public static void Run()
            var configuration = new Configuration(Common.MyAppSid, Common.MyAppKey);

            var apiInstance = new ConvertApi(configuration);

                // convert settings
                var settings = new ConvertSettings
                    StorageName = Common.MyStorage,
                    FilePath    = "conversions/sample.docx",
                    Format      = "pptx",
                    LoadOptions = new DocxLoadOptions()
                        Password = "", HideWordTrackedChanges = true, DefaultFont = "Arial"
                    ConvertOptions = new PptxConvertOptions()
                        FromPage = 1, PagesCount = 2, Zoom = 1
                    OutputPath = null                     // set OutputPath as null will result the output as document IOStream

                // convert to specified format
                Stream response = apiInstance.ConvertDocumentDownload(new ConvertDocumentRequest(settings));
                Console.WriteLine("Document conveted successfully: " + response.Length.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling ConvertApi: " + e.Message);
        public static void Run()
            var configuration = new Configuration(Common.MyAppSid, Common.MyAppKey);

            var apiInstance = new ConvertApi(configuration);

                // convert settings
                var settings = new ConvertSettings
                    StorageName = Common.MyStorage,
                    FilePath    = "conversions/password-protected.docx",
                    Format      = "html",
                    LoadOptions = new DocxLoadOptions()
                        Password = "******"
                    ConvertOptions = new HtmlConvertOptions()
                        FixedLayout = true, UsePdf = true
                    OutputPath = null                     // set OutputPath as null will result the output as document IOStream

                // convert to specified format
                Stream response = apiInstance.ConvertDocumentDownload(new ConvertDocumentRequest(settings));
                Console.WriteLine("Document conveted successfully: " + response.Length.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling ConvertApi: " + e.Message);
        public static void Run()
            var configuration = new Configuration(Common.MyAppSid, Common.MyAppKey);

            var apiInstance = new ConvertApi(configuration);

                // convert settings
                var settings = new ConvertSettings
                    StorageName = Common.MyStorage,
                    FilePath    = "conversions/sample.pdf",
                    Format      = "docx",
                    LoadOptions = new PdfLoadOptions()
                        Password = "", HidePdfAnnotations = true, RemoveEmbeddedFiles = false, FlattenAllFields = true
                    ConvertOptions = new DocxConvertOptions()
                        FromPage = 1, PagesCount = 2, Zoom = 100, Dpi = 300
                    OutputPath = null                     // set OutputPath as null will result the output as document IOStream

                // convert to specified format
                Stream response = apiInstance.ConvertDocumentDownload(new ConvertDocumentRequest(settings));
                Console.WriteLine("Document conveted successfully: " + response.Length.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling ConvertApi: " + e.Message);
        public static void Run(string convertToFormat, ConvertOptions convertOptions)
            var configuration = new Configuration(Common.MyAppSid, Common.MyAppKey);

            var apiInstance = new ConvertApi(configuration);

                // convert settings
                var settings = new ConvertSettings
                    StorageName    = Common.MyStorage,
                    FilePath       = "conversions/sample.docx",
                    Format         = convertToFormat,
                    ConvertOptions = convertOptions,
                    OutputPath     = null                 // set OutputPath as null will result the output as document IOStream

                // convert to specified format
                Stream response = apiInstance.ConvertDocumentDownload(new ConvertDocumentRequest(settings));
                Console.WriteLine("Document converted successfully: " + response.Length.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling ConvertApi.QuickConvert: " + e.Message);
        public static void Run()
            var configuration = new Configuration(Common.MyAppSid, Common.MyAppKey);

            var apiInstance = new ConvertApi(configuration);

                // convert settings
                var settings = new ConvertSettings
                    StorageName = Common.MyStorage,
                    FilePath    = "conversions/password-protected.docx",
                    Format      = "pdf",
                    LoadOptions = new DocxLoadOptions()
                        Password = "******"
                    ConvertOptions = new PdfConvertOptions()
                        BookmarksOutlineLevel = 1,
                        CenterWindow          = true,
                        CompressImages        = false,
                        DisplayDocTitle       = true,
                        Dpi = 1024,
                        ExpandedOutlineLevels = 1,
                        FitWindow             = false,
                        FromPage              = 1,
                        Grayscale             = false,
                        HeadingsOutlineLevels = 1,
                        ImageQuality          = 100,
                        Linearize             = false,
                        MarginTop             = 5,
                        MarginLeft            = 5,
                        Password              = "******",
                        UnembedFonts          = true,
                        RemoveUnusedStreams   = true,
                        RemoveUnusedObjects   = true,
                        RemovePdfaCompliance  = false,
                        Height = 1024
                    OutputPath = null                     // set OutputPath as null will result the output as document IOStream

                // convert to specified format
                Stream response = apiInstance.ConvertDocumentDownload(new ConvertDocumentRequest(settings));
                Console.WriteLine("Document conveted successfully: " + response.Length.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling ConvertApi: " + e.Message);
        public void TestConvertMissingSettings()
            // Arrange
            var request = new ConvertDocumentRequest(null);

            // Act & Assert
            var ex = Assert.Throws <ApiException>(() =>

            Assert.True(ex.Message.Contains("Missing required parameter 'convertSettings'"));
        public static void Run()
                // Create necessary API instances
                var apiInstance = new ConvertApi(Constants.GetConfig());

                // Prepare convert settings
                var settings = new ConvertSettings
                    StorageName = Constants.MyStorage,
                    FilePath    = "WordProcessing/password-protected.docx",
                    Format      = "pdf",
                    LoadOptions = new DocxLoadOptions {
                        Password = "******"
                    ConvertOptions = new PdfConvertOptions
                        CenterWindow         = true,
                        CompressImages       = false,
                        DisplayDocTitle      = true,
                        Dpi                  = 1024,
                        FitWindow            = false,
                        FromPage             = 1,
                        Grayscale            = false,
                        ImageQuality         = 100,
                        Linearize            = false,
                        MarginTop            = 5,
                        MarginLeft           = 5,
                        Password             = "******",
                        UnembedFonts         = true,
                        RemoveUnusedStreams  = true,
                        RemoveUnusedObjects  = true,
                        RemovePdfaCompliance = false
                    OutputPath = null // set OutputPath as null will result the output as document IOStream

                // Convert to specified format
                var response = apiInstance.ConvertDocumentDownload(new ConvertDocumentRequest(settings));
                Console.WriteLine("Document converted successfully: " + response.Length);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message);
        public void ConvertDocumentDownloadTest(TestFile testFile, string targetFormat, ConvertOptions convertOptions)
            var format   = targetFormat;
            var options  = convertOptions;
            var filePath = testFile.FullName;

            var settings = new ConvertSettings
                FilePath       = filePath,
                Format         = format,
                ConvertOptions = options

            var result = ConvertApi.ConvertDocumentDownload(new ConvertDocumentRequest(settings));

            Assert.Greater(result.Length, 0);
        public void TestConversionFileNotFound()
            var settings = new ConvertSettings
                FilePath = TestFiles.NotExist.FullName,
                Format   = "pdf"

            // Arrange
            var request = new ConvertDocumentRequest(settings);

            // Act & Assert
            var ex = Assert.Throws <ApiException>(() =>

            Assert.True(ex.Message.Contains("The specified key does not exist"));