public static void ToggleDeveloperConsole() { if ((console != null) && GnomanEmpire.Instance.GuiManager.Manager.Controls.Contains(console)) { GnomanEmpire.Instance.GuiManager.Remove(console); console = null; } else { GnomanEmpire.Instance.GuiManager.Add(console = new ConsoleWindow(GnomanEmpire.Instance.GuiManager.Manager)); } }
public void PrintToConsole(WindowsManager windowsManager, ConsoleWindow console) { var currentState = windowsManager.GetCurrentState(); for (int row = 0; row < Engine.ConsoleHeight; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < Engine.ConsoleWidth; col++) { //nooo need to check if there is actual change in the cell we are writing, the console does that on its own console.Write(row, col, currentState[row][col].Value, currentState[row][col].Color, currentState[row][col].BackgroundColor); } } }
public static void Main() { ConsoleWindow.CustomizeConsole(); Wall wall = new Wall(60, 20); //Food food = new FoodAsterisk(wall); //food.SetRandomFoodPosition(new Queue<Point>()); Snake snake = new Snake(wall); Engine engine = new Engine(wall, snake); engine.Run(); }
public void With_ConsoleLogSink_Write_does_not_throw_an_exception() { var consoleLogSink = new ConsoleWindow(); try { consoleLogSink.Write(LogEntry.Entry("Hello World")); Assert.IsTrue(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail(ex.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += UnhandledExceptionHandler; // Catch any unhandled exceptions if we are in release mode. // use invariant culture - we have to set it explicitly for every thread we create to // prevent any file-reading problems (mostly because of number formats). Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; // start the ioc kernel. var kernel = TinyIoCContainer.Current; new Bootstrapper(kernel); var objectFactory = kernel.Resolve <IObjectFactory>(); var configFactory = kernel.Resolve <IConfigFactory>(); // print intro texts. ConsoleWindow.PrintBanner(); ConsoleWindow.PrintLicense(); // load the config-manager. var configManager = configFactory.GetConfigManager(); // initialize log-manager as we'll need it below. objectFactory.GetLogManager(); // print a version banner. _logger = Log.ForContext <Program>(); _logger.Information("SpacebuxServ {0:l} {1:l} warming-up..", VersionInfo.CodeName, Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Program)).GetName().Version); PlatformManager.PrintPlatformBanner(); // initialize config manager. configManager.Initialize(); // initialize metrics support objectFactory.GetMetricsManager(); // start pool manager. var poolManager = objectFactory.GetPoolManager(); poolManager.Run(); // start web server. objectFactory.GetWebServer(); while (true) // idle loop & command parser { var line = Console.ReadLine(); CommandManager.Parse(line); } }
private void MoveConsoleWindow() { if (!this.IsLoaded) { return; } ConsoleWindow consoleWindow = ConsoleWindow.Instance; if (!this.IsVisible || this.WindowState == WindowState.Minimized) { consoleWindow.Hide(); return; } if (!consoleWindow.IsVisible) { consoleWindow.Show(); } if (consoleWindow.WindowState != this.WindowState) { consoleWindow.WindowState = this.WindowState; } // -2 -1是因为主窗口有圆角,但下层的控制台窗口不能透明所以不能圆角,把下层的控制台窗口的宽高缩小一点点从而避免看见下层控制台窗口的棱角 if (consoleWindow.Width != this.Width - 2) { consoleWindow.Width = this.Width - 2; } if (consoleWindow.Height != this.Height - 2) { consoleWindow.Height = this.Height - 2; } if (this.WindowState == WindowState.Normal) { if (consoleWindow.Left != this.Left + 1) { consoleWindow.Left = this.Left + 1; } if (consoleWindow.Top != this.Top + 1) { consoleWindow.Top = this.Top + 1; } } if (ConsoleRectangle != null && ConsoleRectangle.IsVisible) { Point point = ConsoleRectangle.TransformToAncestor(this).Transform(new Point(0, 0)); const int paddingLeft = 4; int marginLeft = paddingLeft + (int)point.X; int width = (int)(ConsoleRectangle.ActualWidth - paddingLeft); consoleWindow.MoveWindow(marginLeft: marginLeft, marginTop: (int)point.Y, width, height: (int)ConsoleRectangle.ActualHeight + 1); } }
private void buttonOpenConsole_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ConsoleWindow.Allocated) { ConsoleWindow.Allocate(); } else if (!ConsoleWindow.Displayed) { ConsoleWindow.Show(); } else { ConsoleWindow.Hide(); } }
static IGameUnit CreateHelp() { var text = new [] { "H - Toggle this Help", "F1 - Show About", "Esc - Exit", "Left, Right, Up, Down - Move", "W,E - Rotate", "S - Restart", "Plus|Minus - Increase|Decrease Step", }; var help = new ConsoleWindow(background, text); return(help); }
public SimulatorPanel(string simName, int index, ConsoleWindow cw, BusinessSettings bs, Booking b) { InitializeComponent(); SimPanelIndex = index; origin = cw; = bs; SetTheme(); BorderColor = bs.GetTheme().BorderColor; UpdateNameLabel(simName); hasBooking = b != null; ApplyClickHandles(); this.b = b; SetNextBooking(b, false); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the instance of this singleton class /// </summary> /// <returns> /// </returns> internal static ConsoleWindow getInstance() { if (_instance == null) { lock (typeof(ConsoleWindow)) { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new ConsoleWindow(); hookStandards(); } } } return(_instance); }
private static void reshow() { close(); window = new ConsoleWindow(); if (lines_length != null) { window.lines_length = lines_length.Value; } window.Show(); window_closed = false; window.Closed += (sender, e) => { window_closed = true; }; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="commandLine">The raw command line arguments passed to the program.</param> public ConsoleProgram(string[] commandLine) { CommandLine = commandLine; Handlers = new Dictionary <string, ConsoleActionData>(); //Try to parse the command line for a Quiet argument. Arguments = new ConsoleArguments(); Args.Parse(commandLine, CommandLinePrefixes, CommandLineSeparators, Arguments); //Create the console window if we don't have the quiet argument. if (!Arguments.Quiet) { ConsoleWindow = new ConsoleWindow(); } }
private void ConsoleBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (_consoleWindow != null && _consoleWindow.IsShown && !_consoleWindow.CommandShutdown) { _consoleWindow.Focus(); } else { _consoleWindow = new ConsoleWindow(this); VersatileIO.SetHandler(_consoleWindow.Handler); VersatileIO.MinLogLevel = LogLevel.Verbose; _consoleWindow.Show(); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes BepInEx to be able to start the chainloader. /// </summary> public static void Initialize(string containerExePath, bool startConsole = true) { if (_initialized) { return; } //Set vitals Paths.SetExecutablePath(containerExePath); Paths.SetPluginPath(ConfigPluginsDirectory.Value); //Start logging if (startConsole) { ConsoleWindow.Attach(); ConsoleEncoding.ConsoleCodePage = (uint)Encoding.UTF8.CodePage; Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; Logger.Listeners.Add(new ConsoleLogListener()); } //Fix for standard output getting overwritten by UnityLogger if (ConsoleWindow.StandardOut != null) { Console.SetOut(ConsoleWindow.StandardOut); } Logger.Listeners.Add(new UnityLogListener()); Logger.Listeners.Add(new DiskLogListener()); if (!TraceLogSource.IsListening) { Logger.Sources.Add(TraceLogSource.CreateSource()); } if (ConfigUnityLogging.Value) { Logger.Sources.Add(new UnityLogSource()); } Logger.LogMessage("Chainloader ready"); _initialized = true; }
private void SetupWindow(int windowWidth, int windowHeight, Dictionary <string, Simulator> sims, ConsoleWindow cw, DateTime dt) { InitializeComponent(); bs = db.PullBusinessSettings(); SetTheme(); origin = cw; dateTimePicker1.Value = dt; dateLabel.Text = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy"); this.Width = windowWidth; this.Height = windowHeight - 10; this.sims = sims; dateTimePicker1.ValueChanged += DateTimeChanged; GenerateTimeSlots(); }
public static string ToggleView(EConsoleView InView) { if (ConsoleWindow.HasInstance()) { if (InView == EConsoleView.PC) { ConsoleWindow.instance.ChangeToPCView(); } else if (InView == EConsoleView.Mobile) { ConsoleWindow.instance.ChangeToMobileView(); } } return(CheatCommandBase.Done); }
/// <summary> /// Activates when you send a command /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void SendCommandButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CommandInput.Text.Trim() != "" && ServerManager.MinecraftServer != null) { ServerManager.HistoryIndex = -1; ServerManager.MinecraftServer.StandardInput.WriteLine(CommandInput.Text); ServerManager.MinecraftServer.StandardInput.FlushAsync(); ConsoleWindow.SelectionColor = Color.Cyan; ServerManager.SentCommandsList.Add(CommandInput.Text); string timestring = DateTime.Now.ToString("M/d HH:mm:ss"); ConsoleWindow.AppendText(string.Format("\r\n[{0}]: {1}", timestring, CommandInput.Text)); ConsoleWindow.ScrollToCaret(); ConsoleWindow.SelectionColor = Color.White; CommandInput.Text = ""; } }
public static void Main() { ConsoleWindow.CustomizeConsole(); Wall wall = new Wall(60, 20); Snake snake = new Snake(wall); string copyRightText = "Snake game by SoftUni @ C# OOP"; Console.SetCursorPosition(wall.LeftX - copyRightText.Length, wall.TopY + 1); Console.Write(copyRightText); Engine engine = new Engine(wall, snake); engine.Run(); }
public StacktracePatch() { DemystifySettingsProvider.ThemeEditedOrChanged += Repaint; void Repaint() { lastText = null; if (ConsoleWindowType != null) { if (ConsoleWindow) { ConsoleWindow.Repaint(); } } }; }
static async Task Main() { TaskCompletionSource <int> windowCompletion = new TaskCompletionSource <int>(); using var window = new ConsoleWindow(); using (window.DeferDrawing()) { var examples = from type in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes() where type.BaseType == typeof(Example) orderby type.Name select(Example) Activator.CreateInstance(type); var buttons = examples.Select((example, i) => { var button = new Button(window) { Area = new Rectangle(0, 3 * i, example.GetType().Name.Length + 4, 3), Tag = example, Text = example.GetType().Name, Parent = window }; button.Click += OnButtonClick; return(button); }); window.Controls.AddRange(buttons.Cast <ConsoleControl>().ToArray()); var btClose = new Button(window) { Text = "Close", Area = new Rectangle(0, 3 * window.Controls.Count, 9, 3) }; btClose.Click += (sender, e) => windowCompletion.SetResult(0); window.Controls.Add(btClose); } await windowCompletion.Task; async void OnButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { window !.Dispose(); var button = (Button)sender; if (button.Tag is Example example) { await example.RunAsync(); } windowCompletion.SetResult(0); } }
public static void Main() { var console = new ConsoleWindow { Title = "Armeni Rpg", DefaultForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White, DefaultBackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black }; console.Clear(); console.Render(); var engine = GetGameEngine(); engine.Player = new PlayerFactory().CreatePlayer(console); engine.Run(console); }
private void CaptureLog(string log, string stacktrace, LogType type) { if (!Application.isPlaying) { return; } if (log.StartsWith("This uLink evaluation license is temporary.")) { return; } if (log.StartsWith("Failed to capture screen shot")) { return; } if (type != LogType.Log) { this.AddText(string.Concat("[color #ff0000]> ", log, "[/color]"), false); } else { this.AddText(string.Concat("[color #eeeeee]> ", log, "[/color]"), false); } if (log.StartsWith("Resynchronize Clock is still in progress")) { return; } if (type == LogType.Exception || type == LogType.Error) { if (stacktrace.Length <= 8) { string str = StackTraceUtility.ExtractStackTrace(); if (str.Length <= 8) { ConsoleWindow.Client_Error(log, (new StackTrace()).ToString()); } else { ConsoleWindow.Client_Error(log, str); } } else { ConsoleWindow.Client_Error(log, stacktrace); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { ConsoleWindow.Allocate(); if (Array.IndexOf(args, "--with-console") < 0) { ConsoleWindow.Hide(); } Trace.WriteLine(EntryAssemblyInformation.Title + " Version " + EntryAssemblyInformation.Version); ConsoleWindow.SetIcon(Properties.Resources.icon); Console.Title = EntryAssemblyInformation.Title + " log"; Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new Forms.MainForm()); }
private void StartButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { LexicalAnalyse.Analyser lexicalAnalyser = new LexicalAnalyse.Analyser(); lexicalAnalyser.Parse(GetTextFromRichTextbox()); try { if (AnalyzeType.Equals("pushdownAutomation")) { PushdownAutomatonMethod.Analyser analyser = new PushdownAutomatonMethod.Analyser(); analyser.Parse(); } else if (AnalyzeType.Equals("recursiveDescent")) { RecursiveDescentMethod.Analyser analyser = new RecursiveDescentMethod.Analyser(); if (analyser.Parse()) { listViewErrors.ItemsSource = null; IPolishGenerator generator = new DeijkstraGenerator(); generator.Start(); ConsoleWindow consoleWindow = new ConsoleWindow(); consoleWindow.Show(); Executor polishExecutor = new Executor(generator, consoleWindow); polishExecutor.Execute(); } else { listViewErrors.ItemsSource = analyser.GetErrors(); } } else if (AnalyzeType.Equals("operatorPrecedence")) { OperatorPrecedenceMethod.Analyser analyser = new OperatorPrecedenceMethod.Analyser(); analyser.Parse(); MessageBox.Show("Build successfully."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public static void Main() { Position pos = new Position(5, 5); Position pos2 = new Position(5, 5); ConsoleWindow.CustomizeConsole(); Position boardPosition = new Position(GameData.LevelBoarder.defaultBoarderWidth, GameData.LevelBoarder.defaultBoarderHeight); DrawManager drawManager = new DrawManager(); Snake snake = new Snake(); //string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\Redeemer\Desktop\New Text Document (2).txt"); Engine engine = new Engine(drawManager, snake, boardPosition); engine.Run(); }
public void Render(ConsoleWindow console, char[][] view) { view[view.Length / 2][view.Length / 2] = '@'; for (int y = 0; y < view.Length; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < view[y].Length; x++) { if (view[y][x] != '!') { console.Write(y, x, view[y][x], Color4.White); } else { console.Write(y, x, view[y][x], Color4.Red); } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { ConsoleWindow console = new ConsoleWindow(16, 40, "paleonoid"); int x = 0; int y = 0; while (true) { x++; if (x > 16) { x = 0; y++; } console.WindowUpdate(); console.Write(x, y, '+', Color4.Red, new Color4(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)); } }
// Constructor public Engine(ConsoleWindow console, WindowsManager windowsManager, ILogger logger, CombatManager combatManager, KeyHandler keyHandler, Visualization visualization, Movement movement, SelectablePopUpWindow inventoryWindow, Random randomProvider, IMathFunctions math ) { this.console = console; this.windowsManager = windowsManager; this.logger = logger; this.combatManager = combatManager; this.visualization = visualization; this.keyHandler = keyHandler; this.inventoryWindow = inventoryWindow; this.movement = movement; this.randomProvider = randomProvider; this.math = math; }
/// <summary> /// Activates when you send a command /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void SendCommandButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (ServerManager.MinecraftServer == null) { StartServer(); } else if (CommandInput.Text.Trim() != "") { ServerManager.HistoryIndex = -1; ServerManager.MinecraftServer.StandardInput.WriteLine(CommandInput.Text); ServerManager.MinecraftServer.StandardInput.FlushAsync(); ServerManager.SentCommandsList.Add(CommandInput.Text); string timestring = DateTime.Now.ToString("M/d HH:mm:ss"); ConsoleWindow.AppendColoredText(string.Format("\r[{0}]: {1}", timestring, CommandInput.Text), new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(62, 80, 180))); ConsoleWindow.ScrollToEnd(); CommandInput.Text = ""; } }
private void CheckBeltUsage() { if ((!UIUnityEvents.shouldBlockButtonInput && base.enabled) && !ConsoleWindow.IsVisible()) { Inventory inventory = this.inventory; if (inventory != null) { InventoryHolder inventoryHolder = inventory.inventoryHolder; if (inventoryHolder != null) { int beltNum = InputSample.PollItemButtons(); if (beltNum != -1) { inventoryHolder.BeltUse(beltNum); } } } } }
static Log() { try { var log_dir = SettingManager.LoadSetting <GlobalSetting>().LogOutputDirectory; Directory.CreateDirectory(log_dir); LogFilePath = Path.Combine(log_dir, FileNameHelper.FilterFileName(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ".log", '-')); file_writer = File.AppendText(LogFilePath); file_writer.AutoFlush = true; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"Can't create log file {LogFilePath} : {e.Message}"); LogFilePath = null; } #if !DEBUG enable_debug_output = SettingManager.LoadSetting <GlobalSetting>().EnableOutputDebugMessage; #else enable_debug_output = true; #endif var console_window_option = SettingManager.LoadSetting <GlobalSetting>().ShowOutputWindow; #if DEBUG //Disable log window in designer mode if (App.Current?.MainWindow == null || System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(App.Current?.MainWindow)) { console_window_option = LogWindowShowOption.None; Info("Maybe in designer mode , hide console window."); } #endif var enable_show_console_window = console_window_option == LogWindowShowOption.None ? false : (console_window_option == LogWindowShowOption.Always ? true : enable_debug_output); if (enable_show_console_window) { ConsoleWindow.Show(); } Info($"log_file_path = {LogFilePath}"); }
public void Run() { try { if (_hangfireContext.Verbose) { _ = new ConsoleWindow(); } _writer.WriteLine("Starting Hangfire server..."); _logger.Debug("Starting Hangfire server..."); var connectionString = ConnectionString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString)) { _logger.Error("Fatal Error: Could not find persistence config file. Hangfire server is unable to start."); _writer.WriteLine("Fatal Error: Could not find persistence config file. Hangfire server is unable to start."); _writer.Write("Press any key to exit..."); return; } ConfigureServerStorage(connectionString); var dashboardEndpoint = _persistence.DashboardHostname + ":" + _persistence.DashboardPort; var options = new StartOptions(); options.Urls.Add(dashboardEndpoint); WebApp.Start <Dashboard>(options); _writer.WriteLine("Hangfire dashboard started..."); _logger.Debug("Hangfire dashboard started..."); // var backgroundJobServerOptions = new BackgroundJobServerOptions // { // WorkerCount = Environment.ProcessorCount * 5 // }; // _ = new BackgroundJobServer(backgroundJobServerOptions); _writer.WriteLine("Hangfire server started..."); _logger.Info("Hangfire server started..."); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error($"Hangfire Server OnError, Error details:{ex.Message}"); _writer.WriteLine($"Hangfire Server OnError, Error details:{ex.Message}"); } }
public CommandInGroupDisplayState(ConsoleWindow InParentWindow, ConsoleViewMobile InParentView) : base(InParentWindow, InParentView) { }
public ConsoleViewPC(ConsoleWindow InParent) { ParentWindow = InParent; parser = new CommandParser(); CandinateContext.RegisterStateByAttributes<CandinateStateAttribute>(typeof(CandinateStateAttribute).Assembly, this); CandinateContext.ChangeState("CommandCandinateState"); CommandLogger.Load(); }
/// <summary> /// Enter the main mode of the KWM. Return true if the application /// must continue. /// </summary> private static bool EnterMainMode() { // Perform early linking. Wm.LocalDbBroker.Relink(Wm.LocalDb); // FIXME. #if true // Open a temporary console. ConsoleWindow foo = new ConsoleWindow(); foo.Show(); foo.OnConsoleClosing += delegate(Object sender, EventArgs args) { WmSm.RequestStop(); }; // Create an empty database. Wm.LocalDb.DeleteDb(); Wm.LocalDb.OpenOrCreateDb(KwmPath.GetKwmDbPath()); Wm.LocalDbBroker.InitDb(); WmDeserializer ds = new WmDeserializer(); ds.Deserialize(); Debug.Assert(ds.Ex == null); #else // Open or create the database. Wm.LocalDb.OpenOrCreateDb(KwmPath.GetKwmDbPath()); Wm.LocalDbBroker.InitDb(); // Try to deserialize. WmDeserializer ds = new WmDeserializer(); ds.Deserialize(); // The deserialization failed. if (ds.Ex != null) { // If the user doesn't want to recover, bail out. if (!TellUserAboutDsrFailure()) return false; // Backup, delete and recreate a database. BackupDb(); Wm.LocalDb.DeleteDb(); Wm.LocalDb.OpenOrCreateDb(KwmPath.GetKwmDbPath()); Wm.LocalDbBroker.InitDb(); // Retry to deserialize. ds = new WmDeserializer(); ds.Deserialize(); if (ds.Ex != null) throw ds.Ex; // Set the next internal workspace ID to a high value based on // the date to avoid conflicts with old KFS directories. ds.WmCd.NextKwsInternalID = (UInt64)(DateTime.Now - new DateTime(2010, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; } #endif // Relink the workspace manager object graphs. Wm.Relink(ds); // Open the lingering database transaction. Wm.LocalDb.BeginTransaction(); // Serialize the WM state that has changed. Wm.Serialize(); // Export the workspaces, then exit. if (ExportKwsPath != "") { WmKwsImportExport.ExportKws(ExportKwsPath, 0); return false; } // Set the handle to the message window. SetKwmHandle(MsgWindow.Handle); // Pass the hand to the WM state machine. WmSm.RequestStart(); return true; }
private void Awake() { ConsoleWindow.singleton = this; }
private static void Main() { Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.ThrowException); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(true); var logFileName = String.Format("xrConsole_{0}.log", Environment.UserName); logger = new PlainLogger(logFileName); consoleWnd = new ConsoleWindow(); console = consoleWnd.Console; console.AttachLogger(logger); console.AddCommand(new Func(console, "quit", Console_Quit)); console.AddCommand(new Func(console, "clear_log", Console_ClearLog, "Clear log")); console.AddCommand(new StringVar(console, "font_face", new Accessor<string>(Console_GetFontFace, Console_SetFontFace), 255, "Console font face")); console.AddCommand(new FloatVar(console, "font_size", new Accessor<float>(Console_GetFontSize, Console_SetFontSize), 5.0f, 20.0f, "Console font size")); console.Header.Add(new ConsoleLabel { Text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", Color = ConsoleColors.DarkBlue }); console.Header.Add(new ConsoleLabel { Text = "Another useful label", Color = ConsoleColors.DarkMagneta }); consoleWnd.ShowDialog(); if (logger != null) { logger.Dispose(); } }
public CommandDisplayBasicState(ConsoleWindow InParentWindow, ConsoleViewMobile InParentView) { ParentWindow = InParentWindow; ParentView = InParentView; }
public ConsoleViewMobile(ConsoleWindow InParent) { ParentWindow = InParent; States.RegisterStateByAttributes<CommandDisplayAttribute>(typeof(CommandDisplayAttribute).Assembly, ParentWindow, this); States.ChangeState("CommandGroupDisplayState"); }