async void Handle_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { var x = new CloudData(); GraphUser y = await x.GetDisplayName(); Task <string> access_id = x.GetAccessID(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Debug: get access ID " + access_id.Result); //await DisplayAlert("Alert", "Welcome, " + y, "OK"); var displayName = new Item { Name = "Logged in as: " + y.displayName, Company = "Company: " + y.Company, Stand = "Stand number: " + y.StandID }; App.Current.Properties["LoginName"] = "Logged in as: " + y.displayName; App.Current.Properties["StandName"] = "Stand ID: " + y.StandID; App.Current.Properties["CompanyName"] = "Company: " + y.Company; await App.Current.SavePropertiesAsync(); var Scanner = new Scanner.Scanner(); Scanner.BindingContext = displayName; Application.Current.MainPage = Scanner; }
async void Handle_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { var checkPasswordIsValid = new CloudData(); AuthenticationResult token = await checkPasswordIsValid.GetAccessToken(""); string UserConferencePassword = App.Current.Properties["Password"].ToString(); string PasswordFromAPI = checkPasswordIsValid.GetAccessID().Result; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Debug: Password must be " + PasswordFromAPI); if (PasswordFromAPI != "disable_conference_scanner_password") { if (UserConferencePassword != PasswordFromAPI) { await DisplayAlert("Alert", "The password in your profile does not match the current Conference Password. Please contact Microlise to obtain the latest one, edit your profile, then try again", "OK"); return; } } var scanPage = new FullScreenScanning(); var resultsPage = new Views.SubmitResult(); // Navigate to our scanner page //await Navigation.PushModalAsync(scanPage); if (App.IsEmuTest == false) { Application.Current.MainPage = scanPage; } else { var barCode = new Models.Item { Id = "12345678910", Text = "Please click the button below to submit your scanned code to the Microlise database" }; resultsPage.BindingContext = barCode; Application.Current.MainPage = resultsPage; } //NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, false); }