//using ConnectionController to check port/IP address if IP and port box are NOT NULL private void GetListOfFiles(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerIPBox.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerPortBox.Text)) { if (!myConnection.IsConnected) { if (myConnection.CheckIP(ServerIPBox.Text, int.Parse(ServerPortBox.Text))) { myConnection.Connect(); if (myConnection.IsConnected) { ServerName.Text = "Files from: " + ServerIPBox.Text + ":" + ServerPortBox.Text; ServerName.Foreground = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(0, 255, 0)); SFiles = myConnection.ReturnServerFiles(); ServerFilesRefresh(); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("You are already connected"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Enter server IP & port"); } }
public MainWindowVM(IDialogService dialogService) { _dialogService = dialogService; _connectionController = new ConnectionController(ConnectionErrorHandler, StatusUpdate); _focuser = new WindowFocuser(); ConnectCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => { _connectionController.Connect(); _refresher.Start(); }); FocusNotepadCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => _focuser.FocusAndWrite("notepad++", "message")); SetSettingsCommand = new DelegateCommand(SetSettings); ExitCommand = new DelegateCommand(Exit); StartCommand = new DelegateCommand(StartDevice, CanStart); StopCommand = new DelegateCommand(StopDevice, CanStop); _refresher.AutoReset = true; _refresher.Elapsed += Refresher_Elapsed; }
public void OnClick() { if (controller == null) { controller = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <ConnectionController>(); } if (!IsValidIP(text.text) && text.text != "localhost") { Debug.Log("invalid ip"); return; } controller.Connect(text.text); }
public void EntryButton() { nickname = nameField.text; ws.Connect(); }