public void cmd_PBC(CommandInfo info) { string[] arg = info.commandArgs; CommandSender sender = info.commandSender; if (!CustomInternalCommands.CheckPermissions(sender, arg[0], PlayerPermissions.Broadcasting)) { return; } bool success = ushort.TryParse(arg[2], out ushort duration); if (arg.Count() < 4) { sender.RaReply(arg[0].ToUpper() + "#Command expects 3 or more arguments ([Players], [Seconds], [Message])", false, true, ""); return; } else if (!success || duration < 1 || duration > 255) { sender.RaReply(arg[0].ToUpper() + "#Invalid duration given", false, true, ""); return; } List <GameObject> playerList = CustomInternalCommands.GetPlayersFromString(arg[1]); string message = string.Join(" ", arg.Skip(3)); foreach (GameObject player in playerList) { player.GetComponent <Broadcast>().TargetAddElement(player.GetComponent <NetworkConnection>(), message, duration, Broadcast.BroadcastFlags.Normal); } sender.RaReply(arg[0].ToUpper() + "Broadcast sent!", true, true, ""); }
public void cmd_oban(CommandInfo info) { CommandSender sender = info.commandSender; string[] arg = info.commandArgs; if (arg.Count() < 4) { sender.RaReply(arg[0].ToUpper() + "#Command expects 3 or more arguments ([UserID], [Minutes], [Reason])", false, true, ""); return; } else if (!arg[1].Contains('@')) { sender.RaReply(arg[0].ToUpper() + "#Invalid UserID given", false, true, ""); return; } char unit = arg[2].ToString().Where(Char.IsLetter).ToArray()[0]; if (!int.TryParse(new string(arg[2].Where(Char.IsDigit).ToArray()), out int amount) || !CustomInternalCommands.validUnits.Contains(unit) || amount < 1) { sender.RaReply(arg[0].ToUpper() + "#Invalid duration", false, true, ""); return; } TimeSpan duration = CustomInternalCommands.GetBanDuration(unit, amount); string reason = string.Join(" ", arg.Skip(3)); if (duration.Minutes > 60 && !CustomInternalCommands.CheckPermissions(sender, arg[0], PlayerPermissions.KickingAndShortTermBanning)) { return; } else if (duration.Minutes > 1440 && !CustomInternalCommands.CheckPermissions(sender, arg[0], PlayerPermissions.BanningUpToDay)) { return; } BanHandler.IssueBan(new BanDetails { OriginalName = "Offline player", Id = arg[1], Issuer = sender.Nickname, IssuanceTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks, Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(duration).Ticks, Reason = reason.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "") }, BanHandler.BanType.UserId); sender.RaReply(arg[0].ToUpper() + $"#{arg[1]} was offline banned for {arg[2]}", true, true, ""); }
public static bool Prefix(ref string q, ref CommandSender sender) { try { QueryProcessor queryProcessor = sender is PlayerCommandSender playerCommandSender ? playerCommandSender.Processor : null; bool allow = true; if (q.ToLower().StartsWith("gban-kick")) { if (queryProcessor == null || !queryProcessor._sender.SR.RaEverywhere) { sender.RaReply( $"GBAN-KICK# Permission to run command denied by the server. If this is an unexpected error, contact EXILED developers.", false, true, string.Empty); Log.Error( $"A user {sender.Nickname} attempted to run GBAN-KICK and was denied permission. If this is an unexpected error, contact EXILED developers."); allow = false; } } if (q.Contains("REQUEST_DATA PLAYER_LIST SILENT")) { return(true); } Events.InvokeCommand(ref q, ref sender, ref allow); return(allow); } catch (Exception exception) { Log.Error($"RemoteAdminCommandEvent error: {exception}"); return(true); } }
/// <inheritdoc/> public bool Execute(ArraySegment <string> arguments, ICommandSender sender, out string response) { CommandSender cmdSender = (CommandSender)sender; if (!(Player.Get(cmdSender.SenderId) is Player player)) { response = "You cannot use this command while still authenticating."; return(false); } void ErrorHandler() => cmdSender.RaReply("An error has occurred.", false, true, string.Empty); void SuccessHandler() => cmdSender.RaReply("Enjoy your credit tag!", true, true, string.Empty); bool cached = CreditTags.Instance.ShowCreditTag(player, ErrorHandler, SuccessHandler, true); response = cached ? "Your credit tag has been shown." : "Hold on..."; return(true); }
private static bool Prefix(ref string q, ref CommandSender sender) { QueryProcessor queryProcessor = sender is PlayerCommandSender playerCommandSender ? playerCommandSender.Processor : null; (string name, string[] arguments) = q.ExtractCommand(); var ev = new SendingRemoteAdminCommandEventArgs(sender, string.IsNullOrEmpty(sender.SenderId) ? Server.Host : Player.Get(sender.SenderId) ?? Server.Host, name, arguments.ToList()); IdleMode.PreauthStopwatch.Restart(); IdleMode.SetIdleMode(false); if (q.ToLower().StartsWith("gban-kick")) { if (queryProcessor == null || !queryProcessor._sender.SR.RaEverywhere) { sender.RaReply( $"GBAN-KICK# Permission to run command denied by the server. If this is an unexpected error, contact EXILED developers.", false, true, string.Empty); Log.Error($"A user {sender.Nickname} attempted to run GBAN-KICK and was denied permission. If this is an unexpected error, contact EXILED developers."); ev.IsAllowed = false; } } if (q.Contains("REQUEST_DATA PLAYER_LIST SILENT")) { return(true); } Handlers.Server.OnSendingRemoteAdminCommand(ev); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ev.ReplyMessage)) { sender.RaReply(ev.ReplyMessage, ev.Success, true, string.Empty); } return(ev.IsAllowed); }
public static void RaMessage(this CommandSender sender, string message, bool success = true, RaCategory type = RaCategory.None) { var category = ""; if (type != RaCategory.None) { category = type.ToString(); } sender.RaReply($"{Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetName().Name}#" + message, success, true, category); }
public static bool CheckPermissions(CommandSender sender, string queryZero, PlayerPermissions perm) { if (ServerStatic.IsDedicated && sender.FullPermissions) { return(true); } if (PermissionsHandler.IsPermitted(sender.Permissions, perm)) { return(true); } sender.RaReply(queryZero.ToUpper() + "#You don't have permissions to execute this command.\nMissing permission: " + perm, false, true, ""); return(false); }
/// <summary>Gives a player a message in the RemoteAdmin</summary> /// <param name="sender">The User who you send the Message</param> /// <param name="message">The Message you want to send</param> /// <param name="success">True = green the command is right you have permission and execute it successfully</param> /// <param name="type">In Which Category should you see it too?</param> public static void RaMessage(this CommandSender sender, string message, bool success = true, RaCategory type = RaCategory.None) { var category = ""; // ReSharper disable once SwitchStatementHandlesSomeKnownEnumValuesWithDefault switch (type) { case RaCategory.None: category = ""; break; case RaCategory.PlayerInfo: category = "PlayerInfo"; break; case RaCategory.ServerEvents: category = "ServerEvents"; break; case RaCategory.DoorsManagement: category = "DoorsManagement"; break; case RaCategory.AdminTools: category = "AdminTools"; break; case RaCategory.ServerConfigs: category = "ServerConfigs"; break; case RaCategory.PlayersManagement: category = "PlayersManagement"; break; } sender.RaReply($"{Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetName().Name}#" + message, success, true, category); }
//These are two commonly used extensions that will make your life considerably easier //When sending RaReply's, you need to identify the 'source' of the message with a string followed by '#' at the start of the message, otherwise the message will not be sent public static void RAMessage(this CommandSender sender, string message, bool success = true) => sender.RaReply("Sample Plugin#" + message, success, true, string.Empty);
public static void RAMessage(this CommandSender sender, string message, bool success = true) => sender.RaReply("<color=green>Lights</color>#" + message, success, true, string.Empty);
//These are two commonly used extensions that will make your life considerably easier //When sending RaReply's, you need to identify the 'source' of the message with a string followed by '#' at the start of the message, otherwise the message will not be sent public static void RaMessage(this CommandSender sender, string message, bool success = true) => sender.RaReply("GhostSpectator#" + message, success, true, string.Empty);
public static void RAMessage(this CommandSender sender, string message, bool success = true) => sender.RaReply("CustAnnouncements#" + message, success, true, string.Empty);
public void HandleCommand(string command, GameObject admin, CommandSender sender) { sender.RaReply(command.Split(' ')[0] + "#You don't have permissions to execute this command.\nMissing permission: ", false, true, ""); }
//These are two commonly used extensions that will make your life considerably easier //When sending RaReply's, you need to identify the 'source' of the message with a string followed by '#' at the start of the message, otherwise the message will not be sent public static void RAMessage(this CommandSender sender, string message, bool success = true) => sender.RaReply("LaterJoinSimple" + message, success, true, string.Empty);
public static void RAMessage(this CommandSender sender, string message, bool success = true) => sender.RaReply("Discord Integration#" + message, success, true, string.Empty);
// Adapted from /// <summary> /// Sends a message to the RA console of a <paramref name="sender"/>. <paramref name="pluginName"/> will be the name of your <see cref="Assembly"/> /// </summary> public static void RAMessage(this CommandSender sender, string message, bool success = true, string pluginName = null) { sender.RaReply((pluginName ?? Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetName().Name) + "#" + message, success, true, string.Empty); }
//These are two commonly used extensions that will make your life considerably easier //When sending RaReply's, you need to identify the 'source' of the message with a string followed by '#' at the start of the message, otherwise the message will not be sent public static void RAMessage(this CommandSender sender, string message, bool success = true) => sender.RaReply("ZombieLunging#" + message, success, true, string.Empty);