private IEnumerator StartCooldown() { allowRecharge = false; yield return(WaitFor.Seconds(rechargeTime)); CurrentMagazine.ExpendAmmo(-1); SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPos("ReloadKinetic", gameObject.AssumedWorldPosServer(), sourceObj: serverHolder); allowRecharge = true; }
public override void DisplayShot(GameObject shooter, Vector2 finalDirection, BodyPartType damageZone, bool isSuicideShot) { if (!MatrixManager.IsInitialized) { return; } //if this is our gun (or server), last check to ensure we really can shoot if ((isServer || PlayerManager.LocalPlayer == shooter) && CurrentMagazine.ClientAmmoRemains <= 0) { if (isServer) { Logger.LogTrace("Server rejected shot - out of ammo", Category.Firearms); } return; } //TODO: If this is not our gun, simply display the shot, don't run any other logic if (shooter == PlayerManager.LocalPlayer) { //this is our gun so we need to update our predictions FireCountDown += 1.0 / FireRate; //add additional recoil after shooting for the next round AppendRecoil(); //Default camera recoil params until each gun is configured separately if (CameraRecoilConfig == null || CameraRecoilConfig.Distance == 0f) { CameraRecoilConfig = new CameraRecoilConfig { Distance = 0.2f, RecoilDuration = 0.05f, RecoveryDuration = 0.6f }; } Camera2DFollow.followControl.Recoil(-finalDirection, CameraRecoilConfig); } if (CurrentMagazine == null) { Logger.Log("Why is CurrentMagazine null on this client?"); } else { //call ExpendAmmo outside of previous check, or it won't run serverside and state will desync. CurrentMagazine.ExpendAmmo(); } //display the effects of the shot //get the bullet prefab being shot if (isSuicideShot) { GameObject bullet = Spawn.ClientPrefab(, shooter.transform.position, parent: shooter.transform.parent).GameObject; var b = bullet.GetComponent <Projectile>(); b.Suicide(shooter, this, damageZone); } else { for (int n = 0; n < CurrentMagazine.ProjectilesFired; n++) { GameObject Abullet = Spawn.ClientPrefab(, shooter.transform.position, parent: shooter.transform.parent).GameObject; var A = Abullet.GetComponent <Projectile>(); var finalDirectionOverride = CalcDirection(finalDirection, n); A.Shoot(finalDirectionOverride, shooter, this, damageZone); } } SoundManager.PlayAtPosition(FiringSound, shooter.transform.position, shooter); shooter.GetComponent <PlayerSprites>().ShowMuzzleFlash(); }