public void OnGet(Clothing clothing, int pageIndex, int?CategoryId)
            string userId;

            Categories = db.Categories.ToList();

            //if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
            userId = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;

            if (CategoryId != null)
                Clothes = db.Clothes.Where(c => c.CategoryId == CategoryId && c.OwnerId == userId);
                Clothes = db.Clothes
                          .Where(c => c.OwnerId == userId);

            if (clothing.ClothName != null)
                Clothing = clothing;

            // filter
            foreach (var item in Clothes)
                if (!item.IsClean)
            if (isDirty.Count > 3)
                msg          = $"You have {isDirty.Count} items in your dirty pile. Time to do laundry!";
                popoverclass = "fas fa-bell text-danger";
                msg          = "No new notifications at this time";
                popoverclass = "fas fa-bell";

            // --------- PAGINATION ---------
            int totalItems = Clothes.Count();

            Clothes        = Clothes.Skip(pageIndex * ITEMS_PER_PAGE).Take(ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
            PaginationInfo = new PaginationInfoVM()
                PageIndex    = pageIndex,
                ItemsPerPage = Clothes.Count(),
                TotalItems   = totalItems,
                TotalPages   = int.Parse(Math.Ceiling(((decimal)totalItems / ITEMS_PER_PAGE)).ToString()),

            PaginationInfo.Previous = PaginationInfo.PageIndex == 0 ? "is-disabled" : "";
            PaginationInfo.Next     = PaginationInfo.PageIndex == PaginationInfo.TotalPages - 1 ? "is-disabled" : "";