/// <summary>
        /// Decodes the given data into a location reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override GeoCoordinateLocation Decode(byte[] data)
            var geoCoordinate = new GeoCoordinateLocation();

            geoCoordinate.Coordinate = CoordinateConverter.Decode(data, 1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Decodes the given data into a location reference.
        /// </summary>
        public static GeoCoordinateLocation Decode(byte[] data)
            var geoCoordinate = new GeoCoordinateLocation();

            geoCoordinate.Coordinate = CoordinateConverter.Decode(data, 1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Decodes the given data into a location reference.
        /// </summary>
        public static PointAlongLineLocation Decode(byte[] data)
            var pointAlongLine = new PointAlongLineLocation();

            // decode first location reference point.
            var first = new LocationReferencePoint();

            first.Coordinate         = CoordinateConverter.Decode(data, 1);
            first.FuntionalRoadClass = FunctionalRoadClassConvertor.Decode(data, 7, 2);
            first.FormOfWay          = FormOfWayConvertor.Decode(data, 7, 5);
            first.LowestFunctionalRoadClassToNext = FunctionalRoadClassConvertor.Decode(data, 8, 0);
            first.Bearing        = BearingConvertor.DecodeAngleFromBearing(BearingConvertor.Decode(data, 8, 3));
            first.DistanceToNext = DistanceToNextConvertor.Decode(data[9]);

            // decode second location reference point.
            var last = new LocationReferencePoint();

            last.Coordinate         = CoordinateConverter.DecodeRelative(first.Coordinate, data, 10);
            last.FuntionalRoadClass = FunctionalRoadClassConvertor.Decode(data, 14, 2);
            last.FormOfWay          = FormOfWayConvertor.Decode(data, 14, 5);
            last.Bearing            = BearingConvertor.DecodeAngleFromBearing(BearingConvertor.Decode(data, 15, 3));

            pointAlongLine.First       = first;
            pointAlongLine.Orientation = OrientationConverter.Decode(data, 7, 0);
            pointAlongLine.SideOfRoad  = SideOfRoadConverter.Decode(data, 14, 0);
            pointAlongLine.PositiveOffsetPercentage = OffsetConvertor.Decode(data, 16);
            pointAlongLine.Last = last;

        /// <summary>
        /// Decodes the given data into a location reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override CircleLocation Decode(byte[] data)
            var circleLocation = new CircleLocation();

            circleLocation.Coordinate = CoordinateConverter.Decode(data, 1);
            circleLocation.Radius     = data[7];
        /// <summary>
        /// Decodes the given data into a location reference.
        /// </summary>
        public static RectangleLocation Decode(byte[] data)
            var rectangleLocation = new RectangleLocation();

            rectangleLocation.LowerLeft  = CoordinateConverter.Decode(data, 1);
            rectangleLocation.UpperRight = CoordinateConverter.DecodeRelative(rectangleLocation.LowerLeft, data, 7);
        /// <summary>
        /// Decodes the given data into a location reference.
        /// </summary>
        public static CircleLocation Decode(byte[] data)
            var circleLocation = new CircleLocation();

            circleLocation.Coordinate = CoordinateConverter.Decode(data, 1);
            circleLocation.Radius     = data[7];
        /// <summary>
        /// Decodes the given data into a location reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override ClosedLineLocation Decode(byte[] data)
            // decode first location reference point.
            var first = new LocationReferencePoint();

            first.Coordinate         = CoordinateConverter.Decode(data, 1);
            first.FuntionalRoadClass = FunctionalRoadClassConvertor.Decode(data, 7, 2);
            first.FormOfWay          = FormOfWayConvertor.Decode(data, 7, 5);
            first.LowestFunctionalRoadClassToNext = FunctionalRoadClassConvertor.Decode(data, 8, 0);
            first.Bearing        = BearingConvertor.DecodeAngleFromBearing(BearingConvertor.Decode(data, 8, 3));
            first.DistanceToNext = DistanceToNextConvertor.Decode(data[9]);

            // calculate the intermediate points count.
            var intermediateList = new List <LocationReferencePoint>();
            int intermediates    = (data.Length - 12) / 7;
            int location         = 10;
            var reference        = first.Coordinate; // the reference for the relative coordinates.

            for (int idx = 0; idx < intermediates; idx++)
                // create an intermediate point.
                var intermediate = new LocationReferencePoint();
                intermediate.Coordinate = CoordinateConverter.DecodeRelative(reference, data, location);
                reference = intermediate.Coordinate;
                location  = location + 4;
                intermediate.FuntionalRoadClass = FunctionalRoadClassConvertor.Decode(data, location, 2);
                intermediate.FormOfWay          = FormOfWayConvertor.Decode(data, location, 5);
                location             = location + 1;
                intermediate.Bearing = BearingConvertor.DecodeAngleFromBearing(BearingConvertor.Decode(data, location, 3));
                intermediate.LowestFunctionalRoadClassToNext = FunctionalRoadClassConvertor.Decode(data, location, 0);
                location = location + 1;
                intermediate.DistanceToNext = DistanceToNextConvertor.Decode(data[location]);
                location = location + 1;


            // decode last location reference point.
            var last = new LocationReferencePoint();

            // no last coordinates, identical to the first.
            last.Coordinate         = first.Coordinate;
            last.FuntionalRoadClass = FunctionalRoadClassConvertor.Decode(data, location, 2);
            last.FormOfWay          = FormOfWayConvertor.Decode(data, location, 5);
            location = location + 1;
            last.LowestFunctionalRoadClassToNext = FunctionalRoadClassConvertor.Decode(data, location, 0);
            last.Bearing = BearingConvertor.DecodeAngleFromBearing(BearingConvertor.Decode(data, location, 3));
            location     = location + 1;

            // create line location.
            var lineLocation = new ClosedLineLocation();

            lineLocation.First        = first;
            lineLocation.Intermediate = intermediateList.ToArray();
            lineLocation.Last         = last;
        public void TestDecoding1()
            double delta = 0.0001;

            // manually specify a binary coordinate.
            byte[] data = new byte[6];
            data[0] = 0;
            data[1] = 0;
            data[2] = 0;
            data[3] = 0;
            data[4] = 0;
            data[5] = 0;

            // decode the coordinate.
            var coordinate = CoordinateConverter.Decode(data);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, coordinate.Latitude);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, coordinate.Longitude);

            // manually specify a binary coordinate.
            data[0] = 0;
            data[1] = 0;
            data[2] = 255;
            data[3] = 0;
            data[4] = 0;
            data[5] = 255;

            // decode the coordinate.
            coordinate = CoordinateConverter.Decode(data);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.005460978, coordinate.Latitude, delta);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.005460978, coordinate.Longitude, delta);

            // manually specify a binary coordinate (see example in OpenLR whitepaper).
            data[0] = 4;
            data[1] = 91;
            data[2] = 91;
            data[3] = 35;
            data[4] = 70;
            data[5] = 245;

            // decode the coordinate.
            coordinate = CoordinateConverter.Decode(data);

            Assert.AreEqual(49.60851, coordinate.Latitude, delta);
            Assert.AreEqual(6.12683, coordinate.Longitude, delta);

            // decode the coordinate (ensure full code coverage).
            coordinate = CoordinateConverter.Decode(data, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(49.60851, coordinate.Latitude, delta);
            Assert.AreEqual(6.12683, coordinate.Longitude, delta);
        /// <summary>
        /// Decodes the given data into a location reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override GridLocation Decode(byte[] data)
            // decode box.
            var lowerLeft  = CoordinateConverter.Decode(data, 1);
            var upperRight = CoordinateConverter.DecodeRelative(lowerLeft, data, 7);

            // decode column/row info.
            var columns = data[11] * 256 + data[12];
            var rows    = data[13] * 256 + data[14];

            // create grid location.
            var grid = new GridLocation();

            grid.LowerLeft  = lowerLeft;
            grid.UpperRight = upperRight;
            grid.Columns    = columns;
            grid.Rows       = rows;
        public void RegressionTestEncodeDecodeNegative()
            var delta = 0.0001;

            // specify coordinate.
            var coordinate = new Coordinate()
                Latitude  = -52.932136535644531,
                Longitude = -1.5213972330093384

            // encode.
            var data = new byte[1024];

            CoordinateConverter.Encode(coordinate, data, 0);
            var decoded = CoordinateConverter.Decode(data);

            Assert.AreEqual(coordinate.Latitude, decoded.Latitude, delta);
            Assert.AreEqual(coordinate.Longitude, decoded.Longitude, delta);
        /// <summary>
        /// Decodes the given data into a location reference.
        /// </summary>
        public static PoiWithAccessPointLocation Decode(byte[] data)
            // decode first location reference point.
            var first = new LocationReferencePoint();

            first.Coordinate = CoordinateConverter.Decode(data, 1);
            var orientation = OrientationConverter.Decode(data, 7, 0);

            first.FuntionalRoadClass = FunctionalRoadClassConvertor.Decode(data, 7, 2);
            first.FormOfWay          = FormOfWayConvertor.Decode(data, 7, 5);
            first.LowestFunctionalRoadClassToNext = FunctionalRoadClassConvertor.Decode(data, 8, 0);
            first.Bearing        = BearingConvertor.DecodeAngleFromBearing(BearingConvertor.Decode(data, 8, 3));
            first.DistanceToNext = DistanceToNextConvertor.Decode(data[9]);

            // decode last location reference point.
            var last = new LocationReferencePoint();

            // no last coordinates, identical to the first.
            last.Coordinate = CoordinateConverter.DecodeRelative(first.Coordinate, data, 10);
            var sideOfRoad = SideOfRoadConverter.Decode(data, 14, 0);

            last.FuntionalRoadClass = FunctionalRoadClassConvertor.Decode(data, 14, 2);
            last.FormOfWay          = FormOfWayConvertor.Decode(data, 14, 5);
            last.Bearing            = BearingConvertor.DecodeAngleFromBearing(BearingConvertor.Decode(data, 15, 3));

            // poi details.
            var coordinate = CoordinateConverter.DecodeRelative(first.Coordinate, data, 17);

            // create line location.
            var poiWithAccessPointLocation = new PoiWithAccessPointLocation();

            poiWithAccessPointLocation.First          = first;
            poiWithAccessPointLocation.Last           = last;
            poiWithAccessPointLocation.Coordinate     = coordinate;
            poiWithAccessPointLocation.Orientation    = orientation;
            poiWithAccessPointLocation.PositiveOffset = null;
            poiWithAccessPointLocation.SideOfRoad     = sideOfRoad;
        /// <summary>
        /// Decodes the given data into a location reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override PolygonLocation Decode(byte[] data)
            // just need to decode list of coordinate.
            var coordinates = new List <Coordinate>();

            coordinates.Add(CoordinateConverter.Decode(data, 1));

            // calculate the number of points.
            var previous = coordinates[0];
            var location = 7;
            int points   = 1 + (data.Length - 6) / 4;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < points - 1; idx++)
                                    coordinates[coordinates.Count - 1], data, location + (idx * 4)));

            var polygonLocation = new PolygonLocation();

            polygonLocation.Coordinates = coordinates.ToArray();