public static MvcHtmlString GetAuthorizerScripts(this HtmlHelper helper, BaseType libraryBase, CommonResources includedResources) { UrlHelper Urls = new UrlHelper(helper.ViewContext.RequestContext); List<TagBuilder> LibrarySupportingElements = new List<TagBuilder>(); TagBuilder OpenIdLibrary = new TagBuilder("script"); OpenIdLibrary.Attributes.Add(new KeyValuePair<string,string>( "type", "text/javascript")); switch(libraryBase) { case BaseType.Jquery: OpenIdLibrary.Attributes.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("src", Urls.RouteUrl("AuthorizationResources", new {resourceType = "Scripts", resourceName = "openid-jquery.js"}))); TagBuilder LanguageFile = new TagBuilder("script"); LanguageFile.Attributes.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("type", "text/javascript")); LanguageFile.Attributes.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("src", Urls.RouteUrl("AuthorizationResources", new { resourceType = "Scripts", resourceName = "openid-en.js" }))); LibrarySupportingElements.Add(LanguageFile); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } string RawResult = OpenIdLibrary.ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal); LibrarySupportingElements.ForEach(Lib => RawResult += Lib.ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal)); return MvcHtmlString.Create(RawResult); }
public BreakPointsPad() { var res = new CommonResources(); res.InitializeComponent(); Grid grid = (Grid)this.Control; ToolBar toolbar = ToolBarService.CreateToolBar(grid, this, "/SharpDevelop/Pads/BreakpointPad/Toolbar"); grid.Children.Add(toolbar); this.control.listView.View = (GridView)res["breakpointsGridView"]; this.control.listView.SetValue(GridViewColumnAutoSize.AutoWidthProperty, "35;50%;50%"); }
public LoadedModulesPad() { var res = new CommonResources(); res.InitializeComponent(); listView = new ListView(); listView.View = (GridView)res["loadedModulesGridView"]; listView.SetValue(GridViewColumnAutoSize.AutoWidthProperty, "50%;70;50%;35;120"); WindowsDebugger.RefreshingPads += RefreshPad; RefreshPad(); }
/// <summary> /// Identifies the indices of points in a set which are on the outer convex hull of the set. /// </summary> /// <param name="points">List of points in the set.</param> /// <param name="indices">List of indices composing the triangulated surface of the convex hull. /// Each group of 3 indices represents a triangle on the surface of the hull.</param> public static void GetConvexHull(IList <Vector3> points, IList <int> indices) { var rawPoints = CommonResources.GetVectorList(); var rawIndices = CommonResources.GetIntList(); rawPoints.AddRange(points); GetConvexHull(rawPoints, rawIndices); CommonResources.GiveBack(rawPoints); for (int i = 0; i < rawIndices.Count; i++) { indices.Add(rawIndices[i]); } CommonResources.GiveBack(rawIndices); }
private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMinutes.Text.Trim())) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive integer", CommonResources.GetString("Caption_Console"), MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } sRestartMunites = int.Parse(txtMinutes.Text.Trim()); sRebootMsg = richTextBoxMsg.Text.Trim(); Close(); }
public ActionResult VolumeList(KendoGridRequest request = null) { if (Request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == "GET") { return(View()); } // Fetch the data using (var context = new KendoGridDataContext(ExigoDAL.Sql())) { var results = context.Query(request, @" SELECT pv.PeriodID ,p.StartDate ,p.EndDate ,p.PeriodDescription ,pv.PaidRankID ,PaidRankDescription = '' ,pv.Volume1 ,pv.Volume2 ,pv.Volume3 FROM PeriodVolumes pv INNER JOIN Periods p ON p.PeriodID = pv.PeriodID INNER JOIN Ranks r ON r.RankID = pv.PaidRankID WHERE pv.CustomerID = @customerid AND pv.PeriodTypeID = @periodtypeid AND p.StartDate <= @startdate ", new { customerid = Identity.Current.CustomerID, periodtypeid = PeriodTypes.Default, startdate = DateTime.Now.ToCST() }); // get the translated paid rank description foreach (var item in results.Data) { item.PaidRankDescription = CommonResources.Ranks(item.PaidRankID, CommonResourceFormat.Default); } return(results); } }
public CallStackPad() { var res = new CommonResources(); res.InitializeComponent(); listView = new ListView(); listView.View = (GridView)res["callstackGridView"]; listView.MouseDoubleClick += listView_MouseDoubleClick; listView.SetValue(GridViewColumnAutoSize.AutoWidthProperty, "100%"); listView.ContextMenu = CreateMenu(); WindowsDebugger.RefreshingPads += RefreshPad; RefreshPad(); }
///<summary> /// Constructs a new convex hull shape. /// The point set will be recentered on the local origin. ///</summary> ///<param name="vertices">Point set to use to construct the convex hull.</param> /// <param name="center">Computed center of the convex hull shape prior to recentering.</param> ///<exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown when the point set is empty.</exception> public ConvexHullShape(IList <Vector3> vertices, out Vector3 center) { if (vertices.Count == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Vertices list used to create a ConvexHullShape cannot be empty."); } var surfaceVertices = CommonResources.GetVectorList(); center = ComputeCenter(vertices, surfaceVertices); this.vertices = new RawList <Vector3>(surfaceVertices); CommonResources.GiveBack(surfaceVertices); OnShapeChanged(); }
public LocalVarPad() { var res = new CommonResources(); res.InitializeComponent(); tree = new SharpTreeView(); tree.Root = new SharpTreeNode(); tree.ShowRoot = false; tree.View = (GridView)res["variableGridView"]; tree.ItemContainerStyle = (Style)res["itemContainerStyle"]; tree.SetValue(GridViewColumnAutoSize.AutoWidthProperty, "50%;25%;25%"); WindowsDebugger.RefreshingPads += RefreshPad; RefreshPad(); }
private LevelDataDictionary <RigidAnalysis> GenerateRigidAnalyses() { var analyses = new LevelDataDictionary <RigidAnalysis>(); foreach (BuildingLevelLateral2 level in _lateralLevels) { IEnumerable <AnalyticalWallLateral> wallsAtLevel = _lateralWallList.Where(w => w.TopLevel.Equals(level.Level)); List <LateralLevelForce> forcesAtLevel = _elf.AppliedForces[level.Level]; analyses.Add(new RigidAnalysis(level, wallsAtLevel, forcesAtLevel, CommonResources.ASCE7SeismicELFLoadCases(), _serializedModel.SeismicParameters.SystemParameters.Cd)); } return(analyses); }
// For more information on Bundling, visit public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles) { var kendoResources = new KendoResources(); var commonResources = new CommonResources(); string[] defaultScripts = commonResources.GetCommonScriptResources().Resources .Concat(kendoResources.GetScriptsResources().Resources) .Concat(kendoResources.GetResourceScriptsResources(new Culture[] { Culture.Default, Culture.DE, Culture.ES, Culture.RU }).Resources) .Concat(kendoResources.GetCommonScriptResources().Resources) .ToArray(); bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle(DefaultScripts).Include(defaultScripts)); bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle(BaseStyles) .Include("~/Content/Site.css")); }
static void ValidateDeviceAuthenticationKey(string key, string paramName) { if (key != null) { int keyLength; if (!Utils.IsValidBase64(key, out keyLength)) { throw new ArgumentException(CommonResources.GetString(Resources.StringIsNotBase64, key), paramName); } if (keyLength < SecurityConstants.MinKeyLengthInBytes || keyLength > SecurityConstants.MaxKeyLengthInBytes) { throw new ArgumentException(CommonResources.GetString(Resources.DeviceKeyLengthInvalid, SecurityConstants.MinKeyLengthInBytes, SecurityConstants.MaxKeyLengthInBytes)); } } }
public void EndOfGame() { var score = _points / 10; var success = !(score < 6); if (success) { ProgressManager.Instance.Reward(CommonResources.Building.EbuTalib, score * 50); if (score == 10) { ProgressManager.Instance.UnlockAchievement(CommonResources.Extras(CommonResources.Building.EbuTalib), 250); } } Invoke("Back", 2); }
/// <summary> /// Identifies the points on the surface of hull. /// </summary> /// <param name="points">List of points in the set.</param> /// <param name="outputTriangleIndices">List of indices into the input point set composing the triangulated surface of the convex hull. /// Each group of 3 indices represents a triangle on the surface of the hull.</param> /// <param name="outputSurfacePoints">Unique points on the surface of the convex hull.</param> public static void GetConvexHull(IList <Vector3> points, IList <int> outputTriangleIndices, IList <Vector3> outputSurfacePoints) { RawList <Vector3> rawPoints = CommonResources.GetVectorList(); RawList <int> rawIndices = CommonResources.GetIntList(); rawPoints.AddRange(points); GetConvexHull(rawPoints, rawIndices, outputSurfacePoints); CommonResources.GiveBack(rawPoints); for (int i = 0; i < rawIndices.Count; i++) { outputTriangleIndices.Add(rawIndices[i]); } CommonResources.GiveBack(rawIndices); }
protected override void UpdateContainedPairs(float dt) { var overlappedElements = CommonResources.GetIntList(); BoundingBox localBoundingBox; System.Numerics.Vector3 sweep; Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref mobileMesh.entity.linearVelocity, dt, out sweep); mobileMesh.Shape.GetSweptLocalBoundingBox(ref mobileMesh.worldTransform, ref mesh.worldTransform, ref sweep, out localBoundingBox); mesh.Shape.TriangleMesh.Tree.GetOverlaps(localBoundingBox, overlappedElements); for (int i = 0; i < overlappedElements.Count; i++) { TryToAdd(overlappedElements.Elements[i]); } CommonResources.GiveBack(overlappedElements); }
private void On_MenuClick(object sender, EventArgs args) { MenuItem mi = sender as MenuItem; switch (mi.Text.Trim()) { case "New &User...": case "New &Group...": CreateDlg(); break; case "&Add to Group...": ShowLUGPropertiesDlg(); break; case "&Set Password...": SetPasswordDlg(); break; case "&Rename...": ShowRenameDlg(); break; case "&Properties...": ShowLUGPropertiesDlg(); break; case "&Delete": DeleteDlg(); break; case "&Refresh": treeNode.IsModified = true;; break; case "&Help": ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(); psi.UseShellExecute = true; psi.FileName = CommonResources.GetString("LAC_Help"); psi.Verb = "open"; psi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal; Process.Start(psi); break; } }
public ThreadsPad() { var res = new CommonResources(); res.InitializeComponent(); ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu(); contextMenu.Opened += FillContextMenuStrip; listView = new ListView(); listView.View = (GridView)res["threadsGridView"]; listView.ContextMenu = contextMenu; listView.MouseDoubleClick += listView_MouseDoubleClick; listView.SetValue(GridViewColumnAutoSize.AutoWidthProperty, "70;100%;75;75"); WindowsDebugger.RefreshingPads += RefreshPad; RefreshPad(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the language's description from the Languages global resource file /// </summary> public string GetLanguageDescription() { var result = this.LanguageDescription; try { var resourceValue = CommonResources.Languages(this.LanguageID); if (resourceValue != null) { result = (string)resourceValue; this.LanguageDescription = result; } } catch { } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Identifies the points on the surface of hull. /// </summary> /// <param name="points">List of points in the set.</param> /// <param name="outputTriangleIndices">List of indices into the input point set composing the triangulated surface of the convex hull. /// Each group of 3 indices represents a triangle on the surface of the hull.</param> /// <param name="outputSurfacePoints">Unique points on the surface of the convex hull.</param> public static void GetConvexHull(RawList <Vector3> points, RawList <int> outputTriangleIndices, IList <Vector3> outputSurfacePoints) { GetConvexHull(points, outputTriangleIndices); var alreadyContainedIndices = CommonResources.GetIntSet(); for (int i = outputTriangleIndices.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int index = outputTriangleIndices[i]; if (alreadyContainedIndices.Add(index)) { outputSurfacePoints.Add(points[index]); } } CommonResources.GiveBack(alreadyContainedIndices); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the prev button /// </summary> private void btnPrev_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_eventsListView == null || _eventsListView.Items.Count == 0 || _eventsListView.SelectedItems.Count != 1 || !btnPrev.Enabled) { return; } int iEntry = _eventsListView.SelectedItems[0].Index; if (iEntry == 0) { DialogResult dlg = MessageBox.Show(this, "You have reached the beginning of the Event log. Do you want to continue from the end?", CommonResources.GetString("Caption_Console"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dlg == DialogResult.Yes) { iEntry = _eventsListView.Items.Count; btnPrev.Focus(); } else { btnPrev.Focus(); return; } } if (iEntry != 0) { // bump the count iEntry--; } // change the selection _eventsListView.SelectedItems[0].Selected = false; _eventsListView.Items[iEntry].Selected = true; // scroll into view if necessary ScrollIntoView(iEntry); // update the button state SetButtonState(); LoadData(); }
public override bool OnWizardFinish() { string filterquery = string.Format("(&(objectClass=user)(name={0}))", this._userAddDlg.userInfo.fullName); List <LdapEntry> ldapEntries = null; string[] attrList = new string[] { "objectClass", null }; int ret = _dirnode.LdapContext.ListChildEntriesSynchronous( _dirnode.DistinguishedName, Likewise.LMC.LDAP.Interop.LdapAPI.LDAPSCOPE.ONE_LEVEL, filterquery, attrList, false, out ldapEntries); if (ldapEntries != null && ldapEntries.Count != 0) { string sMsg = string.Format("LAC cannot create the new user object becuase the name {0} is already in use.\n" + "Select another name, and then try again", this._userAddDlg.userInfo.fullName); MessageBox.Show(this, sMsg, CommonResources.GetString("Caption_Console"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(false); } if (_userAddDlg.userInfo.passWord.Equals(string.Empty) || _userAddDlg.userInfo.retypedpassWord.Equals(string.Empty) || _userAddDlg.userInfo.passWord.Length < _userAddDlg.userInfo.MinPasswordLength) { string sMsg = string.Format( "LAC cannot create the object {0} because:\n" + "Unable to update the password.The value provided for " + "the new password does not meet the length, complexity, or\n" + "history requirement of the domain.", _userAddDlg.userInfo.fullName); MessageBox.Show( sMsg, CommonResources.GetString("Caption_Console"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } _userAddDlg.userInfo.commit = true; return(base.OnWizardFinish()); }
private void btnClearEvtlog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_plugin == null) { return; } UInt32 ret; string sMsg = string.Format("Are you sure do you want to clear the EventLog database?\n" + "\ni. Select on 'Yes' will clear the entire EventLog database." + "\nii. Select on 'No' clears all the records of the Log {0}", _parentPage.TreeNode.Text); DialogResult dlg = MessageBox.Show(this, sMsg, CommonResources.GetString("Caption_Console"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button3); if (dlg == DialogResult.Yes) { ret = EventAPI.ClearEventLog(this._plugin.eventLogHandle.Handle); if (ret != 0) { Logger.Log(string.Format("Unable to clear the events log database")); return; } ClearListView(); } else if (dlg == DialogResult.No) { ret = EventAPI.DeleteFromEventLog(this._plugin.eventLogHandle.Handle, string.Format("(EventTableCategoryId = '{0}')", _parentPage.TreeNode.Text)); if (ret != 0) { Logger.Log(string.Format("Unable to delete the events for the current log {0}", _parentPage.TreeNode.Text)); return; } ClearListView(); } else { return; } }
///<summary> /// Tests a ray against the triangle mesh. ///</summary> ///<param name="ray">Ray to test against the mesh.</param> /// <param name="maximumLength">Maximum length of the ray in units of the ray direction's length.</param> /// <param name="sidedness">Sidedness to apply to the mesh for the ray cast.</param> ///<param name="hits">Hit data for the ray, if any.</param> ///<returns>Whether or not the ray hit the mesh.</returns> public bool RayCast(Ray ray, float maximumLength, TriangleSidedness sidedness, IList <RayHit> hits) { var hitElements = CommonResources.GetIntList(); tree.GetOverlaps(ray, maximumLength, hitElements); for (int i = 0; i < hitElements.Count; i++) { Vector3 v1, v2, v3; data.GetTriangle(hitElements[i], out v1, out v2, out v3); RayHit hit; if (Toolbox.FindRayTriangleIntersection(ref ray, maximumLength, sidedness, ref v1, ref v2, ref v3, out hit)) { hits.Add(hit); } } CommonResources.GiveBack(hitElements); return(hits.Count > 0); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the new entry in the listbox if it is not exists /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (bIsInt) { string value = txtAttrValue.Text.Trim(); if ((value.Contains("-") && !value.StartsWith("-")) || !regNum.IsMatch(value)) { MessageBox.Show(this, "The value entered can contain only digits between 0 and 9.\nIf a negative value is desired a minus sign can be placed \nas the first character.", CommonResources.GetString("Caption_Console"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } ListViewItem lviArr = null; if (!txtAttrValue.Text.ToString().Trim().Equals(string.Empty)) { for (int i = 0; i < listViewAttrValues.Items.Count; i++) { if (listViewAttrValues.Items[i].Text.Trim().Equals(txtAttrValue.Text.ToString().Trim())) { DialogResult dlg = MessageBox.Show( this, "This value already exists in the list. Do you want to add it anyway?", CommonResources.GetString("Caption_Console"), MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); if (dlg == DialogResult.OK) { break; } else { return; } } } string[] values = { txtAttrValue.Text.ToString().Trim() }; lviArr = new ListViewItem(values); this.listViewAttrValues.Items.Add(lviArr); } txtAttrValue.Text = ""; }
/// <summary> /// Validate the data /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool ValidateData() { string value = this.txtAttrValue.Text.Trim(); if (value.Trim().Equals("<not set>")) { return(true); } if (this.Text.Trim().Equals("Large Integer Attribute Editor")) { if (value.Length > 19 || value.Length == 0) { string sMsg = "The value entered can contain only digits between 0 and 9.\n " + "If a negative value is desired a minus sign can be placed\n " + "as the first character and value should not exceed more than 19 characters"; MessageBox.Show( this, sMsg, CommonResources.GetString("Caption_Console"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return(false); } } else if (value.Length > 10 || value.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "The value entered can contain only digits between 0 and 9.\nIf a negative value is desired a minus sign can be placed \nas the first character and value should not exceed more than 10 characters", CommonResources.GetString("Caption_Console"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return(false); } if ((value.Contains("-") && !value.StartsWith("-")) || !regNum.IsMatch(value)) { MessageBox.Show(this, "The value entered can contain only digits between 0 and 9.\nIf a negative value is desired a minus sign can be placed \nas the first character.", CommonResources.GetString("Caption_Console"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Computes and applies a convex shape description for this MinkowskiSumShape. /// </summary> /// <returns>Description required to define a convex shape.</returns> public void UpdateConvexShapeInfo() { //Compute the volume distribution. RawList <Vector3> samples = CommonResources.GetVectorList(); if (samples.Capacity < InertiaHelper.SampleDirections.Length) { samples.Capacity = InertiaHelper.SampleDirections.Length; } samples.Count = InertiaHelper.SampleDirections.Length; for (int i = 0; i < InertiaHelper.SampleDirections.Length; ++i) { GetLocalExtremePoint(InertiaHelper.SampleDirections[i], out samples.Elements[i]); } RawList <int> triangles = CommonResources.GetIntList(); ConvexHullHelper.GetConvexHull(samples, triangles); float volume; Vector3 center; InertiaHelper.ComputeShapeDistribution(samples, triangles, out center, out volume, out volumeDistribution); Volume = volume; //Recenter the shape. localOffset = -center; CommonResources.GiveBack(samples); CommonResources.GiveBack(triangles); //Compute the radii. float minRadius = 0, maxRadius = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Shapes.Count; i++) { minRadius += Shapes.WrappedList.Elements[i].CollisionShape.MinimumRadius; maxRadius += Shapes.WrappedList.Elements[i].CollisionShape.MaximumRadius; } MinimumRadius = minRadius + collisionMargin; MaximumRadius = maxRadius + collisionMargin; }
///<summary> /// Constructs a new convex hull shape. /// The point set will be recentered on the local origin. ///</summary> ///<param name="vertices">Point set to use to construct the convex hull.</param> /// <param name="center">Computed center of the convex hull shape prior to recentering.</param> ///<exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown when the point set is empty.</exception> public ConvexHullShape(IList <Vector3> vertices, out Vector3 center) { if (vertices.Count == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Vertices list used to create a ConvexHullShape cannot be empty."); } var surfaceVertices = CommonResources.GetVectorList(); var hullTriangleIndices = CommonResources.GetIntList(); UpdateConvexShapeInfo(ComputeDescription(vertices, collisionMargin, out center, hullTriangleIndices, surfaceVertices)); this.vertices = surfaceVertices.ToArray(); CommonResources.GiveBack(hullTriangleIndices); CommonResources.GiveBack(surfaceVertices); unexpandedMaximumRadius = MaximumRadius - collisionMargin; unexpandedMinimumRadius = MinimumRadius - collisionMargin; }
public TextChange( int oldPosition, int oldLength, ITextBuffer oldBuffer, int newPosition, int newLength, ITextBuffer newBuffer) : this() { if (oldBuffer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(oldBuffer)); } if (newBuffer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(newBuffer)); } if (oldPosition < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(oldPosition), CommonResources.FormatArgument_Must_Be_GreaterThanOrEqualTo(0)); } if (newPosition < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(newPosition), CommonResources.FormatArgument_Must_Be_GreaterThanOrEqualTo(0)); } if (oldLength < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(oldLength), CommonResources.FormatArgument_Must_Be_GreaterThanOrEqualTo(0)); } if (newLength < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(newLength), CommonResources.FormatArgument_Must_Be_GreaterThanOrEqualTo(0)); } OldPosition = oldPosition; NewPosition = newPosition; OldLength = oldLength; NewLength = newLength; NewBuffer = newBuffer; OldBuffer = oldBuffer; }
public ApiActionResult Create(CommonResourcesCreateModel model) { try { CommonResources obj = new CommonResources(); obj = _mapper.Map <CommonResources>(model); _dbConfigContext.CommonResources.Add(obj); var flag = _dbConfigContext.SaveChanges(); if (flag != 0) { return(ApiActionResult.Success()); } return(ApiActionResult.Failed("Created Failed!!")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ApiActionResult.Failed(ex.Message)); } }
public BaseResponse <bool> Create(CommonResourceCreateModel model) { try { if (model != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ResourceKey) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ResourceValue)) { var entity = new CommonResources(); entity.InjectFrom(model); _commonContext.CommonResources.Add(entity); _commonContext.SaveChanges(); return(BaseResponse <bool> .Success(true)); } return(BaseResponse <bool> .BadRequest()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BaseResponse <bool> .InternalServerError(ex)); } }
private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Logger.Log( "newparent DN is " + moveInfo.newParentDn, Logger.ldapLogLevel); if (moveInfo.newParentDn.Equals("", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { MessageBox.Show( this, "Please select a location to move this object, or click \"Cancel\" to cancel the move operation.", CommonResources.GetString("Caption_Console"), MessageBoxButtons.OK); } else { this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Gives the specified attribute value /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnOk_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtAttrValue.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show( this, "Value can not be empty", CommonResources.GetString("Caption_Console"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); return; } else { stringAttrValue = txtAttrValue.Text; this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the language's description from the Languages global resource file /// </summary> public string GetLanguageDescription() { var result = this.LanguageDescription; var x = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture; var y = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; try { var resourceValue = CommonResources.Languages(this.LanguageID); if (resourceValue != null) { result = (string)resourceValue; this.LanguageDescription = result; } } catch { } return(result); }
internal AmqpIoTConnection(AmqpTransportSettings amqpTransportSettings, string hostName, bool disableServerCertificateValidation) { _amqpTransportSettings = amqpTransportSettings; _amqpSettings = new AmqpSettings(); var amqpTransportProvider = new AmqpTransportProvider(); amqpTransportProvider.Versions.Add(amqpVersion_1_0_0); _amqpSettings.TransportProviders.Add(amqpTransportProvider); _amqpConnectionSettings = new AmqpConnectionSettings() { MaxFrameSize = AmqpConstants.DefaultMaxFrameSize, ContainerId = CommonResources.GetNewStringGuid(), HostName = hostName }; _amqpIoTTransport = new AmqpIoTTransport(_amqpSettings, _amqpTransportSettings, hostName, disableServerCertificateValidation); }