WaitForRealSeconds() public static method

public static WaitForRealSeconds ( float _sec ) : IEnumerator
_sec float
return IEnumerator
    private IEnumerator FadeInOut()
        var fadeOutStartTime = _audio.clip.length - (fadeOutTime * _audio.pitch);

        yield return(StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.WaitForRealSeconds(MasterAudio.INNER_LOOP_CHECK_INTERVAL)));        // wait for clip to start playing

        var stepVolumeUp = fadeMaxVolume / fadeInTime * MasterAudio.INNER_LOOP_CHECK_INTERVAL;

        curFadeMode = FadeMode.FadeInOut; // wait to set this so it stops the previous one if it's still going.

        if (fadeInTime > 0f)
            while (_audio.isPlaying && curFadeMode == FadeMode.FadeInOut && _audio.time < fadeInTime)
                _audio.volume += stepVolumeUp;
                yield return(StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.WaitForRealSeconds(MasterAudio.INNER_LOOP_CHECK_INTERVAL)));

        if (curFadeMode != FadeMode.FadeInOut)
            yield break; // in case another fade cancelled this one

        _audio.volume = fadeMaxVolume; // just in case it didn't align exactly

        if (fadeOutTime == 0f || _audio.loop)
            yield break; // nothing more to do!

        // wait for fade out time.
        while (_audio.isPlaying && curFadeMode == FadeMode.FadeInOut && _audio.time < fadeOutStartTime)
            yield return(StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.WaitForRealSeconds(MasterAudio.INNER_LOOP_CHECK_INTERVAL)));

        if (curFadeMode != FadeMode.FadeInOut)
            yield break; // in case another fade cancelled this one

        var stepVolumeDown = fadeMaxVolume / fadeOutTime * MasterAudio.INNER_LOOP_CHECK_INTERVAL;

        while (_audio.isPlaying && curFadeMode == FadeMode.FadeInOut && _audio.volume > 0)
            _audio.volume -= stepVolumeDown;
            yield return(StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.WaitForRealSeconds(MasterAudio.INNER_LOOP_CHECK_INTERVAL)));

        audio.volume = 0f;

        if (curFadeMode != FadeMode.FadeInOut)
            yield break; // in case another fade cancelled this one

        curFadeMode = FadeMode.None;
    private IEnumerator PlaySongWithDelay()
        var randomTime = Random.Range(minTimeToWait, maxTimeToWait);

        yield return(StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.WaitForRealSeconds(randomTime)));

    private IEnumerator FollowSoundMaker()
        UpdateAudioLocationAndPriority(false, attachToSource);

        while (curDetectEndMode == DetectEndMode.DetectEnd)
            var timeToWait = MasterAudio.INNER_LOOP_CHECK_INTERVAL;
            yield return(StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.WaitForRealSeconds(timeToWait)));

            UpdateAudioLocationAndPriority(true, attachToSource);
    private IEnumerator TryPlayStartSound(AudioEventGroup grp, AudioEvent aEvent)
        for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            yield return(StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.WaitForRealSeconds(MasterAudio.INNER_LOOP_CHECK_INTERVAL)));

            var result = PerformSingleAction(grp, aEvent, EventType.OnStart, false);
            if (result != null && result.SoundPlayed)
    private IEnumerator FadeOverTimeToVolume(float targetVolume, float fadeTime)
        if (fadeTime <= MasterAudio.INNER_LOOP_CHECK_INTERVAL)
            _audio.volume = targetVolume; // time really short, just do it at once.
            if (_audio.volume <= 0f)
            curFadeMode = FadeMode.None;
            yield break;

        yield return(StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.WaitForRealSeconds(MasterAudio.INNER_LOOP_CHECK_INTERVAL)));        // wait for clip to start playing.

        var   volStep = (targetVolume - _audio.volume) / (fadeTime / MasterAudio.INNER_LOOP_CHECK_INTERVAL);
        float newVol;

        while (_audio.volume != targetVolume && curFadeMode == FadeMode.GradualFade)
            newVol = _audio.volume + volStep;

            if (volStep > 0f)
                newVol = Math.Min(newVol, targetVolume);
                newVol = Math.Max(newVol, targetVolume);

            _audio.volume = newVol;

            yield return(StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.WaitForRealSeconds(MasterAudio.INNER_LOOP_CHECK_INTERVAL)));            // wait for clip to start playing.

        if (_audio.volume <= 0f)

        if (curFadeMode != FadeMode.GradualFade)
            yield break; // in case another fade cancelled this one

        curFadeMode = FadeMode.None;
    IEnumerator CoUpdate()
        while (true)
            yield return(StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.WaitForRealSeconds(MasterAudio.INNER_LOOP_CHECK_INTERVAL)));            // works with zero timescale also.

            //yield return MasterAudio.loopDelay; // Stops working with zero timescale.

            // gradual fade code
            if (curFadeMode != FadeMode.GradualFade)

            if (activeAudio == null)
                continue; // paused or error in setup

            var newVolume = playlistVolume + slowFadeVolStep;

            if (slowFadeVolStep > 0f)
                newVolume = Math.Min(newVolume, slowFadeTargetVolume);
                newVolume = Math.Max(newVolume, slowFadeTargetVolume);

            playlistVolume = newVolume;


            if (newVolume == slowFadeTargetVolume)
                if (fadeCompleteCallback != null)
                    fadeCompleteCallback = null;
                curFadeMode = FadeMode.None;
    private IEnumerator FadeOutEarly(float fadeTime)
        curFadeMode = FadeMode.FadeOutEarly; // cancel the FadeInOut loop, if it's going.

        var stepVolumeDown = _audio.volume / fadeTime * MasterAudio.INNER_LOOP_CHECK_INTERVAL;

        while (_audio.isPlaying && curFadeMode == FadeMode.FadeOutEarly && _audio.volume > 0)
            _audio.volume -= stepVolumeDown;
            yield return(StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.WaitForRealSeconds(MasterAudio.INNER_LOOP_CHECK_INTERVAL)));

        _audio.volume = 0f;

        if (curFadeMode != FadeMode.FadeOutEarly)
            yield break; // in case another fade cancelled this one

        curFadeMode = FadeMode.None;
    private IEnumerator DetectSoundFinished(float delaySound)
        if (useIntroSilence && introSilenceMax > 0f)
            var rndSilence = UnityEngine.Random.Range(introSilenceMin, introSilenceMax);
            isWaitingForDelay = true;

            yield return(StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.WaitForRealSeconds(rndSilence)));

            isWaitingForDelay = false;

        if (delaySound > 0f)
            isWaitingForDelay = true;

            yield return(StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.WaitForRealSeconds(delaySound)));

            isWaitingForDelay = false;

        if (curDetectEndMode != DetectEndMode.DetectEnd)
            yield break;


        lastTimePlayed = Time.time;

        // sound play worked! Duck music if a ducking sound.
        MasterAudio.DuckSoundGroup(ParentGroup.name, _audio);

        var clipLength = Math.Abs(_audio.clip.length / _audio.pitch);

        yield return(StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.WaitForRealSeconds(clipLength)));        // wait for clip to play

        if (HasActiveFXFilter && fxTailTime > 0f)
            yield return(StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.WaitForRealSeconds(fxTailTime)));

        var playSnd = playSndParams;

        if (curDetectEndMode != DetectEndMode.DetectEnd)
            yield break;

        if (!_audio.loop || (playSndParams != null && playSndParams.isChainLoop))

        if (playSnd != null && playSnd.isChainLoop)
            // check if loop count is over.
            if (ParentGroup.chainLoopMode == MasterAudioGroup.ChainedLoopLoopMode.NumberOfLoops && ParentGroup.ChainLoopCount >= ParentGroup.chainLoopNumLoops)
                // done looping
                yield break;

            var rndDelay = playSnd.delaySoundTime;
            if (ParentGroup.chainLoopDelayMin > 0f || ParentGroup.chainLoopDelayMax > 0f)
                rndDelay = UnityEngine.Random.Range(ParentGroup.chainLoopDelayMin, ParentGroup.chainLoopDelayMax);

            // cannot use "AndForget" methods! Chain loop needs to check the status.
            if (playSnd.attachToSource || playSnd.sourceTrans != null)
                if (playSnd.attachToSource)
                    MasterAudio.PlaySound3DFollowTransform(playSnd.soundType, playSnd.sourceTrans, playSnd.volumePercentage, playSnd.pitch, rndDelay, null, true);
                    MasterAudio.PlaySound3DAtTransform(playSnd.soundType, playSnd.sourceTrans, playSnd.volumePercentage, playSnd.pitch, rndDelay, null, true);
                MasterAudio.PlaySound(playSnd.soundType, playSnd.volumePercentage, playSnd.pitch, rndDelay, null, true);