        /// <summary>
        /// Reset Password
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Request object</param>
        /// <returns>User object</returns>
        public ActionResponse ResetPasswordAction(ResetPasswordRequest obj)
            ActionResponse output = new ActionResponse();

                int maxTmpPass = Int32.Parse(functions.ConfigItem("MAX_TMP_PASS"));
                int idProduct  = obj.idProduct.Value;
                int idChannel  = obj.idChannel.Value;

                // STEP 0: Need to verify if product and channel exist or not
                ProductData prodData = new ProductData();
                Product     oProduct = prodData.GetProductById(idProduct);
                if (oProduct == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "El producto no existe en el sistema", null));

                ChannelData channelData = new ChannelData();
                Channel     oChannel    = channelData.GetChannelById(idChannel);
                if (oChannel == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "El canal no existe en el sistema", null));

                // STEP 1: Check if user identify already exists
                UserIdentifyData uiData = new UserIdentifyData();

                UserIdentify ui = uiData.FindByIdChannelAndValue(idChannel, obj.value);
                if (ui.id_cliente == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "La identidad del usuario no existe en el sistema", null));

                // STEP 2: Find Credential related to UserIdentify and Product
                int idUserIdentify = ui.idUserIdentify.Value;

                CredentialData    credData      = new CredentialData();
                List <Credential> lstCredential = credData.FindByProductAndUserIdentify(idProduct, idUserIdentify);
                if (lstCredential.Count <= 0)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "No existen credenciales asociadas", null));

                // Generate password and create temporal credential
                string rndString = "";
                using (MD5 md5Hash = MD5.Create())
                    rndString = functions.GetUniqueKey(maxTmpPass);
                    string rndStringMD5 = functions.GetMd5Hash(md5Hash, rndString);

                    int idCredentialTmp = credData.CreateCredential(idProduct, idUserIdentify, (int)StateEnum.TEMPORAL_PASSWORD, rndStringMD5);
                    if (idCredentialTmp == 0)
                        return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR, "No se pudo crear la credencial temporal", null));

                // Will send email with new pass generated (only if channel is email)
                if (idChannel == (int)ChannelEnum.EMAIL)
                    /*string productEmailFrom = "FROM_EMAIL_" + idProduct;
                     * string productEmailPass = "******" + idProduct;
                     * string emailFrom;
                     * string emailPass;
                     * string checkProductEmailFrom = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings[productEmailFrom];
                     * string checkProductEmailPass = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings[productEmailPass];
                     * // Send mail if exists user and pass for the product
                     * // else send by default user and pass
                     * if (checkProductEmailFrom != null && checkProductEmailPass != null)
                     * {
                     *  emailFrom = functions.ConfigItem(productEmailFrom);
                     *  emailPass = functions.ConfigItem(productEmailPass);
                     * }
                     * else
                     * {
                     *  emailFrom = functions.ConfigItem("FROM_EMAIL");
                     *  emailPass = functions.ConfigItem("PASS_EMAIL");
                     * }
                     * MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
                     * mail.From = new MailAddress(emailFrom, oProduct.name, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                     * mail.To.Add(new MailAddress(obj.value));
                     * mail.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                     * mail.Subject = oProduct.name + " | Solicitud cambio de contraseña";
                     * mail.Body = "Estimado usuario, <br><br> Tu contraseña temporal es: " + rndString
                     + ", ingresa con esta contraseña para luego generar una nueva."
                     + "<br><br><br> <i>Este correo fue enviado de forma automática, no lo respondas.</i>";
                     + mail.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                     + mail.IsBodyHtml = true;
                     + SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
                     + client.Host                     = functions.ConfigItem("HOST_EMAIL");
                     + client.Port                     = Int32.Parse(functions.ConfigItem("PORT_EMAIL"));
                     + client.EnableSsl                = true;
                     + client.DeliveryMethod           = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
                     + client.UseDefaultCredentials    = false;
                     + client.Credentials              = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(emailFrom, emailPass);
                     + client.Send(mail);*/

                // OK, return temporal password
                ResetPasswordResponse response = new ResetPasswordResponse();
                response.idClient    = (int)ui.id_cliente;
                response.newPassword = rndString;
                return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.OK, "OK", response));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR, e.Message, null));
        /// <summary>
        /// Update Password
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Request object</param>
        /// <returns>User object</returns>
        public ActionResponse UpdatePasswordAction(UpdatePasswordRequest obj)
                int     idProduct = obj.idProduct.Value;
                int     idChannel = obj.idChannel.Value;
                decimal idClient  = obj.idClient.Value;

                // STEP 0: Need to verify if product and channel exist or not
                ProductData prodData = new ProductData();
                Product     oProduct = prodData.GetProductById(idProduct);
                if (oProduct == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "El producto no existe en el sistema", null));

                ChannelData channelData = new ChannelData();
                Channel     oChannel    = channelData.GetChannelById(idChannel);
                if (oChannel == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "El canal no existe en el sistema", null));

                // STEP 0.1: Verify if user exists
                ClienteData clientData = new ClienteData();
                Cliente     oClient    = clientData.GetUserById(idClient);
                if (oClient.id_cliente == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "No existe el usuario en el sistema", null));

                // STEP 1: Check if user identify already exists by id_cliente + channel
                UserIdentifyData uiData = new UserIdentifyData();

                UserIdentify ui = uiData.FindByIdUserAndIdChannel(idClient, idChannel);
                if (ui.id_cliente == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "La identidad del usuario no existe en el sistema", null));

                int idUserIdentify = ui.idUserIdentify.Value;

                // STEP 2: Check credential
                string oldPassAsMD5 = "";
                string newPassAsMD5 = "";
                using (MD5 md5Hash = MD5.Create())
                    string oldPass = obj.oldPassword.Trim();
                    string newPass = obj.newPassword.Trim();

                    // Password integrity
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newPass))
                        return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.BAD_REQUEST, "La contraseña no puede ser una cadena vacía", null));

                    int minLengthPass = Int32.Parse(functions.ConfigItem("MIN_PASS_LENGTH"));
                    if (newPass.Length < minLengthPass)
                        return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.BAD_REQUEST, "La contraseña debe tener un mínimo de " + minLengthPass + " caracteres", null));

                    if (oldPass == newPass)
                        return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.BAD_REQUEST, "La nueva contraseña no puede ser igual a la actual", null));

                    // Passwords as MD5
                    oldPassAsMD5 = functions.GetMd5Hash(md5Hash, oldPass);
                    newPassAsMD5 = functions.GetMd5Hash(md5Hash, newPass);
                CredentialData credData    = new CredentialData();
                Credential     oCredential = credData.FindByProductAndUserIdentifyAndPass(idProduct,
                if (oCredential.idCredential == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.BAD_REQUEST, "La contraseña no es válida", null));

                int idCredential = oCredential.idCredential.Value;

                // STEP 3: If Credential is OK, need to check if credential is NORMAL or TEMPORAL
                if (oCredential.idState.Value == (int)StateEnum.ACTIVE)
                    // Normal process
                    bool updCredential = credData.UpdatePassword(idCredential, newPassAsMD5, (int)StateEnum.ACTIVE);
                    if (!updCredential)
                        return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR, "No se pudo actualizar la contraseña", null));
                else if (oCredential.idState.Value == (int)StateEnum.TEMPORAL_PASSWORD)
                    // Will set normal credential with new password
                    // Firstly, need to find it
                    List <Credential> lstCredentials = credData.FindByProductAndUserIdentify(idProduct, idUserIdentify);
                    foreach (Credential o in lstCredentials)
                        // Finding normal credential related to product and useridentify
                        if (o.idState.Value == (int)StateEnum.ACTIVE)
                            bool updCredential = credData.UpdatePassword(o.idCredential.Value, newPassAsMD5, (int)StateEnum.ACTIVE);
                            if (!updCredential)
                                return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR, "No se pudo actualizar la contraseña", null));

                    // Pass temporal credential to TEMPORAL_PASSWORD_USED
                    bool updTmpCredential = credData.UpdatePassword(idCredential, oldPassAsMD5, (int)StateEnum.TEMPORAL_PASSWORD_USED);
                    if (!updTmpCredential)
                        return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR, "No se pudo actualizar la credencial temporal", null));
                    // Desactive, I can´t do anything
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.CONFLICT, "La credencial se encuentra inactiva y no se puede actualizar", null));

                // OK, return true/false
                UpdatePasswordResponse response = new UpdatePasswordResponse();
                response.updated = DateTime.Now;
                return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.OK, "OK", response));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR, e.Message, null));
        /// <summary>
        /// Registration over any channel defined in module. Credential concept is implicated too.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Request object</param>
        /// <returns>ID user if it's ok or null when it's error</returns>
        public ActionResponse RegisterAction(RegisterRequest obj)
            ActionResponse output = new ActionResponse();

                // OPERATOR registration
                bool asOperatorRegistration = false;
                if (obj.code != null)
                    asOperatorRegistration = true;

                // Code doesn't exist, will enter by normal registration flow
                int    idProduct = obj.idProduct.Value;
                int    idChannel = obj.idChannel.Value;
                string passReq   = null;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.password))
                    passReq = obj.password.Trim();

                // STEP 0: Need to verify if product and channel exist or not
                ProductData prodData = new ProductData();
                Product     oProduct = prodData.GetProductById(idProduct);
                if (oProduct == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "El producto no existe en el sistema", null));

                ChannelData channelData = new ChannelData();
                Channel     oChannel    = channelData.GetChannelById(idChannel);
                if (oChannel == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "El canal no existe en el sistema", null));

                // We need to check if code is setted
                // If code exists, will check for this first (custody)
                CustodyController custodyController = new CustodyController();
                Custody           oCustody          = new Custody();
                if (asOperatorRegistration)
                    // Find Custody object linked to code received
                    oCustody = custodyController.FindCustodyByCode(idProduct, obj.code, obj.codeType.ToLower());
                    if (oCustody == null)
                        return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.NO_CONTENT, "No hay ninguna custodia vinculada al código proporcionado", null));

                // Normal flow for registration. Distinct to get code or not, it will do same actions
                // Firstly, will check consistency value in function of channel
                switch (obj.idChannel.Value)
                case (int)ChannelEnum.EMAIL:
                        MailAddress m = new MailAddress(obj.value);
                    catch (FormatException)
                        return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.BAD_REQUEST, "El formato del email es incorrecto", null));

                case (int)ChannelEnum.ANI:

                    int    l      = 11;
                    string prefix = "569";

                    bool   error = true;
                    string val   = obj.value;
                    // Check for prefix (569) considerating solution for Chile (need to be dynamic as soon as possible)
                    if (val.Contains(prefix))
                        // Check for length (11) adding prefix
                        if (val.Length == l)
                            error = false;

                    if (error)
                        return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.BAD_REQUEST, "El formato del ani es incorrecto", null));


                case (int)ChannelEnum.FACEBOOK:

                    // Will check if ID is a numeric number

                // STEP 1: Check if user identify already exists
                // If UserIdentify doesn't exist, it won't check credential because of it doesn't exist too obviously
                // If UserIdentify exists, we need to check for credentials vinculated.
                UserIdentifyData uiData = new UserIdentifyData();

                UserIdentify ui      = uiData.FindByIdChannelAndValue(idChannel, obj.value);
                string       passMD5 = null;
                if (ui.id_cliente != null)
                    // STEP 2: Check if credential already exists
                    CredentialData cdData = new CredentialData();

                    List <Credential> lstCredential = cdData.FindByProductAndUserIdentify(idProduct, ui.idUserIdentify.Value);

                    if (lstCredential.Count > 0)
                        return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.CONFLICT, "La credencial del usuario ya existe en el sistema", null));

                // If entire data is ok, try to create user
                // Will return ID user or null (transaction)
                ClienteData u = new ClienteData();
                // string ani, string email, string usuario, decimal id_operador
                int?res = 0;

                // Create a random value for ani, it must to be fixed to correct logic with registration operator (custody)
                int    max       = Int32.Parse(functions.ConfigItem("MAX_RANDOM_ANI_USER"));
                string rndString = "user_" + functions.GetUniqueKey(max);

                // If password is setted, it becomes as MD5
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(passReq))
                    // Will check password integrity
                    int minLengthPass = Int32.Parse(functions.ConfigItem("MIN_PASS_LENGTH"));
                    if (passReq.Length < minLengthPass)
                        return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.BAD_REQUEST, "La contraseña debe tener un mínimo de " + minLengthPass + " caracteres", null));

                    using (MD5 md5Hash = MD5.Create())
                        passMD5 = functions.GetMd5Hash(md5Hash, passReq);
                    // Without password
                    passMD5 = passReq;

                // Will create user, receiving UserIdentify or making it within other actions
                if (ui.idUserIdentify == null)
                    // Operator registration always won´t have UserIdentify associated (will be created later)
                    // UserIdentify unknown
                    res = u.CreateUser(idChannel, idProduct, obj.value, passMD5, 0, rndString, "", "", 0, false, 0, obj.idGuide.Value);
                    // UserIdentify already known
                    res = u.CreateUser(idChannel, idProduct, obj.value, passMD5, 0, rndString, "", "", 0, true, ui.idUserIdentify.Value, obj.idGuide.Value);

                // Sp's response
                if (res == null)
                    return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.CONFLICT, "No se pudo registrar al usuario en la plataforma", res));

                // OK (will return ID cliente generated -last insert-)
                RegisterResponse response = new RegisterResponse();
                response.idClient = (decimal)res;
                // Normal or custody registration
                if (asOperatorRegistration)
                    // Reserved value into response
                    response.reservedValue = oCustody.value;

                    // Try to close custody
                    int idCustody = oCustody.idCustody.Value;
                    int idClient  = (int)oCustody.id_cliente.Value;

                    // Need to close Custody, it will be the end of this process
                    // Will check custody is valid or not
                    ActionResponse resX = custodyController.CloseCustodyByIdAction(idCustody);
                    if (resX.code != (int)CodeStatusEnum.OK)

                return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.OK, "OK", response));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(functions.Response((int)CodeStatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR, e.Message, null));