tek tabelat e user ose user requests var userInDb = UserManager.FindByEmail(acccessRequestFromViewModel.UserAccessRequests.Email); var userInAccessRequests = _accessRequestService.GetByEmail(acccessRequestFromViewModel.UserAccessRequests.Email); if (userInDb != null || userInAccessRequests != null) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Email already exists"); var viewModel = new AccessRequestFromViewModel() { UserAccessRequests = acccessRequestFromViewModel.UserAccessRequests, AspNetRoles = _rolesService.GetRolesForAccessRequest() }; return(View(viewModel)); } //krijo user request _accessRequestService.CreateAcessRequest(acccessRequestFromViewModel.UserAccessRequests); return(Content("Your request is sent successfully")); } catch (Exception e) { CustomLogger.LogError("Cannot create access request", e); return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(500)); } }
public Task LogAsync(LogMessage msg) { // Variables declaration string message = msg.Exception?.ToString() ?? msg.Message; // Use different loggers for different severity levels switch (msg.Severity) { case LogSeverity.Critical: _logger.LogCritical(message); break; case LogSeverity.Error: _logger.LogError(message); break; case LogSeverity.Warning: _logger.LogWarning(message); break; case LogSeverity.Info: _logger.LogInformation(message); break; case LogSeverity.Debug: _logger.LogDebug(message); break; default: _logger.LogDefault(message); break; } // Log to filesystem. // W.I.P // Once all tasks have been completed, return 'Task.CompletedTask' return(Task.CompletedTask); }
// GET: Admin public ActionResult Index(bool showDisabled = false) { try { List <UserDto> users; if (!showDisabled) { ViewBag.showDisabled = "false"; users = _userService.GetAllActiveUsers(); return(View("Index", users)); } ViewBag.showDisabled = "true"; users = _userService.GetAllInactiveUsers(); return(View("Index", users)); } catch (Exception e) { CustomLogger.LogError("Error getting inactive users", e); return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(500)); } }
public static void TestAsync() { CustomLogger.LogDebug("Testing: TestAsync()"); FizzBuzzModel fbm = new FizzBuzzModel(_config); Task[] tasks = new Task[max - 1]; try { for (int i = 1; i < max; i++) { tasks[i - 1] = Task.Run(() => fbm.getList(i)); } foreach (Task t in tasks) { t.Wait(); } CustomLogger.LogDebug("Testing: TestAsync successful"); } catch (Exception e) { CustomLogger.LogError("Testing: TestAsync() unsuccessful: " + e.Message); } }
public List <NotesSummaryEntity> GetNotesSummary(int patientId) { List <NotesSummaryEntity> notesSummary = new List <NotesSummaryEntity>(); List <NotesSummaryEntity> notesSummaryFinal = new List <NotesSummaryEntity>(); Team.Rehab.DataModel.RehabEntities rehab = new RehabEntities(); List <NotificationsEntity> notificationsEntity = new List <NotificationsEntity>(); try { notesSummary = (from notes in rehab.tblDocMasters.Where(a => a.PTrowid == patientId) join thpst in rehab.tblTherapists on notes.TreatingTherapistId equals thpst.TherapistID join clinic in rehab.tblClinics on thpst.DefaultClinic equals clinic.Crowid join usr in rehab.tblUsers on new { thpst.FirstName, thpst.LastName } equals new { usr.FirstName, usr.LastName } select new NotesSummaryEntity { Docrowid = notes.Docrowid, NotesType = notes.NoteType, DateOfService = notes.DateOfService, FirstName = thpst.FirstName, LastName = thpst.LastName, // TherpistPhone = thpst.TherpistPhone, TherapistEmail = usr.UserEmail, ClinicName = clinic.ClinicName, ClinicPhone = clinic.PhoneNumber // ClinicEmail = clinic.ClinicEmail, } ).ToList(); foreach (NotesSummaryEntity obj in notesSummary) { if (obj.NotesType == "PPOC") { obj.NotesType = "Initial Eval"; } if (obj.NotesType == "PPOC2") { obj.NotesType = "Initial Eval2"; } if (obj.NotesType == "PPOCRE") { obj.NotesType = "Re-Eval"; } if (obj.NotesType == "PTREAT") { obj.NotesType = "Daily Note"; } if (obj.NotesType == "PMN") { obj.NotesType = "Medical Necessity"; } if (obj.NotesType == "PDIS") { obj.NotesType = "Discharge"; } if (obj.NotesType == "PCOMM") { obj.NotesType = "Communication"; } if (obj.NotesType == "PMV") { obj.NotesType = "Missed"; } if (obj.NotesType == "PFCE") { obj.NotesType = "FCE"; } notesSummaryFinal.Add(obj); //WHEN 'PFCE' then 'FCE' // Else 'Others' } } catch (Exception ex) { CustomLogger.SendExcepToDB(ex, "PatinetRepository"); CustomLogger.LogError(Convert.ToString("NoteSummary in PatinetRepository- " + ex.Message)); } return(notesSummaryFinal); }