private static void OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (Rengar.Hero != Champion.Rengar) { return; } _q = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.Q, (uint)Rengar.GetAutoAttackRange()); _w = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W, 500); _e = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, (uint)Rengar.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.E).SData.CastRange, SkillShotType.Linear, (int)0.25f, 1500, 70) { AllowedCollisionCount = 0 }; MainM = MainMenu.AddMenu("| ItsRengar |", "ItsRengarMainM"); ComboM = MainM.AddSubMenu("| Kombo Ayarları |"); ClearM = MainM.AddSubMenu("| Lane/Jungle Temizleme |"); MiscM = MainM.AddSubMenu("| Ekstra Ayarlar |"); MainM.AddGroupLabel("ItsRengar"); MainM.AddLabel("Its Rengar | Rexy Tarafından Yapılmıştır"); ComboM.AddLabel("Combo Ayarları"); ComboM.AddSeparator(); ComboM.Add("mode", new ComboBox("Combo Modu :", 0, "Tek Atma", "E-Combosu")); ComboM.Add("keymode", new KeyBind("Kombo Modunu Kolayca Değiştir", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'G')); ComboM.AddSeparator(); ComboM.Add("forcee", new CheckBox("Düşman Q menzilinden \n uzaktaysa E kullanımını zorla")); ComboM.Add("switche", new CheckBox("E-Combosu modunda E attıktan sonra \n Tek Atma moduna geç")); ClearM.AddLabel("Temizleme ayarları otomatik olarak Q-W-E \n Şeklindedir Artı olarak 5 yükte iken skill kullanmaz"); MiscM.AddLabel("Ekstra ayarlar"); MiscM.Add("ultitimer", new CheckBox("Ultinin kalan \n süresini göster")); MiscM.AddSeparator(); MiscM.AddLabel("Eger Otomatik W kullanımı \n istemiyorsanız aşağıdaki değeri 0 yapınız"); MiscM.Add("autohp", new Slider("Otomatik W kullanımı için yüzdelik hp", 25)); MiscM.Add("drawselectedtarget", new CheckBox("Seçilen hedefi çiz")); MiscM.Add("drawmode", new CheckBox("Combo Mode'unu çiz")); MiscM.AddSeparator(); MiscM.Add("skin", new ComboBox("Skin hilesi : :", 1, "Klasik", "Kelle Avcısı", "Gece Avcısı", "SSW")); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Orbwalker.OnPreAttack += OnPreAttack; Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += OnPostAttack; Dash.OnDash += OnDash; Obj_AI_Base.OnSpellCast += OnSpellCast; Game.OnWndProc += OnWndProc; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; Game.OnTick += OnTick; Chat.Print("ItsRengar | Yüklendi", Color.White); }
private static void OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (Rengar.Hero != Champion.Rengar) { return; } _q = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.Q, (uint)Rengar.GetAutoAttackRange()); _w = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W, 500); _e = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, (uint)Rengar.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.E).SData.CastRange, SkillShotType.Linear, (int)0.25f, 1500, 70) { AllowedCollisionCount = 0 }; MainM = MainMenu.AddMenu("| ItsRengar |", "ItsRengarMainM"); ComboM = MainM.AddSubMenu("| Combo |"); ClearM = MainM.AddSubMenu("| Clear |"); MiscM = MainM.AddSubMenu("| Misc |"); MainM.AddGroupLabel("ItsRengar"); MainM.AddLabel("Its Rengar | Coded by Rexy"); ComboM.AddLabel("Combo Settings"); ComboM.AddSeparator(); ComboM.Add("mode", new ComboBox("Combo Mode :", 0, "OneShot", "Snare")); ComboM.Add("keymode", new KeyBind("Switch Combo Mode", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'G')); ComboM.AddSeparator(); ComboM.Add("forcee", new CheckBox("Force E if enemy out of Q range")); ComboM.Add("switche", new CheckBox("Switch OneShot mode after E cast when Snare Mode")); ClearM.AddLabel("Clear Settings are Usage Q-W-E and Saves Ferocity"); MiscM.AddLabel("Misc Settings"); MiscM.Add("ultitimer", new CheckBox("Draw Ulti Buff Time")); MiscM.Add("drawe", new CheckBox("Draw E range")); MiscM.AddLabel("If you don't want to AutoHp set it value to 0"); MiscM.Add("autohp", new Slider("Auto HP Value", 25)); MiscM.Add("drawselectedtarget", new CheckBox("Draw Selected Enemy")); MiscM.Add("drawmode", new CheckBox("drawmode")); MiscM.AddSeparator(); MiscM.Add("skin", new ComboBox("Selected Skin :", 1, "Classic", "Head Hunter", "Night Hunter", "SSW")); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Orbwalker.OnPreAttack += OnPreAttack; Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += OnPostAttack; Dash.OnDash += OnDash; Obj_AI_Base.OnSpellCast += OnSpellCast; Game.OnWndProc += OnWndProc; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; Game.OnTick += OnTick; Chat.Print("ItsRengar | Loaded", Color.White); }
public static void Init() { try { //Main Menu RengarMenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("RengarPro Revamped", "RengarProMenu"); RengarMenu.AddGroupLabel("狮子狗!Meow~"); RengarMenu.AddLabel("Its loaded. Have Fun ! :)"); //Combo Menu ComboM = RengarMenu.AddSubMenu("连招"); ComboM.AddGroupLabel("连招菜单"); ComboM.AddLabel("1- 秒杀 | 2- 定身 | 3- AP 狮子狗"); ComboM.Add("combo.mode", new Slider("连招模式", 1, 1, 3)); var switcher = ComboM.Add("switch", new KeyBind("连招切换按键", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T')); switcher.OnValueChange += delegate(ValueBase <bool> sender, ValueBase <bool> .ValueChangeArgs args1) { if (args1.NewValue) { var cast = ComboM["combo.mode"].Cast <Slider>(); if (cast.CurrentValue == cast.MaxValue) { cast.CurrentValue = 0; } else { cast.CurrentValue++; } } }; ComboM.Add("combo.useEoutofQ", new CheckBox("超出Q 范围使用 E")); ComboM.AddSeparator(); ComboM.AddLabel("以下为推荐设置"); ComboM.AddLabel("非脚本开发者请勿调整"); ComboM.AddSeparator(); ComboM.AddLabel("BetaQ => 激活大招前使用Q"); ComboM.Add("", new CheckBox("BetaQ 开启")); ComboM.Add("betaq.range", new Slider("Beta Q 范围", 875, 600, 1000)); //Lane Clear Menu LaneM = RengarMenu.AddSubMenu("清线"); LaneM.AddGroupLabel("清线设置"); LaneM.Add("lane.useQ", new CheckBox("使用 Q")); LaneM.Add("lane.useW", new CheckBox("使用 W")); LaneM.Add("lane.useE", new CheckBox("使用 E")); LaneM.Add("", new CheckBox("保留叠加层数", false)); //Jungle Clear Menu JungleM = RengarMenu.AddSubMenu("清野"); JungleM.AddGroupLabel("清野设置"); JungleM.Add("jungle.useQ", new CheckBox("使用 Q")); JungleM.Add("jungle.useW", new CheckBox("使用 W")); JungleM.Add("jungle.useE", new CheckBox("使用 E")); JungleM.Add("", new CheckBox("保留叠加层数", false)); //Draw Menu DrawM = RengarMenu.AddSubMenu("线圈"); DrawM.AddGroupLabel("线圈设置"); DrawM.Add("draw.mode", new CheckBox("显示连招模式")); DrawM.Add("draw.selectedenemy", new CheckBox("显示所选敌人")); //Misc Menu MiscM = RengarMenu.AddSubMenu("杂项"); MiscM.AddGroupLabel("杂项菜单"); MiscM.Add("misc.autoyoumuu", new CheckBox("R时自动幽梦")); /*MiscM.Add("misc.magnet", new CheckBox("Enable Magnet")); * MiscM.Add("magnet.range", new Slider("Magnet Range", 225, 100, 500));*/ MiscM.Add("misc.smite", new CheckBox("连招使用惩戒")); MiscM.Add("misc.autohp", new CheckBox("自动激活回血")); MiscM.Add("misc.hp.value", new Slider("血量%", 30, 1)); MiscM.AddLabel("1- HeadHunter 2- NightHunter 3- SSW"); MiscM.Add("", new CheckBox("开启换肤")); MiscM.Add("skin.value", new Slider("皮肤", 1, 1, 3)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
public static void Init() { try { //Main Menu RengarMenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("RengarPro Revamped", "RengarProMenu"); RengarMenu.AddGroupLabel("RengarPro Revamped"); RengarMenu.AddLabel("Its loaded. Have Fun ! :)"); //Combo Menu ComboM = RengarMenu.AddSubMenu("Combo"); ComboM.AddGroupLabel("Combo Menu"); ComboM.AddLabel("1- OneShot | 2- Snare | 3- AP Rengo"); ComboM.Add("combo.mode", new Slider("Combo Mode", 1, 1, 3)); var switcher = ComboM.Add("switch", new KeyBind("Combo Mode Switcher", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T')); switcher.OnValueChange += delegate(ValueBase <bool> sender, ValueBase <bool> .ValueChangeArgs args1) { if (args1.NewValue) { var cast = ComboM["combo.mode"].Cast <Slider>(); if (cast.CurrentValue == cast.MaxValue) { cast.CurrentValue = 0; } else { cast.CurrentValue++; } } }; ComboM.Add("combo.useEoutofQ", new CheckBox("Use E out Q Range")); ComboM.AddSeparator(); ComboM.AddLabel("The settings on the bottom are the recommended settings"); ComboM.AddLabel("I suggest dont change settings, if you are not a developer"); ComboM.AddSeparator(); ComboM.AddLabel("BetaQ => Its Cast Your Q before jump when ulti activated"); ComboM.Add("", new CheckBox("BetaQ Active")); ComboM.Add("betaq.range", new Slider("Beta Q Range", 875, 600, 1000)); //Lane Clear Menu LaneM = RengarMenu.AddSubMenu("Lane Clear"); LaneM.AddGroupLabel("Lane Clear Settings"); LaneM.Add("lane.useQ", new CheckBox("Use Q")); LaneM.Add("lane.useW", new CheckBox("Use W")); LaneM.Add("lane.useE", new CheckBox("Use E")); LaneM.Add("", new CheckBox("Save Stacks", false)); //Jungle Clear Menu JungleM = RengarMenu.AddSubMenu("Jungle Clear"); JungleM.AddGroupLabel("Jungle Clear Settings"); JungleM.Add("jungle.useQ", new CheckBox("Use Q")); JungleM.Add("jungle.useW", new CheckBox("Use W")); JungleM.Add("jungle.useE", new CheckBox("Use E")); JungleM.Add("", new CheckBox("Save Stacks", false)); //Draw Menu DrawM = RengarMenu.AddSubMenu("Draw"); DrawM.AddGroupLabel("Draw Settings"); DrawM.Add("draw.mode", new CheckBox("Draw Combo Mode")); DrawM.Add("draw.selectedenemy", new CheckBox("Draw Selected Enemy")); //Misc Menu MiscM = RengarMenu.AddSubMenu("Misc"); MiscM.AddGroupLabel("Misc Menu"); MiscM.Add("misc.autoyoumuu", new CheckBox("Auto Youmuu when Ulti")); /*MiscM.Add("misc.magnet", new CheckBox("Enable Magnet")); * MiscM.Add("magnet.range", new Slider("Magnet Range", 225, 100, 500));*/ MiscM.Add("misc.smite", new CheckBox("Use Smite On Combo")); MiscM.Add("misc.autohp", new CheckBox("Auto HP Active")); MiscM.Add("misc.hp.value", new Slider("Auto HP %", 30, 1)); MiscM.AddLabel("1- HeadHunter 2- NightHunter 3- SSW"); MiscM.Add("", new CheckBox("Enable Skin Hack")); MiscM.Add("skin.value", new Slider("Skin Hack Value", 1, 1, 3)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }