        /// <summary>
        /// Update Password
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Request object</param>
        /// <returns>User object</returns>
        public ActionResponse UpdatePasswordAction(UpdatePasswordRequest obj)
                int     idProduct = obj.idProduct.Value;
                int     idChannel = obj.idChannel.Value;
                decimal idClient  = obj.idClient.Value;

                // STEP 0: Need to verify if product and channel exist or not
                ProductData prodData = new ProductData();
                Product     oProduct = prodData.GetProductById(idProduct);
                if (oProduct == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "El producto no existe en el sistema", null));

                ChannelData channelData = new ChannelData();
                Channel     oChannel    = channelData.GetChannelById(idChannel);
                if (oChannel == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "El canal no existe en el sistema", null));

                // STEP 0.1: Verify if user exists
                ClienteData clientData = new ClienteData();
                Cliente     oClient    = clientData.GetUserById(idClient);
                if (oClient.id_cliente == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "No existe el usuario en el sistema", null));

                // STEP 1: Check if user identify already exists by id_cliente + channel
                UserIdentifyData uiData = new UserIdentifyData();

                UserIdentify ui = uiData.FindByIdUserAndIdChannel(idClient, idChannel);
                if (ui.id_cliente == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "La identidad del usuario no existe en el sistema", null));

                int idUserIdentify = ui.idUserIdentify.Value;

                // STEP 2: Check credential
                string oldPassAsMD5 = "";
                string newPassAsMD5 = "";
                using (MD5 md5Hash = MD5.Create())
                    string oldPass = obj.oldPassword.Trim();
                    string newPass = obj.newPassword.Trim();

                    // Password integrity
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newPass))
                        return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.BAD_REQUEST, "La contraseña no puede ser una cadena vacía", null));

                    int minLengthPass = Int32.Parse(functions.ConfigItem("MIN_PASS_LENGTH"));
                    if (newPass.Length < minLengthPass)
                        return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.BAD_REQUEST, "La contraseña debe tener un mínimo de " + minLengthPass + " caracteres", null));

                    if (oldPass == newPass)
                        return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.BAD_REQUEST, "La nueva contraseña no puede ser igual a la actual", null));

                    // Passwords as MD5
                    oldPassAsMD5 = functions.GetMd5Hash(md5Hash, oldPass);
                    newPassAsMD5 = functions.GetMd5Hash(md5Hash, newPass);
                CredentialData credData    = new CredentialData();
                Credential     oCredential = credData.FindByProductAndUserIdentifyAndPass(idProduct,
                if (oCredential.idCredential == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.BAD_REQUEST, "La contraseña no es válida", null));

                int idCredential = oCredential.idCredential.Value;

                // STEP 3: If Credential is OK, need to check if credential is NORMAL or TEMPORAL
                if (oCredential.idState.Value == (int)StateEnum.ACTIVE)
                    // Normal process
                    bool updCredential = credData.UpdatePassword(idCredential, newPassAsMD5, (int)StateEnum.ACTIVE);
                    if (!updCredential)
                        return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR, "No se pudo actualizar la contraseña", null));
                else if (oCredential.idState.Value == (int)StateEnum.TEMPORAL_PASSWORD)
                    // Will set normal credential with new password
                    // Firstly, need to find it
                    List <Credential> lstCredentials = credData.FindByProductAndUserIdentify(idProduct, idUserIdentify);
                    foreach (Credential o in lstCredentials)
                        // Finding normal credential related to product and useridentify
                        if (o.idState.Value == (int)StateEnum.ACTIVE)
                            bool updCredential = credData.UpdatePassword(o.idCredential.Value, newPassAsMD5, (int)StateEnum.ACTIVE);
                            if (!updCredential)
                                return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR, "No se pudo actualizar la contraseña", null));

                    // Pass temporal credential to TEMPORAL_PASSWORD_USED
                    bool updTmpCredential = credData.UpdatePassword(idCredential, oldPassAsMD5, (int)StateEnum.TEMPORAL_PASSWORD_USED);
                    if (!updTmpCredential)
                        return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR, "No se pudo actualizar la credencial temporal", null));
                    // Desactive, I can´t do anything
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.CONFLICT, "La credencial se encuentra inactiva y no se puede actualizar", null));

                // OK, return true/false
                UpdatePasswordResponse response = new UpdatePasswordResponse();
                response.updated = DateTime.Now;
                return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.OK, "OK", response));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR, e.Message, null));
        /// <summary>
        /// Will desactive user credential (user identify + product)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Unregister request object (idProduct, idChannel, value)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResponse UnregisterAction(UnregisterRequest obj)
                int    idProduct = obj.idProduct.Value;
                int    idChannel = obj.idChannel.Value;
                string value     = obj.value; // effective value for user identify
                string password  = obj.password;

                // STEP 0: Need to verify if product and channel exist or not
                ProductData prodData = new ProductData();
                Product     oProduct = prodData.GetProductById(obj.idProduct.Value);
                if (oProduct == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "El producto no existe en el sistema", null));

                ChannelData channelData = new ChannelData();
                Channel     oChannel    = channelData.GetChannelById(obj.idChannel.Value);
                if (oChannel == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "El canal no existe en el sistema", null));

                // STEP 1: Check if user identify already exists by id_cliente + channel + value
                UserIdentifyData uiData = new UserIdentifyData();

                UserIdentify ui = uiData.FindByIdChannelAndValue(idChannel, value);
                if (ui.idUserIdentify == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "La identidad del usuario no existe en el sistema", null));

                // STEP 2: Check credentials
                string passwordAsMD5 = null;
                if (password != null)
                    using (MD5 md5Hash = MD5.Create())
                        passwordAsMD5 = functions.GetMd5Hash(md5Hash, password.Trim());

                CredentialData credData    = new CredentialData();
                Credential     oCredential = credData.FindByProductAndUserIdentifyAndPass(idProduct, ui.idUserIdentify.Value, passwordAsMD5);
                if (oCredential.idCredential == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "No existe ninguna credencial con los datos proporcionados", null));

                // STEP 3: If Credential is OK, will use same method passing actual password, the idea is use it for updating
                // the state to INACTIVE, it's not neccesary to make another method
                int  idCredential  = oCredential.idCredential.Value;
                bool updCredential = credData.UpdatePassword(idCredential, passwordAsMD5, (int)StateEnum.INACTIVE);
                if (!updCredential)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR, "No se pudo actualizar el estado de la credencial", null));

                // OK, return true/false
                UnregisterResponse response = new UnregisterResponse();
                response.updated = DateTime.Now;
                return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.OK, "OK", response));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR, e.Message, null));
        /// <summary>
        /// Authentication into user module. Will check if user exists or not
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Request object</param>
        /// <returns>User object</returns>
        public ActionResponse LoginAction(LoginRequest obj)
            ActionResponse output = new ActionResponse();

                // STEP 0: Need to verify if product and channel exist or not
                ProductData prodData = new ProductData();
                Product     oProduct = prodData.GetProductById(obj.idProduct.Value);
                if (oProduct == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "El producto no existe en el sistema", null));

                ChannelData channelData = new ChannelData();
                Channel     oChannel    = channelData.GetChannelById(obj.idChannel.Value);
                if (oChannel == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "El canal no existe en el sistema", null));

                // STEP 1: Check if user identify already exists
                UserIdentifyData uiData = new UserIdentifyData();

                UserIdentify ui = uiData.FindByIdChannelAndValue(obj.idChannel.Value, obj.value);
                if (ui.id_cliente == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "La identidad del usuario no existe en el sistema", null));

                // STEP 2: If pass is setted, we need to check credentials too
                CredentialData credData = new CredentialData();
                string         tmpPass  = null;

                if (obj.password != null)
                    using (MD5 md5Hash = MD5.Create())
                        tmpPass = functions.GetMd5Hash(md5Hash, obj.password);

                Credential cred = credData.FindByProductAndUserIdentifyAndPass(obj.idProduct.Value, ui.idUserIdentify.Value, tmpPass);
                if (cred.idCredential == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.CONFLICT, "La contraseña no corresponde", null));

                switch (cred.idState.Value)
                case (int)StateEnum.INACTIVE:
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.CONFLICT, "La credencial del usuario se encuentra inactiva", null));

                case (int)StateEnum.TEMPORAL_PASSWORD:
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.CONFLICT, "No se puede acceder con una contraseña temporal. Por favor ejecutar servicio de actualización.", null));

                case (int)StateEnum.TEMPORAL_PASSWORD_USED:
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.CONFLICT, "La contraseña temporal ya no es válida.", null));

                // Get User
                ClienteData clientData = new ClienteData();
                Cliente     res        = clientData.GetUserById(ui.id_cliente.Value);

                if (res.id_cliente == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "No se ha podido encontrar el usuario relacionado a las credenciales proporcionadas", null));

                // OK (will return ID cliente generated -last insert-)
                LoginResponse response = new LoginResponse();
                response.idClient = res.id_cliente.Value;
                return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.OK, "OK", response));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR, e.Message, null));