    private void ComputeTimeOfImpact_Singlethreaded(ContactSet contactSet)
      RigidBody bodyA = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject as RigidBody;
      RigidBody bodyB = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject as RigidBody;

      // Note: We do CCD only between rigid bodies. 
      // TODO: Support CCD between RigidBody and general CollisionObject of the user.
      if (bodyA != null && bodyB != null)
        // Check if at least one object needs CCD.
        if (bodyA.IsCcdActive || bodyB.IsCcdActive)
          // Check CCD filter. (We check this filter first because it hopefully filters out a lot
          // of unnecessary checks (e.g. body against debris).)
          Func<RigidBody, RigidBody, bool> ccdFilter = Settings.Motion.CcdFilter;
          if (ccdFilter != null && !ccdFilter(bodyA, bodyB))

          // Check collision filter. (Using the internal method CanCollide that uses a cache.)
          if (!CollisionDomain.CanCollide(contactSet))

          // If convex bodies are touching we do not need to compute TOI because they are either
          // moving more toward each other (TOI = 0) or separating (TOI = 1). If they are moving
          // toward each other, then the contact constraint has failed and CCD is not the problem.
          // For objects vs. concave objects we still have to make a check because the bullet
          // could be separating and colliding with another part of the concave object. 
          // To avoid that objects stick: GetTimeOfImpact() should not return 0 for separating 
          // objects and we use 2 * AllowedPenetration so that the current contact does not 
          // count.

          if (!(bodyA.Shape is ConvexShape)
              || !(bodyB.Shape is ConvexShape)
              || !CollisionDomain.HaveContact(contactSet.ObjectA, contactSet.ObjectB))
            // Get time of impact.
            float timeOfImpact = CollisionDomain.CollisionDetection.GetTimeOfImpact(
              bodyA.IsCcdActive ? bodyA.TargetPose : bodyA.Pose,
              bodyB.IsCcdActive ? bodyB.TargetPose : bodyB.Pose,
              Settings.Constraints.AllowedPenetration * 2f);

            // Store minimal time of impact.
            if (timeOfImpact < bodyA.TimeOfImpact)
              bodyA.TimeOfImpact = timeOfImpact;

            if (timeOfImpact < bodyB.TimeOfImpact)
              bodyB.TimeOfImpact = timeOfImpact;
    private void ComputeTimeOfImpact_Multithreaded(int i)
      var contactSet = CollisionDomain.InternalBroadPhase.CandidatePairs[i];
      if (contactSet == null)

      RigidBody bodyA = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject as RigidBody;
      RigidBody bodyB = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject as RigidBody;

      if (bodyA != null && bodyB != null)
        if (bodyA.IsCcdActive || bodyB.IsCcdActive)
          Func<RigidBody, RigidBody, bool> ccdFilter = Settings.Motion.CcdFilter;
          if (ccdFilter != null && !ccdFilter(bodyA, bodyB))

          if (!CollisionDomain.CanCollide(contactSet))

          if (!(bodyA.Shape is ConvexShape)
              || !(bodyB.Shape is ConvexShape)
              || !CollisionDomain.HaveContact(contactSet.ObjectA, contactSet.ObjectB))
            float timeOfImpact = CollisionDomain.CollisionDetection.GetTimeOfImpact(
              bodyA.IsCcdActive ? bodyA.TargetPose : bodyA.Pose,
              bodyB.IsCcdActive ? bodyB.TargetPose : bodyB.Pose,
              Settings.Constraints.AllowedPenetration * 2f);

            float initialToi;
              initialToi = bodyA.TimeOfImpact;
            } while (timeOfImpact < initialToi && Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref bodyA.TimeOfImpact, timeOfImpact, initialToi) != initialToi);

              initialToi = bodyB.TimeOfImpact;
            } while (timeOfImpact < initialToi && Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref bodyB.TimeOfImpact, timeOfImpact, initialToi) != initialToi);
            if (timeOfImpact < bodyA.TimeOfImpact)      // Double-check to avoid unnecessary locking.
              lock (bodyA)
                if (timeOfImpact < bodyA.TimeOfImpact)
                  bodyA.TimeOfImpact = timeOfImpact;

            if (timeOfImpact < bodyB.TimeOfImpact)      // Double-check to avoid unnecessary locking.
              lock (bodyB)
                if (timeOfImpact < bodyB.TimeOfImpact)
                  bodyB.TimeOfImpact = timeOfImpact;
