        private static async void ReadPageBlob(CloudPageBlob pageBlob)
            var samplePagedata = new byte[512];

            await pageBlob.DownloadRangeToByteArrayAsync(samplePagedata,
                                                         0, 0, samplePagedata.Length);
        public override byte[] ReadSectors(long sectorIndex, int sectorCount)
            var buffer = new byte[BytesPerSector * sectorCount];

            cloudBlob.DownloadRangeToByteArrayAsync(buffer, 0, BytesPerSector * sectorIndex, buffer.Length).Wait();
        /// <summary>
        /// Basic operations to work with page blobs
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Task</returns>
        private static async Task BasicStoragePageBlobOperationsAsync()
            const string PageBlobName          = "samplepageblob";
            string       pageBlobContainerName = "demopageblobcontainer-" + Guid.NewGuid();

            // Retrieve storage account information from connection string
            // How to create a storage connection string - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee758697.aspx
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CreateStorageAccountFromConnectionString(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("StorageConnectionString"));

            // Create a blob client for interacting with the blob service.
            CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

            // Create a container for organizing blobs within the storage account.
            Console.WriteLine("1. Creating Container");
            CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(pageBlobContainerName);
            await container.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

            // Create a page blob in the newly created container.
            Console.WriteLine("2. Creating Page Blob");
            CloudPageBlob pageBlob = container.GetPageBlobReference(PageBlobName);
            await pageBlob.CreateAsync(512 * 2 /*size*/); // size needs to be multiple of 512 bytes

            // Write to a page blob
            Console.WriteLine("2. Write to a Page Blob");
            byte[] samplePagedata = new byte[512];
            Random random         = new Random();

            await pageBlob.UploadFromByteArrayAsync(samplePagedata, 0, samplePagedata.Length);

            // List all blobs in this container. Because a container can contain a large number of blobs the results
            // are returned in segments (pages) with a maximum of 5000 blobs per segment. You can define a smaller size
            // using the maxResults parameter on ListBlobsSegmentedAsync.
            Console.WriteLine("3. List Blobs in Container");
            BlobContinuationToken token = null;

                BlobResultSegment resultSegment = await container.ListBlobsSegmentedAsync(token);

                token = resultSegment.ContinuationToken;
                foreach (IListBlobItem blob in resultSegment.Results)
                    // Blob type will be CloudBlockBlob, CloudPageBlob or CloudBlobDirectory
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} (type: {1}", blob.Uri, blob.GetType());
            } while (token != null);

            // Read from a page blob
            //Console.WriteLine("4. Read from a Page Blob");
            int bytesRead = await pageBlob.DownloadRangeToByteArrayAsync(samplePagedata, 0, 0, samplePagedata.Count());

            // Clean up after the demo
            Console.WriteLine("6. Delete page Blob");
            await pageBlob.DeleteIfExistsAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("7. Delete Container");
            await container.DeleteIfExistsAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// Basic operations to work with page blobs
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Task</returns>
        private static async Task BasicStoragePageBlobOperations()
            const string PageBlobName = "samplepageblob";

            // Retrieve storage account information from connection string
            // How to create a storage connection string - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee758697.aspx
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("StorageConnectionString"));

            // Create a blob client for interacting with the blob service.
            CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

            // Create a container for organizing blobs within the storage account.
            Console.WriteLine("1. Creating Container");
            CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference("democontainerpageblob");
            await container.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

            // Create a page blob to the newly creating container. Page blob needs to be
            Console.WriteLine("2. Creating Page Blob");
            CloudPageBlob pageBlob = container.GetPageBlobReference(PageBlobName);
            await pageBlob.CreateAsync(512 * 2 /*size*/); // size needs to be multiple of 512 bytes

            // Write to a page blob
            Console.WriteLine("2. Write to a Page Blob");
            byte[] samplePagedata = new byte[512];
            Random random         = new Random();

            await pageBlob.UploadFromByteArrayAsync(samplePagedata, 0, samplePagedata.Length);

            // List all blobs in this container
            Console.WriteLine("3. List Blobs in Container");
            foreach (IListBlobItem blob in container.ListBlobs())
                // Blob type will be CloudBlockBlob, CloudPageBlob or CloudBlobDirectory
                // Use blob.GetType() and cast to appropriate type to gain access to properties specific to each type
                Console.WriteLine("{0} (type: {1})\n", blob.Uri, blob.GetType());

            // Read from a page blob
            Console.WriteLine("4. Read from a Page Blob");
            int bytesRead = await pageBlob.DownloadRangeToByteArrayAsync(samplePagedata, 0, 0, samplePagedata.Count());

            // Clean up after the demo
            Console.WriteLine("5. Delete page Blob and container");
            await pageBlob.DeleteAsync();

            await container.DeleteAsync();
        protected async Task <byte[]> GetUsedBytesWrittenToLastPageAsync(CloudPageBlob pageBlob, long offsetOfLastPage,
                                                                         CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            byte[] pageBlobReadBuffer = new byte[ByteCountInPage];
            int    bytesRead          = await pageBlob.DownloadRangeToByteArrayAsync(pageBlobReadBuffer, 0, offsetOfLastPage,
                                                                                     ByteCountInPage, CreateAccessCondition(pageBlob), this.RequestOptions, this.OperationContext,

            //if (bytesRead != ByteCountInPage)
            //    throw new ApplicationException("Failure to download the requested byte count from the page blob! " +
            //                                   $"(bytes expected: {ByteCountInPage}, bytes downloaded: {bytesRead})");

            string value = this.Encoding.GetString(pageBlobReadBuffer).TrimEnd('\x00');

        private static async Task SaveObjectInBlob <T>(CloudBlobContainer container, string pageBlobName, T obj)
            CloudPageBlob pageBlob = container.GetPageBlobReference(pageBlobName);
            await pageBlob.CreateAsync(512 * 2 /*size*/); // size needs to be multiple of 512 bytes

            byte[] samplePagedata   = new byte[2048];
            var    serializedObject = ObjectToByteArray <T>(obj);

            serializedObject.CopyTo(samplePagedata, 0);
            await pageBlob.UploadFromByteArrayAsync(samplePagedata, 0, samplePagedata.Length);

            int bytesRead = await
                                                                   0, 0, samplePagedata.Length);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Read:" + bytesRead + " bytes");
        private static async Task ManageBlob(CloudBlobContainer container, string pageBlobName)
            CloudPageBlob pageBlob = container.GetPageBlobReference(pageBlobName);
            await pageBlob.CreateAsync(512 * 2 /*size*/); // size needs to be multiple of 512 bytes

            byte[] samplePagedata = new byte[512];
            Random random         = new Random();

            await pageBlob.UploadFromByteArrayAsync(samplePagedata, 0, samplePagedata.Length);

            int bytesRead = await
                                                                   0, 0, samplePagedata.Length);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Read:" + bytesRead + " bytes");
        public async Task BasicPageBlobOperationsAsync()
            const string PageBlobName = "samplepageblob";

            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CreateStorageAccountFromConnectionString(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("StorageConnectionString"));

            CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

            Console.WriteLine("1. Creating Container");
            CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference("democontainerpageblob");
            await container.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("2. Creating Page Blob");
            CloudPageBlob pageBlob = container.GetPageBlobReference(PageBlobName);

            Console.WriteLine("2. Write to a Page Blob");
            byte[] samplePagedata = new byte[512];
            Random random         = new Random();

            await pageBlob.UploadFromByteArrayAsync(samplePagedata, 0, samplePagedata.Length);

            Console.WriteLine("3. List Blobs in Container");
            BlobContinuationToken token = null;

                BlobResultSegment resultSegment = await container.ListBlobsSegmentedAsync(token);

                token = resultSegment.ContinuationToken;
                foreach (IListBlobItem blob in resultSegment.Results)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} (type: {1}", blob.Uri, blob.GetType());
            } while (token != null);

            int bytesRead = await pageBlob.DownloadRangeToByteArrayAsync(samplePagedata, 0, 0, samplePagedata.Count());

            Console.WriteLine("5. Delete page Blob");
            await pageBlob.DeleteAsync();
    private async Task BasicStoragePageBlobOperationsAsync()
        WriteLine("-- Testing PageBlob --");

        const string PageBlobName = "samplepageblob";

        // Create a blob client for interacting with the blob service.
        CloudBlobClient blobClient = StorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

        // Create a container for organizing blobs within the storage account.
        WriteLine("1. Creating Container");
        CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference("democontainerpageblob");
        await container.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

        // Create a page blob in the newly created container.
        WriteLine("2. Creating Page Blob");
        CloudPageBlob pageBlob = container.GetPageBlobReference(PageBlobName);
        await pageBlob.CreateAsync(512 * 2 /*size*/);         // size needs to be multiple of 512 bytes

        // Write to a page blob
        WriteLine("2. Write to a Page Blob");
        byte[] samplePagedata = new byte[512];
        Random random         = new Random();

        await pageBlob.UploadFromByteArrayAsync(samplePagedata, 0, samplePagedata.Length);

        // List all blobs in this container. Because a container can contain a large number of blobs the results
        // are returned in segments (pages) with a maximum of 5000 blobs per segment. You can define a smaller size
        // using the maxResults parameter on ListBlobsSegmentedAsync.
        WriteLine("3. List Blobs in Container");
        BlobContinuationToken token = null;

            BlobResultSegment resultSegment = await container.ListBlobsSegmentedAsync(token);

            token = resultSegment.ContinuationToken;
            foreach (IListBlobItem blob in resultSegment.Results)
                // Blob type will be CloudBlockBlob, CloudPageBlob or CloudBlobDirectory
                WriteLine(string.Format("{0} (type: {1}", blob.Uri, blob.GetType()));
        } while (token != null);

        // Read from a page blob
        WriteLine("4. Read from a Page Blob");
        int bytesRead = await pageBlob.DownloadRangeToByteArrayAsync(samplePagedata, 0, 0, samplePagedata.Length);

        // Clean up after the demo
        WriteLine("5. Delete page Blob");
        await pageBlob.DeleteAsync();

        // When you delete a container it could take several seconds before you can recreate a container with the same
        // name - hence to enable you to run the demo in quick succession the container is not deleted. If you want
        // to delete the container uncomment the line of code below.
        WriteLine("6. Delete Container");
        await container.DeleteAsync();

        WriteLine("-- Test Complete --");
        /// <summary>
        /// Demonstrates how to do backup using incremental snapshots. See this article on
        /// backing up Azure virtual machine disks with incremental snapshots:
        /// https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/storage-incremental-snapshots/
        /// The article also describes how to restore a disk from incremental snapshots.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Task</returns>
        public static async Task IncrementalSnapshotBackupAsync()
            const int TotalBlobSize     = 512 * 6;              // The total amount of data in the blob
            const int UpdateWriteSize   = 512 * 2;              // The amount of data to update in the blob
            const int UpdateWriteOffset = 512 * 2;              // The offset at which to write updated data
            const int ClearPagesOffset  = 512 * 5;              // The offset at which to begin clearing page data
            const int ClearPagesSize    = 512;                  // The amount of data to clear in the blob

            string SimulationID  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();   // The simulation ID
            string ContainerName = "container-" + SimulationID; // The name of the primary container
            string PageBlobName  = "binary-data";               // The name of the primary page blob

            // Retrieve storage account information from connection strings
            // How to create storage connection strings - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee758697.aspx
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(
            CloudStorageAccount backupStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(

            // Create blob clients for interacting with the blob service.
            CloudBlobClient blobClient       = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            CloudBlobClient backupBlobClient = backupStorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

            // Create containers for organizing blobs within the storage accounts.
            container       = blobClient.GetContainerReference(ContainerName);
            backupContainer = backupBlobClient.GetContainerReference("copy-of-" + ContainerName);
                // The call below will fail if the sample is configured to use the storage emulator
                // in the connection string, but the emulator is not running.
                BlobRequestOptions requestOptions = new BlobRequestOptions()
                    RetryPolicy = new NoRetry()
                await container.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(requestOptions, null);

                await backupContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(requestOptions, null);
            catch (StorageException)
                Console.WriteLine("If you are running with the default connection string, please make " +
                                  "sure you have started the storage emulator. Press the Windows key and type Azure " +
                                  "Storage to select and run it from the list of applications - then restart the sample.");

            // Create, write to, and snapshot a page blob in the newly created container.
            CloudPageBlob pageBlob = container.GetPageBlobReference(PageBlobName);
            await pageBlob.CreateAsync(TotalBlobSize);

            byte[] samplePagedata = new byte[TotalBlobSize];
            Random random         = new Random();

            await pageBlob.UploadFromByteArrayAsync(samplePagedata, 0, samplePagedata.Length);

            CloudPageBlob pageBlobSnap = await pageBlob.CreateSnapshotAsync();

            // Create a blob in the backup account
            CloudPageBlob pageBlobBackup = backupContainer.GetPageBlobReference("copy-of-" + PageBlobName);

            // Copy to the blob in the backup account. Notice that the <isServiceCopy> flag here is
            // set to 'false'. This forces data to be first downloaded from the source, then uploaded
            // to the destination. If <isServiceCopy> were set to 'true' we could avoid the I/O of
            // downloading and then uploading, but could not guarantee  that the copy completed even
            // after the local task completed. Since the remainder of this sample depends on the
            // successful completion of this operation, we must set <isServiceCopy> to 'false.'
            await TransferManager.CopyAsync(pageBlobSnap, pageBlobBackup, false);

            // Snapshot the backup copy
            CloudPageBlob pageBlobBackupSnap = await pageBlob.CreateSnapshotAsync();

            // Change the contents of the original page blob (note: we must convert the byte array to a
            // stream in order to write to a non-zero offset in the page blob) and snapshot.
            byte[] updatePageData = new byte[UpdateWriteSize];
            Stream updatePageDataStream = new MemoryStream(updatePageData);
            await pageBlob.WritePagesAsync(updatePageDataStream, UpdateWriteOffset, null);

            await pageBlob.ClearPagesAsync(ClearPagesOffset, ClearPagesSize);

            CloudPageBlob newPageBlobSnap = await pageBlob.CreateSnapshotAsync();

            // Get the incremental changes and write to the backup.
            IEnumerable <PageDiffRange> changedPages =
                await newPageBlobSnap.GetPageRangesDiffAsync(pageBlobSnap.SnapshotTime.Value);

            foreach (PageDiffRange pageRange in changedPages)
                // If this page range is cleared, remove the old data in the backup.
                if (pageRange.IsClearedPageRange)
                    await pageBlobBackup.ClearPagesAsync(
                        pageRange.StartOffset, pageRange.EndOffset - pageRange.StartOffset + 1);

                // If this page range is not cleared, write the new data to the backup.
                    byte[] toWrite = new byte[pageRange.EndOffset - pageRange.StartOffset + 1];
                    await newPageBlobSnap.DownloadRangeToByteArrayAsync(
                        toWrite, 0, pageRange.StartOffset, pageRange.EndOffset - pageRange.StartOffset + 1);

                    Stream toWriteStream = new MemoryStream(toWrite);
                    await pageBlobBackup.WritePagesAsync(toWriteStream, pageRange.StartOffset, null);
            // Snapshot the backup blob and delete the old snapshot from the primary account
            CloudPageBlob pageBlobBackupSnapv2 = await pageBlobBackup.CreateSnapshotAsync();

            await pageBlobSnap.DeleteAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// Basic operations to work with page blobs
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Task</returns>
        private static async Task BasicStoragePageBlobOperationsAsync()
            Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();

            const string PageBlobName = "samplepageblob";

            // Retrieve storage account information from connection string
            // How to create a storage connection string - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee758697.aspx
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CreateStorageAccountFromConnectionString(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("StorageConnectionString"));

            // Create a blob client for interacting with the blob service.
            CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

            // Create a container for organizing blobs within the storage account.
            Console.WriteLine("1. Creating Container");
            CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference("democontainerpageblob");
            await container.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("Starting Timer..");

            // Create a page blob in the newly created container.
            Console.WriteLine("2. Creating Page Blob");
            CloudPageBlob pageBlob = container.GetPageBlobReference(PageBlobName);
            await pageBlob.CreateAsync(512 * 2 /*size*/); // size needs to be multiple of 512 bytes

            // Write to a page blob
            Console.WriteLine("2. Write to a Page Blob");
            byte[] samplePagedata = new byte[512];
            Random random         = new Random();

            await pageBlob.UploadFromByteArrayAsync(samplePagedata, 0, samplePagedata.Length);

            Console.WriteLine("Stopping Timer..");

            TimeSpan ts = timer.Elapsed;

            Console.WriteLine("Time to upload the page blob(milliseconds): " + ts.Milliseconds.ToString());

            // List all blobs in this container. Because a container can contain a large number of blobs the results
            // are returned in segments (pages) with a maximum of 5000 blobs per segment. You can define a smaller size
            // using the maxResults parameter on ListBlobsSegmentedAsync.
            Console.WriteLine("3. List Blobs in Container");
            BlobContinuationToken token = null;

                BlobResultSegment resultSegment = await container.ListBlobsSegmentedAsync(token);

                token = resultSegment.ContinuationToken;
                foreach (IListBlobItem blob in resultSegment.Results)
                    // Blob type will be CloudBlockBlob, CloudPageBlob or CloudBlobDirectory
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} (type: {1}", blob.Uri, blob.GetType());
            } while (token != null);

            // Read from a page blob
            //Console.WriteLine("4. Read from a Page Blob");
            int bytesRead = await pageBlob.DownloadRangeToByteArrayAsync(samplePagedata, 0, 0, samplePagedata.Count());

            // Clean up after the demo
            Console.WriteLine("5. Delete page Blob");
            await pageBlob.DeleteAsync();

            // When you delete a container it could take several seconds before you can recreate a container with the same
            // name - hence to enable you to run the demo in quick succession the container is not deleted. If you want
            // to delete the container uncomment the line of code below.
            //Console.WriteLine("6. Delete Container");
            //await container.DeleteAsync();
 /// <summary>
 /// Download data to the stream.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="blob">The cloud blob.</param>
 /// <param name="target">The byte array where to write to.</param>
 /// <param name="index">The offset index.</param>
 /// <param name="blobOffset">The starting offset of the data range, in bytes.</param>
 /// <param name="length">The length of the data to download from the blob, in bytes.</param>
 /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
 /// <returns>The async task.</returns>
 public async Task <int> DownloadAsync(CloudPageBlob blob, byte[] target, int index, long blobOffset, long length, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     return(await blob.DownloadRangeToByteArrayAsync(target, index, blobOffset, length, cancellationToken));