async public void SubmitCodeToCloud(string code)

            //string encodedString = Base64Encode(code);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Debug: user is attempting to submit code of length " + code.Length + ":" + code);

            var submit = new CloudData();

            string userAddedNotes = TextNotes.Text;

            var response = await submit.PostBarcode(code, userAddedNotes);

            if (response == "OK")

                await DisplayAlert("Success", "Your unique code was successfully saved", "OK");

                var Scanner = new Scanner.Scanner();

                // Navigate to our scanner page

                App.Current.MainPage = Scanner;


                await DisplayAlert("Alert", "An error occurred, please scan and submit your QR code again", "OK");
        async public void SubmitCodeToCloud(string code)

            //string encodedString = Base64Encode(code);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Debug: user is attempting to submit code of length " + code.Length + ":" + code);

            var submit = new CloudData();

            var response = await submit.PostBarcode(code);

            if (response == "OK")

                var action = await DisplayAlert("Success", "Your barcode was successfully stored in the Cloud. Scan another?", "OK", "Cancel");

                if (action)

                    var scanPage = new FullScreenScanning();
                    // Navigate to our scanner page
                    await Navigation.PushModalAsync(scanPage);

                    NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, false);


                    var About = new Views.AboutPage();

                    // Navigate to our scanner page
                    await Navigation.PushModalAsync(About);

                    NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, false);


                await DisplayAlert("Alert", "An error occurred, please scan and submit your barcode again", "OK");